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EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY [These financial statements have not been audited] FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 30 JUNE 2013 EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Index Contents Page General Information 1 Approval of the Financial Statements 4 Report of the Auditor General Statement of Financial Position 5 Statement of Financial Performance 6 Statement of Changes In Net Assets 7 Cash Flow Statement 8 Comparison with Budget - Statement of Financial Position 9 Comparison with Budget - Statement of Financial Performance 11 Comparison with Budget - Cash Flow Statement 13 Accounting Policies 15 - 47 Notes to the Financial Statements 48 - 86 ANNEXURES - Unaudited A Schedule of External Loans 87 B Disclosure of Grants and Subsidies In Terms of Section 123 of 88 MFMA, 56 of 2003 EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 June 2013 GENERAL INFORMATION NATURE OF BUSINESS Eden District Municipality is a district municipality performing the functions as set out in the Constitution. (Act no 105 of 1996) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND LEGAL FORM South African Category C Municipality (District Municipality) as defined by the Municipal Structures Act. (Act no 117 of 1998) JURISDICTION The Eden District Municipality includes the following municipalities: George Municipality Oudtshoorn Municipality Bitou Municipality Kannaland Municipality Hessequa Municipality Knysna Municipality Mossel Bay Municipality MUNICIPAL MANAGER Mr. G.W Louw CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Miss. L. Hoek REGISTERED OFFICE 54 York Street, George, 6530 AUDITORS Office of the Auditor General (WC) PRINCIPAL BANKERS Standard Bank, George 1 RELEVANT LEGISLATION Municipal Finance Management Act (Act no 56 of 2003) Division of Revenue Act The Income Tax Act Value Added Tax Act Municipal Structures Act (Act no 117 of 1998) Municipal Systems Act (Act no 32 of 2000) Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations Water Services Act (Act no 108 of 1997) Housing Act (Act no 107 of 1997) Municipal Property Rates Act (Act no 6 of 2004) Electricity Act (Act no 41 of 1987) Skills Development Levies Act (Act no 9 of 1999) Employment Equity Act (Act no 55 of 1998) Unemployment Insurance Act (Act no 30 of 1966) Basic Conditions of Employment Act (Act no 75 of 1997) Supply Chain Management Regulations, 2005 Collective Agreements Infrastructure Grants SALBC Leave Regulations 2 EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY MEMBERS OF THE EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY COUNCILLORS Proportional Ms. NA Bityi Proportional Mr. CN Ngalo Proportional Mr. V Waxa Proportional Ms. NM Tanda Proportional Ms. D Xego Proportional Ms. M Fielies Proportional Mr. HJ McCombi Proportional Mr. JJA Koeglenberg Proportional Mr. HJ Floors Proportional Mr. T Simmers Proportional Ms. SF May Proportional Ms. NP Ngemntu Proportional Ms. CM Skietekat Proportional Mr. JG Janse van Rensburg Proportional Mr. PDD Linden Representative: George Municipality J du Toit Representative: George Municipality T Teyisi Representative: George Municipality PJ van de Hoven Representative: George Municipality LBC Esau Representative: George Municipality GC Niehaus Representative: George Municipality LN Qupe Representative: Mossel Bay Municipality JJ Gerber Representative: Mossel Bay Municipality NC Booisen Representative: Mossel Bay Municipality D van Rensburg Representative: Mossel Bay Municipality SS Mbandezi Representative: Oudtshoorn Municipality J Harmse Representative: Oudtshoorn Municipality J Maxim Representative: Oudtshoorn Municipality VI van der Westhuizen Representative: Knysna Municpality S F de Vries Representative: Knysna Municpality T Nayler Representative: Hessequa Municipality R Johannes Representative: Hessequa Municipality D Abrahams Representative: Bitou Municipality MM Mbali Representative: Bitou Municipality N Ndayi Representative: Kannaland Municipality WP Meshoa 3 APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I am responsible for the preparation of these annual financial statements year ended 30 June 2013, whichare set out on pages 1 to 86 in terms of Section 126 (1) of the MunicipalFinance Management Act and which I have signed on behalf of the Municipality. The annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with GRAP. I acknowledge that I am ultimately responsible