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DC5 Central Karoo Draft Budget 2015-16 PDF

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Preview DC5 Central Karoo Draft Budget 2015-16

Central Karoo District Municipality EE KAROO BaUNiqIeACTY BUDGET REPORT MTREF 2045/17 - 2017/18 L TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1- ANNUAL BUDGET SECTION 5 -TETROBUCTION SECTION 2 -MAYORAY SPEECH SC TKIN 3 -BUDGET RELAY RESOLUTIONS, SFCTUOAL4 «EXECUTIVE SOMMARY SECYION $ - ANNUAL SUDGET TABLES PART 2— SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION SECTION 6- OVERVIEW OF ANNUAL UCTGET PROCESS SECTION 7- OVERVIEY OF ATAGMLNT OF THE ANNUAL FUDOET {WITHT THE INTRGKA [ED DBVELOPMENE PEAT SECTION & - MEASURARIR PERFORMANCE OBILCTIVES AND INDICATORS SECTION 9- OVERVIEW OF BUDGET RELATED POLICIES SBCTION 10- OVERVIEW OF BUDGFT FUNDING AND PRPENDITURE SELTION II -EXPENDITURR ON ALLOCATIONS OF GRANT PROGRAALS SECLION 12 SULOCATIONS AND GIANTS MADE BY IUIEMUNTCIRALLY SECTION 13-BMPLOYFR BENELITS AND COUNCILLOR REMUNERATION SECTION 14 MONIHLY TARGETS FOR REVENUE, EXPENDITURE AND CASHFLOW SECTION 15-- ANNUAL BLUGETS AND SURVICR DELIVERY DUDGRT IMPLIMENTATION. PLANS ~ INFERNAL DFPARTEMENTS SRCTION 16 ANNUAL BUDGETS AND SLRVICRDRLAVERY AGREFMENS "MONIGIPAL ENTITTES AND OLVTNR EXTERNAL MBG NISMS SECTION 17 CORTRACIS ILAVING FUTURE BUDGETARY IMBLICATIONS. PAGE SECLION 18 CAPITAL EXPRNDHURETRTAIL SROTION 19- MUNICIPSL MANAGFR'S QUALITY CERTIFICAIE: ANREXUREA, FNVIRONMENTAL HUALITI TARIFF LAST ANNEXLRR B- ANNUAL FUDGET TABLES ANNEXULR¢ -BUDGLT POLICIES PARY 1- ANNUAL BUDGET SECYTON 1- INTRODUCTION MUNICIPAL BUDGET DEFINITION OF A MUNICIPAL BUDGET A sauucipal bodgetis yenecally a rojscscm of futur: cevennes and eqpenitue. A tudgetis used 9 contol finescalcrmsactons and auld ulsa be ured as a masagemtent sud plamving veal. {tis als ths to! For implementing service detivery objectives ofthe Municipality as seCont tu their hnegrated Develapassn! Hea UDP). Armalite alo poles fx goer nme soorinbiiy, esBlad prosictabllty within the musi ‘Tho auuual budget und capital bueger fer the fInancial Feur 2015/16 aud the 2 indientive _yents 2616007 and 2017S ace hereby vepresented as preserihed ia aunong athere: © MMA (Act 56 of 2008) ‘+The Pistribuiin afReveeve Act, 2011 sed Provincial Mudge. anmouscomeats Budget & Mepovting Regulation, 313 of 2009 1» Sevious 215 & 216 of the Coustituton + The Bemécipl Syst Act N32 of 609 ad Maisie Systems Amendment Aslan 44 of 2003 Coutts budget relied plies SECTION 2- MAYORAL SPEECH Jes an hones aad privilege for me o table tue Draft Pudge 6 Cousit forthe Cwancil yane Enea “We live in challongiog timex and we ate nor excleded Gom the content presse on te countomiy isc county aad also worldnice, Ceattal Karvo Distiet Manicigality is malin elation to other muneipliies and dsuiets. tu weare responsible forthe same complisnce aud Derforraance mceswrasas yl the lmger anuicipain ekich obviously impact au one boo Torce atl dhexecopabiities. Tho blue with specific ference tour personnel who have 10 be ‘welluaiued and cepaciatel bocuuse all ef them aze expected to work vuside their ‘escriptions Coma tine to (ime, This is one of die ceasons chal we sl exnage fo fvancially rnnvive. lis however emperaive at we appoin. wel qualified ond capszisaled powsonnel to proven that ceitin stall meabars become nally everlorded Tem