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Decoding Cardiac Electrophysiology: Understanding the Techniques and Defining the Jargon PDF

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Afzal Sohaib Editor Decoding Cardiac Electrophysiology Understanding the Techniques and Defining the Jargon Decoding Cardiac Electrophysiology Afzal Sohaib Editor Decoding Cardiac Electrophysiology Understanding the Techniques and Defining the Jargon Editor Afzal Sohaib St Bartholomew’s Hospital London, UK King George Hospital Ilford, Essex, UK ISBN 978-3-030-28671-2 ISBN 978-3-030-28672-9 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-28672-9 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Contents Part I The Tools for Understanding Cardiac Electrophysiology 1 The Basic Language of Cardiac Electrophysiology—An Introduction to Intracardiac Electrograms and Electrophysiology Studies .................. 3 Sandeep Prabhu and Afzal Sohaib 2 The Kit: Access, Catheter Placement, Transeptal Puncture, Ablation Technology, 3D Mapping ............................................. 21 Jason V. Garcia and Daniel K.Y. Wan Part II Standard Ablation 3 Atrioventricular Nodal Re-entry Tachycardia (AVNRT) & AV node Ablation .................................................... 43 Jonathan M. Behar 4 Accessory Pathways and Atrioventricular Re-entrant Tachycardia (AVRT) ................................................. 51 Wei Yao Lim and Marco Baca 5 Typical Atrial Flutter ................................................ 59 Kevin Ming Wei Leong Part III Complex Ablation 6 Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Tachycardia ..................... 73 Vishal Luther and George Katritsis 7 Ventricular Ectopic Ablation .......................................... 87 David Duncker, Johanna L. Müller-Leisse, Christos Zormpas, Jörg Eiringhaus and Christian Veltmann 8 Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation ...................................... 99 Neil T. Srinivasan and Alex Cambridge Index ................................................................. 109 v Part I The Tools for Understanding Cardiac Electrophysiology The Basic Language of Cardiac 1 Electrophysiology— An Introduction to Intracardiac Electrograms and Electrophysiology Studies Sandeep Prabhu and Afzal Sohaib Unlike other realms of cardiology such as imaging, angi- Abstract ography and structural intervention, which have an obvious This chapter aims to introduce the reader to some of the visual element (a regurgitant valve, a narrowed artery, etc.), core principles which underpin clinical cardiac electro- electrophysiology instead relies upon the interpretation of physiology and how it is applied in cardiac catheter labo- electrical signals and the manner in which they propagate ratories, where ablations take place. Key language and throughout the cardiac tissue. Since electricity itself can- terminology are introduced before these concepts are not be physically visualised in real time, its presence and explored further in subsequent chapters. course through various cardiac structures instead needs to be inferred by the detection of electrical signals at various intra-cardiac sites. The direction and pattern of electri- Keywords Electrograms · Electrophysiology cal wavefronts through tissue is determined by the timing study · Ablation · Arrhythmia mechanisms · Refractory of electrical signals in relation to each other, the surface periods · Decrementation · Re-entry · Automaticity ECG and/or a stable reference signal. For this reason, the ‘language’ of electrograms needs to be comprehended before electrophysiological procedures can make sense. 1.1 Cardiac Electrophysiology—Why Fortunately, like any language, there are key fundamental the Mystique? principles and concepts which will aid the interested stu- dent in understanding and eventually becoming proficient To the uninitiated, there is a perceived ‘mystique’ about in this language. This chapter focuses on describing these cardiac electrophysiology (EP) that often acts as a barrier key concepts. Subsequent chapters will then apply these to an even rudimentary understanding of EP procedures. principles to the treatment of various commonly treated Unhelpfully, this view of EP is not infrequently perpetuated conditions. by electrophysiologists themselves, with most apparently “Decoding the Jargon” and “Beyond the Basics” communicating in a language indecipherable, even to the Electrophysiologists have a tendency to very quickly slip seasoned general cardiologist. The purpose of this book is to into using jargon. For this reason throughout the book, we simplify this jargon, and decode it into terms to allow new- have highlighted commonly used terms and described them comers to the efi ld to nfi d their way among the world of EP. in “decoding the jargon” boxes. Each chapter is structured so that the core concepts are the main focus and some of the A. Sohaib (*) Consultant Cardiac Electrophysiologist more complex concepts are discussed in sections entitled Department of Cardiology, Barts Heart Centre, St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, UK “beyond the basics” towards the end of each chapter. e-mail: [email protected] S. Prabhu Department of Cardiology, Barts Heart Centre, St Bartholomew’s 1.2 W hat Happens in the EP Lab Hospital, London, UK e-mail: [email protected] Before exploring some of these fundamental concepts it S. Prabhu is useful to have an overview of the range of procedures The Heart Centre, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia which happen in the electrophysiology laboratory and the S. Prabhu The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia rest of the book will deal with each of these areas in detail. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 3 A. Sohaib (ed.), Decoding Cardiac Electrophysiology, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-28672-9_1 4 S. Prabhu and A. Sohaib Procedures can be divided into “standard EP” and “complex and ventricular tachycardia (VT). Procedures tend to be EP”. This is an oversimplification and often what is classi- slightly longer. Heparinisation is required as the left sided fied as standard can be very complex and vice versa, but it circulation is being instrumented. Consequently, the risks is a useful way to orientate oneself, and these categories are are at the higher or more serious end of the spectrum. Key frequently used by various bodies involved in overseeing elements of these procedures are described in Table 1.1. electrophysiology [1]. A “standard” EP procedure may become complex Standard EP usually refers to procedures which can deal depending on the nature of the arrhythmia. For example, a with arrhythmias frequently from the right sided circulation narrow complex tachycardia may initially look like a form and includes AV node ablation, AV nodal re-entry tachycar- of accessory pathway mediated tachycardia (AVRT), how- dia (AVNRT), typical atrial flutter, and ablation of acces- ever, upon further testing, may reveal itself (after appropri- sory pathways. These often can be done with a relatively ate diagnostic manoeuvres), to be a left sided focal atrial simple arrangement of catheters and fluoroscopy. The risks tachycardia. Similarly, what may appear like a complex are usually at the lower end, and procedure duration is usu- VT or ventricular ectopic ablation, may arise from the right ally at the lower end of the spectrum for electrophysiology ventricular outflow tract, which is generally readily acces- procedures. sible from the right femoral vein and may require just a Complex EP usually refers to procedures with deal with single catheter (ablation catheter) to treat. Therefore, the arrhythmias from the left sided circulation and includes distinction between standard and complex EP is somewhat ablation for atrial fibrillation, left sided atrial tachycardias, artificial. Table 1.1 Procedures performed in the EP laboratories. Access and equipment required is listed Access Equipment required “Standard” ablation procedures AV node ablation Femoral vein to access right atrium Fluoroscopy ablation catheter Atrial flutter Femoral vein to access right atrium Fluoroscopy ablation catheters Diagnostic EP catheters AVNRT Femoral vein to access right atrium Fluoroscopy ablation catheters Diagnostic EP catheters Accessory pathways Femoral vein to access right atrium Fluoroscopy Ablation catheters Diagnostic EP catheters 3D mapping system may be useful but not a requirement Right sided atrial tachcyardia Femoral vein to access right atrium Fluoroscopy Ablation catheters Diagnostic EP catheters 3D mapping system “Complex” ablation procedure Ventricular tachycardia Femoral artery to access LV. Femoral vein to access Fluoroscopy LV via transeptal. Epicardial Ablation catheters Diagnostic EP catheters 3D mapping system Ventricular ectopic ablation Femoral vein to access right ventricle or LV via tran- Fluoroscopy septal. Femoral artery to access aortic root/LV Ablation catheters Diagnostic EP catheters 3D mapping system Atrial fibrillation Femoral vein to access LA via transeptal Fluoroscopy Ablation catheters Diagnostic EP catheters 3D mapping system Left sided atrial tachycardias Femoral vein to access LA via transeptal Fluoroscopy ablation catheters Diagnostic EP catheter 3D mapping system 1 The Basic Language of Cardiac Electrophysiology … 5 1.3 I mportant Cardiac Anatomy cava (IVC)) or superiorly (via the internal jugular and supe- rior vena cava (SVC)). Several key structures are located in A thorough understanding of cardiac anatomy is of particu- or accessible via the RA. The right ventricle (RV) is read- lar importance in electrophysiology as literally any part of ily accessible from the RA by advancing across the tricus- the heart tissue may be involved in the mechanism of an pid valve. The right ventricular outofl w tract (not shown in arrhythmia and/or be a target for ablation. A review of some this gfi ure), the region of the RV inferior to the pulmonary key anatomical features specifically relevant to electrophys- valve, is often a source of arrhythmia and a frequent target iology procedures are described here. More specific details for ablation in the