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Preview DC7 Pixley Ka Seme Audit Report 2012-13

REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL TO THE NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE AND THE COUNCIL ON PIXLEY KA SEME DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY REPORT ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Introduction 4. Ihave audited the financial statements of the Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality set ‘out on pages ... to .., which comprise the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2015. the statement of financial performance, statement of changes in net assets, the statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts and the cash flow stetement forthe year then ended, and the notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Accounting officer's responsibility for the financial statements, 2. The accounting officer is responsible forthe preparation and felr presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the South Afrcen Standerds of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (SA Standards of GRAP) and the requirements of the ‘Municipal Finance Management Act of South Afra, 2008 (Act No. 58 of 2008) (MFMA) ard Division of Revenue Act of South Aficn, 01? (Act No O5 of 2012) (DRA) and for such Internal control as the accounting officer determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that sre free from material miststernent, whether dus fa fraud or entar Auditor-General’s reeponeibility 3. My responsibilty is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my ‘ult. | conducted my audit in accordance with the Public Audit Act of South Africa, 2004 (Act No. 25 of 2004) (PAA), the General Notice issued in terms thereof and International Stendarda on Auditing. Those standards require that | comply with ethies! requirements and plan and perform the aucit ta ablain reasonable assurance about \whother the financial statements are free from material misstatement 4. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts land disclosures in the financial statements, The procedures selected depend on the auditors judgement, inducing the assessment of the risks of material mistatement of the financial siatements, whether due lo fraud or extar. In making those tsk ‘arsossmants, the auditor eansidors intemal contralrelevart tothe entily’s preparation and fair presentation ofthe Francia stalerents inorder to desig aul procedures tat ‘are appropriate in the eraumstaneas, bul nol for tha purpose of expressing an opinion ‘on the effactivanass: ofthe ently’ inlarnal control. An auit also includes evaluating the ‘appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonablences of accounting ‘ablimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation ofthe financial statements, 15. [believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sulticin and approprials to provicke sais for my quallied auld opinion. Basis for qualified opinion Property, Plant and Equipment 6. My audit report forthe prior year was modified due to a number of immovable properties that could not be traced to the asset register. This matter has not been resolved as at 30 June 2013, | was unable to determine whether adjustments to the resuts of operations. land opening accumulated surplus were correctly stated forthe year ended 30 June 2012, My opinion forthe current pertod's financial statements Is also modified because Of the possible effect ofthis matter on the comparabilty of the current period's figures ‘and the eorresponding figures. Investment Property 7. My auclt revented an immovable propenty sinouniing lo R880 000 thal isnot in the ame of the municipal that is recorded in the aocounting records af the municipality. Furthermore, my audit revealed @ nuniber of immovable properties belonging o the ‘muncipatly nd ragisterad with the Ragstrar of Desde that ware not accounted for in the accounting records. The value ofthese asseis that were not recorded in the ‘accounting records could net be determined. Consequently, | was unable to determine \whether any adjustment relating to immovable properties balance of 1 840.600 as disclosed in note 8 to the financial statements was necessary, Revenue 8, During 2012, Iwas unable to obtain sufficient eppropriste auuil evidence aboul revenue ‘amounting to Ré 682 097 as supporting documentation could not be submitted for auct purpases. | was unable to confirm the revenue hy allemative means. Huvliaore, my ‘ud report for te prior yer wit modifiad as tha municspaly did net reconcile the dliffarancas between the financial stalements (R36 210 014) and the underlying ‘accounting recorde (R32 072 707}. Conssquenti | was unable to determine whether ‘any adjustments to these amounts and accumulated surpluses were necessary. My ‘audit opinion on the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2012 was ‘modified accordingly. My opinion on the current pertod's fnanclal statements is also modified because of the possible effec ofthis matter on the comparability ofthe current period's figures. Commitments 9. There was no contract manecjement system In place forthe identification and recognition of cantracts and there were na satisfactory alternative audit procedures thet | could perform to obtain reasonable asstrance that all comnmiteniss were properly recorded. Consequertly, Iwas unable to obisin