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Decoding Epileptogenesis in a Reduced State Space Franc¸ois G. Meyer1, Alexander M. Benison2, Zachariah Smith2, and Daniel S. Barth2 1Electrical Engineering & Applied Mathematics, 2Psychology & Neuroscience University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309 Abstract—We describe here the recent results of a multidis- neuronal firing. The development of electrophysiological ciplinary effort to design a biomarker that can actively and biomarkers has focused on the analysis of both epileptiform 7 continuouslydecodetheprogressivechangesinneuronalorga- spikes [5], and high frequency oscillations [6]. Interictal 1 nizationleadingtoepilepsy,aprocessknownasepileptogenesis. spikes are sharp electrical impulses. Their morphology has 0 Using an animal model of acquired epilepsy, we chronically 2 record hippocampal evoked potentials elicited by an auditory been shown to be correlated with the progression of epilep- stimulus.Usingasetofreducedcoordinates,ouralgorithmcan togenesis [5]. Recent experiments combined with computa- n identifyuniversalsmoothlow-dimensionalconfigurationsofthe tionalmodels[5]suggestthatepileptogenesissystematically a auditory evoked potentials that correspond to distinct stages J modifies the morphology of the spikes in a predictable of epileptogenesis. We use a hidden Markov model to learn 5 manner. High frequency oscillations detected in local field the dynamics of the evoked potential, as it evolves along these 2 smoothlow-dimensionalsubsets.Weprovideexperimentalevi- potentials are created by synchronously bursting pyramidal dencethatthebiomarkerisabletoexploitsubtlechangesinthe cells, and have been observed in healthy patients when the ] C evokedpotentialtoreliablydecodethestageofepileptogenesis frequency of the ripples is lower than 250 Hz. Conversely, and predict whether an animal will eventually recover from frequencies in the range of 250Hz to 800Hz are considered N the injury, or develop spontaneous seizures. to be pathological ripples and are reliable biomarkers for . o theepileptogeniczone[7].Whilerecordingsofspontaneous i I. INTRODUCTION b neuronal spiking can be indicative of neuronal excitability, - A. The Challenge: Decoding Epileptogenesis andthereforecorrelatewiththepropensityforseizures,such q Epilepsyisaneurologicaldiseasethatischaracterizedby methodscannotactivelyprobethehippocampalcircuitinliv- [ theoccurrenceofseveralunprovokedseizures.Despitevari- inganimalsduringepileptogenesis.Consequently,onecould 1 ouscausesofepilepsyandvaryingdegreesofdiseasesever- argue that the passive electrophysiological recordings may v ity in the human population, hippocampal sclerosis is the not provide enough information to observe early changes in 3 4 most consistent neuropathological feature of temporal lobe neuronal excitability associated with epileptogenesis. 2 epilepsy [1]. Animal models have been developed to study The present work addresses this limitation and proposes 7 the neuronal changes underlying the clinical manifestations for the first time a “computational biomarker” that relies 0 of epilepsy (chronic-spontaneous seizures). One popular on actively probing the excitability of the hippocampus . 1 model relies on controlled administration of a convulsant using an auditory stimulus. We advocate an active approach 0 drug (e.g., pilocarpine) to induce status-epilepticus, a life- whereby we probe the excitability of the hippocampus, a 7 threatening condition in humans. This condition is followed brain region known to be epileptogenic. Because the hip- 1 by a latent seizure-free period of weeks to months, where pocampus also receives several sensory inputs (through the : v progressive neuronal damage and network reorganization entorhinalcortex),weproposetorecordinthehippocampus Xi eventually lead to the development of spontaneous seizures. the evoked potential elicited by an auditory stimulus. Since Most of our understanding of the progression of epilepsy, epilepsy does not modify the primary auditory cortex, any r a or epileptogenesis, is derived from such animal models. alterations in the evoked potential should be indicative of It is therefore critical to define a biomarker to monitor neuronal changes in the hippocampus underlying epilepto- epileptogenesis.Anaccuratebiomarkerwouldbeinvaluable genesis. To