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fl jS_ DECISION SCIENCES Journal Volume 31 Author Index Ahire, Sanjay, Greenwood, Garrison, Calantone, Roger J. See: Krause, Daniel R., Gupta, Ajay, & Terwilliger, Mark. Scanned. Thomas V., & Calantone, Workforce-constrained Preventive Roger J. A Structural Analysis of the Maintenance Scheduling Using Evolu- Effectiveness of Buying Firms’ Strate- tion Strategies. 31(4), 833-859. gies to Improve Supplier Performance. Alam, Pervaiz. See: Lenard, Mary Jane, 31( 1), 33-55. Alam, Pervaiz, & Booth, David. An Casterella, Jeffrey R., Lewis, Barry L., & Analysis of Fuzzy Clustering and a Walker, Paul L. Modeling the Audit Hybrid Model for the Auditor's Going Opinions Issued to Bankrupt Compa- Concern Assessment. 31(4), 861-884. nies: A Two-stage Empirical Analysis. Ammar, Salwa. Wright, Ronald, & Selden, 31(2), 507-530. Sally. Ranking State Financial Man- Cheung, Waiman. See: Leung, Lawrence C., agement: A Multilevel Fuzzy Rule- & Cheung, Waiman. An Integrated based System. 31(2), 449-481. Decision Methodology for Designing Berry. William L. See: Bozarth, Cecil C., & and Operating an Air-Express Cou- Berry, William L. Measuring Market- rier’s Distribution Network. 3I( 1), Manufacturing Congruence: Concep- 105-127. tual Reaffirmations and Mathematical Chou, Hsinghua. See: Premkumar, G„ Chu. Modifications. 31( 1), 233-241. Chao-Hsien, & Chou, Hsinghua. Tele- Boone, Tonya, & Ganeshan, Ram. Models communications Netw ork Design— and Methods to Support a New Type of Comparison of Alternative Inventory Performance Measure: The Approaches. 31(2), 483-506. ESWS0.3K 1), 243-258. Chu, Chao-Hsien. See: Premkumar, G., Boone, Tonya, Ganeshan, Ram, Guo, Chu, Chao-Hsien, & Chou, Hsinghua. Yuanming, & Ord, J. Keith. The Impact Telecommunications Network of Imperfect Processes on Production Design—Comparison of Alternative Run Times. 31(4), 773-787. Approaches. 31(2), 483-506. Booth, David. See: Lenard, Mary Jane, Chu, P. C., & Spires, Eric E. The Joint Alam, Pervaiz, & Booth, David. An Effects of Effort and Quality on Analysis of Fuzzy Clustering and a Decision Strategy Choice with Com- Hybrid Model for the Auditor's Going puterized Decision Aids. 31(2), 259- Concern Assessment. 31(4), 861-884. 292. Bozarth, Cecil C., & Berry, William L. Chun, Young H. Sequential Search and Measuring Market-Manufacturing Selection Problem Under Uncertainty. i Congruence: Conceptual Reaffirma- 31(3), 627-648. tions and Mathematical Modifications. Clayton, Edward R. See: Sumichrast. 31( 1), 233-241. Robert T„ Oxenrider, Keith A., & Calantone, Roger J. See: Das, Ajay, Clayton. Edward R. An Evolutionary Handfield, Robert B.. Calantone, Roger Algorithm for Sequencing Production J., & Ghosh, Soumen. A Contingent on a Paced Assembly Line. 3I( 1), 149- View of Quality Management—The 172. Impact of International Competition on Collier, David A. See: Wilson, Darryl D., & Quality. 31(3), 649-690. Collier, David A. An Empirical Investigation of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Causal Model. 31(2), 361-390. 907 IMMMH -1.: 908 Volume 31 Author Index Cowan, Arnold R., Nayar, Nandkumar, & Giunipero, Larry C. See: Hult.G. Tomas M., Singh, Ajai K. Underwriting and Calls Hurley, Robert F., Giunipero, Larry C., of Convertible Bonds. 31( 1), 57-77. & Nichols, Ernest L., Jr. Organiza¬ Crampton, Suzanne M. See: Jiang, James J., tional Learning in Global Purchasing: Klein, Gary, & Crampton, Suzanne M. A Model and Test of Internal Users and A Note on SERVQUAL Reliability and Corporate Buyers. 