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Decoding with Finite-State Transducers on GPUs ArturoArgueta and DavidChiang DepartmentofComputerScienceandEngineering UniversityofNotreDame aargueta,[email protected] Abstract on acceleration of weighted finite-state compu- tations on GPUs (Narasiman et al., 2011; Li Weighted finite automata and transduc- et al., 2014; Peng et al., 2016; Chong et al., ers (including hidden Markov models and 7 2009). In this paper, we consider the operations 1 conditionalrandomfields)arewidelyused that are most likely to have high speed require- 0 in natural language processing (NLP) to ments: decoding using the Viterbi algorithm, and 2 performtaskssuchasmorphologicalanal- training using the forward-backward algorithm. n ysis, part-of-speech tagging, chunking, a We present an implementation of the Viterbi and J named entity recognition, speech recog- forward-backward algorithms for CUDA GPUs. 7 nition, and others. Parallelizing finite We release it as open-source software, with the 1 state algorithms on graphics processing hopeofexpandinginthefuturetoatoolkitinclud- ] units (GPUs) would benefit many areas ingotheroperationslikecomposition. L ofNLP.Althoughresearchershaveimple- Most previous work on parallel processing of C mented GPU versions of basic graph al- finite automata (Ladner and Fischer, 1980; Hillis . s gorithms, limited previous work, to our and Steele, 1986; Mytkowicz et al., 2014) uses c [ knowledge, has been done on GPU algo- dense representations of finite automata, which is rithms for weighted finite automata. We 2 onlyappropriateiftheautomataarenottoosparse v introduce a GPU implementation of the (that is, most states can transition to most other 8 Viterbi and forward-backward algorithm, states). Buttheautomatausedfornaturallanguage 3 achievingdecodingspeedupsofupto5.2x 0 tendtobeextremelylargeandsparse. Inaddition, 3 over our serial implementation running the more recent work in this line assumes deter- 0 on different computer architectures and ministicautomata,butautomatathatmodelnatural . 1 6093xoverOpenFST. language ambiguity are generally nondeterminis- 0 7 tic. 1 Introduction 1 Previous work has been done on accelerating : v Weighted finite automata (Mohri, 2009), includ- particular NLP tasks on GPUs: in machine trans- i X ing hidden Markov models and conditional ran- lation, phrase-pair retrieval (He et al., 2013) and r domfields(Laffertyetal.,2001),areusedtosolve languagemodelquerying(BogoychevandLopez, a awiderangeofnaturallanguageprocessing(NLP) 2016); parsing (Hall et al., 2014; Canny et al., problems, including phonology and morphology, 2013); and speech recognition (Kim et al., 2012). part-of-speech tagging, chunking, named entity Ouraimhereisforamoregeneral-purposecollec- recognition, and others. Even models for speech tionofalgorithmsforfiniteautomata. recognition and phrase-based translation can be OurworkusesconceptsfromtheworkofMer- thoughtofasextensionsoffiniteautomata(Mohri rill et al. (2012), who show that GPUs can be etal.,2002;Kumaretal.,2005). used to accelerate breadth-first search in sparse Although the use of graphics processing units graphs. Our approach is simple, but well-suited (GPUs) is now de rigeur in applications of neu- to the large, sparse automata that are often found ral networks and made easy through toolkits like in NLP applications. We show that it achieves a Theano(TheanoDevelopmentTeam,2016),there speedup of a factor of 5.2 on a GPU relative to a has been little previous work, to our knowledge, serialalgorithm,and6093relativetoOpenFST. 