© Saxhashuna Dare Mariety ‘anual Pnsnael Setar ‘ortho year dad 30 June 2020, Sekhukhune District Municipality {Reaztaton mmber OC 4) ‘ral Parca Statements er the yar ended 20 ute 2029, General Information form ot ant Netuee of buries and prineipal actos Mayoral commits Exe ayer ‘Grading oftocl autnonty (hiet Finance Ofer {CFO} ‘Assouing Offeor Postal addres "Murigpalty intgms of econ 1 ut he Local Govamere: Kune ‘Shane Aft of 1908 eae wth sorbon fea ol he ‘Senstvion aha Repub South hes et 1983 003) ‘The povaion ot saves wat and aeittn to canines nx Ssanete maser teeeonols god ana eeoramic covenant nde rence esi and heathy oraonmen cur ams ks ‘lr Mararcla it (caunet Sposa cur Leta Ta (one i) (le Shiergu TL cr matianas Clr Nehbekng TL (le Mangere sa. Girma sP Cl Mseta Cte nos 38 Cite oH Clrtmamasoa RS clrmata st Cle nate, Cl Merits ac Cle iaenane TT Clr tener 7 Stade Muri Mr mung Mp AC Mufamade- Acting 9 eat Sree Siu oa ‘reblerecal ‘anand ark ‘ute Sera (840 hated one ants S.A Registre Autre Sokhukhune District Municipality ‘esta ancl Ser forte yes ene 0 June 2020 Index “Toe eps ye slabs st ou bole coerce anusl nancial stetementsoeseried tothe around alate Page -Aecourlng Of ere Response ana Aoprav s Aut Commitee Resort 4 ‘Aesouning Oar Report 5 ‘Statomont f Financ Posen ‘ _Stotament ef Financ Porfomares 7 statamenternenges ia Nel Aaa 5 rsh Flaw Setar ° Stolementet Comparten of dt ane Actual Amun 10 Aecocringrotese tena Noles to he Anrupl Financial Sttamans 88 ow erngeneaton ar Genspatonal lari and Dik cre Capt Replacamart Rogers pasa Deveement Barco" South Ata SR GOP South Alan State nens of Gnarly Acces Aounting Pain RAP Seneraty Recoarised Accaunng Prasice anne [enaaly Accepte Municipal Accourcing Prctie HOF Hevsig Davalopmant Fund we IntmatonalAreounirg Stans Fo Insts ot Muriel Pinace Offers Psa Insatinal Publ Secor Accruntirg Stencars mee muneiplEotiee ee Member of he Ect Cound vena Manip! Finance Management ft cs YMunkipalnnastuoture Sree (Peviusy EMP) oA Dig ofReverue At wTREF Md Term Revenue and Expand ue Framework ws ‘ate Garvie nrastuctre Grant ‘Sokhukhune District Municipality (Gagan nsmter0 <7) [anal Finmneal stage ee oe" aed 20 Juve 200 Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval “he sect ster raquo: byte nil Zanes Waragemert Act 20 8 2008, forester edequae: sccculing ecard ae reson a sania ogy 2s anal rane! sects ons rated rei intranets rap, Hist tezsnstiy nf he sczeurngofcarte ena ‘hal the ened trae. teres fay pase the sit ffs ofthe munically svat ofthe fanil Yaa arate oes of ts eperatona scat Fes ere peraairen sed. Te arom ausise ate engaged apres an nase pion Be semua hance! [Samii wes ghen uses scesato alltandal eee a se det ‘The mal rancia ssteents nave ueen prawn acreeanca ih Stands of Renaraly Received Heeauning Prac (GRAP} indir ar erat, g.deiee ang areobvee aun hye touunlig Set sands Cour, Ih aust ran rte so based spon apsepite arsine pl i rae iy spled ens pporad by |seecnabi ra ude lyons and acites. 76 Mhele of Fvanea "ed exempted ricostine sr mia Son om oxy th Sranog sated I eacene a8) ed?) 12" are eK ard “290 ots el ovemrent tunpe Finance Maragerent et 2038: Ya. 801 20°). 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Sekhukhune District Municipality (Resistaion number 00 41 ‘ral Frei Steno fr oar ded 39 ne 2620 Accounting Officer's Report routing ofr uke et repo fer he ye eed 89 June 2200 1. Review of atv Main business and oparstore Net supus othe munispeiy ws 37788 49 2018: sume 959 6 £02), 2. Going consom ‘The anc nancial saterants hove boon propa onthe ti of acouing police spate ts gina concern This oss pesunes that nde wl Se suri oRranen ur aparatone and ‘ht a aalaston a asset 3a eter ct Taras cantingantcsatane an asnievaie wills the onary coe of business, “The ably of ma munceiy to sortrue oa oing concern a dapender on citi! enng by Ntonal Governments at DORA over te MIREF arod Tar reo raaeane ta blab urdng ay be Mopoee nthe oresese hare 3. Subsequent evens “Tho aozouning offcarienoteware of ary maker 2¢cHowmtanaeacstg sce heen ofthe ani yer 4. Accounting policies ‘The aul enc slatsrents prepa uecocncewihthe