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DECISION SCIENCES Journal VOLUME 25 AUTHOR INDEX Baker, R. C. See: Stevens, David P., & Baker, Dyer, James S. See: Wright, M. Keith, Stokes, R. C. Generalized Loss Function for Process Lynne, & Dyer, James S. Reliability and Optimization, A. 25(1), 41-56. Coherence of Causal, Diagnostic, and Joint Borin, Norm, Farris, Paul W., & Freeland, Subjective Probabilities. 25(5/6), 691-709. James R. Model for Determining Retail Farris, Paul W. See: Borin, Norm, Farris, Paul Product Category Assortment and Shelf W., & Freeland, James R. Model for Deter¬ Space Allocation, A. 25(3), 359-384. mining Retail Product Category Assortment Boyer, Kenneth K. See: Ward, Peter T., Leong, and Shef Space Allocation, A. 25(3), 359-384. G. Keong, & Boyer, Kenneth K. Manufac¬ Hnk, Ross L, & Matgavio, Thomas M. Economic turing Proactiveness and Performance. Models for Single Sample Acceptance Sam¬ 25(3), 337-358. pling Plans, No Inspection, and 100 Percent Bretthauer, Kurt, Shetty, Bala, Syam, Inspection. 25(4), 625-653. Siddhartha, & White, Susan. Model for Re¬ Fitzsirmnons, James. See: Chiang, Wen-Chyuan, source Constrained Production and Inven¬ Fitzsinunons, James, Huang, Zhimin, & Li, tory Management, A. 25(4), 561-580. Susan X. Game-Theoretic Approach to Chiang, Wen-Chyuan, Fitzsinunons, James, Quantity Discount Problems, A.2S(IX 153-168. Huang, Zhimin, & Li, Susan X. Game- Freeland, James R. See: Borin, Norm, Farris, Theoretic Approach to Quantity Discount Paul W., & Freeiand, James R. Model for Problems, A. 25(1), 153-168. Determining Retail Product Category As¬ Chin, Wynne W. See: Sambamurthy, V., & sortment and Shelf Space Allocation, A. Chin, Wynne W. Effects of Group Attitudes 25(3), 359-384. Toward Alternative GDSS Designs on the Gao, Li-Lian, & Robinson, E. Powell, Jr. Ar¬ Decision-making Perfomumce of Computer- borescent Network Formulation and Dual Supported Groups, Die. 25(2), 215-241, Ascent Based Procedure for the Two-Stage Courtney, James F. See: West, Lawrence A., Jr., Multi-Item Dyruimic Denumd Lotsize Prob- & Courtney, James F. Does 10 Economics lem. An. 25(1), 103-121. Really Make the Case for Investments in IT: Ghosh, Dipankar. Tolerance for Ambiguity, A Rejoinder. 25(3), 477-479. Risk Preference, and Negotiator Effective¬ Cronan, Umothy Paul See: Hendrickson, Anthony ness. 25(2), 263-280. R., Glorfeld, Kristy, & Cronan, Tunothy Paul. Glorfeld, Kristy. See: Hendrickson, Anthony On the Repeated Test-Retest Reliability of the R., Glorfeld, Kristy, & Cronan, Timothy Erui-User Computing Satiffaction Instrument: Paul. On the Repeated Test-Retest Reliabil¬ A Comment. 25(4), 655-667. ity of the Erul-User Computing Satisfaction Davis, Fred D., & Kottemann, Jeffrey E. User Instrument: A Comment. 25(4), 655-667. Perceptions of Decision Support Effective¬ Grange, Franklin E., & Kochenberger, Gary A. ness: Two Production Planning Experiments. Note on Nucleolus/MTPD Accounting Allo¬ 25(1), 57-78. cations, A. 25(1), 143-152. Dickson, Peter R. See: Krueger, Norris, Jr., & Greis, Noel P. Assessing Service Level Targets Dickson, Peter R. How Believing in Our¬ in Production and Inventory Planning. selves Increases Risk Taking: Perceived 25(1), 15-40. Self-Efficacy and Opportunity Recognition. Grover, Vanin. See: Malhotra, Manoj K., 25(3), 385-400. Steele, Daniel C., & Grover, Varan. Impor¬ Droge, (Tomelia, Vickery, Shawnee, & Matkland, tant Strategic and Tactical Manufacturing Robert E. Sources and Outcomes of Com¬ Issues in the 1990s. 25(2), 189-214. petitive Advantage: An Exploratory Study in the Furniture Industry. 