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DEFORMATION THEORY OF INFINITY ALGEBRAS 1 ALICE FIALOWSKI AND MICHAEL PENKAVA 0 0 2 Abstract. This work explores the deformation theory of alge- n braicstructuresinaverygeneralsetting. Thesestructuresinclude a commutative, associative algebras, Lie algebras, and the infinity J versionsofthesestructures,thestronglyhomotopyassociativeand 1 Lie algebras. In allthese casesthe algebrastructureis determined 1 by an element of a certaingradedLie algebra which plays the role ] ofadifferentialonthisalgebra. We workoutthe deformationthe- T ory in terms of the Lie algebra of coderivations of an appropriate R coalgebra structure and construct a universal infinitesimal defor- . h mation as well as a miniversal formal deformation. By working t at this level of generality, the main ideas involved in deformation a m theory stand out more clearly. [ 1 v 7 1. Introduction 9 0 In this paper we explore the notion of deformations of algebraic 1 structures, in a very general setting, which is applicable to any al- 0 1 gebraic structure determined by a differential on a graded Lie algebra. 0 Examples of such structures include associative algebras, which are de- / h termined by a differential on the Lie algebra of coderivations of the t a tensor coalgebra, Lie algebras, which are determined by a coderivation m on the coderivations of the exterior coalgebra, as well as the infinity : v versions of these structures, which are determined by more general dif- i ferentials than the quadratic ones which give the usual associative and X Lie algebras. r a Hochschild cohomology of associative algebras was first described in [15], and used to study the infinitesimal deformations of associative algebras in [9], [10]. In [9] the Gerstenhaber bracket was defined on the space of cochains of an associative algebra, which equips the space of 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14D15, 13D10, 14B12, 16S80, 16E40, 17B55,17B70. Key words and phrases. Differential graded Lie algebra, infinity algebra, Harri- son cohomology,infinitesimal deformation, versal deformation. The research of the first author was partially supported by the grants OTKA T030823,T23434,T29535andFKFP0170/1999,andthesecondauthorbyanNRC grant, as well as grants from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. 1 2 ALICE FIALOWSKI AND MICHAEL PENKAVA cochains with the structure of a graded Lie algebra. Moreover, it was shown that the cochain determining the associative algebra structure is a differential on this Lie algebra, whose homology coincides with the Hochschild cohomology of the associative algebra. Jim Stasheff discov- ered (see [32]) that this construction could be understood more simply by means of a natural identification of the space of cochains of an as- sociative algebra with the coderivations of the tensor coalgebra on the underlying vector space. With this identification, the Gerstenhaber bracket coincides with the bracket of coderivations. Thus the initially mysterious existence of a Lie algebra structure on the space of cochains of an associative algebra was unraveled. In Stasheff’s construction, the associative algebra structure is determined by a 2-cochain, i.e., a qua- dratic coderivation, which has square zero, so that it is a codifferential on the tensor coalgebra. Infinitesimal deformations of the algebra are determined by quadratic cocycles with respect to the homology deter- mined by the codifferential, in other words, by the second cohomology group. The connection between deformation theory and cohomology is completely transparent in this framework. It also turned out (see [29]) thatreplacing the quadraticcodifferential by a more generalcodifferen- tialdetermines aninteresting algebraicstructure, whichiscalledanA ∞ algebra, or strongly homotopy associative algebra. A algebras first ∞ were described in [29], [30], and have appeared in both mathematics and physics. (See [11], [17], [21], [26], [16], [13].) In a parallel manner, the notion of a Lie algebra can be described in terms of the coderivations of the exterior coalgebra of a vector space, with the Lie algebra structure being given by a quadratic codifferen- tial, and the Eilenberg-Chevalley cohomology of the Lie algebra being given by the homology determined by this codifferential. In addition, the homology of a Lie algebra inherits the structure of a graded Lie algebra from the bracket of coderivations. Lie algebras generalize to L algebras (strongly homotopy Lie algebras). They first appeared in ∞ [28], and also have applications in both mathematics and physics. (See [19], [31], [18], [25], [23], [24], [1].) The main feature of this description is that in the cases described above, the algebraic structure is determined by an element of a certain graded Lie algebra, which plays the role of the differential on this al- gebra, and the cohomology of the algebra is simply the homology of this differential. Infinitesimal deformations of the algebraic structure are completely determined by the cohomology, which has the structure of a graded Lie algebra. There are many other algebraic structures which fit this basic framework. For example, commutative algebras DEFORMATION THEORY OF INFINITY ALGEBRAS 3 are determined by a quadratic codifferential in the space of coderiva- tions of the Lie coalgebra associated to the tensor coalgebra. Similarly, deformations of associative or Lie algebras preserving an invariant in- ner product, are determined by cyclic cohomology, which is given by a differential graded Lie algebra on a space of cyclic cochains (see [20], [25],[22]). The notion of deformations of a Lie algebra with base given by a commutative algebra was described in [2] and used in [4] in order to study some examples of singular deformations (see also [3]). In [5] a universal infinitesimal deformation of a Lie algebra was constructed, as well asa miniversal formal deformation.Our purpose in this article is to generalize these two constructions to the general setting of an algebraic structure which is determined by a differential on a graded Lie algebra, as in the structures described above. First, we will give a description of deformation theory in terms of the Lie algebra of coderivations of an appropriate coalgebra structure. In this general setting we will construct a universal infinitesimal defor- mation, as well as a miniversal formal deformation. By working at this level of generality, the main ideas involved in the construction stand out more clearly. 2. Infinity algebras As a preliminary exercise, we first translate the notions of Lie alge- bras and associative algebras into descriptions in terms of the language of codifferentials on symmetric and tensor algebras, which allows us to give simple definitions of their generalizations into L and A alge- ∞ ∞ bras, as well as making it possible to describe deformation theory in a uniform manner. Let K be a field and V be a Z -graded K-vector space. (Some may 2 prefer a Z-grading on V.) Then by the exterior algebra V we mean V ∞ the quotient of the (restricted) tensor algebra T(V) = MVn by the n=1 graded ideal generated by elements of the form u ⊗ v + (−1)uvv ⊗ u for homogeneous elements u, v ∈ V (where (−1)uv is an abbreviation for (−1)|u||v|, with |u| denoting the parity of u). The exterior algebra may also be considered as the symmetric algebra arising from a natural Z ×Z-grading on T(V), and it is Z ×Z-graded commutative in this 2 2 sense. If σ is a permutation in Σ , then n v ∧···∧v = (−1)σǫ(σ)v ∧···∧v σ(1) σ(n) 1 n 4 ALICE FIALOWSKI AND MICHAEL PENKAVA where (−1)σ is the sign of σ, and ǫ(σ) is a sign depending on both σ and v1,··· ,vn which satisfies ǫ(τ) = (−1)vkvk+1 when τ = (k,k +1) is a transposition. In addition to the algebra structure, V also possesses a natural V Z ×Z-cocommutative coalgebra structure given by 2 ∆(v ∧···∧v ) = 1 n n X X (−1)σǫ(σ)vσ(1) ∧···∧vσ(k) ⊗vσ(k+1) ∧···∧vσ(n), k=1σ∈Sh(k,n−k) where Sh(k,n−k) is the set of all unshuffles of type (k,n−k), that is, permutations which are increasing on 1...k, and on k +1...n. Note that in our definition of the exterior algebra, we begin with elements of degree 1, so that K = 0V is not considered part of the V exterior algebra. Therefore, in our construction ∆ is not injective, because ∆(v) = 0 for any v ∈ V; in fact, ker∆ = V. In order to generalize Lie algebras to L algebras, it is convenient ∞ to replace the space V with its parity reversion W = ΠV, and the exterior coalgebra on V with the symmetric coalgebra on W. One advantage of this construction is that the symmetric coalgebra S(W) is Z -graded, rather than Z ×Z-graded, and the coderivations on S(W) 2 2 Z determine a -graded Lie algebra, which is better behaved in terms of 2 the properties of the bracket than the Z ×Z-graded coderivations on 2 V. In case the space V is not a Z -graded space, that is to say that V 2 all elements in V have even parity, then W becomes a space consisting of only odd elements, and the symmetric algebra on W coincides in a straightforward manner with the exterior algebra on V, in the sense that the exterior degree of an element in V is the same as the parity V of its image in S(W). Thus in the classical picture one studies simply the space V equipped with the induced Z -grading given by the Z- V 2 grading inherited from the tensor algebra. Let us denote the product in S(W) by juxtaposition. Then the coalgebra structure on S(W) is given by the rule n ∆(w1···wn) = X X ǫ(σ)wσ(1)···wσ(k) ⊗wσ(k+1)···wσ(n). k=1σ∈Sh(k,n−k) Again the kernel of ∆ is simply W, and it is injective on elements of higher degree. There is a natural correspondence between Hom(S(W),W) and the Z - graded Lie algebra of coderivations Coder(W), which is given by 2 DEFORMATION THEORY OF INFINITY ALGEBRAS 5 extending a map ϕ : Sk(W) → W to a Z -graded coderivation by the 2 rule ϕ(w1···wn) = X ǫ(σ)ϕ(wσ(1)···wσ(k))wσ(k+1)···wσ(n). σ∈Sh(k,n−k) Moreover, if ϕ is any coderivation, and ϕ : Sk(W) → W denotes the k induced maps, then ϕ can be recovered fromthese maps by the formula ϕ(w1···wn) = X X ǫ(σ)ϕk(wσ(1)···wσ(k))wσ(k+1)···wσ(n). 1≤k≤nσ∈Sh(k,n−k) We thus can express ϕ = ∞ ϕ , and say that ϕ is the degree n Pn=1 n n partofϕ. NotethatCoder(W)isactuallyadirect product, ratherthan direct sum, of its graded subspaces. In the case of Lie and associative algebras, it is conventional to consider the direct sum of the subspaces instead, but we shall not make that convention here. If ϕ and ψ are two coderivations, then their Lie bracket is given by [ϕ,ψ] = ϕ◦ψ −(−1)ϕψψ ◦ϕ. In terms of the identification of Coder(W) with Hom(S(W),W), this bracket takes the form [ϕ,ψ] (w ···w ) = n 1 n X ǫ(σ)[ϕl(ψk(wσ(1)···wσ(k))wσ(k+1)···wσ(n)) k+l=n+1 σ∈Sh(k,n−k) −(−1)ϕψψ (ϕ (w ···w )w ···w ]. l k σ(1) σ(k) σ(k+1) σ(n) A codifferential d is a coderivation whose square is zero, and in case d is odd, this is equivalent to the property [d,d] = 0, which can be expressed in the form X ǫ(σ)[dl(dk(wσ(1)···wσ(k))wσ(k+1)···wσ(n))] = 0. k+l=n+1 σ∈Sh(k,n−k) Let L = Hom(Sn(W),W), and L = ∞ L = Coder(W). An odd n Qn=1 n codifferential d in L , called a quadratic codifferential, determines a 2 1 Z -graded Lie algebra structure on V. The reader can check that the 2 codifferential property is precisely the requirement that the induced map l : V ∧V → V satisfies the Z -graded Jacobi identity. In order 2 2 to define a L algebra, one simply takes an arbitrary codifferential in ∞ L. This codifferential d is given by a series of maps d : Sk(W) → W, k k which determine maps l : V → V, satisfying some relations which k V 6 ALICE