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Delayed feedback induced directed inertia particle transport in a washboard potential D. Hennig and L. Schimansky-Geier Institut fu¨r Physik, Humboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin, Newtonstr. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany P. Ha¨nggi Institut fu¨r Physik, Universit¨at Augsburg, Universit¨atsstr. 1, 86135 Augsburg, Germany (Dated: January 27, 2009) 9 WeconsidermotionofanunderdampedBrownianparticleinawashboardpotentialthatissubjected 0 toanunbiasedtime-periodicexternalfield. Whileinthelimitingdeterministicsystemindependence 0 ofthestrengthandphaseoftheexternalfielddirectednetmotioncanexist,forafinitetemperature 2 the net motion averages to zero. Strikingly, with the application of an additional time-delayed n feedback term directed particle motion can be accomplished persisting up to fairly high levels of a the thermal noise. In detail, there exist values of the feedback strength and delay time for which J the feedback term performs oscillations that are phase locked to the time-periodic external field. 7 This yields an effective biasing rocking force promoting periods of forward and backward motion 2 of distinct duration, and thus directed motion. In terms of phase space dynamics we demonstrate that with applied feedback desymmetrization of coexisting attractors takes place leaving the ones ] supporting either positive or negative velocities as the only surviving ones. Moreover, we found h parameter ranges for which in the presence of thermal noise the directed transport is enhanced c compared to thenoise-less case. e m PACSnumbers: 05.40.-a,02.50.Ey,05.60.-k,05.65.+b,87.15.-v - t a t I. INTRODUCTION lay coupling [18]. The effect of time-delayedfeedback on s . the rectificationofthermalmotionof Brownianparticles t a hasbeenstudiedinoverdampedratchetsystems[19]-[25]. m Transportphenomenaplayafundamentalroleinmany Arecentexperimentalimplementationusingsuchafeed- - physicalsystems. In this context, the theme of a ratchet back mechanism for a flashing ratchet has been realized d dynamics has attracted considerable interest over the with an optical line trap: it has been observed that the n past years. This is particularly due to the fact that the use of feedback increases the ratchet velocity up to an o ratcheteffectassiststhecreationofadirectedflowofpar- order of magnitude [26], in agreement with theory. c ticles without the presence of any bias force in the sys- [ Stabilization of chaotic motion in deterministic iner- tem. The ratchet dynamics has been mainly applied to tia ratchetsystems to increase the currentefficiency was 1 biologicalormesoscopicsystemswhereBrownianmotion v considered in Refs. [27],[28]. Furthermore, an asymmet- inaperiodicasymmetricpotentialtogetherwithdissipa- 9 ricratchetpotentialwithincludedtime-delayedfeedback tion enters in some form the problem and the directed 8 wastreatedinthe contextofaninertialBrownianmotor 1 motion is generated from nonequilibrium noise, see the [29]. 4 various overviews on molecular and Brownian motors in . Refs. [1]-[5]. On the other hand for periodic systems Ourpaper,dealingwithtime-delayedfeedbackinduced 1 with maintained spatial symmetry the accomplishment directed motion, is organized as follows: First we intro- 0 9 of directed net motion necessitates that the system is duce the model of an inertial Brownian particle evolv- 0 exerted to additional biasing (symmetry-reducing) im- ing inasymmetric spatiallyperiodic potentialunder the : pacts. Here we consider particle motion in a washboard influence of an additional time-delayed feedback term. v potential which is often employed as as a paradigm to The subsequent section concerns the underlying deter- i X model transport in one-dimensional periodic and sym- ministic dynamics. In particular bifurcation diagrams r metric structures [6],[7]-[13]. A symmetric (unbiased) with and without applied time-delayed feedback are dis- a external force is assumed to rock the potential. Our cussed. The impact of a heat bath of fixed temperature aim is to demonstrate that directed particle transport on the particle transport features is studied in Section can be achieved with the application of a time-delayed IV. Finally we summarize our results. feedbackmethodinawidetemperaturerange. Although the delayed feedback method was originally proposed by Pyragas [14] to stabilize unstable states in determinis- tic systems meanwhile it has been facilitated in various II. THE MODEL other contexts [15] among them there is also the control of purely noise-induced oscillations [16],[17]. Recently in the context of controlling transport in Brownian motors We consider an inertia Brownianparticle that is mov- afeedbackstrategyhasbeensuccessfullyutilizedfortwo ing along a one-dimensional periodic structure. The dy- ratchet systems interacting through a unidirectional de- namics is governed by the following inertial Langevin 2 equation expressed in dimensionless form dU q¨+γq˙ = +F sin(ωt+θ0)+ξ(t)+f(t). (1) −dq Thedotdenotesdifferentiationwithrespecttotime. The particleevolvesinaspatially-periodicandsymmetricpo- tential U(q)=U(q+1)= cos(2πq)/(2π), (2) − ofunitperiodL=1andbarrierheight∆E =1/πandits position and velocity are quantified by the variable q(t) and q˙(t) v(t) respectively. The particle is driven by ≡ anexternal,time-dependentforcingfieldofamplitudeF, frequencyωandphaseθ0. Inadditionitissubjectedtoa Gaussiandistributedthermal,white noiseξ(t)ofvanish- ingmean ξ(t) =0,obeyingthewell-knownfluctuation- h i ′ ′ dissipation relation ξ(t)ξ(t ) =2γk Tδ(t t) with k B B h i − and T denoting the Boltzmann constant and tempera- ture, respectively. The friction strength is measured by the parameter γ. The last term in Eq. (1) denotes a continuous time-delayed feedback term of the form f(t)=K[q˙(t τ) q˙(t)] (3) − − FIG. 1: (a): Bifurcation diagram as a function of the ampli- of strength K and with delay time τ. Before we embark tude of the external driving without time-delayed feedback, on the study of the Brownianparticle motion it illustra- i.e. K =0andremainingparametervalues: ω=2.25,γ =0.1 tivetoconsiderthedeterministiclimitingcasearisingfor andT =0. (b): Meanvelocityvm/v0 asafunctionoftheam- vanishing thermalnoise,i.e. T =0. For ourstudy wefix plitudeoftheexternaldriving. Forlateruseadashedvertical thefollowingparametervaluesγ =0.1,ω =2.25,θ0 =0. line is drawn at thevalue F =1.5 III. THE DETERMINISTIC CASE Here N denotes the number of particles constituting theensemblewithassociatedinitialconditionsq (0)and n The dynamics of the deterministic system (T =0) ex- vn(0)thatarechosensuchthattheinterioroftheunper- hibits very rich and complex behavior and depending on turbed separatrix in phase plane is uniformly covered. the parameter values and initial conditions one finds pe- We express vm in terms of the ratio of the spatial and riodic, or aperiodic (quasiperiodic and/or chaotic) solu- temporal periods L/Te v0 with v0 0.358 being the ≡ ≃ tionsinthelongtimelimit[31]-[35]. Thecharacterofthe velocityforrunningsolutionsthatadvancebyonespatial phase flow evolving without feedback term (K =0) in a period during one period duration of the external field. three-dimensional phase space is conveniently displayed For undercritical amplitudes of the modulation force byaPoincar´emapusingtheperiodoftheexternalforce, F . 