25(5/6), 669-690. 875 876 Volume 25 Index Harrell, Adrian M. See: Snead, Ken C., Jr., & Technology Capability in Academic Institu¬ Haireii, Adrian M. Application of Expec¬ tions, The. 25(2), 301-330. tancy Theory to Explain a Manager i Inten¬ Kochenberger, Gaiy A. See: Grange, Franklin E, tion to Use a Decision Support System, An. & Kochenberger, Gary A. Note on Nucleolus/ 25(4), 499-513. MTPD Accounting Allocations, A. 25(1), Hendrickson, Anthony R., Gloifeld, Kristy, & 143-152. Cronan, Timothy Paul. On the Repeated Koehler, Gary J. Response to Xiao's “Necessary Test-Retest Reliability of the End-User arui Sufficient Conditions of Unacceptable Computing Satisfaction Instrument; A Solutions in LP Discriminant Aruilysis": Comment. 25(4), 655-667. Something Is Amiss, A. 25(2), 331-333. Heuts, Ruud M. J. See: van der Duyn Schouten, Kottemann, Jeffrey E. See: Davis, Fred D., & Frank A., van Eijs, Marc J. G., & Heuts, Kottemann, Jeffrey E. User Perceptions of Ruud M. J. Value of Supplier Information Decision Support Effectiveness: Two Pro¬ to Improve Management of a Retailer’s In¬ duction Planning Experiments. 25(1), 57-78. ventory, The. 25(1), 1-14. Krueger, Norris, Jr., & Dickson, Peter R. How Horowitz, Ira. Does 10 Economics Really Make Believing in Ourselves Irwreases Risk Tak¬ the Case for Investments in IT: Comment ing: Perceived Self-Efficacy arul Opportu¬ on West cmd Courtney. 25(3), 471-476. nity Recognition. 25(3), 385-400. Huang, Zhimin. See: Chiang, Wen-Chyuan, LaForge, R. Lawrence. See: Sridharan, V., & Fitzsimmons, James, Huang, Zhimin, & Li, LaForge, R. Lawrence. Freezing the Master Susan X. Game-Theoretic Approach to Quan¬ Production Schedule: Implications for Fill tity Discount Problems, A. 25(1), 153-168. Rate. 25(3), 461-469. Ittig, Peter T, Planning Service Capacity Lally, Laura. See: Kauffman, Robert J., & When Demand Is Sensitive to Delay. Lally, Laura. Value Platform Analysis Per¬ 25(4), 541-559. spective on Customer Access Information Jensen, John B. See: Malhotta, Manoj K., Jensen, Technology, A. 25(5/6), 767-794. John B., & Philipoom, Patrick R. Mcmage- Lederer, Phillip J. Predicting the Winner’s ment of Vital Customer Priorities in Job Curse. 25(1), 79-101. Shop Manufacturing Environments. Lee, Choong C. See: Kettinger, William J., & 25(5/6), 711-736. Lee, Choong C. Perceived Service Quality Kang, Moonsig, & Stam, Antonie. PAHAP: A and User Satitfaction with the Information Pairwise Aggregated Hierarchical Analysis Services Function. 25(5/6), 737-166. of Ratio-Scale Prtfererwes. 25(4), 607-624. Leong, G. Keong. See: Ward, Peter T., Leong, Kaparthi, Shashidhar, & Suresh, Nallan C. G. Keong, & Boyer, Kenneth K. Manufac¬ Performance of Selected Part-Machine turing Proactiveness and Performance. Grouping Techniques for Data Sets of Wide 25(3), 337-358. Ranging Sizes and Imperfection. 25(4), Leu, Yow-Yuh, Matheson, Lance A., & Rees, 515-539. Loren Paul. Assembly Line Balancing Using Kauffman, Robert J., & Lally, Laura. Value Genetic Algorithms with Heuristic-Generated Platform Aruilysis Perspective on Customer Initial Populations and Mult^le Evaluation Access Inforrruttion Teclmology, A. 25(5/6), Criteria. 25(4), 581-606. 