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Preview Delve Report 1993 12 December

Crop ::u - -. ..., DECEMBER .C ircle , 0 1993 Images ::a ....-.. Identified A newsletteorf unusualr eportso n variouss ubjects.P ublisheodn an irregular schedule as an exchange publicaotniloyn� ith otheorfs a liken atur�. Comments should be sent to: GeneD uplantier1,7 S hetlandS treet,W illowdale,On tario,C anada M2M 1X5 EXCLUSITHE VALim E:SPAC ECRAFT CONNJ:CTI�! By John R. Frick For a period anti-datin1g9 83,th ereh avea ppearemadn y suspiciouimasg es or circles etchedu pon the groundi n wheatf ieldsa nd otherc ropg rowtha reas. They haveb eend ub­ bed "cropc ircles"a nd have beenf oundi n worldwidleo cations. Reports haveb eenr eceivedf rom Australiat,h e UnitedS tates,C hina,J apan and the UnitedK ingdom. And whilema ny researcherisn the fieldo f Ufologyh avea ttemptetdo explains ucho dd diagrams,t heyh aveo fferedt heir individoupailn ionsi n a "guessing game"t hat has a considerablfeo llowing. For the mostpa rt the guessesi nclude" Euclidiagne ometry,"' 'MandelbrpSte t,"a nd "DiatoniScc aleo f Music,"b ut is not limitedt hereto.I t doesn ot appeart hata ny one opinioni s morec onvincintgh ana nother,a nd therer emainsa stalematper ovingt he source of theses trangec onfigurations.D oest hism eant hata moreo bviouse xplanationh as slipPed by unnoticed? As a contacteaen d researcheorf thirtyy ears,a nd that I haveb eenw orkingo n a "TechnologicDaels criptioonf the Disc-TypeAl ien Spacecraft,"I alwaysf elt that the physical accomplishment cboeu altdt ributetdo no others ources.A s I viewedt he many photographwsh icht he mediap roducedI, feltt hatt he "messagem"u stb e staringu s in the face,b ut whatw as the "Key?" Anda s I usedt he word key,I rememberead colorph otographw hichs howeda partialk ey or "tuninfgo rk" I wouldc alli t, almosth iddenb ut none-the-lesIs c oulds ee a part as of it. Checking the many photost,h is" triple-prongteudn ingf ork"w as alwaysd epicted. The three tinecso uldh aves one connectiosne ps.ratingt he colors pectrum withint he spheres. I finally founda photographs howingt he trianglea,n d at eachpo int, a circle depictinag spherew as observed. Each circlew as different,o ne witha wavy cros,s one withb rokenl ines,n otchedw ith ''stoJE"a nd onew as perfectlyc lear. The centerm assa s shownc ouldb e the "energy sup­ ply module,"a nd the two ringss urroundintgh ism assa re ringso f energy radiating away towardst he spheres,o r justt he reverse. Sincet he spheres are "mini-reactorsa"n d thatt hey produ1c1ee lectro-magnesnt_ ioof the calors pectrum, I believet he "picto-gramasr"e likea schematidci agram,i ndicatintgh e differenstt eps of the "atomicn ucleari nterchangew"h icho ccursi n the undercarriagofe the spacecraft. It is my considereodp iniont hatt heseima ges are extractions of "atomice quations," as theya pplyt o the processo f convertign raw electricaeln ergy intoe lectro-magneties. Onlyt hosei ndividualwsi thb ackgroundisn "nuclearph ysics" shouldbe ablet o recog­ nizea nd deciphetr he blueprints whtihceh A lienF orcesp laced whearlel coulds ee• •• upon the ground! To acceleratpoes itive proofI am submittintgh isi nformationt o thosew ithp roper credentilas. Andi n