0.6 those particles which are initially residing near Te =2π/ω =2π/2.25 2.791, as the stroboscopic time. the bottom of a potential well, remain trapped. Increas- ≃ The deterministic equationofmotion wasintegratednu- ing F leads to escape from the potential wells and the merically and omitting a transient phase points were set particle jumps subsequently from one well to another in the map at times being multiples of the period dura- one. The arising two typical scenarios are the pinned tion Te. In Fig.1(a) the bifurcation diagram as a func- and running states respectively. In the former state the tion of the amplitude of the external driving is depicted. motion proceeds at most over a finite number of spa- tialperiodswhereasinthelatterstatemotionisdirected Particle transport is quantitatively assessed by the and unrestricted in the spatial dimension. In terms of mean velocity which we define as the time average of the phase flow running asymptotic solutions correspond the ensemble averagedvelocity, i.e. to phase locked periodic attractors transporting a parti- 1 Ts cle with velocity v = m/n over m spatial periods of the ′ ′ vm = Ts Z0 dthvn(t)i, (4) ppoertieondtiicalfideuldr.ingRunnpneinrigodasdyumrpattoiotnicssToeluotifotnhsemeaxyteranlsaol with simulation time T and with the ensemble average be supported by aperiodic attractors. s given by In the bifurcation diagram associated with the dy- namics without applied time-delayed feedback shown in N 1 v (t) = v (t). (5) Fig.1(a) one recognizes vertically extended stripes cov- n n h i N nX=1 ered densely with points corresponding to non phase 3 tively, with the choice of a fixed phase θ0 the symmetry ofthe flowis reducedanda phase-dependentnetmotion is found. (Note that additional averagingover the phase θ0 yields zero mean velocity.) Due to symmetry reasons it holds that the sign of the mean velocity is reversed upon the changes θ0 = 0 θ0 = π and F F re- → → − spectively. However, there exists a phase 0 <θ0 < π for which symmetry between the two coexisting periodic at- tractors supporting solutions with velocities of opposite sign,v0and v0,isrestoredandthereforethenetmotion − vanishes. Inthe numericalsimulationofthe system(1)with ap- plied time-delayed feedback term (3) we set f(t) = 0 in the interval t [0,τ), that is the system is affected by ∈ f(t) only for t ≧ τ. We performed extensive numerical studies to identify optimal parameters of the feedback term which establish efficient directed net motion. It turns out that this is achievable for delay times in the range of 1.65.τ .2.00 and for feedback strength K & 0.8(seealsofurtherbelowinFig.6). Inthe followingwe illustrate exemplarily the impact of time-delayed feed- back on the transport properties for a feedback strength K = 0.9 and delay time τ = 1.95 0.7 T . With FIG.2: AsinFig. 1 butwith switched-on time-delayedfeed- e ≃ × back of strength K = 0.9 and delay time τ = 1.95. The such appropriate feedback term applied the extension remaining parameter values read as: ω = 2.25, γ = 0.1 and of the aperiodic regions shrinks considerably and only T =0. a comparatively narrow band of aperiodic behavior for 1 . F . 1.11 prevails in the bifurcation diagram illus- trated in Fig. 2(a). Remarkably, for F &1.63 the lower lockedaperiodic attractorsandseveralperiodic windows period-oneattractorsupportingnegativevelocitieslooses as well as period-doubling cascades to chaos. These fea- stability and is converted into a repellor leaving the up- tures of the phase flow are readily attributed to the per attractor of positive velocity as the only persisting resulting mean velocity of the net motion (depicted in attractor. Thus application of feedback results in a re- Fig.1(b)). Theensembleaverageistakenoveranensem- shaping of the bifurcation diagram. In fact, due to the ble of N = 5000 trajectories with uniformly distributed absence of the period-one attractor supporting motion initial conditions q(0) and v(0). For computation of the with velocityv = v0 only running solutions with veloc- − long-time average the simulation time interval for each ityvm =v0 arethenrecognizedinFig.2(b)showingthe trajectoryistakenasT =5 105 1.8 105 T . Weno- mean velocity as a function of F. Otherwise the mean s e ticealmostintheentireF-ra×ngev≃anish×ingm×eanvelocity velocityraisesformzerolevelforovercriticalF &1.1and v =0. Theexceptionsaretheintervals0.74.F .0.80 grows with increasing F until F & 1.63 when v = v0 is m and 1.36 . F . 