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Preview Delhi Gazette, 2013-01-14, Part IV

Altl:f.t.cd-33002/99 REGISTERED No. DL-33002/99 ITRW titchit GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MITgie i3ettu csaz,ette WRETTTUT EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Ti, 9 ](cid:9) fgvci , =4.1“, 7-4-4ft 14, 2013/th 24, 1934 TUI.T(Atk. Ti, 243 No. 9](cid:9) NEW DELHI, MONDAY JANUARY 14, 2013/PAUSA 24, 1934 [N.C.T.D. No. 243 PART—IV tits 71Wti'l-rwt OW, fgrrll 14tchlt GOVERNMENTOFTHE NATIONALCAPITALTERRITORYOFDELHI '<Nita facqur aftrsw9X qc-ci ,14 7-4qt, 2013 TT. *. 1( 742 )/aRarfel-./stii./T1.4172012/2988.-trit(cid:9) 34:71.11 (TIFS1211), 3T11771 37RT, 111.7.14. eclitt[211) 3*{ n1 Tfa W49,94131.4 (ITFTIIVIIII) R1414 42 W116 T th7 3TTF77 rAcif!aRTM chit.i9b1-1* 41-cif (1,YR.01 MITT 4 -1-4 wur m-7 fff741* stlith fwrrr art, 71-WIT-4PMF 7%11.0-1/41ur 311-floso14 4T03TRITTft TT en1437R 18-03-2013 71 30-04-2013(cid:9) 1317: ( 1 ) TT. /It. 1( 742 )/*.R,7#7./31TUIT.W./2012/2988.-11ttg 7R11191"(cid:9) ismil z1' if ciliktf-C4 (cid:9) aTraTil, 1887 (1887 TT 4\31104 3#11fT4111 t-its‘i1 17) i NTU 27 Thf 3-7t1M (1) gni 3 -ff(cid:9) -Th-Rt Tplft99(cid:9) d411.-q4ltrikicgRi dcFci 3TRaZili 3171-riff W117 tort, 4r.m.-4, ettfra9m1/), aft .cf-gr a1 rte, 4r3r.it (4F-cal-wit at( of f-4 Taff, rr3Lt. (4ffirtwaff) all *-12rd k-17 4z4 witicr aeTva (cid:9) TAT sfizm *Ur? *1 xil"*“4#*1 3T44**TR 43Tro.4 *1 fain(cid:9) ,Ticf am a orit4 fa4rft (cid:9) 70-gifir08* TR -V *pitu 1T aTrO. aTIkta l4 er4(cid:9) 49 TO WI, SK9 ii((cid:9) II ( 2 ) RT. Ti, 1( 742 )7*.R./W/3TIT.M.W./2012/2988.-7(cid:9) 7FANT41 kig (cid:9)RcHI 4 712Tr ratcllftA dht Srkx/1 Ththslict alfgf RR, 1901 (1901 Th-T -ct-T4 align-MT tit«lt 03) T1 .TRT 223 * RIM -fat NM 15 Th-1--34%1R1 (1) g.10 `14x1 -Frit-411(cid:9) a+tc1 f ptaT Trwit Eta, -Re-a t d4(41(4 crs,gru -t;ritr Tffr (cid:9) 4U.4. (4ft-aft211), arT 7W-47 31777, I-1-1.311.# (1TritTgl) AT A. (14(cid:9) IRMA (tntarigt(cid:9) Thr M e 4 di4 220 D0/13(cid:9) (1) (cid:9) (cid:9) (cid:9) 2 DELHI GAZEI lb : EXTRAORDINARY [PART IV viTzT u tiFiqq,'WN71721114711*1.3r1.741*-133-74 goni4447 43474 *1 fdfw A 7474 -at tif 71v-4f4iftrr 4 349.6(-1 <.477014*-71*77 71*Takd VI aTTTr1 a7kT1(cid:9) tiT-1* %11(cid:9) t, 747 q.)(4.% ( 3 ) mi. W. 1( 742 )771.R.l1M-./37.71T.91/2012/2988.-f4cti1 11,--7717 311767=1:1954 (1954 'TT 3-19,1171:84 titsif 12)(cid:9) NRT 76 t7:7247i7ff 7111 07 *1' 377R1 (i) 7.(1 3g7 Vir777f 74111 httl(cid:9) 776191 719 fccS:j,31/070.41/1qt ki.tickgRf ( ) -t111t tof (cid:9) 7151171. (7a7h1121T), (2) 71 7Tr771377F, *URA eittall2ff) * (3) aft zfaaff, 71.3111. (TIft-qh9T2T1)(cid:9) *ii 719 4 77i wig dal HFivh 71-4,art 3Nrf 31•011 7211 thmici (cid:9) *Wq 417144 4)(4 @ ff2TI acid 33141474 * 3T 4 711 ti+tif (cid:9) W#177r/ 441*14141 3374 th14i4R 4%174 *11714 A 74 34 ag rui3r 14447 4 Will(cid:9) usol 7774firtrft t 7 77 tr474terraSair7\zr (cid:9) ch (cid:9) *71 4170 t, 7747 et,“1 ( 4 ) *T.*. 1( 742 )/71,R,/W./-471,711.F1/2012/2988.