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Preview deformation of chalk through compaction ani) flow.

like to thank Oystein Dretvik, Eric Mathiesen and Per Erik Overli and in particular Kjetl Tonstad and Ole Preben Berget for their help and assistance over the past three years. For the work undertaken with Norsk Hydro, one person in particular deserves a special mention, Knut Pederstad. Core analysis, in particular that involving North Sea chalk, is a time consuming and often confusing business. I was very fortunate to have a great deal of guidance from Tony Corrigan, who never failed to help me when ever I needed it to unravel the complex story locked in the chalk cores. I was also fortunate to be able to observe Dr Jim Kennedy from Oxford at work on the same core material. His comments and observations proved to be extremely useful. A substantial part of the work reported in this thesis represents laboratory experiments conducted in the Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Im- perial College, London. Although this is not my parent department, the technical sup- port provided has been unstinting. Without the unending help of Louis Spall, Steve Ackerley, Graham Keefe and Alan Bolser, this study could not have been completed. They have always been willing to rescue me when the machinery I was using broke down (a frequent occurrence) and help with any modifications that were needed with the min- imum of delay. The members of staff within the Soil Mechanics section, in particular Dr's Angus Skinner, Dave Potts, Professors's Peter Vaughan and John Burland have also been incredibly patient in answering questions, explaining principles and turning a blind eye to the innumerable oil spillages with which I have been closely associated. The technical staff at University College have shown the same level of patience as that exhibited by those at Imperial College. Three people deserve a special mention, Sean Houlding, Mike Gray and Ron Dudman. Ron in particular, has never ceased to amaze me with his immense enthusiasm and encouragement, even though my requests for the impossible frequently ended with a his owning more oil stained clothes. I have been extremely privileged to work in a research group in which help and co- operation has never been in short supply. I would like to thank to past members of our research group, Tony Addis for his initial help and encouragement, Najwa Yassir for her assistance in a number of experiments, the many useful discussions and her friendship. A special thank you should also go to Tony Goldsmith. He has helped me with a large number of experiments, equipment development and has always been will- ing to rewrite sections of the database program he has been developing when I needed specific information. The biggest thank you of all goes to Meryvn Jones. Without his (and that of his wife Jane's) help, assistance, insistence and support this project would never have materialised. I would also like to thank Sediment Deformation Research for funding this project and for allowing me the privilege of working within such a dynamic and successful research group. As such occassions are rare, I should take this opportunity to thank a number of people who, through their inspiration, have been the key to the maintenance of my sanity. They are too numer ous to mention, but include such names as Camm, Bishop, Chadwick and most important of all Mitchell. Finally, I would like thank my family for all of their encouragement during my studies and in particular my wife Ann. Without her never ending support rone of this would have been possible. This thesis can only be a small reward for all that she has willingly given up to help me during my time at University. CONTENTS Page No. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION . 1 1.1. Research objectives . 1 1.2. Organisation of thesis .............................................................................4 1.3. Scientific rationale .....................................................................................6 PART 1 ON ThE NATURE OF CHALK. CHAPTER 2 STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURAL SETJ1NG OF ThE CHALKS OF NORTH WEST EUROPE. 2.1. Introduction ..............................................................................................12 2.2. Structural control ..........................................................................................13 2.3. The initial accumulation and diagenesis of the chalk ................................16 2.4. Danish onshore chalks (Stevn's Klint) ........................................................23 2.5. Onshore chalks from South East England (Buster Hill) ............................25 CHAPTER 3 NORWEGIAN HYDROCARBON RESERVOIR CHALKS. 3.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................29 3.2. Sedimentology .........................................................................................29 3.2.1. Autochthonous chalks ................................................................................31 3.2.2. Allochthonous chalks ................................................................................34 3.3. Structural development and overpressuring................................................42 3.4. The lithostratigraphic characteristics of the Norwegian chalkformation s ............................................................................................. 58 3.4.1. Hidra Formation (Cenomanian) ..............................................................60 3.4.2. Plenus Marl Formation (Cenomanian) .................................................60 3.4.3. Hod Formation (Turonian to Upper Campanian) ................................60 3.4.4. Tor Formation (Upper Campanian to Maastrichtian) ..........................61 3.4.5. Ekofisk Formation (Danian, Tertiary) ...................................................62 3.5. Fracture studies ..........................................................................................62 3.5.1. Lithological and fracture study of well 2/7-Bli 65 PART 2 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES. CHAPTER 4 UNIAXIAL EXPERIMENTS. 