sufficient appropriate audit evidence to satisfy myself as fo the completonass af commitments of R12 235 870 (2012: R 24514 (084), as stated in note 20 to the financial staternens Aggregation of immaterial corrected misstatements, 410. The financial statements as a whole are maternally misstated due to the cumulative effect of numerous individually immaterial uncorrected misstaternents inthe folowing ‘slements making up the siatement of financial position and the statement of financial performance and the notes to the financial statements Creditors reflected as R13 703 833 is overstated by R 411 207.00 » Revenue reflectedss: R&S 775 008 is ovarslated by R1Z7 936.00 + Debiors are reflected 2s R260 620 is overstated by RB? 054.40 Prior potiod errors and changes in accounting policy 111, The municipality did not disclose prior year errors as required by Standard of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice, GRAP 3, Accounting policies, changes in accounting ‘estimates and errors, The municipality changed invasiment property accounting pols Fesulting in an increase in accumulated surpluses and invastmant properties arnounting fo RI 216 000. The corresponding figures mere however not adjusted and no disclosure was made in the notes to the financial statements to provide more information on the ‘ature and the impact ofthe errors on prior years. Furthermore, the municipality restated the property, plant and equipment however the restatement was not ciaclosed ‘correctly In the notes to the financial statements Qualified opinion 12. In my opinion, except forthe matter(s) described in the Basis for qualified opinion ‘paragraph(s), the financial statements present fairy, in all material respect, the financial postion of Pitey Ka Seme Dietrict Municipality a6 at 30 June 2013 and ite financial performance and cash flows forthe year then ended, in accordance with SA ‘Standards of GRAP and the requirements ofthe MFMA and DoRA, Emphasis of matters 19. | dravr attention to the matters below. My opinion is not modified in respect of those matters. Material funds held for COGHSTA projects 14, As disclosed in note 9. included in the trade payables are funds held by Pixley Ka ‘Sem District Municipality for the Ouboks Housing Projects amounting toR 11 028 763 (2012: R0,00). Restatement of corresponding figures 48. As disclosed in note 22 tothe financial statemonts, the corresponding figures for 30, ‘June 201? have heen restated as a result ofan error discovered during 2013 in the Tinancial slalumants of Pixley Ka Scie Dislriel municipality a, and forthe year ended, 30 June 2012 Material impairments 46. As disclosed in note 12.3 to the financial statements, material losses to the arnount of R588 726.09 were incurred as a result of a vrte-off of imecoverable debtors, Going concen 17, Nols 39 Lo the financial statements indicates thal the municipality incurred @ net logs of 741 B70 during the year ended 80 June 2078 and, ae of that date, the municipal’ curient lbillies exceeded its current aseats by R2 743 325, these condiions incisal nly thal may cast wignficanl doubl an the ‘municipality's ably te operate as a going concern, Additional matters 48, | drew attention to the metters below. My opinion Is not modified in rospoct of these matiors, Material inconsistencies in other information included in the annual report 19. Ihave not obtained the other information included in the annual report. Consequently 1 have not been able to identify whether the other information to be included in the annual report contelns eny material Inconsistencies to the Information inthe financial statements Unaudited supplementary schedules 20. The supplementary information get out on pages ... to... does not form part of the financial slaleinenis snd is presented ig additonal information. | have nol suited theee sschedulss and, accordingly, | da not express an opinion thereon. REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS: 21. In accordance with the P/A and the Gonorat Natiae sued in terms thereof, | port the: following findings relevant to performance against predetermined objectives, compliance With law and ragulalions and internal control, but not forthe purpose of expressing an opinion. REPORT ON PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 222, The annual performance report was not presented for aualt and consequently my findings below are lited to the procedures performed on the strategic planning and performance management documents. 23. The information was asseseed to determine whether performance indicators and targets fre measurable (Le. well defined, verable, specifi. measurable and time bound) and rolevant as required by the National Treasury Framework for managing programme norformance infarmation, 24, The material findings are as follows: Usefulness of Information Measurability 25, The National Treasury Framework for maneging programme performance Information (MPP) requires that performance targets be specific in clearly dentiying the nature fand required level of performance, 100% of the targets were not specificin clearly Identifying the nature and the required level of performance. This was dire to the fact that management was aware of the requirements of the FAIPPI but chose not to Priontise reporting en performance. 