-31t7 ma* 6-17 strei(cid:9) I 727 c-111, alt1 11ga (cid:9)iFt 'fftri Trf fiWrg alf1T19**, 1873 (1873 TI 311611177 tit (cid:9)it 02)(cid:9) 7111 03 *111vg' 6 * TIM 7r78' 1171 04 ART 3R7 *171 sittlii cri«-1 111&471171Tit kt17 rszol* d4artI4Icf 'Sid *VW( *(cid:9) **Er( *1' 471 717?(71 711T*T7T *-T-4 34774 341471147 et)(4*.ffiff4 ( ) WTI* rift, 771.4 (7rTt6117), (2) NI *FR* 61w'ry, %Int* (7171-16771) aT11 (3) 7 tri 147i, 7.71.T4. (Mt-71:6117)(cid:9) 317.474 +14-14 (It **427 911 TINT 41971 aT74 (cid:9) 347-ff4 *1 fen A 74 Acq(cid:9) 411(4 174r7 d41-1115C114 7(g-fik*** 7 7 tr434 :f yr aTTO 37s4 (cid:9)dh *14 A 71 4170- t, Nci-r en(c1t ( 5 ) IFT 14. 1( 742 )/7I.7.71:1:1/371Y1T.W./2012/2988.-rscx4 9f 1398113 aTfl-Tn7cf, 1954 *aTf111-977 ticwf 8 *-1: 444 3 * ti5 IR* ;Nu 777 siNcrilwr wq14 (cid:9) 4tt4 444471 04 f4rtdl dpi 34t144It4 did 3-7171774 al-IT171 7FTNTTz 4 7* (N144 HFIVh * =bpi *1 1771-6-7 ht.1 t fMl (1) 1771 ki,41(cid:9) 41.77.4. (7137134441), (2) aft 71973177F, *Ts7.71. (77(9174741)* (3) t7r7 447, 37.73.4. (7177137231)*I*1747 717 47437117 ff*'- HFI4hTh*L7A23Ti a1111'(cid:9) 37:14-7T771T tITT74 fit f5f* 9:'4 \IN ci 7F- mita f741/11:1 34iusc-114 7737744=7'+431 7'i 77 ITT *Taftd e zu *11* 34744 dch(cid:9) 14170 0, 77 Gh(c1* ( 6 ) 71,(cid:9) I( 742 )/71.R./TQT. /371./T1FT./2012/2988,-701 774 "lid (7*-4-41(cid:9) fa(43-1 011-21TIT) 33911347, 1948 (1948 *-T re "461161 alf7f977 (cid:9)*its:9 150 )(cid:9) WU 20 *1 5t11.1RT (I) .717(-c4 711-47•1*T 777 1141 qo, 3:1117 tbIPT91 617 f4rr1 * 34(1-w4id 111<kglif (1) twill Lor (cid:9) 7.71.4 (7fT770), (2) aftTF-9-41 MYR*, *IAEA (71171677) AT (3) 7 719 447, 911.71,*. (7f(77.171) 311 *-fm 317 4 77 004 Mb 7-4I2379 alftwrft (cid:9) t t7 4 370 *7147 47r-e-4 *11714 4 77' ziq 7W 78 mita 7434714 4 34flusci14 777-14*741t 77 77 *707 *Trr trrt 37011 tt *14 A 71 41 7-6-4 7,1775 *-Ta * I ( 7 ) tFT, Ti. I( 742 )/71.7./14./314./TETT./2012/2988.-fsetit ser (cid:9)gild (4191641(cid:9) ) 31f7f977, 1960 (1960 WI 3iftir97**L*21T 24 ) NTIT 2 * tis 7 TIT SR* 71r7?171*-T 77(7 *--t* 7 T717 117791 07R-eh.* 64R1,70441M dcltf *TrT*4 * *Tiff *147 717 474 74849 714 t fog ,-11(cid:9) dill 74k.44 74-trft diT =hi cm *1(14 (1) turf? 71*, 71.71.*. (11Tt61171), (2) 7 7177 MR*, 77:11, (71-r4137241) A (3) aft 714 trti, 34,344. (717t334241) -*1 aitrk-M-RNIT 1177:4(cid:9) 79(cid:9) 723 A 74 .44 tt (cid:9) law d 344 ~sM1v 7'14117WRI' t 78 7 *7477 tr17 3111' 17#11 clati(cid:9) 714-tu th(c1t REVENUE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATIONS Delhi, the 14th January, 2013 F. No. 1(742)/GAJEstt./DC/R/P./2012/2988.—Consequent upon joining in Revenue Department for 42 weeks district training programme Ms. Pooja Jain,Shri Danish Ashraf and Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS Probationers shall perform various functions as Sub-Divisional Magistrate in District North, South-West and South Respectively w.e.f. 18-3-2013 to 30-04-2013. Now, therefore : (1) F. No. 1(742)/GA/Estt./DC/RJR/2012/2988.