�VER EPORT PRIL 2006 SAUC E se CE ABDUCHToEPwDe :o ple Whens hear ComTeoB elTiheWeveyer e riveadt H arvard KidnaBpyAp leide ns in1 996,C lancy ByS usaCnl ancy didn'ste otu tt od e Haroa:rUdn iversPirtye ss bunkt hes torioefs litgtlree emne nk id MICHAKEULN ZELMAN nappinpge oplfreo m· AssocPiraetsesd · thebire droomasn du s ing thfeompr ainful ex CAMBRIDGE, Mass-.Su perimenItnss.t eashde, sanC lanciys s icokf s pace startheedr r esearocnh aliens. falmseem oriebsys tudy TheH arvarpds ychologiisntgv ictimosf s exual figursehse has erveeardy a buse. book asnede ne verym ovie She. quicfkoluyn dh er evemra dea bouetx:tr aterr·e ss-eltfh et argoefat n gr"yo ut trialasn,d shei nhtaesr viewesdi derwsh"o accusehde ro f roughl5y0 p eoplweh oc laim tryintgod iscrevdiictt ims. toh avbee ena bductbeyda li:O nei ralteet ter-wrciatlelre d ens. hera ." frienodf p edophiles Andi t'alsli nt hen ameo f everywhere." scientific ntortsu ctihe,n ce Arountdh es amet ime, fiction. HarvarMde dicSaclh ooslt art "Ih aveb ecomaer eluctanetdi nvestigtahterin egs earch scholoafra lienopghrya," methodesm ployebdy Pulit Clancsya id. zePrr izwinenin-g psycholoItfh is Clanciysb racifnogar fr esh gist JMoahcnk ,w ho used dudleo oks roundof h atem ailwi th her hypnostiosr etriemveem o familtio ar new booAkb,d ucteHdo:w riefrso mp eople cwlhaoi med youd,o n't PeoplCeo meT oB elie171.veye tob ea lieanb ducte(eTsh.e caSluls an WereK idnappBeydA liens.s choodle cidendo tt oc en Clan"cIy'.m Thosew ho belieavlei enss urMea ck,w ho wass truck donwei th area mongu sh avent'atk en andkil ledb ya drunk drivienr alietnhse, " kindtloyh ert heortyh aatb Londolna syte ar.) authsoary s. ducteehsa vec reat"efda lse Macks' w orkg aveC lancy memorieosu"to fs,h ew ritesa,n i deWao:u ldni'tbt e e asier a "blenodf f antasy-protnoet eshte rt heoriiefss h e nessm,e mory distortciuoln,c oulbde c ertaitnh ahte rs ub turalalvya ilasbclrei pstlse,e pj ectmse'm oriewse rne otr eal? hallucinaatnidos ncsi,e ntifiSch ea ndh era dvisHearrv,ar d ALIEN illiteracy." psychologRiiscth aMredN a l Thatd oesnm'eta nC lancyl yp,l aceand ewspapaedrt ha·t thinkhse rs ubjecatrsec raasked",H avey oub eena b NATION zy.I nf acsth,e w ass urpriseddu ctebdya lienIstt? o"o lke ss howm anyo ft hems eemed thana dayf orc alletrofils l quitneo rmailn,t elliagnedn th erv oicmea il. articulate. AsC lancayn dM eNa lliyn "Arguiwnegi rbde lieifsas terviewtehdea bductetehse,y vernyo rmatlh ings,h"es aid startteofid n ds ome common ina ni ntervfrioemw N icarathreadMsa.n yo f thefmo,r �aw,h eres hei sa visitinegx ampldee,s critbheedt erri profesastoI rN CAE, theC en fying experieonfcw ea king traAlm ericaInn stitfuotre u pa ndb einugn ablem otvoe , BusineAsdsm inistratio"nI.t 'sc ertatihna atn i ntrudwears very humfaonur s t ob elievleu rkinignt heirro om. int hingfso rw hicht heries Tot heH arvarpds ycholo nos ci_enetviifidce nce." gististw, a so bviotuhsa tth eir Continuoed nt he followipangge Harvparorifnd c uwrrsa th oft hbee liebvycel ramsiin g abducatlilt·ohine.hnise r a ds SUNDASYU NS HOWCASED ECEMB1E8R, 2005 subjechtasds uffereadne piitw asi mpossitbolc ea tegor-Clanyc's conclusoins sodeo fs leeppa raly-sias icaldliys proavlei eanb duc-aren'stha redb y statoefl imbboe tweesnl eepti ons. · DaviJda cobans , andb einagw alce,s ometimes "Ally ouc � doi sa rguteh at associpartoef es punctuabtyehd a llucinatiotnhse.y 're improbatbhla.et saonrod f h istoarty "Ita' ls ittbliet lai hkiec thee videnacded ucebdy t he TemplUen iversity. cupi nt heb rainI.t' hsa rm belieivsei rn sufficiteonj tu s-Jacobwsh,o t eaches lesss,a"i Md cNallayd,d in.g tify the beliesfh,evvr" o te". Ul- a clascsa lle"dU FOs tha2t0 % oft hep opulatiotni matetlhye,nt ,h ee xistencea ndA mericaSno ciety," will experiesnlceee ppar alyofETiss a m atteorfo pinions,a id ClaAnbcdyu'cst eidsa siast l eaosntc e. andt heb elievhearvset heir" typidceablu nkibnogo k." Manyo ft hea bducteaelss o own opfuions, boanfis resdt - "Tihsji usn sko cisacli ence, coulbde d escribaes"d s pirihande xperience." andt heries a certacionn - tuaple oplweh"o h avea ban Oneo ft hos"eb elieviesr sd"e scendiqnuga littoyi t,h"e' ' metro donecdo nventiornealli gioWuisl Blu echea, 3 6-vear-osladi d. MONDAY,M ARCH2 7,2 006 belieMfcsN,a llayd ded".T he who wasw orkinfgo rM ack Jacobsw,h o saidh ahse MarOsr biter peoplceo nvincoefdt hiarse whenC lancanyd McNalliny- used" hypnotriecg ression" gettignegn uinspei ritpuaayl terviewheidm seveyreala rst or ecovemre moriefsr om retufrin1rmssa tg es off,h"e s aid".T oe ncountear ago. . moret han9 00a lieanb duc- naturaliasctciocu notfi ti s Buechsea ihde h ash� ad -�te�essai,d s l eeppa ralysis, SPACET he MarRse con (#z:-� deeployff ensive· ." moret hana dozen --.......f..a ulthyyp nosainsd naissaOnrcbei tFriedra yr e Inh erb ookC,l ancdye "encountewrist"h falsmee mories turned thefirst test images scribheesr s ubjecsttso'r ieasl iesnisncheewasa ."simdpolnyot_ac- from itssu pehri gh-resolu ofa bductiiondn e tacihla,n gyouncghild.T heseen - · ·· : . counftortchoen- tiocna meratsh,em ostpo w ingo nltyh eir names. countewrist thh e" pale, .. : vincindge taiilns " erfuplh otograpehqiuci p Onem an," ana rticulatthe.,bi eni ngsh,es" a idu,s u- · abductesetso'r ies. mentt ob et rainoend t he handsomec"h iropractorwaitlhlh ya ppenat n ighitn,h is "Aldle bunkemrask eo ne RedP lanine tN .ASXs search a "strikiantgtlrya cwtiifvee" rooma,n dh ef eeallse brtu t" a orm oreo ft hef ollowrniisng forw atearn dl ife. and twins onsc,l aimetdo litbtildter uggewdh"i lteh ey takeTsh:e yi gnorteh ed ata, The· black-andp-hwohite havef atherhevdb ribda biesc ommunicawtiet hhi m tele-thedyi stotrhted atoa rt hey tost,a kebny t hrecea meras, witha nali en,a " streamlinepda,t hically. don'knto w thed atah,e"s aid, sylphlcirkeea ture." "Itn'ostl ikteh ey'srpee ak-describhiinmgs ealsfa " seri showd eecph annelasn dl ay Anothseurb jeac3 t4,y- earinEgn glisihnm y mind,h"e ousU FOr esearcwhheorb e