the meantimet,h atw hichf or the timep eriodm entionedw,a s oncec onsidered a puzzle, shouldn ow be regardeda s a parto f the continuinpgr oofo f the existencoef the Alien Spacecraft antdh eirv isitationtso planet Earth. (Copyrightb y JohnR . Frick,D irectorA,L �r SPACECRAFTD ata,P .O.B ox 0705M,e lbourne, FL 32902N.ot to be duplicatedb y any form withoutpe rmission. Membership$:2 5pe year) r _ ;CIENTISTS ARE clonhumani ng life> _- That was revealed last month in S Mon��am�mtheAmerl� · � can Fertility Society. � Shoulsdci entistsh aveth atpowe r? �. S houlsdoc iesetty somlimiets onq onin:g en humanlife? � Fouyearsr ago,Royal theM ulroneygovem- · � mencreatted a Commissi ono nN ew � Reproductive TechnoloAmgioesn.g s ome UJ oft hspecifiec issucoesmmis si onewersre i= vitro required toeXamin e were":i n fertil- izatio..n. p:renatal screening anddiag -. ·n ostic techniques, geneticmanipula tion andth erapeutic interventitoons Correct geneatinco mal(ianesd)em bryo experi­ mentation" · were urgent These issues anfudn <Ja­ mental toCanadian s. Because ofthis ur­ ,g ency,th eco mmissi onwas asked tore­ -portitS findings andmake its within recommendations two years.Th e with commissi on entrusted the broad­ WclS man�teo fany country� hadeve-r ·est -stu�ethdes ei ss·uan esd granted ono'ef largest the budgeveerts affordeda C ana- _GEO�M� dianro yalco mmission. ... ,.!. - . -. •• •· -.. : all �=�-· =et�=���c ·�. : t _!a;_b�_.�--� ��di� ;hav'· �-'·· _. ·M��cesStild.·- eiAi:lmansful �dians ly��stilcal ti lCiMoawait eo�fppGeo'nn lrgtreftrealierepom o edrtthmeethrW eeoetitlg, asresuld dh ts thsingto.a- o fthnor Re Uhcl.:o �_ao.bert . dsaronin· · c-ug._-- ·· . · ti�ears earchl.l lf aoenpn e�taservmers� can� Otlif.gI?-eoane' 1 ,f!eitbaeas neze surr ·f �rogate.; e1� rtilr,w��eo r� rpan I� t-onf �ra o � -f r.e-- .;-r·...·.a coth setneTh natUre firme__ _f�eralo �our f ditigo cof thgovernml epel--i :.ritlne.rs- ci-tctiv·scp· -•e- ualo etsthesmms taa must ktai iane rtitmnd;cuettrodre lnoth-uat ect ee tinely used inanimals tocl onhe� ��-. . Manym ayas kw hyw ewOUl d eveto ·WJm t··'• !p•rinciplesa n�du es ofb oth-indivi dua·l withbcyoid�nticalsCl_�.o _nicreateSng o gfeidnenesInti.clCaolo� nlng,an� '·__ ···ourt.�o" dre creantei"nhthumanefirst.clonptaes�::�?Okfp.arti·aolr:-· 4�!._)_,'<·an·0.�;d IaW$,:_Jiun;Jan8ndan rusto,msrigh�ts· guafant�ee;d..)f: -:!:!,b., .y-;.,t. a nadl­ imal__.; are emsbpryoslinit·half..- ·atno·creadn teo whumantWo identiCalembcyos·. ·�mg m twash Seuns etd oautOcty by G2ina4N ewKo Ylilork.repC?·��·.· rt , � :__�_·/ _ :must :liave·�, �:th.;tn:e'e suffectCh oguidirigfl a-wa·,npdmrmci ustp �il n- embcyoIns ri.ature th.iwoulsd be� ed . Times.' . f . ·eluthdee follopowinign ts:·_·:·· · idhumanofdeveor imfutureerl pnti olecalanpatwinsD1Q usd ncye btaos..etiusedI Thwoul on theydn. e f laboalso othratexpe reorimco ncyebeu n ,lalta bdclOwedltie ofroz o nenedtn o· !chifpthOlS isaetr ant;hl'�s th i'!fOedchilt eed t;nddm et ti on.eeve"calthti� r twin,e.copcal ncoul r. ip�d �esa ets peogived arff e mightmbnect ob ryorganirthms· abetotrans-,t sth chafoeth bo alr·te .. 