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Deforms of Lie algebras in characteristic 2: Semi-trivial for Jurman algebras, non-trivial for Kaplansky algebras PDF

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Preview Deforms of Lie algebras in characteristic 2: Semi-trivial for Jurman algebras, non-trivial for Kaplansky algebras

DEFORMS OF LIE ALGEBRAS IN CHARACTERISTIC 2: SEMI-TRIVIAL FOR JURMAN ALGEBRAS, NON-TRIVIAL FOR KAPLANSKY ALGEBRAS SOFIANE BOUARROUDJ1, ALEXEI LEBEDEV2, DIMITRY LEITES3, IRINA SHCHEPOCHKINA4 3 1 0 Abstract. A previously unknown non-linear in roots way to define modulo 2 grading of 2 Liealgebrasisdescribed;relatedaresevennewseriesofsimple Liesuperalgebrasbuiltfrom n Kaplansky algebras of types 2 and 4. This paper helps to sharpen the formulation of the a conjecturedescribingallsimple finite dimensionalLiealgebrasoveranyalgebraicallyclosed J field of non-zero characteristic. 3 We show that certain deformations of simple Lie algebras send some of these algebras 1 into each other; deforms corresponding to non-trivial cohomology classes can be isomor- phic to the initial algebra, e.g., proving an implicit Grishkov’s claim we explicitly describe ] T Jurman algebra as such semi-trivial deform of the derived of the alternate version of the R HamiltonianLiealgebra,oneofthetwoversionsthatexistforcharacteristic2togetherwith . their divergence-free subalgebras. One of the four types of mysterious Kaplansky algebras h is demystified as a non-trivial deform of the alternate Hamiltonian algebra. One more type t a of Kaplansky algebras is recognized as the derived of another, non-alternate, versionof the m Hamiltonian Lie algebra, the one that does not preserve any exterior 2-form but preserves [ a tensorial 2-form. 1 v 1 8 1. Introduction 7 2 1.1. Main results. The most interesting part of our paper is the previously unknown non- . 1 linear in roots way to introduce Z/2-grading in a given simple Lie algebra. It is illustrated 0 3 with Kaplansky algebras of types 2 and 4; these are the only ones among known Lie algebras 1 succumbing to the new method. Related are seven new series of simple Lie superalgebras. : v The main bulk of the paper is devoted to interpretation of the simple Lie algebras dis- i X covered by Jurman and Kaplansky in terms of more known examples of Lie algebras of r Hamiltonian vector fields. The new notion of semi-trivial deformation is introduced and a illustrated with Jurman algebras. 1.2. Overview. Hereafter K is an algebraically closed (unless otherwise specified) field, charK = p. The stock of non-isomorphic species in the zoo of simple finite dimensional Lie algebras for p = 2, was until recently considered uncomfortably numerous (see Introduction to [S]), even despite being incomplete, since it has more exhibits than one would have considered “normal”, if we take the case of characteristic p > 3, see [BGP], as the “norm”. A conjectural description of all simple finite dimensional Lie algebras over fields of char- acteristic p = 2, recently formulated in detail in [Ltow2], an expounded version of [Ltow], althoughlongerthanthatforp > 3, ispossibletograsp; even[Ltow]describes (conjecturally) theclassification forp = 3. Thisconjecture givesanoverview oftheknownexamples, gathers 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 17B50,70F25. Key words and phrases. Lie algebra, characteristic 2, Kostrikin-Shafarevich conjecture, Jurman algebra, Kaplansky algebra, deformation. WearethankfultoP.GrozmanforhiswonderfulpackageSuperLie,see[Gr],withwhichallcomputations of cohomologyand integrability of cocycles were performed. Special thanks are due to P. Zusmanovichwho informed us about Eick’s important paper. S.B. was partly supported by the grant AD 065 NYUAD. 2 Sofiane Bouarroudj, Alexei Lebedev, Dimitry Leites, Irina Shchepochkina them in describable groups, and indicates the ways to get new examples that definitely are not yet found. A simpler idea, from which this conjecture stemmed, lead to the classification of simple Lie superalgebras of polynomial vector fields over C, see [LSh1]. Several examples (Kaplansky’s, Shen’s, Jurman’s, and Vaughan-Lee’s) looked as if they constitute separate items on the list of conjectural ways to construct all simple Lie algebras. This is partly so: the table with the summary of Eick’s results on p.948 in a very interesting and important paper [Ei] shows that all new simple algebras of Vaughan-Lee are new only as forms of known Lie algebras over an algebraically closed field (or even over a Galois field larger than F ); Shen’s algebras, see [Sh, Bro], that allow one to work with1 are, with one 2 remarkable exception2, called Bro (1,1) in [Ei], either non-simple, or not new, see [LLg]. 