JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY (DeaRcaTIONco0e: Do4 AsRUAL FINANCIAL BTATEMENTS FORTHE YEAR ENDED 38 JUNE 2019, AUDITOR-GENERAL OF DOUTH AFRICA JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY EUARCATION CODE:LCAB) ee ANNUAL FWANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE VENA ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 General Information Lagat tor of antity enna of bualnawe and prepa aig rtditon Mayoral mention eeciaayor ‘cutie Coundins counts ‘Gencng of ool aunty ‘Speaker ‘het hanes Ofteee Aueountng Ofiear eghrared ates Bout Afian Catgory C Munkiplly Datta es cafes tym Munda! Soci At ct No FP eff). {20 Tile Gastar Muriipay pa dla muricptty prtming ine uesora an ast et Be Conthln (hen 408 008). ‘ha John Tac Gonsens Munktpaly ues murkopat eros of arigara Muriel, Se-Seponyera pay ar oe arian Murcpaly Demercain code -DC46 Jenn Gast 5 Meeker ‘oom 8. Rengned23 Mey 2016) eomoimo OwsiLe Keeble. Koausane Van Dor Weehuken AW? a 7.0 Megabe GP roan DH. Melecle Po, Bac 1480 enc pod 4 Poderate Nynou Stoot ean JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY {PRUARCATION CODE:DC4H) ANMUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS POR THE YEAR ENDED 89 JUNE 2010 General Information ‘ne tangas Ban of South Aes Lined Primary barbara ‘Audtore Autor ener of Seid Ato Attorneys Neville Clute Atooys ncaa eoiportad JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY {DEUARCATION CODEDCA ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE VEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 Index ‘The epi nd arent el ot blo compte the Annual Fanci Siairris reset tthe rol Lagi: Page Avcauring Cfo’ Retpsaliies ar Approval 4 At Carmine Raper 5 ‘Smtorntof Fc Paton 7 ‘Stern Finca Partormence « Soar Changes nk ana a Statarant of Cash Flow 0 Statement of Compation of Budget and Actual Amcunis W299 ‘outing Poles 36 Nets she Anu Fnac! Samanta sa-71 coaHera "Norman Cape Deparment: Co-operative Governance, Human Seeman ‘Troon Are cow ‘Comperntn fr Ooxpatona Ine are Dest pasa Daslopmant Bank of Bout Aa ors Men of Ravan At one GoneralRacegrisnd Accouting race us Intemational aeceuning Sten Fo Insts ofRtuipel France Oftea wsas (eteatonn Putte Stor Accoutirg Sanders Mec Morber oth Exeouie Cau) rary unpe hence Management Act wpe ‘muni Pun Aeoeuns Commits mst Murkgpal stare A cos Murioa Stucies Act oP Reconenuston and development programme JOHN TAGLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Ona PANO TATORINETD PTC EEDA 019 Acoounting OMficer’e Reeponelbiiies and Approval HE ie , : h a i i Hf i ul le 4 rH i} He He ie i ny 0 bart fora Shanta ta Kp, oy a npc by Be ih nei Hi i tl E resonable for deomrdy mig an poring on the Aaeperye Aro) Franc oder mutes oe ar appt hy nk! Manage ‘pe Are spa fica ara nat 0a om a, BOA rd wee nigra or Its beat: = JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY. "DENARGATION COORDCas} ANNUAL FINANGIAL ATATEMENTD FOR THE YEAR ENDED 90 JURE 2018 Audit Committee Report ‘care pasado pase ou tepert oth nell ear ee 20 Sune 2010, _Aualtcomonina members ard attardanco “Tha sug commtin sonsts of ne mandarin horaunde and should mast 4 Unex er eeu a parts expoved tgimectrronca,Curng be outer yeu, helped Hare of marae Number of moctings eta Me R Tamora (cng Cnatparson) 6 Ma haminl (Chakprson, uns ay 2018 rw 6, Npezo url 31 Ober 2098 firs. diane rFBurs ‘uate commie eeponetety “The aus conritesrepora thatthe compl wh bs rxponubiies ring fom aocton T8E2K) ofthe HEMA. ‘Tha aut ceritow neo repre tht hen ond spore ermal ema of rafrence pws aut commits carer, ea rags’ saa complance wn ble tartar and hax dachrged eRe Pepanatties a conned Tha eftctvarnan cf iar costal “The aut comes i sued whe carta uly of mortise gua) spor prepared and sue by ‘he unipl Manage ofthe Muriel ding tw yor uta eve ~ Eealuaen of wnrua! rani tater “Toe mud commit has teed and deca’ to unaudnd Arrual Frerll tetera ba inlase Inthe aru! rep, wth the Ster-cunetl apd the Muna Menage Faved Ine auctor Guraral of Soul Ace's management opr and management ease there: Faved crerona in accu paces and panos, Fesaved ths atten expense wh gh are eglRary Brvnre Fovioned lft chiara rea me ch ‘Te suse commie oote Wil ant ascent the Autor Oansrl of oul Aten' roti ara! nant! afar apd are of coven tthe autted anual fhanchl estes aol ba accopind wd ead gem wih he eet ‘fe Audi General of Sout Ae. nto eo, “The aut corre is ated that he ner an uncon a oparatng eco ant nlithas ecmanad ha lk portent ts the Murkipaty adh adi ‘AuditoeQormal of Bouth Ate “Te au ccrmtn ha rath Aor Caner of South Aca to eure thelthee arene una au ‘Ghniparsen eth Ava Commie ete JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY [DEUARCATION CODEDC4H) ANNUAL FRIANCUL. STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 90 UME 018 Report “Th urinal Managaautriahiarapot he yeer ended 80 June 201. 