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Preview degradation Abhor hate Abrasive rough; coarse; harsh Abridge shorten Abrogate cancel

word definition Abasement humiliation; degradation Abhor hate Abrasive rough; coarse; harsh Abridge shorten Abrogate cancel; deny; repeal yellow bold Absolution forgiveness; pardon; release words are Abstain desist; go without; withdraw those that Abstemious holding back from eating or drinking too much numerous Abstemious self denying; refraining from indulging sources have Abstruse difficult to understand; obscure identified as Accessible available; ready for use words to Acclaim to express strong approval or praise; hail know for the Accolade tribute; honor; praise SAT Acoustics the quality of sound, pertaining to how it is heard based on the quality and structure of the room Acquiesce to agree to; give in to Acrid sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes) Acrid bitter, harsh Acrophobia fear of heights Acuity sharpness (mental or visual) Acute keen-minded; sharp Adamant unwilling to bend; unyielding Adamant forceful; inflexible Adept Very skilled, able, or proficient. Adroit skilful Adulate to praise or flatter too greatly; fawn over Adulation strong admiration; worship Adversary an opponent Adversity great trouble or difficulty Adversity hardship Advocate One who acts in support or defense of a person or cause. Advocate support Aesthetic Pertaining to what is considered beautiful or tasteful. Aesthetic concerning art or beauty Aesthetic having to do with artistic beauty Affable easy to talk to; easy to approach, friendly; kind; amiable Affable friendly; social; easygoing Aggregate a sum total or mixture Alacrity eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness Alchemy medieval chemistry; attempt to change base metal into gold Alibi an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene Alimentary relating to food and nourishment Allay to lessen fear; to calm; to relieve pain Allay to lessen Alleviate to lessen pain or tension Alleviate make less severe Allusion an indirect reference, often to literature Aloof distant; detached; cold Aloof uninterested; showing no concern; emotionally removed or distant Altruism putting others first; being self-sacrificing Altruistic showing an unselfish concern for others Amass accumulate Ambiguity uncertainty; vagueness Ambiguous unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways Ambiguous hard to understand; unclear; open to more than one interpretation Ambivalence lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided Ambivalent having conflicting feelings or opinions about something; unsure Ambulatory able to walk around (used of hospital patients) Ameliorate to make better; to lessen pain, difficulty, or tension Ameliorate make better Amelioration improvement Amiable friendly Amiable friendly, kind Amicable showing goodwill; peaceable Amity friendship Amorphous lacking in shape Ample abundant; plentiful; enough or more than enough Anachronism Something out of its correct chronological or historical order. Analgesic medicine to combat pain Analogous comparable Anarchy chaos; lack of government Anecdote A short account of an interesting or humorous, often biographical, incident. Anecdote a brief amusing story Animosity hatred; ill will Animosity hatred; antagonism Annex a building which is an addition to an existing building Annex take possession of; seize; capture Anomaly something which does not fit in a pattern; irregularity Antagonism hatred or hostility Antagonism hostility; strong opposition Antagonistic opposed; hostile; aggressive Antediluvian very, very old; antiquated Antediluvian outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned Anthology a book which is a collection of poems or stories Anthropocentrism putting man at the center of one's philosophy Antidote something that relieves or prevents; a remedy that counteracts the effects of poison Antiquated outdated; old fashioned Antiquated very old and no longer in use; obsolete Antiquity ancient times Apathetic indifferent; uninterested; lethargic Apathetic indifferent; showing no care, interest, or concern; lacking emotion Apathy lack of interest or emotion Apocryphal of doubtful origin Appease pacify; soothe; calm down; make peace with Appease to make tranquil or quiet, especially by giving into demands; to pacify Apprehensive Uneasy, anxious, or fearful about the future; quick to understand or learn. Apprehensive worried; fearful Arable can be cultivated Arbitrary random; for no definite reason Arcane obscure; known only to a few people Archaic ancient; outdated; old fashioned Archaic old; from a much earlier time; antiquated Archetype classic example of Archives collections of old records; place of storage of old documents Ardent full of passion and emotion Arid dry, lacking water Arrogance An offensive display of self-importance or superiority; overbearing pride. Arrogant