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C O N T R OL A ND D Y N A M IC S Y S T E MS ADVANCES IN THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Edited by C. T. LEONDES School of Engineering and Applied Science University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California VOLUME 24: DECENTRALIZED/DISTRIBUTED CONTROL AND DYNAMIC SYSTEMS Part 3 of 3 1986 ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Orlando San Diego New York Austin Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto ACADEMIC PRESS RAPID MANUSCRIPT REPRODUCTION COPYRIGHT © 1986 BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 64-8027 ISBN 0-12-012724-5 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 86 87 88 89 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P R E F A CE In the series Control and Dynamic Systems this is the third volume of a trilogy whose theme is advances in techniques for the analysis and synthesis of decentral- ized or distributed control and dynamic systems. The subject of decentralized but coordinated systems is emerging as a major issue in industrial and aerospace sys- tems, and so this is an appropriately significant theme for this series at this time. The three volumes of this trilogy will thus comprise the most comprehensive treat- ment of the theory of this broad and complex subject and its many potential applica- tions to date. It is in the various complex 4'real world" applications that many practitioners may find these three volumes particularly useful. This includes the articles on the many computational issues and techniques appearing in the textbook literature for the first time. The first article in this volume, "A Two-Level Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Large-Scale Systems," by M. P. Spathopoulos, deals with the vital issue of parameter estimation or determination in large-scale systems, which are rather characteristic of decentralized systems. Some rather powerful new results are pre- sented and verified by computer simulations which demonstrate that these new techniques have the potential in diverse applications of producing considerable savings in memory, computational effort, and in alleviating numerical inaccuracies. There are a number of other significant advantages of the techniques in this article, not the least of which is its suitability for multiprocessing systems. As in earlier Control and Dynamic Systems, an essential design concept is that of suboptimal control techniques and related suboptimal bounds. The next article by Sinai presents a rather comprehensive treatment of this issue of central importance to a well- developed theory of decentralized control. Substantial savings in computational requirements result, greater insight into uncertainties associated with modeling large-scale systems is gained, and numerous other advantages also result. The article "Decentralized Control Using Observers," by Shahian, presents a rather comprehensive treatment, with many new results of observers suitable for large- scale decentralized systems. The next article, "System Zeros in the Decentralized Control of Large-Scale Systems," by Kennedy, presents many new and rather powerful results on the use of system zeros in the decentralized control of large- scale systems, that decentralized transmission zeros are crucial to the stability of composite closed-loop systems under a high-gain decentralized feedback. Funda- mental relations to system controllability and observability are also developed. Model reference adaptive control techniques have constituted an area of great in- ix χ PREFACE terest in the past. What is essential if such techniques are to be developed and applied to decentralized control systems is an extension of model reference adaptive control to multiple-input multiple-output (ÌΙÌÏ) systems. The article "Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control for a Class of ÌΙÌÏ Systems" by Sobel and Kaufman provides the necessary and essential results. Finally, the last article of this volume, "Passive Adaptation in Control System Design," by Sworder and Chou, presents some simplified but highly effective and powerful control techniques. Such a simplified but effective techniques approach is essential to a well-rounded theory of the very broad and rather complex subject of decentralized but coordinated control systems. When the theme for this trilogy of volumes, of which this is the third and last, was decided upon there seemed little doubt that it was most timely. However, because of the substantially important contributions of the authors all volumes promise to be not only timely but of substantial lasting value. Control and Dynamic Systems A Two-Level Parameter Estimation Algorithm for Large-Scale Systems M. P. SPATHOPOULOS Department of Electrical Engineering Imperial College of Science and Technology London SW7 2BT, England I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. LEAST SQUARE ESTIMATION—THE MULTIPLE PROJECTION APPROACH 4 A. INTRODUCTION 4 B. LEAST SQUARE ESTIMATION OF ONE RANDOM VECTOR IN TERMS OF ANOTHER 5 C. LEAST SQUARE ESTIMATION OF GAUSSIAN RANDOM VECTORS 7 D. THE MULTIPLE PROJECTION APPROACH 11 E. EXAMPLE: STATE ESTIMATION 14 III. THE MULTIPLE PROJECTION ALGORITHM 16 A. PROBLEM FORMULATION , 16 B. