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Preview DC2 Cape Winelands Draft Budget 2015-16

MEDIUKATERNA REVUE AND EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK FOR THF FINANCIAL PERIOD 2015-2018 Annexure “A. 5" CAPE WINELANDS DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY TS Fe CAPE WINELANDS DISTRICT MUNICIPRLIEY e MUMS PRCITE © UM ANIP ALA MEDIUM TERM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 2015/2016 TO 2017/2018 MEDIUM TERM REVENUE AND EXPENIIUME FRAWEWORK FORTHE FIMAACIAL PERIOD 2035-2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS PARTI A. Resolutions 8. Executive Summary ©. High Level surnmary . Annual Budget Tables (Budget and Reporting Regulations ~Schedule A) PART2 A. Overview of Cope Winelands District Municipality Peltical Structure Adrrinistration 8. Lepislative environment G. Overview of annual budget process . Overview of alignment of annual budget with the integrated Development Plan (i0P} Overview of budget related pallies Overview of key budget assumption txpenciture on allecation and grant programmes 1. Allocations and grants made by the municipality ‘Councilor and board member allowances and employee benefits Monthly targets for revenuc, expenditure and cash flow Contracts having future budgetary implications Detail Capita Budget 2015-2018 Legisiation Compliance 1. Other Supporting Documents Quality Certicate pzErRYerenn AEIU# TERM REVENUE AND EXPEND URE FRAWHEWORK FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 2015-2018, PART ‘A: RESOLUTIONS. ‘The resolutton with regard to the approval ofthe budget will be submitted withthe submission ‘of the 2015/2036 MTREF. Br EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ‘The application of sound fnandal management princes forthe compilation ofthe Munkipaly's financial pian is essential and erica te ensure thatthe Municipality remains Mnancialy viable and that ‘municipal services ate provided sustainably, economically and equitably to al orn munities, ‘The Municipality’ husiness and service delivery priorities ware again reviewed as part ofthis years planning and budget process, The municipality strives to deliver Sustainable services tts community ‘without overburdening the consurmers with excessive seule fens with the key prorty of eoxernment this year being a “back to basic” approach ‘The ten highest risks identifed by te sirategc planning exetose and approved by Chul can be summarised 2 fallow: inherent Rsk ator Risk Trapact _' “Gkeinood | Rating [Taek of exourens 5 5 25 ‘No Fell securiy iim place 5 a a" Net sufficient IP adsvestes 5 5 25 No ownerskip fer password contre] 5 5 35 Lack of palicies 5 Hi 25 ‘Weaknesses in The environmémialand Physical 5 3 Fy controls . | Mistatements in he Anpual nancial statements a A 2 ‘water qual inthe dstiet- rar water r 5 2 ‘Workload on fre fighting vehicles, = ry 5 20 ng vehicles exhaustig maintenance budget a Ts 20 Foreach of the above rsk areas the municipality hs put mitigating measures in place aligned tothe specific department in the budget. These measures wll be implemented! over the MTREF period Due tothe decreasing Equltable Share Allocation the runiepality could nat budget for a surplus, hich ‘il have a negative effect on is Accumulated Surplus, DIUM TERY RFVEMUF AND FAPFNDITLRE FRAMFWCRK FOR THF RACIAL RIOD 7015-7008 In addrastng the key considerations cntained in National Treasury's MFA Crralar 74, the fllwing are highlighted inthe budget + The muncipalty cut back an capital aud operatiag expenditure related tothe ungading ‘of rural roads (hich she property ofthe Provincial Govetement) to maiotin accumulated veserves and ensure longterm sustaaabllty ofthe rounclpaty + Copital prajects were spread aut over the MTREF to avai large Auctuations in spending and ensure that priority igen to projacts with high importance + TanffInereases were kept as low as possible ta ensure affordability thereof, wilt keeping in ind the cost of dleering services ofa hlgh quay, ‘+The municpalay ecognizes the impartance of ash reserves and therefor stives to smletain a curren rag of nat lawer than 2 (Current Assets Curent lites) In view ofthe aforementioned, the following table is consolidated overview ofthe proposed 2015/2046 Medium-term Revenue and Expenditure Framework: ‘OPERATING BUDGET: T ‘SURPLUS(-) YEAR EXPENDITURE NCOME OEFiCre TOS a6 weearrass | -aesssoo1s | sozTeza 2016) 2017 sezssizo1 | .seseteoss | 13735235 2017 2018 aorziz61 | 37528336" | 25 820287 ‘cAPrrAL BUDGET: ‘SURPLUSC} YEAR EXPENDITURE INCOME ene BOTS! 2016 15755 10 “15 753 810 0 ‘Boe 2017 72.456 500 712 458 500 a BOTT 2018 13 402 600 “15 403600 a AEDIUM TERM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FRAKIEWOHK HOR THE FINAN PERINN 7915-208 OPERATING BUDGET - REVENUE ‘The Cope Winelands District Municipalay i reliant on Grant funding 2¢ ts main source of revenue. Thisis as a result of the ahollshment ofthe RSC Levies. National Treasury also ‘decreased the Equltable Share allocation over the MTREF perlad from R7 870 000 ta RA 752000 2 decrease of R6 112 O00 and increases the RSC replacement grant with only 3% per annum. 