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Preview Deep optical observations of the fields of two nearby millisecond pulsars with the VLT

Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. Sutaria February 2, 2008 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) Deep optical observations of the fields of two nearby millisecond ⋆ pulsars with the VLT 1 2 3 3 3 3 F. K. Sutaria , A. Ray , A. Reisenegger , G. Hertling , H. Quintana , and D. Minniti 1 Dept.of Physics and Astronomy,The Open University,Milton Keynes, U.K. 3 2 Tata Instituteof FundamentalResearch, Mumbai, India. 0 3 Dept.of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pontificia Universidad Cat´olica deChile, Santiago, Chile. 0 2 Received ; Accepted n a Abstract. An abstract should be given J 6 2 1. Introduction Thus, any thermal emission must be due to external re- 1 heatingfromthe magnetosphereorto internaldissipation v Optical pulses from the Crab pulsar were detected mechanisms, most likely related to the star’s slowing ro- 3 by Cocke, Disney and Taylor (1969) within a year tationrate(see,e.g.,Cheng et al. 1992,Reisenegger 1995, 2 of the discovery of the pulsar in the radio band Larson & Link 1999, and references therein). 5 (Staelin & Reifenstein, 1968) and the inauguration of 1 While MSP with binary companions are interesting the field of pulsars by S. Jocelyn Bell and collabo- 0 in their own right from the evolutionary angle, radiation 3 rators (Hewish et al. 1968). Since then, the number of from the companions,evenif they arelow-massold white 0 pulsars discovered in the radio band has gone up to dwarfs,“contaminates”thefainthigh-energyradiationin- / nearly 1400 (ATNF pulsar catalogue), but the num- h trinsic to the pulsar itself. This is especially true of the p ber of pulsed counterparts detected in the high-energy optical and ultraviolet regions. It is therefore of interest - bands remains small. To date, in the optical bands, o to concentrate on the isolated pulsars to study their ra- these remain 5, (Shearer & Golden 2002), and in the r diative properties in these bands. Isolated MSPs are rel- t X-ray band 22, including 6 millisecond pulsars (MSP) s atively rare objects — till mid-2002, only 10 have been a (Becker & Aschenbach 2002).Multi-wavelengthdetection : of rotation-powered neutron stars provides observational detected in the Galactic place. By contrast, the number v of galactic MSPs (outside globular clusters) totals ∼ 57. i inputtothenatureoftheunderlyingmechanismofpulsar X None ofthe opticallydetectedpulsarsisanisolatedMSP, radiation, whether it is of thermal origin or due to radia- r tion from accelerated particles in its magnetosphere (see whichmightatleastpartlybe due toa lackofsufficiently a deepexposures.TheadventoftheVLTclassoftelescopes e.g. Pavlov,Stringfellow, & Cordova 1996). is therefore a crucial technological development for these Millisecond pulsars (MSP) are a special class, not faint objects. only because of their short spin periods, but also be- Thepulsedhigh-energyradiationfromarotationpow- cause of their smaller surface magnetic field, old age, ered(isolated)pulsarisacombinationofdifferingamounts and evolutionary history of spin-up due to accretion of of three spectral components: 1) power law emission re- mass and angular momentum from a binary companion sultingfromparticlesacceleratedinthemagnetosphere,2) (Alpar et al., 1982). In the process, the star may have asoftblack-bodycomponentfromthesurfaceofacooling been resurrected from a state of hibernation into one of neutronstar,and3)ahardthermalcomponentassociated detectablepulsedradioemission.Theyrepresentaconsid- with heated polar caps bombarded by energetic particles. erable extension of the parameter space of classical pul- Measurements of the radiative fluxes and spectra in dif- sars, so different radiation mechanisms may well be ac- ferent bands can constrain the relative weights of these tive in their magnetospheres. Their old age means that components. theyhavealmostcertainlyradiatedawayany“fossil”heat from their originalcollapse or from their accretionepoch. In this paper, we present the results of deep VLT ob- servations of two southern, isolated millisecond