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RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI den 12, 20 sae a # 202196013 ype: DLLD_——Recurded: Uo 22, REAL - Meb4:3> A ArsLrumenL Dale: Vee 24. 2021 Bock aye Telal Pages! ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforual fou ritgrugtin: TARCEL As NBRT-W IN Consiterction: $0.00 Tue Basis: $0.00 Grantor: CC M DEYELOPHENT LLC Grarvee: TONNSHIP-OF ERSHIRGTEN 2 HASINGION 1S Lovab ions parce te nuvicipal iy 1 = 73-M7N-DOR, C0000, KASHTAGTCN TOAST # 202195014 ype: DLLU ecards Use 22, gb2L - B-b4-36 A Arstrument uate- Uee 21. 2021 Hock Page: Heal Pages: 6 ho Kerarence Lnstrunant laTornal ion imation: CORRECTIVE / UD" TAF MINTEREY LM Considerction: $2.00 Tue Bess: 1.00 Grantor: 06 $M FVFLQPAENT LIC Grartee: CC 8 N DFVFICPMFAT | Locations Parse” Id # Huvterpal ry 1.- 28-9980C-011. 000000 KASHIRGION /OANSHLP 2+ 25-mane-m14-vovo00 KaSHIRGTON TORSHEP F e0e196093 Typos ELD Records Dee 22. 202 - <Os49e19 4M Irstrunent Date: Doc 10, 2021 Hock Page: Heal Pages! 4 he Kefarence Instrument normal ion ifaticn: OT 64 7 DELANIE OR Consierctions $40,090.00 Tune Besse $20,000. Greater: GREET LAND LLG arta ABERWATHY, SON LEE P ~ ABFRAATHS, PY MARTE Lovattons Parse’ Id uvterpal ry 1 aL-antz,-244,-100000 a iKUR TOMEI 2+ qs, -272,-LOD000 | ANTRIELTOISHTP FROSTSEDGY Types DEED Recorded: Dec 22, 202L ~ ciWeel0 AH Trstrument Dates Dex a1. 021 lok Page Teal Pages: he Kofarence InsLruenL nora fon furualicn: COPRECTIVE # L)- 78 ConsiereL inns. $2.00 Tin Bess: $0.00 Grantors 06 8 FLORA 1 Grartees C0 BH OFF OPWFLT | Locations ance’ I$ uvterpal 1+ 28-4920C-008. 000000 KASILRGION 1O¥ISILP 2+ ES-MeNC-MLL -oonDO0 KASHIRGTIN TORYSHDP TASES Types FF Renaried: Dee 77, P07 ~ “Gees oH —Testroment tates Nan 91, 7037 ook: ane letal Pages: 6 ke Koference Instrunent_infarmat ton tarmaLien: UOPRECLIME / RES.DUL LUI 2 DR TAREY LW (CensidareLion: $1.03 lan Besis: $0.00 Grantors C 8-H EVELOPHENT LLC crartas CK H DEVELEPHEAT Lis lorations ace’ TH Hysicipal A+ Z5-3020C-008. 00000 KASITAGTON TOWISITP 2 - B5-an@uC-on. 000000 KASHIRGION 1OANSHLP RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI Jem 12, 2022 st at ie: # 20219602 — ype: DLLD_——Recurded: Woe 22, REAL - 1:29:20 a ArsLrumenL Date: Vee 20. 2021 Boxk Page Telal Pages! 9 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforual fou ifgrugtign: TMACT 1-3 ¢ FIGFNSRODF 11 Consiterctions $1.00 Tue Basis: $0.00 Grantor: GROVE, SHIRLEY B (ESTATE sf Grartes: SHOVE, PSTRICK 1 2 GHOUL SURLY & + ROK, ELLEY 6 nck FRIEST Lora ions rare’ Taf Mysicspal 1+ 23-9905, -0/98-000000 HaSIRGIO 1O4SILP 2 - $5-anws!