Delft University of Technology Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) integrated power plants System and kinetic studies Thallam Thattai, Aditya DOI 10.4233/uuid:2c54c1c6-3f5f-43cd-897c-78d59db28e04 Publication date 2017 Document Version Final published version Citation (APA) Thallam Thattai, A. (2017). Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) integrated power plants: System and kinetic studies. Important note To cite this publication, please use the final published version (if applicable). Please check the document version above. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download, forward or distribute the text or part of it, without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license such as Creative Commons. Takedown policy Please contact us and provide details if you believe this document breaches copyrights. We will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. This work is downloaded from Delft University of Technology. For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to a maximum of 10. SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL (SOFC) INTEGRATED POWER PLANTS SYSTEM AND KINETIC STUDIES Aditya THALLAM THATTAI SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL (SOFC) INTEGRATED POWER PLANTS SYSTEM AND KINETIC STUDIES Proefschrift terverkrijgingvandegraadvandoctor aandeTechnischeUniversiteitDelft,, voorzittervanhetCollegevoorPromoties, inhetopenbaarteverdedigenopmaandag26juni2017om12:30uur door Aditya THALLAM THATTAI MasterofScienceinMechanicalEngineering DelftUniversityofTechnology,theNetherlands geborenteNagpurVidarbhaMS,India. Ditproefschriftisgoedgekeurddoorde Promotoren: Copromotor: Dr.P.V.Aravind Samenstellingpromotiecommissie: RectorMagnificus voorzitter TechnischeUniversiteitDelft,promotor Prof.dr.J.J.C.Geerlings TechnischeUniversiteitDelft,promotor Dr.P.V.Aravind TechnischeUniversiteitDelft,copromotor Onafhankelijkeleden: TechnischeUniversiteitDelft UniversiteitTwente Prof.dr.E.Worrell UniversiteitUtrecht Dr.A.Moreno ENEA,Italy Prof.dr.D.J.E.M.Roekaerts TechnischeUniversiteitDelft,reservelid Copyright©2017byA.ThallamThattai ISBN978-94-6186-823-7 Anelectronicversionofthisdissertationisavailableat ThesiscoverdesignedbyReshuGupta a(cid:66)(cid:82)(cid:103)(cid:0)(cid:114)(cid:94) (cid:107)(cid:108)(cid:65)(cid:100)(cid:65)(cid:110) (cid:45)(cid:84)(cid:0)(cid:108) (cid:108)(cid:34)(cid:40)(cid:118)(cid:109)(cid:70)(cid:121)(cid:0)(cid:3)(cid:113)। (cid:116)(cid:0)(cid:82)(cid:103)(cid:121) (cid:109)(cid:104)(cid:115)(cid:3) ((cid:109)(cid:104)(cid:116)(cid:3)) (cid:116)(cid:45)(cid:109)(cid:123) (cid:116)(cid:0)(cid:114)(cid:82)(cid:103)(cid:121) (cid:109)(cid:0)(cid:75)(cid:3) (cid:110)(cid:109):॥ Salutations to Lord Hayagreeva, the Supreme Efful- gence, whose gifts of knowledge are as innumerable as they areimperishable. Summary Increased climate change over past decades has resulted in an increase in the av- erage temperature (also called global warming) of Earth’s climate system. At the recent Paris climate conference (COP21) in 2015, 195 countries in the world have agreed upon a stringent plan to limit global warming below 2oC. This demands a significantreductionintheindustrialemissionofgreenhousegases,predominantly carbon dioxide (CO ). Existing fossil fuel (coal, natural gas) fired power plants 2 account for the majority share in global carbon dioxide (CO ) and other harmful 2 (SO , NO )emissions. Thereforeclean, efficientandflexiblepowerplantconcepts x x need to be developed towards upgrading existing power plants and to meet the strictCO emissiontargets. Combinedcyclepowerplantsliketheintegratedgasifi- 2 cationcombinedcycle,IGCC(coalbased)andintegratedreformingcombinedcycle, IRCC (natural gas based) can be utilized to produce electricity using fossil fuels at relativelyhighefficienciescomparedtoconventionalsinglecycleplants. Possible approaches to make IGCC/IRCC power plants cleaner, efficient and moreflexibleincludebiomassutilization(renewableenergysource),applicationof CO capturetechnologies,retrofittingwithhighlyefficientfuelconversiontechnolo- 2 gies like solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and