1. Review of action ais busine ant operation Jahn Task Gaciino Diabet Munisipaliy Ia ¢ dict muricpalty.ederning the fonctora ae et eu ne artes facta 108 of 1858) and operat espa Sau A ‘Tre oparatrg ras end ste cf efae o ro Munklpally or fly eet out Inthe EAA An! Fencll ‘Siafemori and do notin cm oprion rea ay rhe conor. 2. Going concam ‘The Ateual Fea! Slutmanta have boon roped an the hase of arcaurdng rls applet fo agora concern, ‘Tn base prauunes Tt funds wl be evalte i Maree zo oporetore and Int fa reaaton of Senet ad tetlemertof apie, caning cllgatene aed comritnors wl erin the onary eas of busine ‘Te ly otha Munkspety > conta 6 x ging cacam dependent cha nurbar factors. Tan mos sont ‘es Ine eiy ofthe Muneipay Manager to oortnue proaurhg aunng fr tha orgohy operaone fe Montiel. 8 Subavquartovents ‘The MunldpatyManagor i et exam ot eny mete or areartetanc ee ine the andthe franc yr, ‘4. Mumtspel anger noret in corract ‘The Mulee| Menage ot ect have an ita in any thm cata erred heo cig ie cunt anil yor & Accounting pllelne ‘Th Arua! Fanci Satemsele ae groparadin accordance wh to pretedhed Standarts of Oaeraly Recaprised ERI Pcie (GRA and byt Aecuring Sana Bod an por lecind ew oy onal Teswry. 8. Nensurrent masts Ho muir changes in tna chu ply ring ath as of tho nor-curon ean ofthe Manically anced dug he ye 7. Wangs! anagar “The Muricbl Manepe othe Muley curing the yor ae! tha dts ofthis apt We lo: ere Netonatty BH Mateo Soom ama 2 Bentors ‘courts ware held wy The Stadt ark of Sou Aca Lied bing tbe primey amare) 8 Wel ab inesnont ‘scour wat Frat Nara Bar (conn of Fst ard Banik Lnta), aN Nedbank cng the Yer: Austen, uae Ganetl of Sith Aen W contnue in off her anil period. JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY {OEMARCATION CORE:DC4 [ANNUAL FINANGIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 99 JUNE 2010 Statement of Financial Position ax at 30 June 2018 Figures Rend Tomer 208 2018 oentte? assure Current Aas ‘Goan and aah equiaart 3 amram race Recofblo tom oxcangs vanactars 4 f4208787 sake Receble from nor-echange tanepetene a 24055 1 O41 ono Inverten 5 ears eae ue ‘VAT roctatte 4 ams sane resem 21000000 Non-Cutrnt ete Bllogel anal a2ezma ape Imeearer reper oz0u0 —ees4000 Property plant aed ecb resb47m2 T4743? Intagile aote Doren. 301309 Hetoge scasts 170 W760 ‘a mes are Tota Assets son 962475 UaRumEs, ‘Curent unbuses ‘her ane nies 32 msn ara Fanos lame alpina 13 ame toa Peyetiee fan eetunge tanesctone 14 aera tasazen Employee barat cotaeten 18 aoe zat az Unspent eandana gen recep 30 oes bined Provo 7 ~ 2406708 f on-Curront Lito ‘her tance 2 eins ror oer Fiance lane obigation 13 mors ve 7a Employes barat oboeton 18 arom atzrast 04 780 Tole Lhe tome NET ACaETB mma Revolution sare 8 sosese20 cruised us ed TOTALNET ASSETS: amare JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 'MARCATION CODE:TEAB) (orn ANAUAL FINANCIAL ATATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 20 JUNE 2019 ‘Statement of Financial Performance Pua In Rang osm eta _ Reta REVENUE Reverse om cxohange taatetione ‘ale oF goods 7am 75.000 Pec tes 19 s1p982 toe He ‘Adnirevaon and menogeert ona reales 20 sear nave. meprat cain 21 aeerzes taeesss “Total over ren charge trxmscone dege 4008350 Ravana om porcanchange veranclone “Tranate revsnus Goverment gars and mbes 22 wress7é aosssara Danafone cated 2 sess 8 Ohare a2 4 _ “ora evarve ram nnazannnge Cantaetions ee 352060 20666 900 ‘Tooaseovene "104002 500 e4 7a EXPENDITURE. Erle elated oat 24 eepocazer esas) Remanereon of ceurtione 2s “pea aesy (4an7 2a) Depreaton ar emerisaon zai Bian Iparmert oss 2 ganar Franca coat 2 ase7a) —e29080) Debt patent 2 sen ROO) “Trantor andeubetee itu) reeseo) pertorel costs 2 _ gooey gss0eT88) Total expends (8 376 c€8) 6188S 20) Opereting Surpluanck) vous @a7e0b) Loabon euponl of antes and Ebi errs Fer etn xstnonta 31 otesee rsa0456 ‘tiara oie 1 deat ® ‘Shon nasa pres on aa rg nes 497884 Derecogion clr yar prion 2409 768 e4eenz) 1880907 Burplue (Deit fre your sree (671508 TRetee 7 JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY {DEMARCATION CODEDCHs) ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENUED 29 JUNE 2010 Statement of Changes in Net Assets Pmaluaion Accumuiees —Tealnat Fawn nena feare” "supa mete lance 04 uly 2017 esasez0 BEORSTE — SoaTOST2 + ret 7181) + a7s0390 a740300 ‘Supls ite yr Tota canoes = e70s3 © e740300 Delance 20 June 2019 sernsant 9482608 Neto) Tena