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रजिस्ट्री सं. डी.एल.- 33004/99 REGD. No. D. L.-33004/99 भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA एस.जी.-डी.एल.-अ.-29012020-215773 xxxGIDHxxx SG-DLxx-ExG-2ID9E0x1x2x0 20-215773 असाधारण EXTRAORDINARY प्राधधकार स ेप्रकाधित PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY स.ं 07] दिल्ली, मगं लर्ार, जनर्री 28, 2020/माघ‍‍8, 1941 ‍‍‍ [रा.रा.रा.क्ष.ेदि.स.ं ‍‍364 No. 07] DELHI, TUESDAY, JANUARY, 28, 2020/MAGHA 8, 1941 [N.C.T.D. No. 364 भाग II-I PART II-I राष्ट्रीय राजधानी राज्य क्षत्रे दिल्ली सरकार GOVERNMENT OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI कायाला य, मख्ु य‍ ‍धनर्ाचा न‍अधधकारी, दिल्ल‍ ी अधधसचू ना दिल्‍ली, 27‍जनर्री, 2020 स.म.ुच.ुअ./च.ुस.ं/102(40)/डी.एल.ए.-20/2020/‍22520.—धनम्‍नधलधित‍को‍सर्ासाधारण‍की‍जानकारी‍के‍धलए‍ प्रकाधित‍दकया‍जाता‍ह‍ै:— भारत‍धनर्ाचा न‍आयोग अधधसचू ना नई‍दिल्‍ली, 24‍जनर्री, 2020 स.ं576/एधज़िट/2020/एस.डी.आर.-िण्ड-I.—यतः,राष्ट्रीय‍राजधानी‍क्षेत्र‍दिल्ली‍के‍धर्धान‍सभा‍के‍साधारण‍धनर्ााचन‍ की‍घोषणा‍आयोग‍के‍प्रेस‍नोट‍सं.‍ईसीआई/पीएन/4/2020, दिनांक‍06‍जनर्री, 2020‍के‍द्वारा‍घोधषत‍की‍जा‍चुकी‍है; 2.‍और‍यतः, लोक‍प्रधतधनधधत्र्‍अधधधनयम, 1951‍(संक्षेप‍में‍लो.प्र.अधधधनयम, 1951)‍की‍धारा‍126क‍के‍प्रार्धानों‍ के‍अनुसार‍इस‍संबंध‍में‍धनर्ााचन‍आयोग‍द्वारा‍यथा-अधधसूधचत, इस‍अर्धध‍के‍िौरान‍दकसी‍भी‍प्रकार‍के‍एधजजट‍पोल‍के‍ संचालन‍और‍उसके‍पररणामों‍तथा‍ऐसे‍एधजजट‍पोल‍के‍पररणाम‍के‍प्रसार‍पर‍प्रधतबंध‍होगा; 3. यतः, अब, लोक‍प्रधतधनधधत्र्‍अधधधनयम, 1951‍की‍धारा‍126क‍की‍उप-धारा‍(1)‍के‍अधीन‍िधियों‍का‍प्रयोग‍ करते‍हुए‍भारत‍धनर्ााचन‍आयोग, उि‍धारा‍की‍उप-धारा‍(2)‍के‍उपबंधों‍के‍संबंध‍में‍एतद्दर्ारा, 8‍फरर्री, 2020‍(िधनर्ार)‍ को‍पूर्ााहन‍8:00‍बजे‍से‍अपराह्न‍06:30‍बजे‍के‍बीच‍की‍अर्धध‍को, ऐसे‍अर्धध‍के‍रुप‍में‍अधधसूधचत‍करता‍है‍धजसके‍िौरान‍ उपरोि‍र्र्णणत‍राष्ट्रीय‍राजधानी‍क्षेत्र‍दिल्ली‍के‍धर्धान‍सभा‍के‍साधारण‍धनर्ााचन‍के‍संबंध‍में‍दकसी‍भी‍प्रकार‍के‍एधजजट‍पोल‍ 530 DG/2020 (1) 2 DELHI GAZETTE : EXTRAORDINARY PART II-1] का‍संचालन‍तथा‍प्रप्रट‍या‍इलेजरॉधनक‍मीधडया‍द्वारा‍इसका‍प्रकािन‍या‍प्रचार‍अथर्ा‍दकसी‍भी‍अन्य‍तरीके‍से‍उसके‍प्रसार‍पर‍ प्रधतबंध‍रहेगा। 4. इसके‍अधतररि‍यह‍भी‍स्पष्ट‍दकया‍जाता‍ह‍ै दक‍लोक‍प्रधतधनधधत्र्‍अधधधनयम, 1951‍की‍धारा‍126(1)(ि)‍के‍ अधीन‍उपयुाि‍साधारण‍धनर्ााचनों‍के‍संबंध‍में‍प्रत्येक‍चरण‍के‍संबंधधत‍मतिान‍क्षेत्रों‍में‍मतिान‍की‍समाधि‍के‍धलए‍धनयत‍समय‍ के‍साथ‍समाि‍होने‍र्ाले‍48‍घंटों‍की‍अर्धध‍के‍िौरान‍दकसी‍भी‍प्रकार‍के‍धनर्ााचन‍संबंधी‍मामले‍का, दकसी‍भी‍ओपीधनयन‍ पोल‍या‍अन्य‍दकसी‍पोल‍सर्े‍के‍पररणामों‍सधहत, प्रििान‍दकसी‍भी‍इलेजरॉधनक‍मीधडया‍से‍करने‍पर‍प्रधतबंध‍रहेगा । आििे ‍से, एन.टी.भूरटया, सधचर् आििे ‍द्वारा डॉ०‍रणबीर‍प्रसह, मुख्य‍ ‍धनर्ााचन‍अधधकारी, दिल्‍ली‍ OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER NOTIFICATION Delhi, the 27th January, 2020 No.CEO/COE/102(40)/DLA-20/2020/22520.—The following is Published for general information:— ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 24th January, 2020 No. 576/EXIT/2020/SDR/Vol-I.—Whereas, the Schedule for the General Election to the Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi was announced by the Commission vide Press Note No. ECI/PN/4/2020, dated 6th January, 2020; and 2. And whereas, as per the provisions of Section 126A of The Representation of the People Act, 1951 (in short R.P. Act, 1951) there shall be restrictions on conduct of any exit poll and publication and dissemination of result of such exit poll during such period, as may be notified by the Election Commission in this regard; 3. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers under sub-Section (1) of Section 126A of the R.P. Act, 1951, the Election Commission, having regard to the provisions of sub-Section (2) of the said Section, hereby notifies the period between 8.00 A.M and 6:30 PM on 8th February, 2020 (Saturday), as the period during which conducting any exit poll and publishing or publicizing by means of the print or electronic media or dissemination in any other manner whatsoever, the result of any exit poll in connection with the above mentioned General Election to the State Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi, shall be prohibited. 4. It is further clarified that under Section 126 (1)(b) of the R.P. Act, 1951, displaying any election matter including results of any opinion poll or any other poll survey, in any electronic media, would be prohibited during the period of 48 hours ending with the hours fixed for conclusion of poll in the respective polling areas in each phase of the aforesaid General election. By Order, N.T. BHUTIA, Secretary. By Order, Dr. RANBIR SINGH, Chief Electoral Officer, Delhi Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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