RV [3]. Its anatomy will be described in for some anatomical structures may be found in the relevant detail in the relevant section. The left atrium (LA) can be chapters discussing specific procedures [2]. accessed in 3 main ways: (1) via trans-septal puncture across the inter-atrial septum, (2) epicardially from the coronary sinus (see below) or (3) retrogradely through the aortic valve 1.3.1 Accessing the Heart Chambers and mitral valve (uncommonly). Similarly, the left ventricle (LV) can be accessed in the same 3 ways as the LA, how- The chambers of the heart are shown in Fig. 1.1. The right ever, limited parts of the epicardial surface may be accessi- atrium (RA) is most readily accessible chamber of the heart ble via branches from the coronary sinus (such as the great either inferiorly (via the right femoral vein and inferior vena cardiac or middle cardiac veins). In the case of trans-septal Aortic SVC Valve Right Atrium 1. IVC Mitral 2. SVC Valve 1 3. Epicardial 4 Right Ventricle LA 1. IVC - trans-tricuspid 3 2. Epicardial 2 3 2 Left Atrium RA 1. Trans-septal 1 2. Coronary sinus 3. Retrograde aortic and trans-mitral IVC 4. Epicardial LV 2 Left Ventricle Tricuspid 1 3 1. Retro-grade aortic Valve 2. Trans-septal - trans-mitrial 3. Coronary Sinus (LV branch) RV 1 4. Epicardial 2 4 Pericardial access to epicardium Fig. 1.1 Accessing the chambers of the heart. The access to each trans-septal puncture), through the coronary sinus (down LV branches chamber is described by arrows and colour coded by chamber. IVC to access LV epicardium) or retrogradely from the aorta. Any chamber access is the most common for right heart structures, although the can be accessed via an epicardial approach however this is most com- Ra can be accessed via the SVC from the internal jugular vein if monly used for ventricular chambers required. Access to the left structures is via the interatrial septum (via 6 S. Prabhu and A. Sohaib access, the LV is reached by advancing across the mitral His bundle located just distal to the AV node, does record valve. Modern techniques such as epicardial access via the a small electrical signal (called a His deflection), allowing pericardium can also allow access to most cardiac structures a catheter spanning across it to identify the approximate epicardially. This approach is most often utilised to access the location of the AV node. The AV node often receives the epicardium of the LV or RV in complex ventricular tach- inputs from extensions with differing degrees of decre- ycardia ablation procedures. Currently, this is usually limited mental properties (often termed slow and fast pathways), to being performed in highly specialised tertiary or quater- which are involved in the mechanism of AVNRT (see chap- nary centres with experienced operators. ter on AVNRT). The AV node complex is often described with a triangular border known as the Triangle of Koch, which delineates the slow and fast inputs into the complex. 1.3.2 Cardiac Structures Decremental conduction is a key property of the AV node with Electrophysiological Significance and is discussed below. Figure 1.2 outlines some key anatomical structures that The Coronary Sinus have specific relevance for electrophysiological procedures. The coronary sinus is the collection point of the venous drainage of the coronary circulation. It drains the anterior AV Node Complex interventricular vein, the posterior interventricular vein This will be discussed in more detail in the section on and middle cardiac vein (along with other lateral venous AVNRT. In the absence of an accessory pathway, the AV branches). Crucially it runs on the epicardial surface along node is the only electrical communication between the the atrio-ventricular groove (predominately along the atria and the ventricles, and the pathway used for normal atrial aspect) along the posterior/inferior surface of the left impulse conduction. The compact AV node is located in atrium, before draining into the right atrium at the inferior the centre of the heart. It is electrically insulated and so interatrial septum. The coronary sinus is of crucial impor- does not have any detectible electrical signal, however the tance in electrophysiology procedures for several reasons: SVC Pulmonary veins Anatomy of the Triangle of Koch Contral fibrous body His bundle Great cardiac vein SN CT FO FO Tricaunsnpuidlu vsalve Tendon of Todaro CS carPdioasct evreioinr IVC ER TCV EV Coronary sinus Small cardiac vein LA FastS ploawth pwaatyh wexaiyt RA Middle cardiac vein LBB AVnode complex Coronary sinus MV IVC Cristae Terminalis LV TV Aorta Pulmonary trunk Aortic valve Fossa ovalis Anterior leaflet of mitral valve RV Antero-lateral papillary muscle CS os Cavo-tricuspid isthmus Inter-atrial septum RBB Left ventricle pPaopsiltlearryo -mmuesdcialeteCndhoonrdaepoosf tmeriitorar ll evaafllveet Papillary muscles Fig. 1.2 Key anatomical structures for electrophysiological procedures. The listed structures have key significance in electrophysiological pro- cedures. Details are described further in the text

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