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Decompositionofsplittinginvariantsinsplitrealgroups TashoKaletha Abstract Toamaximaltorusinaquasi-splitsemi-simplesimply-connectedgroupover alocalfieldofcharacteristic0,LanglandsandShelstadconstructin[LS1]acoho- mologicalinvariantcalledthesplittinginvariant,whichisanimportantcomponent oftheirendoscopictransferfactors. Westudythisinvariantinthecaseofasplit 0 realgroupandproveadecompositiontheoremwhichexpressesthisinvariantfora 1 generaltorusasaproductofthecorrespondinginvariantsforsimpletori. Wealso 0 showhowthisreductionformulaallowsforthecomparisonofsplittinginvariants 2 betweendifferenttoriinthegivenrealgroup. n a J Inapplicationsofharmonicanalysisandrepresentationtheoryofreductivegroupsover 3 localfieldstoquestionsinnumbertheory,acentralroleisplayedbythetheoryofen- doscopy. This theory associates to a given connected reductive groupG over a local ] field F acollectionofconnectedreductivegroupsover F,oftendenotedby H,which T have smaller dimension (except when H = G), but are usually not subgroups of G. R ThegeometricsideofthetheoryisthenconcernedwithtransferringfunctionsonG(F) . h to functions on H(F) in such a way that suitable linear combinations of their orbital t integralsarecomparable,whilethespectralsideisconcernedwithtransferring“pack- a m ets”ofrepresentationsonH(F)to“packets”ofrepresentationsonG(F)insuchaway thatsuitablelinearcombinationsoftheircharactersarecomparable. Inbothcases,the [ comparisoninvolvescertainnormalizingfactors,calledgeometricorspectraltransfer 1 factors. v 7 Overtherealnumbers,thetheoryofendoscopywasdevelopedinaseriesofprofound 4 3 papersbyDianaShelstad,inwhichshedefinesgeometricandspectraltransferfactors 0 andprovesthatthesefactorsindeedgiveacomparisonoforbitalintegralsandcharacter . formulasbetweenGandH. Averysubtleandcomplicatedfeatureofthetransferfac- 1 0 torswastheneedtoassigna -signtoeachmaximaltorusinGinacoherentmanner, ± 0 andShelstadwasabletoprovethatthisispossible.Auniformandexplicitdefinitionof 1 geometrictransferfactorsforalllocalfieldswasgivenin[LS1]. Anexplicitconstruc- : v tionofspectraltransferfactorsovertherealnumberswasgivenin[S2],whileoverthe i p-adic numbers their existence isstillconjectural. The structureof transferfactorsis X quitecomplex–boththegeometricandtherealspectralonesareaproductofmultiple r a termsofgroup-theoreticorGalois-cohomologicalnature. Therearenumerouschoices involved in the construction of each individual term, but the product is independent of most choices. One term that is common for both the geometric and the real spec- tral transfer factors is called ∆ . It is regarded as the most subtle and is the one that I makesexplicitthechoiceofcoherentcollectionofsignsinShelstad’searlierwork. At itsheartisaGalois-cohomologicalobject, calledthesplittinginvariant. Thesplitting invariantisanelementof