0hto uman-o Wth 'fh eerth·en � being respectumands ofcananbody to·eveothth, reesi ts erb pt .artseuse edcluian oasdl proCesoamgi enesansso-, InCana da, cloniinfamin g animals is orga nd onatiorn.pare Ontscoul dke epa' .. es are not objects of commerce ,an d·can - . doncoemm only down through several frozen embryaso ab ackup incase .their not beo wned,bough t ors old gen�ons.F oinstanrce , an embryo, ere- childd iesd,oth atth ey could create the 0 The human body ,.itS pans an�proces s - atisperm,edn th el aboratory by unitingari owm perfectre placem�t" · .es cannot, undeanry circumst ance, be the resulttwano-ced l ltwostage, is aanldli osthtwee odns· pdeliinvelott halfp tho e . Th e poAtrted th the·sama e·toocyt em �-(early,research ovae)rs can nre-ow be o0b 'Iltectje oiafterestn p �.eontfa human- . . b.e i. .n gb-e-.t o is identicalem bryoSBo.th then taken from thfeetuses oflate-tem i abo r- "created"inust prevail whena co nflict . are �owed tod evelagain.op toth e.two cell tionmsa,tured in the-laboratoatyn fde rtil--arises involving reproductive technologies stagean d are split The result is two ized With sperm fiom anoriynious male. and geneticm anipulation. betom ofcoreontii und1brueoo.ntied retiindcal eefinit ca1lyme,blryos thisy,. b pringingroces s thcouled-t o.ta l.ThSUITOfarm ga ete animals)e�b, IY carO rican e·tbr (en a ibesan.cos· ll•m llPmlant-o-nlYed ·d IJl· ot·Onai e n · . m·tistI be speaklieve that� Caonntha esdeii aesnvsrywhseuTh ese.e royalre FollowinSgtil lman 'revselati ons in gestatedan d thedne liv,- commissi on'repos rti so verdu.eTh e reve- Montreal, wen ow lmow thatcl onitnecgh -ered. The result, unpcedreentme·dhuman latiolastn sm onthi nM ontreadnimaltiz e nology isbeing donoen h embryos. hist ocy,i sac hilbdo rno fa chil dw hoh er- theurg ency othf eseis sues.Th ere needs Think whathist means.I umannth en ameo f sewasl f nevebro rn. ·t·obe aco ntexto fp ublipocl icyt od eter- helptihninfege rtiled,oct orsa nds cientists The isSuesrais ed byth euse an.ddevel-.m inweh aitsa cceptablsec ienatificctivi ty havneo wcro ssed thelast frontierBef.o re, opmeonftIVF alhla vyee ttob ea ddressed int hareae ofhuman reproductitvechneo l- usiinnvitrog fertilization( callIVF)e,d hu- pulibclwiyth, inretsetedan d irifonn ed ogiesan d human genetiThcse. n ewP ar-· man lifeco ulbed "created"i nt hlea bora- Canadians participatiYnegit.dt oe$ not liammeustn tm akthies ap riority. quire re- tocy. am edical ors ciendceegre e tou n- 0 MaureenM cTeer,al awyer for­ Nowi,n definitneumbers ofi dEmtical derstandth ed eptho ft heet himcalo,fa l, mer member the Royal Comanmdi ssion raise of embcyoscan be cloniednth el aboratocy legala ndsocial issuetsh ey ,an d the onN ew Reproductlv8Technol<»gles, Is fousre n owo rW erWi.t houregulatti on or urgency ofregula tory and legisalca-tivethe author TangledW omb: The of The legislatiodne fining thusee tow hich such tiont op rotectt hien dividaunadlc ollectivPoel itics of HumanR eproduction. i The.:. .:.:..T:..:.=.oronto=:. .:Su:n::.,T ..:h::u::rDecemsday:.:be :!.r.. -:-:-=.==:-=2... 1.:.::.99.:.�.: .:.:.:. .:--::;:.--;:;.:.=�;;:;_--::!.-=-:-:..:-.:-==.:--::.-:-:--.:.:.