-zesa.v00000 KASHIRGIOR 1OAUSHLP T7UPTaeRaD___Typer OFF Ravarded: Dee 77, PUP) ~ TsO565 mT —Tretrument ates Das 71, 707 Book: Page: Tetal Pages: § he Roference Instrunent Infarmat ton nfarmatin: -01 29 + SCOILAND RD ‘ens idareLion: $1.09 lan beais: $0.00 renter: BLSSHRD, WESLEY Grarton: BUSSARD, CHEISTINE C 2 ALSSARD, CHRISTINE 0 Lovat tons: Parse” Td vterpal 1 a9 213, sf, 000000 GRE -RE OHNE FOES Type DEED ecavded Oe 22, OAL STAT A —_Trstnmne ites ee 20, AAT Fook Page Tetal Pages: § ho Reference Tastrunant Information niforwat te: onsideretion: $250,000.00 Tax Bests: $250,000.00, Grantor: WARICON, ROTUL Grantee: MINGLRL, PHILLL! t 2 MARTIBE, DEBORAH 2 HINGERT, TRISTA RAE Lorations Parce’ Td # Nuvicipal A= 2-92, -15. -con000 ST, THOMAS TORNSHIP # MOZII5OA Types DEED ecard: Dee 22, EAL “2-81-10 AM Testu Dales Oee 32, 2021 Fook Page Teta Pages! 4 ho Reference Tustruwnt_ Tuforngtion nfarnat ic: ‘Constderetion: $60,000.00 Tax Bests: $60,000.00 Gremtors Lake, *MRCUS Grartoe: "800 JN, ILLIA L 2 WONESEITT, ELIZABETE 5. I atens: Pans Tt Novieipal icy 1-15-4614. 0088-00000 1 LEGA TONSA RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI Jem 12, 2022 st at ie: # 202196064 — ype: DLLD——Recurded: Woe 22, REAL - 10:69 MF ArsLrumenL Date: Vee 20. 2021 Bock aye Telal Pages! 5 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforua fou itgrugtion: OT 0.1? 4.100 ea Consierction: $65,500.00 Tax Basis: 105.00.00 Grantor: WALTERICS, ONMES B (ESTATE Grartee: WAGNER, JEFFREY 4 2 BALILRLEC! ShgROW 2 ROGUE, LORI Lovab ions Parse Ide nuvicipal iy 1-7-3307, BA, -Gonn00 FaRMFTT TSH 2 07-9307. -068. 100000 FAENFTT TOMSATP # MOZISHORS — Iyer DED Recarded: Wee 22, EAL -r12:80 MF ArsLrumenL DaLe: ae Te. 2021 Bonk Page Tetal Pages! ho Ratanenre Tnstrunent_ formation nfornation: OT 14 / PIPER AE ‘Censieretion: $759,900.00 Tax fests: $759,900.00 renter TR, 30'UR 3 Grate i, JESSEE 2 KOLAR, LARP 2 AEWAIH CaMDILE & 1 = YEOGER, ETSY DIANNE 1 YeageR, HCE R Locat tons: arse” Id vterpal 1 a9 2212, 16, 000000 HERE IOMNSHLP FOES Type DEED ecavded Oe 22, ORAL S=ESOU AF irate ites Gee 22, SET Fook Page Tetal Pages: § ho Reference Tastrunant Information formation: TRACT 1-3. THBER RO onsideretion= $0.02 Tas Bests: $0.00 Grentor: — vIcl, GLLW D GrarteasDuCL, GLAM Lk 2 - DICE, CSTHERIVE H CE, ace Lorations rarce’ Td 8 Hysicipal 1-18-9619, 01. -co0000 PETERS TOANSHIP 2+ 18-148, -D06. 