H1(F,T)associatedtoanymaximaltorusT ofaquasi-split semi-simple simply-connected groupG, whose construction occupies the first half of [LS1,Sec.2]. Itisdependsonthechoiceofasplitting(T0,B0, Xα α ∆)ofGaswellas { } ∈ a-data a . β β R(T,G) { } ∈ Thispaperaddressesthefollowingquestion: Ifonehastwotoriinagivenrealgroup whichoriginatefromthesameendoscopicgroup,howcanonecomparetheirsplitting AMSsubjectclassification:Primary11F70,22E47;Secondary11S37,11F72,17B22 1 invariants? While there will in general be no direct relation between H1(F,T ) and 1 H1(F,T )fortwotoriT andT ofG,ifboththosetorioriginatefromHthenthereare 2 1 2 certain natural quotients of their cohomology groups which are comparable, and it is theimageofthesplittinginvariantinthosequotientsthatisrelevanttotheconstruction of ∆ . An example of a situation where this problem arises is the stabilization of the I topologicaltraceformulaofGoresky-MacPherson. Oneisledtoconsidercharactersof virtualrepresentationswhichoccurassumsindexedovertoriinGthatoriginatefrom thesameendoscopicgroupH,andeachsummandcarriesa∆ -factorassociatedtothe I correspondingtorus. Todescribetheresultsofthispaper, letG beasplitsimply-connectedrealgroupand (T0,B0, Xα α ∆)beafixedsplitting. ForasubsetA R,consistingofstronglyorthog- { } ∈ ⊂ onalroots,letS denotetheelementoftheWeylgroupofT givenbytheproductof A 0 thereflectionsassociatedtotheelementsofA(theorderinwhichtheproductistaken isirrelevant). WeshowthatassociatedtoAthereisacanonicalmaximaltorusT ofG A andasetofisomorphismsofrealtoriTSA T ,whereTSA isthetwistbyS ofT . 0 → A 0 A 0 AnymaximaltorusinGisG(R)-conjugatetooneoftheT ,soitisenoughtostudythe A toriT . Wegiveanexpressioninpurelyroot-theoretictermsforacertain1-cocyclein A Z1(R,TSA). ThiscocyclehasthepropertythatitsimageinZ1(R,T )underanyofthe 0 A isomorphismsTSA TA aboveisthesame, andtheclassin H1(R,TA)ofthatimage → is the splitting invariant of T (associated to a specific choice of a-data). Moreover, A we prove a reduction theorem which shows that this cocycle is a product over α A ∈ ofthecocyclesassociatedtothecanonicaltoriT ,therebyreducingthestudyofthe α { } splittinginvariantofT tothoseofthevariousT . Thisproductdecompositiontakes A α place inside the group Z1(R,TSA) – that is, we {sh}ow that the elements of Z1(R,Tsα) 0 0 associatedtothevariousT withα AalsolieinZ1(R,TSA)andthattheirproduct {α} ∈ 0 is the element associated to T . Finally we show that if A A and the tori T and A ′ A ⊂ ′ T originate from the same endoscopic group, then the endoscopic characters on the A cohomology groups H1(R,T ) and H1(R,T ) factor through certain explicitly given A A ′ quotientsofthesegroups,andthequotientofH1(R,T )iscanonicallyembeddedinto A ′ thatof H1(R,T ). This,togetherwiththereductiontheorem,allowsforadirectcom- A parisonofthevaluesthattheendoscopiccharactersassociatetothesplittinginvariants forT andT . A A ′ The paper is