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Unaudited Annual Financial Statements 2019/20 Cape Winelands District Municipality Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 General Information Legal form of entity Municipality (MFMA) The Cape Winelands District Municipality is a district municipality located in the Boland region of the Western Cape province of South Africa and include the local municipalities of Witzenberg, Drakenstein, Stellenbosch, Breede Valley and Langeberg (Municipal code: DC2) Nature of business and principal activities The Municipality is a local authority that - a) Ensures comprehensive and equitable Municipal Health Services within the Cape Winelands; b) Ensures co-ordination of multi-disciplinary and sectorial disaster risk reduction through integrated institutional capacity for Disaster Risk Management, Disaster Risk Assessment, Response and Recovery; c) Provides effective planning and co-ordination of fire fighting services, prevention activities and training services throughout the Cape Winelands; d) Facilitates environmentally sustainable economic development & investment attraction as well as retention through the development and management of strategic partnerships; e) Facilitates skills development within the Cape Winelands District Municipality by means of knowledge management and social infrastructure investment; f) Facilitates the creation of sustainable jobs within the Cape Winelands through the provision and maintenance of economic infrastructure; g) Provides support and shared services to local municipalities to facilitate economic development planning within the Cape Winelands; h) Increases access to safe and efficient transport; i) Develops integrated and sustainable human settlements; j) Integrates service delivery for maximum impact; k) Creates opportunities for growth and development in rural areas; and l) Empowers vulnerable groups, build human capital, invest in social capital and rural development programmes. Mayoral committee Ald. (Dr) H VON SCHLICHT (MAYOR) Ald. C MEYER (SPEAKER) Cllr. D SWART (DEPUTY MAYOR) Cllr. G.J CARINUS Cllr. J.J DU PLESSIS Cllr. L.W NIEHAUS Cllr. A FLORENCE Cllr. P.C RAMOKHABI Cllr. J.D.F VAN ZYL Cllr. D.D JOUBERT (RESIGN 31/10/2019) Cllr. L LANDU (APPOINTED 31/10/2019) Other Councillors Cllr. Z.L MASOKA Cllr. C DAMENS Cllr. X KALIPA Cllr. M.M ADRIAANSE (RESIGNED 31/07/2018) Cllr. J.S MOUTON Cllr. E.S.C MATJAN Cllr. A CROMBIE Cllr. J.J VAN ROOYEN Cllr. C STEYN 1 Cape Winelands District Municipality Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 General Information Cllr. E QHANKQISO Cllr. B.B NTSHINGILA Cllr. W.M BLOM Cllr. G.J FREDERICKS Cllr. S.S MAGQAZANA Cllr. D.R.A SNYDERS Cllr. P HESS Ald. J.W SCHUURMAN Cllr. M.T KLAAS Cllr. R DU TOIT Cllr. L.N QOBA Cllr. W VROLICK Cllr. R.S NALUMANGO Cllr. P DANIELS Cllr. A.J SHIBILI Cllr. C.F WILSKUT Cllr. L.S SAMBOKWE Cllr. N TETENA Cllr. S.C RENS Cllr. J SMIT - (APPOINTED 02/10/2018) Cllr. N.D SAUERMAN - (APPOINTED 02/10/2018) Cllr. M.N BUSHWANA (APPOINTED 31/07/2019) Cllr. E GOUWS - (RESIGNED 31/07/2018)) Cllr. N.S LOUW - (RESIGNED 31/07/2018) Cllr. D.D JOUBERT (APPOINTED 31/10/2019) Cllr. P MARAN (RESIGNED 15/05/2019) Cllr. L LANDU (RESIGN 31/10/2019) Grading of local authority GRADE 4 MEDIUM CAPACITY Municipal Manager H.F PRINS Chief Financial Officer (CFO) F.A DU RAAN - GROENEWALD Registered office 46 ALEXANDER STREET STELLENBOSCH 7600 Postal address P.O.BOX 100 STELLENBOSCH 7599 Telephone 0861 265 263 Bankers NEDBANK Auditors AUDITOR GENERAL OF SOUTH AFRICA (AGSA) 2 Cape Winelands District Municipality Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Index The reports and statements set out below comprise of the financial statements presented to the council: Page Accounting Officer's Responsibilities and Approval 4 Statement of Financial Position 5 Statement of Financial Performance 6 Statement of Changes in Net Assets 7 Cash Flow Statement 8 