quantify the property of this biomarker, we use for the design of novel anti-epileptogenic drugs, and could a pilocarpine animal model of temporal lobe epilepsy, and eventually be translated into a diagnostic tool for humans. chronically record hippocampal auditory evoked potentials during epileptogenesis. B. From Passive Recording to Active Sensing We design a decoding algorithm to demonstrate that Current efforts toward the development of a reliable and changes in the morphology of the hippocampal auditory predictive biomarker of epileptogenesis fall in three main evoked potential have universal predictive value and can be classes: molecular and cellular biomarkers [2], imaging used to accurately quantify the progression of epilepsy. The biomarkers[3],andelectrophysiologicalbiomarkers[4].The authorsarenotawareofanyworkthatusesmachinelearning present work focuses on the last class of biomarkers that methods to construct an active biomarker of epileptogenesis rely on recordings of the electrical activity associated with (but see [5] for approaches based on passive recordings). condition baseline silent latent chronic e deuvroaktieodn h1( 0 )(wt)eek h( 1 )(t) 72 hho( k )u(tr)s weeks − months 2−6 months elin silent inteprovteennttiioanl pilocarpine paraldehyde als bas es latent Fevigenutre1. TimstaetluIisIn e.epialTenpdHticEnuos Am(SEeN)ncIMlatAurLeoMftOheDdEiLfferefinrstt scpoonndtaintieoonuss .seizure evoked potentirof animalc waveletcoefficients 1 delay coordinat baseline 2 IRdζ(rk) 3ζ(rk) ni chronic All procedures were performed in accordance with the o hr spectral embedding University of Colorado Institutional Animal Care and Use c h(k) w(k) z(k) r r r Committee guidelines for the humane use of laboratory rats in biological research. Twenty-four male Sprague-Dawley Figure 2. Overview of the decoding algorithm. 1: a vector of wavelet rats (200-250 gm) were implanted with a hippocampal wire coefficients,wr(k),iscomputedfromtheevokedp(cid:44)otentialh(rk).Avector electrode, a ground screw, and a reference screw. The 24 of time-delay wavelets coordinates, zr(k), is formed by concatenating τ rats were divided into two groups: a group of 17 rats that dcoisntsaenccuetibveetwwere(kn).ζr((cid:44)k2):asnpdectthrealloewm-bdeidmdeinnsgiomnaalpsstrwucr(tku)retofoζrmr(ke)d.b(cid:44)3y:eatchhe received lithium-pilocarpine, and a control group of 7 rats. conditioniscomputed. The control group was composed of 2 rats that received all drug injections associated with the lithium-pilocarpine wavelet and scaling coefficients, wr(k), (see 1 in Fig. 2). The second stage involves characterizing th(cid:44)e association model except for pilocarpine, which was substituted with between the condition of the disease (baseline, silent, la- saline; and 5 rats that received no drugs. After full recovery tent, or chronic) and the vector of wavelet coefficients from the electrode implantation (2 weeks) and at least one w(k). We tackle this question by lifting w(k) into Rτ×s additionalweekofchronicrecordingofbaselinevideo/EEG, r r using time-delay embedding: we concatenate the consecu- 17 rats were given an injection of lithium chloride followed tive vectors w(k),...,w(k+τ−1) to form a τ × s vector, by an injection of pilocarpine hydrochloride 24 hours later r r (seeFig.1).Afteronehourofstatusepilepticus,theanimals zr(k), of time-delay wavelet coordinates (see 1 in Fig. 2). were administered a dose of paraldehyde to terminate con- Low-dimensionalstructures,whichuniquelych(cid:44)aracterizethe vulsions.Throughouttheexperiment,every∆t=30min,an stage of epileptogenesis, emerge in the high-dimensional auditory stimulus, composed of a sequence of 120 square- space. We use spectral embedding to parameterize these wave clicks (0.1 ms duration, 2 sec ISI, 45dB SPL), was low-dimensional structures, and map zr(k) to ζr(k) (see 2 played in a top-mounted speaker. The 300 ms hippocampal in Fig. 2). The first decoding stage involves geometrical(cid:44)ly responsestoeachclickwerefilteredandsampledat10kHz, computing the likelihood that a given vector ζr(k) corre- and the average of the 120 responses was computed. In spondstooneofthefourconditions.Tothisend,wequantify the remainder of the paper, we denote by h(k) the average the distance of ζr(k) to the low-dimensional cluster formed evokedpotential,measuredattimek∆t.Tofurthersimplify by each