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DEDICATED TO MY BELOVED “AAI ANNA” BHAI, TAI AND GUIDE “ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF BRINJAL IN SOUTH GUJARAT.” A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE NAVSARI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY NAVSARI IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MMaasstteerr ooff SScciieennccee ((AAGGRRIICCUULLTTUURREE)) IN AAGGRRIICCUULLTTUURRAALL EECCOONNOOMMIICCSS BY MMHHAATTRREE SSUUHHAASSIINNII JJAAYYAAVVAANNTT BB..SScc.. ((AAggrrii..)) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS N. M. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE NAVSARI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY NAVSARI – 396 450 GUJARAT STATE MAY – 2014 Registration No: 04-1255-2012 ABSTRACT “ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF BRINJAL IN SOUTH GUJARAT” Name of the Student: Major Advisor: Ms. Mhatre S. J. Dr. A. K. Leua DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS N. M. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE NAVSARI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, NAVSARI - 396450 A B S T R A C T The present study on “Economic analysis of production and marketing of brinjal in South Gujarat”. A multistage random sampling design was used for selecting the sample. The study covered 6 talukas, 12 village and 180 brinjal growers from Surat, Navsari, Tapi districts. The primary data were collected for the season of 2013 by personal interview method. The time series data on area, production, productivity, arrivals, prices, etc. were collected from different secondary sources. In order to fulfil various objectives of the study tabular analysis was extensively used. Moreover short and long term fluctuation in prices of five major prices reporting APMCs from Surat, Navsari and Vyara districts of south Gujarat were considered. Looking to the availability of time series data, Surat, Navsari, Vyara, Ahmadabad and Vadodara were selected for detailed study. The data pertain to time span 2003 to 2013. Johansen test used for examine the integration of wholesale prices of brinjal among the major markets of South Gujarat (Surat, Navsari and Vyara) and out of South Gujarat (Ahmadabad and Vadodara) The major findings of the study revealed that there was cost of cultivation per hectare and cost of production per quintal of brinjal was ₹ 92867 and ₹ 251.83, respectively. The overall net income per hectare was₹ 211212. The return per rupee of investment was ₹ 3.28. Following three marketing channel were identified in the study area for marketing of brinjal. Channel I: Producer –Wholesaler cum commission agent - Retailer – Consumer, channel II: Producer – Wholesaler – Consumer and Channel III: Producer- village merchant- Commission agent cum wholesaler- Retailer – Consumer. The channel II was more efficient than the I because producer share in consumer rupee was more (71.33%) in channel II, than channel I (58.95%) in Navsari market. In Surat market producer share in consumer rupee was maximum (56.27%) in channel I than the channel III (51.27%) and in Tapi market channel producer share in consumer rupee is highest in channel II than (71.17%) channel I (61.90%). The arrivals of brinjal either remained stagnant or declined across the selected markets during the study period. The indices of arrivals were at peak in post-harvesting months (January-February) and the lowest in pre-harvesting months (September-December). The indices of prices of brinjal started increasing from June onwards and reached at the peak during off season month in the majority of the selected markets. Majority of the markets shown increasing trend in arrivals and prices the later periods which may be because of increased population increase in general price level etc. Results of Johansen‟s multiple co- integration testes revealed that the brinjal markets of Surat, Bharuch, Vyara, Ahmadabad, and Vadodara integrated were with at least three co- integration vectors. The Pairwise Grangers Causality Test for Surat, Bharuch, Tapi, Ahmadabad and Vadodara market was carried out. Out of the five market pairs analyzed, nine had one co-integrating relationship, while eleven had no co-integrating relationships. The results of the test pointed out that Bharuch and Vyara market was the leader market. As well as that the Surat and Vadodara market price influenced each other and there existed bidirectional causality from Surat market price and Vadodara market price. Problem of higher incidence of pests and disease, unavailability of labour when needed, plant protection problems, lack of information about high yielding variety, higher labour charges were the major constraints faced by farmers in production of brinjal. The major constraints related to marketing were fluctuations market price, higher price fluctuations, lack of co-operative marketing, lack of marketing information, lack of transportation, market are far away, low price due to less quantity. Associate Professor, Department of Agri-business Economics & Finance, AABMI, NAU, Navsari- 396450 C E R T I F I C A T E This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Economic analysis of production and marketing of brinjal in South Gujarat.” submitted by Miss. MHATRE SUHASINI JAYAVANT in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (AGRICULTURE) in the subject of AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS of the NAVSARI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, NAVSARI is a record of bonafide research work carried out by him under my guidance and the thesis has not previously formed, the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar title. Place: Navsari (A.K.Leua) Date: Major Adviser DECLARATION This is to certify that the whole of the research work reported here in the thesis for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (AGRICULTURE) in AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS by the undersigned is the result of investigation done by him under direct guidance of Dr. A.K.LEUA, Associate Professor, Department of Agri-business Economics & Finance, AABMI, N.A.U. Navsari and no part of the work has been submitted for any other degree so far. Place: Navsari Date: (MHATRE S. J) Countersigned by, (A. K. LEUA) Associate Professor, Department of Agri-business Economics & Finance, AABMI, NAU, Navsari- 396450 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Gratitude takes three forms, “A feeling from the heart, an expression in words and a giving in return………” At last the moment has come to look into the deeper layers of my heart which is filled with the feeling of togetherness and loveliness; consolation and satisfaction. Some are permanent and some are momentary but both involve a number of persons to whom I acknowledge my warm regards. It is always immense and immeasurable pleasure to applaud the auspicious personality who has the character of kind benevolence, consummate and care taking affair in others welfare. Here I am in hunt for words to express my pleasurable feelings and thankfulness to my honorable research guide and well wisher cum chairman of advisory committee, Dr. Alpesh Leua, Associate professor, AIABM, Navsari Agriculture university, Navsari, Whose unquestioned mastery on the subject, talented and versatile advice, scholastic and fatherly guidance but live criticism, enticed and inspiring discussion throughout the course of my post graduate study gave me this unique experience of planning, conducing and presenting the research. I am most thankful to my minor advisor Dr. B.k Bhatt,Associate Professor Dept. of Agril. Statistics. ASPEE College of Horticulture & Forestry N.A.U., Navsari, for his support, keen interest, giving bountifully his time during my research work. My heart is in a state of ecstasy to unveil a hearty sense of regards and admiration towards members of my advisory committee Dr. K.S. Patel Professor and Head, Dept. of Agril. Economics, N. M. College of Agriculture, NAU Navsari, Dr. Narendra singh, Associate Professor, Dept. of Agril. Economics ASPEE College of Horticulture & Forestry, NAU for their keen interest, invaluable guidance and constant encouragement during my master`s programme. My sincere thanks goes to Makadia sir, Mistry Sir, Ahir Sir Anju ben. Also I am very thankful to the staff members from the Dept. of Agril. Economics, NMCA Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari for their valuable guidance and co-operation throughout the course of my studies. I am also thankful to our honorable Vice Chancellor Dr. A. R. Pathak , Dr. A.N. Sabalpara, Director of Research and Dean, Post Graduate Studies as well as Dr. M. K. Arvadia Principal, N.M. College of Agriculture and Dr. K.s.patel Professor and Head, Department of Agril.economics N. M. College of Agriculture, NAU, Navsari providing necessary facilities during the course of study an investigation. The work station would not have been the same without the diversity of the members enrolled. To begin with Sachin More, Surendra Kuthe, Viral Parmar, PinakinAsodiya,Tushar Pakwar, Prashant katre, Sudhir Shinde, Sanchit Mandpe, Archana dii Waishali dii, manisha dii, Nilam dii, Darshana dii, Komal dii for their valuable help and useful suggestions. On a personal note, I am very glad to mention sincere mental support, words of encouragement, boundless love, unflagging inspiration, interest and selfless sacrifices of my most beloved friends Swarupa, Sayali, Shweta, Rina, Nazneen, Varsha, Nitu, Josna Swati, Swarna, Snehal, Poojita, Kirti, Vandana, Amrita, Rajshree, Anuja, Yogita, Komal, Shubhada, Nitesh and Pankaj during this crucial period of my research work. I feel that it will be an indecent and contemptible on my part, if I lack to say word of gratification and reverence for my venerated parents, my Aai, Anna, and my brother bhai Yogita vahini,sweet sisters Tai, Rohan jiju , Arnav for their , ove, support, understanding and devotion for my M.Sc. atNavsari. I express my deepest commitment and appreciation to my Grandmother and Grandfather, Pappa and Aai, Shrikant Kaka and Savita Kaku, mama Shashikant, Kalpana Mavashi, Indu Mavashi, Yashvanti, Mavashi, Mane Kaka, and cousins Nishitai, Nileshdada, Namrata, Prakash, Prachi, pranali, Nitesh, Sajan, Sagar, suraj Shweta, Bhawesh Aishwarya, and my whole family whose immense help, moral support, invariant encouragement and lesion for hard work brought me to my goal. Last but not least, I am writing this acknowledgment because of my Almighty bless. Place: Navsari Date- (Suhasini J. Mhatre)

Name of the Student: In Surat market producer share in consumer rupee was maximum . constant encouragement during my master`s programme. high fertilizers and manual labour cost, lack of infra structure facilities like.
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