prsciad Sandan of Generally Racoon Accounting Pract (GRAP) estes bythe Accoureg Sandrds irda he rossi! Famontok by Neon rasa 6 Bankore ‘Standard banc hs been sepsned the gravy hank ofthe muicialty during th year tr 9 pit of ne rs 6 Audtor Auer Gonz iSA wllconénuin of oe nat nancial ped Items of MMA 128) 9 raruspaty ara oroty rus submit Arnul Pnanll Statement (AFS) to ar Cena (a) Pravncia nd Motor Treseuny Sekhukhune District Municipality iReasraton number Oe 47) Aoal Facil Stren ‘a th yearend 39 ne 2029 Statement of Financlal Position as at 30 June 2020 Furs in and oie) aR aa Rete! 5 Mawes 22 280000 tha hence seo 4 000 tem Receiabls fom nen-changa ransttions 7 rrepas1 aasasse aT recenable 2 aeuasees aga72eae Reoaivable rom exchange tanscions 3 saa776088 106 ten as (Cees eoch outers so s2aa0a77 “Thanet zee Haast NomCurant sete Prpery plan ane 3 eperensays aseaiaa69 Total Asset 2.000490 580 5 708 625 Cuno: ibtes peratng sas inbity Ss sexearr 4 zarsat Pojabae rom erchange asec +f arent macatm Coreurer depoats 15 asia “anaree Urspent candieal gents and ees 1 aasoaa7e a oszere Provone 13 _a1sizssa 22487 aos 326 adv 624 E10 e722 Nn Cure isis Prodsira 13 2osseero 21 aznese sesen0as 69294074 Fass son 066 Doren we Revlon reser 1 toocon _a30an0 ‘Anat erat £488 700068 2076 431 38 TosINet Assets ‘3455 a0 O66 § 078231 SE ‘Sekhukhune District Municipality {Resisaon nmbar 0 <7 ‘anual iva Baers rhe yor endeas0 se 2029 Statement of Financial Performance Fiauesin Rand Weal) 205 estat Revenue Revenue trom exchange transactions Sana sarge 7 oreuoasese5i8028 Inter rece = Osbtore TOsrs 10: 71954 084 sets sane ‘S41sn80 | 927 a78 ther come Triage aeaars Provision fora ta wrttan bac, S sBaat ars Iroraat raeiea 18 soaorsti_tresaana ‘Total revenue rom exchonge tanracone as esr srt var 307 239 Revenue trom nor-xchange transactions [overnment grants 8 subsides 20_ranssia ic 1 wot ess “ota revenue 7610 56g HY 1447 699075 Expendtre Employee eld ost 21 wer aaaanay eors7s ene) Remimanton of ounce 2 “ns.age 4) “1ig8t ram) Repair wd mintenance (a2 tag 180) o7t2725) “Tf paymont- her 29000 Depret aon and smartsstin 2 10050038) es o08 220) Inpainant ane ee “agarusie) (anes France cesta 2s “Gateaas) (320748) Leste rensianeparting oe 55255922) (58085102), Dek immer me eiasoren Gagaotem) Bad dt writ ft (2830 286) Bul purchesas 2+ yaw 352691) (96 906455) emacs sonicae 2s “mes 440) "(68260 806) “Tranter Subs se “oeaeat “(eaneosm ‘son aliposl af ensele ae iiing (05 752) (78168) ‘Sena xan 25 error suz) quand 77 ‘otal expenditure Suxples fort war un aTe 002 Sekhukhune District Municipality [Renistaton suber OC <7 ‘anual al Staternent oe year edad 20.ue 220 Statement of Changes in Net Assets Fgureein Rane Rewauaios Aaaini ated Tole ‘eevee ase posnabanes ee eresiouslyrpaea Saearents Pris yea aestronts Elenco at 01 July 2078 ae eoated® Change in ei seats Suis tor tho year 00 000 2787 Goa 240 2 Fas apa 248 - ames) poser 190-000 2742-254 700 2742 964784 = _-sraerooo2 _saaereace Toca FRetated"Baanes 04 Jub 2018 (Changes esses, Supliefor te yoor evaletonaupiue uve waa sas eraate Bore 191257 $076 10 667 - arrses.ago 377530059 100008 Soace Tot cera “bo 000 S77 6468 Tota ae 100 090 3463 700 086 3483 290066 eles Sekhukhune District Municipality (Realsretonnunbern<7) Saat Pinal Saree fers yes“ended 30 June 2020 Gash Flow Statement Fawes Rand Roaiay Row estates ‘cach fon from oparsting setvites Receipis Sele of goods ana gates Sourrseo anaes rants 1 503.818 770 1991 436 6 Invest income waonrs.” | tase ats horrors triztes ssn sr9 aan ero 687 1209577 197 Payments Employes cote #412250 100) (se9572 174) Supare {507 s25102) (650974920) nance oat (e48039) ata 388795) (40534090) 31 aozan769 aso aes a8 ‘Nek cash tows trom apomnng act ‘cash Nowe fom investing ethes Purchase cfpropry, sara squprant 2 cavmera 76 (4 raz ene) ‘Cath lowe from financing setvnien Repayment of ther frm ibs eres) Neteash flows from Grancing note 276025) Net erocoa( decree} in enh and ssh equialents ieeers0 Gace} (een and cath eutens athe begining ofthe Fear Thozsose 103-2468 ‘ah andeanh oquivalonta atthe end fhe year 3 eaaeoarr 71 ana