2 GraphicsProcessingUnits K40Specs GlobalMemory 11520MB GPUs became known for their ability to ren- L2cachesize 1.57MB der high quality images faster than conventional Sharedmemoryperblock 0.049MB multi-coreCPUs. Currentoff-the-shelfCPUscon- Multiprocessors 15 tain 8–16 cores while GPUs contain 1500–2500 CoresperMP 192 simple CUDA cores built into the card. General Registersperblock 65536 PurposeGPUs(GPGPU)containcoresabletoex- ecute calculations that are not constrained to im- Table1: DevicepropertiesofaK40cGPU age processing. GPGPUs are now widely used across scientific domains to enhance the perfor- manceofdiverseapplications. Thememoryhierarchyonthedeviceislaidout to maximize the data throughput. Table 1 shows 2.1 Architecture theamountofcoresavailableforexecutionaswell as the amount of memory available on a Kepler CUDAcores(alsoknownasscalarprocessors)are grouped into different Streaming Multiprocessors basedGPU.Registersarethefastesttypeofmem- ory on the device, and this memory is private to (SM) on the graphics card. The number of cores eachthreadrunningonablock. Sharedmemoryis per SM varies depending on the GPU’s micro- thesecondfastest,andissharedbyallthreadsrun- architecture, ranging from 8 cores per SM (Tesla) ninginthesameblock. Thenexttypeofmemory upto192(Kepler). TheoverallnumberofSMon istheL2cache,whichissharedamongallstream- the chip varies, and it can range from 15 (Kepler) ing multiprocessors. The slowest and largest type up to 24 (Maxwell). Streaming Multiprocessors ofmemoryisglobalmemory. Directlyreadingand arecomposedofthefollowingcomponents: writingtoglobalmemoryaffectsperformancesig- • Special Function units (SFU) These allow nificantly. Efficientmemorymanagement(reading computations of functions such as sine, co- and writing to and from contiguous addresses in sine,etc. memory) is important to fully utilize the memory hierarchyandincreaseperformance. • SharedMemoryandL1CacheThesizeof thememoryvariesontheGPUmodel. 2.2 Optimizations Different factors such as number of threads in a • Warp Schedulers assigns threads in an SM block or coalesced memory accesses affect the tobeexecutedinaspecificwarp. performance on the GPU. In this section, we will To execute a workload on the GPU, a kernel cover the methods and modifications we used to must be launched with a specified grid structure. improve the performance of our parallel imple- The kernel must specify the number of threads mentations. to run on a block and the number of blocks The optimal number of threads per block de- in a grid before being executed on the device. pendsonthedeviceconfiguration. Thenumberof The maximum number of threads per block and multiprocessorsandcorespermultiprocessormust blocks per grid can vary depending on the GPU beconsideredbeforelaunchingaCUDAkernelon device. If the kernel is successfully launched, the device. Table 1 shows the number of stream- each block in the grid will get assigned to a ing multiprocessors and the number of cores per SM. Each SM will execute 32 threads at a time multiprocessoronaK40GPU.Multipleblocksin (also called a warp) in its assigned block. If a kernel grid can get scheduled to be executed on the number of threads in a block is not divisible asinglestreamingmultiprocessorifthenumberof by 32, the kernel will not launch on the device. blocks in a grid exceeds the number of streaming Each SM contains a warp scheduler in charge multiprocessors. Each streaming multiprocessor of choosing the warps in a block to be executed will only execute one warp in a block in parallel in parallel. When the amount of blocks in a duringexecution,andthatiswhychoosinganap- grid surpasses the amount of SM on the device, propriate number of blocks is important. For ex- theSMswillexecuteasubsetofblocksinparallel. ample, if two blocks get assigned to a multipro- cessor and each block contains 192 threads, the multiprocessormustexecute12warpstotalwhere 3 WeightedFiniteAutomata 1warpgetsexecutesatatimeinparallel. In this section, we review weighted finite au- tomata,usingamatrixformulation. Aweightedfi- In our implementations, we take the following niteautomatonisatupleM = (Q,Σ,s,F,δ),where approach. The number of cores per multiproces- sor is considered first to configure the block size. • Qisafinitesetofstates. The block size is set to contain the same number ofthreadsasthenumberofcorespermultiproces- • Σisafiniteinputalphabet. sor of the graphics card used. If the number of