organized as follows: Section 1 contains a few basic facts and serves mainly to fix notation for the rest of the paper. Section 2 contains proofs of general facts about subsets of strongly orthogonal roots in reduced root systems, which are neededasapreparationforthereductiontheoremmentionedabove. Thestudyofthe splittinginvariantstakesplaceinsection3,wherefirstthesplittinginvariantforthetori T iscomputed, andafterthattheresultsofsection2areusedtoreducethecaseof α { } T to that of T . While the statement of the reduction theorem appears natural and A α { } clear, the proof contains some subtle points. First, one has to choose the Borel B in 0 thesplittingofGwithcareaccordingtothestronglyorthogonalsetA. Asremarkedin section 3, this choice does not affect the splittinginvariant, but itsignificantly affects itscomputation. Moreover,therootsystemG exhibitsasingularbehavioramongall 2 reducedrootsystemsasfaraspairsofstrongly-orthogonalrootsareconcerned.Section 4 contains explicit computations of the splitting invariants of the tori T for all split α { } almost-simpleclassicalgroups. Insection5weconstructtheaforementionedquotients ofthecohomologygroupsandtheembeddingbetweenthem. 2 1 Notation and preliminaries Throughout this paper G will stand for a split semi-simple simply-connected group over R and (B ,T , X ) will be a splitting ofG. We write R = R(T ,G) for the set 0 0 α 0 ofrootsofT inG,{set}α > 0ifα R(T ,B ),denoteby∆thesetofsimplerootsin 0 0 0 R(T ,B )andbyΩtheWeyl-group∈ofR,whichisidentifiedwithN(T )/T . Moreover 0 0 0 0 we put Γ = Gal(C/R) and denote by σ both the non-trivial element in that group, as well as its action on T . The notation g G will be shorthand for g G(C), and 0 Int(g)h=ghg 1. ∈ ∈ − 1.1 sl -triples 2 For any α R(T ,B ) we have the coroot α : G T and its differential dα : 0 0 ∨ m 0 ∨ G Lie(T∈ ). Weput H := dα (1) Lie(T ). Give→n X Lie(G) non-zero,there a 0 α ∨ 0 α α → ∈ ∈ existsauniqueX Lie(G) sothat[H ,X ,X ]isansl -triple. Themap α α α α α 2 − ∈ − − 1 0 0 1 0 0 H , X , X 0 1 !7→ α 0 0 !7→ α 1 0 !7→ −α − givesahomomorphism sl Lie(G)whichintegratestoahomomorphismSL G 2 2 → → andonehas - sl Lie(G) 2 exp exp ? ? - SL G 2 The image of a b SL under this homomorphism will be called a b . Noticethat t (cid:16) c0 d (cid:17)=∈α (t2). (cid:16) d c (cid:17)Xα (cid:16) 0 t−1 (cid:17)Xα ∨ Fact 1.1. Let α,β R be s.t. α+β < R and α β < R. For any non-zero elements ∈ − X Lie(G) andX Lie(G) ,thehomomorphismsϕ ,ϕ :SL GgivenbyX α ∈ α β ∈ β Xα Xβ 2 → α andX commute. β Proof: Sinceforanyfieldk,SL (k)isgeneratedbyitstwosubgroups 2 1 u 1 0 u k u k ( 0 1 !| ∈ ) ( u 1 !