31(2), 293-325. Validity in Information System Sen'ice Greenwood, Garrison. See: Ahire, Sanjay, Quality Measurement. 31(3), 725-744. Greenwood, Garrison, Gupta, Ajay, & Curkovic, Sime, Vickery, Shawnee, & Terwilliger, Mark. Workforce-con- Droge, Cornelia. Quality-related strained Preventive Maintenance Action Programs: Their Impact on Scheduling Using Evolution Strategies. Quality Performance and Firm Perfor¬ 31(4), 833-859. mance. 31(4), 885-905. Gribbin, Donald W. See: Troutt, Marvin D., Das, Ajay, Handfield, Robert B., Calantone, Gribbin, Donald W., Shanker, Murali, Roger J„ & Ghosh, Soumen. A & Zhang, Aimao. Cost Efficiency Contingent View of Quality Manage¬ Benchmarking for Operational Units ment—The Impact of International with Multiple Cost Drivers. 31(4), 813- Competition on Quality. 31(3), 649- 832. 690. Guo, Yuanming. See: Boone, Tonya, Davis, Darwin J„ & Mabert, Vincent A. Ganeshan, Ram, Guo, Yuanming, & Order Dispatching and Labor Assign¬ Ord, J. Keith. The Impact of Imperfect ment in Cellular Manufacturing Processes on Production Run Times. Systems. 31(4), 745-771. 31(4), 773-787. Droge, Cornelia. See: Curkovic, Sime, Gupta, Ajay. See: Ahire, Sanjay, Green¬ Vickery, Shawnee, & Droge, Cornelia. wood, Garrison, Gupta, Ajay, & Quality-related Action Programs: Terwilliger, Mark. Workforce-con- Their Impact on Quality Performance strained Preventive Maintenance and firm Performance. 31(4), 885- Scheduling Using Evolution Strategies. 905. 31(4), 833-859. Etheridge, Harlan L., Sriram, Ram S., & Handfield, Robert B. See: Das, Ajay, Hsu, H. Y. Kathy. A Comparison of Handfield, Robert B.. Calantone, Roger Selected Artificial Neural Networks J., & Ghosh, Soumen. A Contingent that Help Auditors Evaluate Client View of Quality Management—The Financial Viability. 31(2), 531-550. Impact of I nternational Competition on Ganeshan, Ram. See: Boone, Tonya, & Quality. 31(3), 649-690. Ganeshan, Ram. Models and Methods Hess, Traci J., Rees, Loren Paul, & Rakes, to Support a New Type of Inventory Terry R. Using Autonomous Software Performance Measure: The ESWSO. Agents to Create the Next Generation 31( 1), 243-258. of Decision Support Systems. 3I( 1), 1 - Ganeshan, Ram. See: Boone, Tonya, 31. Ganeshan, Ram, Guo, Yuanming, & Hsu, H. Y. Kathy. See: Etheridge, Harlan L., Ord, J. Keith. The Impact of Imperfect Sriram, Ram S„ & Hsu, H. Y. Kathy. A Processes on Production Run Times. Comparison of Selected Artificial 31(4), 773-787. Neural Netw orks that Help Auditors Ghosh, Soumen. See: Das, Ajay, Handfield, Evaluate Client Financial Viability. Robert B„ Calantone, Roger J., & 31(2), 531-550. Ghosh, Soumen. A Contingent View of Hult, G. Tomas M., Hurley, Robert F., Quality Management—The Impact of Giunipero, Larry C., & Nichols, Ernest International Competition on Quality. L., Jr. Organizational Learning in 31(3), 649-690. Global Purchasing: A Model and Test of Internal Users and Corporate Buyers. 31(2), 293-325. Decision Sciences 909 Hurley, Robert F. See: Hult, G. Tomas M., Leung, Lawrence C., & Cheung. Waiman. Hurley, Robert F., Giunipero, Larry C., An Integrated Decision Methodology & Nichols, Ernest L„ Jr. Organiza¬ for Designing and Operating an Air- tional Learning in Global Purchasing: Express Courier’s Distribution Net¬ A Model and Test of Internal Users and work. 31(\), 105-127. Corporate Buyers. 