condition (see 3 in Fig. 2). In the final decoding the exposition, h(k) is simply referred to as the evoked stage,weuseahiddenM(cid:44)arkovmodeltocapturetheintrinsic potential measured at time k. dynamics of epileptogenesis. Figure 1 provides a detailed timeline, along with the Toalleviatethenotation,andunlessweexplicitlycompare nomenclature of the different periods associated with the or combine several animals, we dispense with the subscript progress and eventual onset of epilepsy. The period before r, denoting the dependency on rat r, when we discuss the the injection of pilocarpine is called baseline. Conversely, analysis of the evoked potentials for a fixed animal. the period following the first spontaneous seizure is called chronic.Wefurtherdefinethesilentperiodtobethe72hour IV. DENOISINGTHEINPUTDATA periodofrecoveryimmediatelyfollowingtheterminationof To compensate for the alteration of the tissue impedance status epilepticus, and the latent period to be the remaining around the electrodes, the evoked potentials h(k),k = r period leading to the eventual onset of the first spontaneous 0,1,...werenormalizedforeachanimal.Foragivenanimal seizure. r, all evoked potentials for that animal were rescaled, in such a way that the average energy computed during the III. OVERVIEWOFTHEDECODINGFRAMEWORK baseline condition, (cid:104)h2(cid:105), was one. In order to use the noisy r We give here a brief overview of the decoding approach. evoked potentials to predict the state of epileptogenesis, Given an animal r = 1,...,24, we consider the sequence we extract a denoised representation of h(k). We use a of evoked potentials h(r0),h(r1),.... The first stage involves discrete stationary wavelet transform (CDF 9-7) to compute theconstructionofadenoisedrepresentationofh(rk) (see 1 a redundant representation of h(k). We used a “leave-one- inFig.2).Wedecomposeh(k)(t)usingadiscretestationa(cid:44)ry animal-out” cross-validation to determine the time intervals r wavelettransformandretainavectorofs(carefullychosen) andthescalesofthewaveletcoefficientsthatresultedinthe baseline silent latent chronic 70 45 930 930 0.6 930 0.6 930 0.6 0.6 60 baseline 3450 silent Frequency (Hz)4216315217948894 Frequency (Hz)4215217631894 948 ---000000..24...642 Frequency (Hz)4215217631894 948 ---000000..24...642 Frequency (Hz)4215217631894 948 ---000000..24...642 ---000000..24...642 23450000 mσ e=a 0n. 0=7 4.0 1122305050 mσ e=a 0n. 2=0 3.53 Frequency (Hz)942152136318940948 50 100Tim1e5 (0ms2)00 25Frequency (Hz)094215213631389409480 0 -000050...2460.2 100Tim1e5 (0ms2)00 25Frequency (Hz)09421521363189430948 0 0 -000050...2460.2 100Tim1e5 (0ms2)00 25Frequency (Hz)094215213631389409480 0 -000050...246.02 100Tim1e5 (0ms2)00 250 300 -00000...246.2 1111460803000.5 lat3e.6nt 3.7 D3im.8ensio3n.9 4 4.1 4.2 110520300.2 c3h.3roni3c.4 3.5Dime3.n6sion3.7 3.8 3.9 4 7 50 1T00im1e5 0(m2s00)2507 50 10T0im15e0 (2m00s)2507 50 10T0im15e0 (2m00s)2507 50 100Tim15e0 (2m00s)250 300 110200 mσ e=a 0n. 1=9 3.68 80 mσ e=a 0n. 2=1 3.69 60 80 Figure 3. Top: average wavelet coefficients with the average evoked 60 40 potential(acrossallanimals).Bottom:averageapproximationcoefficients. 40 Onlythescalesj=3(top)to10(bottom)aredisplayed.Whiterectangles 20 20 delineatethetime-frequencyblocksusedtoconstructw(k). 03 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 03.13.2 3.3 3.4 3.D5ime3n.6sion3.7 3.8 3.9 4 4.1 the most accurate prediction of the condition of the animal Figure4. Distributionofthelocaldimensionofthestatespaceaccording tothecondition.Top:baselineandsilent;bottom:latentandchronic. that was not part of the training data. For most of the ani- mals, the wavelet coefficients in the time-frequency region embedding, yielded poor prediction of the animal’s condi- [0,100] ms×[5,10] Hz, and the approximation coefficients tion. While τ was optimized for each animal, the average from the time-frequency regions [70,120] ms×[10,20] Hz of the optimal values was τ =12, which corresponds to six and [100,150] ms×[5,10] Hz (see Fig. 3) resulted in either hours. the optimal, or very close to optimal, decoding perfor- To learn the geometry of the set formed by the different mances. To simplify the decoding, we therefore kept the trajectories z(k),k =0,1..., we consider the union – over same time-frequency regions for all animals. In summary, r each evoked potential was represented with a feature vector all the animals in the training set – of the vectors zr(k), and w(k)of2,000entriescomposedof1,000waveletcoefficients define the set and 1,000 approximation coefficients. This representation is Z= (cid:91) (cid:110)z(k),k =0,1,...