ek nu Magazine Solu Exiibilons of Fire Photoart Pertiolios, January, 2018 Featured Artist Vlad’ka Koévarova "Metamorphosis" cover mage-The Cry omy Sout Vacks Kaci Magazine Pentalie elemt Corte Eleven This is Dek Unu Magacine, lv Espa nte, dek unumears “elevan.” Even Images fram a ela art Eleven ares n eleven solo seuss cach year. LUok nu publishes the work o* < now proteartin each inoue, Ihe ariste werk ano vores ae leatured alone end in incividva facus as the sole purcose for exch issue cf the magarine | nike othar ars and lnvers magavines which migh= Fok for wok ftom a vadety of artists fa sugpual an aia selfs Ui, al Duk Una, ese faidinagety ate chrays ea alia’ oon Dok Unu saaks chellngirg. comislex work that focuses anciintane fice soreaption fom artiste who damonctat> ascomplichod taehriscl cra ane mcture accthoic vision. This Month Dek Unu presenis sensual and sure! or lis ‘or the innaprants o” ine crezms ct featured alist, Viadka Kotvaruva Is. Kotvarova ves in Osta: nontrcast or the Czee7 |eepublic, Her Work i clearly 21 horre in the Czech Surrealist tacition ‘while ner meinocs are c.canly rooted in the tecrnolagy of the 21S: cen:ury. Her Phcne is both or only camera ner sny eating workstaton inthe industrial tmageary Dey a