energy/fuel storage. This dissertation primarily aims to provide design concepts and thermodynamic system analysis for large scale IGCC and IRCC power plants with a focus on achieving high electrical efficiencies, low CO emissions and high operational flexibility. SOFCs have been 2 explored as an efficiency augmenting technology and metal hydride based hydro- gen storage as a flexibility option. Furthermore, future development of safe and optimally operating hydrocarbon (like natural gas (methane)) fuelled SOFC units on the basis of system and numerical models, requires reliable experimental data and understanding in the underlying reaction kinetics. Thereupon, an extended experimental study has been carried out in this work on methane steam reforming (MSR)kineticsinsingleoperatingSOFCs. Thedissertationcomprisesof4mainparts: a)anexperimentalmodelvalidation studyonhighpercentage(upto70%)biomassco-gasificationinIGCCpowerplants (called bio-IGCC) based on an existing coal based power plant in the Netherlands. b) a thermodynamic system study towards retrofitting SOFCs and CO capture in 2 existing IGCC power plants with a focus on near future implementation. c) a ther- modynamic system design study on flexible IRCC power plants with metal hydride based hydrogen storage and a preliminary study on integrating SOFCs in natural vii SUMMARY gas (methane) based power plant systems. d) an experimental study on methane steamreforming(MSR)reactionkineticsinsingleoperatingSOFCs. Co-gasificationofbiomasslikewoodpelletscombinedwithcarbondioxide(CO ) 2 captureinexistingcoalbasedIGCCpowerplantshasalargepotentialtoreduceCO 2 emissionsinthenearfuture. Woodybiomassislargelyconsideredacarbonneutral fuelbasedonahypothesesthatitremovesasmuchCO fromtheenvironmentdur- 2 ing its growth as is emitted after its conversion in industrial plants. In order to assess biomass co-gasification as a clean energy technology, high percentage (upto 70% energy based) biomass co-gasification tests were carried out in the past by NUON/Vattenfall at the currently defunct 253 MW coal based Willem-Alexander e Centrale(WAC),BuggenuminTheNetherlandsutilizingsteamexplodedwoodpel- lets. Chapter 2 of this dissertation presents the obtained experimental data with a detailed and validated steady state thermodynamic off-design model developed as an aid to assess future plant operations. The validation study shows a reasonably accurate model prediction for a net power output of 173 MW and a net plant ef- e ficiency of about 37.2%. Furthermore, the need to carry out co-gasification with high lower heating value (LHV) torrefied wood pellets has also been pointed out. Confirming previous reports in literature, an exergy analysis of the complete sys- tem indicates largest exergy destruction in the gasifier and gas turbine combustor, suggesting an additional scope for process improvements. Despite unavoidable in- consistenciesintheobtainedplantdata, ithasbeenshownthatoff-designthermo- dynamicmodelscanbeeffectivelyutilizedtopredictpowerplantperformancewith arelativelyhighaccuracy(within3%relativedeviation). Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), operating at high temperatures (700-1000oC) are fuel flexible and highly efficient electrochemical devices for electricity produc- tion. Existingcoal/biomassfiredIGCCpowerplantscouldberetrofittedwithSOFCs andnovelCO capturetechnologiestoreduceCO emissionsandincreasenetelec- 2 2 trical efficiencies in near future. Utilization of SOFCs also promotes lower SO x andNO emissions. Chapter3presentsadetailedthermodynamicanalysistowards x retrofittingSOFCsandCO captureinbio-IGCCpowerplantsusingoff-designmod- 2 elsdevelopedbasedonvalidatedmodelspresentedinChapter2. Twosystemshave been presented: i) a system based on WAC design with partial SOFC-CO capture 2 retrofit i,e only part of the syngas fuel is utilized in the SOFC and CO capture 2 unit ii) a newly designed integrated gasification fuel cell (IGFC) system with CO 2 capturewhereinsyngasfueliscompletelyconvertedintheSOFCunit. Thetwosys- temstogetherhavebeenusedtopinpointthatexistingIGCCpowerplantscouldbe