4.1. Introduction ...............................................................................................104 4.2. Resume of uniaxial strain: theory and practice ........................................106 4.3. Experimental equipment and sample preparation methodology ............117 4.3.1. The triaxial cell .......................................................................................117 43.2. Measurement of horizontal and vertical displacements ......................119 43.3. The load frame ..................................................................................122 4.3.4. The drainage system ............................................................................122 4.3.5. Data logging ...........................................................................................122 43.6. Sample preparation and installation procedures ....................................123 4.4. Slow strain-rate experiments ..................................................................124 4.4.1. Introduction .............................................................................................124 4.4.2. Experimental methodology and results ................................................127 Elongcl ............................................................................................131 E longc 2 ..........................132 4.4.23. Elongc3 ....................137 Elongc4 .............................137 4.4.3. Discussion 137 4.5. Stress relaxation experiments . 144 43.1. Introduction ..........................................................................................144 4.5.2. Experimental results ...........................................................................145 Vertical effective stress/axial strain ............................................ 145 Horizontal and vertical effective stress .........................................149 43.2.3. Deviatoric/mean effective stress ....................................................149 Void ratio/mean effective stress ......................................................157 4.6. Water injection experiments ...................................................................157 4.6.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................157 4.6.2 Experimental results ...........................................................................161 4.7 Discussion .............................................................................................173 CHAPTER 5 DETERMINATION OF RESERVOIR ROCK PERMEABILITY. 5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................186 5.2. Routine permeability analysis ............................................................189 5.3. High pressure falling-head methodology ...........................................192 5.4. High pressure constant-head equipment ..............................................192 5.5. High pressure constant-head methodology ...........................................193 5.6. Sample morphology ..............................................................................195 5.7. Experimental results ...........................................................................197 5.8. Microfacies analysis ...............................................................................230 5.9. Discussion and conclusions ..............................................................232 CHAPTER 6 UNDRAINED SHEAR EXPERIMENTS 6.1. Introduction .........................................................................................241 6.2. Resume of the theoretical background of undrained shear behaviour 247 63. Previous studies on the undrained shear behaviour of calcareoussediments ............................................................................254 6.4 . Methodology . 266 6.5. Experimental results ......................................................................268 6.5.1. Isotropically consolidated samples .............................................269 63.2. Anisotropically consolidated samples ..........................................277 6.5.3. Strain rate data ..........................................................................289 6.6. Discussion ...................................................................................294 6.6.1. The critical state for an elastic material ................................298 6.6.2. Influence of consolidation pressure on failure ..........................300 Butser Hill ..............................................................................302 Stevn's Klint ............................................................................307 6.63. Influence of method of consolidation on the stress path .........309 6.6.4. Influence of consolidation pressure on pore pressuregeneration ..........................................................................312 6.6.5. The influence of strain rate ..................................................... 315 6.6.6. Failure surface and consolidation path ....................................317 6.7. Conclusions ...............................................................................327 CHAPTER 7 GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 7.1. Introduction ................................................................................331 72.Burial compaction and shear deformation during redeposition.....................................................................................332 73.Reservoir compaction and sea floor subsidence ......................337 73.1. Introduction ..............................................................................337 7.32. Surface subsidence over chalk oil fields .................................338 History of the Ekofisk subsidence ..........................................338 732.2. Subsidence history of West Ekofisk......................................340 7.323. Subsidence history of ValhaII .................................................340 73.2.4. Causes of the sea floor subsidence ........................................340 733. Analysis and prediction of subsidence ......................................342 The finite element models . 342 The geology and model geometries ....................................342 Mechanical behaviour of the reservoir rock ........................343 Mechanical behaviour of the overburden rock ...................345 Pore fluid pressures ...............................................................347 Running the analysis .................................................................347 7.3.4. Results ......................................................................................347 Ekoflsk subsidence ..................................................................348 West Ekofisk subsidence ........................................................252 73.4.3. Eldflsk subsidence ....................................................................352 73.4.4. VaThall subsidence ..................................................................354 73.5. Discussion of chalk oil field compaction and subsidence ........354 7.4. Flow of chalk in the near well bore region.................................... 