pulsars, ⋆ Based on observations with the ESO 8.2m VLT-Antu PSR J1024-0719 and PSR J1744-1134, which are among (UT1) Telescope underProgram 66.D-0448 and 67.D-0538 the closest MSPs discovered and which have also been Correspondence to: [email protected] detected in the X-ray band by ROSAT. Identification 2 F. K.Sutaria et al.: Optical observations of two nearby millisecond pulsars with the VLT of candidate objects in the optical band forms the first tron densities from the Taylor & Cordes (1993) model. steptowardssearchesforopticalpulsationsfromapulsar. However, it is to be noted that, while this model ad- These pulsars have some of the highest spin-down flux equately describes the properties of interstellar medium (E˙ /4πd2 = IΩΩ˙/4πd2) among millisecond pulsars, an (ISM) at d>1 kpc, it does not account properly for fluc- rot indicatoroftheirpropensitytoproducehigh-energyradia- tuations in the local ISM. For our purposes, we use a dis- tion.Becauseoftheirproximityaswellaslowextinctionin tance estimate of 0.357 kpc for PSR J1744-1134. In the theirdirection,theyareamongthebestcandidatesforop- case of PSR J1024-0719,an upper limit of d= 0.226 kpc ticaldetection.InSect.2,wediscusswhatisknownabout isobtainedfromtheShklovskiieffect,whilead=0.35kpc these two pulsars in the X-ray and radio bands. We next isobtainedbyusingDMandtheTaylorandCordesmodel present, in Sect. 3, the VLT service mode observations (Toscano et al. 1999a).Weshalladoptavalued=0.2kpc and their data analysis. In Sect. 4, we discuss the results for PSR J1024-0719 in this paper, unless specified other- obtained from the VLT data. We supplement our discus- wise. sion of a star near PSR J1024-0719 with a spectroscopic The corresponding X-ray counterparts for observation with the Magellan I Baade 6.5 m telescope both pulsars were discovered by the ROSAT HRI at Las Campanas Observatory. In Sect. 5, we discuss the (Becker & Tru¨mper 1999; hereafter BT99). Because both multi-band optical results in the context of high-energy pulsars are quite faint in this band, no timing observa- and radio emission from the pulsars and compare these tions could be done, and the counterparts were identified with those from slower pulsars, and theoretical models of by their proximity to the radio positions. Assuming a pulsar radiation. We give our conclusions in Sect. 6. photon spectral index α = 2, these authors find that the unabsorbed X-ray luminosity of PSR J1744-1134 (scaled to our adopted distance) is L = 4×1029(d/0.36kpc)2, 2. Radio and X-ray properties of the two pulsars X andthatofPSRJ1024-0719isL =1×1029(d/0.2kpc)2. X Both PSR J1744-1134and PSR J1024-0719were first de- The X-ray to spin-down luminosity ratios L /E˙ are X rot tected in the radio bands as isolated MSP with periods then2×10−4 and5×10−5,respectively,somewhatbelow P = 4.07 and 5.16 ms, respectively (Bailes et al. 1997). the general relation that Becker & Tru¨mper 1997 found In Tab. 1 we quote some characteristics of these objects statisticallyamonghigh-energypulsars,L /E˙ ∼10−3. X rot relevantto our observationsandtheir interpretation.The astrometricdataandthepropermotionsweredetermined Table 1. CharacteristicsofPSRsJ1024-0719andJ1744- by radio timing observations (Toscano et al. 1999a). 1134 (BT99, Toscano et al. 1999a, Toscano et al. 1999b) The radio pulse profile of PSR J1744-1134 is nar- row and sharply peaked, with a duty cycle of ∼ 10%, while PSR J1024-0719 exhibits a broad, multiply peaked Property PSR J1024-0719 PSR J1744-1134 profile with a duty cycle of ∼ 50%. The radio and X- Period(P)[ms] 5.16 4.07 ray emission are most likely based on different phys- ical mechanisms: curvature radiation from e± pairs P˙ [10−20ss−1] 1.873(5) 0.89405(9) E˙rot [ergs−1] 5.25×1033 1.90×1033 near the NS surface (Ruderman & Sutherland 1975), and d [kpc] 0.200 0.357 synchrotron radiation from energetic particles in the τ [109 yr] 27 9.1 outer gap (Cheng, Ho, & Ruderman 1986), respectively. B [108 G] 1.3 1.7 However, at least in the case of PSR B1821-24 (another R.A.(J2000) 10h24m38s.7040(1) 17h44m29s.390963(5) MSP), RXTE observations (Rots et al. 1997) show that Dec. (J2000) -07◦19′18′.′849(3) -11◦34′54′.