overbearing; proud; haughty Articulate clear; lucid; eloquent Artifice deception; trickery Artisan craftsman Artisan a person who is skillful with his or her hands Ascetic without luxuries; severely simple Ascetic a person who refrains from indulging in earthly pleasures Ascetic a person who refrains from indulging in earthly pleasures Aspire to work toward or to have a goal Assiduous thorough; diligent Assuage to alleviate; to lessen pain or conflict; pacify Assuage to calm Astute perceptive; sharp-witted Astute sharp-minded; very clear Asylum place of refuge or safety Atheist person who does not believe in God Atheistic without a belief in any god Atrophy waste away from lack of use Attenuate weaken Audacious very bold Augment increase; make bigger Auspicious favorable; promising to turn out well Austere having great economy; showing self-control when it comes to foregoing luxuries, frills; stern in manner Austere severely plain Autonomous independent Avarice greed Aversion a dislike of Aviary an enclosed space for birds Avid showing enthusiasm; ardent Balk hinder and prevent; hesitate over Banal dull or stale because of overuse; trite; hackneyed Banal common; dull Banality ordinariness; dullness Baneful causing ruin; harmful; pernicious Bellicose of a quarrelsome nature; eager to fight; warlike; belligerent Belligerent taking part in war or fighting ready to fight Benevolent giving freely and easily to others; charitable Berate to rebuke or scold in a harsh tone Bigot narrow-minded, prejudiced person Bilk cheat; defraud Billowing swelling; fluttering; waving Blasphemy speech which offends religious sentiments Blatant obvious Blighted damaged; destroyed; ruined Blithe free-spirited; carefree Blunderbuss 1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person Bolster support; prop up Bolster to support; to strengthen Bombast arrogant, pompous language Boorish Crude, coarse, and clumsy in behavior; churlish, oafish, insensitive. Boorish ill-mannered Bourgeois middle class Braggart on who boasts a great deal Braggart someone who boasts Brawny muscular Brevity The quality of being brief in time or duration; concise expression. Brevity briefness or conciseness in speech or writing Brevity being brief Bristle to show irritation Broach start to discuss; approach Brusque blunt; abrupt Bulwark fortification; barricade; wall Bureaucracy officialdom Burgeon grow; flourish; put forth new shoots Burnish polish Buttress strengthen; support Byline the line that tells you who wrote an article Cacophony discordant loud noises Cacophony lack of harmony; loud and unpleasant noise; a racket Cajole coax Caldron huge cooking pot Callow immature Candid frank; honest Candor frankness; openness Candor honesty, sincerity Cantankerous bad-tempered; quarrelsome Cantankerous bad-tempered; quarrelsome Capacious spacious Capitulate surrender; give in to Captious made for the sake of quarreling; quibbling Carping constant criticism Cartographer person who makes maps Castigate to scold or punish severely Castigate scold strongly Catharsis purging of pent-up emotions Cathartic Delivering catharsis; emotionally purging. Caucus type of private political meeting Caustic burning Cavalcade procession of vehicles Celerity speed Censorious disapproving; critical Censure To express disapproval in a strong or vehement fashion; to criticize or blame. Censure to criticize strongly Censure blame Cerebral intellectual Certitude certainty Charlatan trickster who claims knowledge he doesn't have Charlatan a fraud; a quack or imposter Chary wary of; cautious about; reluctant to give Chary cautious; wary Chastise to punish or scold harshly Chastises punishes Chicanery trickery Chimerical changeable; unstable Choleric easily angered Chronicler person who records historical information Circuitous indirect Circumlocution speaking in circles; roundabout speech Circumlocution using too many words; long-windedness Circumscribe limit Circumspect cautious; considering all sides Circumspect careful and cautious before acting Circumvent avoid Cite To quote as an authority or example; to mention in support or confirmation. Clairvoyant psychic; mystic Clamor shout; scream Clamor unpleasant sound; noise Clandestine secret; covert; stealthy Clandestine hidden, secret, concealed Clemency mercy Cliché overused expression; something unoriginal Cliché an idea or expression that has become stale due to overuse Clientele customers Coalesce come together; merge Coalesce to have different opinions join together; fuse; converge Coalesce to come together Coddle pamper; fuss over; indulge Coercion force Cogent lucid; well argued Cogitate think over something; ponder Collage picture made from fragments of other pictures Collate arrange in order Colloquial pertaining to common everyday speech; conversational Colloquial local and informal (used of language) Collusion plotting and planning Commandeer take possession of Commendable Worthy