for the system of internal financial control and thatthesystemof internalcontrolprovidesreasonableassurancethatthefinancial recordscan be relied on. I have reviewed the Municipality’s cash flow forecast for the year to 30 June 2013 and is satisfied that the Municipality can continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Inviewof theinsufficient equitableshareallocation,whichwillnotsustaintheoperationsof the municipality, a Turn Around Strategy was adopted by Council on 30 May 2013, and will be implemented during 2013/2014 financial year. The external auditors are responsible for independently reviewing and reporting on the Municipality’s financial statements. I certify that the remuneration of Councillors and in-kind benefits are within the upper limits of the framework envisaged in Section 219 of the Constitution, read with the Remuneration of PublicOfficer BearersActandtheMinisterofProvincial andLocalGovernment'sdetermination in accordance with this Act. Mr. G.W Louw Date Municipal Manager 4 EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AT 30 JUNE 2013 2013 2012 NET ASSETS AND LIABILITIES R R (Actual) (Restated) Note Net assets 456 114 234 4 41 000 277 Housing Development Fund 2 56 426 56 426 Capital replacement reserve 7 390 546 7 390 546 Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit) 448 667 262 4 33 553 305 Non-current liabilities 107 059 961 9 7 589 958 Long-term liabilities 3 3 505 512 2 512 940 Employee Benefits 4 100 567 435 9 2 196 213 Non-current provisions 5 2 987 014 2 880 805 Current liabilities 68 993 411 6 1 778 865 Current Employee Benefits 6 17 158 630 1 5 923 298 Provisions 7 2 498 888 2 368 639 Payables from Exchange Transactions 8 40 665 028 3 5 066 622 Unspent conditional grants and receipts 9 8 048 537 7 883 178 Current portion of long-term liabilities 3 622 328 537 128 Total Net Assets and Liabilities 632 167 606 6 00 369 100 ASSETS Non-current assets 542 158 163 5 46 550 620 Property, plant & equipment 11 148 706 327 1 55 470 849 Investment Property 12 347 611 218 3 44 922 438 Intangible Assets 13 3 541 143 1 378 776 Non-Current Investments 15 40 774 40 774 Long-term receivables 16 42 258 702 4 4 737 782 Current assets 90 009 443 5 3 818 480 Inventory 17 3 778 281 3 311 513 Trade receivables from exchange transactions 18 3 388 492 1 314 981 Other receivables - Non exchange transactions 19 3 171 057 2 011 211 Vat receivable 10 2 095 405 1 754 629 Unpaid conditional grants and receipts 9 2 057 455 - Current portion of long-term debtors 16 2 534 279 2 653 527 Cash and Cash Equivalents 20 72 984 474 4 2 772 618 Total Assets 632 167 606 6 00 369 100 5 EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 Note 2013 2012 Correction 2012 (Actual) (Restated) of error (Previously reported) R R R R REVENUE Total Total Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions 138 098 849 128 562 476 ( 120 761 442) 249 323 919 Taxation Revenue - 126 - 126 Property rates - penalties imposed and collection charges - - - - Regional Services Levies - 126 - 126 Public contributions, donated and contributed property, - - - - plant and equipment - - - - Transfer Revenue 138 092 955 128 544 439 ( 120 761 442) 249 305 881 Regional Services Levies Equitable Share 125 699 000 122 912 000 - 122 912 000 Government grants and subsidies 21 12 393 955 5 632 439 ( 120 761 442) 126 393 881 Other Revenue 5 894 17 911 - 17 911 Fines - - - - Insurance Proceeds - - - - Fair Value Adjustment - Investments - - - - Unamortised Discount 5 894 17 911 - 17 911 Assets Identified for the First Time - - - - Revenue from Exchange Transactions 145 125 564 143 476 901 118 126 714 25 350 187 Rental of facilities and equipment 1 774 762 1 265 673 - 1 265 673 Interest earned - external investments 3 432 586 2 089 886 - 2 089 886 Interest earned - outstanding debtors - 5 - 5 Licenses and permits 2 08 295 2 05 200 - 2 05 200 Third Party Payments - - - - Actuarial Gain from Ex-Gratia Pensions 1 59 276 2 944 250 - 2 944 250 Department of Transport - Roads Service Charges 110 141 345 120 748 861 120 748 861 - Income for agency services 14 148 470 7 234 405 (2 980 595) 10 215 000 Other income 22 14 018 312 8 476 758 3 58 448 8 118 310 TASK Contributions Municipalities - - - - Contributed PPE 2 94 102 - - - Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment 1 33 542 - - - Contribution Shop Steward 8 14 874 5 11 863 - 5 11 863 Total Revenue 283 224 413 272 039 377 (2 634 728) 274 674 106 EXPENDITURE Employee related