| ∈ ) it is enough to show that, for any u,v C, each of exp(uX ) and exp(uX ) com- α α ∈ − mutes witheach of exp(vX ) and exp(vX ). This follows from[Spr, 10.1.4] and our β β assumptiononα,β. − (cid:3) 1.2 Chevalleybases Forα ∆letn =exp(X )exp( X )exp(X )= 0 1 . Givenµ Ωwehavethe liftn(µ∈) N(Tα)givenbyα − −α α (cid:16) −1 0 (cid:17)Xα ∈ 0 ∈ n(µ)=n n α1··· αq 3 wheres s =µisanyreducedexpression(by[Spr,11.2.9]thisliftisindependent α1··· αq ofthechoiceofreducedexpression). Noticen(µ) N(T )(R)sinceT issplit. Put 0 0 ∈ X :=Int(n(µ)) X µα α | · ThenX Lie(G) isanon-zeroelement. µα µα | ∈ Lemma1.2. Ifα,α ∆andµ,µ Ωares.t. µα=µα thenwehaveinLie(G) the ′ ′ ′ ′ µα ∈ ∈ equality Xµ α = ( 1)hβ∨,µαi Xµα ′| ′ Yβ>0 − · | (µ′)−1β<0 µ−1β>0 Proof: By[Spr,11.2.11]therelation(µ) 1 µα=α implies ′ − ′ · Xα =Int n µ′ −1 µ Xα ′ · h (cid:16)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:17)i Theclaimnowfollowsfrom[LS1,2.1.A]andthefollowingcomputation X = Int n µ X µ α ′ α ′| ′ ′ = Int(cid:0)n(cid:0)µ′(cid:1)(cid:1)n µ′ −1µ Xα = Intht (cid:0)µ,(cid:1)(µ(cid:16))(cid:0)1µ(cid:1) n(cid:17)(iµ) X ′ ′ − α · h (cid:16) (cid:17) i = Int t µ,(µ) 1µ X ′ ′ − µα | h (cid:16) (cid:17)i = (µα) t(µ,(µ) 1µ) X ′ ′ − µα · | (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:3) Remark: Weseethatwhilethe”absolutevalue”ofX onlydependsontherootµ α, µα its”sign”doesdependonbothµandα. | · Definition1.3. Forγ R,µ,µ Ωput ′ ∈ ∈ ǫ(µ′,γ,µ):= ( 1)hβ∨,γi − Yβ>0 (µ′)−1β<0 µ−1β>0 Remark: Withthisdefinitionwecanreformulatetheabovelemmaasfollows Corollary1.4. Ifγ Randµ,µ Ωares.t. µ 1γ,(µ) 1γ ∆then ′ − ′ − ∈ ∈ ∈ X =ǫ(µ,γ,µ) X µ (µ) 1γ ′ µµ 1γ ′| ′− · | − Remark: Ifforeachγ Rwechooseµ Ωsothatµ 1γ ∆,then X isa Chevalleysysteminthe∈senseof[SGAIIIγ.3∈,expXXIII −γ6].∈ { µγ|µ−γ1γ}γ∈R § 1.3 Cayley-transforms Letα R(T ,B )andchooseX Lie(G) (R) 0 . Put 0 0 α α ∈ ∈ −{ } iπ g :=exp (X +X ) α α α (cid:18)4 − (cid:19) 4 Thenσ(g )=exp iπ(X +X ) =g 1 andσ(g ) 1 g =g2 =exp iπ(X +X ) . α −4 α −α −α α − · α α 2 α −α Wehave (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) √2 1 i 0 i 1 0 gα = 2 i 1 ! , g2α = i 0 ! , g4α = −0 1 ! =α∨(−1)  Xα Xα − Xα Fact1.5. TheimagesofT underInt(g )andInt(g 1)arethesame. Theyareatorus 0 α −α T definedoverRandthetransportsoftheΓ-actiononT toT viaInt(g 1)andInt(g ) 0 −α α bothequals ⋊σ. α Proof: Int(g )T =Int(g 1)Int(g2)T =Int(g 1)s T =Int(g 1)T α 0 −α α 0 −α α 0 −α 0 σ(Int(g )T )=Int(σ(g ))T =Int(g 1)T α 0 α 0 −α 0 Int(σ(g ) 1g )=Int(g2)= s =Int(g 2)=Int(σ(g )g 1) α − α α α −α α −α (cid:3) Note: Different choices of X will lead to different (yet conjugate) tori T. However, α sincewehavefixedasplittingthereisuptoasignacanonical X . Changingthesign α ofX changesg tog 1,henceT doesnotchange. Thusweconclude: α α −α Thechoiceofasplittinggivesforeachα R(T ,B )thefollowingcanonicaldata: 0 0 ∈ 1. apair X,X Lie(G) (R) 0 withX = X ′ α ′ { }⊆ −{ } − 2. atorusT onwhichΓactsvias ⋊σ, α α 3. a pair ϕ,ϕ of isomorphisms Tsα T s.t. ϕ = ϕ s , given by the Cayley- ′ 0 → α ′ ◦ α transformswithrespecttoX,X . ′ Corollary1.6. Forα R(T ,B )letT bethecanonicallygiventorusasabove. For 0 0 α µ,µ Ω s.t. µ 1α,(µ∈) 1α ∆ let ϕ,ϕ : Tsα T be the isomorphisms given by ′ ∈ − ′ − ∈ ′ 0 → α Int(g )andInt(g ). Then Xµ|µ−1α Xµ′|(µ′)−1α ϕ ,ǫ(µ,α,µ)=1 ϕ = ′ ′ ϕ s ,ǫ(µ,α,µ)= 1  ◦ α ′ −  Proof: Clear. (cid:3) Notation: Fromnowonwewillwriteg insteadofg . Thisnotationwillonly beemployedinthecasethatα R(T ,Bµ),αandµ 1α ∆X.