2 Thepaper[Ei]introducedseveral seemingly newexamples thathavetobeinterpreted3 and described in more detail4 than they are currently described in [Ei]; perhaps, some of them will be identified with some of the known Lie algebras not taken into account in [Ei] when novelty was being established. The conjecture [Ltow, Ltow2] indicates several directions of search for new Lie algebras and it is absolutely clear that new examples will be unearthed, for example, some of Eick’s — tentatively new — algebras might indeed be new (not just forms over non-closed field of some known algebras) though obtainable in a way predicted by the conjecture. But if any of Eick’s examples labeled as “new” is of the type not embraced by the conjecture, then this is very interesting since the conjecture, irrefutable for three decades by now, should be amended (vagueness and breeziness of the published formulation of the conjecture [Ltow] are among the reasons it was and still is irrefutable). We started this paper intending to prove that the Jurman and Kaplansky algebras are deforms of more conventional simple Lie algebra such as the two non-isomorphic versions of the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields, and their divergence-free subalgebras, see [LeP], where they are introduced and interpreted as preserving various types of 2-forms. While this 1The other Shen’s algebras do not satisfy the Jacobiidentity and we were unable to guess how to amend the typos in the structure constants assuming these typos are reparable. 2This exceptional simple Lie algebra Shen introduced is a true analog of the Lie algebra g(2) in charac- teristic 2, whereas the simple-minded reductions of structure constants modulo 2 do not yield a simple Lie algebra or lead to psl(4). For clarification of both this statement and Brown’s version of the Melikyan’s algebras in characteristic 2, see [Shch, GL, BGLLS2]. 3The standard notation for vectorial Lie algebra with “given name” X realized by vector fields on the m-dimensional space with coordinates x , ..., x , and shearing vector N = (N ,...,N ) is X(m;N). In 1 m 1 m what follows we will often skip the parentheses, e.g., write vect(1;1) instead of vect(1;(1)). We denote the derived of X just by X′, not X(1). Usually, except for temporary notation, we stick to Bourbaki’s style of notation used in all branches of mathematics and mathematical physics, except the theory of modular Lie algebras,i.e.,weuseGothicfontforLie(super)algebrasandLatincapitalsforLiegroups,e.g.,wewritevect instead of W. Notation in [Ei] is non-standard and require deciphering: For example, X(N ,...,N ) should be inter- 1 m pretedasfollows: misthenumberofindeterminates(say,x ,...,x )and(N ,...,N )arethecoordinates 1 m 1 m oftheshearingvector;notationX(N ,...,N )istacitlyassumedtorefertoanappropriate(firstorsecond) 1 m simplederivedoftheLiealgebraX(m;(N ,...,N )),ratherthantoX(m;(N ,...,N ))itself;forexample, 1 m 1 m W(2) should be read as W(1;2)′ whereas W(2,1) denotes W(2;(2,1)). Two arguments in favor of traditional notation: (a) for m large, the redundancy of traditional notation, eliminated as Eick suggests, is helpful to humans although useless for computers and programmers; (b) in many problems, e.g.,below in this paper in the descriptionof Kaplanskyalgebras,to clearly distinguishthe algebrafromitsderivedorsomeother“relative”(suchasgl, pgl, sl, psl,orpo, po′,h, h′)isnotjustamatter of taste, although in [Ei], where only simple algebras arise, everything is, indeed, clear once deciphered. 4Brown’s examples were initially described in components only, see [Bro]. In [GL, BGLLS1], they are interpreted together with clarification of their structure and related new simple Lie superalgebras. Semi-trivial deforms in characteristic 2 3 paper was being written, Grishkov published a note5 [GJu] claiming that the Jurman algebra is isomorphic to the (derived of) a Hamiltonian Lie algebra. Grishkov’s paper is based on a difficult result due to Skryabin, and its main claim on isomorphism is not given explicitly, so we heard doubts if its main result is correct. It is correct: For an explicit isomorphism, see Proposition 3.4 in 3. § Amazingly, the existence of this isomorphism does not contradict the fact that the Jurman algebra is a deform corresponding to a cocycle personifying a non-trivial cohomology class of the (derived of the) Hamiltonian Lie algebra. Here is an example in characteristic 0. 