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NONRECURSIVE ALGORITHM 17 C. DEVELOPMENT OF THE RECURSIVE ALGORITHM 31 IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ALGORITHM 37 V. SIMULATION RESULTS 41 VI. CONCLUSIONS 55 REFERENCES 55 I. INTRODUCTION System identification may be defined as the set of tech- niques employed in building up mathematical models for real processes. This is done by determining difference or differ- ential equations, such that they describe the process in ac- cordance with some predetermined criterion. The mathematical 1 Copyright © 1986 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 2 M. P. SPATHOPOULOS models must be capable of representing the actual process (sys- tem) behavior. The accuracy of identification can be measured by the difference between the output of the real system and that of the model. Usually system identification can be split into two distinct phases: structure determination and parameter estimation. The structure of the model is usually determined from the a priori physical knowledge that we have on the process. Param- eter estimation is defined as the experimental determination of values of parameters that govern the dynamic and/or nonlinear behavior, assuming that the structure of the process model is known. Parameter estimation usually requires experimental data on the inputs and outputs of the system. It then enables us to put precise values on the parameters so that the model describes the real process and not a class of such processes. The ob- served data or actual system behavior can be used for the de- termination of unknown system parameters within the structure of the model, which minimizes a given error criterion. In large-scale systems the application of parameter estima- tion techniques is a very difficult task, due to the high di- mensionality inherent in the system. Several methods have been proposed to deal with this difficulty, such as reducing the order of the system, using perturbation techniques, and sensi- tivity analysis [3]. Efforts have been devoted to decompose large-scale problems into several smaller coupled subproblems. Hierarchical system theory [7,11], which deals with system de- composition and coordination, can be applied effectively to de- couple these subproblems while at the same time allowing for the coordination of their solutions to yield the original prob- lem's solution. TWO-LEVEL PARAMETER ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 3 Physical and conceptual hierarchical structures of large systems may occur in different ways. The system may be com- posed of interconnected subsystems with well-defined physical boundaries. In other cases the system structure may be cate- gorized according to a natural property such as time behavior or may be characterized by its order of priority of different parts of the system. Hierarchical system theory can then be applied to these structures, where the physical and conceptual structures are viewed basically the same. Although the problem of optimization and control of large- scale systems composed of interconnected dynamic subsystems has previously been tackled from a deterministic point of view, there is no general, well-established procedure developed for stochastic problems such as the parameter estimation problem. Arafeh and Sage [1] have considered this problem and have de- veloped an interesting algorithm based on decomposition — coordi- nation techniques. However, their algorithm is suboptimal and it converges to the optimal solution only at the end of the ob- servation period. An attempt using the maximum a posteriori approach has been done in [8]. Hassan [4] applied a partitioning approach for the optimal Kaiman filter for large-scale systems in which, after a finite number of iterations between the sub- systems and the coordinator, the optimum Kaiman estimator was achieved. This method was limited to two subsystems only. Hassan et at. [5] generalized the previous approach and devel- oped a decentralized computational algorithm for the global Kaiman filter using the multiple projection idea. The new fil- ter used a hierarchical structure to perform successive ortho- gonal! zations on the measured subspaces of each subsystem with- in a two-level structure in order to provide the optimal estimate. 