µ|µ−1α 0 0 − ∈ ∈ 2 Strongly orthogonal subsets of root systems Inthissection,afewtechnicalfactsaboutstronglyorthogonalsubsetsofrootsystems areproved. Definition2.1. 1. α,β Rarecalledstronglyorthogonalifα+β<Randα β<R. ∈ − 2. A R is called a strongly orthogonal subset (SOS) if it consists of pairwise ⊂ stronglyorthogonalroots. 5 3. A Riscalledamaximalstronglyorthogonalsubset(MSOS)ifitisaSOSand ⊂ isnotproperlycontainedinaSOS. A classification of the Weyl group orbits of MSOS in irreducible root systems was givenin[AK]. Insomecases,thereexistsmorethanoneorbit. Tohandlethesecases, wewillusethefollowingdefinitionandlemma. Definition2.2. Let A ,A beSOSinR. A willbecalledadaptedto A ifspan(A ) 1 2 2 1 2 ⊂ span(A )andforalldistinctα,β A 1 2 ∈ a A : (a,α),0 a A : (a,β),0 = 1 1 { ∈ }∩{ ∈ } ∅ where()isanyΩ-invariantscalarproductontherealvectorspacespannedbyR. NotethatanyAisadaptedtoitself. Lemma 2.3. There exist representatives A ,...,A of the Weyl group orbits of MSOS 1 k s.t. A hasmaximallengthandA ,...,A areadaptedtoA . 1 2 k 1 Proof: Thisfollowsfromtheexplicitclassificationin[AK]. (cid:3) Notation: If A is a SOS then all reflections with respect to elements in A commute. TheirproductwillbedenotedbyS . A Definition2.4. ForarootsystemR, achoiceofpositiveroots>andasubset AofR let#(R,>,A)bethefollowingstatement α ,α A β>0 1 2 ∀ ∈ ∀ α ,α s (β)<0= s (β)>0 1 2 ∧ α1 ⇒ α2 andlet##(R,>,A)bethefollowingstatement A ,A A β>0 1 2 ∀ ⊂ ∀ A A = S (β)<0= S (β)>0 S S (β)<0 1∩ 2 ∅ ∧ A1 ⇒ A2 ∧ A1 A2 Remark: Wewillsoonshowthatthesestatementsareequivalent. Moreoverwewill showthatforanySOSA Rwecanchoose>sothatthetriple(R,>,A)verifiesthese ⊂ statements.Forthisitismoreconvenienttoworkwith#.Fortheapplicationshowever, weneed##. Lemma2.5. LetRbeareducedrootsystemand A RaSOS.Thereexistsachoice ⊂ ofpositiveroots>s.t. #(R,>,A)holdsforanyA adaptedtoA. ′ ′ Proof: Let V denote the real vector space spanned by R, and ( , ) be an Ω-invariant scalar product on V. The elements of A are orthogonal wrt ( , ). Extend A to an orthogonalbasis(a ,...,a )ofV. DefinethefollowingnotionofpositivityonR 1 n α>0 (α,a )>0 for i =min i: (α,a),0 ⇐⇒ i0 0 { i } Itisclearfromtheconstructionthatwiththisnotion#(R,>,A)issatisfiedforany A ′ ′ adaptedtoA. Wejustneedtocheckthat> 0definesachoiceofpositiveroots,which wewillnowdo. 