of great praise or approval. Complacent self-satisfied; smug Complacent self-satisfied; smug Complementary serving to complete another Compliant easy to control; submissive Compliant yielding, submissive Concatenate link together Concatenation linking into chains Conciliate to bring together; end a dispute Conciliate to win a person over through special considerations or persuasive methods Conciliatory Attempting to regain goodwill through pleasantness; accommodating. Concise using few words in speaking and writing Concise stated in few words Condescend talk down to Conflagration a huge fire, an inferno Confounding puzzling; baffling Congenial compatible; having kindred needs or tastes; sympathetic Conscientious relating to doing what one knows is right; scrupulous Consensus Majority of opinion among a group; general agreement or accord. Consummate Complete or perfect in every respect; supremely skilled. Contemporary modern, new; relating to the same time period Contemptuous lacking respect; scornful Contentious quarrelsome; belligerent Convalesce to recover from an illness Convivial sociable, outgoing in a festive way, especially when pertaining to eating and drinking; fond of good company Copious abundant; much; plentiful Cordial warm and friendly; amiable Counterfeit fake; false Covert hidden; undercover Covert secret, hidden Cower recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from Credible believable Creditable praiseworthy Credulous gullible; ready to believe anything Crepuscular active at dawn and dusk Cringe recoil; flinch; shy away Cryptic puzzling; enigmatic Cryptic hidden; hard to understand; mysterious; obscure Culinary having to do with cooking, preparing meals Cursory Performed hastily and without attention to detail; superficial. Curtail cut short Cynical believing that people act only out of selfish motives Cynical believing that all others are motivated by self-interest Debacle a failure or breakdown; a collapse that is often nonsensical Debility weakness; incapacity Debunk to prove wrong or false Debunking exposing false claims or myths Decathlon an athletic competition with ten events Decorum dignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)] Decoy lure; trap; trick Deference respect Defiant Boldly resisting authority or an opposing force; challenging. Defoliate cause leaves to fall off Defunct no longer in existence Degradation deprivation; poverty; debasement Delectable delicious Deleterious harmful Deleterious harmful to one’s health or overall welfare; pernicious Deliberate to think over deeply Delineation demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining Delusion a false opinion or belief Demur hesitate; refuse Denounce condemn; speak out against Depict To represent or characterize in words, pictures, or sculpture. Deplete use up; lessen Deplore regret Depravity moral corruption Deprecate to show mild disapproval Deprecate criticize; denounce; to show mild disapproval Deride To laugh at in scorn or treat with contempt; to ridicule. Deride ridicule; make fun of; mock Derivative unoriginal; taken from something already existing Derogatory uncomplimentary Desecrate to damage or pollute a holy place Desecration spoiling something holy Desist stop; discontinue; cease Despondent having no hope; miserable Destitution hardship; poverty; misery Detached aloof; indifferent Deter put off; prevent Deteriorate worsen; decline Detrimental harmful Detrimental harmful Devious dishonest or deceptive Devoured greedily eaten/consumed Dexterous skilful with hands Dichotomy a division into two parts Didactic intended to teach; instructive Diffident lacking confidence Diffuse spread out, not concise; wordy Digress wander off the subject Digress to wander off from the subject or topic spoken about Dike dam; embankment Dilatory slow; falling behind with one's work Dilemma puzzling situation Dilettante person who dabbles in a subject without serious study Diligent hard-working Din ongoing loud sound; noise Diorama model of a scene Dirge mournful song Disapprobation disapproval Discern to distinguish one thing from another Discerning able to judge people and situations clearly Discord disagreement Discordancy cacophony; harshness; jarring Discordant lacking harmony or agreement Discrepancy something which does not match up; inconsistency Discrepancy a difference Discriminate to make a clear distinction; see the difference Discursiveness long windedness; indirectness Disdain contempt; strong dislike Disdainful full of bitter scorn and pride; aloof Disinterested unbiased Disparage To speak of with disrespect; to belittle or depreciate. Disparage criticize; belittle Disparity Lack of equality or similarity; difference. Disparity an inequality

humiliation; degradation. Abhor hate. Abrasive rough; coarse .. Worthy of imitation; estimable; praiseworthy. Exemplary outstandingly good; setting a
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