8 0 2 f o 1 t e e h s / E U Q S O M N A C I R E M A E H T G N I T C U R T S N O C E D / DECONSTRUCTING THE AMERICAN MOSQUE a r e h a K 2 7 5 6 8 2 : 1 1 1 2 . 3 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8 0 2 f o 3 t e e h s / E U Q S O M N DECONSTRUCTING A C Akel I R E M THE AMERICAN A Ismail E H T Kahera MOSQUE G N I T C U R T S N O C E D Space, Gender, and Aesthetics / a r e h a K 2 7 5 6 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS Austin 8 2 : 1 1 1 2 . 3 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 8 0 2 f o 4 t e e h s / E U Q S O M N A C I R E M A E H T G N I T C U R T S N O C E D / ThepublicationofthisbookwasassistedbyaUniversity ra CooperativeSocietySubventionGrantawardedbythe e h UniversityofTexasatAustin. a K 2 7 Copyright©bytheUniversityofTexasPress 5 6 Allrightsreserved PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Firstedition, Requestsforpermissiontoreproducematerialfromthiswork shouldbesenttoPermissions,UniversityofTexasPress,P.O.Box ,Austin,TX-. (cid:8)Thepaperusedinthisbookmeetstheminimumrequirements of/.-()(PermanenceofPaper). LIBRARYOFCONGRESSCATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATIONDATA Kahera,AkelIsmail,– DeconstructingtheAmericanmosque:space,gender,and aesthetics/AkelIsmailKahera. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. --- .Mosques—UnitedStates. .Architecture—UnitedStates—th century. I.Title. . '.'—dc 8 2 : 1 1 1 2 . 3 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 8 0 2 f o 5 t e e h s / E U Q S O M N A C I R E M A E H T G N I T C U R T S N O C E D / Amesparentsavectoutemonaffection a r e h a K 2 7 5 6 8 2 : 1 1 1 2 . 3 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 8 0 2 f o 6 t e e h s / E U Q S O M N A C I R E M A E H T G N I T C U R T S N O C E D / Nothingismoretellingofthecommunalfragmentationof ideas ra andimagesthanthekindsofmosquespeoplecarryintheirminds. e ah Itisnoteasytountanglethecomplexnetworkof individualand K 2 collectivememoriesoffirst-generation[Muslim]immigrants.... 7 5 6 Therearegenerallytwopositionsheldbytheprotagonistsofa mosqueasanessentialpresence[inNorthAmerica]:onethat wisheschangethroughtechnologyandmodernity,andtheother thataimsforrecognizableimagery.Thefirstformsthemajority andupholdschangeandadaptabilityasastrongformativeforcein allspheresof itsnewlyadoptedlifeinthenon-MuslimWest.And itispreciselythispursuitofnovelty,asanendinitself,thathas producedmosqueswithflyingsaucerdomesandrocketminarets. GULZAR HAIDER Allcivilizationshaveexperiencedadecline,butindifferentways; theOrientaldeclineispassive,theoccidentaldeclineisactive.The mistakeoftheOrientisthatitnolongerthinks,themistakeofthe Westisthatitthinkstoomuchanderroneously.TheOrientsleeps onitstruths,theWestlivesinitserrors. FRITHJOF SCHUON 8 2 : 1 1 1 2 . 3 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T 8 0 2 f o 7 t e e h s / E U Q S O M N A C I R E M A CONTENTS E H T G N I T C U R T S N O C E D / xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a r e ah 1 INTRODUCTION K 2 ThePolemicsof Deconstruction 7 5 6 25 CHAPTERONE AestheticOriginsandEndConditions 63 CHAPTERTWO Interpretationsof Image,Text,andForm 91 CHAPTERTHREE Space,Place,andPublicGathering 145 CONCLUSION ReversibleSpaceandLinearTime 161 NOTES 175 GLOSSARY 179 BIBLIOGRAPHY 187 INDEX 8 2 : 1 1 1 2 . 3 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8 0 2 f o 9 t e e h s / E U Q S O M N A C I R E M A LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS E H T G N I T C U R T S N O C E D / 0.1 IslamicCulturalCenterof Washington,Washington,D.C. ra 0.2 Daral-Islammosque,Abiquiu,NewMexico. e ah 0.3 IslamicCulturalCenterof NewYork,Manhattan,NewYork. K 2 0.4(a,b) ProposalfortheBaghdadStateMosque. 7 5 6 0.5 Axonometricdrawing,Daral-Islammosque,Abiquiu,New Mexico. 1.1 IslamicCenterofCleveland,Cleveland,Ohio. 1.2(a,b) CompositeplansoftheProphet’smosque,Madinah,Saudi Arabia. 1.3 TheProphet’smosque,Madinah,SaudiArabia. 1.4 AnalysisoftheUmayyadMosque,Damascus,Syria. 1.5 AnalysisoftheUmayyadMosque,Cordoba,Spain. 1.6 Congregationalmosque,WestAfrica(c.). 1.7 Asimplemihrab,Taif,SaudiArabia. 1.8 Mihrab,IslamicCenterofCentralJersey,MonmouthJunction, NewJersey. 1.9 Detailoftilework,Ranchosmosque,Abiquiu, NewMexico. 1.10 Plan,mosqueofSidi‘UqbaibnNafi,Kairouan,Tunisia. 1.11 GreatMosqueof Niono,Mali.Planandelevation. 1.12 GreatMosqueofJenne,Mali.Planandelevation. 1.13 Moorish-stylehouse,Hudson,NewYork. 1.14(a,b) Doordetail(arabesque),Daral-Islammosque,Abiquiu, NewMexico. 2.1 IslamicCenterofGreaterToledo,Toledo,Ohio. 2.2 Theposturesof Muslimworship(salat). 8 2 : 1 1 1 2 . 3 . 2 0 0 2 g n e s T