31(2), 293-325. Lewis, Barry L. See: Casterella, Jeffrey R„ Jiang, James J., Klein. Gary, & Crampton. Lewis, Barry L„ & Walker, Paul L. Suzanne M. A Note on SERVQUAL Modeling the Audit Opinions Issued to Reliability and Validity in Information Bankrupt Companies: A Two-stage System Sen-ice Quality Measurement. Empirical Analysis. 31(2), 507-530. 31(3), 725-744. Mabert, Vincent A. See: Davis, Darwin J., Jiang, James J., Zhong, Maosen. & Klein, & Mabert, Vincent A. Order Dispatch¬ Gary. Marketing Category Forecast¬ ing and Labor Assignment in Cellular ing: An Alternative ofBVAR—Artificial Manufacturing Systems. 31(4), 745- Neural Networks. 31(4), 789-812. 771. Karapinar, H. Y. See: Sabuncuoglu, I., & May, Jerrold H„ Strum, David P, & Vargas, Karapinar, H. Y. A Load-based and Luis G. Fitting the Lognormal Distri¬ Due-date-oriented Approach to Order bution to Surgical Procedure Times. Review!Release in Job Shops. 31(2), 31(1), 129-148. 413-447. Moskowitz, Herbert. Tang. Jen. & Lam, Kirsch, Laurie J. See: Sambamurthy, V., & Peter. Distribution of Aggregate Utility Kirsch, Laurie J. An Integrative Using Stochastic Elements of Additive Framework of the Information Systems Multiattribute Utility Models. 31(2), Development Process. 31(2), 391-411. 327-360. Klein, Gary. See: Jiang, James J., Klein. Narasimhan, Ram. & Wang, Xinyan. A y Gary, & Crampton, Suzanne M. A Note Reexamination of ‘Measuring the on SERVQUAL Reliability and Validity- Congruence Between Market Require¬ in Information System Service Quality- ments and Manufacturing: A Method¬ Measurement. 31(3), 725-744. ology and Illustration.' 3/(1), 223-231. Klein, Gary. See: Jiang, James J., Zhong, Nayar, Nandkumar. See: Cowan, Arnold R., Maosen, & Klein, Gary. Marketing Nayar, Nandkumar. & Singh, Ajai K. Category Forecasting: An Alternative Underwriting and Calls of Convertible ofBVAR—Artificial Neural Networks. Bonds. 31( 1). 57-77. 31(4), 789-812. Nichols, Ernest L„ Jr. See: Hult, G. Tomas Krause, Daniel R.. Scannell, Thomas V., & M., Hurley, Robert F., Giunipero. Larry Calantone, Roger J. A Structural C., & Nichols. Ernest L., Jr. Organiza¬ Analysis of the Effectiveness of Buying tional Learning in Global Purchasing: Firms' Strategies to Improve Supplier A Model and Test of Internal Users and Peiformance. 3I(\), 33-55. Corporate Buyers. 31(2), 293-325. Lam, Peter. See: Moskowitz, Herbert, Tang, Ohba, Masaaki. See: Tsubone. Hitoshi, Jen. & Lam, Peter. Distribution of Suzuki. Masahiko, Uetake. Toshifumi, Aggregate Utility Using Stochastic & Ohba, Masaaki. A Comparison Elements of Additive Multiattribute between Basic Cyclic Scheduling and Utility Models. 31(2), 327-360. Variable Cyclic Scheduling in a Two- Lenard, Mary Jane, Alam. Pervaiz. & Booth, stage Hybrid Flow Shop. 3/(1), 197- David. An Analysis of Fuzzy Clustering 222. and a Hybrid Model for the Auditor's Ord, J. Keith. See: Boone, Tonya, Ganeshan, Going Concern Assessment. 31(4), Ram. Guo, Yuanming. & Ord, J. Keith. 861-884. The Impact of Imperfect Processes on Production Run Times. 3/(4), 773-787. 910 Volume 31 Author Index Oxenrider, Keith A. See: Sumichrast, Schultz, Carl R. See: Ravinder, H. V., & Robert T„ Oxenrider, Keith A., & Schultz, Carl R. Decision Making in a Clayton, Edward R. An Evolutionary Standby Service System. 3/(3), 573- Algorithm for Sequencing Production 593. on a Paced Assembly Line. 3/(1), 149- Selden, Sally. See: Ammar, Salwa, Wright, 172. Ronald, & Selden. Sally. Ranking State Premkumar, G., Chu, Chao-Hsien, & Chou, Financial Management: A Multilevel Hsinghua. Telecommunications Net¬ Fuzzy Rule-based System. 3/(2), 449- work Design—Comparison of Alterna¬ 481. tive Approaches. 