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SUPPLEMENT TO DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS VOLUME 43, 1996 VOLUME CONTENTS AND AUTHOR INDEX Editor: Dr MICHAEL P. BACON: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, U.S.A. Founder Editor: DR MARY SEARS PERGAMON DEEP-SEA RESEARCH I Editor Dr MICHAEL P. BACON: Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, U.S.A. Email: deepsea@ wmhoai.ged u Associate Editors D. M. ALonai (Benthic Biology) S. M. HENRICHS (Chemistry) Australian Institute of Marine Science, Institute of Marine Science, PMB No. 3, University of Alaska, Townsville Mail Centre, Fairbanks, AK 99775-1080, U.S.A. Queensland 4810, Australia J. Marra (Productivity) _ P. H. BurkKILL (Pelagic Foodwebs) Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Palisades, NY 10964, U.S.A. Prospect Place ' f J. F Price (Ocean Circulation) Plymouth PLI SDH, U.K. Physical Oceanography Department, C. GARRETT (Ocean Physics) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Woods Hole, MA 02543, U.S.A. ged ae A- la, V. SMETACEK (Vertical Fluxes) a. , Alfred-Wegener-Institut fiir Polar- und Victoria, BC, Meeresforschung, Am Handelshafen 12, Canada V8W 3P6 D-27570 Bremerhaven, Germany Founder Editor: DR MARY SEARS Editorial Production: Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford OX5 1GB, U.K. (Tel.: 01865 843883) Publishing and Advertising Offices: Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OXS5 1GB, U.K. Tel.: (+1865) 843000, Fax (+1865) 843010 Periodicals postage paid at Newark, NJ. Deep-Sea Research I (ISSN 0967-0637) is published monthly by Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, U.K. The annual subscription in the U.S.A. is $2431.00. 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ALTABET and 6!5N in sedimenting particles as indicator of B. v. BODUNGEN euphotic-zone processes P. LEHODEY and R. GRANDPERRIN Influence of temperature and ENSO events on the growth of the deep demersal fish alfonsino, Beryx splendens, off New Caledonia in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean E. A. PAKHOMOV and Antarctic neritic krill Euphausia crystallorophias: R. PERISSINOTTO spatio-temporal distribution, growth and grazing rates List of Contents for Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 16, Nos 1-4 February D. KADKO and D. OLSON 89 Beryllium-7 as a tracer of surface water subduction and mixed-layer history J.- R.D ONGUY and G. MEYERS 117 Seasonal variations of sea-surface salinity and temperature in the tropical Indian Ocean W. HAGEN and 139 Seasonal lipid dynamics in dominant Antarctic S. B. SCHNACK-SCHIEL copepods: Energy for overwintering or reproduction? P. BRASSEUR, J. M. BECKERS, Seasonal temperature and salinity fields in the J. M. BRANKART and Mediterranean Sea: Climatologicai analyses of a R. SCHOENAUEN historical data set L. THOMPSON and G. C. JOHNSON Abyssal currents generated by diffusion and geothermal heating over rises J. R. E. LUTJEHARMS and J. COOPER Interbasin leakag through Agulhas Current filaments R. J. MURNANE, J. K. COCHRAN, Least-squares estimates of thorium, particle, and K. O. BUESSELER and nutrient cycling rate constants from the JGOFS M. P. BACON North Atlantic Bloom Experiment Note P. H. SANTSCHI, D. R. SCHINK, Evidence for elevated levels of iodine-129 in the O. CORAPCIOGLU, Deep Western Boundary Current in-the Middle S. OKTAY-MARSHALL, U. FEHN and Atlantic Bight P. SHARMA List of Contents for Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 16, Nos 5-7 March C. E. MORALES, J. L. BLANCO, 267 Chlorophyll-a distribution and associated M. BRAUN, H. REYES and N. SILVA oceanographic conditions in the upwelling region off northern Chile during the winter and spring 1993 Y. YOU Dianeutral mixing in the thermocline of the Indian Ocean A. BOUGHRIET, B. OUDDANE, On the oxidation states of Mn and Fe in M. WARTEL, C. LALOU, C. CORDIER, polymetallic oxide/oxyhydroxide crusts from the L. GENGEMBRE and J. P. SANCHEZ Atlantic Ocean S. DETERMANN, R. REUTER and Fluorescent matter in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. R. WILLKOMM Part 2: Vertical profiles and relation to water masses A. ABELMANWN and M. M. GOWING Horizontal and vertical distribution pattern of living radiolarians along a transect from the Southern Ocean to the South Atlantic subtropical region List of Contents for Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 16, Nos 8-10 April F. L. SAYLES, W. G. DEUSER, 383 The benthic cycle of biogenic opal at the Bermuda J. E.G OUDREAU, W. H. DICKINSON, Atlantic Time Series Site T. D. JICKELLS and P. KING J.