=--- -:---- -""j.TH ET OROTONST ARW ednesdaYN,o vember�1-9.39 NOTG UlTVL, SAYST .OM.A N ·Maenv icted, Pilo-'timpostohris's n akes mustg ot,o o ·fightUs. S.N avy - By WendyD arroch TORONTO STAR A man'dsr eaomf h aving thle arg­ escto llecotifor ne ptilients h ec oun­ try hasb een shodto wn byt heO n­ By TOM GODFREY theU .S.d epartnmteo fd efenocne t he tarioCo urt, generadli vision. ToronStuon jointp rimarya irtr ainisnygs tem. Ina 19-padgeec isireolne aseidn Navy officisaalisthd e re'nso e vidence A Toront-oaream an chargewdi th Ottawa yestbeyr Mdra.yJ ustice yetth atJ a cobuesv erf leawn yo ft heir impersonantgi a U.S.N avyo fficearir crabftu tth e probies c ontinuing. Kenne.tB hi nks,T oddLe gaulhta s pleadneodtguil ty inF loriydesat eryd.a Hec oulfda cuep to three yearsin prison ·. been ordereodu to fhis girlfriend's MichaJeolh nJ acobus,38 ,w as orderedan d a $250,000f meif convicted. townhouosneW oodridCgree si.n helwdi thoubta iuln tilhis Jan.3 triailn He allegetdollyhisd seconwdi faen d Nepean. Pensacola. familmy embers hew asa fakei n1 988 The 26-yearw-oalsda lsoor dered U. SD.i stricocurtt heard yesterdathya t beformeo vintog the Torontaroea . · tot akeh isfi vep ythonfisv,e b oa Jacobuhsa sb een posingas aN avy officer Jacobus, a ilmamnidgerda inn tC an­ constrictotwros ,t arantufloausr, sinc1e984 . Hew orea navy uniform to his adar,e turned to the U. Sl.a sJtun e.His lizards and four reopttihleeswir t h fatherfun'erals, dresswh ites athis wed­ wifaen dd aughter,2 ,li vein Toronto. him. dinga nda flighstu iotn m ilitary bases, Navyo fficiaslsa ihde a llegepdolsyea ds Thep roblesmt arteodn J une2 1, courth eard. a test pilanodt top gun flyera tn avaali r whenT aipaLenga,u lt'6s- metre_(2 0- Jacobunsa'v yunif orms fooledtw o ex­ staitonis nP ensacolMaa,r itetaG,a ., footr)e ticulaptyet hocnr,a wlbeed­ wivues:f asmi.lmye mbers,g irlfrieanndds PatuxentR iverM,d ., aOncde anaV,a ., tweent heb edroowmi ndowa nd the Navyf orn earl1y0y ears,s aid wherhee w as arrested Oct2.9 . js creeinn a n attempttoe scap.e , . navyin vestigatoDri aneN elson. Ja cobuasls op oseads a no fficaetra Binks noted. Jacobus allehgewed a sa c ommandeorf recenati rs howin Hamilton,n aOvnyt . A grouopfc hildrpelna yinbge lo:w the U.S. Nasvyta,t ionaedtN ASAa sa test investigaatlolrse ge. pilanodt wasw orkingo na j oinbti llfeotr - flies from CP I\a lTehrteje tudhd egipnerao rteentdtsh .et ownhou.s e . was ina larger esidenntieailg hbor­ - hoodl inkebdy a common sewer .TH ETO ROTONST ARW ednesdaNyo,vember 31,9 93 THE TOR-coOSTNuARTW Oled ntdesdah-y,eb N2reove41m,e 9ber 9 3s ystem. . Tenantfse arefdo rt heisra fety ·andp articulafrolrty h eirc hildren'.s COnnection? Squkniorrceokslup to Wer safetya,n dm anys ignea_d p etition a .t og etri do ft here ptilesAs. a result ST. CA1HARINES (CP-)A squirrel thatwalk ed onet oo �Them ystreio.u� sappera- othfea rnewa ertirec l2ie0pn te hrceO e tntftaew weCaria tizpepnl,i - many hydro wires was blamed foar tran sformer explostihaont an� ofJ aso�netri e m Algon- cations tol easper emiss ient he· , cut powert oa bou5t0 ,00h0om es,sch ools andb usinesses for qwn Parkr erm n<!sm e of� -fc ompletxh atnh ew eekb eforteh e abouta nh ouyrest erda ym orning. otherm y�tenous dtsf- incident dmg.o nthTht eeh b asqfltueeo idswrre oellec_trlusata t,.,d ciaOtyren ntaritoto mlygo Hu tyci drohno tfwttho ohe cre ciik ty'tyesa.rs ht ay tra dnrosystes fm,o rmeeasruta pearedga piLapomaen'Mr:osaa dn rneNi.kc oLam s v