28, The National Treasury Framawerk far managing programme performance informalian (EMP!) requires that performance targets be measurable. The required performance ‘ould nct be measured for a total of 100% ofthe targats. Ihis was cue to the fact that Management was awvare ofthe requirements of the MPP! but chose not to priontiss reporting on perfomance, 2/. The National Treasury Framework for managing programme performance information (FMPP!) requires that indicatorsimeasures should have clear unarnbiguous data definitions 30 that data is collected consistently and is easy fo understand and use. A {otal of 100% ofthe Indicators were not well defined in that clear, unambiguous data definitions were not avalable to allow for data to be collected consistently, This was due to the fact that management was aware ofthe requirements of the [MPP/ but chose not to priortse ceperting on performance. 28. The National Treasury Framework for managing programme perfonnance information (FMMPPY requires thal the time period or deadline for delivery be specified. & total of 100% of the targets were not time bound! in specifying a time period or deadline for delivery. This was due tothe fact that management was aware ofthe requirements of the FMPP! but chose not io prioritise reporting on performance. 29. The National Treasury Framework for managing programme porformance information {FIMPPI) quires that must be poseible to valate the processes and system that produes the indicslor. A total of 100% of the indicators were not verifiable in that valid pprocasces and systems thal praduce the infarmalion on aclual parformance did ok ‘xsl. [his was due tothe fact that management was aware of he requirements of Ihe FMPPI but chose net to priontise reporting on performance. Compliance with laws and reaulations: | performed procedures to obtain evidence that the municipality has complied with applicable laws end requlations regarding financial matters, financial management and other related mattors. My findings on meteril non-compllance wtth specif matters in key apelcable laws: _and regulations 2s set out in the Goneral Notice sued in terms af the PAA are as follows! ‘Strategic planning and performance management 30. Tho municipalty did not estahlish a performance management syetem, as required by ‘section 3a(a) of the Municipal Systems Act. 31. The municipally did nol establish mechanisms lo monitor and review is peaformance management eystem, a& required by section 40 of the Municipal Systems Ack 32. A performance aust committee wae not in place and the auclt commites was net used to full the performance audit committge function as required by Municipal planning and Performance management regulation 14(2)a). 23, The annual performance report forthe financial year under review was not prepared and \Was not Included In the annual report, as required by section 46 of the Municipal ‘Systoms Act and section 121(3)(0) of the Municipal Finance Manaxement Act 24 The municipality didnot have and msitsn effective, effet and transparent systems of wal and risk management and internal controls required by section 82(‘)(c}0) of the Muniopal Finance Management hel Annual financial statements, performance and annual report 38, Ihe financial statements submitted for auditing were not prepared in all material respects in accordance with the requirements of section 122 of the Municipal Finance Management Act. Material misstatements of ron-current assets, current assete, feverue, expenditure, and disclosure terns identified by the auditors inthe submitted financial statements were subsequently corrected and the supporting records were Provided subsequenty, but the uncorrected material misstatements and supporting records that could not be provided resuited inthe financial statements receiving a qualified aud opinion. 26. The annual report or draft thereof, forthe year under review was not submited to the audit. This rosuited in alinitation to very the esseasment ofthe munlelplly’s Performance, responses to the auditor’ roport and the report of the audit committee ‘which ate contained in the annual report a¢ required by MFMA 121(8)(, (a) and (). ‘Audit committees 37. The aust committee dd not advise the council and accounting officer on matters relating o internal financial eantrol and internal auelt, risk management, accounting policies, effective govemance, performance management and. performance ovaluation 2 required by action 168(2)(a) of the Municipal Finance and Management Act 38, The audit committee did not advise the council and accounting officer on matters relating o the adequacy, rliabilly and accuracy of financial reporting and information, a required by section 166(2)(a)(v) of tie Municipal Finance and Management Act, 38, The auelt committee did not aise the council and accounting officer on matters relating to compliance with the MMTMA, DoRA and other applicable legislation, as required by section 168(2)(e)(uil of the Municipal Finance and Management Act 40, The aurit committee did not review the annual financial statements te provide the cauncl wilt an authoritative and credible view ofthe financial position ofthe entity, ts ficiency and effedivenass and is overall lavel of complianea: wilh the MFMA, DORA, and other applicable legislation, as required by section 186(2)(b) of the Municipal Finanes and Managemen! Act 41, The auelt committee did not respond to the council on the issues raised in the aucit reports of the Aucitor-General, as required by section 166(2)(c) of the Municipal Finance ‘and Management Act 42, Tho aucit commitice did not mect atleast four mos a yoar, as required by section 468(4)(b) ofthe Municipal Finance Management Act Procurement and contract management 43, Coads and services with a transaction value of below R200 000 were procured without ‘obtaining the required prlee quotetions as required by SCM reauleton 17(a) & () 44. Contracts and quotations were awarded to bidders who did not submit a declaration on \whether they are employed by the stale or connected to any person employed by the state, as required by SCM regulation 134¢) 45, The preference point system saa not applied in all procurement of goods and services above R30 000 as required by section 2(a) ofthe Preferential Procurement Polley Framework Act and SCM regulation 28; a). Expenditure management 46, Money oving by the municipality was not always paid within 30 days or an agreed, Period, es required by section 65(2)(e of the Municipal Finance Management Act. 47, Reasonable stops vere not taken to prevent unauthorised expenciture, regular ‘expenditure and fruitless and wasteful expenditure, es required by section 62(1)(¢) of ‘the Municipal Finance Managemont Act Revenue management 48, An adequate management, accounting and information system which accounts for revenue was nat n pace, a8 required hy section 64(2)(e) ofthe Municipal Finance Management Act. Conditional grants received 49, Sufficient appropriate auclt evidence could nat be obtained that the municipality tsvaluisted its performance in respect of prograrmmes funded by the allocation and submit the evaluation ta the transferring national officer within two months after the end ‘ofthe financial year, as required by scetion 12(6) ofthe Division of Revonu Act. 50, Sufficient appropriate auelt evidence could nat be obtained that the municipay ‘complied with the preparations for next financial year and 207115 financial year as required by section 26 of the Division of Revenue Act Asset management 51. An adequate management, accounting and Information system which accounts for assets was notin placo, as requirod by section 63(2)(a) of the Municipal Finance Management! Ack 52. An effective system of internal control for assets (including an asset register) was net in face, as required by section 63(2) () af the Municipal Finance Management Act. 53, The municipality id not estabish an investmert policy that was adopted by counel a8 required by section 12(2) ofthe Municipal Finance Management Act and Municipal investment requiation 3(1e) 54, Sufficient appropriate audit evidence could not be obtained that all investments were ‘made in accordance with the requirements af the Investment policy, as required by ‘Municipal investment regutation 3(3), 55, Capital assale wore parmanarily dispased wilhoul the appraval ef tha aounel, ss required by section 14(2}(a) of the Municipal Finance Management Act and Municip asst transfer regulation 6. Financial misconduct 56, Unauthorised, regular, trues and wasteful expenciture Incurred by the municipality ‘was not investigated to determine lf any person is lable forthe expenalture, In accordance with the requirements of section 32(2) of the Municipal Finance Management Act Internal contro! 857. | considered internal control relevant to my aut of the financial statements, annual performance tepor! and compliance wih laws and regulations. The matters reported ‘below under the fundamentals af intemal cantral ara ited a the significant dlicienciee that resulted inthe basis for qualified opinion, the findings on the anna (performance reparl and the findings an complians wilh laws and regulon clued In this report Leadership 58, The accounting officer does not exercise aversight responsibilty over reporting and ccomplanca by management wh iaws, regulations and ntarnally designed poles and procedures. As resull, ner-compllancs issues were notad Financial and performance management 59, The financial statements and other information to be included in the annual report are ‘Hol reviewed for completeness and accuracy prior to submission for audit by the chit financial officer. 0. Management did not document and approve intemal policies and procedures to address the precess of collection, recording, processing, monitoring and reporting en performance information, 61, Adequate systems, manual or automated controls are not designed or implemented to ensure that the transactions have occurred, are authorised, and are completely and accurately processed pertaining to the accounting gystem. Documentation supporting ‘amounts disclosed in the financial statements was rot always available Governance 62, Intomal controls aro not soloctod and developed to provent, dotect and correct material ‘misstatements in financial reporting and reporting on predetermined objestives, 63. The financial statements were subject fo material corrections resulting from the audi, which are atfibutable tothe lack of risk assessment performed, weakneeses in the ddgsign and implementation of mterial contol in respect of farickal management, ard financial reporting and weaknesses inthe information systems, 64, The accounting officer didnot prioritise the establishment of a flly functioning. performance audit commitise and therefore the functions were not established anc functional during the financial year. Auclitor-Gonera Kimberley 30 November 2013

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