7 ‘The [ollawing table reflects the revenue sources for the 2014/2015 and 7015/2016 finaachal years: Souirces of neome aoiajao1s —_] 2015/2006 ——— | ‘Miselaneeurincome 256860 _| a 760015 Inlerest on ivestment [at Certaln}_ 32 000 on0 | 34 960 000 Publle Contibutions 7213 280_[ 1371750, EWP Programme 1000 000 [1.900.000 {Hiring of Tots 193.840 $0000 Grants ma0377 660 | “22? 762-160, = ASC Replacement Grant 205 736 000 | 210834000 ~ Equitable share -7870000_| _ -6 172 000 16 Finance Management Grant 2328570 | -1250.000 {WC Finance Management Grant | 225.000. - Wuricipal systems improvervent rane 34 000_|__-s38000 ‘CWDM integrated Transpeet Flan -300 000 | — -#00 000 Transport Safety and Compliance 228 950 : Hon Motorised Transport “515 000 - = Dev. Of Sportand Recreational Facies [azo ~ Community Development Workers “140 140 e00 = Greenest Municipality Competition -s0000 Performance Management Grant 50.000 =IDP Support Grant -200 000 - ~fural Roads Asset Man, System (Dara) - 2 384000 ‘Working for Water caasnas0, 8 113090 Roads Agency Funedlon 33 010-460_| 97378 580 Total vasa aezaso | ges0s0015 [3% _SAEDUM TERIA REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FRAMIEWORE FORTHE FMANCIAL PERIOD 2015-2088 OPERATING BUDGET - EXPENDITURE ‘The table below tlustrates the opersting Fxpenditure for 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 financial ‘years [expenditure Catagories Paorapanas pousyaas [ine lEmplayae Ralated Costs terosoeitco| 187217800] 1207 |Remunstaion af Councilors izaesa7000| 1900487800] 6.00 [Depreciation = ‘eszesspo0] Foes Ts000| 17.07 Finance Charges ~ / za sen.) EEO) ME [Repairs and Mainfonance Wes ne500 | as t00 72000[ _-759 [Projects ~~ wesasaenno] A738 38000) BAT \Other Expondiaire br asa 20500] 9500390500[ asa; [Total Expenditure Baeore 77000] seeorTsz00] E04] EMPLOYEE RELATED COST Employee refated costs increased with 12.07% opposed tothe budgeted increase of 7% due to the flowing ‘+ Filing of vacancies ‘© Inerwase in Medical aid contributions mare than 7% ‘Although organizationat restructuring was done in order to lessen the Impact of these Uunbudgeted vacancies, employment costs sti increase significantly forthe financial period, Remuneration of Councilors is budgeted for in terms ofthe Fublic Office Bearers Act and the appraval of te MEC. DEPRECIATION ‘The increase of more than 7% Is due tothe inclusion deprecation of new aseets to be procured In the 2015/2016 Financial year. PROIECTS ‘The Increase of 19.17% in project expenditure is mainly due to the inclusion of the execution of ‘work planned inthe 2014/2015 financial year, with regard to the upgrading of sidewalks In the ‘ural areas, thal eauld not be done in the same year. Lengthy procurement processes for these kind of projects does not allow for planning and execution of project inthe same Financial year any more, ‘MEDIUM eta REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FRANEWORK FOR THE FINANCIAL PERIOD 2605 2018 CAPITAL BUDGET ‘The capital budget increase from RG 470 286 In 2014/2015 to R 15 733 810 ln 2015/2016. “The detaits reflected in Table AS and Annexure" This overall nereaze is due to the increased capital budgets requested by the Fallowing iectorates = Disasterstanagement © Fire Service ‘© Technical and loads Services C: HIGH LEVEL BUDGET SUMMARY PER VOTE “Surplus Ivete income. Bxpenaivure | _/oetielt IEconomi Development 5953320] 5953 300] [Fourism z33%0[ sessx0| 5429670] Lano-uge and Spatial Planning ~_=3saes0| 2 629000] __ 3274 320] Working far Water “azs3090) 4722 ssn] ‘502 S60] Environmental Planning 773180] 773 150) [corporate Services ~367990| 73376300] 2008130] [Office of the Municipal Nonager 33 aa1 44a] 13.451 aaa! [Governance and Couneiltor Sunpor rar ig7aag] 40975172! 