ereds urfadceeb risar ound oldarti st witha c olleegdeu said".I ta' msix tureo fm u- lievtehsee videnicsce o rn thep lanemti'dss ectfieoan, catiocno,u ldni'dte nt"idfyi ssicp,i ctures, fanede ilmin-gsp ellitnhga tth eseev ents tures tphraotb abwleyr e turbnig sleep-relatperde ssions." areh appeningm oreo r formebdy w ate,sr aiAlfrde d experiencuenst"ih le w as Buechsea iCdl ancy'tsh eo-lesass ( abducteseasy). " McEwena,m issisocni entist hypnotizbeyad n a bductiorni easb ouatl ieanb ductions, Cslaaintdch yev ol aridU niversoiftAri yz ona researchheef ro undo n the including splaereapl ycsains-, ume andn asttyo ne of profesosfop rl anetarsyc i InternDeutr.i nhgi ss econd notfu llye xplawihna th e's theh atem ails heg ets ence. hypnosisse ssiotnh,ea rtisetx perienced. thesdea ysi sf awro rse said rheec overmeedm ories "It hinhke rb ookc omes thanw hath err e metro ofb einagb ductebdya liensc lose_tthoet rutihn m any searcohn sexual ·who strahpimp eddo wn ona waysb,u ti ti sna'tb lteo s ee abusvei ctigmesn er TUESDAYM,A RCH7 ,2 006 blacmka rbltea blaen ds ubthe poteonuttti hale re afno-ra ted. r�esxotlc ayrc le jectheidm t oa p ainfsuelx uothebrr eakthroiungh ho "'! ''I'dmo new ith ale xperiment. we seree alihtyes, a"i d. alienssh,e"s aid. coublecd h aos Clancsya iadw ealtohfr e searcshh owst hahty pnosis makesi te asifeorrp eoplteo "(lat)t' ysp idceablu nking Sun-spawnedc osmic stormsth atc an playn avoc creaftael smee mories. ·b ook."iTjshu inssko cisaclie nce, with ea.rtnl..y powegrri dansd "Thiissi nl argpea rbte causietb oths timulates the andt heirsaec ertain orbitsmga tellcoiutlde bes 5 0 imaginatainodn relaxes real per censttro ngeirn th e next condesceqnudailntigoit ty. " itcyo nstraisnhtesw ,r"i tiens 11-yesaorl acry det hani n herb ook. DavJiadc oobfTs e mpUlnei versity the last one,s cientsisa.:.tds Howeve,r Clanyc learned inso atm usebdyt haeu thofri'nsd ings. yesterday. --�� � ��==� ---------- -- -- � -- --�--� -- ---------- . NATIONALP OSTI,D ECEMBE7R,2 005 decidteoc hallenGgodet oa contetsot The predictirooung,h lrye creatlei fGeo.d a cceptthse c hallenge, semblienagr lpyre dictioonfs God'sd irt picksu pa h andfuolf d irta nda s quirm a sevehreu rricansee asoonn ingh,o ppinrga bbeimte rges. sTchiee n- Earth,i nvolvtehsen umber Who�DesignTehdeD esigner, tisutn,d ismayaelds,po i cukp a h andful ofsunspo ts onth e solasurr ille re isa stortyh aitn t hed ista(notr ofd irtt;h enG ods ays",G ety ouro wn facaep ,h enomemnoan itored perhanpso ts od istafunttu)r es,c ientisdtisrt !" fomro reth an5 0y earsR.EUT ERs 2. SUNDAYF ESBURNU·1A 2-R.Y2 006 c • a seBsi ogo t TOROSNUTNNO E WSM ONYOD,�£ .CEMBEVR 1_••9•.. .'.2>.. .0 05 c partke mporarily SHANGHAIC,h in(a AP) howt oi mprovteh ea ttrackm southweosftB eijing. Chinah ast emporarcilloys edt ioonf S hennongjisaa,i"d Sightionfga ss imilyaert i partosfa naturrees ertvhea t Wang.P roposailnsc ludae dl ike crehaatvuebr eee nr e attra·sc ctosroefsp eopleea cQ. possible aiinrt phoear rte a porteidn T ibetth,o ugiht s ex yeahru ntifngo re videnocfe tof acilittoautreia srtr ivalsi.s tenhcaes n'bte enp roven ana pe-lBiikgef ocorte ature,L ocatdeede pi n·t her emote either. ap arokffi ciasla irde centlym.o untaionfsH ubeip rov China'gso vernmehnats SectioonfsS hennongjiian cet,h ep arhka sl onbge en previouursgleydt ouraigset n Nature Resweirlrvlee m ainr umoureadst heh omet ot he cietsoc utd owno nc reature closefdo ra tl eastth reee lusicvree atukrneo wn in huntisnagf ariinsS hennong monthts oa lloiwt nsa turalC hinesaest he" Yereno,r" jia,s ayintgh eyw ere attracttioor nesc ovferro m "Wilmda n." misleadainndgc oulhda rm thew eara ndt eaorf v isitorsS,c ientissatyts h eries n o thee nvironment. saiWda ngY onga,n o fficial scienteivfiicd entcheec rea Howevetrh,ep ariktshealsf WALTERHAUT from thep ark. tureexi stbsu,ts coroefsp eo soughttol urteo uriwsittsah Issuneedw rse leaisn1e 9 47 "Duritnhgi pse riowde,a re plec laitmo h aves eeni t $60,0r0e0w arfdo rt heY er gointgod os ome reseoanr crho amintgh ep ark, about e1n,'0s7 5c apture. Hem ade metro THURSDAY,J ANUARY1 2,2 006 24H OURSD EC1.6 - • 1947UFDEC1.O82 .0 05 Hubtbellee scFoort hfirstep eti mReu,b ble was ablet os poty oung -1sp o'tfsas itlaebrrdosw dn'w a rsft a-rsc ool Manitiosb a objetcotsosm altlob eo rdi . I fofirrt sitm e narsyt arsb ecautsheel ya ck meteonte blooper thaeb iltiost uys tnauicnl ear Failed bsatbayrSt sa,r s fusiionnt heciro resa st he capital andv ascto smciacn yoonfs sund oesT.h eya rea lso dusatn dg awse roen d isplaknyo wna sf ailesdt ars. ina n ewR ubbSlpea cTeel e Orlonis .a goopdl acteo Thed iscovoefrf yo unre w InfamRooussw ell'report scopiem agoef t heO rlons tudhyo ws taarers bornb e meteoriitne2 s0 0m5a kes itar ecord-seytetaifrno gr Nebulrae leayseesdt eyr. dacausietis onl1y, 50l0i ght Al.BUQUERQUE (AP)-Ar my UeutW.ai recoverirnogc kfsr om "Orloins a bustlcianugl yearsa wayar, e latsitvoen e's outesrp acien C anadaan d dron of activity," tJhernonwii fne ra stronomical teHra utm,a def amoufso irs suiann ge wsr e leasteh asta iadfl yinsga ucelra ndeidnR os alscoo nfirmas U niversity WISemaonfN ASA saiidna terms. Ayleiaisgr ah bto·u6 t wellN,. M.h,a s diheids,d aughtJeurl,i e ofC algasrcyi entbieslti'esf statemreenlte awsietdth h e trililonm ile,st hed istance thaatn e xtraordicnoanry Shustseari,Hd e.w as8 -3. imagaeta nAm ericanAst ro ligthrta vienla ys e ar. centratoifmo ent eoriitse s Hauta,f ormersp okesmfaonRr o swellArmy nomicSaolc imeeteyt ing. The Rubblthee, w orld's locatiedns outheastern Air Field, listenoendJ ucl8ly,o 1 s9e4l7ay,s Manitoba. Them oste ye-catcfirsth insgp ace-boapsteitdce alle basceo mmanderC olW.i lliBalma ncharddi e·- After becomintgh ef irst featoufrt eh e image msacyo ,pwb eaesd eploiyne1� d 9 0. tateadn ewsr eleaasbeo uat recov�eyirnegd. Canaditaond' i scovtewro the cavoeflrns i gwhhte re Thei magaend m orien for saucearn do rderHeadu tt oi ssuiet . separamteet eoriltaesst thousanodfss