1.62 for which the solutions are associ- attained. ated with multiple coexisting attractors lying in fairly In order to gain insight into the feedback-induced extended periodic windows in Fig. 1(a). Focusing inter- mechanismthatleadstodirectedtransport(occurringfor est on the latter one we note that at F & 1.36 tangent F &1.63 in the period-one window in Fig. 2) we display bifurcations give birth to two coexisting period-one at- thetemporalbehaviorofthefeedbacktermf(t),givenin tractors. The upper one of them is related with positive Eq. (3), and the external driving term F(t) = F sin(ωt) particle velocity v = v0 > 0 whereas on the lower one and their sum F(t)+f(t) in Fig. 3 for driving ampli- particlesmovewithvelocityv = v0 <0. Forincreasing tude F = 1.8. Throughout the time the feedback term − F & 1.62 these attractors are destroyed by way of crisis f(t) performs oscillations possessing considerable asym- after passage through a period-doubling route to chaos. metry. Mostimportantly,theseoscillationsareentrained Theoppositelyrunningsolutionsattributedtothetwo to the (symmetric) external driving term with a phase period-one attractors contribute to the mean velocity shift. The sum F(t)+f(t), performing asymmetric os- with different weight with the one with positive velocity cillations, determines the effective rocking force exerted v = v0 being dominant and thus yielding the window of ontheparticle. Thisratchingforceisself-induceddueto positive mean velocity v . Apparently, the directed mo- the feedback in comparison with the externally imposed m tion results from a lowering of the dynamical symmetry ratchingforceintheformofasymmetricperiodicdriving caused by the external modulation field [30],[13]. That fields considered in [30]. is, even though the potential and the external modula- Howthedirectedrightwardparticlemotionisenforced tionfieldarespatiallyandtemporarilysymmetricrespec- by this effective biasing rocking force is illustrated in 4 ing force that after passing through its maximal value 2 declines. Nevertheless, until half of the time span T is f F(t)+f(t) reached the particle motion is still enhanced in the for- f(t) ward direction. Afterwards for t > T /2 the effective f 1 rocking force becomes negative and thus the momentum oftheparticleisreducedsteadilywithincreasinglynega- e tivevaluesofF(t)+f(t). Theendoftheforward-motion c 0 r periodis designatedby the middle verticalline inFig. 4. o f However, there remains only comparatively little time, namely T < T , during which backward-motion is en- −1 b f forced, that is when during the depreciation period the effective rocking force is negative. Consequently, the asymmetry in the enhancement −2 F(t) and depreciation phases serves for a rather long period 4000 4002 4004 4006 t of forward-motion compared to the backward-motion. Therefore the effective motion of the particle proceeds FIG.3: Timeevolutionofthefeedbacktermf(t),thedriving to the right. Notably, this feature is induced by entrain- force term F(t) and their sum F(t)+f(t) with K =0.9 and ment of the asymmetric time-delayed feedback term to delay time τ = 1.95. The remaining parameter values read the symmetric external modulation field if the feedback as: F =1.8, ω=2.25, γ =0.1 and T =0. strengthanddelaytime aresuitably chosen. Notice that this oscillation behavior of the time-delayed feedback termisdifferentfromnoninvasivecontrolmethodswhere 3 thedelayedfeedbackcontrolvanishesonceatargetedun- T T stableperiodicorbithasbeenstabilized[14],[15],[28],[29]. f b 2 IV. DIRECTED THERMAL NET PARTICLE de 1 MOTION u plit m 0 We now study the impact of a heat bath of fixed tem- a perature T >0 on the particle transport features. With the inclusion of finite thermal noise transitions between −1 q(t) F(t)+f(t) the now metastable attractors are likely and, indepen- dent of the initial conditions, trajectories permeate the −2 whole phase space rendering the dynamics ergodic. 