′5746(5) theleadingedgeofthemostenergeticpulsecoincideswith P. M. (R.A.) -41(2) 18.72(6) the radio pulse profile at 800 MHz, possibly implying a [masyr−1] common site for the origin of the two pulses. P. M. (Dec.) -70(3) -9.5(4) Nevertheless, the two pulsars are similar in that the [masyr−1] spin-down ages for both objects are τ ≡ P/(2P˙) > 109 Epoch (MJD) 50456.0 50434.0 yr (Tab. 1). Both pulsars are in the age bracket where LX(0.2-2.4keV) 1×1029(d/200pc)2 4×1029(d/360pc)2 [ergs−1] non-thermal magnetospheric emission can be expected to dominate over any thermal effects, unless strong re- heating occurs. Some uncertainty exists over the dis- tance estimate to the two pulsars. An upper limit to the 3. The VLT observations distance of PSR J1744-1134, based on the assumption that the period derivative is entirely due to the trans- PSR J1744-1134 was observed by the ESO 8.2m Very verse motion of the pulsar (Shklovskii effect), is 1910 pc Large Telescope Antu (VLT-UT1) with the FORS1 CCD (Toscano et al. 1999a). Based on parallax measurements in the narrow field imaging mode in the Bessel B, V and ofPSRJ1744-1134,Toscano et al. 1999bestimatethedis- R bands on four nights during April 2001 (MJD 52017- tance d as 357+43 pc. This number decreases to 166 pc 52027). PSR J1024-0719 was observed by the same in- −35 (Bailes et al. 1997) if d is estimated using the measured struments/mode in the U, V, R and I bands within less value of the dispersion measure (DM) and values of elec- than one hour in March 2001 (MJD 51996). Both sets of F. K.Sutaria et al.: Optical observations of two nearby millisecond pulsars with the VLT 3 observationswerecarriedoutin the servicemode.A brief constructed a PSF for each frame, using only the bright- summary of the observations is provided in Tab. 2. est unsaturated stars, which were of magnitude a little brighter or close to that of the “contaminating star”. In general, we find that the the PSF of the FORS1-CCD 3.1. The observation is position-dependent and is best fit by the IRAF mof- Thephotometricanalysisforbothobjectswasdoneusing fat25 or penny1 functions with 2nd order variability in X theMIDASpipelineprocesseddata.Thepipelineprocess- and Y. Aperture correction was done on the CCD mag- ing ensures that each frame is checked for over-exposure nitudes, and the final magnitudes of all objects observed and suitably bias-subtracted and flat-fielded, using the in the vicinity of the pulsar’s radio position were deter- masterbiasandflatsgeneratedfromcalibrationsobserva- mined by comparison with standard stars. The standard tions made on each night. Finally, the prescan and over- stars used were from Landolt (1992) field SA109 for PSR scan regions are removedfrom the science images used in J1024-0719, and fields SA109, SA110, and MARKA for this analysis. PSR J1744-1134,observed on the same nights. OurinitialexaminationoftheDSSplatesinthe vicin- ityofPSRJ1744-1134showednobrightobjects.However, 3.3. Astrometry the VLT images show a bright star with V = 21.3 about 2′.′0fromthepositionofthepulsar.Thus,inordertostrike Correcting for the proper motion, the position of PSR a balance between deep exposure and good seeing, of the J1744-1134atthe epoch of the the VLT observationswas twenty-three ten-minute exposures with Bessel B, we re- RA = 17h44m29s.39638(3), Dec = −11◦34′54′.′616(2), and jected the three exposures with the worst seeing taken thatofPSRJ1024-0719wasRA=10h24m38s.6925(6),Dec on 2001 April 21, thus reducing the available photometry =−07◦19′19′.′14(1). timeto3.33hr.Theavailableexposuretimeineachofthe AstrometriccorrectionstotheobservedCCDpositions V and R filters was 48 min. The median seeing in the B, V and R filters was 0′.′725, 1′.′095 and 0′.′795 respectively. were carriedout by comparisonwith both USNO-A2 cat- alogofastrometricstandards(Monet et al. 1998)andthe For PSR J1024-0719,the available exposure time was HST Guide Star II (GSCII) catalog. We report the re- 13.33mininU,6mininbothVandI,and9mininR(see sults based on the more recent GSCII catalog, where the table 2). The median seeing in the U, V, R and I frames was 0′.′63, 0′.′97, 0′.′74 and 0′.