(cid:111). (2) consistent with reports of disruption in the θ rhythm (4-12 r r ∈training animals Hz) during the latent period preceding the onset of epilepsy [8]. B. What is the local dimension of the state-space? Because we have only a limited number of training data, V. UNIVERSALCONFIGURATIONSOFEPILEPTOGENESIS weneedtodrasticallyreducethedimensionalityofthestate We now describe the construction of universal (stable space (on average τ × s = 24,000) in order to reliably across all animals) low-dimensional smooth sets that are decodetheconditionofeachanimal.Weusedakernel-based formed by all the hippocampal auditory evoked potentials versionofthecorrelationdimension[9]tocomputethelocal collected during the same stage of epileptogenesis. These dimension of the point-cloud formed by the state space Z. sets are created by lifting the wavelet coefficients w(k) Wediscoveredthatthepointsz(k) wereorganizedalonglow r of each h(k) into high-dimension. This lifting effectively dimensional subsets that correspond to well defined stages createssmoothlow-dimensionalcoherentstructuresthatcan of epileptogenesis and exhibit different local dimensions. then be parameterized with a drastically smaller number of Figure 4 displays histograms (as well as the mean, and coordinates. standard deviation) of the estimates of the local dimensions for the four different conditions. These experiments suggest A. Time-Delay Embedding of the Wavelet Coordinates thatweshouldbeabletorepresentthestate-spaceassociated Given the time series (cid:8)w(k),k =0,1,...(cid:9) for a given with the dynamic of the disease using d = 5 dimensions. animal, we analyze the dynamics of this time series by However,ourresults(notshown)indicatethatthetraditional considering the time-delay wavelet coordinates formed by linearapproach,PCA,providesaverypoorparameterization concatenating τ consecutive vectors of wavelet coefficients, of the set Z. z(k) =(cid:2)w(k) w(k+1) ··· w(k+τ−1)(cid:3). (1) C. Nonlinear Parameterization of the State Space We characterize the dynamical changes in the evoked po- In order to identify the separate regions of Rτ×s that tentials by studying the geometric structures formed by the correspond to the four conditions, we seek a smooth low- trajectory of z(k) in Rτ×s, as k evolves. In practice, the dimensional parameterization of Z. A nonlinear approach number of time-delay vectors, τ, is determined using cross- spectral embedding [10], yields a low-dimensional parame- validation. We confirmed that τ =1, to wit no time-delay terizationofZthatnaturallyclustersthedifferentconditions chronic are shown along this trajectory, confirming changes in the morphology of h(k) during epileptogenesis. baseline 0.08 D. Learning Epileptogenesis from the Reduced Coordinates 0.06 ThenaturaldivisionofZintocoherentsubsets,whichcor- 0.04 100μV 0.02 respond to well defined stages of epileptogenesis, suggests 0 100 ms that a purely geometric algorithm could be used to quantify −0.02 −0.0−20.03 the development of epilepsy. Indeed, given an unclassified latent −−00.0.064 0.010 −0.01 evoked potential, ζ(k), the distance from ζ(k) to each of the −0.05−0.04−0.03−0.02−0.01 0 silent faonuersctilmusatteersof(btahseelliinkee,lishioleondt,olfatbeenitn,ganindtchherocnoircr)espproonvdidinegs condition at time k. Figure 5. The training set of evoked potentials, Z, displayed using the reduced coordinates ζ(k). Each condition, baseline (blue), silent (cyan), We denote by Zc, c = 0,1,2,3, the four clusters formed latent(green),andchronic(red),formsacoherentsub-cloud. by the evoked potentials in Z that were collected during the baseline, silent, latent, and chronic conditions, respectively. into coherent disconnected smooth subsets. Briefly, we de- Wefoundthatusingamixtureofprobabilisticprincipalcom- fineasimilaritymatrixKthatquantifieshowanytwoevoked ponents [11] to represent each Zc resulted in a remarkably potentials h(k) and h(l) extracted from the same or from low dimensional parameterization of that condition. Indeed, different conditions, and from the same or from a different the mixture model is able to describe