4000 4002 4004 4006 Forthecomputationofthemeanvelocitytheensemble t average in (5) was taken over N = 5000 realizations of the thermal noise for an arbitrarily chosen initial condi- FIG.4: Timeevolutionoftheparticleamplitudeq(t)andthe effectiverockingforceF(t)+f(t)withK =0.9anddelaytime tion. Themeanvelocityvmrepresentedwithoutfeedback τ =1.95. The remaining parameter values read as: F =1.8, termbutinthe presenceofthermalnoiseofafairlyhigh ω =2.25, γ =0.1 and T =0. Horizontal solid (dashed) lines level of kBT = 0.1 ∆E in Fig. 5(a) is zero regard- × indicatethepositionofthemaxima(minima)oftheunbiased lessofthevalueofthe modulationfieldstrengthF. This washboard potential. hastobedistinguishedfromtheprecedingnoise-lesscase wherethereexistevenforK =0regionsofnonvanishing net motion (cf. Fig. 1) due to the fact that motion on Fig.4. (For the presentdiscussionwe discardthe contri- attractors with different sign of the velocity contribute bution from dU(q)/dq to the total force.) Clearly, an with distinct weight to the asymptotic net motion. In − oscillatingrockingforceleadsto passagesofforwardand otherwords,theimpactofthenoiseleadstosymmetriza- backward motion, also called enhancement and depreci- tion of the basins of attraction of transporting periodic ation periods. Crucially, the feedback term is suitably and/or aperiodic attractors. Therefore any initial condi- entrainedtotheexternaldrivingterminsuchawaythat tion yields zero asymptotic current. the periodofforwardmotionislongerthanitsbackward Interestingly, this situation changes imposing the counterpart,denotedbyT andT respectivelyinFig.4. Langevindynamicsadditionallytothetime-delayedfeed- f b Tobeprecise,atthemomentwhenthebackwardmotion backandwefoundparameterconstellationsforwhichdi- of the particle terminates the effective rocking force has rected net motion results despite the presence of strong notyetreacheditsmaximumasindicatedbytheleftver- noise. tical line in Fig. 4. Subsequently the particle moves in As Fig. 5(a) reveals, applying feedback of strength the forward direction due to the ongoing positive rock- K = 0.9 and delay time τ = 1.95, the mean velocity 5 1.2 (a) 1 1 (a) K=0.9 0.8 v00.5 v/m 0 0.6 0 K=0 /vm F=1.5, τ=1.95 v 0.4 0.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 F 0 −0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 1 K (b) K=0.9 1.2 v00.5 /m (b) v 1 K=0 0 0.8 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.6 k T/∆E v F=1.5, B /m v 0.4 K=0.9 0.2 FIG. 5: (a): Mean velocity in dependence of the external modulation field amplitude without and with applied time- 0 delayedfeedbackforceasindicatedintheplotandforthermal energy kBT = 0.1×∆E. (b): Mean velocity in dependence −0.2 ofthethermalenergyexpressedinunitsofthebarrierenergy, 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 τ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 kBT/∆E, and for fixed F = 1.5 and delay time τ = 1.95. The remaining parameter valuesare ω=2.25 and γ =0.1. FIG. 6: (a) Mean velocity in dependence of the strength of thetime-delayedfeedbackandforfixedF =1.5andτ =1.95. (b): Mean velocity in dependence of the delay time and for as a function of the external modulation field strengths fixed F =1.5 and K =0.9. The remaining parameter values exhibits a resonance-like structure for 1.2 . F . 1.7, are ω=2.25, γ =0.1 and kBT =0.1×∆E. i.e. for values of F for which transport exists in the de- terministic case. Strikingly, with the impact of thermal noisethefeedback-controlledtransportproceedsmoreef- that is for γ . 2.5 ω0 with ω0 = √2π being the fre- ≃ ficient in comparison with the deterministic case in the quencyofharmonicoscillationsnearthe bottomofa po- fairly wide range 1.2 . F . 