t aarers form-- matioare n availaonlibnlee Turnoeudtt o b ew eathbearl loon summerW,i nnipeg-based ingM.o rteh a3n, 00s0t aorsf ath tt!hpu:b/b lesite.orglnews/ rockc ollecDteorre kE r varioussiz aree sa pparent2.0 06/01. REUTERS TheR oswDealilRl eyc onrewds paprearna stelhlaes n ow shattered bolhde adlionneJu l9y,.19RA4Af7 :C aptures theC anadiraenc orbdyl o .F lyiSnagu ceornR ancihn R osweRlelg ion. catifnrga gmeonftw se ath 24_HO.UF RESBRU2A1R2 Y0 06 Thes amed aya statemewnats r eleased eredi rotnh atth eP rairie I MeteoriSteea rchh as -·sayinigt w aso nlayw eather balloon. Scocpoeu glldi mcprseea tion · shownt o baen othneerw H�utw,h od.i eTdh ursdasya,i hde n ever meteoriftreo mt heb ush wast oledx actwlhye rteh efl yindgi srce port- near the Obnotradreiro. In jao iMnetx ico-Us.cSi. andM exico'ssc ientific .e d ihni sn ewsr eleawsaesf ounndo rd idh e He foundt hen ewest entifviecn turbeu,i ldercso mmunithya vec hampi evesre ea U FO.B uth er emainaeb de liever. specimeonn a gravbeal r aref inishai tnegl escopoen edt hec onstrucotfi on Hauta ndt woo themre nf oundeTdh eI n oft heW hiteshReilvle r, on topo fa volcantoh at thet elescotpheel, a rgest of ternatiUoFnOa lM useumi n1 991H.e was easotf W innipeg. willle ta stronomleorosk itksin di nt hew orlds,a ying presidoefnt th em useumu nti1l9 96M.o re · 24h ounresws se rvices back1 3b illiyoena rs anidts howsho wa d evelinogp tha2n ¥2m illipoeno plhea vev isitietd. uncovesre creatbso ut thceo untryc anp laay major creatiooftn h eu niverse.r olien t echnology. PresideVnitc entFeo x -TheA ssocPiraetsesd 3 TOROSNUTNOT HURSJDAANYU.2A 6R2.Y0 06 NATIONALP OST,T HURSDAY,F EBRUARY2 ,2 006 ScienftiiEnsadtr st hp-llainkeet PROP·TO ESLEEWDSOCUHOLAPDVE E 10T0IT MHEPESO WOEHFRU BBLE WASHINGTON (Reuterso)u tsioduer s olasry steThme. -Astronomesrasi yde stervasmta joriotfyt heshea ve dayt heyh aved etecttehde beeng asg ianptl aneltisk e mostE arth-lpilkaen eyte t Jupitwehri,c ha reh ostitloe VictorSicai entiasttt hseU niversiitnyt ot hes kiesT.h e new piecoef arounads taort hetrh ano ur lifaesi ti sk nowno nE arth.I ofV ictorairaed oingt heipra rtt o equipmenitst hec entrepioefca e sunr,ai sinhgo peosf fi nding probed eepeirn tos pacteh ane ver $750-million initiatthiev e called Frigpilda net as pacreo ctkh amti ghstu p beforteh rougahn a mbitioNuosr th TMT, orT hirtyM etrTee lescoppreo porlti fe. Buta ni nternatitoenaaml America-widper ojeaictm eda td eveljecItt.b ringtso gethuenri versities "Thisi sa n importantha sd etectae dc oldp lanet opintgh ew orldl'asr getsetl escopfer.o ma crosCsa nadaan dt heU nited breakthroiuntg hhe q uestto abou5t� t imemso rem assive Engineeprhsy,s iciasntdss tudentsS tateasn d is headquarteraetd answetrh eq uesti'oAnr wee thanE arth- stislmla ll makeu p a universtietya mt hati s CaliforInnisat itouftT eec hnology. alone?s'ai"dM ichaeTlu rnere nought ob ec onsdiered testisnpge cicaolm ponenftosr t he Fundinigsf roma varieotfyp ublic oft he NatiSocniaeln Fcoeu nEarth-l-ikoer bitian sgt ar telescowpnei,c hi sp lanneads a andp rivastoeu rceTsh.e U niversity dation. about20,l0i0g0h t-yaewaarys, mainm irro3r0 -metriends i ametero,f V ictoriissa h arinag $ 4-million Newt echnique closteo t hec entroef t he1· three titmheecs u rrebnetn chmarkC anadFao undatifoonrI nnovation MilkyWay. · of1 0 metresT.h atm eansi twi ll granwti tht heU niversoiftyB ritish "The teamh asd iscoveredA light-yiesaa bro utt r9i ldwarsfu chw ell-knowpnr edecessoCrosl umbiaan dU niversoiftyT o ronto them ostE arth-lpilkaen etl iokni lometres. ast heH ubbltee lescoppiec,t uredf,o rt heirre spectriovleei snt hep ro yeta,n dm orei mportantlyT,o fi ndt hinse wp lanet ande xceeBdu bblep'osw erb y1 00 jecTth.e t elescowipleln otb ei nfu ll hasd emonstrattheepd o wer named OGLE-2005-BLG- time-s resultiinna g c reaticoanp aoperatifoonr1 0t o1 5y earJs.e Bffe ll, ofa newt echniqtuhea its 390Lb- thet eamu seda bleo fp eerin1g0b illiloing hyte arsC anW esNte wSse rvice sensittiovd ee tecting habtietchniqcuael lgerda vitation ablpel anets." al microleIntus sienasgn .e t Int hel asdte cadea,s tronworko ft elescotpoew sa tch omersh aved etectmeodr e forc hangeisn l ighcto ming than 1pl6a0n eotrsb iting stfrarosm distasntta rs. NATIONALP OST,M ONDAY,D ECEMBER 192,005 By2 060C,a nadimaingsh nto l ongebera ble to admireo neo fth e countrym'oss t beauntifuaturall phenomenSa.ci entists sayb yth atti meEarth 's north magnetic polseh icfrftoo uml Cda nadtao S iberia, taking the northern lightswi th itTh e phenomenon, triggebryet dh es un andfix ed inp ositiboytn h e planetm'agnse tic fieldis,r elattoe thde movement of then orthm agnetic poleTh.e poliseth e pointo nt he Earth'ss urfacweh eret hem agnetfiiecl dp oints straidgohwtn . DOS22E4M OND2A0FY E BR.I!2A0RQY6 IS·THER.BEOR ED OF YOUR neighbourhoWohdy? n .ot rterlyo catibnigl liyoena rosl dn,o tt oo gassyd eavnodi odf m assive toa nothesro lasry stemA?n Americaans tronomhears companiownhso seg ravictoyu ld intweirtftheh rese t eady releasael di sotf starsl imkoestltohy a rboiunrt ellilgiefnceto nditinoenesd efdo lri fteoe volve. LIFIEN nearbRye,u terresp orts. NASAu sedt oh avea polifcoyrw hatt o-diofi ntelligent MargarTeutr nbuolftl h eC arnegiIen stituitnWi aosnh lifwea se vedri scoveirnoe udt esrp aceb,ut representatives SPACEin?gtoDn .C, . l,o okeadts izaeg,e a ndc omposittiooa nr riavte f romt hei ndependefnutnldye Sde arcfho rE xtraterrestrial aT op1 0l isotfs tarmso st. likteohl ayr boeuxrt raterreIsnttreilalli gseentuc pae f,t eWra shingtcountf undtsot heN ASA PINFKL OYSDAN Gli fTeh.e s tarwsi lble t hef irtsatr geotfsN A SA'Tse rrestrpiraolg rasma,i pdr ivactoen tribuwtoourlsnd o wp robabbley Planet Fais nydsetre,om ft woo rbitoibnsge rvatosrciheesd thef irtsotk nowi fa liemnasd ec ontact. ABOUITT.N OWA ulefdo rla uncbhy 2 020. CaroCll elaonfdt heU niversoifCt oyl oraadrog uetdh at U.ASS.T RONOM"EThRera er e4 00b illsitoanr isnt heg alaxayn do,b viouslays,t