-C. ROMANO Sea-surface slick occurrence in the open sea (Mediterranean, Red Sea, Indian Ocean) in relation to wind speed M. J. WHITEHOUSE, J. PRIDDLE and Seasonal and annual change in seawater C. SYMON temperature, salinity, nutrient and chlorophyll a distributions around South Georgia, South Atlantic S.-Y. CHAO, P.-T. SHAW and S. Y. WU Deep Water ventilation in the South China Sea L. OTTO and H. M. VAN AKEN Surface circulation in the northeast Atlantic as observed with drifters S. E. WIJFFELS, J. M. TOOLE, The water masses and circulation at 10°N in the H. L. BRYDEN, R. A. FINE, Pacific W. J. JENKINS and J. L. BULLISTER D. THISTLE and G. D. F. WILSON Is the HEBBLE isopod fauna hydrodynamically modified? A second test K. J. HEYWOOD, D. P. STEVENS and Eddy formation behind the tropical island of G. R. BIGG Aldabra List of Contents for Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 16, Nos 11-12 May C. MEA CQUART-MOULIN and Accumulation of migratory micronekton crustaceans G. PANTRITI over the upper slope and submarine canyons of the northwestern Mediterranean R. A.~ NUNES VAZ and G. W. LENNON Physical oceanography of the Prydz Bay region of Antarctic waters A. P. (CUNNINGHAM and Evidence for westward-flowing Weddell Sea Deep P.F. EKSBARKER Water in the Falkland Trough, western South Atlantic G. ZC ODIATIS and G. P. GASPARINI Thermohaline staircase formations in the Tyrrhenian Sea PS. HHILL Sectional and discrete representations of floc breakage in agitated suspensions P.W. TIFRONEMAN and Microzooplankton grazing and protozooplankton R. PE RISSINOTTO community structure in the South Atlantic and in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean R.C. TIAN, J. C. MARTY, Iodine speciation: a potential indicator to evaluate E. NICOLAS, J. CHIAVERINI, new production versus regenerated production D. RUJIZ-PINO and M. D. PIZAY S.J. WEEKS and F. A. SHILLINGTON Phytoplankton pigment distribution and frontal structure in the subtropical convergence region south of Africa June C. M_LAA URITZEN Production of dense overflow waters feeding the North Atlantic across the Greenland—Scotland Ridge. Part 1: Evidence for a revised circulation scheme C. MAX URITZEN Production of dense overflow waters feeding the North Atlantic across the Greenland—Scotland Ridge. Part 2: An inverse model J. F. EKMNOWFERR and D. L. MACKAS ‘Seamount effects” in the zooplankton community near Cobb Seamount C. AL_ BEROLA, C. MILLOT, U. SEND, Comparison of XCTD/CTD data C. ME-RTENS and J.-L. FUDA J. BL_LAANCHOT and M. RODIER Picophytoplankton abundance and biomass in the western tropical Pacific Ocean during the 1992 El Nifio year: results from flow cytometry M. MLAALDONADO and C. M. YOUNG Bathymetric patterns of sponge distribution on the Bahamian slope C.B. ALLEN, J. KANDA and New production and photosynthetic rates within and E.A. E_UAWS outside a cyclonic mesoscale eddy in the North Pacific subtropical gyre Instruments and Methods B. A. KING, S. G. ALDERSON and Enhancement of shipboard ADCP data with DGPS D. CROMWELL position and GPS heading measurements Note S. WOTHERSPOON and Finite differences and internal tides—representing J. D.D ONALDSON the boundary Erratum July J. C. GOOLD, J. D. BENNELL and Sound velocity measurements in spermaceti oil S. E. JONES under the combined influences of temperature and pressure T. D. JICKELLS, P. PD. NEWTON, A comparison of sediment trap records of particle P. KING, R. S. LAMPITT fluxes from 19 to 48°N in the northeast Atlantic and and C. BOUTLE their relation to surface water productivity C. I. MEASURES, T. L. KU, S. LUO, The distribution of !