threadsneededtoperformacomputationisnotdi- • s ∈ RQ is a one-hot vector: if M can start in visiblebytheamountofcorespermultiprocessor, stateq,then s[q] = 1;otherwise, s[q] = 0. the number of threads is rounded up to the clos- est dividend. Once the block size and number of • f ∈ RQ isavectoroffinalweights: if M can threads are selected, the number of blocks is cho- accept in state q, then f[q] > 0 is the weight senbydividingthetotalnumberofthreadsbythe incurred;otherwise, f[q] = 0. blocksize. • δ : Σ → RQ×Q is the transition function: if M is in state q and the next input symbol is Coalesced memory accesses are essential to a, then δ[a][q,q(cid:48)] is the weight of going to maximize the use of resources running on the stateq(cid:48). GPU. When data is requested by a warp execut- ing on a streaming multiprocessor, a block from Notethatwecurrentlydonotallowtransitionson global memory will be accessed and allocated in empty strings or epsilon transitions. This defi- shared memory. It is crucial to coalesce mem- nition can easily be extended to weighted finite ory accesses so the number of blocks of global transducers by augmenting the transitions with memory requested and the global memory access outputsymbols. SeeFigure1foranexampleFST. times decrease. This can be achieved by making Using this notation, the total weight of a string all threads in a warp access contiguous spaces in w = w ···w canbewrittensuccinctlyas: 1 n memory. A similar speedup can be achieved if eqaucirhedthfrreoamd ignloababllomcekmaollroycaintetos aallcothmepadcattadareta- weight(w) = s(cid:62) (cid:89)n δ[wt] f. (1) structure allocated in shared memory (size of the t=1 shared memory varies across devices). Section 4 Matrixmultiplicationisdefinedintermsofmulti- describesthedatastructureusedtocoalescemem- plicationandadditionofweights. Itiscommonto ory reads. For each input symbol w the source t redefine weights and their multiplication/addition states of all possible transitions can be read in a to make the computation of (1) yield various use- coalesced form and stored in shared memory al- ful values. When this is done, multiplication is lowingfasterexecutiontimes. often written as ⊗ and addition as ⊕. If we define p ⊗p = p p andp ⊕p = p +p ,thenequation Using special function units on the device can 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 (1)givesthetotalweightofthestring. inhibit the performance of a program running on Or, we can make Equation (1) obtain the maxi- the GPU. Performance is affected because the mumweightpathasfollows. Theweightofatran- numberofSFUislowerthantheamountofregular sition is (p,k), where p is the probability of the cores (e.g. The GK104 Kepler architecture con- transition and k is (a representation of) the transi- tains 1536 regular cores and 256 special function tionitself. Then unitstotal). Also,thecyclepenaltyforusingSFU ratherthanCUDAcoresishigherthanthepenalty (p ,k )⊗(p ,k ) ≡ (p p ,k k ) 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 forregularcoresonthedevice. Forthiswork,the  amountofinstructionsthatuseaspecificSFUare (p1,k1) if p1 > p2 (p ,k )⊕(p ,k ) ≡ kepttoaminimumtoobtainahigherspeedup. By 1 1 2 2 (p ,k ) otherwise. 2 2 combining the mentioned techniques in this sec- tion, an application can significantly increase its The Viterbi algorithm simply computes Equation performance. (1)undertheabovedefinitionofweights. chat:cat/1 le:the/0.48 1 3 </s>:</s>/1 le chat </s> 0 le:a/0.08 </s>:</s>/1 5 R 0 2 4 6 chat:cat/1 2 4 S 0 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 1: Example of a FST that translates the T 1 2 3 4 5 5 frenchstringle chattoEnglish. O the a cat cat </s></s> P 0.48 0.08 1 1 1 1 4 SerialAlgorithm Applicationsoffiniteautomatauseavarietyofal- Figure2: CSR/COOrepresentationofFSTinFig- gorithms, but the most common are the Viterbi, ure1. forward, and backward algorithms. Several of these automata algorithms are related to one an- other and used for learning and inference. Speed- • Ocontainstheoutputsymbolsfortransitions ing up these