100000 LIAS 1OHNSILP 707135076 Type: DFFD ecard: Re 77, E71 “281-07 PF Testun Date: Dee 72,2071 Book. Page: Tetal Pages: 4 he Reference Instrunent Information forwation: THACI LA 2 7 WOWLRSYILLL HO Constderetion: $0.00 lax bests: $0.00 Greater: DICE, GLEN O Gravlea: DIE, LESTER E 2 DICK, CATHERINE 7 OCF, a 1 Lora ions rare’ Ta 8 Hyvicrpal 1-13-9808, -D20 -co0000 LLASeR. 1OHNSILP 2+ T4882, -ooD000 LEKBPR, ORNL RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI Jem 12, 2022 st at es 4 # 2021950/9 ype: DLLD——Recurded: Woe 22, REAL = L243cb4 ME ArsLrumenL DaLe: Vee 16. 2021 Bock Page Telal Pages! 4 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforua fou itgrugtion: TROL WAP Consiierctions $620,000.00 Tax Bests: 1640,090.00 Granta: LALRICH COMPA “HCORPORATED Grarvee: —POHTERSHECK LLC Lonattons: arse” 1d # nuvtetpal 19 2+ TLAIEL5, D3, oonD00 HANTLTIAU THASHP TAPS? Types OFF Ranavded: Dee 77, P07 ~=STIS9 PY __—_Testrument Tatas Nan 95, 7031 ook: Pane etal Pages: ke Koference Instrument tnfarmat ton ntanmatien: IKACI LZ (Gens idare Lion: $1.00 an bess: $0.00 Grentaw: — LEID, ALLEY 6 Grartae: LEC, ALIN H 21D, Fat ?TFIM, HINA 7 Loca tons Parse’ Id # Hunterpal ry 1-21-28, -L49,-000000 SOLIHAAPIO FeaNsHUP 2. 2L-1a0snge8-vono00 SOCTHBAPTON TORNSHET # eveissoaa — Typos ELD Recorded Dee 22. 2021 - 2:03:36 PY Irstrunemt Date: Doc 22, 2021 Heal Pages! 4 he Kefarence Instrument fora ion iaticn: OT (Consiectinns$296, M00 Tax Besse 26,10. Greater: HARTUSD, “WEY L_CAKAD Grartoa: SHDPE, TEORA G 2 HARRISON, DG? IE Locattons Huvterpal ry FT 000000 ERL-KL FONSIU 4707135081 Types DFFD—Recarded: Nec 77, 2071 - 2:09:95 MF —Trstrument Date: Der 15,2071 Book, Page: Tetal Fages: 4 he Reference Instrument Infarmat ton formation: KALIIMAN DL ‘ConsidereLion: $200,000.00 tax Bests: #200.990,00 Brenur: — GIBBLE, 2ARREL R Gra lew BAKER, CHRISTOPHER. 2 PYAR, 3) aN 7 RIFHNFR, HanTSSA Locations parce’ Id ontenpal 1. a1-4a0es-008-100000 ai IRIN 1OHNSILP 707135068 Typa: DFO ecanded: Dat 77, E71 - 2:50:78 PF Trsteumct Bite: Dee 70,2071 Fook Page Total Pages: 4 ho Reference Tastrunent formation formation: -O1 LF RLU RU Constderetion= $59,900.00 ax Bests- 499.090.00 Grentor: ~WFUS, LARRY DEN UN (RSIAIE a 2 - BYERS, LARRY D (ESTATE) Loations taf Wusicipal 4 O61. -tooo00 #kTRIM TOSI Gravee: BRUUKES, DANIEL 1 2 ERDDKES, KAR S 1 RAMKLIN COLA sNDLK PLPC Jem 12, 2022 st at ie: # 2021910 ype: DLLD——Recurded: Woe 22, RAL - 283-43 MF ArsLrumenL DaLe: Vee 24. 2021 Bock aye Telal Pages! 4 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tura fou itgrugtign: § ATH ST Consiierctions $160,000.00 Tax Rests: $60,000.00 renter MD PROPERTIES LLC Grarvee:—AUEMOVIC. Osha 2 AOURDWIC, NIK Lovab ions parce Ie Nuvicipal ig 1-5-1057. 