1.7 (cf. Figs. 2 and 5(a)). tential well. On the other hand, for F & 1.7 the directed transport Further insight into the origin of running solutions feature of the deterministic system is destroyed by the in the noise case is gained from Fig. 7 showing the thermal fluctuations. Furthermore, like in the determin- stroboscopic map of the average trajectory defined as istic case, there exist a threshold value for the feedback q = N q /N and v = N v /N with and with- a n=1 n a n=1 n strength beyond which directed net motion is achieved out pPresence of the time-dePlayed feedback for external (see Fig. 6(a)) and the range of delay times being opti- modulation strength F = 1.5, a value for which in the mal for running solutions is indicated by the resonance- deterministic case the mean velocity remains nearly un- like structure in Fig. 6(b). affected when the feedback is applied (to ease the eyes ¿From Fig.5(b), illustrating the mean velocity in de- the vertical dashed line is drawn at the position of the pendence of the noise strength, one infers that directed value F =1.5 in Figs.1,2 and 5(a)). Without feedback, transport is sustained up to comparatively high noise K =0,thevelocityrangeoftheaveragetrajectoryisnot strengthbeforeitceaseseventuallytoexist. Ontheother only symmetric with respect to v =0 but remains con- a hand, it is seen that without feedback term, i.e. K = 0, fined within the boundaries of the separatrix loop of the the mean velocity averages to zero already for low noise undriven, undamped deterministic system (γ = F = 0). intensity. Asthedampingstrengthisconcernedwefound Thusthesolutionsrepresentpinnedstates. Withapplied that feed-back-induced directed motion is maintained as feedback of strength K =0.9 the v-symmetry is broken. long as the system remains in the underdamped regime, Moreover,thestroboscopicplotoftheaveragetrajectory 6 1802 1 1800 K=0.9 1798 0.5 qa1796 2x 104 1794 va 0 K=0 qa1 1792 0 0 2.5 5 t 4 −0.5 1790 x 10 attractor 5000 5010 5020 5030 t −1 FIG.8: Timeevolutionoftheaveragecoordinateqa (wiggled −0.5 q0 0.5 line). Thedashedstraightpossessesslopev0 =L/Te ≃0.358. a Thebulletsrepresenttheposition oftheparticleat moments beingmultiplesoftheperioddurationoftheexternalmodula- FIG. 7: Stroboscopic map of the average trajectory without tionTe =2π/ω. Theinsetdisplaysthelong-timeevolutionof (K =0)andwithappliedfeedback(K =0.9andτ =1.95)as qa. TheparametervaluesreadasF =1.5,K =0.9. τ =1.95 indicated in the plot. The remaining parameter values read and kBT =0.1×∆E. as F = 1.5, τ = 1.95 and kBT = 0.1×∆E. The attractor with v =v0 >0 of the deterministic system arising with the appliedfeedbackisalsoshown. Thedashedlinesindicatethe V. SUMMARY separatrix ofthedeterministicconservativeundrivensystem, i.e. γ = F = 0. We also superimposed the projection of the In conclusion, we have identified and characterized a orbit of the deterministic system on the v−q−plane (blue transport regime for underdamped Brownian particles line). evolving in a symmetric washboard potential under the mutual impact of an unbiased external periodic field and time-delayed feedback. We have studied first the deterministic case of zero temperature. It is has been shown that without feedback in some ranges of the am- plitude and certain phases of the external modulation field windows of directed particle current exist. This densely covers the curve obtained when the periodic os- is due to the fact that attractors associated with phase cillations of the noise-less system are projected onto the locked oppositely-running solutions contribute with dif- q v plane. This implies the existence of an attractive ferent weight to the net current. The direction of the − − curverelatedtonear-torus-motioninphasespaceforthe net current can be reversedwith a suitable choice of the noise case. The corresponding stroboscopic map of the phase of the external modulation field. dominant deterministic periodic attractor with velocity Interestinglywith anapplied