1.3. On limited information one derives from cohomology in describing deforms of Lie algebras. In characteristic p, there are known examples of simple Lie algebras g such that H2(g;g) = 0, all the cocycles constituting a basis of H2(g;g) are integrable, but 6 the deforms are isomorphic to the initial Lie algebra g, see [BLW]. Moreover, a situation where a non-trivial cocycle describes a linear global deformation, but the deformed algebra is isomorphic to non-deformed one, is possible in any characteristics, including 0. Here is an example independent of characteristics: Let L be a 2-dimensional Lie algebra with basis e ,e and the bracket given by [e ,e ] = 0 1 0 1 { } e . Now consider the Lie algebra L (K[x]/x2). It is a 4-dimensional algebra with basis 1 ⊗ e i,j = 0,1 , where e = e 1 and e = e x, and commutation relations i,j i,0 i i,1 i { | } ⊗ ⊗ (i′ i)ei+i′,j+j′ if i+i′,j +j′ 1; (1) [ei,j,ei′,j′] = − ≤ 0 otherwise. ( The deform of this algebra given by the expressions [e ,e ] = ~e ; (2) 0,1 1,1 ~ 1,0 [ei,j,ei′,j′]~ = [ei,j,ei′,j′] for any pair (ei,j,ei′,j′) distinct from (e0,1,e1,1) is isomorphic to the initial algebra. Indeed, the following map is an isomorphism between deformed and non-deformed algebras: M (e ) = e ; ~ i,0 i,0 (3) M (e ) = e +√~e . ~ i,1 i,1 i,0 The corresponding cocycle e d(e ) d(e ) is, however, not a coboundary since in the 1,0 0,1 1,1 ⊗ ∧ Z-grading deg(e ) = j this element has weight 2, and there are no 1-cochains of such i,j − weight. We call cocycles with the above property, and the cohomology classes they represent, semi-trivial. For more examples of semi-trivial deforms, see 3 on Jurman algebras. § 1.4. Open problems. 1)ThefactthattheJurmanalgebraisisomorphictothegoodoldLie algebra h (n;N) of Hamiltonian vector fields, or rather its simple derived,6 h (n;N), does Π Π ′ not make the classification problem of all deforms of h (n;N) meaningless. Investigation Π ′ of the isomorphism classes of the deforms is a must. The search of the deforms of the more natural non-simple relative of the simple algebra, i.e., of h (n;N), not its simple derived, is Π no less meaningful: it leads to an interpretation of until now mysterious Kaplansky algebras of type 2. Equally reasonable is the search for deforms of another relative, the Poisson Lie 5Only now we realized that a draft of this note was available on Grishkov’s home page since 2009 or so. 6For the description of several types of Lie algebras of Hamiltonian vector fields, their divergence-free subalgebras, the Poissonalgebras, and their simple derived in characteristic 2, see [LeP]. Observeasubtletyworthparticularattention: theLiealgebrapo (n;N)isacentralextensionofh (n;N) Π Π whereas there is no Lie algebra po (n;N), realized on the space of functions, centrally extending h (n;N). I I Indeed, the bracket should be antisymmetric, i.e., alternate, whereas x ,x = 1, not 0. For more on i i I { } possible brackets relative the alternate form B, see in [LeP] and subsec. 2.2. 4 Sofiane Bouarroudj, Alexei Lebedev, Dimitry Leites, Irina Shchepochkina algebra po (n;N); these latter deforms are related, in particular, with analogs of spinor Π representations. 2) The paper [Ei] provides with an approach to the classification7 allowing a double-check of (sometimes rather sophisticated and therefore difficult to follow and verify) theoretical constructions8, atleast ifthestructure constants belong toF ; inother words, theparametric 2 families can not be captured by Eick’s method.9 Although regrettably restricted to algebras of only small dimension (currently 20), Eick’s computer-aided approach promises to give — when its range will have been widened to dimension 250, if possible, or at least 80 — a base for the conjectural classification making its theoretical proof psychologically comfortable. 