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Death and the King's Horseman: A Play PDF

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$14.95 FPT Baseod na ni ncident that tiono k place 1946D,e atahn dt hKei ngH'osrm saeni s Soyinkpao'wse rfeuxla minatoifto nh ee x­ plositveen siboent weetnr aditiAofnrailc an cultuarnedt heW estT.h ek ingo fa Nige­ riavni llahgaesd ieda,n dE lesihni,sc hief horsemainse, x pectteod" commidte ath" anda ccompahniysr uletroh eaveTnh.e e n­ tirvei llajgoei nisnh onorihnigm ,u ntial coloniaadmli nistrlaetaorron fst her itual andd ecidteosi mprisEolne sriant htehra n pemritt hes uicidEel.e siinn terprtehtiss interventaisao nna ctof t he gobdusts, o on cometso r egretd ehciiss iaostn h,ev illagers repuditahteme a nw how aso ncseo s pecial tot hem.T hep lay'usn epxetcedc lmiax comewsh enE lesisno'nso, n l eavfer om medicsaclh ooinlE nglanpdr,e sertvhees honoorf h isp eoplbeyd yinign h isf ather's stead. "Deatahn dt hKei ngH'osr sebmalne ndEsu ­ ropealni tertahreya tweirt ht otal-theater traditfiroonms the YoruibnaS oturtih­be wesNti geriTah.r ougpho et,rc yhorupso,l ­ iticasn,d s toryllitneg,S oyinkbao th entertaainndas s kssu btqluee stiaobnosu t massp sychol,o ignydividpusaylc hol,o gy and univershaulm ans truggloefs t he will." -TheC hicTraigbou ne WOLES OYINKwAa sb orinn 1 93i4nN igeria, ands tudiaetdt heU niversoifLt eye dsH.e wasd irecotfot rh eD ramaS chooolfI badan UniversiintN yi geruinat i1l9 6w7h,e nh e wasa rrestfeodrw ritinsgysm pathetic to secesnsiisoBti afraan di mpirsnoedf or twenty-tmwoon thsS.o yinkoat'hse wrr it­ ingisn cluAd Se hutitntl heCe r ypMta,d men andS peciaalndiI sdatnsra,en dO thPeore ms. In1 98h6e b ecamteh efi rsAtf rican writer evetro b ea wardetdh eN obePlr izfeo Lri t­ eratuHreei .s p residoefnt th eI nternational TheatIenrs titute. HILLA NDW ANG 19U nioSnq uarWee st New York1 0030 80907-933 -9 38711445 DEATH AND THEKING,S HORSEJ\1AN byt hsea maeu thor A SHUTTLEI N THE CRYPT MADMEN AND SPECIALISTS IDANRE AND OTHER POEMS DEATH AND THEK ING'S HORSEMAN WOLE SOYINKA � HILLA ND WANG NEW YORK A divisoifoF na rraSrt,r aaunsd G iroux Copyri©f{ h1t95 7 b yW olSeo yinka Allr if{hmteJr ved Fiwp ubliJbhyHe idl aln dllil nf{. a diviJoifFo anr raSrt.r aamn dG irou1x9.8 7 bya rranf{eum•einW.tt h W. NortoInn.c . Printientd h Uen ited SotfA a11te1erJic a CAUTION:A llr ightws c hipsl ayi,n cluding performarnicgeh ,ta sres cricrdeys erved. Producearmsa,r euarn dp rofessiaorneael x,p ressly warnetdh apte rformarnicgeh tcso venro to nly productbiuotna lsroe adingIsri. sn orp ermissible w mimeograpahn,d i nm ineografpohr md isrribure evenp arorf r hipsl aya,n dt heo wneorf c opyrighr, norp roducemruss,t d ecidweh ena "studioor" "classropoemr"f ormaonrcr ee adiinsga crually "privaAtell:i 'n quirsiheosu lbde a ddresswe d WoleS oyinkca/,oM orwnL .L eavy7,9 M adisoAnv enue, New YorkN .Y.1 0016 LibraorfCy o nf{rCeaHt alof{iinPn uf{b licaDtaitoan SoyinkWao.l e. Deatahn dt hkei nf{h'oJrll Jalen. I.E lnin-Drama2..N if{eriai-JHt ory-Drama. I.T itle PR9387.9.S61D947 68 22 75-42079 Dedicated InA ffectionate Greeting to MyF athAeyro,d ele whol atdealnyc aendjd,o intehAden cestors AUTHOR'NSO TE This ipbsla asye d onw hietvcoehon pktl sai cnOe y oa,n cient Yorucbiaot fyN ige,ir n1i9 a46T.h ayte atrh,le i voefEs l esin (OlEolreis hiisnso) na,,n t dh Ceo loDniisatlOr fiifccietnr t er­ twinweidtt hhd ei sastrousse otru etts huipelnl t aTsyh e. changhevasem aId aer e in omfda etttsaeeirqlsu, e annocdef courcshaeac rteriTshaaetc itohinaso.an l bseoe sneb ta ck two ort hryeeea rs ttoh wewa whra isslt eoi nlf,lor m inroeras ons ofd armartgyu. Thfe actaucaclos utneitxl ilis ntt hsae r choiftv heBesr itish ColoAndimanili strIahttas ia olnr.ei anpdsiyr aef di pnlea iyn Yorub(aO bWaaj ab)yD urLoa diIphtoas .a lmsios begao tten filbmy s omGee rmtaenl evciosmipoann y. Thbea noeft hemoefts h giesn irtseh atthe ayrn eos ooner empolyecdr eattihvatenhl eayyc qutihrfeea ciloef' ctlaags h ofc ultuapr rejesu'd,il caibwaehlli cqhu,ia tpeaf rrtoi mt s frqeuemnits applpirceastouispoeppnso, t ae netqiuaailln i ty evergyi vesni tuatoifto nha el iceunl taunrtdeh i en digeonno us, thaec tsuoaoilftl h lea t(tIenr. a trheoaefm isappltihcea tion, oversperaisfz oer eirlaalcniymd te ntcaoln dituinodunobitnegd ly goest ot hbel rub-wriftoterhr Ae m eircaend itimoynn oovfe l SeasoonfA nom y whou nblushdienlcgalrtyeh sat thw iosr k porttrha'eyc sl baesthw oelevdna launendse wwa ybse,t ween westmeerthno adnsA df ritcraand i!tI)iit ots nh sa'ntkots h is kinodfp ervemresnet atlhiaItf tyi nidnt e ecsstaorc ya ution thweo uldp-rboed uocfte hrpi lsaa yg aiasn asdtfl ayim liar reducttieonndieasnntctd yo d, i rheicvsti siinosnt teota hde famro erd ififcualnrtdi skyo fet lasikc tihtpeil nagy 's threnodic essence. Oneof t hmeo ero bviaolutse rsntarutcitvoueftr hees play woubled mtaok teh Dei stOrfifcittch everi cotfiac m ru el dilemTmhaii.sns o ttom yt asatneid it ns obty c hantchea t Ih avaev oiddieagdlu ooers uiattiwohniw cohu elndcu aorge

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