with a small number animal, at the respective times k and l co-vary, of components the geometric structure created by each Zc. K(k,l)=exp(cid:16)−(cid:107)z(k)−z(l)(cid:107)2/σ2(cid:17). (3) Furthermore, unlike other models, the mixture model does not require the stringent assumption that Zc be a smooth The scaling constant σ was chosen to be a multiple of the sub-manifold. median distance (cid:107)z(k)−z(l)(cid:107), k,l =0,1,.... We used the Formally, for each c = 0,1,2,3, we use a different mix- d eigenvectors of K that optimally separated the dataset ture of probabilistic principal components to parameterize Z into four clusters related to the four conditions. The Zc. To reduce the number of indices, we do not make ith eigenvector of K provided the ith reduced coordinate, the dependency on c explicit in the following discussion. ζ(k)(i), of z(k), For a given cluster Zc, the mixture is composed of M local Gaussian densities, each describing the local principal ζ(k) =(cid:2)ζ(k)(1) ··· ζ(k)(d)(cid:3)T . (4) directions with a d×q matrix, U , around a collection of i AsexplainedinsectionV-B,weused=5.Figure5displays centers ζi, i = 1,...,M. The local spread of the ζr(k) the nonlinear parameterization of Z. Each dot represents around ζi is given by the covariance matrix UiUiT +ε2iI. an evoked potential h(k) measured at a time k from an The mixture model associated with the cluster Zc can be r animal r, and parameterized by the reduced coordinates written as ζ(k). The color indicates the condition during which h(k) M r r ζ(k) ∼(cid:88)π N (cid:0)U n +ζ , ε2I(cid:1), (5) was recorded. When collapsed across animals and time of r i i i i i recordings, four distinct clusters can be visually discerned, i=1 which can be interpreted in terms of the corresponding where the ni,i=1,...,M are q-dimensional latent Gaus- conditions. The evoked potentials in the silent condition are sian variables, and the mixture proportions πi are non grouped together around a low-dimensional structure. The negative and sum to one. The parameters of the model are latentconditiondisplaysthelargestspread:someevokedpo- estimated using the EM algorithm [11]. For a given animal tentialsaremorphologicallyclosetosilentevokedpotentials; r, we compute the posterior probability that the model (5) while others are close to chronic evoked potentials. These associated with condition c would generate the reduced visual observations are consistent with the computation of coordinates ζr(k), thelocaldimensionalitydescribedinsectionV-B.Tofurther γ(k)(c)=Prob(c|ζ(k)). (6) help with the interpretation of this nonlinear representation r r of Z, we trace the trajectory of ζr(k), k = 0,1,... for a Weusetheposteriorprobabilityofclassmembershipγr(k)(c) single rat (H37) over several weeks of recordings (see thick asarawmeasurementoftheprogressionofepileptogenesis. black line in Fig. 5). The animal first spends several days in Because the instantaneous posterior probability γr(k)(c) is the baseline cluster (blue), then briskly traverses the entire oblivious to the past trajectory {ζ(k−1),ζ(k−2),...}, it can r r spacetoreachthesilentcluster(cyan)afterstatusepilepticus benoisy.Toaddressthislimitation,andenforcethetemporal has been induced. Eventually, as the animal recovers, it coherence that defines the progression of the disease, we joins the latent condition (green), and advances toward the introduce a Markovian description of the dynamics of the chronic cluster (red). Four representative evoked potentials changes in the evoked potential h(k) as a function of time. SE baseline 1 silent latent 0.5 chronic 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time (0.5 hr) SE SRS baseline 1 silent 0.5 latent chronic 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Time (0.5 hr) Figure6. Biomarkerprobabilitiesπ(k)(c)ofbeinginconditioncforanon-epileptic(top)andanepileptic(bottom)animal.Seizurecount(clippedat1) isdisplayedinmagenta.TheblackbarSEcorrespondstoStatusEpilepticus;thesecondbarSRScorrespondstothefirstSpontaneousRecurringSeizure. VI. THEDYNAMICSOFEPILEPTOGENESIS seizure (SRS), and shifts from latent (green) to chronic (red) before SRS. The probability of being in the chronic We use a hidden Markov Model to capture both the state, π(k)(3), remains at one after SRS, indicating that the dynamics of epileptogenesis, and the resulting changes in the