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Preview DC12 Amathole AFS 2015-16 audited

es AMATHOLE BrsTRier auaien Consolldsted Annual Financial statements far the year ended 30 June 2016 Amathole District Municipality Ccrsoldated nual Finale! Sateen fs yar eso 20 Fone 2016 Index ‘Therap an atoms se ut bal eonpiathe congolsted annual nena stelemens presente othe sauna Index aga Aesponslties id Approval 6 Statement ol Frail Postion 7 Stats of Financia Performance a Statement oF Chengas in het Assets 5 ash low Setemens Sluman.ol Gmnpaiun of Burge and Actual Amour Fret Appropriton Staonent a-20 Aerovating Petes aa Notes ta the Conslidstd Annual Shanta Statemeals 43-91 Abbreviation cer Senerally Recoprised Accounting Practice som ‘AmaeleDiseiet Muncpaity asa Develasment Bonk a SocthAtiee Nt Naina Tawny rr Faster Cape Province Treasury was Department af Wate and aiaion ae08 ‘Amatiole Eze vomis Development Avene (Prostar | us Intematlonal Aecauating Standards aro Inesute of Munlelpal Finance fers vesas. snczratinal Publ Serer aeceuntng Standards wes Municpatenames mee Member ofthe Eneeslve Cound urn "Musitea nsoce Management Bt Mis ‘unteilinfaetruet re Grant [Provion sy CAP) PHP epee Publi Works Programme Amathole District Municipality Consolidated anual Financial Statements fr the year ered 30 une 2026, General Information ‘Mayoral Commute Executive Mayor ona, councils Jone, 8 (Speaker uineiona, {Chief Whrp} Macikanc, {Corporate Services Human Resources and Amin} ‘pila, N | Community Sefer | Marner, M (Land al use} Finca (Local Ecanemic Develoamect} Dkk, M [Strategic Planning} Jacobs, LY (Budgel and Treasury} Senu, S| wt and Sarton) Meftata Ergincering and Infsstuetcre) ko, 5 Cormmunly Services | Nyalambisa,W ( Cammunt'y acon and Parpacon) ‘Grading and lrsdeatian rage? + intergrated development planning forthe Disict Municipality a: 8 whole nclusng 9 ramevior forall munlepalites the ares ' Potabeunter supply system "Domest wastewater and sowrarage spol systems 1 Sola west dspasal sts, Ins for oe trtates to —Selernininga vest disposal ategy ~regufation of waste espasal + Maricipal Heath Services + Fra tigi sevens serang the 9°00 + Prometio: of lca tourism area 1 The revit ard alloston af grants ‘he Amathole isnt unipalty -o¢aled in th mnid-eertian of Eastern Cape Provine long the costing of the Indian Ceean, encamaassing che former herwsand aes ofthe Cistel and Transl, s wells the farmer Cape. Panes Amathole District Municipality Consolidated Annual! ngadéal Saterients forthe yer ended 39 June 2018 General Information Provindl Administration arees “The AmatholeDscie Munipalyys dermarcaned ares temade ap of saver (7) otal maicpaites rane Arahat tunicipalty ‘Great Kei Muncipalcy Mahashe ucipaisy anquma Muripery Aigquetve Muriepaly Nkonkobe Municipality uaba Munley LraistaTion ‘Tho ADM compliss withthe folowing key nd nther related ples of lgilation "Municipal Floanee Managenve Act 56 oF 2003 Municipal Dermacatlon et 27 9958 Mundial Saruetures ACt117 F 998 awe amonderent det SL ot 2002 Constitution ofthe Republic of South Afra Act No, 108 asarnenced Municipal Systeme Act 22 of 2000 Water Seren Act 108 of 1287 Basie Condtions of Employment Ac 75 of 1987 Latour Relations Act 68 of 1995, Rernuneration of the Puble Offce Bavers el 20 of 1998 Divison of Reverue Act 10 of 2008 Howsleg Ac 107 of 1997 Local government Wanstlons Act 209 0F 1399 Local government transitions Ac: Second 97 af 1986, Loval government: Municipal Planning and verformance Manogeinent Roglaion® 2001, Local gaverrment: Municip! Performance Regulations for Municial Managers and Manager directly acrcuntableto Muniipt Managers 2006 Sunol Chain Management Regulations 2005, Value Added Tax Act 9 of 1981, ane Ucemployment insurance Act 30 ot 1996 uicloal Wan ager arc maguanggans Business addass Wavery OFfco Park No3 S3Philip FarcoRoad chleehurt s2a7 Postal adéreee Powe 520 fst london 200 Banker Standard Bonk Eas Landon ution ‘auditor General of South Arica Registered Auata's rages Amathole District Municipality Consolidated Ann aa nana stacements fr the year ended 30 June 7016 General Information ounaors sate x(bhashe} Bangeni L( Great Kei) ey (abn) yal cer) Dvenya,T [Nkontobe) Dyan, Ti minquina} Jal, 5 (gq | Macakets, 5 ( Nkankobe | Magara, N (Mase alas, E (PR) Mertoor,B [ Nauho) Peter, M{ Mache} akasane,¥ (PR) tang, I [nau Nabazonke, MI Nequshwe} Neqangoo, 6 Mnguma) Noaea,6 (Mbashe } luna. (Aevahathy raat, 1 ( Mnqurz) (aba, P(Amahlathi) awa, ( tkonkoe) of, x (artlath) gaye, (Nkonkobe | ‘Syongo,{ (Akonkobe) Ss, 0 wagushaa ] Solan, 2 (Mnqura} sindwana, KD ( Mbhashe) “yale, ang.) Maria, T(M4nquee) Ward, WLPRY abane,2( PR -MMPAC Chairpeson) luau, ( Mase) Ske‘engesIH [Mnqua Representative) Pepu, M4 (PR) Directors ASPIRE Ms Loylane NEP Chairperson resign in 24 June 2016] [MrJuly Md { Deputy Chairperson) (is Baswana T rs HhayaF er ubenve MI, (eting Hoatd Chirpersan) Mr Mowehana MM Mr Mewertanana T9¥ ma-euniaaT Pay 5 Amathote District Municipality nase Arial her Sinemet err onde 30 ae 2018 Responsibilities and Approvat ihessrouming toes are equied yh W neal nce Magee Be of 218) ttn sdegvte eculeg recors a dare eporab Ft arr -g the or dees eel nals and ene inertia chs gor, isthe tesniy othe arcing ers ers -at Me arcs anual ee sures ey tse eran of areafe muntcery are poupas ste on tha franca ea teen ie prasad as Tovs ‘ure pnd her wand Te nee AU alee ren open son ane ors aus acs Salers and war pan area) ea a el er ed Thecetaldted en ana eran fee est sete inact ith savas of Caney epee cousin alc 1G1P ech any repeats auldelnes er Tress end he acre Mant, Sn conslaed arn rar a saarrersaresac¥pen apport eourtag pate orcs ated ae sort by rexrnahe an prisere|ogerets andesite ‘he sccouitng oes akon tha hey aay respec ess fine al en abl ‘Pema snd sa come be inane on mola Nea 3g CoaU0 emir annie acme CTS srt hase esas the ses Sencar teal ental sro ree al sores flaca ace ane. 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