algorithms will allow faster training fromstateS[k]tostateT[k] and development of large scale machine learning • P contains the probabilities for transitions systems. fromstateS[k]tostateT[k] Theforwardandbackward algorithmsareused tocomputeweights(Eq. 1),inleft-to-right(Read- The vector f of final weights is stored as a inganinpututterancefromlefttoright)andright- sparsevector: foreachk,S [k]isafinalstatewith f to-left order, respectively. Their intermediate val- weightP [k]. f ues are used to compute expected counts dur- ingtrainingbyexpectation-maximization(Eisner, Algorithm 1 Serial Viterbi algorithm (using 2002). TheycanbecomputedbyAlgorithm2. CSR/COOrepresentation). Algorithm 1 is one way of computing Viterbi 1: forq ∈ Qdo using Equation (1). It is a straightforward algo- 2: α[0][q] = 0 rithm,butthedatastructuresrequireabriefexpla- 3: α[0][s] = 1 nation. 4: fort = 1,...,ndo Throughout this paper, we use zero-based in- 5: a ← wt dexingforarrays. Letm = |Σ|,andnumberthein- 6: fork = R[a],...,R[a+1]−1do putsymbolsinΣconsecutively0,...,m−1. Then 7: p ← α[t−1][S[k]]⊗P[k] wecanthinkofδasathree-dimensionalarray. In 8: α[t][T[k]] ← α[t][T[k]]⊕ p general,thisarrayisverysparse. Westoreitusing (cid:76) a combination of compressed sparse row (CSR) 9: return kα[n][Sf[k]]⊗Pf[k] formatandcoordinate(COO)format,asshownin Ifthetransitionmatricesδ[a]arestoredincom- Figure2where: pressed sparse row (CSR) format, which enables • z is the number of transitions with nonzero efficient traversal of a matrix in row-major order, weight then these algorithms can be written out as Algo- rithm 2 for the forward-backward algorithm and • Risanarrayoflength(m+1)containingoff- 1 for Viterbi. (Using compressed sparse columns sets into the arrays S,T,O, and P. if a ∈ Σ, (CSC) format, the loop over q(cid:48) would be outside thetransitionsoninputacanbefoundatpo- the loop over q, which is perhaps the more com- sitionsR[a],...R[a+1]−1(i.e. toaccessall monwaytoimplementthesealgorithms.) transitionsδ[a]). NotethatR[m] = z 5 ParallelAlgorithm • S contains the source states for each transi- Our parallel implementation is based on Algo- tion0 ≤ k < z ∈ δ[a] rithm 1 for Viterbi and Algorithm 2 for forward- • T contains target states for transitions 0 ≤ backward, but parallelizes the loop over t, that is, k < z ∈ δ[a] overthetransitionsonsymbolw. Thetransitions t Algorithm 2 Forward-Backward algorithm (row- concurrent reads and writes at the same memory major). location,weuseanatomicmaxoperation(defined 1: forward[0][s] ← 1 (cid:46)Beginforwardpass asatomicMaxontheNVIDIAtoolkit). However, 2: fort = 0,...,n−1do atomicMax is not defined for floating-point val- 3: forq ∈ Qdo ues. Additionally, this update needs to store a 4: forq(cid:48) ∈ Qsuchthatδ[wt+1][q,q(cid:48)] > 0do back-pointer(k)thatwillbeusedafterwardstore- 5: p = forward[t][q]δ[wt+1][q,q(cid:48)] construct the highest-probability path. The prob- 6: forward[t+1][q(cid:48)] += p lem is that the atomicMax provided by NVIDIA 7: forq ∈ Qdo (cid:46)backwardpass canonlyupdateasinglevalueatomically. 8: backward[n][q] = f[q] We solve both problems with a trick: pack 9: fort = n−1,...,0do the Viterbi probability and the back-pointer into 10: forq ∈ Qdo a single 64-bit integer, with the probability in the 11: forq(cid:48) ∈ Qsuchthatδ[wt+1][q,q(cid:48)] > 0do higher32bitsandtheback-pointerinthelower32 12: p = δ[wt+1][q,q(cid:48)]backward[t][q(cid:48)] bits. In IEEE 754 format, the mapping between 13: backward[t][q] += p nonnegativerealnumbersandtheirbitrepresenta- 14: Z = (cid:80)q∈Qforward[n][q]f[q] tions (viewed as integers) is order-preserving, so 15: fort = 0,...,n−1do amaxoperationonthispackedrepresentationup- 16: forq,q(cid:48) ∈ Qdo datesboththeprobabilityandtheback-pointersi- 17: α = forward[t][q] (cid:46)Expectedcounts multaneously. 