—In exercise of the ,p owers conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 27 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 (Punjab Act No. "(VII of 1887) as enforced in the National [PART IV(cid:9) . DELHI GAZE 1'1 h : EXTRAORDINARY(cid:9) 3 Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby confers upon (1) Ms. Pooja Jain, IAS (Probationer) (2) Shri Danish Ashraf, IAS (Probationer) and (3) Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS (Probationer), the power of Assistant Collector, 1st Class under the said Act in the said territory w.e.f. the date of assumption of charge and so long as they hold the post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. (2) F. No. 1(742)/GA/Estt./DC/R/P./2012/2988.—In exercise of thepowers conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 15 read with Section 223 of the Uttar Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1901 ( Act No. III of 1901) as extended to the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby appoints (1) Ms. Pooja Jain, IAS (Probationer) (2) Shri Danish Ashraf, IAS (Probationer) and (3) Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS (Probationer) as Assistant Collector, 1st Grade under the said Act in the said territory , as confers upon them all the powers of Collector under the said Act in the said territory w.e.f the date of assumption of charge and so long as they hold the post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. (3) E No. 1(742)/GAJEstt./DC/R/P./2012/2988.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (1) of within the National Capital Territory of Delhi, of Section 7 read with Section 76 of the Delhi Land Revenue Act, 1954 (Act No. 12 of 1954) the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby appoints (1) Ms. Pooja Jain, IAS (Probationer) (2) Shri Danish Ashraf, IAS (Probationer) and (3) Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS (Probationer) as Assistant Collector, 1st Class and Revenue Assistant in the said territory and confers upon them all the powers of Collector under the said Act in the said territory w,e.f. the date of assumption of charge and so long as they hold the post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. (4) F. No. 1(742)/GA/Estt./DC/R/P./2012/2988.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 read with Clause 6 of the Section 3 of the Northern India Canal & Drainage Act, 1873 (Act No. 2 of 1873) as enforced in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi 'hereby appoints (1) Ms. Pooja Jain, IAS (Probationer) (2) Shri Danish Ashraf, IAS (Probationer) and (3) Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS (Probationer) as Collector, to exercise or perform the duties conferred or imposed under the said Act in the said territory w. e. f the date of assumption of charge and so long as they hold the post of Sub- . Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. (5) F. No. 1(742)/GAJEstt./DC/RJR/2012/2988.