′71 respectively. epoch of observation was from 1983-1986. The presence of nearby bright objects made it imperative to observe in the high-resolution mode. However, this reduced the Table 2. Observation summary for VLT FORS1 CCD number of GSCII astrometric standards in the field of photometry view (FOV) of PSR J1024-0719 to only 6. The crowded field PSR J1744-1134 provided 14 astrometric standards PSR Filter Exposure Mean Mean within 1.′5 of the pulsar position. The pixel coordinates time air Seeing ofthe referencestarswereobtainedfromourphotometric ′′ (Bessel) [s] mass [ ] analysis, and they were converted to RA and Dec using J1744-1134 B 20×600 1.04 0.725 theASTROMpackagesuppliedwiththeSTARLINKsoft- V 2×540 1.06 1.095 ware. +3×600 R 2×540 1.08 0.795 For the field of PSR J1024-0719,the rms error in the +3×600 fitting and transformations was 0′.′12 in RA and 0′.′16 in J1024-0719 U 1×900 1.2 0.63 Dec. The average error in the positions of the relevant V 3×120 1.3 0.97 starsintheGSCIIcatalogis0′.′39inbothdirections.Thus, R 3×180 1.2 0.74 incorporating the error in the measurement of the proper I 3×120 1.2 0.71 motion,we estimate the totalastrometricerrorin the ob- servation of this field at 0′.′42 in RA and 0′.′43 in Dec. For PSRJ1744-1134,theerrorintheastrometryoftheGSCII stars is 0′.′28 in RA and 0′.′30 in Dec, and the error in the 3.2. Data reduction fitting andtransformationsis 0′.′16and0′.′14,respectively. The image processing was done using the IRAF software. In this case, the total astrometric error in the position is Withthe exceptionofthesingleimageintheU-band,the 0′.′34 and 0′.′33 in RA and Dec, respectively. We note that reduced images in each filter were aligned and median- astrometryrelativetotheUSNO-A2catalogprovidessim- combinedusingacosmic-rayrejectionalgorithm.Because ilar results, though the errors are slightly larger. inthe caseofbothPSRJ1024-0719andPSRJ1744-1134, Since we use the radio pulsar positions to search for there is a V ∼20−21 star present within ∼ 1′.′5−2′′ of their optical counterparts, we need to consider the ac- the pulsar position, photometric analysisof the combined curacy of the radio timing position with respect to the images was carried out using PSF-subtraction photome- positionintheopticalframe.TheGSCIIcatalogwascali- try (Massey & Davis 1992).In orderto ensure thatwings bratedusingtheHipparcosandTychoframesofreference, of the PSF of nearby stars are subtracted out cleanly, we which are tied to the International Celestial Reference 4 F. K.Sutaria et al.: Optical observations of two nearby millisecond pulsars with the VLT Frame (ICRF, tied to the radio Very Long Baseline Fig.2.Images(a)and(b)aretheFieldofView(FOV)of Interferometry, Ma et al. 1998). PSR J1744-1134 in V, before and after PSF-subtraction, An estimate of the absolute accuracy of pulsar radio respectively.The“errorcircle”of1′′ iscenteredatthera- timingpositionswasmadebyFomalont et al. (1992)(and diopositionofthePSR.Images(c)and(d)showtheFOV Fomalont et al. 1997)throughcomparingthemwithposi- ofPSRJ1024-0719inU,beforeandafterPSF-subtraction tionsdeterminedbyinterferometry.Ingeneral,theyfound respectively.Thepositionofthepulsarwithinthe1′′ “er- the RA and Dec position offsets derived from timing and ror circle” is marked by the small white arrow. The blue interferometric positions to be a function of the position object1024-Fntisencircledwithinthesmallerregion,just ofthe targetin the sky.Fomalontet al.(1992)state that, north of 1024-Br. while there are no significant offsets between the coordi- nate frames in a global comparison of VLA positions and timing positions, there is a mean scatter of about 0′.′8 in each coordinate (RA and Dec). Ifweaddthistotheaboveastrometricerrors,thenfor both pulsars the total astrometric error in both RA and Decwouldbe≈0′.′9,givinganerrorcircleofradius≈1′.′3. Therefore,anyopticalstar-likeemissionwithin about1′.′5 of the radio timing position should be takenwith interest for further scrutiny,especially for time resolvedphotome- try. 4. Results The broadbandmagnitudesinmultiple opticalbands and astrometric positions of objects within 2′.