767-794. Li, Susan X. See: Chiang, Wen-Chyuan, Kettinger, >M]liam J., & Lee, Choong C. Perceived Fitzsimmons, James, Huang, Zhimin, & Li, Service Quality and User Sati^action with Susan X. Game-Theoretic Approach to Quan¬ the Information Services Function. 25(5/6), tity Discount Problems, A. 25(1), 153-168. 737-766. Lowe, D. Jordan, & Reckers, Philip M J. Effects King, William R. See: Mirani, Rajesh, & King, of Hindsight Bias on Jurors’ Evaluations of William R. Development of a Measure for Auditor Decisions, The. 25(3), 401-426. End-User Computing Support, The. 25(4), Magro, Anne P. See: Stone, Dan N., Sivitanides, 481-498. Marcos P., & Magro, Anne P. Formalized Kirs, Peeter. See: Sabherwal, Rajiv, & Kirs, Dissent and Cognitive Complexity in Group Peeter. Aligrunent between Organizatioruil Processes and Performance. 25(2), 243- Critical Success Factors and Information 261. Decision Sciences 877 Malhotra, Manoj K., Jensen, John B., & Reckers, Philip MJ. See: Lowe, D. Jordan, & Philipoom, Patrick R. Management of Vital Reckers, Philip MJ. Effects of Hirulsight Customer Priorities in Job Shop Manufac¬ Bias on Jurors’ Evaluations of Auditor De¬ turing Environments. 25(5/6), 711-736. cisions, The. 25(3), 401-426. Malhotra, Manoj K., Steele, Daniel C., & Grover, Rees, Loren Paul. See: Leu, Yow-Yuh, Varun. Important Strategic and Tactical Matheson, Lance A., & Rees, Loren Paul. Manufacturing Issues in the 1990s. 25(2), Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic 189-214. Algorithms with Heuristic-Generated In¬ Margavio, Thomas M. See: Fink, Ross L., & itial Populations and Multiple Evaluation Margavio, Thomas M. Economic Models Criteria. 25(4), 581-606. for Single Sample Acceptance Sampling Rees, Loren Paul. See: Philipoom, Patrick R., Plans, No Inspection, and 100 Percent In¬ Rees, Loren Paul, & Wiegmatm, Lars. Using spection. 25(4), 625-653. Neural Networks to Determine Intemally-Set Markland, Robert E. See: DrOge, Cornelia, Due-Date Assignments for Shop Scheduling. Vickery, Shawnee, & Markland, Robert E. 25(5/6), 825-851. Sources and Outcomes of Competitive Ad¬ Robinson, E. Powell, Jr. See: Gao, Li-Lian, & vantage: An Exploratory Study in the Fur¬ Robinson, E. Powell, Jr. Arborescent Net¬ niture Industry. 25(5/6), 669-690. work Formulation and Dual Ascent Based Matheson, Lance A. See: Leu, Yow-Yuh, Procedure for the Two-Stage Multi-Item Matheson, Lance A., & Rees, Loren Paul. Dynamic Demand Lotsize Problem, An. Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic 25(1), 103-121. Algorithms with Heuristic-Generated In¬ Rollier, Bruce, & 'Dimer, Jon A. Planning For¬ itial Populations and Multiple Evaluation ward by Looking Backward: Retrospective Criteria. 25(4), 581-606. Thinking in Strategic Decision Making. Mirani, Rajesh, & King, William R. Develop¬ 25(2), 169-188. ment of a Measure for End-User Comput¬ Sabherwal, Rajiv, & Kirs, Peeler. Alignment ing Support, The. 25(4), 481-498. between Organizational Critical Success Moffitt, Kathleen. Analysis of the Pedagogical Factors and Information Technology Capa¬ Effects of Expert System Use in the Class¬ bility in Academic Institutions, The. 25(2), room, An. 25(3), 445-460. 301-330. Pasewark, William R., & Strawser, Jerry R. Sambamurthy, V., & Chin, Wynne W. Effects Subordinate Participation in Audit Budget¬ of Group Attitudes Toward Alternative ing Decisions: A Comparison of Decisions GDSS Designs on the Decision-making Influenced by Organizational Factors to Performance of Computer-Supported Decisions Conforming with the Vroom- Groups, The. 25(2), 215-241. Jago Model. 