ronomaerrels i miting thebmysl eolovkeifsno gpr l anets HASI DENTIwFe'reI.noEtg oDin tgo p ointth eT errestPrliaanle t'Fi.n.ad.te trh actl oserleys emble Earth. everoyn eo ft hem,s"a iTdu rnbuwlhlo,w hittldeodw nh er "Ia ctuatlhliyn wke o ughtto b el ookifnoglr i faesw ed on't STATROSS EARCH 10 lisftr oma p otent1i7a,l00s0t elslyasrt e.m s knowi t,C"l elasnadi adt a newsc onference. .F bSRI GONFS Fors tartsob ec onsidertehde,hy a dt ob ea tl eastth ree- DOSE,R EUTERS INTEGLELNLITI FE -ANDN ASPAL NASA MONG THE. BETA 51 HD HD 18 TOH AVAEL OOKTO P10AR·E : CVN PEGASUS 10307 211415 ·sco TORONSTUON F RIDAAPYR,7I ,2L 006 NATIONALP OST,S ATURDAY,M ARCH 25,2006 THEE POCHT IMES Fe er SPACE firpml antso o pena "spaceporOt"C TOBE6R 122,0 05 - int heU niteAdr.a bE mirates. Theret,h ec o-mpanpyl anst o UFO-SpottTeerlTsla leosf THLEA FSRTO NTIER UFOs launcah sorto fs pacepl ane theE xtrTae-rrestrial withf ivpea ssengseera tasn da Spacet ourishma sc aughtth e crewo fo neb,u ilbty Rau ssian LIMA, Peru( Reuter-s)O ne spied imagiinantioofn U .S.b usinescso mpany. minutJeo na.tRheaend w ash iking leadersso,m eo fw hom already Itw ilble launched farno m withh isg olderne trieivnea r f or havepl antso s erve whats atyh aeiyr plaant1e 8 ,00m0e treAsft.e r esti nS eattTlhee.n exth,i sp etw as mayb ea multibillioni-ndorlellaera steh,es pacecrwaifltal s being taopranrb ty a "gray-"-a n thsek y dustriyna couploefd ecades. cendn earlvye rtictaol1 l0y0k ilo "Spacteo urism bweia l sli gnifmetreasb ovet heE artht,o t he aliebne inwgi than e longatheeadd , icanpto rtioofnt heo veratlrla veeld geo fs pacea,l lowipnags sensmellionfgr otintgf ruiAt .s cene andt ourisimn dustorvye r thgee rtso e xperietnhceee ffectosf froma sci-fiflim ? No,m aintains WINNIPEG{ CP-)A liens nex2t0 to 25y earss,a"iE dr iAcn weightlessfnoerfis vset o1 0m in Reed,a formecrh ild-developmen seemt ob ef alloiffnt gh ec ul dersocnh,i eefx ecutiovfSe p aceu tesa ndt ow itnestsh eb lacktalp sycholowghios sta ysh e took tural radar. Adventuresfi)r stathn ed s titlhle nesosf s pacbee fordee scent. thea liehno mea ndl ivewdi tiht f or ChriRsu tkowsakniin ,d e onlyc ompanyt os endp aying "Itn'ost a 10-day ttort ihpeI n nindea yisn w hiciht c ommunicated pendeUFnOt researcshaeyrs, customeirnst oor bit. ternatioSnpaaclSe t atibount,i t's viat elepaatnhdyw asa blet op ull in his nerwellye as2e0d0 5r e SpaceA dventuroewsn st he availafbolreo nlyU S$100,000', " portth asti ghtiinn Cgasn ada righttoss elaln o pent hirsde at Andersosani d. thoughft'rso mh ism ind. droppedd ramaticfarlolmy aboarRdu ssiaSno yuszp acecraft.T hes pacter avienld usttroyo k they eabre fore. A civilwiialnl itnogu ndergroi goff in2 004w itht hes uccesosf "We'rwea yd own," Rutoroutsr ainicnagns pen1d0 d ays SpaceShipOtnhee,f irsstp ace TORONSTUON F RIDAFYE,B RUA3R2,Y 0 06 kowskis ai"dB.u dte spitet hat ont heI nternatiSopnaaclSe t a1- craft developaenddfi nancepdr i·- {Canadrae)c ordietdss e c tiofno UrS $20-million. vateAlytl. e astth ree octohmepra NASuAn vepirlosfb ien dings ond-highneusmtb eorf s ight "Fromt het imey ou sitghn·e niesi,n cludiRnigc harBdr anson's LOSA NGELE-ST heD eep ingsi na s ingyleea r." contract,c ayn·of ul yw ithian VirgiGnal actiacr,ep lannisnugb Impacstp acper obfeo untdh e He saiCda nadiarnesp ort yearA;n'd ersosna id. orbitfalli ghitnst hen extf ew firesvti dentcheac to mets ed 769s ightionvgesr aal l, In then extt wo yearst,h e yearAgse. nceFr ance-Presse carriyc er,a isitnhge sligdhrto pfr om 882i n2 004. possibicloimteytm sa yh ave Ontaritoop ped the2 005 delivelriefde -gwiavtientrgo liwistth 2 14w,h ilneo o nei n ap rimeval NEAaSrAt h, NunaV\lsta wfl yinsga ucers. sci�ntsiasitydse sterday. Calgya randV ancouvre weret heu rbacne ntrweist h the mosts ightin2g9se -ach. NATIONALP OST,M ONDAY,M ARCH 27,2 006 MACLEAN'S A 7P 'R0 6. 1 "Mospte ople arenc'otn Bluer ing Bulgarwiearnesw arneodnT hursdbayya L unarE mbassyt o vinced tahreesps aec sehpis", Astronomhearvsde i scovaer ed Rutkowsskaii d"M.a ny have quickbluyyr eaels taotnet hem oon'.W eh avea lreahdayd o ver reasonaebxlplea natoins." hitheorvteor loobkleudre i ng Buth es aisdo mer eports 30o rderssi ncwee openetdh ee mbassyt wod ayasg o;' Denislaarvo unUdr auns.M ostr ings juscta n'btee xplaiend,s uch Stoichseavi "d.Ao ne-acprreo pertyo nt hem oonw ilclo syto u4 0 arountdh pel aneStast uarnnd asa nA ug.7 one fromV ita, lev(a$ 24h)ea ;d'd edT.h eP lovdeimvb assyis t hefi rsitn B ulgaria Uranuasp pearre db,ec ausoef Man.T hreep eoples awa s il thes izoef tphaer tisic nlte he verm issile-shaped objebcutt.o neo fd ozensar ountdh ew orldl,i censbeytd h eG alactic ringBsu.ts cinetiswthso,' ve itwWi atsnne'ast sp elantsoe .l"Rd Tu �tyk soawisdk i GHoovpeepr rnomcelnCaitEm'Ohes,iU.d mS s.ee tnlhtfero e wpnreeorDnf tee hnuenr i Hmsoo paoennI.d nal 1 l9p 8l0aMr,n.e ts · slcigashnptnte ehcdret i rnfuigamnsit, lht infreeonad or tedi ce they'nveev esre ena nything likietb eforaen da nything ands atelliintt ehses olasry ste(me xcefpotr tEhaer thb)y, thoeu teUrra nursi nugn tniolw sinceh,e"s aid,ad ding two becausteh fien enseso fi tpsa rti exploitai lnogo phoilnte h e1 96UN7 OuteSrp acTree at,yw hich people-in Winnipeg sawa clemsa det hrei nign visible. similoabrj etchte s amed ay. statsepsa cper oper"tiyns o ts ubjetcont a tionaaplp roipartion" "Iwta sh overiinntg h es ky buts aynso thinabgo uptr ivaotrec orporaotwnee rTsh.e l ate makinngo s ounadn di ts ud GENED UPLANTIER PopeJ ohnP auIlI f,o rmeUr. Sp.r esidNeinxto ann dNAS A offi denlvya nishafteedr a short SHETLANSDT 17 lengotfht ime." cialasr eal soo wnerosfm oonp lotMsr,. StoiscahieRdve. u ters TORONTOO NTARIO CANADA M2M 1X 5 NATIONPAOLS TM,O NDAYM,A RCH13 2,0 06 A Canadigaeno scienhast iinsvte ntaeS dt arJr ek-sty'l'et rriocskam plewh,i ch" excitethse"a tomisn th er ocThk.e atomthse n corde-rhis'' o wn word- thatcan scan thes urfacoefp lanetsan d· givoeff a w eak light ina wa velength uniqueto each type ofrock. All