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts 9 - 11 Accounting Policies 12 - 37 Notes to the Financial Statements 38 - 113 Appendixes: Appendix A: Appropriation Statement 114 Appendix B: Benefits of business associates 120 IDP Integrated Development Plan CRR Capital Replacement Reserve LG SETA Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority mSCOA municipal Standard Chart of Accounts GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice PPPFA Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act PRMA Post Retirement Medical Aid RRAMS Rural Roads Asset Management System MPAC Municipal Public Accounts Committee IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards Cllr Councillor VAT Value-Added Tax MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act CPI Consumer Price Index CWDM Cape Winelands District Municipality MSA Municipal Systems Act WCA Workmen's Compensation Assistance 3 Cape Winelands District Municipality Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2020 Figures in Rand Note(s) 2020 2019 Restated* Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 3 716 992 699 656 290 226 Other receivables from exchange transactions 4 26 075 197 30 021 232 Trade receivables from exchange transactions 5 74 781 34 770 Inventories 6 2 888 968 2 532 251 VAT receivable 7 1 441 403 - Receivables from non-exchange transactions 8 313 530 73 254 Employee benefit asset 13 2 002 682 2 632 167 749 789 260 691 583 900 Non-Current Assets Property, plant and equipment 9 158 436 891 159 842 506 Intangible assets 10 867 211 1 001 264 Employee benefit asset 13 5 430 459 14 008 329 164 734 561 174 852 099 Non-Current Assets 164 734 561 174 852 099 Current Assets 749 789 260 691 583 900 Total Assets 914 523 821 866 435 999 Liabilities Current Liabilities Unspent conditional grants and receipts 11 6 505 793 4 597 666 Payables from exchange transactions 12 8 220 682 4 557 152 VAT payable 39 - 51 497 Employee benefit obligation 13 34 655 570 29 414 165 Provisions 38 57 263 13 471 49 439 308 38 633 951 Non-Current Liabilities Employee benefit obligation 13 136 261 501 145 267 952 Non-Current Liabilities 136 261 501 145 267 952 Current Liabilities 49 439 308 38 633 951 Total Liabilities 185 700 809 183 901 903 Assets 914 523 821 866 435 999 Liabilities (185 700 809) (183 901 903) Net Assets 728 823 012 682 534 096 Accumulated surplus 14 728 823 012 682 534 096 * See Note 28 5 Cape Winelands District Municipality Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Statement of Financial Performance Figures in Rand Note(s) 2020 2019 Restated* Revenue Revenue from exchange transactions Service charges 15 111 143 136 065 Rental of facilities and equipment 16 229 975 248 345 Roads services 17 106 276 009 108 552 545 Other income 18 1 507 951 3 389 329 Interest received - investment 19 55 405 905 54 293 664 Total revenue from exchange transactions 163 530 983 166 619 948 Revenue from non-exchange transactions Transfer revenue Government grants and subsidies 20 239 156 653 231 988 667 163 530 983 166 619 948 239 156 653 231 988 667 Total revenue 402 687 636 398 608 615 Expenditure Employee related costs 22 (203 282 247) (179 039 248) Remuneration of councillors 23 (12 610 029) (12 171 102) Depreciation and amortisation 24 (8 508 351) (10 146 142) Lease rentals on operating lease (271 040) (285 499) Debt impairment 25 (50 593) (55 718) Bad debt written off (162 507) - Contracted services 41 (36 787 479) (43 484 511) Transfers and Subsidies 40 (18 837 912) (11 423 783) Loss on disposal of assets (581 218) (881 488) Inventories losses/write-downs (35 439) (43 355) General Expenses 26 (75 271 906) (88 764 882) Total expenditure (356 398 721) (346 295 728) Total revenue 402 687 636 398 608 615 Total expenditure (356 398 721) (346 295 728) Surplus for the year 46 288 915 52 312 887 * See Note 28 6 Cape Winelands District Municipality Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Statement of