′0 of the radio timing positions of our two target millisecond pulsars are reportedinTab.3.WedonotdetectanyobjectnearPSR Because of the presence of a V = 21.34 star close to J1744-1134. An image of the field of view of this pulsar the position of PSR J1744-1134, the limiting magnitude appears in Fig. 1. for the pulsar counterpart was estimated by introducing artificial stars at the pulsar position in each filter, by us- Fig.1. VLT FORS1 V-band field of view 40′′ ×40′′ cen- ingtheIRAFtaskaddstar,andrepeatingPSF-subtraction photometry(seeFig.2).Thus,the limitingmagnitude for tred about the radio timing position of PSR J1744-1139 3.5-σ detection by the automatic star-finding algorithm (marked by the cross). North is to the top, and East to daophot are B = 26.9, V = 26.3, and R = 26.0. We note the left. that, from exposure-time considerations, the faintest ob- ject that could be detected in these frames would have B = 28.0, V = 27.25, R = 26.8 for a 4-σ detection over the entire PSF. ForPSRJ1024-0719,wefindtwoobjectswithin1′.′5of theradiopositionofthepulsar(seeFig.2).Thecloserone, 1024-Br, only ∼ 0′.′2 away, has magnitudes U = 22.11± 0.03,V =19.82±0.01,R=18.89±0.01,andI =18.17± 0.01. The other, substantially fainter object, 1024-Fnt, ∼ 1′.′48northoftheradiopulsar,hasmagnitudesU =23.8± 0.1, V = 24.9±0.1, R = 24.4±0.1 and I = 24.2±0.2. The reported magnitude errors for both objects include the intrinsic error in the Landolt catalogue and the error inphotometry.Theangularseparationbetweenthebright and faint objects is 1′.′67. An object is reported close to the position of 1024-Br in various optical and infrared catalogs. The USNO-A2 catalog (Monet et al. 1998) gives magnitudes B = 19.7 and R = 19.1, DENIS (DENIS Consortium, 1998) re- ports I = 18.0, and 2MASS (IPAC/UMass, 2000) gives J = 17.2, H = 16.1, and K = 16.5). Applying astromet- ric corrections based on coincident stars within our field, we find the DENIS and 2MASS positions to agree with F. K.Sutaria et al.: Optical observations of two nearby millisecond pulsars with the VLT 5 our determination for 1024-Brto within 0′.′2, whereas the Fig.3. Optical photometry of pulsars.The top set (△) is USNO-A2positionisoffby+1′.′2inRAand+2′.′0inDec. for the Crab pulsar with flux densities scaled down by a The similarity in positions and magnitudes makes it al- factorof100tofitinthegraph.Italsoincludesameasure- most unavoidable that the source is the same in all cases. mentintheUVbandatλλ2400A.NextistheLMCpulsar ThediscrepancyintheUSNO-A2position(takenin1953, PSR0540-69(⋄),followedbytheVelapulsarPSR0833-45 whereasall other measurements arefrom 1995-2001)may (squares). Finally, at the bottom are extinction-corrected be either an error or an indication of a proper motion of flux densities of the object 1024-Fnt (×). −25 mas yr−1 in RA and −40 mas yr−1 in Dec, almost identical in direction, but about 40% lowerin magnitude, compared to the radio-timing-determined proper motion of PSR J1024-0719. 1.5 Table 3. Positions and magnitudes of optical point sources closest to the radio positions of two MSPs. The limiting magnitudes are also provided for 3.5σ detection at the central pixel in the exposure times used here for 1 PSR J1744-1134 Object Magnitude PSR pos. - Obj. pos. δ RA δ Dec 0.5 J1744-1134 B≥26.9, V ≥26.3, 0′.′0 0′.′0 (upperlim.) R≥26.0 1744-Br B=18.86, V =21.34, +0′.′4 −2′.′0 R=19.91 0 1024-Br U =22.11, V =19.82, +0′.′1 −0′.′2 R=18.89, I =18.17 1024-Fnt U =23.8, V =24.9, −0′.′2 +1′.′5 R=24.4, I =24.2 -0.5 14.6 14.8 15 15.2 4.1. Extinction-corrected magnitudes and to 0.079µJy atB-bandcentroid7.0×1014 Hz),V ≥26.2, multi-waveband fluxes and R≥26.0. Based on the dispersion measures of the two pulsars, BT99 obtained hydrogen column densities in the direc- 4.2. Nature of the bright star close to PSR J1024-0719 tions of PSR J1024-0719 and PSR J1744-1134 as N = H 2 × 1020 cm−2 and N = 1 × 1020 cm−2 respectively. Since there are two point-like optical sources close to the H In the ROSAT 0.1 − 2.4 keV band, their X-ray fluxes nominal radio timing position of the pulsar, we examine were both f ∼ 2×10−14erg s−1cm−2. Using the scal- theirphotometriccoloursandthespectrumofthebrighter X ingofde Boer et al. (1987)betweenvisualextinctionand one to constrain their probable nature. The brighter star hydrogen column density, A = N /(1.79 × 1021), we is in fact closer to the radio position of the pulsar, yet