identifyth eroc ks withouth avingt os toanpd grind upp iecesi na the tricordneeerd sis an interncaalt aloguet ot eilltwhi ch wave lab.I tcan also analyze plantsani,m als and probabloyth lengctohm efrso m a diamonadn dw hiccho mes from erm ateriTalhse.h and-held wildlevb ierc eea dfyo r cubizircco nia. The tricorderis the brainchild ofB ob NAS.Xs nextMars landera,r obotmiics sitoonb e Downsa, n atiovfeB .Ca.n da profesastot rh e launchiend 20I0t9s .h inae lsas erb eama ta UniversoiftyAr izona.Ca nW esNte wsS ervice s TORONSTUON F RIDMAAYR.C 1H7 .2006 OrbitTeHEErP o�HcTI EsM Mars APRIL BigB ang' inflant'i o --- - ·-:.;;;---·�--�--"--�-=-1< - 5' 2006��-- _ BOSTON( AP-)P hysicisatbso uhto wi nflattiooonk arbitceirrsc lMianrgs b,u tt het ests announceyde sterdtahye yp laces,a"iM di chaTeulr ner, showt hacta mersausr vitvhesede ven cann owp rovteh eb igb ang ana ssist.da inrtectaottr h e montshp acter itph abte gainnA ugust. expandetdh eu niverfrsoem .N ationaSlc ienFc.Ge u ndaotin., 'At ptohiiwnset NASAs cientwiislutlss et hiem ages thes izoefa m arblteoa v ol-"Thiissa bsolutaemlayzing." toc alibrtahtece a meraasn,dw illla ter ume largtehra n oaflo lb -. BriaGnr eenea,C olumbia havaeni detah at combinteh ei magetsoc reabtreo ader servable.sipnal ceest sh ana. Universpihtyys icissati,d : trillion-trilliontohf a s econ.d ".Theo bservoantsai res pec- watiespr r obablviyeaw n dt oa ddc aloTrh.e ya rea vail The� covery-whicihn 1- taculaanrd t hec onclusions ablfeo vri ewiantwwgw .jpl.nasa.gov. volveasn a nalysoifvs a rias-tunning." abundoannM ta rs Overt hen exts·e vemno nthst,h e tionisnt heb rightnoefrnis-s "tIa mazemse thawte c an arbitweirl l" aerobrakdei,p"p ing crowavrea diat-ioinst he sayanyt:hl,ng ataalblouwtha-t int hfeo romfi ce.in'to M ars'a tmosphearned g radu firste videntcoes uppotrhte , t r(anpsired,iri. ihe_ fi·iti.silt· · allcyh angiintges l liptoircbaiilnt tao two-decadet-hoelodr tyh atl ionotfha s econodft heu ni theu niverwseen tt hroughv ers"es aiCdh arlBeesn nett, -AlfreMdc Ewen,ne ar-ciarbcolu1et8 5m ileasb ovteh e whati sc alliendfl at�.i o a JohnsH 0pkinUsn iversity UniveorAfsr iiztyo nap lanestu'rsf aIcnet .h el oweorr bit, Ita lshoe lpesxp !amh ow physicwhios 'atn nounctehde . scientwiisltblse a blteo d istinguish "m,atte.�r ventaully.culmped._d isocveyr ata newsc onfer surfaocbej ecatsss m alals3 f eewti de, togethienr� pol anets, esntcaaertsP rincetUonni vers.i ty McEwens aid. .a ndg alaxiiensa u nivertshea t Them easure�enatrse to LOS ANGELES (Reuters)-TheT heM arsR econnaissaOnrcbei ter bsmeogoatnahs ,sua p errehmsooatur pkb.al y,bo _f.etphuebA lsiotisdhphineyafusatliJuocteuisrsaneu.l MarsR econnaissOarnbcieto enrF rihasa suitoefo nboairndS truments to dayr eturnedt hfier stte sitm agefrso m mapt hep lanestu'bss urfmaicnee rals, "Itgi'vsi nugs o urfir stc lues itssu pehri gh-resoclaumteiroantsh ,e monitiotras t mosphaenrdel oofko r most poweprhfuolt ograpehqiuci pevidenocfse u bsurfiaccoere w ater. metro mentt ob et rainoentd h Ree dP lanient "Att hipso inwte havean i detah at TUESDAYM,A RCH1 4,2 006 NASA'sse arfcohwr a tearn dl ife. wateirsp robabalbyu ndaonnMt a rsi n 'Super-Emeatrro th' THURSDAYM,A RCH1 6,2 006 Theb lack-and-pwhhoittotesa ,k ent hef ormo fi ce,M"c Ewens ai"dI.t 's discoverLoeodk underbgy trhroeceau menradssh, o wd eepc hannota mattoefrfi ndinwga teorn M ars nelasn dl ayerseudr fadceeb rairso undb utl earningi tism portainncc el imate folrio fnMe a rs the planemti'dss ectfieoant,u trheast c hang.e.a .n dc learilthy a sb een .i m- probabwleyr ef ormebdy w atesra,i dp ortatnost h apitnhgle a ndscape." A coldh,e avy "supeSrPACET o.learn if Mars ever AlfredM cEwena, missisocni entisTth ea rbitfierrs'mtsi ssiiosnt o fi nd Earth" has beenf ounodr bitsupportleifde r,e searchers ing a distant star, using a should looku ndergroundan,d UniversoifAt ryi zopnrao fesosfo lra ndisnigt efso rt heP hoeniMxa rs methothatd holdpsro mise sayass cienotnir sets uloft s planetsacriye nce. Landesre,tt o a rriovneM arsi nM ay fodre tecting farawapyl anets theM ars Expresmsi ssion. Thei magewse rtea kefnr oamn a lti2008t od igf ors ubsurfawcaet eirc e, thatc loserleys emboluer The EuropeanS pace tudoef 1 , 54m7i leasb ovteh es urfacaen,d f ort he2 009a rrivoaftl h eM ars own, astronomers saidy es Agency's arbiterh as aboutth retei mehsi ghterh atnh eo rScience Labaol raartgovereryr ,s ioofn terdayi nWashingt on. mappemdo sto ft hep lanet bitweirl ble w heni tf ormalbleyg inst het wirno botgieco logSipsitrsai ntd The planweetigh s 13t imes fomri neratlhsab te acrh em itssc ienmcies siionNn o vember. Opportunity, wbheiectnhr ahvaevres as much as Earth andis 'o r icaflm gerprinotfsp asetn Thes pacecrwahfti,cr he achoerdb iti ngt hep lanestu'rsf ascien c2e0 04. bitinag st ar about9 ,000 countewrist hw ater ando nM arch1 0,i st om apa bou1t p er TheM arsR econnaissOarnbciet er light-yaewarsa yA.ligh t-year founlde stsh a1np erc enotf cenotf t heM artian sfuorrfuf taucree h ast hem osta dvancaendd p owerful is about6 tril lioninil es. thep lanets'usr fascheo w landibnygr so botpirco baensd h uman instrumoefna tnsy.o ft hef ousrc ience The discoverisy b illase ad evidenictce a ns ustaliifne . astronauts. satellciitrecsl tihnepg l anaentd w ill supeErarth- becau.si eti s Ther esoluotfit ohnet esitm ageiss return moret ha·Hn >t imetsh qeu antity thought tobe aroc ky, trree s comparatbolt eh oscea pturbeydt he ofd attah aanl olt heprr obceosm bined, trialp lanleikte E arth, even lespso werfucla meraosft hreoet herM cEwens aid. )) thoughi tis muchm ore mas- sive. REUTER5 TORONSTUO NT HURSADPMR.6I,L2 006 SATURDSAUYNA PRBI.L2 006 Bewamroen stbeurn ny Sciesnutripstrtsoise s peel da-fnoertm airnogup nudl sar - LONDON lts oundlsi kae jobf oWra llaacnedG romiAt . "monsterra"b bhiatsb een WASHINGTON (Reute) rs- proceosfps l anefto rmatiownh,i ch UsinNgA SA'Ssp itzSepra cTee l rampaging through Planeotust sioduer s olasry stemw ea ssociatet hwebi