glad to report Cowell that dung the past nancial year, up go new, oar Smicipal ‘Manager manged to egos, wll the assisimos of Aitiea Crock, fnauees fra skills evelopment progres to he iiplomented in our egiau, R]6-milfinn were allorand to Cetmnat arog ad dit we aban’ sist with the execulio oF several ining sessions Gor members of he lic in ou regi, As was dhe ease i previo finamial yeas we ayia oceived an fmnqualified audierapon with rule enqpires cud wero for lmao a efem aut. Our eit il trashiove che kaie ant do Kplpa fr stict Seancia discipline and enmpfiauce with Sgistation, svcuntsiued in ihe MEMA, Aldqugh we alregly managed to get more rod mre imvalved ia the uplitmmert af oar communis ugh subsidies aud donations, mus be ow gaa cevenmally be able 1 aie one B-hfunicipbies ss unnndatod in legislation, ‘With reyutds to cur budge a hand La a exphinsio the following: ‘Weude peovisioa for an increase in Council allowances af. “We mace provision fox an increase In persorne!aninias of 6,5% anu farther 2.5% with regards to notabas win a salary scale. ln total 3%, 3. Weprovided forcapitlespeudinma tthe aucune of 8205 000 whichinekade renovations (ouue ultings, F-eyuipuneor and disiet ineragement Uniting, 4, Weimade provisioa fr the full aunt of 199 000 To our membeiship £0 817.6 3. Welisd neimereass ou previo for astral mit by RT -milim whch is also the mai reason why wwe nee not able ta make provision foc any grants > oui BeMuaisipalties, 6. Wemramuged io ineronas our sesisemee lo ae public (weet to allocated fords uy Exo, nary Fund and péovision fer the difereet commemorative days end alter} 10 she anew af RA62 00. 17," Wetad in make provision ta wits of the ama of RASH DUU overdve by the Cuntral Karoo Fexmuniie Develepment Agency. & We akn bad to piake provision for the appointment uf an Envireamemal Telth racliioaet fo replace the vaeaney lef by the resigeaion of Mr. Danie van Rensburz ‘Shou! one and blé years ago, Due financial consuiains we did eatin the previews sear budge Far his vacancy 1 ‘We recently renivel grunt fundlag fiom Provinciul Govenmnsut to do a fll Oxjacistions] Re- design and sm Tescited or the ovtcores of tis sly a5 this would bo an aportent direction Indicator for Council o approach dhe fee of eur Mimieipaity, ‘is vit coutidenoe that. | abe ts 4 tng of she arent Cou for appre Bx NOADIT EXECUTIVE MAYOR SECTION 3- BUDGET RELATED RESOLUTIONS, ‘Tae MIFMA stipulaes tbat she Maynr mast nble une anual budget ata ect meeting at least 0 days before the stat ofthe lncgot uxt andthe Mayor ust take ll reste steps ease thatthe erally apreaves ls annuut budget aire te stat ofthe harlet ar. For ‘bisreoscm Covmeil may ul eta of ablung the budget simply nore the deal resolinas ‘se following ise dratt ecolvions which Counsil neu oa with ike opproval of the 2ALSIL@ Budget By the end af Marah 3015 1, Coumel rovolves tha the Aunual Budget of the Mauicipaity or tis fnuncial year 2018716 and inicalive for che rw projaséod over years 201617 anh 2OL3/1 and the iull-year aud single year caps] apprepriations he apprewed ase out inthe ermal Thudgel schedule ables ound in Section 5, Comeil reralves that Ure mesunable peounauce cbjecives for revenue fom each somse, anf (arcach vole eflesed in, cis éocament be agprosed forthe badge your 201476 and ihe vs prajected outer years 201617 aud 2077208 Council vesalves i adopt be amended Integrated Levstnpement