mat.3 p h,pearanw1e chs9 eoa9 d m1eoi. nrs ·a ea -p-angirdNlfri ohiset on nlyzod ,Sodt u ioelNdB eaut ivtalnksel, ho, eanr o ddr edhLegareeul rersishisd -t terM,acy Carter,w how eret h'et en- The downtown core was hardest hit.Co ffee po ts Ino ffices wildernecasmsp ingt rihpa s ants, tog eto ut ingan d anresta urandtso ffi ce wostorkeprsped stoOddri pparouning,d phchaoenttingsystems andswai ttingopedp fwoorrt -kh·e-�snoevle vrte,Cod mo yu lkntodhw elrebeed agb ee,ce onn -LegaTulhtej tuodm gosevaie id nth wi ethyoh uatdt a hllelo awned,d- pow erto come backo n. nectionB?y a nyc hanchea ve -- lord'ksn owledagned hada lso · * THET OROSTNTARO Fri dayN,ove mb2er6 1,9. 9I3 It herbee. eno.. t hReUTHrs ?MAI.L O· Y tracycha ngetdoJh th eei lrlo ecksas oen.t hed oorc,o n- Toronto IL-----------�-----�----------��------------� Israfinedl5 i,s0 00-ysekaerl-oeofstl oodln id nic earve JERUSAlEM (AP) - Arche­ statemfreonmt theIs raelgio v-·a ndt heD eadS eab efocered ing The AntiquitieAusth ority said ologists haved iscoveretdh e emmenfAsn tiquitieAust hority authorittyo P alestinians in thteh es oldiwase ra bou40t atth e d500i,0eb-ruriy eedai rna-os W lkestde lBankeot foacan sv oel ­swasa ildyy esitnoegnrd a armyoTh.re . skeletoocncupTh e ioepdWe erastti Bank.ohas n been criti­timeo fhis deathan d hadp rob­ with his bowan d arrows. The skeletwaso nf ounddu r­ cizedb yP alestinians ands ome ablhyi ddeinnth e caved uring The well-preserved skeletoni ngO peration Scroll,I srael'Iss raelasi sl ast-mipnutleu ndert­heC anaanipteer iodo fs ettle­ was foundwrap ped ina straw searcfho ra nyr emainingD ead ingc ontrary tot hep eacper o­mentw,h ichl astfroemd 3000t o mati na c avneo rth ofJ erichao , Seas crolinl sca vesn earJ erichoces s. 1200B C. I PAG£3 DELV£R E.Po,::n- O£CEMBER fqq� - ' '� '�� \ '_ :-:-_':1:·· .- .' ">�- ' ·'. ..,�... . _ ''�:?'"� -1.·': --,_. .: ��' ..� .�.. .. ' >. ' -. .;· ' -• . . i�· �-M9.P.aQY,..J"?� H-n:�. ..!IQJ3Q�N!QaJ@��,:;:._��m:��E,·, · ;;.;rY itcirioctp�a stiiieisi ·Le.mt'o' vSe - . ·. ... ' blambeldu e intsop ace, for skin prosfa y·s -3ndb-lgreoeond GLASGOW,S cotland (-R· euter) Thep lanEeartht is polluantded too overcrowdeidts b anidl loi-fopeo­ns splpea crseeh,turnino cguo lnodsn ilmdyoeAvvioranr c gia tnitoons , tliCimHceIof CrobAiraeGc cF(OeaiS mnpaene c icomsi-lahaEon l)ar,wp tf haiuosnl ­g cdo ofetc thte mor ersed piocirtan tl . h elj Thaoteu�eirn L ssaatnsl -u e a prominReunsts is�c ienstaiisdt turnedb luea ftecro nsumingO neo ft hep atiewnast sa 45- yesterday: _ · · ,l argaem ounotfst hegm dy foar year-moalnd" whow ass entto "Mankisnhdo ullidvi nes pacaned :month. · · the hospibteacalus eo ft hed ark­ theE artshh ourlesdt Y.o uc ould ' The4 1-yearm-aonlw,dh ow as greecno loorfhis face," reported rpaerturnen ttscoearth a mean dfr ViosPrmiwof,th." Ner ieyk ooulra -i- :as dimtMiyet dttieoctd Hah oleHs ·ep listiaUnlnkib i lvwueier�tDs -hra .i-hd Ve eh laide- aJAtunetkttnhki ralTeb aheo�e xm eaosnf Agajanayv ane,t erofath ne f ormer skins,a ihde h ade atefno ubro x­thel icoreivceeryd ayf ort hree Soviet Unsipoancp'ers o gramt,o l� eso fs altleidc orpiacset ielvl­ewse eks. . . . ·· a newcso nferaetnth cee I nterna­ eryd ay. fotrh ep asmto nthh,i s Theo thetrw op atiewnetrse tionCaolgresn s ofP hysiolSocgii­cal · doctorersp ort. sentto t hheo spibtealca uset hey enc·esi nG lasgow. . Thre·oet hepra tients ehxapdeg rrie­en blooda;l saott hee y Babiesc oulds afeblecony c eived 'e nce·sdimilraera ctionasf teeart ­severilblo xeosf. t hel icoridcaei ­ andb orni ns pachees, a icdi,t thineg -ingt hel icorfiocarem ont�ht h·e ly. All foure ahtaidtn hge b een facthta ts evegrenale ratioofns sameb ranodfl icorpiacset illes, mcaolnhsda idtbeen i obnsr.