18: β = backward[t+1][q(cid:48)] ThereconstructionoftheViterbipathisnotpar- 19: count[q,q(cid:48)] += α×δ[w][q,q(cid:48)]×β/Z allelizable,butisdoneontheGPUtoavoidcopy- ing α back to the host avoiding a slowdown. This generates a sequence of transition indices, which arestoredinCSR/COOformatasdescribedabove ismovedbacktothehost. There,theoutputsym- forAlgorithm1. TheS,T,andParraysarestored bolscanbelookedupinarrayO. ontheGPUinglobalmemory;theRandOarrays arekeptonthehost. Foreachinputsymbola,the 5.2 Forward-Backward transitions on S and T are sorted first by source stateandthenbytargetstate; thisimprovesmem- The forward and backward algorithms 2 are sim- ory locality slightly. For the forward-backward ilar to the Viterbi algorithm, but do not need to algorithm, sorting by target improves the perfor- keep back-pointers. In the forward algorithm, mance for the backward pass since the input is whenatransitionδ[w][q,q(cid:48)]isprocessed,weup- t readfromrighttoleft. date the sum of probabilities reaching state q(cid:48) in For each input symbol wt, one thread is forward[t +1][q(cid:48)]. Likewise, in the backward al- launched per transition, that is, for each nonzero gorithm, we update the sum of probabilities start- entry of the transition matrix δ[w]. Equivalently, t ingfromqinbackward[t][q]. Bothpassesrequire one thread is launched for each transition k such atomic addition operations, but because we use that R[w] ≤ k < R[w + 1], for a total of t t log-probabilities to avoid underflow, the atomic R[w + 1] − R[w] threads. Each thread looks up t t additionmustbeimplementedas: q = S[k],q(cid:48) = T[k] and computes its correspond- ingoperation. For example, in Figure 2, input word “le” has log(expa+expb) = b+log1p(exp(a−b)), (2) index0;sinceR[0] = 0andR[1] = 2,twothreads arelaunched,onefork = 0(thatis,0 −−le−:t−h−e−/0−.−4→8 1) assuminga ≤ bandwherelog1p(x) = log(1+x),a andonefork = 1(thatis,0 −l−e−:a−/−0−.0→8 2). common function in math libraries which is more numericallystableforsmall x. 5.1 Viterbi We implemented an atomic version of this At the time of computing a transition δ[w][q,q(cid:48)], log-add-exp operation. The two transcenden- t if the probability (at line 8 in Algorithm 1) is tals are expensive, but CUDA’s fast math option higher than α[t][q(cid:48)], we store the probability in (-use_fast_math)speedsthemupsomewhatby α[t][q(cid:48)]. Because this update potentially involves sacrificingsomeaccuracy. 6 OtherApproaches 6.1 Parallelprefixsum the/0.8 the cat/1 </s>/1 the:le/0.6 a:le0/.4 <s> cat </s> Wbye(hLaavdenaelrreaanddy Fmiescnhtieorn,e1d9a80li)nefoorfuwnowrkeigbhegteudn, a/0.2acat/1 </s>:</s>/1 cat:chat/1 nondeterministic finite automata, and continued (a) (b) by (Hillis and Steele, 1986) and (Mytkowicz et al., 2014) for unweighted, deterministic finite au- le chat </s> tomata. These approaches use parallel prefix sum (c) tocompute theweight (1), multiplyingeach adja- centpairofmatricesinparallelandrepeatinguntil Figure 3: Example automata/transducers for (a) allthematriceshavebeenmultipliedtogether. language model (b) translation model (c) input Thisapproachcouldbecombinedwithours;we sentence. Thesethreecomposedtogetherformthe leavethisforfuturework. Apossibleissueisthat transducerinFigure1. matrix-vector products are replaced with slower matrix-matrixproducts. Anotheristhatprefixsum might not be applicable in a more general setting models on 1k/10k/100k/150k lines of French- –forexample,ifaFSTiscomposedwithaninput EnglishparalleldatafromtheEuroparlcorpusand latticeratherthananinputstring. converteditintoafiniteautomaton(seeFigure3a foratoyexample). 6.2 Matrixlibraries GIZA++wasusedtoword-alignthesamedata The formulation of the Viterbi and forward- and generate word-translation tables P(f | e) backwardalgorithmsasasequenceofmatrixmul- from the word alignments, as in lexical weight- tiplicationssuggeststwopossibleeasyimplemen- ing (Koehn et al., 2003). We converted this table tation strategies. First, if transition matrices are into a single-state FST (Figure 3b). The language stored as dense matrices, then the forward algo- model automaton and the translation table trans- rithm becomes identical to forward propagation ducerwereintersectedtocreateatransducersimi- through