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Degrees of Expatriate Management Adjustment: A Study of expatriate managers working in the Libyan Oil Industry FATHI ABDULWAHED SALEH ELOBEIDI A Thesis Submitted to the University of Gloucestershire in Accordance with the Requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Business, Education and Professional Studies NOVEMBER 2016 Declaration The work in this thesis was fulfilled in accordance with the regulations of the University of Gloucestershire and is original except where indicated by specific reference in the text. No portion of this thesis has been submitted in support of any other academic award. The thesis has not been presented to any other education institution in the United Kingdom or overseas. Any views expressed in the thesis are those of the author and in no way, represent those of the University. Signed by the Candidate Fathi A Elobeidi Dated 17/11/2016 Signed by the First Supervisor Dr Sue Williams Dated 17/11/2016 Signed by the Second Supervisor Penny Adshead Dated 17/11/2016 ii DEDICATED TO My LATE FATHER, MOTHER MY WIFE, SONS AND DAUGHTER My BROTHERS, SISTERS iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the Name of Allah, the most beneficent, the merciful. Praise is to Allah, the Almighty, on whom ultimately, we depend for sustenance and guidance. This study would not have been possible without the support of certain individuals and organisations. On top of the list, I would like to acknowledge the assistance of many people who provided help, support, and encouragement, enabling me to complete my PhD dissertation. In particular, I would like to acknowledge the contribution of my principal supervisors, Dr Sue Williams who guided and encouraged me from the beginning and throughout my whole PhD candidature, as well as my associate Second Supervisor Penny Adshead, for their excellent supervision, they have been wonderful and forthcoming during this period and I admire their sense of humour and patience, Dr Philippa Ward, Research Degrees Director at Business School and the external examiner Dr Aileen Lawless and internal examiner Dr Malcolm MacLean . I would also like to acknowledge the help of the Faculty Administrator, ICT Helpdesk, Immigration Compliance Team, Academic, Library and Information Services Team as well as the Student Achievement Team in particular Cris Wassell at the University of Gloucestershire. I acknowledge and thanks also go to all the Oil companies and their Western and Libyan Expatriate Managers and the staff too numerous to mention, for their time and assistance. I wish to express my gratitude and love to my family for their unreserved love, support and encouragement. The courage and determination they taught me have made my life so wonderful. I am sincerely grateful to my wife, who has been very encouraging and supportive of me during my study away from home. I also would like to thank all my friends and colleagues who helped me in many other ways. Finally, I would like to thank all whose names do not appear here and who have contributed to the successful completion of this thesis. iv Abstract In this study my focus/aim/main concern is the successful or unsuccessful adjustment of non- Libyans from across the world who have worked in Libyan oil companies. I want to know what factors create success. To help me to do this I also ask some Libyan managers (who have worked out of Libya) what they think makes for success. From this data, I have derived a model which identifies the differences between all the other process models for expatriate success and my own Libyan contextual model. The study of socio-cultural and psychological adjustment in the literature on cross-cultural adjustment has maintained that there is a difference between these forms of adjustment, however I wanted to investigate the possibility that there might be a close relation between the two. My study is relevant as international mobility and cross-cultural adjustment is becoming a common experience for a growing number of employees sent on long-term international assignments. The methodology used initially starts with the collection of quantitative data then moves toward a more interpretive stance; with the collection of qualitative data therefore I adopted an interpretivist paradigm using numbers and words. In my study a questionnaire was distributed to a group of participants because of quantitative analysis of the data collected a subsequent group were identified who are at either end of the cross-cultural adjustment scale and they were invited to take part in an interview. Because of the qualitative analysis of data gathered from these interviews an exploration was carried out using thematic analysis to discover whether managerial, organisational or societal factors have had an impact on these individuals’ feelings of adjustment. A key aim was to clearly identify the factors that affect adjustment. My process model for an Arabic nation is based on the adjustment of expatriate managers working in the Libyan oil industry and highlighting the key factors that influence their ability to adjust. My findings indicate that a manager coming from an individualised society to a more collective one or vice versa, may have difficulty in adjusting or feeling they are a part of the group. Such feelings are related to the theories of social identity and social categorisation. There has been very little previous expatriate adjustment research carried out using an interpretivist methodology, which I have conducted to find out these managers’ actual perceptions hence can talk about their levels of adjustment and the need for experience. v Table of Contents PAGE Chapter One Background to the area of Research 1.0. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1. Research Questions and Objectives ........................................................................ 4 1.2. Rationale and importance of the Research ............................................................ 5 1.3. Research Design and Approach ............................................................................ 10 1.4. The Research Contribution ................................................................................... 11 1.5. The Structure of this Thesis .................................................................................. 12 Chapter Two An overview of the literature on Expatriate Adjustment in International Assignments 2.