—In exercise of the powers conferred by clause 19-A of Section3 of the Delhi Land Reforms Act, 1954 (Act No. 8 of 1954) the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby empowers (1) Ms. Pooja Jain, IAS (Probationer) (2) Shri Danish Aslu-af, IAS (Probationer) and (3) Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS (Probationer) as Assistant Collector, 1st Class to perform the function of Revenue Assistant described in the Schedule I as appended to the said Act in the said territory w. e.f. the date of assumption-of charge and go long as they hold the post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. (6) F. No. 1(742)/GA/Esti/DC/R/P./2012/2988.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of Section 20 of East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation & Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948 (Act No. 50 of 1948) as enforced in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to appoint (1) Ms. Pooja Jain, IAS (Probationer) (2) Shri Danish Ashraf, IAS (Probationer) and (3) Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS (Probationer) as Settlement Officer (Consolidation) for the purpose of the aforesaid Act in the said territory w.e.f. the date of assumption of charge and so long as they hold the post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. F. No. 1(742)/GAJEstt./DC/R/P./2012/2988.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause (c) of the Section (7) 2 of the Delhi Land Holding (Ceiling) Act, 1960 (F. No. 24 of 1960) the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi, is pleased to authorize (1) Ms. Pooja Jain, IAS (Probationer) (2) Shri Danish Ashraf, IAS (Probationer) and (3) Shri Ravi Dhawan, IAS (Probationer) to perform the function of the Competent Authority under the said Act in the said territory to which the provisions of the said Act are applicable w.e.f. the date of assumption of charge and so long as they hold the post of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. (cid:9) (cid:9) 4 DELHI GAZELLE : EXTRAORDINARY(cid:9) [PARTIV T4. W. 7( 34 )t•thiltell711,7./717. W./M/2012/2987,4R fq1181, fkrM1 titti**311k7FTI: 538 fcit3-10-2012 * *4 4 al fa* t-AR 97{71F, -1 (GIN) A -RAI.* 1-11-2012 (Itafq),(cid:9) 16Alci41( ( afse didi) &for di( *--r **az A41u filar 4F I 317:— ( 1 ) 1i. x:67. 7( 34 )/thritetra."‘./thir.rdE./2012/2987.-11314 7174191 k-)7 scx,1 T1ifeRcurtd Li,gm 11-1Aer4 affilr97114, 1887 Th"/ 31:1-NR1 27/1/* (1887 341419414 4(9.‘r 17) 1;71 Agit V1f4W11(cid:9) svil+4 qRA (cid:9) Axita TI-4%.111 411 Cceril d11(1141C-1 glki(cid:9) tart 971-T9, (cid:9) (gym) 1 3-174*R147*rda*Ifara7174 a* 4 amicr ?as l4 ci54loqi{ -* 7 TF:178* 3424M 3-7N14 a44711 cm *1 tAaA 0-7 4"I 4 k4W4ch *--aaz-{ fgata (cid:9) *-1- ;aricitd Nara *ft Aicil ( 2 ) Ti. 11FT. 7( 34 )itmt4laR./T1‘ W./9-41./2012/2987, -1*II7MNT91 414 fcrvil 4311 fgtaifta dtit-771 9jxiztt4 3#14117414, 1901 Th11- WIT 15 I11-371-4.1M (1) gtif list( 71f47(711 M7 mil+ I thtd 7 Aftzi 1a4rt1 eta fcr1i (cid:9) ski al fa* t-TrAaaTar, (cid:9) (cm) *1 alak W7I1-7 #1174 Tit fara A 744a A* a (1,r1k4 fa9m14 ciz+ilccKR* '7 7 *Tam *slam al-Fisq a*F1 at *1 gTl 70 tf, *r2rd Oa 4 4wach *7'1-4z7 fgal4 *ft all qirctwit mcr-I ( 3 )(cid:9) T67. 