a rudimentary recurrent neural network. lartotheoneinFigure1. Thus, a neural network toolkit could be used to Formoredetailsaboutthetransducers(number carry out this computation on a GPU. However, of nodes, edges, and percentage of non-zero ele- in practice, because our transition matrices are mentsonthetransducer)seeTable4. sparse,thisapproachwillprobablybeinefficient. We tested on a subset of 100 sentences from Second, off-the-shelf libraries exist for sparse theFrenchcorpuswithlengthsofupto80words. matrix/vector operations, like cuSPARSE.1 How- For each experimental setting, we ran on this set ever,suchlibrariesdonotallowredefinitionofthe 1000 times and report the total time. Our exper- addition and multiplication operations, making it iments were run on three different systems: (1) a difficulttoimplementtheViterbialgorithmoruse systemwithanIntelCorei7-47908-coreCPUand log-probabilities. Also, parallelization of sparse anNVIDIATeslaK40cGPU,(2)asystemwithan matrix/vector operations depends heavily on the IntelXeonE516-coreCPUandanNVIDIATitan sparsity pattern (Bell and Garland, 2008), so that X GPU, and (3) a system with an Intel Xeon E5 an off-the-shelf library may not provide the best 24-coreCPUandanNVIDIATeslaP100GPU. solution for finite-state models of language. We test this approach below and find it to be several 7.2 Baselines timesslowerthananon-GPUimplementation. Wecomparedagainstthefollowingbaselines: 7 Experiment CarmelisanFSTtoolkitdevelopedatUSC/ISI.2 OpenFST is a FST toolkit developed by Google 7.1 Setup as an open-source successor of the AT&T Finite To test our algorithm, we constructed a FST for StateMachinelibrary(Allauzenetal., 2007). For rudimentary French-to-English translation. We compatibility,ourimplementationsreadtheOpen- trained different unsmoothed bigram language FST/AT&Ttextfileformat. 1http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cusparse/ 2https://github.com/graehl/carmel Trainingsize(lines) 0.12 Parallel Viterbi CuSPARSE method 1k 10k 100k 150k Serial Viterbi cuSPARSEforward 646 1846 3555 5948 0.1 serialforward 36 251 2297 3346 parallelforward 17 37 236 327 0.08 serialbackward 13 248 3585 5303 s) e ( 0.06 parallelbackward 43 80 644 1070 m ti serialcombined 47 534 6065 8790 0.04 parallelcombined 60 120 1111 1773 0.02 Table 3: Our GPU implementations of the forward and backward algorithms, and for- 0 0 10 20 Nu 3m0 ber of 40input w o50rds 60 70 80 ward+backward+expected counts combined, out- performallotherstested,onthemediumandlarge Figure4: Viterbidecodingtimesfor1000individ- FSTs. Times (in seconds) are for processing 100 ualtestsentencescomparedforourserial,parallel, examples1000times,onaCorei7andK40. andcuSPARSEimplementations(TitanX). Trainingsize States Transitions Non-zero 1000 3505 443527 3.6% small (presumably due to the overhead of kernel 10000 11644 6792487 5.0% launches and memory copies), but the speedups 100000 33125 95381368 8.7% increaseasthesizeofthetransducergrows,reach- 150000 39420 150971615 9.7% ingaspeedupof5x. Theforward-backwardalgo- rithm with expected counts obtains a 5x speedup Table 4: FST Comparison. This table shows overtheserialcodeonthelargesttransducer(See the number of states, edges, and percent of non Table3). zero elements of the transducers created using CuSPARSE does significantly worse than even 1k/10k/100k/150kexamples. our serial implementation; presumably, it would have done better if the transition matrices of our transducersweresparser. Our serial implementation Algorithm 1 for Figure 4 shows decoding times for three algo- ViterbiandAlgorithm2forforward-backward. rithms (our serial and parallel Viterbi, and cuS- cuSPARSE was used to implement the forward PARSE forward) on individual sentences. It can algorithm, using CSR format instead of COO for beseenthatallthreealgorithmsareroughlylinear transition matrices. Since we can’t redefine addi- inthesentencelength. tion and multiplication, we could not implement Viterbiisfasterthaneithertheforwardorback- the Viterbi algorithm. To