·ed in non-anigr­a· _v ity 1 .fc aacltlHueainrdg e Fadin nowllha,in dc1.hSm an-u- lAnedm-asdn idvs eaasressi uccvoashe s ihenwe soart u plrbdoe b ­-::-\Th�Toeront o-s un�T.h ursdaDec�e mbe[.)�l993\ vo'l'Wuedn etwcehieodr-it e,nod tg eestseafitd hv eeba olxt-hy bettertrea ted in spaceh,e a dded. • · esp erd ayo ft hep astillesf osr ix w orms.y lIed daysA,n"t tiwlrao tTeh.e v olun- · _ ty-._ teerb'lso ogdo tp rogressively • · darkeearc dha y:,her epodrt.e ke y 0t - o�n gev.1 -:, _ Thediscoloration'disappeared inal lt hep atienstesv ermaoln ths NEW YORK( AP)- An alteraitnai oanf ttheeyr stoppeeadt ithneg� eo- Australituarnsn· u pnew w orms pheucnti es twisTceihn easfgg mlenldeoein mn masgga a knygieso wv roecmr lamullis-fes.v· · o eam·r ho erathe·la thni . ·edriiTrchs teecdh, ooed lc ootcrostmarspoart ersyeiCU pohlon�art thtv.··e�a:eeb d ted'._t· e hn e -_:lian CANB sciEReRA ntistsh (Raevufeteo ru)·n -a dt Aul esatras1­t5 olWaodgr einmwi spec)th p ltheea, m s uctaitenedtisgsa t�y es·':'.l ook_,e: -..·d cm·aanuu5febadyc btauitrntce hhdesoe ufslm imce:oorfr ice . nteewars y peeacires-o lfnano tianvtigeo nearthawwloo rmrm- hafu­nt opbrveithoustaalypgy edp" coa y nn_tedh meaploytr"hariw weshe irdlety ehi enig· rn1, a9 t9te1whd ia wtteah ren p u rnoibdaecobnnltytamipi ­fiige-d -by1 ,5s0t0u den-wtsh,o .s enwto nns saiCdy nthiKae nyon. mentm,o stl ikeartl ye xtraocft in themail that theyh adu nearthed "Thatr'easl leyx iCtinWge. w antt o thel icorriocoet . . asafrovccqmerding d ta htle etoiaownrsfis cgardvtiee yens. en tistGeoars o Thfffe researc Bph,akro ejrect. iuFKsnretrandnaycyet isorta cnshnao,t ehUss. ao no nwitc dvhi epaarcrttosaoese f·iCnfsh otya �r olp· fibpi fo'eco'nshSrn m,aeai-inad· ,md E eaTanthdtteeApoi, nna n ltosgatttc ris ioglaalmn�iam�lt d odea.suesm aun .ftctoaehsf.lr t ilfpc.tt� sg-- 14�1/TO sn'\R ... 1(11.Lf.,{'(q ; woIutl'nhdsoa tcvan leyea riymeli·pwtch aetitohftnseoh rhreau m nanssw,I! e.r tr hiepca aels wistto h h bhieagebshanl s osopodrC eismast uerde butm any biologi cal 'proce;;s es �een inth e .-a:ndp otassdieufimc ienCie.s . WOrmare dupilcated,Jn Jreoples,h es ai�d-- . MEDICAL TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE �THTOER ONTSTOAR FriNdoveaym, ber5., _1993 . ·�.._ ·_, .:;.- ._·. .. space J].S.,-Reuy2se0s 0i1a odyS)!�sJe . St.otaWt tAShesRuseHINp l sGTONans ito-ans spea(ncestaAP)d1 ti 0 -so nhThMir eu ttl·U·flaseni ith tedghets ssph"Tirisai bpcaep egtl weaednneestc ncwhi nehUebes i.s acS wilria h.ewln dareR lduavstiansoci.ne.an -tth · oThefl eRu ya s pco slsmiaoexpanSnnan p adautsoreAgn o a ens nan hUtcy ·atl.gree'mis e s .mi:-.-o.e:.-.� -:n'n.·:. .� , two countries workj ointtlyo .b uianl d theinra tional spparocegra ms and nextJ anuarya ndt ol aunachU .Sas.