shape of h(k) triggered by this hidden condition. We animal is irreversibly in the chronic state, as confirmed by r the uninterrupted sequence of seizures. define x(k) to be a discrete random variable that encodes r the state of animal r at time k, x(rk) ∈ {0,1,2,3}, where VII. RESULTS the states 0, 1, 2, and 3 encode the baseline, silent, latent, We evaluated our approach using a “leave-one-animal- andchronicconditions,respectively.Wefurtherassumethat out” cross-validation: the algorithm was trained on 11 x(k) is a Markov chain with probability transition matrix r epileptic rats, and evaluated with one animal that was not P = Prob(x(k+1) = i|x(k) = j). We define y(k) to i,j r r r partofthetrainingdata.Foreachtestanimalr,thedecoding be a discrete random variable, which takes its values in algorithm computed from h(k) the posterior probability r {0,1,2,3},andencodesthemostlikelyconditionofanimal π(k)(c), given by (8). Figure 7 displays the temporal profile r at time k, given the measurement h(k), r r of the median probability π(k)(c) computed over all the y(k) =argmax γ(k)(c), (7) epilepticanimals(left,N=12),andthenonepilepticanimals r r c=0,1,2,3 (right, N=5). The computation of the median probability π(k)(c) required care: because each condition varied in where γ(k)(c) is the posterior probability that condition c r length across the different animals, we could not use the generates the reduced coordinates ζr(k), and is given by beginning of each recording as the origin, and bluntly (6). We denote by Qi,j = Prob(yr(k) = i|x(rk) = j) the average across the animals. measurementprobabilitydistributionmatrix.Theprobability As an alternative, we used two physiologically mean- transition matrix P and the measurement probability matrix ingful temporal landmarks to align the time series (cid:110) (cid:111) Qwereestimatedfromthetrainingdata.Thetrainedhidden π(k)(c),k =0,1,... of the different animals before av- r Markov model was then used in a “reverse mode” [12] eraging. We used the time of the insult (status epilepticus) to estimate the posterior probability of animal r to be in to study the transition from baseline to silent, and we also condition c, used the onset of the first spontaneous seizure to study the π(k)(c)=Prob(x(k) =c|y(k)), c=0,1,2,3. (8) transitionfromlatenttochronic.AsshowninFigs.7-leftand r r r Fig. 8, this led to two different median probability profiles Because the hidden Markov model was trained on the for each condition. In each figure, the origin corresponds to epileptic animals, we regularized the probability transition the physiological landmark used to realign the time series. matrixP toallowatransition,whichwasneverobservedin Tohelpvisuallycomparethetwofigures,weaddedthelatent thetrainingdata,fromchronictobaselinewithaverysmall periodtoFig.7-left,andthesilentperiodtoFig.8.Wenote probability. that the median probability for the silent and latent periods Figure 6 displays the four probabilities π(k) of being in are different in both figures: indeed, the large variation in baseline, silent, latent, and chronic state for a non-epileptic the onset of the first spontaneous seizure leads to different animal (top), and an epileptic animal (bottom). We plot the realignment results. seizure count (clipped at 1) in magenta for the epileptic Epileptic animals. The baseline and chronic periods were animal. The biomarker clearly identifies the baseline pe- welldefinedforthe12epilepticanimals(seeFig.7-leftand riod (blue), and is able to detect changes in the evoked 8), and corresponded to the period before status epilepticus, potential h(k) that are indicative of neuronal alterations and the period after the first spontaneous seizure, respec- leading to epilepsy, before the first spontaneous recurring tively.Thesensitivitywasfoundtobe1forboththebaseline 1 baseline 1 silent baseline 0.5 latent 0.5 silent latent chronic 0 0 -10 0 10 20 30 -10 0 10 20 30 days days Figure 7. Median probability π(k)(c) of being in condition c for the epileptic animals (left), and the non epileptic animals (right). Day 0 (black bar) correspondstostatusepilepticusacrossallanimals. 1 silent latent 0.5 chronic seizures 0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 days Figure 8. Median probability π(k)(c) of being in condition c for the epileptic animals. 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