avoid underflow, we ward algorithm across the board. This is because rescaledthevectorofforwardvaluesateachtime thelatterneedtoaddlog-probabilities(lines6and stepandkepttrackofthelogofthescaleinasep- 13ofAlgorithm2),whichinvolvesexpensivecalls aratevariable. totranscendentalfunctions. To be fair, it should be noted that Carmel and 7.4 ComparisonacrossGPUarchitectures OpenFST are much more general than the other implementations listed here. Both perform FST Table 2 compares the performance of the Kepler- composition in order to decode an input string basedK40,wherewedidmostofourexperiments, addinganotherlayerofcomplexitytotheprocess. with the Maxwell-based Titan X and the Pascal- The timings for OpenFST and Carmel on Table 2 basedTeslaP100. Theperformanceimprovement includecomposition is due to different factors, such as a larger num- berofactivethreadblocksperstreamingmultipro- 7.3 Results cessor on a GPU architecture, the grid and block Table 2 shows the overall performance of our sizeselectedtorunthekernels,andmemoryman- Viterbialgorithmandthebaselinealgorithms. Our agement on the GPU. After the release of the Ke- parallel implementation does worse than our se- pler architecture, the Maxwell architecture intro- rial implementation when the transducer used is duced an improved workload balancing, reduced Trainingsize(lines) 1000 10000 100000 150000 Method Hardware Time Ratio Time Ratio Time Ratio Time Ratio OpenFST Corei7 42.06 1.9 2547 87 313800 4085 626700 6093 Carmel Corei7 195.9 9.1 7652 263 224500 2923 376400 3659 ourserial Corei7 10.99 0.5 44.16 1.5 374.2 4.9 534.9 5.2 ourserial XeonE5 10.84 0.5 42.05 1.4 375.3 4.9 529.6 5.1 ourMPI 4-coreCorei7 194.0 9.0 581.2 20 1849 24 2243 21 ourparallel K40 27.52 1.3 38.26 1.3 116.5 1.5 131.1 1.3 ourparallel TitanX 25.05 1.2 33.92 1.2 94.07 1.2 121.6 1.2 ourparallel TeslaP100 21.49 1.0 29.04 1.0 76.79 1.0 102.9 1.0 Table2: OurGPUimplementationoftheViterbialgorithmoutperformsallotherstestedonthemedium and large FSTs. Times (in seconds) are for decoding a set of 100 examples 1000 times using Viterbi. RatiosarerelativetoourparallelalgorithmontheTeslaP100. arithmetic latency, and faster atomic operations. 8 Conclusion The Pascal architecture allows speedups over all We have shown that our algorithm outperforms theotherarchitecturesbyintroducinganincreased severalserialimplementations(ourownserialim- floating point performance, faster data movement plementation on a Intel Core i7 and Xeon E ma- performance (NVLink), larger and more efficient chines, Carmel and OpenFST) as well as a GPU shared memory, and improved atomic operations. implementationusingcuSPARSE. Also, SMs on the pascal architecture are more A system with newer and faster cores might efficient allowing speedups larger speedups than achieve higher speedups than a GPU on smaller its predecessors. Our parallel implementations datasets. However,building a multi-core system were compiled using architecture specific flags thatbeatsaGPUsetupcanbemoreexpensive. For (-arch=compute_XX) to take full advantage of example, a 16 core Intel Xeon E5-2698 V3 can the architectural enhancements described in this cost 3,500 USD (Bogoychev and Lopez, 2016). section. Newer GPU models offer previous generation CPU’s the opportunity to obtain speedups for a lowerprice(TitanXGPUssellcheaperthanXeon E5setupsatUS$1,200). Speedingupcomputation 7.5 Comparisonagainstamulti-core on a GPU would allow users to speed up applica- implementation tions cheaper without investing on a newer multi- coresystem. Ourimplementationhasbeenopen-sourcedand Table 2 shows how our parallel implementation is available online. 3 In the future, we plan to ex- on a GPU compares against a multi-core version pandthissoftwareintoatoolkitthatincludesother of our serial Viterbi algorithm implemented in algorithmsneededtorunafullmachinetranslation MPI. We chose MPI since it supports distributed system. andsharedmemoryunlikeOpenMPthatsupports shared memory only. 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