costs 23 91 463 258 92 924 441 9 54 971 91 969 470 Employee related costs - Roads 51 068 849 50 861 967 50 861 967 - Remuneration of Councillors 24 6 747 342 6 326 927 - 6 326 927 Impairment of Trade Receivables 2 042 881 3 80 212 - 3 80 212 Collection costs - - - Actuarial Loss 8 111 513 5 62 626 - 5 62 626 Impairment Losses 1 20 395 2 166 809 (70 710) 2 237 519 Increase in Provision for Rehabilitation of Landfill Sites - - - - Increase in Provision for Alien Vegetation 236 458 5 50 467 - 5 50 467 Depreciation 4 572 603 6 215 400 (266 185) 6 481 585 Amortisation 468 231 6 46 318 (402 320) 1 048 638 Repairs and maintenance 2 956 793 2 338 003 1 70 149 2 167 853 Finance Charges 25 742 776 4 01 852 - 4 01 852 Contracted services 6 384 700 5 692 604 - 5 692 604 Grants and subsidies utilised 26 11 273 713 5 420 789 - 5 420 789 Roads - Operating Grant Expenditure 27 59 072 495 69 886 894 (50 874 548) 120 761 442 Stock Losses 17 5 687 2 68 288 - 2 68 288 Unamortised Discount - Interest 98 040 1 12 654 - 1 12 654 Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 391 063 1 56 413 (44 367) 2 00 780 General Expenses 28 22 353 658 28 945 738 4 31 204 28 514 535 Total Expenditure 268 110 455 273 858 402 7 60 161 273 098 241 SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR FROM 15 113 957 (1 819 025) (3 394 889) 1 575 865 CONTINUING OPERATIONS Surplus/ (Deficit) from Discontinued Operations - - - - SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 15 113 957 (1 819 025) (3 394 889) 1 575 865 Loss on transfer of District Management Area - ( 100 061 444) (278 268) (99 783 176) NET (DEFICIT) FOR THE YEAR 15 113 957 ( 101 880 469) (3 673 157) (98 207 312) Refer to Note 34 for explanation of variances 6 EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 Capital Housing Accumulated Replacement Development Total Surplus/(Deficit) Reserve Fund R R R R 2012 Balance at 1 July 2011 15 379 122 56 426 545 894 275 561 329 823 Correction of error (Note 29) ( 18 449 077) -18 449 077 Changes in accounting policy - - - - Restated Balance 15 379 122 56 426 527 445 198 542 880 746 Surplus/(deficit) for the year ( 101 880 469) -101 880 469 Corrections - - Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment - - - Transfer to Surplus (7 988 576) 7 988 576 - Balance at 30 June 2012 7 390 546 56 426 433 553 305 441 000 277 2013 Correction of error (Note 29) - - - - Restated Balance 7 390 546 56 426 433 553 305 441 000 277 Surplus/(deficit) for the year 15 113 957 15 113 957 Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment - Transfer to Surplus - - - - Transfer to Housing Development Fund - - - - Interest received - Balance at 30 June 2013 7 390 546 56 426 448 667 262 456 114 234 7 EDEN DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 Note 2013 2012 R R CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts Ratepayers and other 148 102 719 91 896 129 Government - operating 138 082 436 198 431 333 Government - capital - - Interest 3 432 586 2 089 891 Dividends - - Payments Suppliers and employees (259 035 790) (264 061 969) Finance charges (742 776) (401 852) Transfers and Grants - - Cash generated/(absorbed) by operations 30 29 839 175 27 953 531 NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 29 839 175 27 953 531 CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of property, plant and equipment (581 293) (465 462) Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment 169 731 0 Additions to Investment Properties - - Increase in intangible assets (2 799 712) (49 897) Decrease / (Increase) in non-current receivables 2 604 222 (9 964 727) Decrease / (Increase) in non-current investments - 200 Decrease / (Increase) in Discontinued Operations - Decrease in call investment deposits - - NET CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (607 051) (10 479 887) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase/(Decrease) in consumer deposits - - Increase/(Decrease) in Long term liabilities 979 732 (1 823 928) Increase/(Decrease) in Liabilities associated with Discontinued Operations - (22 409) Increase in funds and reserves - - NET CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 979 732 (1 846 337) NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 30 211 856 15 627 307 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 42 772 618 27 145 311 Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year 31 72 984 474 42 772 618 8

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