25(2), 281-299. Shetty, Bala. See: Bretthauer, Kurt, Shetty, Philipoom, Patrick R. See: Malhotra, Manoj Bala, Syam, Siddhartha, & White, Susan. K., Jensen, John B., & Philipoom, Patrick Model for Resource Constrained Produc¬ R. Management of Vital Customer Priori¬ tion and Inventory Management, A. 25(4), ties in Job Shop Manufacturing Environ¬ 561-580. ments. 25(5/6), 711-736. Sivitanides, Marcos P. See: Stone, Dan N., Philipoom, Patrick R., Rees, Loren Paul, & Sivitanides, Marcos P., & Magro, Anne P. Wiegmann, Lars. Using Neural Networks Formalized Dissent and Cognitive Com¬ to Determine Intemally-Set Due-Date plexity in Group Processes and Performance. Asrignments for Shop Scheduling. 25(5/6), 25(2), 243-261. 825-851. Snead, Ken C., Jr., & Harrell, Adrian M. Ap¬ Pinder, Jonathan P. Testing for Nonlinear De¬ plication of Expectancy Theory to Explain pendence in Inventory Data. 25(3), 427- a Manager’s Intention to Use a Decision 443. Support System, An. 25(4), 499-513. Post, Gerald V. Quantal Choice Model for the Sridharan, V., & LaFoige, R. Lawrence. Freez¬ Detection of Copying on Multiple Choice ing the Master Production Schedule: Impli¬ Examinations, A. 25(1), 123-142. cations for Fill Rate. 25(3), 461-469. 878 Volume 25 Index Stam, Antonie. See: Kang, Moonsig, & Stam, Umanath, Narayan S., & Vessey, Iris. Multiat¬ Antonie. RiHAP: A Pairwise Aggregated tribute Data Presentation and Human Hierarchical Analysis of Ratio-Scale Pref¬ Judgment: A Cognitive Fit Perspective. erences. 25(4), 607-624. 25(5/6), 795-824. Steele, Daniel C. See: Malhotia, Manoj K., van der Duyn Schouten, Frank A., van Eijs, Steele, Daniel C., & Grover, Varon. Impor¬ Marc J. G., & Heuts, Ruud M. J. Value of tant Strategic and Tactical Mamfacturing Supplier Information to Improve Manage¬ Issues in the 1990s. 25(2), 189-214. ment of a Retailer’s Inventory, The. 25(1), Stevens, David P., & Baker, R. C. Generalized 1-14. Loss Function for Process Optimization, A. van Eijs, Marc J. G. See: van der Duyn 25(1), 41-56. Schouten, Frank A., van Eijs, Marc J. G., Stokes, Lynne. See: Wright, M. Keith, Stokes, & Heuts, Ruud M. J. Value of Supplier In¬ Lynne, & Dyer, James S. Reliability and formation to Improve Management of a Re¬ Coherence of Causal, Diagnostic, and Joint tailer’s Inventory, The. 25(1), 1-14. Subjective Probabilities. 25(5/6), 691-709. Vessey, Iris. See: Umanath, Narayan S., & Stone, Dan N., Sivitanides, Marcos P., & Magro, Vessey, Iris. Multiattribute Data Presenta¬ Anne P. Formalized Dissent atui Cognitive tion and Human Judgment: A Cognitive Fit Complexity in Group Processes and Per- Perspective. 25(5/6), 795-824. forrrumce. 25(2), 243-261. Vickery, Shawnee. See: Drbge, Cornelia, Vidceiy, Strait, R. ScotL Decision Analysis Approach to Shawnee, & Markland, Robert E. Sources Competitive Situations with a Pure Infinite and Outcomes of Competitive Advantage: Regress. 25(5/6), 853-862. An Exploratory Study in the Furniture Indus¬ Stiawser, Jeny R. See: Pasewark, \^illiam R., try. 25(5/6), 669-690. & Strawser, Jeny R. Subordinate Partici¬ Ward, Peter T, Leong, G. Keong, & Boyer, pation in Audit Budgeting Decisions: A Kenneth K. Manufacturing Proactiveness Comparison of Decisions Influenced by Or¬ and Perforrtumce. 25(3), 337-358. ganizational Factors to Decisions Con¬ West, Lawrence A., Jr., & Courtney, James F. forming with the Vroom-Jago Model. 