3/(2), 483-506. Shanker, Murali. See: Troutt, Marvin D., Rakes, Terry R. See: Hess, Traci J., Rees, Gribbin, Donald W., Shanker, Murali, Loren Paul, & Rakes, Terry R. Using & Zhang, Aimao. Cost Efficiency Autonomous Software Agents to Create Benchmarking for Operational Units the Next Generation of Decision with Multiple Cost Drivers. 3/(4), 813- Support Systems. 3/(1), 1-31. 832. Ravichandran. T. Swiftness and Intensity of Singh, Ajai K. See: Cowan, Arnold R., Administrative Innovation Adoption: Nayar, Nandkumar, & Singh, Ajai K. An Empirical Study of TQM in Underwriting and Calls of Convertible Information Systems. 31(3), 691-724. Bonds. 3/(1), 57-77. Ravinder, H. V., & Schultz, Carl R. Decision Soofi, Ehsan S., Retzer, Joseph J., & Yasai- Making in a Standby Service System. Ardekani, Masoud. A Framework for 31(3), 573-593. Measuring the Importance of Variables Rees, Loren Paul. See: Hess, Traci J„ Rees, w ith Applications to Management Loren Paul, & Rakes, Terry R. Using Research and Decision Models. 3/(3), Autonomous Softw are Agents to Create 595-625. the Next Generation of Decision Spires, Eric E. See: Chu, P. C., & Spires, Eric Support Systems. 3/(1), 1-31. E. The Joint Effects of Effort and Reilly, Terence. Sensitivity Analysis for Quality on Decision Strategy Choice Dependent Variables. 3/(3), 551-572. with Computerized Decision Aids. Retzer, Joseph J. See: Soofi, Ehsan S., 31(2), 259-292. Retzer, Joseph J., & Yasai-Ardekani, Sriram, Ram S. See: Etheridge, Harlan L., Masoud. A Framework for Measuring Sriram. Ram S., & Hsu, H. Y. Kathy. A the Importance of Variables with Comparison of Selected Artificial Applications to Management Research Neural Networks that Help Auditors and Decision Models. 3/(3), 595-625. Evaluate Client Financial Viability. Rummel, Jeffrey L. An Empirical Investiga¬ 3/(2), 531-550. tion of Costs in Batching Decisions. Strum, David P. See: May, Jerrold H., Strum, 3/(1), 79-103. David P„ & Vargas, Luis G. Fitting the Sabuncuoglu, I., & Karapinar, H. Y. A Load- Lognormal Distribution to Surgical based and Due-date-oriented Procedure Times. 3/(1), 129-148. Approach to Order Review !Release in Sumichrast, Robert T., Oxenrider, Keith A., Job Shops. 3/(2), 413-447. & Clayton, Edward R. An Evolutionary Sambamurthy, V., & Kirsch, Laurie J. An Algorithm for Sequencing Production Integrative Framework of the Informa¬ on a Paced Assemblv Line. 3/(1), 149- tion Systems Development Process. 172. 3/(2), 391-411. Suzuki, Masahiko. See: Tsubone, Hitoshi, Scanned, Thomas V. See: Krause, Daniel R., Suzuki, Masahiko, Uetake, Toshifumi, Scanned, Thomas V., & Calantone, & Ohba, Masaaki. A Comparison Roger J. A Structural Analysis of the between Basic Cyclic Scheduling and Effectiveness of Buying Firms’ Strate¬ Variable Cyclic Scheduling in a Two- gies to Improve Supplier Performance. stage Hybrid Flow> Shop. 3/(1), 197- 3/(1), 33-55. 222. Decision Sciences 911 Syam, Siddhartha S. Multiperiod Capacity Wilson, Darryl D., & Collier. David A. An Expansion in Globally Dispersed Empirical Investigation of the Malcolm Regions. 31( 1), 173-195. Baldrige National Quality Award Tang, Jen. See: Moskowitz, Herbert. Tang, Causa! Model. 31(2), 36i-390. Jen, & Lam, Peter. Distribution of Wright, Ronald. See: Ammar, Salwa, Aggregate Utility Using Stochastic Wright, Ronald, & Selden, Sally. Elements of Additive Multiattribute Ranking State Financial Management: Utility’ Models. 31(2), 327-360. A Multilevel Fuzzy Rule-based System. Terwilliger, Mark. See: Ahire, Sanjay, 3/(2). 