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Dear Zari: The Secret Lives of the Women of Afghanistan PDF

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DearZari.indd 1 3/29/12 11:05 AM Copyright © 2012 by Zarghuna Kargar Cover and internal design © 2012 by Sourcebooks, Inc. Cover design by Dog Eared Design Cover image by Kirk DouPonce, model: Stacy Gwinn Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems— except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews— without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in ren- dering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.— From a Declaration of Principles Jointly Adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. Sourcebooks, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor in this book. This book is a memoir. It reflects the author’s present recollections of her experiences over a period of years. Some names and characteristics have been changed, some events have been com- pressed, and some dialogue has been re- created. Published by Sourcebooks, Inc. P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567-4 410 (630) 961- 3900 Fax: (630) 961- 2168 www.sourcebooks.com Originally published in Great Britain in 2011 by Chatto & Windus. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kargar, Zarghuna. Dear Zari : the secret lives of the women of Afghanistan / Zarghuna Kargar ; edited by Naomi Goldsmith. p. cm. Originally published: London : Chatto & Windus, 2011. 1. Women—Afghanistan—Social conditions—21st century. 2. Afghanistan—Social conditions— 21st century. I. Goldsmith, Naomi. II. Title. HQ1735.6.K37 2012 305.409581—dc23 2011052703 Printed and bound in the United States of America. BG 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DearZari.indd 2 3/29/12 11:05 AM h To my mother and father, who are always kind, and have given me my wonderful brother and sisters DearZari.indd 3 3/29/12 11:05 AM DearZari.indd 4 3/29/12 11:05 AM Contents h Introduction vii 1 MY STORY 1 2 SHARIFA’S STORY 23 The Family of Girls 3 NASREEN’S STORY 39 The Boy Next Door 4 SHEREENJAN’S STORY 53 A Daughter’s Sacrifice 5 SAMIRA’S STORY 71 The Carpet Weaver 6 ILAHA’S STORY 85 The Wedding Night 7 ANESA’S STORY 101 A Marriage of Convenience 8 WAZMA’S STORY 129 The Injured Wife 9 JANPARY’S STORY 147 A Mother’s Story DearZari.indd 5 3/29/12 11:05 AM 10 LAYLA’S STORY 171 The War Widow 11 MAHGUL’S STORY 189 A Family of Kite- Makers 12 BAKHTAWARA’S STORY 205 The Boy- Girl 13 GHUTAMA’S STORY 227 A Love Story Epilogue 241 Glossary 245 Acknowledgements 249 About the Author 251 DearZari.indd 6 3/29/12 11:05 AM Introduction h I t’s important for women to know their rights in a country like Afghanistan,” one female listener of Afghan Woman’s Hour wrote to us. Another told one of our reporters in Mazar- i- Sharif, “I heard the interview on Afghan Woman’s Hour about how Afghan women have started working and earning money by using their skills by taking up carpet weaving. I realized that other Afghan women were doing so much while I was just doing the housework. I now weave carpets at home to earn my own money and have gained my husband’s respect because I’m able to contribute to our living costs.” A listener from the eastern city of Jalalabad said, “I always listen to Afghan Woman’s Hour. I love it because it features women from all over the country and makes me feel closer to the people of Afghanistan.” And a young man got in touch to say, “I’m writing on behalf of my grandmother. Every Monday night she tells us to keep quiet when it’s time for her favorite show. She’s asked me to let you know that when- ever your program comes on the radio she has to sit down quietly and listen to it, and that her favorite part is the stories, as the women fea- tured in them sound so lovely. They make her feel as if they are telling her own life story.” Just as it was for this older woman and for so many others who regularly tuned in to the BBC’s Afghan Woman’s Hour— both male and female— so too was it for me. I loved the program’s life stories, and DearZari.indd 7 3/29/12 11:05 AM viii S Dear Zari enjoyed them so much that I would sometimes find myself listening to them again and again. By the time I came to be working on the pro- gram I had been away from my country for so long that I’d forgotten just how arduous and cruel life in Afghanistan can be, especially for women and girls. And these women— mothers, wives, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters—a ll have their story to tell. h When I left Afghanistan in 1994 women were still going to work and girls attending school, so while they may have been limited in what they could do in certain respects, they still enjoyed a great deal of personal freedom. At that point the Mujahedeen were in power. The Mujahedeen were a collection of opposition groups that con- sidered themselves to be engaged in a “jihad”—a holy war—a gainst non- Muslim invaders, and were financially supported by the US, Saudi Arabia, and a handful of Muslim countries. They had begun form- ing into rebel groups in the 1970s when Russian troops first invaded Afghanistan and made the country— not for the first time— a pawn in the battle between the two superpowers of the Soviet Union and the United States of America. When the Mujahedeen first took control of Kabul in 1992 they seized power from President Najeebullah’s government. Dr. Najeebullah was to be the last president of the communist era in Afghanistan, elected at a time when the Afghan communist party was still responsible for selecting the country’s president. It was in the decade of the communist era that I was born, becoming a child of what was to become known as the “revolution generation.” In the late seventies and early eighties, a coalition government backed by the Soviet Union had ruled Afghanistan. There was a treaty dating back to 1978 in place with the USSR that allowed the Afghan government to call on Soviet military force, were it ever needed. On April 14, 1979, the Afghan coalition government called in this favor and asked the USSR to send troops to help in the fight against Mujahedeen rebels. The Soviet government responded to this request by deploying a DearZari.indd 8 3/29/12 11:05 AM Introduction S ix huge number of forces and heavy arms to Afghanistan on June 16th of that year. And so began the Soviet- backed Afghan government’s war against the Mujahedeen. According to what I’ve since learned, the Afghan government at that time was very powerful. Its institutions were strong; its control extended to all the country’s many different provinces and its army was more than capable of taking on the Mujahedeen, even though the guer- rilla war that had first been fought in remote villages near the border with Pakistan was gradually spreading to the rest of the country. On the whole, the Mujahedeen forces were backed by ordinary Afghan people, who saw the Russians as non- Muslim invaders, bringing with them non- Muslim values and ideas. The invading Soviet forces, meanwhile, tended to be supported by those Afghans employed by the government in public services and in the factories. But the Soviet support wasn’t just military, as the USSR also pro- vided social, economic, and educational aid, and since the Soviet- backed Afghan coalition believed in sexual equality, many Afghan women and girls also traveled to the Soviet bloc for educational purposes. Meanwhile factories were built in Afghanistan that women could work in, and those who had lost their husbands in the recent war were given priority when it came to securing jobs. It appeared then that both the law and prevailing social attitudes saw women as equal to men, free to walk by themselves in the street, go to the cinema, enjoy mixed- sex education, appear on television singing and dancing, and even wear miniskirts. But despite the liberal social climate in the cities, many families in rural areas continued to practice more traditional customs that they expected their women and girls to follow. For example, while the Afghan consti- tution decreed the legal age of marriage to be sixteen for both boys and girls, many families in rural areas were still marrying off their children as young as eleven or twelve. Of course, my personal experience was predominantly a Kabul- based one—a developed city with more open-m inded social attitudes, where the law was enforced by the police and security forces, a public bus service operated, and men and women worked side by side in schools, DearZari.indd 9 3/29/12 11:05 AM

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