190, -fonnn0 cHAPRFESALIG, Foc # 202195126 ype: DLLU Recorded: Vee 22. et2L - S-24-$1 MY Instrument Uate- Uee 22. 2021 Hoek Page: Heal Pages: ho Kerarence Lnstrunnt Torna ion rifnmation: OT 35 7 OELLADNO OR Consietinns. 5275.40.00 Tax Bests: 275,00. Grantars ROHR 1 ALSO (FS"ATFY Grartee: RTRFL 2 HCORIDE, JILL Locations arc’ 1d # huicipal iy 2-25-4915. -153 ooD00 KASHIRGTUN ToAWSHDP ff e0e196190 Typos ELD Recorded: Dee 22. 2021 - 3:20:20 PF Irstrunent Date: Doc 14, 2021 Hock Page: Heal Pages! & he Kefarence Instrument fora ion ination: TACT LA 2S UENTER ST Consiectinns $200,400.00 Tax Besse $200,000. Greater: SHALE, O.STIN Grartons BAMES, SCOTT #2 OURTIEY (A) P - PAURFR, QTL Teh RAF URTICY arse” ld & huticipal iy a, -tODDOO_GHENBERSEURS EORDISH + 95-1987. 030. -000000 CHARTS FOROUCH # 20216133 ype: DLLD——Recurded: Ue 22, REAL - S-32:19 MF ArsLrumenL DaLe: Vee 1/. 2021 Boxk aye Telal Pages! 5 ho Rearency TnsLrunen Tora fou itgrugtion: OT 7 7 HT RD Consiierction: $295,000.00 Tax Bests: 1745,000.00 Grantor: WRTIN, ALDAIY 2 AKIN, LAURLL Rc&KAD i HORST, LAURIE 8 Laten Para Wt Nuvieipal icy 1+ a1-3416.-097.-coo00n ssTRIM ToWSHTP Grartes:EINARDS. “HY R RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI Jem 12, 2022 st at Pines 6 # 202195143 ype: DLLD_——Recurded: Woe 22, REAL - Sefbcbk MF ArsLrumenL Date: Vee 22. 2021 Bock aye Telal Pages! 4 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforua fou ritgrugticn: HORST 3 Consiierction $100,000.00 Tax Bests: $100,990.00 Grantor: -HOLSER, STEVE L OR Grartes: LIVE, oRHES L 2 HOLSLH, ALADY Lovab ions Parse Td Nuvicipal i 1 = qv-tan R31, -tonnn0 aT TIGHT # 20215144 — ype: DLLU Recorded: Vee 22. AL = S-46-be ME Instrument Uate- ee 16. 2021 Hoek Page: Heal Pages: 6 ho Kerarence Lnstrunen normal ion rifmmation: TRACT 1-3 1 PEMSCNGER A Consiumtinn $26,090.00 Tax Bess: 16,000. Grantor: Laants, FLIER Grartes: MI-TINGTIN, TOLLS F 2+ ALTTIR, SUSRY ¥ 2 IICTINGTON, LIRDA 3 HDGROSL, DEBORAH & Lato: Pance To Noviespal icy 1 = g1-Mer.-b128-coon99 TATA TONIGHT # 202195IN5 Iyer DED Recarded: Woe 22, EAL SebO:09 mF ArsLrumenL DaLe: oe 24. 2021 Bonk Page etal Pages! ho fetanenre Tnstrunent Tuformtfon faruoticn: -OT 95 PHASE TT ERS FIELDS Ct (Consierctinns $07, AAI.(G Tax Besse B07 40. Granter:) 0°R FORTOU T¥E NEW JERSEY Grartee: Blane, mound 4s = 2 RONILLA, APRIL = Locations arse” 1d # nuticipal iy 2-25-07, 57, tonD00 KASHIRGTINN TORWSHEP FROSTY Types DEED Recorded: Dec 22, O02L ~ 4elae12 PY __Trstrument Dates Dex 22. 