449-481. Greenwood, Garrison, Gupta, Ajay, & Yasai-Ardekani, Masoud. See: Soofi, Ehsan Terwilliger, Mark. Workforce-con- S., Retzer, Joseph J„ & Yasai- strained Preventive Maintenance Ardekani, Masoud. A Framework for Scheduling Using Evolution Strategies. Measuring the Importance of Variables 31(4), 833-859. with Applications to Management Troutt, Marvin D., Gribbin, Donald W., Research and Decision Models. 3/(3), Shanker, Murali, & Zhang, Aimao. 595-625. Cost Efficiency Benchmarking for Zhang, Aimao. See: Troutt, Marvin D., Operational Units w ith Multiple Cost Gribbin, Donald W., Shanker, Murali, Drivers. 31(4), 813-832. & Zhang, Aimao. Cost Efficiency Tsubone, Hitoshi, Suzuki. Masahiko, Benchmarking for Operational Units Uetake, Toshifumi, & Ohba. Masaaki. with Multiple Cost Drivers. 3/(4), 813- A Comparison betw een Basic Cyclic 832. Scheduling and Variable Cyclic Sched¬ Zhong, Maosen. See: Jiang, James J., uling in a Two-stage Hybrid Flow Shop. Zhong, Maosen, & Klein, Gary. 37(1), 197-222. Marketing Category Forecasting: An Uetake, Toshifumi. See: Tsubone, Hitoshi, Alternative ofB VAR—Artificial Neural Suzuki, Masahiko, Uetake, Toshifumi, Networks. 31(4), 789-812. & Ohba, Masaaki. A Comparison betw een Basic Cyclic Scheduling and Variable Cyclic Scheduling in a Two- stage Hybrid Flow Shop. 3/(1), 197- 222. Vargas, Luis G. See: May, Jerrold H„ Strum, David P., & Vargas, Luis G. Fitting the Lognormal Distribution to Surgical Procedure Times. 3/(1), 129-148. Vickery, Shawnee. See: Curkovic, Sime, Vickery, Shawnee, & Droge. Cornelia. Quality-related Action Programs: Their Impact on Quality Performance and Firm Performance. 3/(4). 885- 905. Walker, Paul L. See: Casterella, Jeffrey R., Lewis, Barry L., & Walker, Paul L. Modeling the Audit Opinions Issued to Bankrupt Companies: A Tw o-stage Empirical Analysis. 3/(2), 507-530. Wang, Xinyan. See: Narasimhan, Ram, & Wang, Xinyan. A Reexamination of ‘Measuring the Congruence Between Market Requirements and Manufactur¬ ing: A Methodology and Illustration.’ 3/(1), 223-231. 912 Volume 31 Title Index Volume 31 Title Index Analysis of Fuzzy Clustering and a Hybrid Fitting the Lognormal Distribution to Model for the Auditor’s Going Concern Surgical Procedure Times. Jerrold H. Assessment, An. Mary Jane Lenard, May. David P. Strum, & LuisG. Vargas, Pervaiz Alam, & David Booth, 3/(4), 3/(1), 129-148. 861-884. Framework for Measuring the Importance Comparison between Basic Cyclic Schedul¬ of Variables with Applications to ing and Variable Cyclic Scheduling in Management Research and Decision a Two-stage Hybrid Flow Shop, A. Models, A. Ehsan S. Soofi, Joseph J. Hitoshi Tsubone, Masahiko Suzuki, Retzer, & Masoud Yasai-Ardekani, Toshifumi Uetake, & Masaaki Ohba, 3/(3), 595-625. 3/(1), 197-222. Impact oflmpeifect Processes on Produc¬ Comparison of Selected Artificial Neural tion Run Times, The. Tonya Boone, Networks that Help Auditors Evaluate Ram Ganeshan, Yuanming Guo, & J. Client Financial Viability, A. Harlan L. Keith Ord, 3/(4), 773-787. Etheridge, Ram S. Sriram, & H. Y. Integrated Decision Methodology for Kathy Hsu, 3/(2), 531-550. Designing and Operating an Air- Contingent View of Quality Management— Express Courier’s Distribution Net¬ The Impact of International Competi¬ work, An. Lawrence C. Leung & tion on Quality, A. Ajay Das, Robert B. Waiman Cheung, 3/( 1), 105-127. Handfield, Roger J. Calantone, & Integrative Framework of the Information Soumen Ghosh, 3/(3), 649-690. Systems Development Process, An. V. Cost