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Deep Inside the Underground Economy: How Millions of Americans are Practising Free Enterprise in an Unfree Economy PDF

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yyp oy A Poe aul ow IVI i=) ons of / Amer icans es — rt* b ~ fi MN ¥ =ja _Digtzed by the Intem ill Archive 3 in 2022 with funding from Pets Kahle/Austin Foundation Deep Inside the Underground Economy How Millions of Americans Are Practicing Free Enterprise in An Unfree Society by Adam Cash Breakout Productions Port Townsend, Washington Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of information contained in this book. It is sold for informational purposes only. Be Warned! Deep Inside the Underground Economy How Millions of Americans Are Practicing Free Enterprise in An Unfree Society © 2003 by Adam Cash All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or stored in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of the publisher. Reviews may quote brief passages without the written consent of the publisher as long as proper credit is given. Published by: Breakout Productions PO Box 1643 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: 360-379-1965 ISBN 1-893626-49-0 Library of Congress Card Catalog Number 200310037 Contents eeheen ae sshs acnvsenssvesau sdsannuasbactiesnoveavédaeanensiduneestessnssacaoragedens 1 Part One RT SNh ENA ere Nese os sc sosn ee saiso i sehsoavepesooesenndoscotesouseieeadderisastascestedles L Chapter One ARTES OST TRS ae a ean vsoasennndskowsten nopveceuerersesensbacuacdcuacVénecisapstecdesesmacssvese® 13 Chapter Two MR SR enC ITE CER CEM LCS roe nc oh orn penedns ac sdnnadss ncdansintanisstecvoosiaesnalsvelouasssreudssndvduaenosv e a) Chapter Three NNN es Ore oo oss aeccadeS cio tvsestacravscedeaseradieconantssasshdbndissndubentranndeus 39 Chapter Four NN NT ACU Er ee es sae caso doeh bit avadescssuod died iveseeniedossadunvacsoessosseadeaesciaavaneocvaezs a3 Chapter Five EP EiA PES eer oe ood seach aoe asdeec decease sesedas auSsv uncbibvwudaggerdcobdsanagices 63 Part Two RS OY eae asco neg ceacintadentgnn nse nnsanéy w2dabasdioagacicetasccdeanagievandéveledtvsvedbexnads 81 Chapter Six Nae ego aiitedin ans nnva dis x- 170 o-aadedenavedseeciiessssedsearsseanesneeensacnenvacneace 85 Chapter Seven Td LE NID eee sh so act A aaa nn ceslian cose Soto tbo oawie tan csus zencsundsevoprectsdasegeie 97 Chapter Eight RAI Wa a eee Fone ec enskaboendstcendeedsisobensssiossWnsessaecdiessdacesrodvasduwnanersoes LEY Chapter Nine NaS Cae re ee ee hese. Gy ven n isans use deiroupnaipnnn cd oDonjeucase heumesaaon acne een etape wie Cote 135 Chapter Ten i OSES FraT oSE ilat)T ole eye ae ae ne oe rR eB POSE PEME Pony Er ERE 8 ese Se IN 153 Part Three MMCEOTC VE LIN USL SEV Lyd 0st Fee ten hea isons a Pemsluratinn eet ab eset vp weecepe camel tek eves vee coeeue ee tape eerie eee 163 Chapter Eleven ch CUTTS bagA G Te 5 I RE Bf RT Ne Raines rly PSOE Ane on eRe Bret cree Bee elt Rene) ay a 165 Chapter Twelve NA SNCTT SEALE SNES COTTA cls are neta gues ned ag A <cadtc xo omnsibae nV TococeSavaiensneews 185 Further. Readimg .:. 2. sccg, cctstveoes vasesadescerapiosbansecsesnncsendonnndceuauteddassmaptwee aeyesnasna eaqe’abucertrngas 195 Appendix One Underground Occupations veicccn.c:.:: Sete pete te Re Mises Meant snaseeeussodesessoooa.ooqsean2eancns a, 203 Appendix Two False Starts and Dead Eds i e.. iris cic ceseeeieatesctece ca ceten resem te toeeaset ace eee easier 223 Appendix Three Striking Back at the TRS Sines iscsascosccsas <n ncotcsusntnctunesonteneeeteeue eeeaeee anessaecpis -cn Zi Dedication To the freedom of economic acts between consenting adults; and to all Guerrilla Capitalists everywhere. ? A { mw 2 _ v Ta- co"! Svwas 6 - ita ~— uw pease: ° ) q apr, ~~ 7 7] ° cy Ae © ee ee 7 } A 06 Aanparers aor sk 0) he ice Or ; aimee te nae . - > “To seek the redress of grievances by going to law, is like sheep running for shelter to a bramble bush.” — Dilwyn “Men seldom, or rather never for a length of time, and deliberately, rebel against anything that does not deserve rebelling against.” — Carlyle “That government is best which governs least.” — Jefferson Introduction Introduction Since the first version of this book appeared almost Many Americans work as “wage slaves,” the worst twenty years ago, there’s been a greater interest in situation of all. They wait for their weekly pay- guerrilla capitalism because of the increasing diffi- checks, accepting that the government will amputate culty in earning a living while playing by the gov- part of their earnings before they even see them. ernment’s rules. During most of this century, Europe- They know and accept that the Internal Revenue Ser- ans have complained about the invasion of American vice knows every cent they earn, and that they have culture, leading to the “Americanization” of Europe. absolutely no choice in the matter. They commute to The opposite flow, leading to the “Europeanization” work without compensation or even being able to de- of America, has received much less notice. This duct the cost of commuting. Perhaps worst of all, country is no longer “the land of the free,” as big they live under the shadow of the ax, wondering if government becomes bigger in the European fashion and when they’!1 be “down-sized.” and plays a more intrusive role in our lives. America is no longer “the home of the brave,” since most The real entrepreneurs, however, are Americans have become docile conformists, too the free-thinkers, the guerrilla capital- timid to do anything but follow the crowd and do ex- ists. actly what they’re told. Next in the gradient are the self-employed. As This country is no longer “the land of small business owners, they know that they can keep the free,” as big government becomes a greater proportion of their earnings because they bigger in the European fashion and have many more deductions open to them. Business plays a more intrusive role in our lives. expenses are deductible, and the smart small business owner takes full advantage of every legal deduction. Some Americans have protested openly, with some The real entrepreneurs, however, are the free- success. Various “tax revolts” in states have shown thinkers, the guerrilla