25(2), Does 10 Economics Really Make the Case 281-299. for Investments in IT: A Rejoiruler. 25(3), Subramanian, Girish H. Replication of Per¬ 477^79. ceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of White, Susan. See: Bretthauer, Kurt, Shetty, Use Measurement, A. 25(5/6), 863-874. Bala, Syam, Siddhartha, & White, Susan. Suresh, Nallan C. See: Kaparthi, Shashidhar, & Model for Resource Constrained Produc¬ Suresh, Nallan C. Performance of Selected tion and Inventory Maruigement, A. 25(4), Part-Machine Grouping Techniques for 561-580. Data Sets of Wide Ranging Sizes and Im¬ Wiegmann, Lars. See: Philipoom, Patrick R., perfection. 25(4), 515-539. Rees, Loren Paul, & Wiegmann, Lars. Using Syam, Siddhartha. See: Bretthauer, Kurt, Neural Networks to Determine Internally- Shetty, Bala, Syam, Siddhartha, & White, Set Due-Date Assignments for Shop Sched¬ Susan. Model for Resource Constrained uling. 25(5/6), 825-851. Production atui Inventory Management, A. Wright, M. Keith, Stokes, Lynne, & Dyer, 25(4), 561-580. James S. Reliability and Coherence of 'nimer, Jon A. See: Rollier, Bnice, & Ttimer, Causal, Diagnostic, and Joint Subjective Jon A. Pkmning Forward by Looking Back¬ Probabilities. 25(5/6), 691-709. ward: Retrospective Thinking in Strategic Xiao, Baichun. Decision Power arui Solutions Decision Making. 25(2), 169-188. of LP Discriminant Models: Rejoinder. 25(2), 335-336. Decision Sciences 879 VOLUME 25 TITLE INDEX Alignment between Organizational Critical Effects of Hindsight Bias on Jurors’ Evalu¬ Success Factors and Information Technol¬ ations of Auditor Decisions, The. D. Jordan ogy Capability in Academic Institutions, Lowe and Philip MJ. Reckers, 25(3), 401- The. Rajiv Sabherwal and Peeler Kirs, 426. 25(2), 301-330. Formalized Dissent and Cognitive Complexity Analysis of the Pedagogical Effects of Expert in Group Processes and Performance. Dan System Use in the Classroom, An. Kathleen N. Stone, Marcos P. Sivitanides, and Anne Moffitt, 25(3), 445-460. P. Magro, 25(2), 243-261. Application of Expectancy Theory to Explain Freezing the Master Production Schedule: Im¬ a Manager’s Intention to Use a Decision plications for Fill Rate. V. Sridharan and R. Support System, An. Ken C. Snead, Jr. and Lawrence LaForge, 25(3), 461-469. Adrian M. Harrell, 25(4), 499-513. Game-Theoretic Approach to Quantity Dis¬ Arborescent Network Formulation and Dual count Problems, A. Wen-Chyuan Chiang, Ascent Based Procedure for the Two-Stage James Fitzsimmons, Zhimin Huang, and Multi-Item Dynamic Demand Lotsize Problem, Susan X. U, 25(1), 153-168. An. Li-Lian Gao and E. Powell Robinson, Generalized Loss FutKtion for Process Opti¬ Jr., 25(1), 103-121. mization, A. David P. Stevens and R. C. Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algo¬ Baker, 25(1), 41-56. rithms with Heuristic-Generated Initial How Believing in Ourselves Increases Risk Populations and Multiple Evaluation Cri¬ Taking: Perceived Self-Efficacy and Oppor¬ teria. Yow-Yuh Leu, Lance A. Matheson, tunity Recognition. Norris Kmeger, Jr. and and Loren Paul Rees, 25(4), 581-606. Peter R. Dickson, 25(3), 385-400. Assessing Service Level Targets in Production Important Strategic and Tactical Manufacturing and Inventory Plarming. Noel P. Greis, Issues in the 1990s. Manoj K. Malhotra, 25(1), 15-40. Daniel C. Steele, and Vanin Grover, 25(2), Decision Aruilysis Approach to Competitive 189-214. Situations with a Pure Infinite Regress. R. Management of Vital Customer Priorities in Scott Strait, 25(5/6), 853-862. Job Shop Manufacturing Environments. Decision Power and Solutions ofLP Discrimi¬ Manoj K. Malhotra. John B. Jensen, and nant Models: Rejoinder. Baichun Xiao, Patrick R. Philipoom, 25(5/6), 711-736. 