3) It is clear that some of the cocycles describing infinitesimal deformations of h (n;N) Π are induced by the quantization of the Poisson algebra, some produce filtered deforms listed by Skryabin [Sk]; these deforms are not isomorphic to the initial algebra and to each other. Are there other cocycles that produce deforms not isomorphic to the initial algebra and the other deforms? Are there such deforms of the simple derived of h (n;N)? Our results show Π that h (n;N) and h (n;N) have different number of deforms and both types of deforms Π Π ′ are important for the classification of simple Lie algebras. The situation is similar to that in characteristic 0, where the Lie superalgebra h(2n m) has more deformations than po(2n m), | | see [LSh2], albeit in one particular superdimension. 4) In [Sk], Skryabin considered only one of the two types of Hamiltonian Lie algebras, h (n;N). The other type of Hamiltonian Lie algebras, h (n;N), does not preserve any exte- Π I rior 2-forms, it preserves a tensorial 2-form, see [LeP]. Investigation a` la [Sk] — interpreting filtered deforms of h (n;N) as vectorial Lie algebras preserving tensorial 2-forms — should I be performed for this algebra and its divergence-free subalgebras. 5) Compute the algebraic group Aut(g) of automorphisms of g, thus extending the result of [FG] to the simple Lie algebras without Cartan matrix. This is performed at the moment in certain particular cases only, see Premet’s paper [Pre], its continuation in the Ph.D. thesis by M. Guerreiro [GuD], and references therein. To list all non-isomorphic deforms of g = h (2;g,h + 1), one has to consider the orbits of Aut(g)-action on the space H2(g;g) ′Π following Kuznetsov and his students, see [KCh, Ch]. 7Eick herself does not apply the word “classification” to her method since her search is random and can very well miss something. It is very interesting to estimate the probability of a miss. 8Grishkov’spaper[GJu]containsalsoastatementthatoneoftheKaplanskyalgebras,theoneofdimension 14,provisionallydesignatedasK byGrishkovandmoreappropriatelyasKap (4)byEick,isnotisomorphic 14 1 tothesimplederivedofanyoftheHamiltonianLiealgebraspreservingthesymplecticformwell-knownfrom classical mechanics. One should not think, nevertheless, that the algebra Kap (4) is something undescribable. To describe it, 1 recall that a given symmetric bilinear form B on the space V is said to be alternate if B(v,v) = 0 for any v V andnon-alternate otherwise;theorthogonalLiealgebrasthatpreservetheseformsaredenotedo (V) Π ∈ ando (V),respectively. TheHamiltonianLiealgebra(h (V;N)orh (V;N))issaidtobealternate ornon- I Π I alternate together with the symmetric bilinear form Π or I preserved by the Lie algebra which is the 0th componentinthestandard Z-gradingoftheHamiltonianalgebra,thegradinginwhicheachindeterminateis of degree 1. These two versions of the Hamiltonian Lie algebrashave divergence-free subalgebrasdescribed, together with history of earlier partial discoveries, in [LeP]. Instead of h (V;N) we write h (n;N), where B B n=dimV. An isomorphism between Kap (4) and the simple derived of the divergence-free subalgebra lh (4;N ) of 1 I s h (4;N ), where N =(1,...,1), was indicated already in [Ei]. I s s 9For example, the Lie algebras like wk(3;a)′/c, where a K and a=0,1, see [BGL1], since for a=0 the ∈ 6 algebra is not simple while for a = 1 it turns into a simple algebra of different dimension, are invisible to Eick’s method and any other method of classification of simple Lie algebras over finite fields. Semi-trivial deforms in characteristic 2 5 6) The classification of simple Lie algebras is a problem of interest per se. In particular case of finite dimensional restricted Lie algebras it is related to another, more geometric, problem: classification of simple group schemes, see [Vi1, Vi]. 7) There remain several identification problems, see subsections 3.2.2, 3.4.1, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 and 5.3.1. 2. Modular vectorial Lie algebras as deformations of each other Weisfeiler and Kac discovered first parametric families of simple Lie algebras over K, see [WK]. Forfurtherexamples ofdeformationsofsimple Liealgebras, see[DzhK, Dzh]. Inwhat follows we extend the list of such examples. We will also show that several non-isomorphic Poisson Lie algebras are deforms of one Lie algebra non-simple over K but simple over a ring, thus resembling forms over algebraically non-closed fields of an algebra defined over an algebraically closed field. 