4 M. P. SPATHOPOULOS This ensured substantial savings in computation time, stability, and reduction of numerical inaccuracies. Thus, this idea has proven to be an efficient technique for dealing with large-scale interconnected dynamic systems. More recently Hassan et al. [6] developed a new decentralized algorithm for the parameter estimation problem by using the multiple projection approach developed in [5]. This chapter gives a description of the al- gorithm and proves that the algorithm gives the minimum variance estimate after Ν iterations between the coordinator level and the subsystems level, where Ν is the number of subsystems. It develops the basic parameter estimation algorithm and then gen- eralizes it to the recursive case. Simulation results of two examples have indicated that this two-level algorithm provides accurate estimates while requiring a modest computation effort. II. LEAST SQUARE ESTIMATION—THE MULTIPLE PROJECTION APPROACH A. INTRODUCTION Before the algorithm is derived, the basic principles of least squares estimation are introduced and the multiple pro- jection idea is analyzed. In systems analysis, a fundamental problem is to provide values for the unknown states or parameters of a system given noisy measurements that are some functions of these states or parameters. If we consider a certain number of measurements {z^, z , z > which depend on a parameter θ, we can define 2 N a function K (z z , z ) which will be called the estimate N lf 2 N of θ. Since the measurements z^ are, in general, random, the estimate Κ(·) will also be a random variable. Since all func- Ν tions of z. could be estimates, the problem is to find an TWO-LEVEL PARAMETER ESTIMATION ALGORITHM 5 estimate (which is a function of z^) that is optimal with re- spect to some criterion. Also this estimate should possess certain convergence properties with respect to the real value of the parameters. There are three principal estimators: (a) The maximum likeli- hood estimator (MLE, (b) the Bayes1 estimator, and (c) the least square estimator. The MLE uses as its criterion the a priori conditional prob- ability density function ρ(ζ |θ). The Bayes1 estimator uses as Ν its criterion the a posteriori probability density function ρ(θ|ζ ). The criterion for the least mean-square estimator is Ν to minimize the mean-square estimation error. For the scalar case, it is expressed as min E{(θ - θ)2], (1) where θ is the estimate of Θ. In the case where θ is a vector, we minimize E{ (θ - θ)Τ0(θ - θ) } (2) where Q is a nonnegative definite symmetrical weighting matrix. The least mean-square estimate is reviewed in the following section. B. LEAST SQUARE ESTIMATION OF ONE RANDOM VECTOR IN TERMS OF ANOTHER Problem 1. Consider two jointly distributed random vectors X and Y with respective dimensions η and m and with joint prob- ability density function f (·, ·). Find the estimator X of Λ, χ X in terms of Y that is best in the sense that X minimizes Ε { 11X - g(Y) ||2} over all functions g mapping R m into Rn. 6 M. P. SPATHOPOULOS Proposition 1. The least square estimator X of X in terms of Y in the sense of the above problem is the conditional ex- pectation X = E{X|Y} (3) of X given Y, and the corresponding minimum mean-square error 2 is the conditional variance E{||x - E{X|Y}|| }. Proof. It is known that E{||X - g(Y) II 2} = Ε | ||Χ - g(Y) | | 2| Y }. γ Εχ|γ We would like to minimize Ε | {ΧΤΧ - 2g(Y) TX + g(Y) Tg(Y)|Y}. χ γ This is written as T T T E{X X|Y} - 2g(Y) E{x|Y} + g(Y) g(Y) 2 2 2 = E{||g(Y) - E{X|Y}|| } + E{||X|| |Y} - ||E{X|Y}|| . (4) The only term on the right-hand side of Eq. (4) involving g(Y) is the first and this is uniquely minimized by setting X = g(y) = E{X|Y}. (5) It is easy to show that for any nonnegative matrix Q, X = E{X|Y} Τ* τη η minimizes E{ [X - g( Y )] Q [X - g(Y)]} over all functions g: R -> R . In fact, if Q is positive definite the proof is unchanged if 2 TT Τ ||q|| is interpreted to mean q Qq and w q is replaced by w Qq. If Q is nonnegative definite the same identification may be made but ||q|| = I q ^ q l1^ 2 is in this case only a seminorm, and while X = E{X|Y} minimizes the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (4), it does not do so uniquely. Properties. The least square estimator is (a) linear, that is, E{AX + b|Y} = AE{X|Y} + b = AX + b (6) f

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