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DC47 Sekhukhune Development Agency AFS 2019-20 unaudited PDF

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Preview DC47 Sekhukhune Development Agency AFS 2019-20 unaudited

Salguana Devaepran: Agency ‘nal Franc Sutras forthe your era Jora 202020 ‘Sekhukhune Development Agency {Resistaton nue 207119622720) ‘rua rand Statrant ort yar ended ane 39.2029 General Information Logelfom of any Nature of business and principal activities Board Chatperssa ‘her Board Manes Reglotredoffeo Comroting entity Aitors Secratany Rounding Sle Orne Ceapanericpal Ey 2011008372190 ‘tural ety te mperent gh npc ccnemic pets Ve Hautoon Mihudiane ae. Mad angunas ti. Serhen Masemole . Masolgany Pos "ae Kacelo Pasha fra al Greer ‘Sekhuxtuna Diltct Munlopalty 888 uc General Sou Aten Resinered Autor. o. Unaine Tahtewi (lesioned an 21 Cctober 2018 A gure we rundad oft ‘Sekhukhune Development Agency (Rasta number 201190227200) ‘Sans Finan Stream forte yaar ded Jone 37,2029 Index “Ti ey nd alates ato blow 2 te annual ns tetas prosont 1 th ovina! yale Page Accounting aensReygonsitis and appval 4 Aus Coornee Raion 4 counting fica Report 5 Sateen of Fingal Psion 5 _taletent of Fine Petar 7 Stement of Grangoa Net Ass's 4 Cc Fon Statemer: ° Salen of Conperaun of Buaget and Aol Amounts » scour Pais tear Notes ot A Frnt Shoes 14-28 coin ‘Compenestin for Ocecpatcal juries and Diesasae oe Capit Replsarent Ragen 384 Development Bank of auth Anes saoMP South Aira Rist Generally Acq Accounna Prectoe one oneal Recegrised Aczourtng Practice cantar Gonaraly cpt Murcbal Accouring Practos HOF Heung Developnet Fun as Internatone Acceuring Standards ro Ins efuniepal Financ Orr Psa un Publ Ses Acouing Stade wes ‘uncest Ertbos mec ‘amir the xeeatie Count vara, munnigel Finance Manageme Act oo Municipal Intasbucre Grant Previously OP) Sekhukhune Development Agency (bagrtahon nonber 20127720) ‘Sonu Finndsl Stomams fe year endee June 0, 2020 Accounting officer's Responsibilities and Approval ‘Te accountng oer srequred bythe asp Finance tergenent Ac (ct SE 0° 2000, to mainsn adate scouring record and fear for he contant andl of ta onrual earcilsetemonts and ras ant infomation inuded i ths epat sthe expone ty ofthe accu tng oes to encura at he annual fail slatoments {aitypresert he site of ef of the arias the do tne yaar and te reat Is haratone and can Bows {ertte perad then andad Tha etal audios ars angebed To srarace on indepen Opinion onthe pnnual MezCs| Sucenams ana wad gion Untabteieg sosaee talline recor ad rad eat ‘The env Fugogel slaarents nave been praparad i: apcorance wit: Strider Genbraly Recopriaed Aocowntng ratoe (GRAF) ince wy eZarprtsiae, euldelinge apd dronives vod by de Aceoutng Sterae Board “The smal tarsi? arom aa aso upon aperpde aesouing pelts conatent apesed and supported by ‘earonakla ana prgintiageamenfegrd-la ues The heal Phone ead exerts municipsties 2nd nunca fei toon complying ih be aeacleme sien ane {20 and 2.12 (1) an 2). 