2.1. Some preparatory information. Let K be the ground field of characteristic p > 0. In this section we will consider expressions of the form k (mod p) as integers from the segment [0,p 1], not as elements of K. − Lemma. In the algebra [1;(n)], consider a linear map F , where α K, which acts as α O ∈ follows: (4) Fα(x(k)) = α[kp]x(k), k k where the square bracket in the expression [ ] denotes the integer part of . If α = 0, then p p 6 F is an isomorphism of [1;(n)] to itself. α O Proof. Clearly, F is a bijection, so we only need to prove that α (5) F (x(k) x(l)) = F (x(k)) F (x(l)), α α α · · i.e., (6) α[kp+l] k+l x(k+l) = α[kp]+[pl] k+l x(k+l). k k (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) One can see that if (k mod p)+(l mod p) < p, then [k+l] = [k]+[l]; p p p (7) k+l if (k mod p)+(l mod p) p, then 0 mod p, ≥ k ≡ so in both cases10 the statement of Lemma holds. (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:3) Consider the endomorphism of [1;(n)] O ∂x(k) if p ∤ k; (8) D = F 1 ∂ F explicitly given by the conditions D (x(k)) = α α− ◦ ◦ α α α∂x(k) if p k. ( | In what follows, we define D (i.e., D for α = 0, when F is not defined) using relation (8). 0 α 0 Note that if we consider the isomorphism between [1;(n)] and [2;(1,n 1)] given by O O − (9) x(k) y(kmodp)y([pk]), ←→ 1 2 10Observe that the thing equal to 0 in the second line of (7) is NOT THE SAME as the thing equal to [k]+[l]inthefirstline. Alsonotethat,inthefirstline,theequality(involvingintegerparts)isoverintegers p p (since the integer parts are used as power degrees); in the second line (involving binomial coefficient), the equality is over K or modulo p. The inequalities in both lines make sense if the residues of k and l modulo p are considered as integers from the segment [0,p 1]. − 6 Sofiane Bouarroudj, Alexei Lebedev, Dimitry Leites, Irina Shchepochkina then D on [1;(n)] corresponds to ∂ on [2;(1,n 1)]. 0 1 O O − Similarly, in algebra [d;N] with indeterminates x = (x ,...,x ), one can consider the 1 d O map (10) Fα(x(r)) = αPdi=1[rpi]x(r), which is an isomorphism for α = 0; the maps (here ∂ := ∂ ) 6 i xi ∂ x(r) if p ∤ r ; (11) D = F 1 ∂ F act as D (x(r)) = i i α,i α− ◦ i ◦ α α,i α∂ x(r) if p r . ( i i | We define D using these relations (11). 0,i 2.2. Poisson Lie algebras. Consider the Lie algebra po (d;N), where B = (B ) is an B ij alternate (anti-symmetric, so to say) non-degenerate bilinear form on a d-dimensional space. The space of this algebra coincides with [d;N], and the Poisson bracket is defined as O d (12) [f,g] = B ∂ f ∂ g. B ij i j · · i,j=1 X Consider the deformed bracket of po (d;N) determined by the map F on [d;N] (note B α O that the deformation parameter is α 1, not α): − d [f,g] := F 1([F (f),F (g)]) = B F 1(∂ F (f) ∂ F (g)) = B,α α− α α ij α− i α · j α i,j=1 (13) X d d B F 1(∂ F (f)) F 1(∂ F (g)) = B D f D g, ij α− i α · α− j α ij α,i · α,j i,j=1 i,j=1 X X since, for α = 0, the map F on [d;N] preserves the (associative and commutative) multi- α 6 O plication of functions11. Now consider the Lie algebra with this bracket (13), the case α = 0 including. Since we obtained this bracket from a trivial deformation (for α = 0), the Lie algebra obtained is 6 isomorphic to the initial Lie algebra po (d;N). What is the Lie algebra for α = 0 isomorphic B to? Under the isomorphism between [d;N] and [2d;(1,...,1,N 1,...,N 1)] given by 1 d O O − − (14) x(r1)...x(rd) y(r1modp)...y(rdmodp)y([rp1])...y([rpd]), 1 d ←→ 1 d d+1 2d the operator D on [d;N] turns into ∂ on [2d;(1,...,1,N 1,...,N 1)]. So the Lie 0,i i 1 d O O − − algebra given by commutation relation (13) with α = 0 is isomorphic to po (d;(1,...,1)) [d;(N 1,...,N 1)] B 1 d ⊗O − − ≃ (15) poB(d;(1,...,1)) [1;(N1 + +Nd d)] ⊗O ··· − ≃ poB(d;(1,...,1)) [1;(1)]⊗N1+···+Nd−d. ⊗O 11The fact that F is an isomorphism of [d;N] to itself (i.e., preserves the multiplication of functions) α O does NOT imply that F produces a deformed bracket: ANY invertible endomorphismof the space [d;N] α O produces a deformed bracket. It is the fact that F−1(∂ F (f) ∂ F (g)) = F−1(∂ F (f)) F−1(∂ F (g)) α i α · j α α i α · α j α that allows the second step in (13). Semi-trivial deforms in characteristic 2 7 2.3. Corollaries. We see from (15) that all Poisson algebras with the same number of indeterminates, the same N , and the same bilinear form B (or bilinear forms equivalent i over the ground field) are deformations of one Lie algebra. P Conjecturally, the same statement (“a vectorial Lie algebra with