it V H obtain A = 0.11 for PSR J1024-0719. The wavelength- is improbable that this is the optical counterpart. V dependent continuum absorption in the main photomet- The colours calculated for 1024-Br from the VLT ob- ric bands (Allen 2000) then gives, for the same pulsar, servations,V −R=0.93 and V −I =1.65,do not match A = 1.58A = 0.17, A = 0.749A = 0.08, and the optical and IR colors of white dwarfs very well. On U V R V A =0.479A =0.05. the other hand, the visual colors V-R and V-I of 1024-Br I V The extinction-corrected magnitudes for 1024-Br, as- can be approximately accounted for by a K5-type dwarf suming it to be at the same distance as the pulsar, are (with M ∼0.7M⊙, Allen 2000). U = 21.94, V = 19.71, R = 18.81, and I = 18.12. Similarly, the extinction-corrected magnitudes for 1024- 4.2.1. Spectroscopy of the brighter star 1024-Br Fnt are U = 23.65, V = 24.83, R = 24.33 and I = 24.19. For the latter, the corresponding flux densities (in µJy) Because of the proximity of 1024-Brto the radio position at the frequencies corresponding to the centroids of the of the pulsar (correctedfor proper motion), spectroscopic FORS1 broadband Bessel filters (FORS1 2000) are plot- observations of this object were carried out. The spectra ted in Fig. 3. were acquiredwith the Boller& Chivens spectrographon The corresponding extinction-corrected magnitude the Magellan I Baade 6.5 m telescope at Las Campanas limits for PSR J1744-1134 are B ≥ 26.8 (corresponding Observatory on the night of May 8, 2002. These observa- 6 F. K.Sutaria et al.: Optical observations of two nearby millisecond pulsars with the VLT Monitoring of PSR J1024-0719 for over 3 years yields a Fig.4. Spectrum of the brighter star 1024-Br near PSR timing residual smaller than 1 µs (Toscano et al. 1999a) J1024-0719.The spectrum corresponds to a typical early which, for an orbital period smaller than this time span, K-type dwarf star. constrains the mass of any companionto msini less than a thousandth of an Earth mass. A small but somewhat less constraining limit is obtained by allowing a longer orbital period (P = 2π/Ω ) and using the accelera- orb orb tion term in a binary orbit, (P Ω2 a sini/c)cos(Ω t), 0 orb p orb beingboundedbythemeasured(apparent)periodderiva- tive of the pulsar spin P˙. Here, P is the intrinsic spin 0 period. With the amplitude of the sinusoidally varying term and an orbital radius of 200 AU (corresponding to 1′′ inprojectionatd=200pc),wegetacompanionmass, msini<4M .Thus,1024-Br,whichismuchbrighter Jupiter thanevenaJupiter-likecompanionatthisdistance,isun- likely to be the binary companion of PSR J1024-0719. It is most likely a near-solar-mass background star located far beyond the 200 pc upper limit for the pulsar distance obtained from the Shklovskii effect. tions were taken during a spectroscopic survey of NGC 4.3. The faint object 1024-Fnt 5128 globular clusters (see Minniti & Rejkuba 2002 for more details on the reduction procedures). We obtained IntheM vs.V −I plane,wecompare1024-Fntwiththe V two exposures of the source 1024-Br with 900 and 1500 cooling track for a 0.6M⊙ white dwarf (DA or non-DA) seconds, respectively, at an airmass of 1.1. The measured giveninFig6ofBergeron et al. 1995.TheV −I colouris seeing at the time of the observations was 0′.′8, and a slit 0.73. The M is estimated by using A =0.11 as above, V V width of 1′.′0 was used. The spectrophotometric standard andthedistancemodulusµ=5log(d/pc)−5+A =6.61 V LTT4816 observed at a similar airmass was used for the foradistanceof200pc,sothat1024-Fntatthatdistance flux calibration, although the latter is uncertain due to would have an absolute magnitude M = 24.2−6.6 = V the presence of thin cirrus during the night. The spectral 17.6. This colour-magnitude position is well below the reductions and measurements were carried out in IRAF, cooling curve of a 0.6M⊙ white dwarf (both a DA or a using the set of packagesin CCDRED and TWODSPEC. non-DA, i.e. hydrogen rich or non-hydrogen atmosphere The extracted spectra cover from 3700 to 6780˚A , with WDs aboveacarboncore)asinWood’s(1995)evolution- 1.5˚Apix−1. The final averagespectrum correctedfor cos- ary model. The multi-band spectrum of this object and mic rays has a mean S/N = 70 pix−1, and is shown in its possible nature are discussed in the next section. Fig.4.Afew narrowabsorptionlinesarepresent,andthe spectrumcorrespondstoatypicalearlyK-typedwarfstar. 