7( 34 )/(iAt441AI.IR,./thiti, W./WC/2042/2987.-71171 1 74191 kti7 4c-c1(cid:9) t pitclinsf (cid:9) 4,11,4 .71.d tqw-ot-T4t-qtqu.s-E(:6-24p4) 3lffir7M, 1948 (1948(cid:9) 31faca44 A. 50)3,1 am 14 3,1 B7-4Ri (2) gikt TrIC7 71f Wail TT 5141Th-14 Sq TIM ITra91(cid:9) *(cid:9) V7-9 LIM gig 3ft f"19 t- TTWd-{717, (cid:9) (SIN) 914.1.*TAar{ AarFA ma rata 11 (cid:9) of wa at a kme4 fiwr 4 0541(15ft * 7 *Ow slam at 31-1#11 ch * ITO(cid:9) Oq 4 (cid:9)loci Traaal a allarAAA *- *Alfa 4*-4-41 aTf4A# fazjaa fwm (cid:9) I ( 4 ) '4. thl. 7( 34 )/,1.1,4 /4%7./7m. W./Tf./2012/2987.-1i 1a TiAttit *Iq fcc.vil 4 7428 fatcii(cid:9) fcc ti 9-1-04.R4,34f4r1974, 1954 (1954 affilf57174 Wail 12) Th11" tIFT 77 gRi 5144 Ttr-4717* *11 Aa1rT chka (cid:9) rc,-14 1CMIT91 kt1 fsc-cril S411,re441ci ram 3T1f49 girt trTed[F, ft-II (GIN) 3,1 at7r4 *vim 1f9rd-4 fffr2T 11 74 74 A* 4.M`71+4 f49-171 4 (wk-acicl(*tg TIT "Trzhff aitTql 31fUR 37-011 dab 17170 SI, Wfkff kl7 4 tlelvm W4E1 WIT 011 (cid:9) WS-N •TlIcil I F. No 7(34)/REV./GA/Rev. P./Teh./2012/2987.—In pursuance of Services Department's Order No. 538 dated 3-10-2012, Shri Mncd Kumar Dhatrawal, Grade-I (DASS) has jointed as Tehsildar (Model Town), Distt. North on 1-11-2012 (F/N) Now, therefore : (1) F. No. 7(34)/REV/GA/Rev. P./Teh./2012/2987.—In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub- section (I) of Section 27 of Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887 ( Act No. XVII of 1887) as enforced in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby pleased to confer upon Sh. Vinod Kumar Dhatrawal, Grade-I (DASS) the power of Assistant Collector, Grade-II under the said Act in the said territory, w.e.f. date of assumption of charge and so long as he holds the post of Tehsildar in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever is earlier. (2) F. No. 7(34)/REV/GA/Rev. P./Teh./2012/2987.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Uttar Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1901, as enforced in the National Capital Teriitory of Delhi the Lt. Governor of National Capital Terrritory of Delhi is pleased to confer upon Shri Vinod Kumar Dhatrawal, Graded (DASS) the powers of Assistant Collector, Grade-II under the said Act in the said territory, w.e.f date of assumption of charge and so long as he holds the post of Tehsildar in the Revenue Department or till further orders which ever is earlier. (3) F. No. 7(34)/REV/GA/Rev. P./Teh./2012/2987.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 14 of the East Punjab Holdings (Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948 (Act No. 50 of 1948), as enforced in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby appoints Sh. Vinod Kumar Dhatrawal, Grade-I (DASS) as Consolidation Officer in the said territory, for the purpose of the aforesaid Act, w.e.f. date of assumption of charge and so long as he holds the post of Tehsildar in the Revenue Department or till further orders whichever in earlier. (4) F. No. 7(34)/REV/GA/Rev. P./Teh./2012/2987.