a certain N is a defor- mation of the tensor product of its namesake with N := (1,...,1) and the (associative) s function algebra with the needed extra N”) is true whenever the space of the Lie algebra O is the same12 as that of some (or several copies of ), and the bracket can be defined O O using only derivatives, (associative and commutative) multiplication of functions, and linear operations — e.g., for vect. The contact bracket also contains multiplications by x , but i F (x ) = x , so the same seems to be true for k as well. α i i 3. The Jurman algebra is a semi-trivial deform 3.1. The Jurman algebra. In [Ju], Jurman introduced a Lie algebra over F = 0,1 2 { } which until now seemed to have no analog over fields K of characteristic p = 2. Jurman 6 constructed this algebra by doubling, in a sense, the Zassenhaus algebra, i.e., the derived of the Witt algebra vect(1;N). For this reason he called this algebra Bi-Zassenhaus algebra and denoted it B(g,h). But the letter B is overused, besides we wish to emphasize the properties of the Lie algebra B(g,h), different from those Jurman was interested in, so we denote this algebra j(g,h) in honor of Jurman. The following description, see [Ju], allows us to extend the ground field and consider j(g,h) over K. Let g 2, h 1 be integers; η = 2g 1, k = 2g+h 8. Considering the elements ≥ ≥ − ≥ (16) Y (t) t 0,1 , j 1,0,...,k 3 j { | ∈ { } ∈ {− − }} as a basis in j(g,h) Jurman defined the bracket by setting (17) [Y (s),Y (t)] = bi,j Y (s+t), i j s,t i+j+st(1 η) − where (for an elucidation of the meaning of binomial coefficient in the next formula for s = t = 1, see Example just below it) i+j+st(2−η) i+j+st(2−η) + i+1 j+1 (cid:16)(each binomial c(cid:17)oeffi(cid:16)cient, and their(cid:17)sum, i,j (18) bs,t = are considered modulo 2; meaningless   expressions should be considered as 0) if 1 i+j+st(2 η) k 3, − ≤ − ≤ − 0 otherwise.     Example. Consider the case of smallest dimension (g,h) = (2,1). For j = 1, we have the − i−2 i−2 sum + . The fist summand has no sense for any i, so should be understood as i+1 0 a 0, t(cid:16)he se(cid:17)cond(cid:16)sum(cid:17)mand makes sense for i 2 when it is equal to 1. For j = 0, we have i−1 i−1 ≥ + . The first summand makes no sense for any i, the second one makes no i+1 1 (cid:16)sense(cid:17)for i(cid:16)= 1(cid:17),0,1; each of these meaningless binomial coefficients should be understood − i−1 i i as a 0. If i > 1, then i 1 (mod 2). For j = 1, we have + with 1 ≡ − i+1 2 the first summand alway(cid:16)s me(cid:17)aningless (hence equal to 0) and the second(cid:16)one(cid:17)equa(cid:16)l t(cid:17)o 0 for i < 2. 12Not just ISOMORPHIC to — for vector spaces it would only mean that they are of the same O dimension — but is itself, with its extra structures of (associative) multiplication and derivatives. O 8 Sofiane Bouarroudj, Alexei Lebedev, Dimitry Leites, Irina Shchepochkina 3.2. The Jurman algebra j(g,h) as a deform of h′ (2;g,h+1). In order to somehow Π interpret the Jurman algebra j(g,h), we compare it with a known simple Lie algebra; for the most plausible candidates for comparison, see [LeP], where all possible versions of Poisson Lie algebras, and their subquotients — Lie algebras of Hamiltonian vector fields — are described in characteristic 2. We realize the Poisson Lie algebra po (2;N) by generating Π functions (divided powers) in the two indeterminates p and q with the bracket ∂f ∂g ∂f ∂g (19) f,g = . { } ∂p ∂q − ∂q ∂p Consider the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields h (2;N) = po (2;N)/K 1 and its Π Π · derived h (2;N) = [h (2;N),h (2;N)]. We keep expressing the elements of h and h by ′Π Π Π Π ′Π means of generating functions having in mind, by abuse of notation, their classes modulo the center of po . Π Recall, see [LSh1], that the Weisfeiler filtrations were initially used for description of infinite dimensional Lie (super)algebras by selecting a maximal subalgebra of finite 0 L L codimension. Dealing with finite dimensional algebras, we can confine ourselves to maximal subalgebras of least codimension, or almost least, etc. Let be a minimal -invariant 1 0 L− L subspace strictly containing , and -invariant; for i 1, set: 0 0 L L ≥ (20) = [ , ]+ and = D [D, ] . i 1 1 i i i i 1 1 i 1 L−− L− L− L− L { ∈ L− | L− ⊂ L− } We thus get a filtration: (21) = ... d d+1 0 1 L L− ⊃ L− ⊃ ··· ⊃ L ⊃ L ⊃ The d in (21) is called the