capitalists. that many people are tired of being taxed to death. Free-thinkers know that freedom exists for those California’s Proposition 13 was a well-known exam- who are bold enough to bend and even break the ple of this. Many other Americans consistently vote rules. They know that true freedom begins inside down bond issues when they have the opportunity. one’s own mind — which the government cannot in- During the last few years, we’ve seen tax cutbacks in vade — and that it’s impossible to be free without various states and even a tax refund by the Bush ad- free-thinking. Free-thinking means not being bound ministration in early 2001. It’s pretty clear that the by mindless conformity, and it means daring to be majority of voters and taxpayers are tired of high different, without worrying what unimaginative and taxes, especially when they see how the government timid friends and neighbors do or think. Free- often wastes money on questionable projects. There thinking means learning how to break the rules for a also exists in this country an underground movement higher purpose, not just for the sake of rule-breaking. of people who love freedom and are not afraid to live Free-thinking Americans are self-reliant and don’t free lives while their neighbors abjectly accept eco- depend on the government to provide everything for nomic slavery. 3 them, because they’re sophisticated enough to under- stand the truth of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words: Deep Inside the Underground Economy How Millions of Americans Are Practicing Free Enterprise in An Unfree Society 2 “For every benefit you receive a tax is levied.” Their ucts. Even after repeal of prohibition, the government reply to offers of government “generosity” 1s, resumed imposing special taxes on alcoholic bever- “Thanks, but no thanks.” ages, and anyone involved in making, distributing, or selling drinking alcohol without paying the govern- Free-thinking people will always be ment its due is a criminal. more free than those who expect the Likewise, gunsmiths were reputable tradesmen un- til the government began regulating their activities. government to protect their freedom, Today, it’s illegal to manufacture a firearm without a because they create their own freedom. special license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the regulatory agency that demon- These free-thinking people will always be more strated its special talent for law enforcement at Waco, free than those who expect the government to protect Texas, in early 1993. their freedom, because they create their own freedom, instead of passively waiting for someone else to do it The Coming Electronic Prison for them. Anyone who waits for someone else to make him free will always be beholden to his libera- tor. Some governments make it policy to track their The real freedom-lovers know better than to accept citizens throughout their lives, monitoring their em- the politically correct news and views contained in ployment and their residences. These are not only to- the mainstream media, designed to lull and stupefy talitarian governments, but governments of what we credulous people in their audiences. They reject the call “Western Democracies,” such as France and world-view spouted by the “talking heads” on TV. Switzerland. These skeptical people are the guerrilla capitalists. In this country, today we face the prospect of hav- The guerrilla capitalist has always been on the cut- ing our economic lives regulated to an extent impos- ting edge of free enterprise, especially in tightly regu- sible in the wartime Europe of fifty years ago, be- lated economies. Even in World War II Europe, when cause computers make it possible for the government price and wage controls, rationing, and even em- to track every resident literally from birth to death. ployment were enforced more severely than in the Laws requiring the reporting of every birth every- United States, guerrilla capitalists formed black mar- where in the country are the basis of universal regis- kets, even in totalitarian countries. This was despite tration, already existing in fact, if not in statute. Chil- severe sanctions by the secret police. The opportunity dren are subjected to mandatory education, where to earn and spend more than was allowed by totalitar- their intellectual, emotional, and social lives are scru- ian governments seduced even the officials assigned tinized and documented by teachers and school to enforce economic regulations, and bribery was one “counselors.” common way of easing around onerous laws. Selective Service registration has tracked males of military age since World War II. Even today, all Guerrilla capitalism involves activities males age eighteen and over are required to register, that have traditionally been perfectly le- although this country has not had conscription since gal and honorable ways of earning a liv- the early 1970s. All members of the work force have ing. been registered for decades through the benign- seeming “Social Security” laws, which require with- Guerrilla capitalism isn’t essentially criminal. As holding a portion of wages for retirement pensions. we'll see, it involves activities that have traditionally Income tax laws on the federal, state, and local levels been perfectly legal and honorable ways of earning a ensure that these governments have computerized re- living. The problem is not with the guerrilla capital- cords of everyone working for a salary. Even self- ist, but with government and its relentless propensity employed people, formerly free of the practical ef- to exercise more control over its citizens. Brewing al- fects of such laws, are coming under increasingly coholic beverages has never been illegal until recent tight scrutiny as the computer allows tracking of vast years, during the ill-advised “prohibition” era. Before amounts of data. Today, anyone performing “contract labor” for a business has his income reported on prohibition, the government taxed alcohol, and the Treasury Department’s “revenooers” raided stills op- Form 1099, and the Internal Revenue Service can erated by those who did not pay taxes on their prod-

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