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 14 2.1. The role of HR in international assignments ....................................................... 16 2.2. Cross Cultural Adjustment ................................................................................... 17 2.3. Hofstede and Cultural Dimensions, Determinants and Differences .................. 19 2.3.1 Discussion of Hofstede’s work .................................................................... 19 2.4. Other Determinants of Expatriate Adjustment ................................................. 22 2.5. Chapter Conclusions ............................................................................................. 22 Chapter Three A review of the literature on Internal factors affecting Cross-Cultural adjustment to International Assignments 3.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 27 3.1. Job related factors .................................................................................................. 28 3.1.1 Pre-departure Training .................................................................................. 29 3.1.2 Job Novelty ................................................................................................... 29 3.1.3 Role Clarity ................................................................................................... 29 3.2. Non-work factors .................................................................................................... 29 3.2.1 Spouse/family adjustment ............................................................................ 30 vi 3.2.2 Psychological factors and cross-cultural adjustment .................................... 31 3.3. Social Identity/Social Categorisation Theory ...................................................... 32 3.3.1 Social Identity Theory (SIT) ......................................................................... 36 3.3.2 Social Categorisation Theory (SCT) ............................................................ 38 3.3.3 Social Identification ...................................................................................... 39 3.3.4 Social Comparison ........................................................................................ 40 3.3.5 Personality Traits .......................................................................................... 40 3.4. Chapter Conclusions .............................................................................................. 43 Chapter Four A review of the literature on External factors affecting Cross-Cultural adjustment to International Assignments 4.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 46 4.1. Organisational culture novelty and support ........................................................ 46 4.2. Libyan Societal, organisational culture, and organisational leadership .......... 47 4.3. Management Approach/Leadership Style .......................................................... 50 4.3.1 Western Management Approaches .............................................................. 54 4.3.2 Leadership Style as a factor that impacts on expatriate adjustment ............. 54 4.3.3 Various Leadership Styles ........................................................................... 55 4.4. Chapter Conclusions ............................................................................................. 57 Chapter Five Research Methodology 5.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 59 5.1. The Philosophy and Methodology of Research ................................................... 61 5.2. Research Approaches............................................................................................. 61 5.3. Research Strategy................................................................................................... 62 5.3.1 Descriptive and explanatory surveys ............................................................ 62 5.3.2 A Note on Truth Claims ............................................................................... 63 5.3.3 Research Methodological Contribution ........................................................ 66 5.4 The companies to be studied and the piloting that took place ........................... 66 5.4.1 The Questionnaire ......................................................................................... 70 5.4.2 The Interviews .............................................................................................. 74 5.5 Credibility, Reliability and Validity ...................................................................... 78 vii 5.5.1 Transparency and Authenticity ..................................................................... 80 5.6. Sampling and Data Analysis ................................................................................. 81 5.6.1 Quantitative Analysis ................................................................................... 82 5.6.2 Qualitative Analysis...................................................................................... 82 5.6.3 Thematic Analysis ........................................................................................ 83 Chapter Six Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Data Collected 6.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 85 6.1. Quantitative Analysis: The Questionnaire .......................................................... 86 6.2. Qualitative Analysis ............................................................................................. 102 6.2.1 Themes established and developed ............................................................. 103 6.3. Findings from the Qualitative Analysis ............................................................. 105 6.3.1 Objective, Selection and Training for international assignments ............ 110 6.3.2 Cross-Cultural Training, National/Organisational Culture, and Adjustment111 6.3.3 Work Values SIT/SCT and Personality ...................................................... 128 6.3.4 Management Approach/ Leadership Style.................................................. 136 Chapter Seven Discussion of the Findings of this research 7.0. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 151 7.1 Company Objectives/Selection/Training Methods ............................................ 153 7.2 National Culture/Culture Novelty ....................................................................... 157 7.2.1 Organisational Culture/Work values .......................................................... 