6 It is clear that for each α R precisely one of α > 0 or α > 0 is true. We will ∈ − construct p V s.t. forallα R ∈ ∈ α>0 (α,p)>0 ⇐⇒ Let m = min (α,a) : α R,1 i n,(α,a),0 i i {| | ∈ ≤ ≤ } M = max (α,a) : α R,1 i n i {| | ∈ ≤ ≤ } Constructrecursivelyrealnumbers p ,...,p s.t. 1 n M p =1 p > p n i k m Xk>i andput p= pa. Ifα Riss.t. α>0andi isthesmallestis.t. (α,a),0then i i 0 i ∈ P n (α,p)= p(α,a)>mp M p >0 i i i0 − k Xi=i0 Xk>i0 Thus α>0= (α,p)>0 ⇒ Theconverseimplicationfollowsformally: (α>0) α>0 ( α,p)>0 ((α,p)>0) ¬ ⇔− ⇒ − ⇒¬ (cid:3) Remark:Thetruthvalueofthestatement#(R,>,A)andthenotionofbeingadaptedto AareunchangedifonereplaceselementsofAbytheirnegatives. Thuswecanalways assumethattheelementsofAarepositive. Remark: It is necessary to choose the set of positive roots based on A in order for #(R,>,A) to be true. An example that #(R,>,A) may be false is provided by V = R3,R= D withpositiveroots 3 1 1 0 1 1 0  1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1   −0   −1   −1   0   1   1  and 1 1 1 A= 0 , 0 ,β= 1  Fact 2.6. Let R = G and >any−1choice1ofpositiver−o0ots. All MSOS A of R lie in 2 the same Weyl-orbit and moreover automatically satisfy #(R,>,A). Some of these A containsimpleroots. Proof: Thisisanimmediateobservation. (cid:3) Proposition 2.7. Let A R be a SOS and > be a choice of positive roots. Then the ⊂ statements#(R,>,A)and##(R,>,A)areequivalent. 7 Proof: First,weshowthat#impliesthefollowingstatement,tobecalled# : 1 α ,α A β>0 1 2 ∀ ∈ ∀ α ,α s (β)<0= s (β)>0 s s (β)<0 1 2 ∧ α1 ⇒ α2 ∧ α1 α2 Let α ,α A and β > 0 be s.t. s (β) < 0. Put β = s (β). Then β > 0 and s (β1)=2 β∈<0. Then#impliesthaαt1s s (β)= s ′(β)−<0α.1 ′ α1 ′ − α2 α1 − α2 ′ Nextweshowthat# impliesthefollowingstatement,tobecalled# : 1 2 α A A A β>0 1 2 ∀ ∈ ∀ ⊂ ∀ α < A s (β)<0= S (β)>0 s S (β)<0 1 2 ∧ α1 ⇒ A2 ∧ α1 A2 WedothisbyinductionofthecardinalityofA ,thecaseofA singletonbeingprecisely 2 2 # . Nowletα A, A A α ,andβ > 0bes.t. s (β) < 0. Chooseα A and pu1tβ := s (β1)∈. Then2b⊂y# \w{e1h}aveβ > 0and s (βα1) < 0. Applyingthe2 i∈ndu2ctive ′ α2 1 ′ α1 ′ hypothesisweobtainS (β)=S (β)>0ands S (β)= s S (β)<0. A2 A2\{α2} ′ α1 A2 α1 A2\{α2} ′ Nowweshowthat# impliesthefollowingstatement,tobecalled♭: 2 IfA Aandβ>0ares.t. S (β)<0thenthereexistsα A s.t. s (β)<0. 2 ⊂ A2 2 ∈ 2 α2 To see this, let A A be a subset of minimal size s.t. S (β) < 0. Take α A andputβ = S 3 ⊂(β).2ByminimalityofA wehaveβ > 0A3,andmoreover s 3(β∈) =3 S (β)<′0. ThAe3n\{#α3}impliesthats (β)= s 3S (β)′<0. α3 ′ A3 2 α3 α3 A3\{α3} ′ Finallyweshowthat# impliesthestatement##. TakeA ,A As.t. A A = and 2 1 2 1 2 ⊂ ∩ ∅ β > 0s.t. S (β) < 0. By♭thereexistsα A s.t. s (β) < 0. Sinceα < A weget from# thatAS1 (β)>0andS S (β)= 1s ∈S 1S α1(β)<0. 1 2 2 A2 A1 A2 α1 A2 A1\{α1} Thisshowsthat#imples##. Theconverseimplicationistrivial. (cid:3) Proposition2.8. ForanSOSA R,andachoice>ofpositiveroots,let ⊂ R+ = β R: β>0 S β<0 A { ∈ ∧ A } Assumethat>ischosensothat##(R,>,A)istrue. ThenifA,A Aaredisjoint,so ′ ′′ areR+ andR+ ,andR+ = R+ R+ . Moreover,theactionof⊂S onRpreserves R+ . A′ A′′ A′∪A′′ A′ ∪ A′′ A′ A ′′ Proof: Thisfollowsimmediately. (cid:3) Corollary2.9. IfAisaSOSand>ischosensothat#(R,>,A)istruethen R+ = R+ A α aα A ∈ Proof: Clear. Lemma2.10. LetRbearootsystem,V therealvectorspacespannedbyit,Q V the ⊂ rootlattice,and(, )aWeyl-invariantscalarproductonV. Ifv Qiss.t. ∈ v min α : α R | |≤ {| | ∈ } where istheEuclidiannormarisingfrom(,)thenv Randtheaboveinequalityis || ∈ anequality. 