°Be and °Be in the South J. R. SOUTHON, X. XU and Atlantic M. KUSAKABE A. EIGENHEER, W. KUHN and On the sensitivity of ecosystem box model G. RADACH simulations on mixed-layer depth estimates V. ENOKSSON, E. FOGELQVIST and Nitrogen speciation and nitrification potential in the S. FONSELIUS Skagerrak area during the SKAGEX IV experiment E. J. LESSARD and M. C. MURRELL Distribution, abundance and size composition of heterotrophic dinoflagellates and ciliates in the Sargasso Sea near Bermuda J. FISCHER, M. RHEIN, F. SCHOTT Deep water masses and transports in the Vema and L. STRAMMA Fracture Zone L. M. L.L AUERMAN, Distribution and abundance of epibenthic megafauna R. S. KAUFMANN and K. L. SMITH Jr at a long time-series station in the abyssal northeast Pacific J.-R. DONGUY and G. MEYERS Mean annual variation of transport of major currents in the tropical Pacific Ocean T. DELCROIX, C. HENIN, V. PORTE Precipitation and sea-surface salinity in the tropical and P. ARKIN Pacific Ocean August D. NOF 1143 Rotational turbidity flows and the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake C. A. LLEWELLYN and 1165 Pigment biomarkers and particulate carbon in the me C. MANTOURA upper water column compared to the ocean interior of the northeast Atlantic Special Section: EUMELI Program A. MOREL An ocean flux study in eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic situations: the EUMELI program F. PARTENSKY, J. BLANCHOT, Vertical structure of picophytoplankton at different F. LANTOINE, J. NEVEUX trophic sites of the tropical northeastern Atlantic and D. MARIE Ocean L. LAZZARA, A. BRICAUD and Spectral absorption and fluorescence excitation H. CLAUSTRE properties of phytoplanktonic populations at a mesotrophic and an oligotrophic site in the tropical North Atlantic (EUMELI program) M. BABIN, A. MOREL, Nitrogen- and irradiance-dependent variations of the H. CLAUSTRE, A. BRICAUD, maximum quantum yield of carbon fixation in Z. KOLBER and P. G. FALKOWSKI eutrophic, mesotrophic and oligotrophic marine systems A. MOREL, D. ANTOINE, M. BABIN Measured and modeled primary production in the and Y. DANDONNEAU northeast Atlantic (EUMELI JGOFS program): the impact of natural variations in photosynthetic parameters on model predictive skill PH. DUFOUR and J.-P. TORRETON Bottom-up and top-down control of bacterioplankton from eutrophic to oligotrophic sites in the tropical northeastern Atlantic Ocean F. LEGELEUX, J.-L. REYSS, Fluxes and balance of 2!°Pb in the tropical northeast H. ETCHEBER and A. KHRIPOUNOFF Atlantic J.-C. RELEXANS, J. DEMING, Sedimentary organic matter and micro-meiobenthos A. DINET, J.-F. GAILLARD with relation to trophic conditions in the tropical and M. SIBUET northeast Atlantic September E. FERNANDEZ and R. D. PINGREE 1369 Coupling between physical and biological fields in the North Atlantic subtropical front southeast of the Azores A. J. GOODAY Epifaunal and shallow infaunal foraminiferal communities at three abyssal NE Atlantic sites subject to differing phytodetritus input regimes J. E. CARTES and J. C. SORBE Temporal population structure of deep-water cumaceans from the western Mediterranean slope A. BOETIUS, S. SCHEIBE, Microbial biomass and activities in deep-sea A. TSELEPIDES and H. THIEL sediments of the Eastern Mediterranean: trenches are benthic hotspots W. ZENK and N. HOGG Warming trend in Antarctic Bottom Water flowing into the Brazil Basin T. PICHEVIN and D. NOF The eddy cannon C. L. VAN DOVER, 1509 Biology of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field D. DESBRUYERES, M. SEGONZAC, T. COMTET, L. SALDANHA, A. FIALA-MEDIONI and C. LANGMUIR A . J. MARIANO, G. L. HITCHCOCK, 1531 Principal component analysis of biological and C. J. ASHJIAN, D. B. OLSON, physical variability in a Gulf Stream meander crest T.. ROSSBY, E. RYAN and S. L. SMITH October . R. JONES, D. M. KARL and 1567 Growth rates and production of heterotrophic . A. LAWS bacteria and phytoplankton in the North Pacific subtropical gyre . D. ROGERS, R. GIBSON and A new genus and species of monostiliferous . TUNNICLIFFE hoplonemertean colonizing an inchoate hydrothermal field on Juan de Fuca Ridge . C. HAYS Large-scale patterns of diel vertical migration in the North Atlantic A. E. RATHBURN, B. H. CORLISS, Comparisons of the ecology and stable isotopic K. D. TAPPA and