Plan (DP). ‘Connell rsofves tat vy budge slaved policies flected im aumasute C are approved tor dhe budget your 201 S16 ‘Connell reves dat die Eling oC he woemnt posts as ionic by the Executive ‘Manigoment as suse ia Section 4 and 12 of this desaacnt, hs pence, SRCTION 4- MANAGEMENT REPORT “The diaft 201546 bedget is hereviih puesened to Comeil by Txecntive Mayur Adora ¥ ZN ‘Ceci sumuaged to sabslse its finance ove Pe pst tee years and is enced tna rush more "velaxed cashflow positon” thn was to cage chee yeurs ays. Cubidunately care fill ralant on a fined incvaxeLiroagh grants md sobcides hich macke up altsast 9839 oF Council's inceme budgeh ‘The challenge related tg the Later is dno Dissot Municipalities, im general, have net the luxury o€ several variables with rogard to ncarme cach a land ta ois on serves delively, ef, On the olhe baad the Disrict Municipalitias, dependable om ganuts ac llgcatots are WHY gure of Bei iacoree and theres oss hav fo “ive” between the fuundaties of those inoome. [regard thy prssated budget as the cost realistic sines I heearme ‘involved, but urust alee mention Tat the budget cas ot make noun Sx changes nthe aaghstnnt budget of 2015/16 sboeld ete be such nec. Inthe sched Below yor nl find a suunanay ofthe grants allocated tothe Mccipaliry fromm Naional Theaswy and Provincial Treasmry. Conn reecived the fallowing geauts tn the BOKA for 2018/16 Ejiaeie shee i} SUBTOTAL. _ Tis s24000 OW T Tasso Fac. 1280-000, pg 350-0007 : Tewcal Roads Asset Maangetvent at 794 Goo. SING Wastea Cpe _ 2.100 00 [rorar. 36436:000 Cousel rosived a Finacial Meragenses Gran tothe arapanl of K 1, 25-rilion whi is conditional and allocated asthe sehedulbelow:+ ‘With regards to FMIG and MSEC the fant, which is conditional, wes slloested as Collars: EMG bers Salat [Huuning. of Fler “TT-Complianes Sipply Chain Monegan TOTS. Tsao “Abovois the schadalo wih cepards to Munisipal Systoma Tproventene Grank which salzo a ‘erditionat gamut, tthe administration coutibation from te Reads Deparment armuwnts to R 3 #49 940 which jneludes 14% VAT, “The Rural Reads Ascot Maeugeunen Grant which smu RI 794 ROX sw pilot rote ont the Disricts of Cantal Karoo, Fan and Overberg an is ss Provincial Government eurealy [process to verify ths exnct extant af e mentioned yea which i also conditional, At the Srouoat the fears tested a8 conutitem in curbudgel, “The Mayor wleady reported cn te allosatiaa Dom 142880 10 the amonat uf R16-milfon and ‘euch peowraah i carently akesdy ina process of implexeatrion. ‘The ther incame iea mere 245 50D whichis dstadedin the schedule bulow ‘ihr Hioomns consis TPWP Al aoa Conificate; of Apel SU, Eases om eg ori ‘Photostac, faves and ‘6.008 iia e900] | nsyrance 10 000 Tneome fin Tis eed "LOTAL ~ pes s00| Roads subsidy # B47 400 060 wax deduction of che wdmnisealion fee “Tout income forthe Fngacial yar armomnss fo R79 102 523 which is RS 706 000 or 447% toss Tan current adjnstmant budget of R82 N08 006. The ltr de inthe skis development project fhrwhich we budget in All in he adjustnent budge, bl already stand spending “Tig R295 000 budgeted for Capital Bxpenctite i fr © ITE gripment R 75000 © Digasior Manugersut Frpipment: R30 000 + Rolubishzamt of Fuildings: D0 Ho ‘Wi te fs wvalahle we believe chat the stuched bulges is exdible and ly dandest NWNORTIE CHIEF SN ANC TAT OTFICHR

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