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Preview DC44 Alfred Nzo Consolidated AFS 2018-19 audited

ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUMICIPALITY ALFREDNZ0 DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Conetnted Anna nad Serene tr you ured 90 Je 8 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY ‘Conaldstea arvual Franc Siento yo aged $9 June 2019 General Information Mayoral commitoe cece Majer S$ Mehul P a Monn (Deputy Creel Nayar) 5 Ku (Speake) Le Mearaiin( CH Min) Ka Bouman agergane PN Honkahla Sell. Nivea ‘SAN Cokasaa ( WPAC Chelprasy) ounce: a etwas NBorgwars HN Dana SS Danse NT Langa Neng Ls Nanas Ftayebe, Miipandare TP Male NLNdarsee Niobe Le nga SLNassi KS Pangen wre Potrene Evo NF Sobacie Hire | Al Gunacn 7 Prone | i i i; o2a7 RET vamuay HIDE Accoundng officer 2H sichunta Che Finance OMcer (CFO) UP Mania Registered office ERE 0 Mourt At ucinaee acer Nisei Steet 7 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY General Information estore udietsiAcrournats mane git Avalrs Oe 1g 88 2800 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY ‘Ganslineed And Pans Slements ‘se year ended 90 Juno 2018 Index Targiato serene cane crckéi nil Sn tne prettaois novnl Page Accounting Offcare Responses wel Arg eal ‘ ‘eco.nling Ofents Rogar ‘ ‘Semon of Fingal Peon € ‘Sltanon cf Fsancal Peranen , Salaront of Changes in Net Ansa « ‘Gach how Steet 2 ‘Staonert a Compaivon af Bedgt ard Atul Amourie wee Ancoatting Poi 438 Notes oto Gansadstad Annual Fst! Salers ste cow Cemesnsation fr Occupelaral ie disses RR, Capi apace Reson Dasa Development tank et South Ais saGMP South fan Stetemerts of Ganenly Ascend Accounting rast = kaw ‘eneraly Recogried Acccurangeraece awa Beneally Accemoe Nunipal Acsourthy Pastis HOF ese Develoarant Turd ws lesratonal Accounting Stanger MFO este of Muniipal Finance Offers iPsas pumas Publ Str Accounting Sanaa Mee unit Eten ec Member ote Ec Counc Mew, uncioa Finance Mensgemert At 6 uric nkosi Grant Praviauly CMP) meen BOUT ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY ‘Canela rus r hanlal Seterent rhe yes anda 2¢ June 2018 Accaunting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval Tho aogouring offer areata hy th MunipalF nanos Mar agement et (Act of 202, 0 nanan dant seocring rare ends espensiba er fa cortent ard Fag) of concolsted amual rane tatomonts andrea ‘ancl infrmton ncluded ms er tho responsibly o tho aeourlg fn" To ensure tb const rua parc sletmeni fy prostrate of a of eal a altho Be nal ae ‘seit oie operons are eat Rows fort paced an ara The esata sore ae engaged to exes 2 Indeperdort opinion onthe sonaoieedsnrualnancalsalemerts ond was gen uvesicle secede ends bor hed “The contaldted semua rancalsaements nave ben peparc In accordance wth Sanaa of avery Kecogriseo ‘courana Praciea(GRAP] nausng ry arprestens. quel noe are dechveseatsu by fe Accourrg Standnds ‘The sonsalitad annual frail sapmats are based pen appropayaccocuing yin carer aps wd and “pore oy avonsbi end predentin: nad natant “The scooting efor orknaviedyes Vata lily espana oe astm eine nani const ctachad by he examen ana laa snederatieinporence oo aiainig a ever contol