Changes in Net Assets Accumulated Total net Figures in Rand surplus assets Opening balance as previously reported 624 329 795 624 329 795 Correction of errors 5 891 414 5 891 414 Balance at 01 July 2018 as restated* 630 221 209 630 221 209 Changes in net assets Surplus previous year (2018/2019) 52 312 887 52 312 887 Restated surplus 2018/2019 52 312 887 52 312 887 Restated* Balance at 01 July 2019 682 534 097 682 534 097 Changes in net assets Surplus for the year 46 288 915 46 288 915 Total changes 46 288 915 46 288 915 Balance at 30 June 2020 728 823 012 728 823 012 Note(s) 14 * See Note 28 7 Cape Winelands District Municipality Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Cash Flow Statement Figures in Rand Note(s) 2020 2019 Restated* Cash flows from operating activities Receipts Sale of goods and services 106 624 146 111 197 027 Grants 239 156 653 231 988 667 Interest income 58 957 387 53 964 794 404 738 186 397 150 488 Payments Employee costs (197 879 243) (182 881 014) Suppliers (125 996 541) (147 879 236) Other payments: Remuneration to Councillors (12 610 029) (12 171 102) (336 485 813) (342 931 352) Total receipts 404 738 186 397 150 488 Total payments (336 485 813) (342 931 352) Net cash flows from operating activities 29 68 252 373 54 219 136 Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment 9 (7 572 770) (13 898 546) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 9 40 870 198 890 Purchase of intangible assets 10 (18 000) (263 312) Net cash flows from investing activities (7 549 900) (13 962 968) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 60 702 473 40 256 168 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 656 290 226 616 034 060 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 3 716 992 699 656 290 228 * See Note 28 8 Cape Winelands District Municipality Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts Budget on Accrual Basis Approved Adjustments Final Budget Actual amounts Difference Reference budget on comparable between final basis budget and Figures in Rand actual Statement of Financial Performance Revenue Revenue from exchange transactions Service charges 200 000 - 200 000 111 143 (88 857) Note 46 Rental of facilities and equipment 240 000 - 240 000 229 975 (10 025) Note 46 Roads services 125 524 743 - 125 524 743 106 276 009 (19 248 734) Note 46 Other income 1 863 990 - 1 863 990 1 507 951 (356 039) Note 46 Interest received - investment 56 500 000 - 56 500 000 55 405 905 (1 094 095) Note 46 Total revenue from exchange 184 328 733 - 184 328 733 163 530 983 (20 797 750) transactions Revenue from non-exchange transactions Transfer revenue Government grants and subsidies 244 903 703 - 244 903 703 239 156 653 (5 747 050) Note 46 Expenditure Employee related costs (226 300 373) (329 787) (226 630 160) (203 282 247) 23 347 913 Note 46 Remuneration of councillors (13 322 726) - (13 322 726) (12 610 029) 712 697 Note 46 Depreciation and amortisation (11 941 842) (34 690) (11 976 532) (8 508 351) 3 468 181 Note 46 Lease rentals on operating lease (1 025 000) - (1 025 000) (271 040) 753 960 Note 46 Debt Impairment (20 000) (213 150) (233 150) (50 593) 182 557 Note 46 Bad debt written off (998 100) - (998 100) (162 507) 835 593 Note 46 Contracted Services (52 141 971) (86 362) (52 228 333) (36 787 479) 15 440 854 Note 46 Transfers and Subsidies (20 617 637) (254 210) (20 871 847) (18 837 912) 2 033 935 Note 46 General expenses (95 420 511) 1 593 008 (93 827 503) (75 271 906) 18 555 597 Note 46 Total expenditure (421 788 160) 674 809 (421 113 351) (355 782 064) 65 331 287 Operating surplus 7 444 276 674 809 8 119 085 46 905 572 38 786 487 Loss on disposal of assets (196 610) (639 309) (835 919) (581 218) 254 701 Note 46 Inventories losses/write-downs - (35 500) (35 500) (35 439) 61 Note 46 (196 610) (674 809) (871 419) (616 657) 254 762 Surplus 7 247 666 - 7 247 666 46 288 915 39 041 249 9

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