itrhto hfs tarse,s copteh et eams pietdh ed isk vegetapbaltec hienas v illagem ighfto rmp,h oenix-lifrkoem, t he seemtso al sob ea blteoo ccuartt h·e arounadp ulsaarb ou1t3 ,0l0i0g ht inn ortheErnng land, debrciisr clinagd ead skntoawrn as endo ft hes tellliafre tismoero,tf a yearfrso m Earth, in.thec onstella infuriagtairndge neIrnas . ap ulsarr,e searcrheeprosr tyeeds renaissaonftc hees ystemh,es" a id.t ioCna ssiopeia. plosti milaar-ntiom atfeidl m terdaayf tefirn din·tghem akings Mostp laneatrse thotuoghf to rm Chakrabasralyi d":N oo neh ad Wallac&e G romiintt hCeu rse foarp lanneeta sru chab ody. arounydo ungs tarlsi,kt eh es un, evesre ena disakr ounad p ulsar, oft heW ere-Rababnigtr,y Thisc oulmde ant haptl anetfrom debrliesfto vewrh ent hes tara rounadn o ldd eads tar." horticultiunFr eilsttonsne ,a r formatiocno ulbde m orec ommon formed. A pulsairst hed enseksnto wn Newcasthlaev,pe o steadn thanp revioutshloyu ghts,a id Howeverr,e searbcyh- Chakraobjeicntt heu niverpsaec,k itnhge armed gutaopr rdo tetchte ir DeeptCoh akrabaorftt yh eM as bartayn dh isc olleagfuoeusn ad masso fa sun4ikset airn tao b all cabbagaensdp arsnips. sachuseItntsst itouftTee chnologdyi.sa kr ounadp ulsatrh,er emnanta bou1t6 km acrosAs s.i ngtleea "What'rse markabhleeri es t hisfr om as penstt ar. spoowno ulwde ig2h b illitoonn s. TOROSNUTNOW EDNESADPAR5YI2,,L0 06 Alielnasn pdisl octw on LOSA NGELE(SR eute-rs) Then ewC Wn etworwkh,i ch will frriostmeh ea sheosft he WB andU PNt hifsa lhla,sg iven ap ilot otrotd heecr o medy AlieInnAs m erica. SATURSDUANAY P R1I2,L0 06 BernarSdh aww asr ight whenh ew rote",W hene x traterrebsetirnigalsla ndo n eartthh eywill instandtely clarieta l unataisycl um." Som y congratulattio ons 89-yeoalrd M arv Campbell in Vancouver. metro TUESDAYF,E BRUARY2 82,0 06 Galapxhyo to turnhienagd s Using Rtuhbeb lSep ace Telescaonpdet heC anada FranceH-awaioib servatory atopM aunaK ea,H awaii, scienthiasvtesp iecetdo gethtehrel argesmto,s td e tailsenda psheovte rc om pileodf a distasnpti ral galaxy. Releasteodd abyy N ASA, thep hotograsphho wsa face-voineo wf M essile0 lr , alskon owna st heP inwheel Galaxaysi, t s pinosu to ver moret han1 70,0l0i0g ht yearwsi,t ha n estimated l trillsitoanrs .think' 1 it's them ostin terestinigm age evedro nes,a"y Ks. DKu.n tz, NASAIJPL-CalteocfAh/Uri nzivoenrsair y an astronomweirt ht he FIRSTI MAGE:T hfier sitm agoefM artsa kbeynt hHei gRhe solultmiaogniS ncgi eEnxcpee ricmaemnet(r Hai RIoSnNE A)S sAM ars ReconnOarbi istsearn.c e NASA GoddaSrpda cFel ight Thei magwea sat etsatk enfaronam l tiotfu1 d,5e4 m7i leBsy.f al/2i0m0a6gw eislb let akenfaronam l tiotfua dbeo u17t4m ilaensdh avaer esolouft1 i1 on Centre. roRSTANRe wss ERVICE inchpeespr i xel. L ---- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_J metro NATIONAL POST,F RIDAY, MARCH 21000,6 WEDNESDAY,A PRIL1 2,2 006 TOROSNUTNOW EDNESADPAR1YI2,2L, 0 06 hapsa severceh emiceanlv iron SATMUORONN Talakb ouamt o onshot 'NASwAi ll ment,s"a iJde ffreKya rgeolft he UniversoiftA yr izoniana na rti CAPEC ANAVERAFLl,a- . I clpeu blishientd o daye'dsi tioofn CosmonaPuatv eVli nogradov senpdr obe' MIBGEH tThej o urnaSlc ienc'e'.N everthe hopetsoh iatg old-plated leswse,c annot distchoeup nots golbfa ldlu rianngA ugust sibiltihtayEt n celadnu;�1 6•h11.r spacewaflrkot mh eI nter toc rashL IFDEI'STSAli Nfdei'ssTt an t outpost." natioSnpaalc Set ation. Ence1adtuhses, i xth-laortg est Theb alelq,u ippweidt ah Saturn4'7sm oonsw,a sd iscov trackdienvgi ciese, x pected tor emaiinno rbfiotyr e ars. inmtooo n OUTPOeSTrebdy a stronomWeilrl iaHme r scheiln1 789I.th asa d iameter of lta'p su blicsittuynf to Erl e ment2 1G olafT ,o rongtool f NASA plantsos enad two about5 00k ilometrsemsa,l ler clumba nufacturer. tonp robcer ashi_inngt ao thanF rancaen do rbitSsa turn abouetv er1y. d4a ysT.h eC assini cratoenrt hem oonin hopes BY CHRISD OLMETSCH spacecrawfth,i chh asb eenci i ofd iscoveifring i th arbors clintgh ep lanesti ncJeu ly2.0 04, watetrh acto ulbdeu sefdo r The surfoafcS ea turn's moon flebwy t. hem oont hrt:ttmi·e sb e manned misstihoeUn .sS,. Enceladiuscs o mposemdo stloyf TOROSNtt_TNOT HURSDDEACYE,M 1B52E,0R 0 5 tweeFne bruaarnyd J uly 2o0t0 5. ·- spacaeg enscayi yde sterday.i caen dt hermea yb ea c olodc ean Thep lumel ike;:;lpye wwsa ter, Chineesyteeh meo on The $73mil lionp robteo, beneatthh ahto lds some offo ·wrhmi chb reakdso wni ntoox ygen BEIJI-NCGhinwai lble gin beb uiltb yN orthrGorump lifteh,eU .SN.a tionAaelr onauandh ydrogetnh attr avetlhso u ane ffotrost e nads tronauts man Corp.,i ss ett ob e ticasn dS paceA dministratsiaonnd osf k ilometirnetsSo a turn's tot hem ooni na bou2t0 17, launchine d20 08a boarad announcyeeds terday. atmosphewrhee,r ie th elptsor e witahl andisnogm et ime rockeatls oc arrying a so Imagetsa kebny N AS.A:sC assiplenitshhe p laneEt 'rsi ngS.o me afttehra ats ,e nisopra ce phl.sticated nis pacecrlaafstyt e ar shao wo ft he· matermiaaylf albla ck·u i agencoyf fictioalsldt ate lunamra p plumeo fg asesa ndw atesrp outthes urfaofct eh em oona ss nm\. mediyae sterdTahyem. o on ingf romt hem oon'sso uthern landiwnogu lcda pa l unar per. tN ASaAs tro poles,i miltaort heO ldF aithfulS cientists colnacsylteu adre d "We're Enceladhuasd a "signifiactant" prograbme guinn2 004w ith nautvsi sited geyseirnY ellowstNoantei onal goingt o mospherefu ll of electricall� thel aunocfha p robe. them oond ur Parki n thew esterUnn ited learn a lot 1 · chargewda te-vra pouartt \-�<:�.n a ingt hel ate i StateNsA,S As aid. lyzidnagt frao m Cassinim'asg ne fromt his," 1960asn de arly1 1' 'Wree alizteh atth iissa r adicalt om eteirn strumetnatk ednu ring saidp ro1970bsu th ave conclus-iotnh awte mayh ave thefi rsttw ofl ybyss,u ggestainn g .T HEE POCHT IME•S grama germD aann notr etur.n ed II bevoiddyse onsf cmoealr li alqn udwis adotc eorl dsw,ai"it dh iunnd ear grounds ourocfeg ases close NOVEMBE2R, 2 005 tot hes urface. Andrewosf NASA's Ames \ CarolyPno rcoC,a ssiinmia ging Bloombe1N·egw s.w zthfi lesfr om ResearCcehn tein rM offett teanlie adaetrt heS pacSec ience AlieAnb ductePerso nteo I AgencFe?" ance-Presse FieldC,a lifornia".It 'gso ing InstitiunBt oeu lder, Colo. FalsMee morie-Esx pert tog ivues a readle finitive "Howeveirfw, e arer ight, we i understandoifwn hga tw e haves ignificabnrtolayd entehde LONDON (Reute-rDso) y ouh ave havuep t here." 