357 BIBUOGRAPHY............................................................................... 359 APPENDIX 1. Geological characterisation of outcrop chalks ...........369 FIGURES. Figure. 1.1. Location map of the Greater Ekofisk area. Figure. 2.1. Structural map for the Late Cretaceous. (After Hancock, 1987.) Figure. 3.1. Location map of the Greater Ekofisk Area. Figure. 3.2. Schematic map indicating the predominant direction of sediment transpor- tation and re-deposition during the deposition of the Tor Formation Chalks. (After Kennedy, 1987 a/b.) Figure. 3.3. Four maps indicating the increasing intensity of allochthonous deposition, particularly around the Lindesnes Ridge, during the deposition of the Tor Formation Chalks. (After Hatton, 1986.) Figure. 3.4. Schematic map indicating the predominant direction of sediment transpor- tation and re-deposition during the deposition of the Lower Ekofisk Formation Chalks. (After Kennedy, 1987 a/b.) Figure. 3.5. Schematic map based on isopach thicknesses indicating re-deposition during the deposition of the Upper Ekofisk Formation Chalks. (After Hatton, 1986.) Figure. 3.6. Burial/effective stress curves assuming that overpressuring is related to burial rate, migration of hydrocarbons and increasing maturation pressure. (After Watts, 1983.) Figure. 3.7. A generalised stratigraphic correlation between the chalks of the North Sea and those found in South East England. Figure. 3.8. A log of well 2/7-B 11 constructed to indicate facies control on fracture development. Figure. 4.1. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for a 38% porosity chalk. Figure. 4.2. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for three sample with different initial porosities (28,38 and 48%). Figure. 4.3. Graph of deviatoric stress/mean effective stress for a 38% porosity chalk. Figure. 4.4. Graph of deviatoric stress/mean effective stress for a 48% porosity chalk. Figure. 4.5. Graph of deviatoric stress/mean effective stress for a 28% porosity chalk. Figure. 4.6. Graph of deviatoric stress/mean effective stress for three samples with dif- ferent initial porosities (28, 38% and 48%). Figure. 4.7. Graph of void ratio/mean effective stress for a 38% porosity chalk. Figure. 4.8. Graph of void ratio/mean effective stress for a 28% porosity chalk. Figure. 4.9. Graph of void ratio/mean effective stress for a 48% porosity chalk. Figure. 4.10. Graph of void ratio/mean effective stress for three samples with different initial porosities (28,38 and 48%). Figure. 4.11. Cam Clay model (After Atkinson and Bransby, 1978). Figure. 4.12. Schematic representation of the high triaxial cell used during this study. Figure. 4.13. Sectioned drawing of a balanced ram. Figure. 4.14. Schematic representation of a radial strain belt. Figure. 4.15. Sectioned drawing of an Imperial College volume gauge. Figure. 4.16. Schematic drawing of a sample assembled in the triaxial cell. Figure. 4.17. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for slow strain-rate experi- ment ELONGC1. Figure. 4.18. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for slow strain- rate experiment ELONGC1. Figure. 4.19. Graph of deviatoric stress/mean effective stress for slow strain-rate experi- ment ELONGC1. Figure. 4.20. Graph of void ratio/mean effective stress for slow strain-rate experiment ELONGC1. Figure. 4.21. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for slow strain-rate experi- ment ELONGC2. Figure. 4.22. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for slow strain- rate experiment ELONGC2. Figure. 4.23. Graph of deviatoric stress/mean effective stress for slow strain-rate experi- ment ELONGC2. Figure. 4.24. Graph of void ratio/mean effective stress for slow strain-rate experiment ELONGC2. Figure. 4.25. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for slow strain-rate experi- ment ELONGC3. Figure. 4.26. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical slow strain-rate effective stress for experiment ELONGC3. Figure. 4.27. Graph of deviatoric stress/mean effective stress for slow strain-rate experi- ment ELONGC3. Figure. 4.28. Graph of void ratio/mean effective stress for slow strain-rate experiment ELONGC3. Figure. 4.29. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for slow strain-rate experi- ment ELONGC4. Figure. 4.30. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for slow strain- rate experiment ELONGC4. Figure. 4.31. Graph of deviatoric stress/mean effective stress for slow strain-rate experi- ment ELONGC4. Figure. 4.32. Graph of void ratio/mean effective stress for slow strain-rate experiment ELONGC4. Figure. 4.33. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain which compares the result of slow strain-rate experiment ELONGC1 with samples of equivalent initial porosities. Figure. 4.34. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain which compares the result of slow strain-rate experiment ELONG2 with samples of equivalent initial porosities. Figure. 4.35. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain which compares the result of slow strain-rate experiment ELONGC3 with samples of equivalent initial porosities. Figure. 4.36. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain which compares the result of slow strain-rate experiment ELONGC4 with samples of equivalent initial porosities. Figure. 4.37. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for stress relaxation experi- ment VOBC5. Figure. 4.38. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for stress relaxation experi- ment VOBC7. Figure. 4.39. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for stress relaxation experi- ment VOHC2. Figure. 4.40. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for stress relaxation experi- ment VOHC3. Figure. 4.41. Graph of vertical effective stress/axial strain for stress relaxation experi- ment VOTC1. Figure. 4.42. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for stress relaxation experiment VOBC5. Figure. 4.43. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for stress relaxation experiment VOBC7. Figure. 4.44. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for stress relaxation experiment VOHC2. Figure. 4.45. Graph of horizontal effective stress/vertical effective stress for stress relaxation experiment VOHC3.

Scholle (1977) informs us that isotopic studies have shown that there is little change in the oxygen isotope value of the chalk until the porosity has been reduced to around 50% (Taylor and Lapre 1987, suggest a value of 40%) ie. during the time that mechanical compaction is the dominant process.
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