depth of and of the associated graded Lie superalgebra g = L g , where g = / . i i i i+1 ⊕d i L L − ≤ Denote j(g,h) by when considered with a Weisfeiler filtration. Eqs. (17), (18) imply L that = Span(Y (0),Y (1) i,j 0) 0 i j L | ≥ is a subalgebra of ; from table (25) we see that is a maximal subalgebra. The Weisfeiler 0 L L filtration corresponding to the pair ( , ) is as follows: 0 L L (22) = ..., where = X [ ,X] ; 1 0 1 2 i+1 i i L L− ⊃ L ⊃ L ⊃ L L { ∈ L | L ⊂ L } let grj(g,h) = g , where g = / for i 1. i i i i+1 ⊕ L L ≥ − 3.2.1. Proposition. grj(g,h) = h (2;g,h+1). ∼ ′Π Proof. ForanyY (s) , wedesignatebyY (s)itsimageinthequotientspaceg = / . c i c i i i+1 ∈ L L L Let 0 α 2h 1 and 0 β η = 2g 1. Then ≤ ≤ − ≤ ≤ − (23) Y (s) p(β)q(2α+1 s), where s = 0,1; i = α(η +1) 1 s+β. i − ←→ − − For manual computations, however, it is more convenient to consider the two cases s = 0,1 separately by setting: Y (1) p(β)q(2α) for a = α(η +1) 2+β, a (24) ←→ − Y (0) p(β)q(2α+1) for b = α(η +1) 1+β. b ←→ − We see that the maximal power of p is equal to η = 2g 1 and hence N(p) = g. Since 2α+1 2h+1 1, it follows that N(q) = h+1. − (cid:3) ≤ − Semi-trivial deforms in characteristic 2 9 Accordingly, the basis elements of the components of the first five degrees are as follows: g g g g g −1 0 1 2 3 p Y (1) p(2) Y (1) p(3) Y (1) p(4) Y (1) p(5) Y (1) −1 0 1 2η 3 ←→ ←→ ←→ ←→ ←→ q Y (0) pq Y (0) p(2)q Y (0) p(3)q Y (0) p(4)q Y (0) −1 0 1 2 3 ←→ ←→ ←→ ←→ ←→ (25) q(2) Y (1) pq(2) Y (1) p(2)q(2) Y (1) p(3)q(2) Y (1) η−1 η η+1 η+2 ←→ ←→ ←→ ←→ q(3) Y (0) pq(3) Y (0) p(2)q(3) Y (0) η η+1 η+2 ←→ ←→ ←→ q(4) Y (1) pq(4) Y (1) 2η 2η+1 ←→ ←→ q(5) Y (1) 2η+1 ←→ Denote by , the bracket in g = h (2;g,h + 1) and by [ , ] the bracket in j(g,h). {· ·} ′Π · · Expressing the Y (s) by means of monomials in p and q we see that, for the simplest case i g = h+1, the Jurman cocycle is of the form [f,g] = f,g +c(f,g), where c = p(η)q(m+n 3) d(q(m)) d(q(n)) H2(g;g). (26) − { } ⊗ ∧ ∈ m<n X The weight of x d(y ) d(y ) with respect to a linear combination of the only operator 1 n ⊗ ∧···∧ of maximal torus of j(g,h), and the operator that Z-grades j(g,h), is (27) (deg (x) 1 (deg (y ) 1), deg (x) 1 (deg (y ) 1)). p − − p i − q − − q i − So, the Jurman cocycle is oXf weight (2g, 2). By symmetry Xp q, there is a cocycle, of − ←→ weight ( 2,2g) leading to an isomorphic Jurman algebra. − If g = h+1, there is no symmetry p q, but there is another Jurman cocycle making 6 ←→ h (2;g,h+1) into j(h+1,g 1). It is of the following form, where θ = 2h+1 1: ′Π − − c = q(θ)p(m+n 3) d(p(m)) d(p(n)). (28) − ⊗ ∧ m<n X In characteristic p > 2, for simple vectorial Lie algebras g, most of the cocycles from H2(g;g) are not integrable, see [Dzh]. Here, the situation is completely different: 3.2.2. Lemma (Conjecture for generic values of (g,h)). Any linear combination of the cocycles from H2(g;g), where g = h (2;g,h + 1), can be integrated to a global deform. ′Π Moreover, for g = h (2;g,h + 1), each weight cocycle from H2(g;g) determines a global ′Π deform of h (2;g,h+1), i.e., each deform corresponding to the weight cocycle is linear in ′Π the parameter of deformation. Proof. Computer-aided study for small values of (g,h). (cid:3) For g+h = g +h = K, the Jurman algebras j(g,h) and j(g ,h) considered as Z/2-graded ′ ′ ′ ′ Lie algebras j = j j with j spanned by the Y (0) for all i have these even parts isomorphic ¯0 ¯1 ¯0 i ⊕ and the odd parts, as modules over the even part, are also isomorphic; this is clear from eqs. (17), (18). Observe that the brackets of two odd elements given by Jurman’s cocycles can be united into one bracket depending on as many parameters as there are partitions K = g+h (with g 2, h 1); this bracket linearly depends on these parameters. To see this, consider ≥ ≥ the brackets of two “odd”elements and one “even”element as well as the brackets of three “odd”ones; the statement is obvious in both cases. 