FIALOWSKI AND MICHAEL PENKAVA arethedefiningrelationsoftheL algebra. Detailsofthisconstruction ∞ can be obtained in [25]. It is easy to see that the map D : L → L given by D(ϕ) = [d,ϕ] is a differential, equipping L with the structure of a differential graded Lie algebra. When d is quadratic, the homology given by this differential is essentially theEilenberg-Chevalley cohomologyoftheLiealgebra(with coefficients in the adjoint representation). In general, the homology given by d is called the cohomology of the L algebra V. Thus both ∞ Lie and L algebras are structures on a Z -graded vector space, which ∞ 2 are determined as odd codifferentials on the symmetric coalgebra of the parity reversion of the space, and the cohomology of these algebras is simply the homology on the graded Lie algebra of coderivations of this coalgebra determined by this codifferential. A similar picture applies for associative algebras, except that this time, we form the tensor coalgebra T (W) of the parity reversion W of the underlying vector space V, for which we take the Z -grading 2 correspondingtothegradingofW,insteadoftheZ ×Z-gradingwhich 2 would be necessary if we were to consider the coalgebra structure on T(V). The coproduct is given by n−1 ∆(w1,··· ,wn) = X(w1,··· ,wk)⊗(wk+1,··· ,wn). k=1 There is a natural correspondence between Hom(T(W),W) and the Z - graded Lie algebra of coderivations Coder(W), which is given by 2 extending a map ϕ : Tk(W) → W to a Z -graded coderivation by the 2 rule ϕ(w1,··· ,wn) = X [ 0≤i≤n−k (−1)(w1+···+wi)ϕ(w ,··· ,w ,ϕ(w ,··· ,w ),w ,··· ,w )]. 1 i i+1 i+k i+k+1 n Moreover, if ϕ is any coderivation, and ϕ : Tk(W) → W denotes the k induced maps, then ϕ can be recovered fromthese maps by the formula ϕ(w ,··· ,w ) = 1 n X (−1)(w1+···+wi)ϕ(w1,··· ,wi,ϕk(wi+1,··· ,wi+k),wi+k+1,··· ,wn). 1≤k≤n 0≤i≤n−k DEFORMATION THEORY OF INFINITY ALGEBRAS 7 If ϕ and ψ are two coderivations, then their Lie bracket, in terms of the identification of Coder(W) with Hom(T(W),W), takes the form [ϕ,ψ]n(w1,··· ,wn) = X [ k+l=n+1 0≤i≤n−k (−1)(w1+···+wi)ψϕ (w ,··· ,w ,ψ (w ,··· ,w ),w ,··· ,w )− l 1 i k i+1 i+k i+k+1 n (−1)(ψ+w1+···+wi)ϕψ (w ,··· ,w ,ϕ (w ,··· ,w ),w ,··· ,w )]. l 1 i k i+1 i+k i+k+1 n An odd codifferential d on T(W) satisfies the relations X (−1)w1+···+widl(w1,··· ,wi,dk(wi+1,··· ,wi+k),wi+k+1,··· ,wn) k+l=n+1 0≤i≤n−k = 0. Therelationssatisfiedbytheinducedmapsm : Vk → V determinethe k structure of an A algebra on V. When d is a quadratic codifferential, ∞ one can show that the induced map m is simply an associative algebra structure on V. As in the case of an L algebra, one forms the graded ∞ Lie algebra L = ∞ L , where L = Hom(Tn(V),V) is the subspace Qn=1 n n consisting of degree n elements in L. The differential D(ϕ) = [ϕ,d] equips L with the structure of a differential graded Lie algebra, and the homology given by D is called the cohomology of the A algebra. ∞ For an associative algebra, the cohomology is simply the Hochschild cohomologyofthealgebra,andthebracketistheGerstenhaberbracket. At this point, it should be clear to the reader that from an abstract point of view there is not much difference between the construction of L and A algebras. In both cases we have a graded Lie algebra ∞ ∞ L consisting of Z -graded coderivations of an appropriate coalgebra, 2 which can be expressed as a direct product of subspaces L , for n ≥ n 0. It is easy to see that [L ,L ] ⊆ L . From this it follows n m m+n−1 that if d is a quadratic codifferential, then D(L ) ⊆ L , so that n n+1 the homology H(L) has a decomposition H(L) = ∞ H (L), where Qn=1 n H (L) = ker(d : L → L )/Im(d : L → L ). When d is not n n n+1 n−1 n quadratic, no such decomposition exists; instead we need to consider a natural filtration on H(L). The filtration arises from the natural filtration on L given by Ln = ∞ L , which is respected by D in the Qi=n i