- :-- int�matiosnpaalce� tion. benefitth eirespectirv e nationaaelro- -i� nautt oth e Miri n1 995. BrftielhAnllie Ctwleg loe tahi xhsytnnpreesataods tioanu tondministrdtgen'aaeohrsstgdb d hr yayUeei ytiee .no amvSnP2raeo..b. 0r nsl e 0estsvintw1iw ege dam eesbnn l_ AedinstyroanpI, cenadtwasY aa i dministruriutina cssustriKd ioangnpededts ,NtS "eVorov thpg, .eeao 1nd Acefb ocumetdmi yriristrahDd aatieieNlir nt aees titiGlctaoo oooinlfnrd,- al·. rasm M yioiThsrdeahtR .u nsardo ul rhware eoseutlsu spt�wil tfiilwil ttlaaltt-o-c tha hwecany edeeid e dMir ttwxi Uhosn.. ew til Snaasg.nbo odlRoraaa untrr-seo -sry on DELVER EP6Rl- DECEMBE� lliq3 pNj� -'t - ��ber 1�3 ,E;G1he.EU ,saturdlqr.ly;� ��n 3)19Nowtmber.-dYl• .\..H��- . g9 a,t19Adelai 93 deI Internatioln. Tat..��.f!s�· �-- �.1..SUn, •. . ..1 4, TH-E-- TO----R----ST--O----AR�.--NT--��.. O ----��- ··�� 4ber,1 993 �� mafllgbt · varrots·- 'StarW arsh'���-··:-·,.···-. � Customosf ficgerresw pi-oteiliS suspicious when they found tu rnI• nt0 inbird drophis bpa�gangdaBgfueeatw.th h ersalt ·P eop··· lw eho intra nsplants gavEel lauwla wya s the seef lying Stool birdsl'ou dchirp ing, a rosp- saucearrs·e·n ontu ts:�.e ither ecutor said. aref olkwsh oc laitmo.h itch �from pigs p• 1geonobaOfbcnfsyme ci orlustafso cho esui enfnprdosarr upotTretsihin c o,a .n i rCAia tdne.eaawsdmoi i rfetase xhncst iereaanrttc.sleirhterseerdbrtpri yesosa r lts., WSaTrs·."failLO UIedS but (thAPe)co - ncept"S �t ar Elluuln'dspe arntTsh.e Dr.N icholPa.Ss p anoosf. ·and pigs� may save lives . . ADELIADE,A ustrabliirada sr ew orthu pt o, Ot1taw aC'asr letUo.gn a vea · Pigs have been produced with (AP)- A birdb reederwh o $10030, .uS .o nt he blabcaktt eorfpy s ycholotgeisctasl kidneys and hearts saffeo r tried to smuggfloeur ex oticm arket. tope oplweh oc laitom h ave transplanti nto umansh , re- birdisn tAou strablyi a closeen countoefor nse k ind searchers say. · stuifngf themi nthoi sE llual c,a rpenwtheor ora notheanrd,c ompartehde And proteins that scour the undetail:d erpanThtse boverirldwoosek redepar o nebguil tyr edtoes bh iarv,dibp snrlgeed aeachded prieews hulowmt iastkt heecsn toflgs yi ivnetogn peo - bodysyste ms liketo" kSeeptar Witar8fro "m dreefjeectn­ce rots. ­ qwuialrdalpnirltfoaietwn esHec.e aht naiddo11 ns aucecrl aims.· ing itso wn organs have·be en Leli Ellu35,l w,as finedtranspo rted theb irdsin his TJouhernr aeolsfu Al bptunsbo;lr lims :iahn et dh e used to produce the "safe"p igs. tU:·hSee�:q� �u¥i·ev naHtoel f a$ rri1v4�, 6sat2uhf5iet sctme�eo crohb,la iu lsuttre n achdsntiefislren uspdr-gg ar1 newePtv.hseoycrin cld ahdioetomin lsh n hoUFa ogyvOwtse,s h e a epeoer apnejln ueds t · whw'eoul7hndbee transp h rejlantope�ed is verythes ineslt ooowlyrgans1Il8Il, , o r rnE�NT�OOFriSTdayARN,ov emgbera15ge,99. 3 - · 1 .oi "mrdinWaeacg airynnf 'asaottyli wthkoiesnt·s· ns he,s·o.