2021 lok Page Teal Pages: he Kefarence InsLrunenL fora ton iuralicn CLREERLAND HY Cons ilercLinne, $2.00 Tin Bess: $0.00 Grantor: HFISEY, 3 AY Grartee: HFISEY, J pay 2 HEIBEY, SIRIAM H 2 HEISEY, NIRIGH H Locations varce™ Id & huntetpal ry 2-12-45, m2, -ovo00 LETTERKENN TORWSHE 2 1p-aens. 968.0000 FTTENKAI TONSA # 2219516 ype: DLLU Recorded: Vee 22. 2t2L - 4-21-bk ME Instrument Uate- Uee 22. 2021 ook Page: Heal Pages: ho Kerarence Lnstrunent Torna ion ifnmation: OT L 7 BLACK TAP AD Const $186,400.00 Tax Bess: IRS 00. Grantor: HAAR, MFIYIN'F (FST Grartee: KIMBER TNS, JOH. SCOTT JR Locations arse” Id & vterpal 1 agai, 10 000000 ERESKE TOHNSHLE RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI Jem 12, 2022 st at ie: # 202151 — ype: DLLD_——Recurded: Uo 22, REAL - 4:20:69 MF ArsLrumenL DaLe: Vee 20. 2021 Bock Pay Telal Pages! 4 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforua fou rifgeugticn: LRTT 13-8 ¢ SOO-1 ARO RD Consiterction: $80,000.00 Tax Basis: 480,000.00 renter: RADY, GAYLE L Grartes: HIRST, RICHAD = JR Lonattons: ie untetpal FT 5. LALA-UDDOD | GREZKE TOAYSHIP TAPES TRI Reonvded Tee 77, 0001 ~ a=PT-Py BF —_Weknowent Wate: Tee 70,5071 ook: ane etal Pages: 3 ke Koference Instrunent_infarmat ton tarmatien: “#ACEL 2 ¢ MUMERSCILLE WU (CensidareLion: $199.N0.00 tax Hesis: SIS. Grentars DICE, GLEN O Grartges EVERETTS, KRISTINA tt 2 - DICE, CATHFRIVF W Loca tons Parse” Id # Hunterpal cy 1-15-0808, -DLEA-000000 LLAGAR. 1OHYSHLP 22 ss sm. opo00 LEMAR TOMS # eoorsee1a DELO Recorded: Dec 27. 2¢AL - 9:42:30 A Irstrument Uate: Dec 20, 2021 ack Page lead Pages! & he Kefarence Instrument ifort fon faruoticn: -OT LL SECT 5: 5 CILOBROUK Av Consierctinn $2.00 Tue Besse 1,778. renter ICT, GNSTANCE E carta REMORGER, ES 2 APRETICT, CONSTANCE SPRENGER, CATHY J Locattons Parse” Id Huvterpal ry 1. gB-LLA3,-2b, 000000 IARULASHUAS bORDUBI 4707135015 Types DFFD—Recarded: Nec 77, 2071 - 9etG:24 AY Trstrument ate: Der 70,2071 Book, Page: Tetal Fages: 6 he Reference Instrument Infarmatton nfarwativn: SILI RD ‘ConsidereLion: 41.09 law Bes igs $963,223.90 rene: ENGLE, MILLIAN 2 Grats GLIRY VIE FARE LUG 2 - FRGIF, PRISCTILA Locations farce’ Id $ unterpal 2 q/-2s15,-006. 000000 1 aAKLIT10HSILP 707135001 Typa: DFFD——ecanded: Dat 77, OEP1- “eOHeA AM Trstrumct ites Dec 10,2071 Pook Page Total Pages: § ho Reference Tastrunant Information formation: TRACI L-S: SPOR SMA RU Constdoretion- $160,000.00 tax Bests~ $160.920,00 Grentar: — SMLIE-LLeLs 1Rus Grartea: GRAN, JERRY L 2 SHITE, EVELPY 3. PUSTEE) Loations Parce’ Te Wusicipal 4. OL-206,-054.-co0000 TRIN TOANSIIP 2+ aL-4a06,-10:4-000000 A IKUE 1OHYSHLP 2 DESHI BREAK K RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI Jem 12, 2022 st at ines 8 #2021922 Lyges DLLD Recorded: Wee 2¢, QL - NS06:12 aM arsLrwmenL VaLe: Uee G2. 