'diveIrsoifsty o lasry steemn viron- memorioefsb einagb ductbeyda liens Wateirc ceo ulbdeu sed .m entsw herew e mighpt ossibly and whiskeadw ayi na spaceshitp?om akeo xygefno ra stro havec onditisounist abfloerl iv Youw ouldnb'eta lone. �nau�ttsob r eatahsew ,e lals l ingo rganisms." ano x:idizfeorror c kefute l. i Othemro ons, sauscJ hu piter's Europah,a veo ceans covbeyr ed NATIONALP OST,W EDNESDAY,A PRIL1 2,2 006 REUTERS icem ore thaa kni lomettrhei ck. Enceladupsl'usm es howst hat SEARCHING THE SKIES watemra yb ea sc losaes 1 0m e treusn dergrou"nldi,kc eo lvde r sionosft he0 \dF aithfguely ser," Newt eledsecsoipgen ed NASAs aid. ''Anyl ife that ceoxuilnsdot te d tol ofooklr i gshitg nalbsel u xuriaanntdw ouldh avet o Spapcreo bie magoeiSs a turn's deawli tlh owt emperatufreees,m ooEnn celiandduiswc aattere. blem etaboleince rgayn dp er- frome xtraterrestrials A MassachuseHs observatoyrye sterudnay sentso neo fth oser armeo mentsin afi elodf s cientific endeav veilaep do werfunle wt elescdoepsei gnteocad p ourw hena g realte afmwarpd is enablesdai;dB' ru ce turlei ghsti gnaltsr anmsittedb ye xtraterrestrials. Bettosft heP lanetSaorcyit yea, g rouipn P asadena, Thet elesciso thpee fi rstot b ed evelopseodl efloyr Calif.t,h afutn dedth e telceosped'esv elopment. "Send thatp urposaned will bea bltoe cove1r0 0,00ti0m es ingl asesri gnalsa crothses c osmos wobueal v de rlyo gi the amounto fs ky coverbeydc urrente qupimenti,tsd e cawla yf orE .Tt.o r each outu,n tbinulot w w eh ave velopesrasi 'd'.T hoep enionfgt hitse lescroeprpee - beeinl l-eqiuppetod r eceiavneys ucshi gnalR!eu't ers 8 ----- -- _ _ __ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ___.. . " TOROSNUTNOW EDNESDA1Y22,,0 0A6P RIL HarrisHootSn p nrsgi a · htobeodfB iFgo ostih gtnisg SUSAPNO IZNER wildlaip.fdec ultusriatlie ns Spectiota hSle u n anda rounHda rrisLoank e andr iver. HARRISOLAKEN, B.C-. "Therseo'l ist kntolwel edge It'Ssa trudamy orninagn d ofo urt raditainodn so buer I'm soaiknit nhgeh ealingl,is e,fW"i lleixep lains. mineral-wraitceohr fs Hrari "Therbee'essn o m uchd e son Hot SpRreisnogarsnt d velopmeiJ:ln tth lea sty e1a5r s Spa -lau xurihoeursi tagaen da lot ofp eooulpre' ss a hoteoln-t heb ankosf H arricresdi tehsav eb eend e sonL akien B ritCioslhu mbias troyOende.o fo urg oaliss to (harrisoncroems.)o rt. sharteh ekn owledhgies,ty o r Justtw oh ourdsr'i vfreo m andt eachianngdst o bring Vancovuert,h iess tbalishawareneosfts h essei tesso, menti nt htei ntyo wno fHarthemyi ghbte p rotecatnedd risoHno tS pirng(sh arripresveerdi nt hefu tur"e . sonc.ah)a sa ttracvtiesdi torAsf tesrh airnga 'w elcome foarl mosact e ntury. son-g traditiaobnoarli gi Oneo ft hmea ina ttractinoanslsi ngiancgc ompanbiye d ist heo pportunittoey n joyh andmaded rums- the '0 thnea turawlalrymh otsp ringb rothebrrsi nugs tpola ces poolFsi.n dei nindga,n cinwg herteh epiero pclaer voedr andl ivmeu siicnt her esortp'asi nteidm ageosv ert wo l950st-ysldei ning rioso tmh ousayneda rasg o. alsaod raw. Hiddeinns heltered parts ButI 'nmo jtu shte rteos atoft her ocsku rroundtihneg isyf my hedonistdiecis resl.a kte,h ei mageasr es tivill I'm hoenra em issiIow na:n t branWte. s eep ictuorfea s tol earanb outth eS asquatcwho lfo,fa traditibounraila l. -am ythiccarle attuhraeit s .W e seei mageosfm an,i llus saidt or oami nt hes ur�t rated awl iatrhhge ea adn da roundimnogu ntanis.Th e stick fbiogduyr.e . earliseisgth tionftg hseS as-· Andt hewne s eteh e image CLICFHFA NGPOHOOTRO quatcgho back thousaonftd hse S aosf quatpcahi ntiend BrothaenrdSs as qutacTho ufrousnd esrW ilel,li efatn,Kd e lsCehyai reoln t hebiora tH arirni LsaoknBe .,C . years. redo chre. Afterre lxainign t heh ot "Youc ans eeh e'nso td eworlidn ttoh sep iriwtouralld f orewshte nh ea nda nonquatcwhh en wIa sii shings.p arkllianksgeu rrounbdye d. sprinIgj so,iW ni llainedK e.l. picted alh iukmaen ,W"i lliaen db ackS.ot o hues' ass piraborigcionlalle asgauwte w o ButIn ever thoIwu oguhltd anciefnotr easntdss eeniing seyC harlmieem,b erosft he explai"nHseh. a sa b ihga iryi tubaeli gn." Sasqua-tca hmothearn da evearc tullasye eo ne!" lyu ntouchbeyd cottaIg ers. locaClh ehalFiisr Nsatt ionhse adb,i hga nda�n db ifge et. Wilile'bsr othKeerl seiys chi-lddrinkiwnagt efrr om Durinogu rt ourId, i dn'wti tnestsheebdl essoifun ng communiyt,a tt hen eabry Manyt hinhke 'jsu sat b ig oneo ft hem anyl ocawlhso ac reek. havteh oe pportutnois teyae spoilneadt ure. publbioca dto cks. creatluirkeaeh airayp eW.e claitmoh avsee etnh iesl usive" Ias ked cmoyl lea'gAuree:r eaSla squatBcuhtIdi. d l earn. Mayt hitsy poef t ourism Theiirn novatciovmep abeliehvee' as s upernatucrraela tuArtte h.et imhee wasy ous eeiwnhga tI 'sme einga?b'o utth er ichnoefsth se locaeln surteh aittr emains that ny,S asquacthT ours(,s asbeinSgo.m es ayh e can vawnorkinignt hef amilayn d ands hes ay"sY es! Of Ic oaubrosrei gtirnaadli tions. wayf omra nyy eartsoc ome. .. quatchtourst.akceovsmi )s iish .b.e lWeeiv eh eh as the chisledr vificeelsand d had taom !' Il'ivvehe edr ael mly life.Is awm ajesbtailced a gles. torosn c ruisteoes x plotrhee abiltiogt yo from pthhyes icavli sai rte motheo mei nt he I'vseo metimheesa rtdh eS as-Im arvellaettd h bee auotyfa [email protected] metr THURSDAY,F EBRAURY2 ,2 006 NATIONAL POST,T HURSDAY,N OVEMBER 10,2 005 SICNETTIS SESEe xKtrapoltahteoe v eraplhly siolaongdy statuorfea gargantuaapnet hawta su p Poibsels1 t0hpa lent too ne-thtialrlde arn ds evetni mehse av ietrh ant hea veramgoed ernm an. RMEAINS OF "Thes izeo ft hessep