192 268] [Financial Services 7243 280225] 2a 700788 | 199075 450 [community & Developmental Serviens -aia0eo| 99975225] 99511 765| Fura & Social Development, ~72000] 16176 808| 18104 958] [Technical Services =s5s 820/2.600.115| 26 043 293| Roads 37600270 | 96495070) -1 108300} [total 7ass959025| 366977 saz] 2.027597) Dr ANNUAL BUOGET TABLES In accordance with the Budget and Reporting Regulations the folowing compulsory schedules are attached reflecting the composition and detail ofthe above mentioned amounts, Budget Summary Table at Budgeted Financial Performance Table a2 (Revenue and Expenditure by standard clasitcation) 7 MEDIUM TERM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK FORTHE FINANCIAL PERIOD 2015 2018 Budgeted Financial Performance Table a3 (Revenue and Expenditure by standard classification) Budgeted rinancial Performance Table Ad [Revenue and Expenditure} Budgeted Capital ypenditure by vote, standard cfssitication Table AS and funding Budgeted Financial Fostion Table As Budgeted Cash flows Table a7 Cash backed reserves/accumulated surplus reconciliation Table as Asset Management Table ag Basic Service Delivery Measutement Table ato This table were not completed because council does not deliver these kind of services hence no Information is algo available to complete this table, PART 2 ‘A: OVERVIEW OF CAPE WINELANDS DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Background The Cape Winelands District Municipality i situated in the Western Cape Province and Is one of 51 district municipalities in South Africa, The Western Cape Province is located Inthe south- ‘western tip of the African cortnent, Bordering the Northern Cape in the north, the Eastern Cape inthe east, the Atlantic Ocean on the wesl, and Lae Indian Ocean in Lhe south. The province covers a geographical area of 129 370 km2, constituting 10.6% of the total land area of the country, ‘The Cape Winelands dstrletis stuated nest to the Cape Metropalitan area and encloses 72 309 kot. isa landlocked area in-between the West Coast and Overberg coastal regions, The district includes five focal municipalities, namely Drakenstein, Slellenbosch, Wilzenberg, Breede Volley and Langeberg (formally known as Breede River/Winelands) and a District Management ‘rea. The area is one ofthe “pears” of South Afrlea’s rural and smal town sub-regions, but disparate with a relatively high and diverse tevel of development. Economic Profle 2.3.1 Economie growth ‘The Western Cape and the Cape Winelands District Municipality have experienced good ‘economic growth for the period 1995 te 2008, with a sharp decline in economic growth for the period! 2008 to 2009; however there have heen fluctuations in the SGP grovith, These areas Followed an almost identical growth paller, suggesting strong interconnections between the ‘economies. The average annual growth rate for the period 1995 ~2008 (before the Impact of the global recession] for South Attica is 8.3%, the Western Cape Is 3.7% and for Cape Winelands District Municipalty is 3.5%. However the average annual grewth rate for the period 1995 — 2008 (taking into account the impact of the global recession} for South lca Is 3.7%, the ‘Western Cape Is 4.1% and the CWDM is 3.8%. The Cape Winelands District Municipality contributed 11.4% ta the Western Cape Gross Geographic Product (SGP), making the CWOM [MEDIUM TERM REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK FOR THE ANAIICIA €RUOD 2015-2018 the second largest ecanamic contributor in the Western Cape, The Cily of Cape Town contributed 73.6% ta the Western Cape GGP. 23.2 Sector growth and contributians ‘The most productae sectors in the Cape Winelands District Munlcipalty, In terms of @GP ‘output per employee, are the electricity and water sector, transport sector, finance and business services sector and the manufacturing sector. The local municipalities also fallow the ‘same trend; however the Drakensteln LM also has a igh labour productelty within the Mining, sector. The community and personal services sector {this aso includes the general Government services} contributes to 27.3% of the employment opportunities within the (CWDM. The second largest cantsibuting sector Is the agricultural sector (19.2%), followed by the trade sector (19%, manufacturing (14.6%) and the finance and business services sector (11.6%). The focal municipalities, similarly to the Cape Winelands Dlstrlet Municlpalty, also have high sectoral employment contributions within the following sectors (not necessary the same order forall the local municipalities} ‘© Community and personat services sector ‘+ Agriculture Sector Manufacturing Sector + Trade Sector ‘© inanee and business servlees sector Pofiteal Structure ‘Cape Winelands Distriet Munlelpalty is represented by 40 councillors. The Mayoral Committee consists of the Executive Mayor, the Denuty Executive Mayor and 7 councillors. The marsbers ‘of the Mayoral Committee anc! the Speaker are deemed to be full-time councillors, The situation i a Fallows: Poitieal [0A Sch” "[RODP ANC COPE | NPP Party LL... Noof [aad w@ 1 |e ouneliors 10

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