25(2), 335-336. Manufacturing Proactiveness and Perform¬ Development of a Measure for End-User Com¬ ance. Peter T. Ward, G. Keong Leong, and puting Support, The. Rajesh Mirani and Kenneth K. Boyer. 25(3), 337-358. William R. King, 25(4), 481-498. Model for Determining Retail Product Cate¬ Does 10 Economics Really Make the Case for gory Assortment and Shelf Space Alloca¬ Investments in IT: Comment on West and tion, A. Norm Borin, Paul W. Farris, and Courtney. Ira Horowitz, 25(3), 471-476. James R. Freeland, 25(3), 359-384. Does 10 Economics Really Make the Case for Model for Resource Constrained Production Investments in IT: A Rejoinder. Lawrence and Inventory Management, A. Kun Bret- A. West, Jr. and James F. Courtney, 25(3), thauer, Bala Shetty, Siddhartha Syam, and 477-479. Susan White, 25(4), 561-580. Economic Models for Single Sample Accep¬ Multiattribute Data Presentation and Hutruui tance Sampling Plans, No Inspection, and Judgment: A Cognitive Fit Perspective. 100 Percent Inspection. Ross L. Fink and Narayan S. Umanath and Iris Vessey, Thomas M. Margavio, 25(4), 625-653. 25(5/6), 795-824. Effects of Group Attitudes Toward Alternative Note on Nucleolus/MTPD Accounting Alloca¬ GDSS Designs on the Decision-making tions, A. Franklin E. Grange and Gary A. Performance of Computer-Supported Kochenberger, 25( 1), 143-152. Groups, The. V. Sambamurthy and Wynne W. Chin, 25(2), 215-241. 880 Volume 25 Index On the Repeated Test-Retest Reliability of the Response to Xiao’s “Necessary and Sufficient End-User Computing Sati^action Instrument: Conditions of Unacceptable Solutions in A Comment. Anthony R. Hendrickson, LP Discriminant Analysis”: Something Is Kristy Glorfeld, and Timothy Paul Cronan, Amiss, A. Gary J. Koehler, 25(2), 331-333. 25(4), 655-667. Sources and Outcomes of Competitive Advan¬ PAHAP: A Pairwise Aggregated Hierarchical tage: An Exploratory Study in the Furniture Analysis of Ratio-Scale Prrferences. Moonsig Industry. Cornelia Drbge, Shawnee Vickery, Kang and Antonie Stam, 25(4), 607-624. and Robert E. Markland, 25(5/6), 669-690. Perceived Service Quality and User Satisfaction Subordinate Participation in Audit Budgeting with the Information Services Function. Decisions: A Comparison of Decisions Irflu- William J. Ketdnger and Choong C. Lee, enced by Orgaruzjational Factors to Decisions 25(5/6), 737-766. Conforming with the Vroom-Jago Model. Performance of Selected Part-Machine Group¬ William R. Pasewark and Jerry R. Strawser, ing Techniques far Data Sets of Wide Rang¬ 25(2), 281-299. ing Sizes and Imperfection. Shashidhar Testing for Nonlinear Dependence in Inventory Kapaithi and Nallan C. Suresh, 25(4), 515- Data. Jonathan P. Pinder, 25(3), 427-443. 539. Tolerance for Ambiguity, Risk Preference, and Planning Forward by Looking Backward: Retro¬ Negotiator Effectiveness. Dipankar Ghosh, spective Thinking in Strategic Decision 25(2), 263-280. Making. Bruce Rollier and Jon A. Tiimer. User Perceptions of Decision Support Effec¬ 25(2), 169-188. tiveness: Two Production Plarming Experi¬ Plarming Service Capacity When Derrumd Is ments. Fred D. Davis and Jeffrey E. Sensitive to Delay. Peter T. Ittig, 25(4), Kottemann, 25(1), 57-78. 