operatedwithmorethan40%netelectricalefficiencywithoutmajorprocessmodi- ficationswhenpartiallyretrofittedwithSOFCs(upto40MW )andoxy-combustion e CO capture. ThestudyfurtherrevealsthatfullscaleCO captureandSOFCintegra- 2 2 tion requires major redesign of the gas turbine and heat recovery steam generator (HRSG). The reduction in thermodynamic losses in both systems compared to the basesystem(presentedinChapter2)withoutSOFCandCO capturehasalsobeen 2 clearlypointedoutwithanexergy(2nd law)analysis. Natural gas, a relatively cleaner fossil fuel compared to coal, is an additional primary fuel utilized for electrical power production. Chapter 4 of this disserta- viii SUMMARY tion with an aim to assess operational flexibility presents a thermodynamic system study on IRCC power plants with metal hydride based hydrogen (H ) storage and 2 pre-combustion CO capture. The central idea explored in this study to introduce 2 operational flexibility is, the storage of H in a metal hydride (Magnesium hydride 2 (MgH )) during low power demand and utility of the stored H for power produc- 2 2 tion during high power demand. Metal hydrides (MH) as a H storage option in 2 power plants offer multiple advantages in terms of relatively high storage capaci- ties (%wt) and extensive possibilities for heat integration within the system. The comparativestudyusingsteadystateIRCCsystemmodelswithandwithoutH stor- 2 age shows that addition of MH based H storage in IRCC power plants causes an 2 insignificant penalty of the net system efficiency and that these system could be operatedwithatimebasedaverageefficiencyabove45%withappropriateheatin- tegration. TheH splitfractionandchoiceofthemetalhydride(reactionenthalpy) 2 are identified as two important design parameters. Additional aspects regarding the temperature pinch in the HRSG and feed water preheaters (FWP) have also been addressed. The reformer and gas turbine combustor have been identified as sources for the largest thermodynamic irreversibilities. As a preliminary investiga- tion, Appendix 4A of this dissertation presents a system study towards retrofitting suchsystemswithSOFCstowardsreducingtheseirreversibilities. FuelconversioninSOFCscannotbecompletelyunderstoodbasedonlyonther- modynamic investigations. It is of vital importance to also investigate the underly- ingreactionkineticstodeveloplarger,saferSOFCunitsforpowerplantintegration andtopreciselypredictundesirabletemperaturegradientsinthecell. Furthermore, it is also important to obtain reliable experimental data for developing accurate systemandnumericalmodels. Chapter5ofthisdissertationpresentsanexperimen- tal study on MSR kinetics in an operating single SOFC with Ni-GDC (gadolinium doped ceria) anodes. The study has been carried out for relatively low inlet steam concentrations (steam to carbon (S/C) ratio around 1) and moderate current den- sities upto 3000 A/m2. Based on experimental methane conversion obtained at various operating temperatures, gas compositions and current densities, a kinetic model has been developed to calculate and compare relevant kinetic parameters using two approaches - power law (PL) and general Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) kinetics. Resultsusingbothapproachesindicatethatelectrochemicalhydrogenox- idation (current) marginally promotes methane conversion and the MSR reaction rate. However, the inlet methane partial pressure and the operating temperature have been identified as the most important factors affecting the rate. Although both approaches predict the same net MSR reaction rates, a significant difference isobservedinthepredictedrateandspeciespartialpressuredistributionalongthe channel length. Furthermore, experiments indicate that methane reforming on an- odecurrentcollectorsinalwaysnotnegligible,particularlyathighertemperatures. In a nutshell, the work presented in this dissertation is an important step for- ward towards the conceptual design and development of clean, efficient and flexi- ble SOFC integrated IGCC/IRCC power plants. The work additionally exposes the importanceandthermodynamicadvantagesofemployingsolidoxidefuelcellsand metalhydridebasedhydrogenstorageinlargescale(>150MW )powerplants. As e ix