sense that D(Ln) ⊆ Ln. We shall discuss how the filtration on L gives rise to a natural filtration on H(L) in the next section. For Lie and associative algebras, infinitesimal deformations are de- terminedbythesecondcohomologygroupH2(L). Forinfinityalgebras, the entire cohomology governs the infinitesimal deformations. In fact, one interpretation of the cohomology of a Lie or associative algebra is 8 ALICE FIALOWSKI AND MICHAEL PENKAVA that it governs the infinitesimal deformations of the algebra into the appropriate infinity algebra. Suppose now that A is a Z -graded commutative algebra over a 2 ground field K equipped with a fixed augmentation ǫ : A → K, with augmentation ideal m = ker(ǫ). For simplicity, denote W = W ⊗A. A ∼ Let T (W ) be the tensor algebra of W over A. Then T (W ) = A A A A A T(W) ⊗ A. Similarly, if S (W ) is the symmetric algebra of W A A A ∼ over A, then S (W ) = S(W) ⊗ A. These natural isomorphisms A A respect the algebra and coalgebra structures of both sides. In what follows, let us assume for sake of definiteness that we are working with the symmetric coalgebra, and thus with the deformation theory for L algebras, but the statements and results hold true for A algebras ∞ ∞ as well, by simply replacing the symmetric coalgebra with the tensor coalgebra. Let L = L⊗ˆA = ∞ L ⊗A be the completed tensor product of A Qn=1 n L and A. There is a natural identification of L with the space of A- A algebra coderivations of S(W)⊗A. Both L and L have the structure A of Z -graded A-Lie algebras, where the augmentation determines the 2 A-Lie algebra structure on L. The projection L → L induced by the A augmentation is an A-Lie algebra homomorphism. A deformation of a L structure d with base A, or more simply an ∞ ˜ A-deformation of d, is defined to be an odd codifferential d ∈ L , A which maps to d under the natural projection. When d ∈ L , so that 2 the structure is a Lie algebra, then an A-deformation of the Lie algebra structure is given by an odd codifferential in (L ) . A 2 The algebra A splits canonically in the form A = K ⊕ m, which induces a splitting L = L ⊗ K ⊕ L⊗ˆm = L ⊕ L⊗ˆm; moreover, the A ˜ map L → L is simply the projection on the first factor. Thus if d is A an A-deformation of L then d˜= d+δ where δ ∈ L⊗ˆm. In order for d˜ ˜ ˜ to be an A-deformation, we must have [d,d] = 0, which is equivalent to δ satisfying the Maurer-Cartan formula (1) D(δ) = −1[δ,δ], 2 where D(δ) = [d,δ]. If λ : W → W′ is even, then it extends uniquely to a coalgebra homomorphism S(λ) : S(W) → S(W′) by S(λ)(w ···w ) = λ(w )···λ(w ). 1 n 1 n If W and W′ are equipped with Lie algebra structures d and d′ respec- tively, then λ determines a Lie algebra homomorphism if d′ ◦ S(λ) = S(λ)◦d. For the L case, a homomorphism is given by an arbitrary ∞ coalgebra morphism f : S(W) → S(W′) satisfying d′◦f = f◦d, where DEFORMATION THEORY OF INFINITY ALGEBRAS 9 d and d′ are now L algebra structures. It is not possible to translate ∞ the definition of homomorphism of L or Lie algebras into a state- ∞ ment about the algebras L(W) and L(W′), but this is not surprising since homomorphisms of Lie algebras do not induce morphisms on the cohomology level. Iff : S(W) → S(W)isacoalgebraautomorphism, thenf inducesan automorphism f∗ of L, given by f∗(ϕ) = f−1◦ϕ◦f, so that d = f∗(d) f is a codifferential in L if d is a codifferential. If f = S(τ) for some isomorphism τ : W → W, then f∗(L ) = L . In particular, d is a n n f quadratic codifferential when d is. For Lie algebras, we restrict our consideration of automorphisms to these degree zero maps, but for L ∞ algebras we require merely that f be even, so that it may mix the exterior degrees of elements. Two A-deformations d˜and d˜′ of an L algebra are said to be equiv- ∞ alent when there is an A-coalgebra automorphism f of S(W)⊗A such that f∗(d˜) = d˜′, compatible with the projection S(W)⊗ A → S(W). For the Lie algebra case, one requires in addition that f = S(γ) for some isomorphism γ : W → W . In terms of the decomposition A A S(W)⊗A = S(W) S(W)⊗m we can express an equivalence in the L form f = Id+λ, for some map λ : S(W) → S(W)⊗m. Since f must satisfy the condition ∆◦f = f ⊗f ◦∆, and Id is an automorphism, λ must satisfy the condition (2) ∆◦λ = (λ⊗Id+Id⊗λ+λ⊗λ)◦∆. We can also express f∗ = Id+λ˜, for some map λ˜ : L → L⊗ˆm, and we obtain the condition ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ (3) λ[ϕ,ψ] = [λϕ,ψ]+[ϕ,λψ]+[λϕ,λψ]. We next define the notion of a change of base of a deformation. Sup- pose that A and A′ are two augmented K-algebras with augmentation ideals m and m′ resp. and τ : A → A′ is a K-algebra morphism. Then τ induces an A-linear map τ = 1⊗τ : S(W)⊗A → S(W)⊗A′ which ∗ is an A-coalgebra morphism, that is ∆′ ◦τ = (τ ⊗τ )◦∆. ∗ ∗ ∗ Similarly, the induced map τ : L → L ′ is a homomorphism of ∗ A A gradedA-Liealgebras. IntermsofthedecompositionsL = L L⊗ˆm A L and L ′ = L L⊗ˆm′, it is clear that τ (ϕ) = ϕ for any ϕ ∈ L, and A L ∗ τ (L⊗ˆm) ⊆ L⊗ˆm′. If d˜= d+δ is an A-deformation of d, then the push ∗ 10 ALICE FIALOWSKI AND MICHAEL PENKAVA out τ (d˜) = d + τ (δ) is an A′-deformation of d. Furthermore, if two ∗ ∗ A-deformations of d are equivalent, then τ maps them to equivalent ∗ deformations, so that τ induces a map between equivalence classes of ∗ A-deformations and equivalence classes of A′-deformations. Two special cases of deformations with base arise, the infinitesi- mal deformations and the formal deformations. If A is a local alge- bra and m2 = 0 then we shall call A an infinitesimal algebra, and an A-deformation will be called an infinitesimal deformation. Espe- cially interesting is the classical notion of an infinitesimal deforma- tion, determined by the algebra A = K[t]/(t2), where t is taken as an even parameter, which may be generalized to the dual algebra A = K[t,θ]/(t2,tθ,θ2), where θ is taken as an odd parameter. A formal deformation is given by taking A to be a complete lo- ←------- cal algebra, or a formal algebra, so that A = lim A/mn. Then n→∞ a formal deformation with base A is given by a codifferential d˜ on ←------- lim L⊗ˆA/mn, the classical example being A = K[[t]], the ring of n→∞ formal power series in the even parameter t. The main purpose of this section was to show how the notion of an A-deformation can be given in terms of the Lie algebra L . Defor- A mations with base A are given by certain classes of codifferentials in L , depending on the type of structure being deformed. Equivalences A of deformations are given by certain classes of automorphisms of the Lie algebra structure of L , again depending on the type of structure A being deformed. We will show later how the homology of L determined by the codifferential d relates the notion of infinitesimal deformation with that of infinitesimal equivalence. 3. Filtered Topological Vector Spaces Because we will need some topological results, we include a brief ex- planation of properties of filtered topological modules. A filtered topo- logical space is a natural generalization of a direct product, and arises in our construction because the space L of cocycles does not have a natural decomposition as a sub-direct product of the space of cochains. The natural direct product decomposition of L does induce a filtration on the space of cocycles, which descends to a filtration on the homol- ogy. The topology of a filtered space allows the natural introduction of a dual space, the continuous dual, which is small enough to be useful in our construction. A (decreasing) filtration on a module F is a sequence of submodules Fn satisfying F = F0, Fn+1 ⊆ Fn and ∞ Fn = 0. A sequence Tn=1 {x } is said to be Cauchy if given any n, there is some m such that if i

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