ecime-nst he crowno ft hem olarf,o ri nstanmceea, bgigtehrnPa ulot? sureasb ouatn i ncahc ros-sh elpeuds ·1-0FOTOA PEund erstatnhdee xtraordisniazroeyft he primatMre.; 'R inks ays. A distaonbjte cdti scovgetr hanP lutwoh,i cwho uld Gigantroe mainasr es o raret hat ereidns pace yleaawsrht i chm ake itt hlearg essto lsayr s IN TJHUNAEGIA si Lanp aleontolohgaivsetn se ver alcoulbde t heIO thp lanient temo bjefcotu nsdin ce the lowedd irect datteicnhgn iqutehsa t ours olsayrs teimsar ounda discoveorfyN eptunien could desbtornoesy a mpleBsu.tb ya na- lyzinthge t eetohf o thelro n-gextinctthird biggtehra Pnl utGoe,r 1846. man astrophysiscaiisdt s" SinUBc3e1 3i sd ecidedly mammals pecifeosu nidn t hes amel ay Gigtaonpitheceruso fs·so ials t heg ianatp e- includinyge sterday. largetrh an Plut·oiis,t n ow blacakc ioiu sins tegodoann,e lephant anc-eMsrt.o r Theyd etermintehde d i increashianrgdlt yoj ustify Rinkw as abtlode e termitnhea Gti ganameteorft hep otentnieawl calliPnlgu tao plnaetif ofH omos apientsop ithewcausss tillilv iansgr ecentalsy planektn,o wn as 2003UB 313i sn ota lsgoi vetnh is 100,0y0e0a rasg o. UB313,b y measuriintgs s tatuBse,r"t oaldddie d. "Noo neh ads uspectietwd a st hat thermeamli ssion. TheI nternatiAosntarlo I BY RANDY BOSWELL youngM;r'.R inks aiyde sterddaayy,bs e "We actaullmye asurendo micUanli owni lld eciifd e forhei sp lannetdr etko n ortheTrhna ithsei zoefUB 313w hich waUBs3 �3,f ounbdy P rofessor A Canadisacni entiisss ettt o e mbarko n landt oe xamin1e1 n ewlyd iscoverendo tkno wn pritoort hesoeb Mike Browna ndhis col a cav-eto-casveea rcihnt hej ungloefs caveisn m ountainotuesr ratihna ctl oselsy ervatisoanisPd,r "o fessloera guaetts h eC alifornia In Thailanfdo ra ncienrte mainosf t he matcheost her known Ghiagbainmttos . Frank Bertoolftd hiUe n iverstituotfTe e chnoloigsya , biggeaspte e vetro w alk tEhaer thG:i - A teamo fFr encha rcheologhiass itns sitoyf B onna ndt heM ax planNeotd .a thea sb eesne t gantopithebcluasc kiai 1,0 -foo-ttallv,i teMdr .R inkt os coutrh es itefso r PlancIkn stitfuotrRe a diof oard ecision. 12,00-poucnodu sionf H omo sapie.nt sraceosft heg ianatp eo ri thso minid Astronoinm Gye rmanwyh,o Althought hes izeo f thaits n owk nownt oh avel iveadl on-gcontempor,aH roymo erect.uH se says headetdh er eseatrecahm.. UB313is known, whiatist sidoeu rp rimataen cestoirnss o utheaistt'" sal mocsetr tatihn"aG ti gantwoo uld Accordtiont gh ecira lculamadeo fi sn ota,f acttohra t Asia1 00,000 aygeoar.s havei nhabittehder egion becoafiu tsse tionisth asa diametoefr isim portainntd etermining McMasteUrn iversgietoyl ogJiaskct si�ilaraintdpy r oximittoty h ep laces Rinka, g lobaelx peritnd iscerntihen gw ·hereo therre maiwnse ref ound. 3,00km,0 about 7km0 0b ig-plansetta tUS. REUTERS ageosf p rehistoobrjiecc thsa,s d isc-ov "Ita'r si cahr eaMr,." Rink sai"dB.u itt 'E eredt haat seto ft eetfrho m theg iantv ery htarosd p eculaatbeo uwth aty ou ape- oneo fo nlayh andfulo fG igant-opmightfi ndu ntiylo u'ornet heg round." MACLEANF'ESB 2.0' 06 ithecaurst ifakcntosw nt os Cienc-e Scientihsatvseb eend ebatitnhge Ourg alaxys ucks came from ar elatirveecleyn t painvdo tadle misoefG igantopithbelcaucsks iiin ce TheM ilkWya yg alamxayy h ave era fhourma nb eings. 1935w,h ena Dutchp aleontoldoigsi-st ''Am issipnige coeft hep uzzlhea sa l-covertehd efi rshtu geh,u man-likmeo pulledm iolnlesi toanfrr osm t he waysf ocusoendp inpointing Gwih-lena ra ta HongK ongm arketth atw as Messi1e2gr l obucllaurs itnte hre gantopitheecxuiss teMdr,.R" i nks ayss.e llibnogn esf ort raditioCnhailn eseO phiuchcuosn stellCaltuison. "Thiissa primatteh acto -existweidt h medicines. terlsi kMee ssi1e2ur s ually show humansa ta timew henh umansw ere Someh aves uggesttehda cto mpetithse mallaensdmt o scto mmon undergoinag major evolutiontairoywn i th prehishtuomraincsd oomed sizoefs tabrustt, h aftor mationM'AsC LEANS 'MAR.2 0 '06 chang.eG uangxpir ovinicnes outhertnh eg ianatp e.sB utM r.R inkb elievessm asltla wresr mei ssimnagk,i ng All-mtei high Chinaw,he ret heG igantopithfeocsussit lhse tswpoe cioecsc upideids tienccto itun iqiunet he MiWlaky'y2s 0 0 weref oundi,st he sarmeeg iownh erel ogicnailc heas t,h eorbya ckebdy m i clusters. �dentaitsS tasn dNiaat ioLnaabl someb elietvhee m odernh umanr acec roscopsiccr atchoensG iganttoe eth oratoriinNe esw M exichoa ve origitnead." thahta ved etermintehde ir stapleM AfCooLdE AND'ESC .19' 05 creattehhdei ghteesmtp eratures Now,t hea dventurporuosf esissod re -wasb amboo- somethionugr a nces evemra deb yh umantsw:o b il terminteodf inmdo reb ones frtohme tors coulddi gneostt . lts,b ig,i t,sc oming lion ikneslB.vyc ompairson, creatutrhea t- despite its· extincCtainoW nes Nte wsS ervice NASAb elietvheaast3 90--mwidet hermonucelxepalro soinolnys eonasg o- has lonign spirBeidg foeont asterhoaisd o aunt sicdhaen ce aocfh vieet empaetrurienst he thusiamsatnsy,o fw hom arec onvinced hitttihnEeg arth in2 03T6h.e a stentso h underdso fm illniso. that memboefrt sh es peciheasv es ome terowiadsd iscovelraesydte arT het emperatwuerraeecs h ieved how survitvote hdep resent day. andi s rfaotuerod u otf 1 0o nt heu sinag" Zm achinweh,i"c ihn Mr. Rinrke'sse arbcrhe akthrooung h Torinsoc aolfei mpapcrto babviollvesr etlheeoa fs2 e0m illion ther eable asfto llowyeeda rosfw orki n itOyn.a ne vegnr andsecra tlhee,a mpso fe lectroinctaiont a yr ray Chinaat a c avwiet h thew orldr'isc hest entiMriel kWya yg alaxy, inw hicho fs teweilr eTsh.ew irdesi ssolve deposiotsf" Giganrteom"a ins. Only fouro fst ehteas p es'l owejra w theEarth resiisdm eso,v intgo waridn taog atsh acto llapses, produc haveb eenf ound world-wiidnCe h ina, thAen dromeNdeab ulaal,t houighn gt hee nerwghyi cahs,i nn u Indiaan dV ietanm.B utfr om thastc anty anyc olliwsoiuolnd tna'ktpe l accel eraera ctiiosgn rse,a ttehra n collectoifso tnr ikinlgalrygt ee etahn d forf ourb illyieoanr s. theen erugsye d. mandilbe,ss cientistsb eheana vbel teo IO