Dealing with Noise Stéphane GUILLOTEAU Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l’Univers I - Theory & Practice of noise II – Low S/N analysis Outline Basic Theory 1. Point source sensitivity 1. Noise in images 2. Extended source sensitivity 3. Available Tools 4. Low S/N analysis 2. Continuum data 1. Line data 2. Examples 3. Advanced tricks: filtering & stacking 4. System Temperature The output power of the receiver is linked to the Antenna System Temperature by: P = ° k T ¢ º N ant On source, the power is P + P with N a P = ° k T ¢ º a a T is called the antenna temperature of the source. a This is not a purely conventional definition. It can be demonstrated that P is the power the receiver(+antenna) would deliver when a observing a blackbody (filling its entire beam pattern) at the physical temperature T . a Thus, T is the temperature of the “equivalent’’ blackbody seen by the ant antenna (in the Rayleigh Jeans approximation) System Temperature T is given by (just summing powers…) ant T = T cosmic background ant bg + T ¼ ´ (1-exp(-¿ ) T sky noise sky f atm atm + T ¼ (1-´ -´ ) T ground noise pickup spill f loss ground + T ¼ ´ T losses in receiver cabin loss loss cabin + T receiver noise rec This is a broad-band definition. It is a DSB (Double Side Band) noise temperature Many astronomical signals are narrow band. g being the image to signal band gain ratio, the equivalent DSB signal giving the same antenna temperature as a pure SSB signal is only P = (1 x P + g x 0) / (1 + g) DSB SSB System Temperature We usually refer the system temperature and antenna temperature to a perfect antenna (´ = 1) located f outside the atmosphere, and single sideband signal: T = (1+g) exp(¿ )T / ´ sys atm ant f T * = (1+g) exp(¿ )T / ´ A atm a f This antenna temperature T * is weather independent, A and linked to the source flux S by an antenna º dependent quantity only T * = ´ A S / 2k A a º Noise Equation The noise power is T , the signal is T * , and there are sys A 2¢º ¢t independent samples to measure a correlation product in a time ¢t, so the Signal to Noise is R = ( ¢º ¢t)1/2 T * / T 2 sn A sys On a single baseline, the noise is thus this is √2 less than that of a single antenna in total power but √2 worse than that of an antenna with the same total collecting area this sensitivity loss is because we ignore the autocorrelations Noise Equation With quantization With ´ the quantization efficiency q Noise is uncorrelated from one baseline to another There are n(n-1)/2 baselines for n antennas So the point source sensitivity is Where is the Jy/K conversion factor of one antenna Noise on Amplitude and Phase For 1 baseline, this varies with Signal to Noise ratio On Amplitude On Phase Source detection is much easier on the phase than on the amplitude, since for S/N = 1, ¾ = 1 radian = 60°. Á Noise in Images The Fourier Transform is a linear combination of the visibilities with some rotation (phase factor) applied. How do we derive the noise in the image from that on the visibilities ? Noise on visibilities the complex (or spectral) correlator gives the same variance on the real and imaginary part of the complex visibility <ε 2> = <ε2> = <ε2> r i Real and Imaginary are uncorrelated <ε ε> = 0 r i So rotation (phase factor) has NO effect on noise Noise in Imaging: first order In the imaging process, we combine (with some weights) the individual visibilities V . At the phase center: i I = (Σ w V ) / Σw i i i for a point source at phase center, V = V +ε , ε being the real part of i Ri Ri the noise I = (Σ w (V+ ε ) ) / Σw i Ri i So its expectation is I = V, as < ε > = 0 Ri As <ε ε > = 0, its variance is Ri Rj σ2 = <I2> -<I>2 = = (Σ w 2 < ε 2 > ) / (Σw )2 i Ri i Now using < ε 2 > = σ 2 and the natural weights w = 1/ σ 2 we have Ri i i i 1/σ2 = Σ (1/σ 2) i Which is true anywhere else in the image by application of a phase shift