Efficiency Benchmarking for Opera¬ Sambamurthy & Laurie J. Kirsch, tional Units with Multiple Cost Driv¬ 3/(2), 391-411. ers. Marvin D. Troutt, Donald W. Joint Effects of Effort and Quality on Gribbin, Murali Shanker, & Aimao Decision Strategy Choice with Com¬ Zhang, 3/(4), 813-832. puterized Decision Aids, The. P. C. Chu Decision Making in a Standby Service & Eric E. Spires, 3/(2), 259-292. System. H. V. Ravinder & Carl R. Load-based and Due-date-oriented Schultz, 3/(3), 573-593. Approach to Order Review/Release in Distribution of Aggregate Utility Using Job Shops, A. I. Sabuncuoglu & H. Y. Stochastic Elements of Additive Multi¬ Karapinar, 3/(2), 413-447. attribute Utility Models. Herbert Mosk- Marketing Category Forecasting: An Alter¬ owitz, Jen Tang, & Peter Lam, 3/(2), native ofBVAR—Artificial Neural 327-360. Networks. James J. Jiang, Maosen Empirical Investigation of Costs in Batching Zhong, & Gary Klein, 3/(4), 789-812. Decisions, An. Jeffrey L. Rummel, Measuring Market-Manufacturing Congru¬ 3/(1), 79-103. ence: Conceptual Reaffirmations and Empirical Investigation of the Malcolm Mathematical Modifications. Cecil C. Baldrige National Quality Award Bozarth & William L. Berry, 3/(1), Causal Model, An. Darryl D. Wilson & 233-241. David A. Collier, 3/(2), 361-390. Modeling the Audit Opinions Issued to Evolutionary Algorithm for Sequencing Bankrupt Companies: A Two-stage Production on a Paced Assembly Line, Empirical Analysis. Jeffrey R. Caster- An. Robert T. Sumichrast, Keith A. ella, Barry L. Lewis, & Paul L. Walker, Oxenrider, & Edward R. Clayton, 3/(2), 507-530. 3/(1), 149-172. Decision Sciences 913 Models and Methods to Support a New Type Telecommunications Network Design— of Inventory Performance Measure: Comparison of Alternative The ESWSO. Tonya Boone & Ram Approaches. G. Premkumar, Chao- Ganeshan, 5/(1), 243-258. Hsien Chu, & Hsinghua Chou, 31(2), Multiperiod Capacity Expansion in Glo¬ 483-506. bally Dispersed Regions. Siddhartha S. Underwriting and Calls of Convertible Syam,5/(1), 173-195. Bonds. Arnold R. Cowan, Nandkumar Note on SERVQUAL Reliability and Validity Nayar, & Ajai K. Singh, 5/(1), 57-77. in Information System Sen ice Quality Using Autonomous Software Agents to Measurement. A. James J. Jiang, Gary Create the Next Generation of Decision Klein, & Suzanne M.Crampton,5/(3), Support Systems. Traci J. Hess, Loren 725-744. Paul Rees, & Terry R. Rakes, 5/(1), 1- Order Dispatching and Labor Assignment 31. in Cellular Manufacturing Systems. Workforce-constrained Preventive Mainte¬ Darwin J. Davis & Vincent A. Mabert, nance Scheduling Using Evolution 31(4), 745-771. Strategies. Sanjay Ahire, Garrison Organizational Learning in Global Pur¬ Greenwood, Ajay Gupta, & Mark chasing: A Model and Test of Internal Terwilliger, 5/(4), 833-859. Users and Corporate Buyers. G. Tomas M. Hult, Robert F. Hurley, Larry C. Giunipero, & Ernest L. Nichols, Jr., 5/(2), 293-325. Quality-related Action Programs: Their Impact on Quality Performance and Firm Performance. Sime Curkovic, Shawnee Vickery, & Cornelia Droge, 31(4), 885-905. Ranking State Financial Management: A Multilevel Fuzzy Rule-based System. Salwa Ammar, Ronald Wright, & Sally Selden. 5/(2). 