200) 9nd 2) of he Laced Govetneen: Kunal Fnancs Management ct 2003 (Act Np 83 D003). Frateore, ne manips an remiagalaeies rast submit seal nana sateen vain ae othe ter 31 August 2026 whi a3 Seber 7028, ‘re aecourtng fcr achnavadgse hat ha is uateycesponcible for he eyeom ot ntl financial coral exethuned oy ‘to ani sd placa conesorae impotence sr maintains Seong conral envfeemea’ To enable aacaurteg ooo Meat tase tacponetaes, he oot santa fx hlerl vstak wed sf cdecing to rik of oer ot Ste nce ‘Hective manner. Te shane inci the reper delegation af reponse Wikina es fia rama, seste ‘raining peomecinoe and acoqyateeeqregaon of noe to reuteen accapate leat x. Ths cools ae wentned ‘roushout teeny ee al erp yees sve Yello fe naan eth oem riendarda necting t etry chases 1 duced ru reer tat af reasonable resistances ib above raproath. Tea ous fag reanagarerm thee i desthing, 2scacting. managing na tonto a inoarvarne gf rat-acorene Enky. Wale opening sk exe! be {i sumnates, ne erty endesvaus to vane by anas"9 thal appropriate ie auctre. ent, systems se aN listen are aed and arayed wehinpredtsrmines procedure ana oor SaeNe ‘The accountcg cca is ofthe apna, bend an the Inormatlon and explanalins sive by manganese acto of invamal carl provisos rats aasuestae tate Doan tooo Oe rele on forte penton ronal. Franca etlerents.neneve, ony sytem sfisiama nancial ona ran provide ay ease, ond et sb e, sesurres gained alata restr o: de “ha acovrng fos hat evn Se els wal Mew fren fo the yea 0 June 20, 2621 godin be iat is reve hd he eat nant! postion, 2c sateiod tal te wy has oF has aozase fs adage reepurces te conta h operational exstones for he frerecaale Tare The exemal auctor ae texpenable‘orinzapengetly reviewing I> snty's aml franca esetnes, The annual nan !Matragmishave bree exarinud by fre cote oxemal ators ape oe spa le prabaed gr Dae ‘Th anus! fren lemon el out on pages Sto 25. which have bes papal a: he sing Conca bess, we {gprovod on Ouaber 32020 ty [Aseoutting Offcor Kopala Phashs ‘Sekhukhune Development Agency {oat rber 211022720) Sant Fiance Semen rhe yer anced June 3,292 Audit Committee Report ‘Wo plesodta pra rtourreport fre feardl year sno Jue 80,2020 AR corso mambers aed atandance “The aut sents consi of tha momar fed hatendar oe shouk! ment Anes per anal 8a pare esroved neo ‘re Boge cena aac ecg Nan ofenember Mr Languansla (CheipsreosOMU72010%6 Siasrn2) Nr ole (chakpeaon re ov04020) Me‘ dabebethe (Ouorz0%e oor a5c021) Maa Melope (07m or8 b STeRz020) Met ttors MoM Maths (Fem cvowau} Ne Mme (From csiua2n29} ‘Aust commie reeponatity |e aa commitas ports ha Was conga wth menazaie arty rom om Eecton 1862s MMA, “The aut smite laa epone thet thas adopt appropri onal are ference we Rs aud commites cher am {aqui a sas n complanga wih tis ir ane naa lactaeged af fs responaiien 2 conned hore “Tae etecdvensos of internal verze! ne quality in year unatiitand marthyiquaraty pert aubrtad Inte oie MA se tha DMlon of Revere Ae vstiton of naval franca tetomente “Tom ave ne hleved a oisutee the auc ona Sranil seman te be need in hears reget, wth tr ee ‘Sonar and he: reves th Audit Sonal of Soult Afiusnauegpcea eg el manageriets reasons re Fevoved chtnper fr ecocantng palsies snd pastes Usted ‘acid in erion eomplanre-nth eg! equa awe ons, tevtved epicont avons ating Pa a asst ‘he aut conntce sone wil nad acoapt na Audix General of Sout Atl pat the ena! Fran lates, er Groeting open fee gel’ enroa ancl seme WOU We eet eto oe hs rope Ft ‘lor Gator ce Sra Are. Inter aut “The aut cammiteo atid that ne herald neta peta cay ar at as ack a is Patan ho ey aes aut Autor Generatot south ates “Toe auitcommites hes mel yh he Austr Canaral of Soh Ate is eheure that ar reno unre eBtes ‘Grater oto aut Comte pote Zo~fe7 Bee Sekhukhune Development Agency {Resistor number 20140022720 Save! nrc Brame obeys onded June 36,2020 Accounting officer's Report “The secountng offer aubmis hs epee yen ended June $025. 