time-delayedfeedback in v =v0 is also drawn in Fig. 7. Crucially for directed net thedeterministicsystemthereexistparameterrangesfor motion with vm = v0 arising for T > 0 the average tra- which the attractors supporting velocities of a definite jectory sticks to the near-torus motion never exploring sign loose stability and are convertedinto repellors leav- other parts of the phase space during the whole simu- ingtheattractorsofoppositevelocityastheonlypersist- lation time interval T = 105. The time evolution of ingones. Hence, the efficiencyofthe netparticlecurrent s the corresponding average coordinate q is depicted in is improved. There exist values of the feedback strength a Fig. 8. Conclusively, despite the fact that the resulting anddelay time for whichthe feedback termperforms os- motion in the presence of noise and feedback evolves no cillations that are phase locked to the time-periodic ex- longer perfectly synchronous but still phase locked with ternalfield. Thisyieldsaneffectivebiasingrockingforce, the externalperiodic modulation it nevertheless exhibits promoting periods of forward and backward motion of behavior reminiscent of that found in the corresponding distinct duration, and thus directed motion. limiting deterministic system. To be precise the peri- On the other hand, for a finite temperature and with- odic oscillations of the deterministic dynamics are re- out time-delayed feedback the net motion averages to placed by near-torus motion in the Langevin dynamics zero. That is, the symmetry between the coexisting at- accomplishing phase locked aperiodic transport in the tractorssupportingnegativeandpositivevelocitiesis re- sense that on average during one period duration of the storedbytheimpactingthermalfluctuations. Strikingly, external field particles move by one spatial period, i.e. in contrast to the case without feedback, with applied vm =v0 =L/Te. time-delayed feedback of appropriately chosen strength 7 and delay time we find in a wide temperature range mechanism described above and the controlof transport complete desymmetrization of coexisting attractors sup- properties in inertia ratchet systems [27],[28],[29] facili- porting oppositely running solutions. As a consequence tatingthestabilizationofcertaintargeted(unstable)pe- theparticlemotionproceedsexclusivelyinonedirection. riodicorbitsviatime-delayedfeedbackaswellasthefea- Therefore the feedback-induced transport is not only ro- tures in feedback flashing ratchets when the potential is bust with respect to thermal noise but moreover, there alternatively switched on and off in dependence of the exist parameterrangesfor whichin the presence of ther- stateofthe system[19]-[24]. Inourcasecontroloftrans- mal noise the transport is more efficient than in the cor- port is achieved if the time-delayed feedback term with responding deterministic limiting case. We have iden- appropriatelychosenstrengthanddelaytime entrainsto tified attracting curves in phase space which are linked the external time-periodic field yielding effectively a bi- with motionona torus with smalldeviations supporting asing force that rocks the washboardpotential such that transport. distinctdurationsoftheperiodsofforwardandbackward We stress the difference between the transport control motion ensue. [1] P. H¨anggi and R. Bartussek, Lect. Notes Physics 476, Lett. 93, 040603 (2004). 294 (1996). [22] M. Feito and F.J. Cao, Phys. Rev.E 76, 061113 (2007). [2] F.Ju¨licher,A.Ajdari,andJ.Prost,Rev.Mod.Phys.69, [23] E.M. Craiget alEurophys.Lett.81,10002 (2008); E.M. 1269 (1997). Craig et al.,Ann.Phys. 17, 115 (2008). [3] R.D. Astumian and P. H¨anggi, Phys. Today 55 (11), 33 [22] M. Feito and F.J. Cao, Phys. Rev.E 76, 061113 (2007). (2002). [23] E.M. Craig et al Europhys.Lett. 81, 10002 (2008). [4] P. H¨anggi, F. Marchesoni, and F. Nori, Ann. Physik [24] M. Feito and F.J. 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