541-559. Using Neural Networks to Determine Internally- Predicting the Winner’s Curse. Phillip J. Led- Set Due-Date Assignments for Shop Sched¬ ercr, 25(1), 79-101. uling. Patrick R. Philipoom, Loren Paul Quantal Choice Model for the Detection of Rees, and Lars Wiegmann, 25(5/6), 825- Copying on Multiple Choice Examinations, 851. A. Gerald V. Posu 25(1), 123-142. Value Platform Analysis Perspective on Cus¬ Reliability and Coherence of Causal, Diagnos¬ tomer Access Information Technology, A. tic, and Joint Subjective Probabilities. M. Robert J. Kauffman and Laura Lally, Keith Wright, Lynne Stokes, and James S. 25(5/6), 767-794. Dyer, 25(5/6), 691-709. Value of Supplier Information to Improve Man¬ Replication of Perceived Usefulness and Per¬ agement of a Retailer’s Inventory, The. ceived Ease of Use Measurement, A. Girish Frank A. van der Duyn Schouten, Marc J. H. Subramanian, 25(5/6), 863-874. G. van Eijs, and Ruud M. J. Heuts, 25(1), 1-14. Decision Sciences 881 VOLUME 25 SUBJECT INDEX Academic Administration, 301-330 Multiattribute Data Presentation, 795-824 Auditing, 281-299, 401-426 Networks, 767-794 Bargaining Behavior, 263-280 Organizational Behavior, 499-513 Bayesian Procedures, 691-709 Pedagogynbaching Methods, 123-142, 445- Budgeting & Control Systems, 281-299 460 Capacity Planning, 541-559 Performance Evaluation, 737-766, 767-794 Case Methods, 445-460 Personnel ManageiiKnt, 123-142 Cognitive Fit, 795-824 Planning and Control, 243-261 Computer Applications, 143-152 Plant Design, 515-539 Cost Allocations, 143-152 Priority Models, 607-624 Decision Analysis, 1-14, 79-101, 263-280, Probability Assessment, 123-142, 691-709, 471-476, 607-624, 853-862 853-862 Decision Processes, 169-188, 281-299, 401- Production/Operations Management, 1-14,41- 426, 795-824 56, 57-78, 153-168, 189-214, 337-358, Decision Support Systems, 57-78, 215-241, 461-469, 561-580, 625-653, 669-690, 711- 499-513, 515-539, 691-709 736 Economic Analysis, 79-101,471-476 Production Planning, 15-40 Electronic Data Processing, 481-498 Quality Control, 625-653, 737-766 Expectancy Theory, 499-513 Quantitative Techniques/Methodology, 41-56 Forecasting, 427-443 Questionnaire Analysis, 189-214, 481-498 Game Theory, 853-862 Queueing Systems, 541-559 Group Decision Processes, 243-261 Reliability, 15-40 Heuristics, 359-384 Resource Allocation, 359-384 Human Information Processing, 169-188,243- Risk & Uncertainty, 385-400, 471-476 261, 795-824 Sampling and Survey Methods, 189-214 Information Economics, 477-479 Scaling Methods, 607-624 Information Management, 301-330, 481-498 Scheduling, 825-851 Innovative Education, 445-460 Service Operations Management, 541-559, Inventory Management, 1-14, 15-40, 103-121, 737-766 153-168, 427-443 Simulation, 41-56,359-384,461-469,711-736 Inventory Theory, 461-469 Statistics, 863-874 Legal Issues, 401-426 Statistical Decision Theory, 123-142 Line Balancing, 581-606 Statistical Techniques, 79-101, 215-241, 331- Linear Statistical Models, 331-333, 335-336 333, 335-336, 655-667, 669-690, 691-709 MIS/DSS, 863-874 Strategy and Policy, 169-188, 301-330, 337- Management Information Systems, 215-241, 358, 385-400, 669-690 301-330, 445-460, 471-476, 477-479, 481- Technology and Innovation, 863-874 498, 655-667, 737-766, 767-794 Utility Theory, 385-400 Marketing Management, 359-384 Master Production Scheduling, 461-469 Mathematical Programming, 41-56, 103-121, 143-152, 153-168, 331-333, 335-336, 561- 580

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