2021 Beck aye Telal Pages! 5 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforual fut itgrugtion: OT 81: § BLATKBFERY LANE Consiterction: $1.00 Tue Basis: $0.00 renter NZIE. LESLIE Grarte: ENEIE, LESLIE R 2 MIRURIL, HILL & Lovab ions Parse Td Auticipal 1-9-3010, An, -fonnn0 enF=BF TOHGHTP # 202199228 ype: DLL Hecordeds Use ZA, gb@L - LO-00-49 aN Arstrument uate- Uee I/. 2021 Hook Page Heal Pages: & ho Kerarence Lnstrunen normal ion ufauaticn: OT 1 ESEOUE: HENTZER GA AE Consiectinns $216,400.00 Tax Bess: 226,00. Granter: MIIIAR, JPN FOF Grartee: —ROSFNCRINCE, KATATE Locations Parse” Id & Hunterpal ry 1 19-2118,-siv.000000, Linc 1oHHLP TAOS Types FFD Ravarded: Dee 77, PU7T ~"GeSR49 mH —Tretroment ates Das 17,07 Book. Page: Tetal Fages: § he Roference Instrunent Infarmat ton formation: IMMER CensidereLion: $18).900,00 tax Basia: $124.a80,00 Grentars Taf, BEUBMIY H Grartos LOIRE, CAMERON Lat ens Pance Td viespal 1 = 99-30258-005. -too09 eRF=NF TOUGHT # 202195081 ype: DLLD_——Recarded: Woe 2¢, REAL - “=13:b0 a ArsLrument Date: voc 14. 2021 Bonk Page Tefal Pages! 9 ho Reference Instrument Toran fon formation: OT F 8: FORT 1 UND RR ‘Consideration: $119,000.00 Tax Bests: 4719.00.00 Grantor: SHITE, SOMALD D Grartes:<AEMURIS LLC 2 SMU, Sake i SMITE, I6eTO 8 2 SHMSCH, BETH PAUL WE Locations rarce’ Ia $ untenpal 1 L-0s,-Doew-000000 PO ECA FOKISILP 25 ANF. snprc-oono00 OAT TOHSHDP RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI Jem 12, 2022 st at ines 9 #2021922 types DLLD Record: Wee 2¢, CQL - 200244 PN ArsLiwmenL VaLe: Jan OL. 2021 Bock aye Telal Pages! 8 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforual fou ritgeugticn: “ARCEL Tt: PATH WALLY Consiterction: $1.00 Tue Basis: $0.00 renter WH, 2 WILHER Grarvee: LEARN, Wun M 2 CN, URL Lovab ions Parse Td nuvicipal i 1-15-78 Pf, -son000. NFTAI TOHSHTP 2 15-9408. 40. -coN000 PETAL TORNSHTE 3° 15-2106, -D41 -C00000 PL IAL aReSIue 3+ TocH4U8, D8, 0UDDO0 PE LAL OSHIP TAOS Types OFF Ravarded: Dee 77, PUPT ~ 7=Oi=09 FH Teetrument ata Das 77, 707 Book. Page: Tetal Fages: 4 he Roference Instrunent Infarmat ton formation: -O1 138; MYSIIC ROCK LAN S CensidareLion: $269.040.00 tax Basia: $269.990.00 Gren; DAR FAW UTLOERS MID ATLANTIC LUC Grartes — HASTERSIB, THORS ALAR lorations Parce’ Ta # Hysicipal + 25-007, 60. 000000 KASITAGTON TOSI # MUZTSZE0 Type: DEED Aecaned: Dae 27, BERL - Ze1H-42 PM Trstrumett Outes Oee 24, 2021 Bonk Page etal Pages! 