4.4. Implications for thermal and non-thermal models Fig. 4 shows absorption features due to the Mg H band, of the neutron star theMg5170triplet,aweakCaHandKdoublet,theNaD doublet, as well as a number of iron lines such as Fe5270 If we take a single blackbody spectral distribution over a and Fe5335. The lines of the hydrogen Balmer series are wholeneutronstarsurface,thedeepest(B-band)limitfor weak, and no prominent emission lines are present that PSR J1744-1134 (with B ≥ 26.9 and A = 0.07) corre- B would render this object peculiar in any way. sponds to a temperature 2 d/0.36kpc 4.2.2. Binary companion or background star? T∞ ≤2.1×106K , (cid:18)R∞/10km(cid:19) One can nevertheless ask if the star 1024-Br is physically associated with the pulsar in a possible binary system. where T∞ = T(1 − 2GM/Rc2)1/2 and R∞ = R/(1 − Thisisruledout,consideringthataK5dwarfstarislikely 2GM/Rc2)1/2 are the redshifted temperature and radius. tobeasmassiveas≈0.7M⊙andtheconstraintfromradio We note that the X-ray detection (BT99) already con- timing measurements of PSR J1024-0719. strains this temperature to much lower values. A planet of mass m orbiting a pulsar of mass M in We plot the multi-band flux densities of the faint p an orbit of semi-major axis a and period P years pro- sourcenearthe radiopulsarPSRJ1024-0719,i.e.of1024- p y duces a periodic timing residual of semi-amplitude (see Fnt as a function of the photon frequency in Fig. 3. For e.g. Phinney 1992) comparison, we also plot in this figure the corresponding multi-bandfluxdensitiesfromtheCrab,LMCpulsarPSR apsini m 1.4M⊙ 2/3 B0540-69, and Vela (obtained from Percival et al. 1993; =1700µs P sini. c M⊕ (cid:20) y Mp (cid:21) Middleditch et al. 1987 as restated by Nasuti et al. 1997; F. K.Sutaria et al.: Optical observations of two nearby millisecond pulsars with the VLT 7 andNasuti et al. 1997respectively).The remarkablesim- Fig.5. Multiwaveband emission from near PSR J1024- ilarity of the source 1024-Fnt with the multi-band flux 0719.Includedaretheradioflux densitiesat400,600and densities of these well-known pulsars is noteworthy. For 1400 MHz; the optical data (this paper) of 1024-Fnt;and comparisoninotherwave-bands,the spectral(energy)in- the ROSAT HRI X-ray data. Two illustrative power laws dex of Crab, γ (I ∝ ν−γ) is consistent with γ = 0 at ν andablackbodycurveareshown.Theblackbodyemission optical frequencies and varies from γ = 1.1 in the γ-ray is from a heated region of the neutron star polar cap of regionvia0.7inthe hardX-raysto0.5inthe softX-rays. radius 60 m and temperature 2×106 K, at a distance of The Crabspectralindex changessignandgoesto γ =−2 50 pc. in the far infrared and its radio frequency component is a separate component from the higher energy part (flux density decreasing with increasing frequency again) and has γ =2.7 (Lyne & Smith 1990). Similarly, the X-ray flux density of PSR J1024-0719 4 in the ROSAT band and its standard error were com- puted fromthe reportedun-absorbedflux above(with the HRI count-rate) and an assumed photon index α = 2.3 (γ = 1.3), close to that of the X-ray bright millisecond 2 pulsar PSR J0437-4715 as seen by ROSAT. This gives a flux density of 4.1× 10−2µJy with the centroid at 0.33 keV (7.97×1016Hz) and an effective bandwidth of 0.23 keV. The radio flux densities at three frequencies (400 MHz, 600 MHz and 1400 MHz) for both pulsars were ob- 0 tained from Bailes et al. (1997). To guide the eye in Fig. 5 for the multi-band data, we also draw a few representa- tive spectra: a) a power law with photon index α =2.85 r (γ =1.85),whichmatchestheradiodatawell;b)apower- law spectrum of index αox = 1.55 connecting the highest -2 frequencyopticaldatumtothe X-ray,andc)ablackbody spectrumoftemperatureT∞ =2.1×106 Kfromaheated cap (R∞core = 0.06 km) of the neutron star surface at a 10 12 14 16 distance of d = 0.2 kpc. It is clear that a single power- law connecting the optical emission from 1024-Fnt and the X-ray emission from PSR J1024-0719 shall involve a minimum photon