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Preview DC44 Alfred Nzo AFS 2015-16 audited

ALFRED NZO BISTRECT MUNICIFAGITY ‘Ne Neo Disc! Municip ‘ratcid extents ‘ert yor onde £0 are 2018 0! : 0g DEC 2016 eee Alfrod Nzo District Municipality Franca Stetarerts re year ended 93 ne 2018 General Information ‘Country a Nearporston and deme Soin atic | SB Mecuphe | = | anos 1 UGWakands AUDITOR - GENERAL ‘SOUTH AFRICA, [ 3906 20 a Alfred Nzo District Muntaipallty Fanaa talemets fr th yar ented 2 uns 218 General Information AUDITOR GENERAL | | OSGUTHAFEGA | 29 DEC 2016 ‘Grading of foal sutnorty ‘Accounting Offeer Acting Chie Finance Offer CFO} Reglotera ome Busines aseeee Postal address enkare usitors 4 ttagsrgsra N ecko. 1 Paton PN Marah Nass! NT Lange NI nda Mathers Evaro 2 Wine NBongrans Lo Mesa Frituyenrs A Sobazie Leebuce AW Spacran NB Mora Eh HN Dandals SAN Cobsahe 5 SDangea TP Son ese ZH Sknadla NMogarezut. e400 Niza Steet os ex1ee0 Nozus set 498 PO Box XS Mount ay 35 rac aonal Bank Attar aanera Alfred Nzo District Municipallty Fanaa Statements orf ya eed 0 une 2018 Index ‘The reports and atest lout iclow comprise no “handel sateen pean othe ANDM coon: a 9 DEC 2016 Allred Nzo Distrlet Muntelpality Fara Saenmente forth ye" anded 30 ne 2016 Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval “The hezmling fie: require by De Msilnal Hance Hanegenent At (Aa 8 cf 2009) to mainianadequa “Heuning sche and ae teagan arte cortnt ev tego fhe franca eae ard etd fan ‘iormatan aoed'h ths repar We the respon ce Aunt ig O oa fo eure ate fare tata il preset tre sae of aa tie munelpaty ae ane endof ha fancil year anche ecu of fe opoatior ato fs \orive peed Den orded ho estaral suitors are engaged: execs a naepend: opin en fe france stamens snd waa 9 ver unreettted acces al rand recar ed alled dat, ‘The fnanial stnaments have been prepared in accoedace ih laniads of Genel Recogrized Aazourtng Pace {BRAG} iokatigeny niopmtatoes, guidance 2rd dee vos sed by he Acraurng Sands Boa ‘The foal stlemants ae hosed upon appept a sesoutng polos censnanty pein and euppoied by eesonthe nd prudent ogements ae extmetes, na acsoeuming offer eclnaedga thet hes utiaalyreponie orth syscall fra coral cabled By ‘se runipay an place conndertsle mpo-ance on muirsring ra cal enaonmant Tene te Aesesning (Oca est fac rcparaliis, the Reco. ning Ofc es sarars fr nena rial armed aedutg the kot Sor or menos hs eneefochve maneer. 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Review of attr operons ‘The open reels ane ite tease the munleally a fl ot o.tintha tach srmusl francal lala b> notin duropnon raat any uh aman Ne supa of Un ri pale R 38,882,G0% (2015: eupus 536, 528,1625 (Ober comment 2 Golngconcem “Toe narcilstateners have bean prapsrad onthe tals accountng alles ppc ow gong coe. Tie bane Dreunes tal funder be este fara hrs opens and ht he retesonof auc and eterna able ‘ontngenteblgalions and commibnents nil ocur Inte 2noy coum ol bueaes SSubsequent events ‘Sta mona sf 41 the South AFcen Munley Werks Uron | SANAVU) engaged ian unrooted sb for a ped oftwo weakeeeteg 2+ cana 2046. During hs period there wes tl shutdown o ne nuntpaby. 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Cah en san aguante 34 aaent _Taaae ae alias on4 157652 78 Non Cure ate AUGITOR- GENERAL | Prpory pirvandeuimet | SOUTH AFRIME 2 naraamyans 2anraneeat nate esse j vam fT IRNERO Bao to Heroge sets ager a |S Ses “4Sehon tacts neontaed eas 1g ‘ee ‘i tong TemRocchatles iF tet gar Invostante fe snrescet 2e.z00200 ——————) TES ie 4 Tee ae Sen Gren 2548269 2 8 A Garentraete an iaseee incense Sora het apasanees ganeaanna Liebinee chen ate Fane awe sige a sasesaet seers Favates em acange tense Bowater swaeroaes Unpert onan gan ae rec we peste‘ srmees navi Mo tneass ae a pron oo tn ae jo set geen beater wo" exchange tacos is -‘ateo aman Trareao0_ aes en-Curat Lbs noes ees geon 1s susan cena Prowsene 1 Seager “Saanane Cong oan je eraana aaa Tarea? —aeaiTine ‘aycare Gaon arieger—seanree Samer votes viarsorae aisas4 oe Toone eeamren_ bara roe 7995500458 2aacaensan tabes “iszere ray (2 172800) Navasaae aastiarer smear Resavee ‘EvcrmelGat Rasms ‘stvaeas 17 aa2ca8 saciid eis ‘das sree “easoeecen Teal Net Ane 2s TATA BIRATEAE Alfred Nzo District Municipallty Financia Siternen re ear ended 30 June 2018 Statement of Financial Performance Figuesin Rand rea) are Bi Rete Revenwa Revenue am exchange tercnctions Servos catges 2s aseaezae aazorza Renal of fact es and wqucmart oe “pase tea ‘Ageney wana "ses Mtoe (er acme 2 scams 9131318 Infretrecehed- potent me -tetas seria {Toa revenue from eschange aneaaone agate 35.2338 Revenue man nor-xchange transactions “Transfer revenue vermont gee ard sis 24 oareesto o19 979.006 Pubs ont ane ard Sonatons 25 aseaze {Tota verve rom nov-exohangy Wameaalors ERASE ‘ranges <aar2307 Bns.10BSS5 s19073c08 Total evenue 22 seezo0abs 455.245400 Sxpendture ‘peneal Exroneae 2 va400778 -on.e738 Employee raletad cost 229673105 75.0500 Rervraralion counties we “aeareas nanssts Libgeteneazentom Satria jaeass Date Inoaine 51 geet? _gaanar Depradaten and arorieaton 53 Saugzah se610802 ance costs Bt “samen 2069.85 Repairs ar rsintanance daimsess | arias Bukpurerarae 32 “Sugen? or7as Cermacd vise 37 avaneen w sezaee Sranatera waa Sibe ioe 38 abooezee 04.707. 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