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Decussata (1998) PDF

216 Pages·1998·13.8 MB·English
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Lights,Camera,Action Vs AnchorsAwayA-OfftoCollege / I StraighttotheAltar A-Uptke CorporateLadder Up, Up, andAway DivineInterven- % s f tion FollowingIn yourFather’s Footsteps OfftoExotic / Places Outto theFields IntothePros \ BeAllYouCanBe DowntheStraightand NarrowPath OfftoKolly wood Hit the Boards BehindtheRegister Through y '• theCrlassCeiling (foOn-Line BehindaDesk OntheBeat > FollowYourDream Cro AboveandBeyond InFront oftheCameraA-BearingLeft, TurnLeft AfteraCure Inthe News0BA-BS-MA-M-S- ^ / ,• M.BA-PhD-/VtD-DD5 Bea Journeyman 1 Directions '/InArain JrffaA£ckoot ~£>roa. yf[errMvMe 1 3 1 St.Micha0el’s#4630300CedarLake#0 463040St.Joseph's Chesterton 46307 ChicagoHeights 46308 0 0 0 0 Crete Grimmer Tolleston # # |40634161321C0rowGnaProyin0t#46436232109 KahDlyeerr 0 0 0 0 Griffith 6043S 604 7 0 0 [s00t.THhaommamsonModr00e St.P4a6t3ri2c3ks00He4b6r32o4n 0St.Mary0s Hi#ghland 463205 Hoba0rt 463410 LakeStation [46342 Lansing LaPorte046342 0St.JohnEvangelist 0 Lakeofthe # 0 FN#aotuirviSteyas0onsLowe#l4l63&50St.Pau4l6305646'3'•>6'8 Merrillv0ille S0t.Johnthe0Baptist 046373 Miller 46375 46376 # 0 #St.Stanislaus 46362 Portage 0 0 4 0463804 46385 SaukV0illage |46391 Blesse0dSacramen0t 463903 406S4c0h2ere0rviVlalleparaiSsto.Jo0hnWhee4l6e4r010 Wecamefromdiverse 464030Westvi0lle0464004 464#05 0EastChicag#o 46406 Porter backgrounds,fromfamilies [ogdenDunes SisterTheaBowman 0 0 0 046407 46408 46409 Queen ofAllSain0ts0464100St.Catherine bothlargeandsmall. Wecamefrom oTfh'So6im0ea4n1sna1Aq"ui40On6ua4rs1L0adyMCohufensGstrt.aeor046432 differentcommunities,various St.Mich0ael’s 46303:0t 46304#StJoseph’s distancesaway. Wecame 406307 C0hiGcagoKeJ Crete rimmi (463110Cr0ownPoi fromassortedgradeschools, #46321 Gary 0 0 Griffith 6043 1s0t.ThomasMore04 ourmindsfilledwith #Hammond ^st.Patric.,| #St.Mary#s " Hi0ghland contrastingopinionsand Hoba#rt 46341# LakeStation [46342 Lansing LaPorte046342 0St.JohnEva0ngelist 0#Lakeofth#e viewpoints. Butwith uniquetalentsand FourSeasons 46350 46356 giftsspillingoutofourpockets,andavarietyofupbringings, 2 Opening lifeexperiences,andvalues,wecametogetherfromall directions. Sure,someofuswalkedtoschool,while othersspentmorethananhourinacar. Butlikethedistanceswe traveled,ourreasonsfor becomingaNinerwerealldifferent. Maybewecame ti tomeetnewfriends. Maybeitwasforathletics. Or maybeitwastvcontinueourCatholiceducation. NomatterwhatbroughtustoAndreanthough, oncewearrived,wewereallheadedinthesamedirection- graduation. \ ii Opening3 . Duringourfouryearswehavemoved everywhichwaywithacademics,clubs, sports,andorganizations En route,we A havemademanyfriends,facedand overcomechallenges,and experiencedsuccess. Thbthenis ourchronicleofourtimetogether beforewe onceagainmove ALL IN 4 Opening 1 0 St.Mich0ael’s014630300CedarLake0 463040St.Joseph’s C0hesterton0 406307 0ChicagoHeights 463080 Cre0te (rrimme0r0 Tolle0ston 40631 CrownPoint 46319 Dyer 046321 0(rary0?4063220?Ka0bler (Griffith 600438 600417 ThomasMore 46313 Kebron 00Hammond0®St.Patricks0046324 St.Mary'0s Hig0hland 463205 463401 LakeStation LaPorte046342 0 Lakeofthe 0 0 46356 0 St.Paul 46368 Johnth0eBaptist 46375 46376 0 46382 Portage 0 0 , SaukV0illage Sacrament 46393 0 0 St.Jo0hn 464010 Wheeler 0 0 Westville 46404 46405 DIRECTIONS 0 0 EastChicag0o 46406 Porter0 OgdenDunes SisterTheaBowman 0464070464080464090Queen 0 0 ofAllSaints 46410 St.Catherine ofSienna®464110Munster046432 0 0 060411 OurL0adyofCrrace 0St. ThomasAquinas Chesterton 0 St.Mich0ael’s04630300CedarLake0 463040St.Joseph’s C0hesterton0 406307 C0hicagoHeigh0ts 463080 Crete (Trimmer Tolleston 463110CrownPoint0463190Dyer 0 046321'00Crary®4063220^Kah$ler Crriffith 600438 600417 S00t.THhaommamsonMod0r0e St.P4a6tr3i2c3k’s00He4b63r2o4n 0St.Mary'0s Hig0hland 463025 Hob0art 463401 LakeStation 46342 Lansing LaPorte046342 0 0St.JohnEva0ngelist 0Lakeofth0e FourSeasons 46350 46356 Opening5 MikeMcMahon,AnnemarieHennes,CharlieWatson,Roz Skozen,SergioOrtega,andLyndseyWilsoncreatetheir own“magicmoment”atthehomecomingdance. Freshmangirlscut,paste,andhangasmanystarsas possibleforthehallwaycompetitionduringhomecoming week. Betweendinneranddancingseniorgirlsshareamomentat theirlastDaddyDateNight. JamieWilsonandNicolePulverditchtheirdatesfora pictureofjustthetwoofthem. 6Studentlife

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