449-481. Reexamination of Measuring the Congru¬ ence Between Market Requirements and Manufacturing: A Methodology and Illustration’, A . Ram Narasimhan & Xinyan Wang, 5/(1), 223-231. Sensitivity Analysis for Dependent Vari¬ ables. Terence Reilly, 5/(3), 551-572. Sequential Search and Selection Problem Under Uncertainty. Young H. Chun. 5/(3), 627-648. Structural Analysis of the Effectiveness of Buying Firms' Strategies to Improve Supplier Performance, A. Daniel R. Krause, Thomas V. Scanned, & Roger J. Calantone, 5/(1), 33-55. Swiftness and Intensity of Administrative Innovation Adoption: An Empirical Study of TQM in Information Systems. T. Ravichandran. 5/(3), 691-724. 914 Volume 31 Subject Index Volume 31 Subject Index Activity-based Costing, 813 Inventory Models, 773 Air-express Courier, 105 Investment Banking, 57 Analysis of Variance, 595 IS Implementation, 391 Artificial Intelligence, 1,531, 789 Judgment and Decision Making, 259 Auditing, 507 Laboratory Experiment, 259 Auditor Judgment, 531, 861 Labor Scheduling, 745 Automotive Supply Industry, 885 Lagrangian Relaxation, 173 Autonomous Systems, I Linear Regression, 595 Bankruptcy Filings, 507 Location, 173 Bankruptcy Resolution, 507 Logistics, 243, 773 Budget and Planning, 449 Logit Analysis, 595 Capacity Planning, 573 Logit Modeling, 507 Cellular Manufacturing, 745 Lot Sizing, 79, 197 Cluster Analysis, 861 Management Information Systems 725 Computer-based Decision Aids, 259 Manufacturing, 149 Corporate Finance, 57 Manufacturing Strategy, 233, 885 Correlations, 551 Materials Management, 33 Data Envelopment Analysis, 813 Mathematical Programming, 105, 745, 813 Decision Analysis, 327 Mobile Code, 1 Decision Analysis: Sequential decision Multiattribute Utility Function, 327 making, 627 Multivariate Statistics, 293, 595 Decision Processes, 259 Network Design, 483 Decision Support, 531 Network Modelling, 483 Decision Support Systems. 1,259, 861 Operations and Logistics Management: Decision Theory. 551 Assembly Systems, 149 Degree-constrained Minimum Spanning Operations and Production Management, Tree, 483 197 Dependence Measures, 551 Operations Strategy, 233,649 Diffusion of Innovations, 691 Order Dispatching, 745 Distribution/Logistics, 173 Order/Review Release, 413 Distribution Network, 105 Organizational Learning Systems, 293 Dynamic Programming: Stochastic model Parameter Estimation, 573 applications, 627 Performance Evaluation, 79,449, 813 Edgeworth Expansion, 327 Performance Measurement, 361 Entropy, 595 Planning and Scheduling, 129 Evolutionary Algorithm, 149 Planning/Strategy, 595 Evolution Strategies, 833 Preventive Maintenance, 833 Financial Distress, 531 Pricing, 789 Financial Models, 57 Probability Models, 129,243,773 Fuzzy Logic, 861 Probabilistic Models: Optimal stopping Fuzzy Set Theory, 449 rule, 627 Game Theory, 57 Process Choice/Design, 233 Genetic Algorithm, 149,483 Production/Operations Management, 413, Going Concern Opinions, 507 223 Heuristics, 149 Purchasing, 33 Hospital Management, 129 Quality, 649, 885 Human Information Processing, 259 Quality Management, 361 Imprecise Assessments, 327 Repetitive Manufacturing, 197 Information Systems Management. 691 Rule-based System, 449 Inventory Models, 243 Sales Analysis, 789 Decision Sciences 915 Sensitivity Analysis, 551 Service Operations, 105 Signaling, 57 Simulation, 105, 149, 197,413,745 Simultaneous Equations, 507 Software Agents, 1 Sourcing, 293 Statistics, 129, 725,789,813 Stochastic Dominance, 327 Stochastic Processes, 573 Strategic Management and Policy, 223 Structural Equation Models, 33,649, 361 Supply Chain Management, 33, 293 Survey Research, 885 Systems Development Methodologies, 391 Systems Quality, 691 Telecommunications, 483 Total Quality Management. 691 Weights, 327 Workforce Scheduling. 833

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