K. C. LOHMANN compositions of living (stained) benthic foraminifera from the Sulu and South China Seas J. HARDY, A. HANNEMAN, Environmental biogeography of near-surface M. BEHRENFELD and R. HORNER phytoplankton in the southeast Pacific Ocean Note W. KRAUSS A note on overflow eddies Instruments and Methods R. C. UPSTILL-GODDARD, Simultaneous high-precision measurements of A. P. REES and N. J. RPO WENS methane and nitrous oxide in water and seawater by single phase equilibration gas chromatography List of Contents for Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 16, Nos 13 and 14 November/December K. S. LACKSCHEWITZ, R. ENDLER, 1683 Evidence for topography- and current-controlled B. GEHRKE, deposition on the Reykjanes Ridge between 59°N H.-J. WALLRABE-ADAMS and and 60°N J. THIEDE E. J. H.H EAD, W. G. HARRISON, 1713. Plankton dynamics and carbon flux in an area of B. I. IRWIN, E. P. W. HORNE upwelling off the coast of Morocco and W. K. W. LI . BARRY, H. G. GREENE, Biologic and geologic characteristics of cold seeps . ORANGE, C. H. BAXTER, in Monterey Bay, California . ROBISON, R. E. KOCHEVAR, . NYBAKKEN, D. L. REED and . McHUGH . M. SAKAMOTO, Development of automated surface seawater nitrate G. E. FRIEDERICH, S. K. SERVICE mapping systems for use in open ocean and coastal and F. RPC HAVEZ waters B. KLEIN and N. HOGG On the variability of 18 Degree Water formation as observed from moored instruments at 55°W C. L. SMITH, K. J. RICHARDS The impact of mesoscale eddies on plankton and M. J. R.F ASHAM dynamics in the upper ocean Instruments and Methods C. HENIN and J. GRELET A merchant ship thermo-salinograph network in the Pacific Ocean Notes F. LEGELEUX and J.-L. REYSS 228Ra/??6Ra activity ratio in oceanic settling particles: implications regarding the use of barium as a proxy for paleoproductivity reconstruction K. D. SQUIRES and H. YAMAZAKI Addendum to the paper ‘“‘Preferential concentration of marine particles in isotropic turbulence” J. A. RESING and F. J. SANSONE Al and pH anomalies in the Manus Basin reappraised: comments on the paper by T. Gamo et al., ““Hydrothermal plumes in the eastern Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea: CH,, Mn, Al and pH anomalies” T. GAMO, J. ISHIBASHI Unique hydrothermal fluid from the DESMOS and K. SHITASHIMA caldera, Manus Basin: reply to comments by J. A. Resing and F. J. Sansone AUTHOR INDEX Abelmann, A. 361 Deuser, W. G. 383 Albérola, C. 859 Dickinson, W. H. 383 Alderson, S. G. 937 Dinet, A. 1343 Allen, C. B. 917 Donaldson, J. D. 949 Altabet, M. A. 33 Donguy, J.-R. 117, 1105 Antoine, D. 1273 Dower, J. F. 837 Arkin, P. 1123 Dufour, PH. 1305 Ashjian, C. J. 1531 Dupré, B. 1 Babin, M. 1241, 1273 Eigenheer, A. 1011 Bacon, M. P. 239 Endler, R. 1683 Barker, P. F. 643 Enoksson, V. 1029 Barry, J. P. 1739 Etcheber, H. 1321 Baxter, C. H. 1739 Beckers, J. M. 159 Falkowski, P. G. 1241 Behrenfeld, M. 1647 Fasham, M. J. R. 1807 Bennell, J. D. 961 Fehn, U. 259 Bigg, G. R. 555 Fernandez, E. 1369 Blanchot, J. 877, 1191 Fiala-Médioni, A. 1509 Blanco, J. L. 267 Fine, R. A. 501 Bodungen, B. v. 33 Fischer, J. 1067 Boetius, A. 1439 Fogelqvist, E. 1029 Boughriet, A. 321 Fonselius, S. 1029 Boutle, C. 971 Friederich, G. E. 1763 Brankart, J. M. 159 Froneman, P. W. 703 Brasseur, P. 159 Fuda, J.-L. 859 Braun, M. 267 Bricaud, A. 1215, 1241 Gaillard, J.-F. 1343 Bryden, H. L. 501 Gamo, T. 1873 Buesseler, K. O. 239 Gasparini, G. P. 655 Bullister, J. L. 501 Gehrke, B. 1683 Gengembre, L. 321 Cartes, J. E. 1423 Gibson, R. 1581 Chao, S.-Y. 445 Gooday, A. J. 1395 Chavez, F. P. 1763 Goold, J. C. 961 Chiavérini, J. 723 Goudreau, J. E. 383 Claustre, H. 1215, 1241 Gowing, M. M. 361 Cochran, J. K. 239 Grandperrin, R. 49 Comtet, T. 1509 Greene, H. G. 1739 Cooper, J. 213 Grelet, J. 1833 Corapcioglu, O. 259 Cordier, C. 321 Hagen, W. 139 Corliss, B. H. 1617 Hanneman, A. 1647 Cromwell, D. 937 Hardy, J. 1647 Cunningham, A. P. 643 Harrison, W. G. 1713 Hays, G. C. 1601 Dandonneau, Y. 1273 Head, E. J. H. 1713 Delcroix, T. 1123 Henin, C. 1123, 1833 Deming, J. 1343 Heywood, K. J. 555 Desbruyéres, D. 1509 Hill, P. S. 679 Determann, S. 345 Hitchcock, G. L. 1531

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