ervianmart. To anable tha acs" toa io mee’ tewe espns. fe accourrgofear ta earcards er Rel erl ata & radu he Make! tr brant ng cot ataciarranner. The stanaarea neue he opardlagsen a osponsl x wna ead lathes temovark. fete accountng proses and adoquniseerenaton of» enare av eocetale uel fe ‘Vaca canle ae ranasredtraughaut he ecoreriisertty ard al amploeas we eauredo maintain be abet ohicel Standards nan. rng he scone enya bare is conduct nema tin ll easaableccurstances is above Fanuc The focus a nek management nt eco erty son erg, sessing, raneging a mene a Fron forms of ial ass tne ecozemic ory. Whip parang rs carm ho ay cima, is ane lly tndaeveurs tories toy ans et ppropiat measure, carol, ajeers sk ehcs behavau ate ape and Phnepedaen predsternied procedics and eatin “Tow acauing ica sein banca on Ine nonraion ard explanations gan by ranagement te: tr astm ot Intel arf! praviee"asonable aaurana ate franca "cote ay be reed ene a reparaon fe ‘anes ernual ancl sateen. However, ny jeer ral frarcilcerrel can pode ely redone, od ‘ot abel, ane arcs agatha mati mssstriant o daich tna aczouning ocr bas ravi he oceanic y's cashflow forecasor im yao 30 June 7029 anc nthe into the rovew snd ta caret ancl portn, he's ate te ramiopiy hae has sarod st soe {andnue n parton sestaos foros freee he “The enisialty's aly dander an ha nin for antad unng of operate, The coveted anna han ‘Sahn re fepared ore basis al he fly 2 gog concem end hat On gover: has nether Me tenon ‘ovine "eed fads or cual mately ese the munis ‘hag heacccurang efor ane rinany separable forthe franca afte ofthe mun cipal, hey ae evppor bye uniieals' aud sommes, ‘The aud cormites fe reaporsibe for inpendenty raving an apoting ch he murals conse ann Aner! semen ‘The consol saved enna fooril terete an pages a Bt. ch have bos Erpsred onthe going cneara ba, ine applcved by he aocaing acer on 29 Aust 2018 ana ere sia: on Rs ata Bf ‘Revourting OFeer CORITH SSPSR ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY ‘onsldteu Anuar wen Stale en forte year ended 20 June 20°8 Accounting Officer's Report ‘The accounting oar sts reper the ear anded 30 June 2018, Review of ation ieee and operations Net2aplun of he-nuntlpally as R585, 68.40 2018 stun 572.980 717) 2. Going soncom ‘The co"soleted annua frail torons hava bean raped co the hers of asco: ng pales apple 2 a goig fancem. Tis bat spasm ha ios el 5 alana use cperaiors ad ha ho aleal™ of ae a etlemert of lebtes, caning abigaiors ana coments wi 9c" eerie ova cf Bune, 8 Gubeeguentavents “The accosr:ngoficar not ahere of any mateo crounstane ata sae the en athe hart your 4 Comporate governanee anera ‘Tos accounting ofr commtaate buness inary. Kaeaparehcy and potesanalin in al et is, par ct ie zrimirmere he csoureng oho sprs Ne Mest ante capo govemanee ne gang Set ot ‘esoorang Oftoer olor SUT AER 15 28 2008 fa | } | ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Ogee SSID) i | 89 ‘Sones Aue nal eres Ie ym mee 96 ne 2° 54 sah 2020 Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2019 H aaron Eo Farern tant Roe) Se ay EE wana Poe eset Conn Aso ivr 4 essen rorercee raaanaer 10747 S80 Sprang at nest : fae awe ante ate Reco