8 Proof: Chooseapresentation v= n α, n Z α α 0 Xα R ∈ ≥ ∈ s.t. n is minimal. First we claim that if α,β R contribute to this sum, then α α ∈ (α,βP) 0. If that were not the case, then by [Bou, Ch.VI, 1,no.3,Thm.1] we have thatγ ≥:= α+β R 0 andwecanreplacethecontributio§nα+βinthesumbyγ, ∈ ∪{ } contradictingitsminimality. Now,ifγ Risanyrootcontributingtothesum,weget ∈ v2 = n n (α,β) n2(γ,γ) (γ,γ)= γ2 | | α β ≥ γ ≥ | | αX,β R ∈ withequalitypreciselywhenv=γ. (cid:3) Lemma 2.11. Let R be a root system and α,β R two strongly orthogonal roots. If α +β 2Q ,thenα,βbelongtothesamecop∈yofG . ∨ ∨ ∨ 2 ∈ Proof: Let V denote the real vector space spanned by R. Choose a Weyl-invariant scalarproduct(, )anduseittoidentifyV withitsdualandregardR asarootsystem ∨ inV. Assumenowthatα +β 2Q . Notethatα andβ areorthogonal(butmaynotbe ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∨ ∈ stronglyorthogonalelementsofR ). ∨ First we show that then α,β belong to the same irreducible piece of R. To that end, assumethatRdecomposesasR=R R andV decomposesaccordinglyasV V . 1 2 1 2 If α R and β R , then α V⊔and β V . Then 1(α +β ) Q im⊕plies ∈ 1 ∈ 2 ∨ ∈ 1 ∨ ∈ 2 2 ∨ ∨ ∈ ∨ 1α Q ,1β Q (projectorthogonallyontoV respV ). Thishowevercontradicts 2 ∨ ∈ ∨1 2 ∨ ∈ ∨2 1 2 theabovelemma,because 1α haslengthstrictlylessthentheshortestelementsinR . 2 ∨ ∨1 Knowing that α,β lie in the same irreducible piece we can now assume wlog that R isirreducible. Normalize(, )sothattheshortrootsinRhavelength1. Wehavethe followingcases All elements of R have length 1. Then all elements of R have length 2. The ∨ • length of 1(α +β ) is √2, which by the above lemma is not a length of an 2 ∨ ∨ elementinQ . ∨ Rcontainselementsoflengths1and √2. ThenR containselementsoflengths ∨ • √2and2. – If both α ,β have length √2, then 1(α +β ) has length 1, so is not in ∨ ∨ 2 ∨ ∨ Q . ∨ – Ifα haslength √2andβ haslength2,then 1(α +β )haslength √6,so ∨ ∨ 2 ∨ ∨ 2 againisnotinQ . ∨ – Ifbothα ,β havelength2,then 1(α +β )haslength √2andthuscould ∨ ∨ 2 ∨ ∨ potentially be in Q . If it is, then by the above lemma it is also in R , ∨ ∨ so 1(α +β ) mustbeanelementofR. Oneimmediatelycomputesthat 2 ∨ ∨ ∨ [1(α +β )] =α+β,butthelatterisnotanelementofRbecauseα,βare 2 ∨ ∨ ∨ stronglyorthogonal. R has elements of lengths 1 and √3. Then R is G and R is also G . As 2 ∨ 2 • one sees immediately, up to the action of its Weyl-group,G has a unique pair 2 of orthogonal roots, which are then automatically strongly orthogonal and half theirsumisalsoaroot. (cid:3) 9 3 Splitting invariants Recall that we have fixed a split semi-simple and simply-connected group G over R and a splitting (T ,B , X ) of it. Given a maximal torus T, an element h G s.t. 0 0 α Int(h)T = T and a-dat{a a} for R(T,G), Langlands and Shelstad construct i∈n [LS1, 0 β 2.3]acertainelementofZ{1(Γ},T),whoseimageinH1(Γ,T)theycallλ(T)–the”split- tinginvariant”ofT. Theyshowthatthisimageisindependent ofthechoice ofh. In this section we want to study this splitting invariant in such a way that enables us to seehowitvarieswhenthetorusvaries. Itturnsoutthatacertaintypeofa-dataisvery wellsuitedforthis. Thisa-dataisdeterminedbyaBorelB T asfollows: ⊃ i ,β>0 σ (β)<0 T ∧  i ,β<0 σ (β)>0 αβ =−1 ,β>0∧∧σTT(β)>0 whereσ denotestheGalois-actio−n1on,Xβ<(T0)∧anσdTβ(β>)<00meansβ R(T,B). Wewill T ∗ ∈ call this a-data B-a-data. It should not be confused with Shelstad’s terminology of baseda-data,whichisalsogivenbyaBorel–forbaseda-data,thepositiveimaginary roots are assigned i while all other positive roots are assigned 1; for B-a-data, any positive root whose Galois-conjugate is negative is assigned i. Therefore a splitting invariantcomputedusingShelstad’sbaseda-datawillingeneralbedifferentfromone computedusingB-a-data.Theprecisedifferenceisgivenby[LS1,2.3.2].Itishowever moreimportanttonotethataccordingto[LS1,Lemma2.3.C]thisdifferencedisappears oncethesplittinginvarianthasbeenpairedwithanendoscopiccharacter. Thus,asfar applicationstotransferfactorsareconcerned,baseda-dataandB-a-datagivethesame result. Inviewofthereductiontheoremwhichwewillproveinsection3.2,itwillbehelpful toconsidernotjustthecohomologyclass,buttheactualcocycleconstructedin[LS1, 2.3]. We will denote this cocycle by λ(T,B,h) to record its dependence on the B-a- dataandtheelementh, whilethesplitting(T ,B , X )isnotpresentinthenotation 0 0 α { } becauseitisassumedfixed. SinceweareworkingoverR,wewillidentifya1-cocycle anditsvalueatσ Gal(C/R),andhencewewillviewλ(T,B,h)asanelementofT. ∈ Givenh, thereisanobviouschoicefor B, namelyInt(h)B . Wewillwriteλ(T,h)for 0 λ(T,Int(h)B ,h). Note that in this notation, T is clearly redundant, because it equals 0 Int(h)T . However,wekeepitsothatthenotationisclosetothatin[LS1]. Wewould 0 like to alert the reader of one potential confusion – while the cohomology class of λ(T,B,h)isindependentofthechoiceofh,thatofλ(T,h)isnot,becauseinthelatter hinfluencesnotonlytheidentificationofT withT butalsothechoiceofB-a-datafor 0 T. 3.1 ThesplittinginvariantforT α Recallfromsection1.3thatforeachα R(T ,B )thereisacanonicalmaximaltorus 0 0 T andapairofisomorphismsTsα T∈.Tofixoneofthetwo,fixµ Ωs.t.µ 1α ∆. TαhenInt(g )isoneofthetwoi0so→morpαhismsTsα T . Thegoalo∈fthissect−ion∈isto µ,α 0 → α computeλ(T ,B,g )foragivenBorelB T ,andinparticularλ(T ,g ). Wewill α µ,α α α µ,α ⊃ giveaformulaforthelatterinpurelyroot-theoreticterms. Lemma3.1. Withg:=g wehave µ,α λ(T ,B,g)=Int(g) α (i a ) s (σ(δ))δ 1 α ∨ α Int(g 1) α − (cid:16) · ◦ − · (cid:17) 10

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