- . .ir gmhatli ngstysonot n S atocf thh aleooWl, saiolashingt"fd oM nrnedi.ciri J eoU hAtkinniversiinn ­­ st t Louis. ·Ussuen btezoaa m� ps :�;� �e� ���:���ot Atkinson c8ned them "Star · · necessaarbinloyr mal," Wars"p roteins because they :,Itud'" aSftU.e.,.)Sr oYU rge��S Spanosasi di na statement prevent� system attacks onTIJa CSc OoNl,l Arizics.oi u(orsnAP)withe -AnEarth astecorouildd ' 1 Pfsryocmth hoeAl moegArisicscaocalin a tion. dino thneUedwa y . "thSSa.tartthW e antn 'od wefe naceb an­ be:u divert:ed n=trafrotme dsuni beam,tsd oomsresdearyacp hathefsb y · 1 lsSaiprgra:n,heo tlss"ea atrtiestidn wtohv d eaebet ltl hlw yeUF-eh ·Odi utcea-ct·o eld- systemn uwasclear mis silineten adedttacks. to revenp t ScientHis.tJMs.e losahn dI . V..... ��f�ntatiof_t.h�ese mi d�e· · ·h .RUmanesearch erSo rgan transp·lbealinevtsep couligd-t o­ NBl;>emritisi�htingovmir j roournalr re coulpNdoa rtturfeeocusy dth est aeatrdti giaaghyant ibe$ t n thqr e- )·fl_;� Ca:nUFspmitO ·dsoifs-iSef ar�ieterstdnah cbeneetwd � eenosignifi7e. Qnlyth� e·-':'erS'>· .·11 bet Heroutinumanredep igo intransPrganslan ltses havethans beaenod f ecaunal tridede- .. ofsunligh t ont haste eroivadpo,rizing wast hatth osweh o_re ported ,· several times but the organs enouogh.fi �to m ove .its lowlyas ide.; : flyinsagu cerhsa dp revio'u slyhave -been ·qui� rejected. rnETO· STRSuAROnday NTO,N � �· 2�·1 �,_!] �1 teesntcaoebfuE l .Os1i >be s· lih and:in.efe .ind " tahleei xe�i-:.n' s· 1 s:- wip�thN owhumano rgansp igs haveco atpberoteins.ede winthgro wnt he !..:.....- -- --- .,.�.Ra oibrflocitroe ansft soploawre r 60% _:;.�.;,·, g8ircraft - o SAN n has bFRANbeeCIingenS C dsuOevecces lsfuloped ly(Reuter f)ofl throwne - PinentaAn -a woflmuyohighl n dthsbe overpo equip weredped a b abttlWiyeths fi oseflensoolrarrsedw n eeksergyt .od o Ite­r ·wewith · "Eve' reeythingthvery e rest hap pyco womingrkedwith fromthverye resul )?tswel al�- erianwdese . ·�-·t:est'� 'researchfligh' erst powered partlysa yby. solar pow- btyectan s henoemyrtrange andbal wlistioulcd misfiresil smalelsfired in ­ �have ·a.lvi otsceo- fpt resiestdent data, o"fAerosays Vironm entRa y Mor­ ___/-· rialTh vehie clPeathfin thatder loo-ksan like unmananed flying wae-ingt Theercepto wring� -esshaped to aircraftd estroy isth e30mm .e · -. Ina-aftc, which designed andb.uil t the air­ ·�.·Air-o :-cosnFmpo olrcelpoar �etwer edaflawlinlast es Calismf oonfirstrnia,th at test the Edwards La flightw - justtrese i l1gheo9tlkil5n ectri�ograms gcd - 2m.om4tanetres drivenod r is wi powedepre,ro dpweighsel lersby. · thatfollY owedmwil mol reby enab lupgradtestees flighhights- alto tituarethd eePsyst �flighemstse4 rereponcerts Ilv.erm ore National Laborat· · ory aboutTh e 2aircraft00 feetrea dchuriedn ganth eal 4titu1-dmineuto ef above 65,000. feetn ext sumnier, the -:.:·:· Th'feo Prmapethfinresirdd eernp roRotjn ectal grewd Reagan 'osut o f arotuensflidtgh ta as2 00,i0t tram veetrel edra sceix timtraesck laboThraet Poathfindryser ai d aircraft developmen,t '1SC trategiDce feInitianstivee. That plan, the laboratorys aid is sponsoredby ·theBal listic Missile I course, aimsiveed sahitcreae arotinglund d an thaneti Umis-nisiltedeSd taetnf-ese, lIeastts 60spe edp ewasrce ntabouto fth e2pow 5km/he r naneedda edt. Deagenfcye,nse wiOthrganiza tiotnechni,cal am ganagoveernmmeentn ;t ..r �:as now been drasticall ys caledb ack. tosta yin theair was providedby solar provided by Lawrence livermore Na­ The ideisatha t theP athfinder wouldce lls onth e aircraft's wing surface, tional Laboratory. · OS..LV£R EPORT -t>ECEMSER l£fq3 PAGE 5 - -- ____ _ _ __ ____ ___ ___.

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