3.3. Deforms of h′ (2;g,h + 1) for the smallest values of (g,h). Obviously, if g = Π h+1, it suffices to consider only cocycles of non-negative weight due to symmetry p q. ←→ 10 Sofiane Bouarroudj, Alexei Lebedev, Dimitry Leites, Irina Shchepochkina 3.3.1. (g,h) = (2,1), i.e., deformations of h′ (2;2,2). The Jurman cocycle c above is Π c from our list (29). The Lie algebra h (2;a,a) does have other deforms for sure, e.g., 4, 2 ′Π psl−(2a) induced by quantization of the Poisson Lie algebra. Here is a basis of the space H2(g;g), the index of each cocycle is equal to its weight (to save trees, only the cocycles whose expression is short are given in full): c4,−2= p(3) d(q) d(q(2))+p(3)q d(q) d(q(3))+p(3)q(2) d(q(2)) d(q(3)) ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c0,−4= p d(pq(2)) d(pq(3))+p d(q(3)) d(p(2)q(2))+q d(q(3)) d(pq(3)+ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ p(2) d(pq(2)) d(p(2)q(3))+p(2) d(q(3)) d(p(3)q(2))+pq d(q(3)) d(p(2)q(3))+ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ p(3) d(p(2)q(2)) d(p(2)q(3))+p(3) d(pq(3)) d(p(3)q(2))+p(2)q d(pq(3)) d(p(2)q(3)) ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ (29) c2,0= p(2) d(p) d(q)+pq(2) d(q) d(q(2))+p(3)q d(q) d(p(2)q)+ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ p(3)q(2) d(p) d(pq(3))+p(3)q(2) d(q(2)) d(p(2)q)+p(2)q(3) d(q) d(pq(3)) ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c0,−2= p d(p) d(pq(3))+p d(pq) d(pq(2))+p d(q(2)) d(p(2)q)+q d(q) d(pq(3))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−2,−2= p d(pq(2)) d(p(3)q)+q d(pq(2)) d(p(2)q(2))+q d(q(3)) d(p(3)q)+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ 3.3.2. (g,h) = (3,1) and (2,2), i.e., deformations of h′ (2;3,2) ≃ h′ (2;2,3). The Π Π Jurmancocycle deforming h (2;3,2)into j(3,1)isc , that deforming h (2;2,3)into j(2,2) ′Π 2,8 ′Π − is c (to save trees, only the cocycles whose expression is short are given in full): 4, 2 − c0,−8= p (cid:0)d(cid:0)pq(4)(cid:1) d(cid:0)pq(5)(cid:1)(cid:1)+p (cid:0)d(cid:0)q(5)(cid:1) d(cid:0)p(2)q(4)(cid:1)(cid:1)+q (cid:0)d(cid:0)pq(4)(cid:1) d(cid:0)q(6)(cid:1)(cid:1)+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c1,−7= p d(cid:0)q(4)(cid:1) d(cid:0)pq(4)(cid:1)+q d(cid:0)q(4)(cid:1) d(cid:0)q(5)(cid:1)+p(2) d(cid:0)q(4)(cid:1) d(cid:0)p(2)q(4)(cid:1)+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c4,−4= p(3) d(q) d(cid:0)q(4)(cid:1)+p(3)q d(q) d(cid:0)q(5)(cid:1)+p(3)q d(cid:0)q(2)(cid:1) d(cid:0)q(4)(cid:1)+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c4,−2= p(3) d(q) d(cid:0)q(2)(cid:1)+p(3)q d(q) d(cid:0)q(3)(cid:1)+p(3)q(2) d(q) d(cid:0)q(4)(cid:1)+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c1,−5= p d(q(2)) d(pq(4))+p d(pq(2)) d(q(4))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c0,−4= p d(pq(2)) d(pq(3))+p d(q(3)) d(p(2)q(2))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−1,−5= p d(p(2)) d(pq(6))+p d(p(3)) d(q(6))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−2,−6= p d(pq(4)) d(p(3)q(3))+q d(pq(4)) d(p(2)q(4))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−2,−4= p d(pq(2)) d(p(3)q(3))+p d(p(3)q) d(pq(4))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−1,−3= p d(q(2)) d(p(3)q(2))+p d(p(2)q) d(pq(3))+ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ··· c0,−2= p d(pq) d(pq(2))+p d(q(2)) d(p(2)q)+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ (30) c2,0= p(2) d(p) d(q)+pq(2) d(q) d(q(2))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−2,−2= p d(pq(2)) d(p(3)q)+q d(q) d(p(3)q(3))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−2,0= p d(p(2)) d(p(2)q)+p d(pq) d(p(3))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−4,−2= p d(p(3)) d(p(3)q(3))+q d(p(3)) d(p(2)q(4))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−4,0= p d(p(3)) d(p(3)q)+q d(p(3)) d(p(2)q(2))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c0,4= (q(4) (d(p) d(q))+(p(2)q(3)) d(p) d(p(2))+... ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c0,6= q(6) d(p) d(q)+p(2)q(5) d(p) d(cid:0)p(2)(cid:1) ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ +pq(7) d(p) d(cid:0)pq(2)(cid:1)+p(3)q(6) d(p) d(cid:0)p(3)q(cid:1) ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ +p(2)q(7) d(q) d(cid:0)p(3)q(cid:1)+p(2)q(7) d(cid:0)p(2)(cid:1) d(cid:0)pq(2)(cid:1) ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ c−2,8= q(7) d(p) d(p(2))+pq(7) d(p) d(p(3))+p(2)q(7) d(p(2)) d(p(3)) ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ ⊗ ∧ 3.4. Proposition. 1) The Jurman cocycle is semi-trivial for any g,h. In particular, the cocycle c , see (29), represents the map 4, 2 − (31) (x,y) p(3)(∂ x ∂2y +∂2x ∂ y), 7→ q · q q · q i.e., the deformed bracket is that of the Jurman algebra: (32) [x,y] = (∂ +~p(3)∂2)x ∂ y +∂ x (∂ +~p(3)∂2)y. ~ p q · q q · p q 2) The cocycle c , see (29), is semi-trivial. 0, 4 −

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