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 77 of Delhi Land Revenue Act, 1954 (Act No. 12 of 1954), the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi is pleased to confer upon Sh. Vinod Kumar Dhatrawal, Grade-I (DASS) the powers of Assistant Collector, Grade-II under the said Act in the said territory, w.e.f date of assumption of charge and so long as he holds the post of Tehsildar in the Revenue Lfrepartment or till further orders whichever is earlier. [Pm IV(cid:9) DELHI GAZEllE . EXTRAORDINARY 5 43 fz4irp79 t4Tf4 (cid:9)rE B1c2.t i)R Tk.r r-41a91 lT6i cM7/1uK(cid:9) 0z i 7k/72a- 0 R1a1-0cf--q0(c114/‘23411-*47+ 14.3. 7,7a 4-1ltf8l.twal8flq77l17 1/T (cid:9)11119 (0W11,t I hfT -i2TT6-f7rc (t h1iIfI)lt/ aTA2 t91tr (cid:9)85f r6(f1,f 9— f0aI1.*rP(cid:9) .4"tz /4 t31(cid:9) :f31t1,-.- fa(rTmof1rt/4ewrP-r Ta34f7•t R4r3w1)c(cid:9) 7trik7l i,4 l1 *09T175014,1 ts.97r c1V-u -9A 737711 -i49719(cid:9) 9(T1 9f5sc4(cid:9)M 7T r 7 irt m cm 4 srtl- f-4414, Tricr14 2r%Tr- .Wr fwt-16145h Itt-qT* 11' Ow, fkrza fitchlt aTET4 7ut 99 t64 z(r 3Trn4 airk* nen w} *TO • 3d1c-4hf 7aif iLa zfli * 3(cid:9) 17riqac 1211i311V1 VT({41/ 1t ro4:9.191' k49, fcr41 4 fcrol k Jl(cid:9) RT falwr ticaid•fc-- 2 nit Trerrifff 3If9F7-9, 2003 L01. *.fffq Wigoil 1c- —€7 1S -1(cid:9) *MI. 341-mt fa' r chka 34%2Wrft 9r4 vc 1. 311- 37. 71. cr 9., 70 7F-974 t-a4 2. afl 3r4l*-tliff (cid:9) 2.f 7-r974 1:(-42w TIV-zr Trwt 311--41 941 dIch 977, t-e--494(cid:9) 'r'{, Mc{ Tr-44 (th,H-cf)/dcrrlem F. No. 11(10)/2000/Rev./DC./Part File II/2986.—In exercise of the Powers conferred by Section 7 of the Delhi Land Revenue Act, 1954 and Section 15 of the Uttar Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1901 (UP Act III of 1901) as extended to the National Capital Territory of Delhi and clause (b) of sub-section (I) of Section 27 of the Punjab Land Revenue Act, 1887, as extended to the National Capital Territory of Delhi, the Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, hereby appoints the following Officers working as Asstt. Registrar in the Co-operative Societies, Department of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi, as Assistant Collector Gr.-I and Recovery Officer under the said Acts for the purpose of recovery of such amount(s) is recoverable as arrears of Land Revenue under the Delhi Co-operative Societies Act, 2003, so long as they hold the post in the Department of Co-operative Societies or till further orders, whichever is earlier. SI. No. Name of the Officer Designation 1. Sh. R.S. Krishnan, Ad hoc DANICS Assistant Registrar 2. Sh: Ashok Kumar Verma, Ad hoc DANICS Assistant Registrar By Order and in the Name of the Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi, KULDEEP SINGE GANGAR, Spl. Secy . (Revenue)/Dg. Commissioner (HQ) t, n c7 ./K3 Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Road, Maya Puri, New Delhi-110064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054, 2013

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