4 ho fetanenre Instrument Tuformtfon formation: OT 137; MESTTC ROCK 1 NES ‘Censierstion: $908,900.00 Tax Bests: $938.990.00 Grantor: DA. RYIN DUTLOCRS NID ATLABTIC LLC Grartee; —IDPKINS, GCRRARD 2 JOSLY, JaNILA Lacatiens Parse Td Nevicipalicy 1+ 73-3007. 568. -G00009 WASHINGTON Towa # 202198209 —Lyges DLLD Recorded: Wee 2¢, QL - “rldebé MY ArsLrwmenL uate: Uee 1/. 2021 Bock Telal Pages! 4 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tura fou itgrugtion: OF 144 Consiierctions $199,200.00 Tax Rests: 1168,390.00 Grantor: WR BUTLOI'G TOR LLC Grarvee:— LINMS, AISTIB. THON 2 = NORDING,HRUSILK Lovab ions we Nuvicipal ig C-ARIA-GONNOD —CHABRFTSALS FORI 70-144 00000 CHRORFRSPLING FOROURH RARKLIN COLA = ANDER RLEQRI Jem 12, 2022 st at ie: #RO219H28 —Lyges DLLD Recorded: Wee 2¢, QL - 220200 MF ArsLiwmenL Uate: Hae 25. 2021 Bonk aye Telal Pages! 4 ho Rearence TnsLrunenl Tuforual fou ritgeugticn: OT 7 SECT 1 HFRUEW OR Consiierctions $215,000.00 Tax Bests: 1715,000.00 Grantor: ROSENBER2Y, ROBERT L Grartee:_BINBTUGH. GIRRETT R 2 + ROGLNULEGY, “OHH J 2 + Soo», CHLLSLA Lovab ions Parse I Auvicipal 1 = FL-TBR-B5R,-fonnN0 SFTP TEMP # 202199299 ype: DLL Hecordeds Use Z#, gb@L - L-49-31 PF —Arstrument uate- Uee 23. 2021 Hoek Page Heal Pages: 6 ho Kerarence Lnstrunent formal ion rtnmation: OT 2 # ¢APRD DUET Consiumrtions_ 50.00 Tue Bess: 1.00 Grantor: RAGASLT, JOSEPH C Grartee: BAR'WSKT, JFORT=FR S 2+ BAGINSKT, JCRITER J ovations parce” ld # huicipal iy 2-25-07, 175, onD00 KASHIRGTINN TORWSHDP # is6307 DELO Recorded: Dec 27. 2¢2L - 210-02 PF Irstrunent Uate: Dec 23. 2021 Page: Heal Pages! 4 he Kefarence Instrument atonal ion ‘ce Consiectinn. $388, 80.00 Tax Besse 9,900. Brent: URIBE LL Grartoa: RAIER, STEVEN HATE P - RAGER, FFARR Lovattons 1d Huvterpal ry 1 /0-DOLG-000000 ERL-AL 1OHVSILP 2 70-128 -GOUDOO GRESKE TOISTP Fer DEED Recorded: Dec 27, t0L - 2-30.05 PF _—_Wvstranent Date: Dec 21, 2021 look Page Teal Pages: he Kofarence InsLruenL nora fon ifurmalien OT 15: WAJESTIC CIMT ConsilereLiuns. $2.00 Tin Bess: $0.00 Grantors tank, SATA Grartee: CLARK, SHIRUFY & 2 CLARK, SAIRLE? A Locations varce’ 1d # untetpal ry 2+ TLAIEL3, 397, -oooo00 WANILTIAU THASHP TAPTaGPE__Typer OFFI Ranavded: Dee 77, 0071 ~ PoGRg? BY ——Testroment Tata Nap 6, 701 ook: ane etal Pages: 6 ke Koference Instrunent_infarmat ton tarmatien: 01 sl: RUDGE URES OR (ConsidareLion: $Uss.d00.00 tay kasi: 094.0. rent; AGWES, JEFFREY rartans (ATU FIUANCIA. CORPORATION 2 FAPATA KMS. TARA 3 ADI ZAPATA, TARR Locations parce” ld # huicipal iy 2. 25-NH7.-32L-vooo00 KaASHIRGTUR ToAUSHTP

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