vatlee a artergeroreectons 5 sssiness saoeeet urns ema ocpvesos rom enee"Sn9s Mens 6 toss “Memeas “topes “amass Vi existe Sasa amen amse aseacee agree cath eae 3 amaiore ieortie sézaan ten eazesssr HEMET TEESE Sr D.2ra WERESST on er Aaa Peper, eran pen 2 scansatane vsrasaiaas vem sraase 3577671904 rangi seat ty" Resoaae aasnase” a7e722 Zect es Vea ete “sto “tate “anaes “atano Inverts conrtes ates ‘a ‘te invert s__somnisi raves wovaou__7ateate To 6 a06 F007 B71 SBME AR TERT, TT NanSremaceee SSDS S06 SEGB ATO. 86e8 48.900 258712 T arnt saat Srzaonrel temennsra arlomaare “iaeanecet Foulkes sazagoh ion 3preeabion steele Bre reat sno Carat noes Cpa eae by 2 ata asm nasa ro aya ror venagetaneatens 12) twstesee vevaine's vrzsosons Eanes atone 2 2 oases Urapent onditonsl ni sees i weep baaaat a 2 Protatne 1 mkwars mamas aareore 2a erate ur Pern of Lang Tar Lan “hens “eae “rane” agent Encloee Gores gato, 1 fesor ros create bayatloe torn en Care Tnesctors “8 mean Sears reaso Svea Sk omioh : Br ° aaa, TAOS aR ARTE TT RNETOT Nen-Cunent Laine Lng Term Loon Enilayee Bele Obligation 4agso7e—geones ease 8.088 aaz2sio _seenaio agzzei0 snare Taaeages ias2ma08 Ta80 aed _ro.2288 Rew turen ussiee Cerant ine Foust Lita 45388380 _1Saz0s0s 1968 a0¢ 132200 sadaaess 14cogu srs s57ass97 reqeraobs Teraaeass _tias212 rom NetAseete Tea a4, 196 977596 209 4319505 614 9772718 28 158b1ebe; i15d0145 (157 c4a.ss; (ast 186212) sln.e ara 2.021 022,23 4162007 48 3.621538 918 ‘eomuntec sph SBS 098ATE 867 5Ez2" 4.182.057 161 5601 582.017 ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY ‘Soraotad Annual Phas Stlanenlearhe erded 30 dire 2018! Statement of Financlal Performance | Calon ealy Cora ely Figecin Red Ce | tesa evita Revers ovenus tom exchange Waneaedont Senace durges 23 wave arse semeLIe asee7 708 esata aes ord equipment ze caer “anzaan genes Bate Agere cares wise sao 218i isan Fores efipa mots enagie ~ sugars Other home 2 peace 2eness zones ama Imaratacaved- muesbrent 2 wen? wabhera seemann asaeaae Revue ens 2 ieee 7 Teta vevenss Form wichange Ranencions| TaaaeneT _Tiers00 ema TABI IT Revenue from nomenshangeransectlons “Tranafer vere (Govan arta eet 25 1s90:71801 1.62830" ose yeco8.290 TeaaeoT Ti7ereoe Tezeza7e 71451617 1.056,715 3801 1.08150: ote tazszar057 “Total evene zz iraaus 08 4004848 sioodanasste Expondture Erployo rested ost 29 assscoans) 256.008. 18a) es or4.107 22KeKT 817 Remune-stn of ounalloe 30 “toaceser) © (eosees) “HD3so3er, " (eace2e3) get Expeeture Beanery cireMmeet) (earetra} Crasaset [epreasin and amertesoe caas326 (Tededgte) (easateas, (aot Tino conte BS treaey arses | esos) “798081 [ese rota 07 operating ls farest7) (i teocst) —_(@eedaa) (1.111.256) pt momar st rsidssn “aacaeg) cease) | iateens: ‘ukpurenacoe 35 estom| Teaco Boros) (caersoon Contec pei 6 qebseoem (rasen2u) (E2655 423) 7Ss28c; Tranter and Rios a a) i88ata) (7.865495) (17286295; Lose on dispose of asses ane Itates (ascem asreasy) co7ap2a8) Baa ‘tunis ‘a,c (our) - Ceneal Bepenses 98 (28757108) GaaraasT H.gm.09) _(es607.825) Tota expendi (TA. rOa)_BRANNS.1I) (676 ) (DHA, “tal revenue 1.910 200,108 1 TOR ede ea 1 1 uos08 «oma ano sta “Toba expeine (7.006794) (S24805.91) (577369 aN 1524 492.095) Operateg sulle ? Strutter exon Seinen OTEESG,rIT SUMEE IAs eRATTS ‘Surplus forthe year Seo,yoaod 572063717 _sseqn7 sab se eTTAa (fod Gas! ‘Candle Annual Fr Sale fr eyo ended 22 uve 2918 PSTOA ALERED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY |) a ama | i i i { Statement of Changes in Net Assets Aepamyned | To ot igus in Reve : Spkees lee enone sty ance a0! uly 2017, ‘3.036.461 005 3.003,401.036 Changes Inno asete Pes pie ter segreeen Nera {Wet ina fora) ecauner ecy ones "ear? ein na. 308 Purse yom staussyit sr20%6 71 “Teta msopnieincare a epenens re ar 585,057 108 SBE, a Tosi crangee 565,027,105 908,108 Feats? Halnce 21 01 Jy 2018 ‘Sianz2 220 21 22,220 Changeaia ret assets pemaucleedng a sasnese Net incor eases Sogn cay a Fa Scie 5 ses Suu fore yest 510.108404 ‘otal scogn oe incare an wponees iTS Year BUST 22 ONE T 2S Toslheress BUST a5 E4507 282 ‘Bnanes at 530 June 2008 163.058 672 4709 8872 Rowe Conraling entity Snares 204 sy 2017 944075287 5943 020,267 barges m net acts ror Peon Enos Tee pire Sele uplonang _ tease alas iancone ces) wcorived Giealy nn asco Tessie baie aa Surplus rho yore senarr a8 560507018 ‘Terrecegrieed rau and apanses ria yaar 577 50859 G17 BD Foalaangee 577 58650 51755850 FReetated* Balance 7 Jay 2078 ‘Sanysaaate nazi aoaste Changes inner resis Uneoang ofAwte assrosr 197007 No neema fasees) ocegrined doc na aocas “sanoa? ca car Surplus fort yor 53e.2F 4S S00 227196 "Fezalrecagriena core and apences ithe aur BOSEAAS —Bi0 660735 Foaleangee ao as 85 —s40 500 286 Balance at 3 June BS ates) EXER ADIERCOCIAL ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Cash Flow Statement j aaa aaa Figures Rana Name aw mee ag ae Reta Peat cash few fom operating actives Receipts Semon omiges Bengbee 62m 30 DeaTaebs thas ‘eve ner rant ar soe ‘.030.718.000 ‘028 eeb.ze {.ceecae 208 4022 6777 Ineresrheane TBAELISD | “ABKS.8S | 2BCSBAS? E42 111 Olreseccints RTO1BM2 —AGTOEDS —ASINGD 186519 "(OBS 16608 106 7E1 117 1887058 250 7088 1,777 Prments Employee cate (2sesa1n) (237726 eee) wenora.tor) (aut san.stT: supp (arr ae.s50) (295 0°9 Sag; (724,74 573) Fence casts e294) 19701 982) t807 019) Ramereratc of courilre (268,267) enaaey dfossener _waTs.85; THEE AT.G77) GDS2ER.00) HED STS 17) SS TESAOD, Tareas 7 e6a S6.S08 1 O54 T6171 1.082.060 380 © 085 151,777 Tots payments (aaa 76077 (605259,220) (400975.15) Neteach flows from operating ates 2o_Tenasran Smaart ‘cath flow fom inverting activites erenate ot propry, pan and eq pent @ cazr.s50) en sa5.088) cL aMerT) 048690) Proceeds rom sla of prone, pentard wnuipmend same A782 ° ° Purchase of cto rere eoote fo grass) 97e0) oreo i roves rm sala tl sae frasisam osc) __(7oRsam _o9.soy Neenah flows from investing ecivioe (GER, 72E) (684.2 Ad) (aRAB5.207) (1 198.08) zh Rowe front nancing sche orang: in eng ann aan eee eetacr) aserz6 —_gmgon Fanon basa payers ‘s183260) 9.198258 Net cauh fom from Auncing wee (2.347.258) (asses) 7.208) 9808.06) teamed aeanEaTa nent aecat ase esensee “uswrs snzssesr 9908609 ‘Goah and cach equtvlors atthe and of Newoar © —283/18G28 06 974I87 _aaRAGT.ITS_86755.98

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