index of 1.55 and the maximum limit on the hot polar cap temperature T ≤ 2.1×106K for a there. They further show that pulsars with shorter peri- hot-spot of radius 60 m. On the other hand, the optical ods such as the millisecond pulsars attain harder spec- magnitude in the U-band implies for a single blackbody tra and higher peak frequencies. Although millisecond function forthe entireneutronstarsurfacea temperature pulsars have much smaller surface magnetic fields than slower pulsars, they also have smaller corotating magne- T∞ ≤ 4×104K/ln{1+4.35×10−4[(R∞/10km)/dkpc]2} tosphere radii, making the dipolar fields at light cylin- 2 d/0.2kpc der distances (a key parameter for particle acceleration ≈ 3.7×106K , (cid:18)R∞/10km(cid:19) models) similar to those of slower pulsars. Thus, in many of the millisecond pulsars, acceleration of particles in where the latter expression corresponds to the Rayleigh- outer gaps sustained by pair creation by GeV gamma- Jeanslimit.Thislimitisagainmuchlessconstrainingthan rays may still be operative as in high spin-down lumi- that obtained from the X-ray data of BT99. nosity pulsars (Cheng, Ho, & Ruderman 1986). The non- thermal power-law component due to pair-gap discharge 5. Discussion is expected to scale with the Goldreich-Julian particle Non-thermal models for optical radiation for slower flux N˙GJ = (Ω·B)/2πe from the magnetosphere (see pulsars like the Crab ascribe it to synchrotron emis- Harding 1981 or Thompson 1998). For some millisecond sion (see Pacini 1971 and Pacini & Salvati 1987) by rel- pulsars N˙GJ is in excess of that of PSR B0656+14,which ativistic particles near the light cylinder radius at very is foundto be agamma-ray,X-rayandopticalpulsar.We small pitch angles (Ψ ≪ 1/γ, where the Lorentz fac- notethatforourtargetpulsars,the Goldreich-Julianpar- tor may be γ ∼ 102 −103; Crusius-Wa¨tzel et al. 2001). ticle fluxes are close to that of Geminga (within a factor Malov & Machabeli (2001) show that finite pitch angles of two) from which optical pulsations have possibly been of the plasma particles appear in the outer magneto- seen (Shearer et al. 1998). sphere nearthe lightcylinder due to aninstability associ- Scaled to the period (P = 5.16 ms) and the surface atedwiththecyclotronresonanceconditionbeingfulfilled magnetic field (B ∼ 108.1) in PSR J1024-0719, expres- 0 8 F. K.Sutaria et al.: Optical observations of two nearby millisecond pulsars with the VLT sions (33) and (35) of Crusius-Wa¨tzel et al. (2001) imply Acknowledgements. We thank M. Cristina Depassier for her that roleintheformationofthiscollaborationandMarinaRejkuba for sharing with us the Magellan I spectroscopic data ob- tainedincollaborationwithD.Minniti.A.RaythanksMalvin Iopt (Ψ /10−3)2(ν /1015Hz)(P/5.16ms)3/2 Rudermanfor discussions on optical radiation from pulsars at ν =6×10−2 opt opt . IX (Ψ /0.1)3/2(ν /1017Hz)1/2(B /108.1G)1/2 the Aspen Center for Physics and Poonam Chandra for her ν X X 0 comments on the manuscript. A. Reisenegger thanks Marten This ratio is smaller than what is found for the optical van Kerkwijk for advice about astrometry with the VLT, to X-ray flux density ratio of PSR J1024-0719 (see Fig. Fr´ed´eric Courbin for help with the “p2pp” and Ren´e M´endez 5), i.e., Iopt/IX ∼ 15 instead of 6×10−2, if the object forusefuldiscussions. A.Reisenegger’sandG.Hertling’s work was supported by FONDECYT grant No. 1020840, and H. 1024-Fntisindeedthepulsaropticalcounterpart,andthe Quintana’s and D. Minniti’s by the FONDAP Center for observedemissionis primarily pulsed. This indicates that Astrophysics. At Tata Institute, this work was a part of the inmillisecondpulsarstheaveragepitchanglesresponsible Five YearPlan Projects 10P-201 and 9P-208[a]. for optical radiation are larger, Ψ ∼10−2. opt In middle-aged (τ ≈ 105 − 106 yr) and even older neutron stars, at least a part of the high-energy radia- References tion is due to thermal emission from the neutron star’s Allen C. W. 2000, “Allen’s Astrophysical Quantities”, (4th. surface. The faint measured UV flux from the slow pul- edition), Ed. A.N. Cox, Springer. sar PSR B0950+08 indicates that a surface temperature Alpar M. 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