161 7.2.2 Management approach and Leadership Style ............................................. 161 7.2.3 Expatriate Adjustment/Experience and Behaviour ..................................... 164 7.3 Social Identification/Categorisation .................................................................... 168 Chapter Eight Conclusions, Contribution and Limitations 8.0. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 174 8.1. Identifying the key characteristics of national and work culture and work ethic that influence cross-cultural working for expatriate managers ... 176 viii 8.2. The impact of Social Identity Theory and Social Categorisation Theory on cross-cultural adjustment .............................................................................. 177 8.3 Results of a survey of expatriate and host country managers operating in Libya ..................................................................................................................... 178 8.4. The impact of managerial or organisational factors on individual’s adjustment ............................................................................................................ 180 8.5. Produce a Model of the Cross-Cultural Adjustment (CCA) Process .............. 183 8.6. Contribution to Knowledge ................................................................................. 185 8.7. Limitations of the Study ...................................................................................... 188 8.8. Suggestions for future research .......................................................................... 188 8.8. Personal Reflection............................................................................................... 188 References ................................................................................................................... 195 Appendix 1 ................................................................................................................... 210 Appendix 2 ................................................................................................................... 211 Appendix 3 ................................................................................................................... 212 Appendix 4 ................................................................................................................... 230 Appendix 5 ................................................................................................................... 231 Appendix 6 ................................................................................................................... 236 ix Tables and Figures Page Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework ................................................................................... 8 Table 2.1 Index Scores and Ranks for the Arab Countries and East, and West Africa .. 20 Table 2.2: Culture Dimensions Responses ..................................................................... 20 Figure 2.1 Internal and External Factors affecting Cross-Cultural Adjustment ............. 24 Figure 3.1: Social Identity Theory: Tajfel and Turner (1979) ........................................ 35 Figure 3.2 Psychological factors affecting Cross-Cultural adjustment ........................... 43 Table 4.1 Cultural Classifications ................................................................................... 52 Table 5.1 Companies and Individuals sampled............................................................... 67 Figure 5.1 Nationality of expatriate manager sampled ................................................... 69 Table 5.2 Interviews undertaken ..................................................................................... 76 Table 6.1 Cross-tabulation between Position and Status ................................................ 87 Table 6.1a Cross-tabulation between Position and Gender ............................................ 87 Table 6.1b Cross-tabulation between Position and Age ................................................. 88 Table 6.1c Cross-tabulation between Gender and Age ................................................... 88 Table 6.2 Company objective for international assignments .......................................... 90 Table 6.2a Selection methods for international assignments .......................................... 92 Table 6.3 Cross-Cultural training .................................................................................... 93 Table 6.4 National Culture .............................................................................................. 94 Table 6.5 Culture Novelty ............................................................................................... 95 Table 6.6 Organisational Culture/Work values ............................................................... 97 Table 6.7 Individualism/collectivism .............................................................................. 98 Table 6.8 Expatriate Adjustment .................................................................................. 100 Table 6.9 International relations ................................................................................... 101 Table 6.10 Defining the Themes ................................................................................... 104 Table 6.11 Participants Origin, Status Adjustment and Experience ............................. 107 Table 6.12 Social Categorisation and Adjustment ........................................................ 120 Table 6.13 Personality and Work Values ...................................................................... 131 Table 6.14 Management Approach/ Leadership Style .................................................. 137 Table 6.15 Extended table of cultural classifications and some of their influences on management and leadership ......................................................................... 144 Figure 8.1 Model of the Cross-Cultural Adjustment process ....................................... 183 Figure 8.1a Libyan Model of the Cross-Cultural Adjustment process ......................... 185 x

this I also ask some Libyan managers (who have worked out of Libya) what they think makes for nation is based on the adjustment of expatriate managers working in the Libyan oil industry and think and are regarded as among the most important determinants of expatriate adjustment (Shaffer.
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