4. Review of atte sin business snd operations e-catoh othe sity 840,675 (2019 subs 1.698889, “The ent ig raed in iplemersng high inpac: arom praca and pers pinay In Sah Aes (Lingo provnes) Sahushune Det 2 Ging concern ‘i creation th fat hat ate 0, 2020, he ently hot an anual supdue of R 1,008,288 ene tat the ety iota aesta sed fs lables by 1.007.285 pa Yau at 2 June 20°. re enilyaecumusad Supe 1 88 22 ‘nthe ey tal caetseeoeed me hb y P1357 oa ‘The smell sllements nave boon reared en the bas of azccumin sli appacabe ts gong cancer. Tit tose presumes tht uns il besa le frames ture operations and Ite realisation o acts se setueran ot acts, covingantcolgatans are connie a ars ie ooay eau ob sinoan, “The sity 0° erty crsinus ot «going sonzamis dependant ona runbarlactere The mest sifcet of ree it ‘hath accountng affearcontnuet grace knaing forte ongoing operon ote any sah Pe siberian {areemen(refevedto h nok 21 of hase annus enc stator ema r foro fo anthers Selene 2 holy. 8. Suhenquent ave ‘The accouing fears no are of ary materorcumstane ri noe ta anda th facies 4 Shae eal) contributed capital “There no changes nthe autre or aad ane capa! fhe any dung Ih year under ren ‘Sekhukhune Development Agency [Resiesornunbee 201 ae2270) ‘Prnal Hotel Strona ere oar ened sie 5. 2023 Statement of Financial Position as at June 30, 2020 guia Ran Noe aaa ae estates Asse current tasete Resehablea fom exchangs traneacione A = spans atatatiee non aoreveharge aac é wes 1312 Cash andesch guia 7 tseeaso anne rasa 778 _-Ba0r, 188 Prop plant and euimert 3 tstezo0 ase trang i eecte 4 t Tate ‘Teint 2a16 382 Curent Litt Payables from axcharge transacting eases ame Lnspentcoraonsl gars ana recep 8 1z0cera 1sznece a0 7441815676 Fem canis 7808 744 1.819678 et Aveo “isoTase 1asraee ‘Share apr cord caer a "000.008 etunied suchs 08248 1.956204 ‘Total Hot Arsete ‘pore 1a5%ae8 Sekhukhune Development Agency (Regetrton cunt 201000227270) ‘Ran! Fnandal Stents er the yea: ended Jure 36,2020 Statement of Financial Performance 256 Ea Rovanus rom exchenge tnraactions Sundry income res wr en oft asaus—Lroma60 2651051794107 Revanus hom nowrexthangetanawetions [Soutien ers sabi 13 sasiz00 sera 20 Total revenue Ti 44e08—5.68r005 ponctiars Empleyze lad cnet Mapes) asnecey Board Fooe 38 “arr7a0) TEE, Deprocaton and mertsion 8 Gare) (ea 37 ng08260) vse (Gefcit surpu for the year Gan. Sekhukhune Development Agency (Reaetaton number 201800227240) ‘Fetus none Salome forth yar endad June 20, 2000 Statement of Changes in Net Assets haw spiel! Accomabied —Toaint Coruibued —surpis ‘asset Furi Rano aot lanes at July 1, 2018 000 (stzsr0) —(at1s75, args eas ‘Supe tare oar eeme04 1060004 Totaleamaes 868.94. 568.856 era Bane a 1.2078 Tao sam223 4.967.209 ‘Supe for the oar (ee) (18.78 Tats canes (8.518) (98.7, itaneo at June 36.2020 p00 .006,248 4,007 208 Rests) = Sekhukhune Development Agency {Reciston number 2041002727301 ‘rl Enel etrenso te yee onde une 20, 2:20, Gash Flow Statement Figures in Rend Tafa) 20D 201 estat” (cach flomm fom operating activtice Recap: her esses femass Tanne Paymone ‘Cash pa supp and omeees re2st3) Neteash flows Irom operating aati 8 288) Cosh ows from investing sete Purchase of oper oar and caveat + 00649) - Netneraana(secvane) eaah ai eaeh aqulelente jason casza (Gash and sachequbaient athe begining othe oar ‘sn17s0_ aan sal ‘Eaah and caah equivalent atthe end aftheyenr ——SSSCSCSCSCS~S~S~S~SCSC*SC«

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