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Citation: Davis, Joshua, Benforado, Adam, Esrock, Ellen, Turner, Alasdair, Dalton, Ruth, van Noorden, Leon and Leman, Marc (2012) Four applications of embodied cognition. Topics in Cognitive Science, 4 (4). pp. 786-793. ISSN 1756-8757 Published by: Cognitive Science Society URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1756-8765.2012.01225.x <http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1756- 8765.2012.01225.x> This version was downloaded from Northumbria Research Link: http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/9147/ Northumbria University has developed Northumbria Research Link (NRL) to enable users to access the University’s research output. Copyright © and moral rights for items on NRL are retained by the individual author(s) and/or other copyright owners. Single copies of full items can be reproduced, displayed or performed, and given to third parties in any format or medium for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge, provided the authors, title and full bibliographic details are given, as well as a hyperlink and/or URL to the original metadata page. The content must not be changed in any way. Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holder. The full policy is available online: http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/policies.html This document may differ from the final, published version of the research and has been made available online in accordance with publisher policies. To read and/or cite from the published version of the research, please visit the publisher’s website (a subscription may be required.) TopicsinCognitiveScience(2012)1–8 Copyright!2012CognitiveScienceSociety,Inc.Allrightsreserved. 1 ISSN:1756-8757print/1756-8765online DOI:10.1111/j.1756-8765.2012.01225.x 2 3 4 5 6 Four Applications of Embodied Cognition 7 8 Joshua I. Davis,a,1 Adam Benforado,b Ellen Esrock,c Alasdair Turner,d 9 Ruth C. Dalton,e Leon van Noorden,f Marc Lemanf 10 11 aBarnardCollegeofColumbiaUniversity 12 bEarleMackSchoolofLaw,DrexelUniversity 13 cRensselaerPolytechnicInstitute dUniversityCollegeLondon 14 eNorthumbriaUniversity 15 fInstituteforPsycho-acousticsandElectronicMusic–IPEM,GhentUniversity 16 17 Received9May2012;receivedinrevisedform31July2012;accepted13August2012 18 19 Abstract 20 Thisarticlepresentstheviewsoffoursetsofauthors,eachtakingconceptsofembodiedcognition 21 into problem spaces where the new paradigm can be applied. The first considers consequences of 22 embodied cognition on the legal system. The second explores how embodied cognition can change 23 howweinterpretandinteractwithartandliterature.Thethirdexamineshowwemovethrougharchi- 24 tecturalspacesfromanembodiedcognitionperspective.Andthefourthaddresseshowmusiccogni- 25 tionisinfluencedbytheapproach.Eachcontributionisbrief.Theyaremeanttosuggestthepotential 26 reachofembodiedcognition,increasethevisibilityofapplications,andinspirepotentialavenuesfor 27 research. 28 29 Keywords: Law; Fairness; Art; Literature; Music cognition; Rhythm; Built environment; Spatial map;Embodiedcognition 30 31 32 Tohelpillustrateembodiedcognition’spotentialsphereofinfluence,andtoinspirealter- 33 nativeavenuesforresearch,weprovidefourbriefessays.Thesefouressayssuggestwaysin 34 which embodied cognition can be applied to law, art and literature, the built architectural 35 environment,andmusiccognition,respectively. 36 37 38 39 40 Correspondence should be sent to Joshua Ian Davis, Barnard College of Columbia University. E-mail: 41 [email protected] 1 42 1J.I.D.editedandorganizedthearticle.Theorderofotherauthorsreflectstheorderofthesubsections,whichis 43 alphabeticalbyfirstauthor’slastname. T O P S 1 2 2 5 B Dispatch:28.8.12 Journal: TOPS CE:Sangeetha Journal Name ManuscriptNo. AuthorReceived: No.ofpages:8 PE:Remya 2 J.I.Davisetal.⁄TopicsinCognitiveScience(2012) 1 1. Lawandembodiment 2 3 1.1. AdamBenforado 4 5 Law students are taught that judgesand jurors are influenced bythe power of arguments: 6 outcomes in court are determined by how successfully each side marshals evidence and 7 appliestherelevantlegalprinciplestothefactsofthecase.Thus,anattorneymustappealto 8 themindsofhisaudiencetowin,butcansafelyignoretheirbodies.Anembodiedcognition 9 approach to law flips this traditional account on its head and asserts that the sensorimotor 10 experiences of legal actors are intimately tied to their abstract thinking. Inside the 2 11 courtroom, the hardness of the chairs, the brightness of the lighting, the smell of the floor 12 polish, the placement of the jury box, and the weight of files may all affect the proceedings 13 (Benforado,2010). 14 Consider a murder trial in which the defense counsel requests a recess after photographs 15 of the bloody crime scene are shown to the jury. During the break, jurors head to the bath- 16 rooms,wheretheyusethefacilitiesandthenwashtheirhands.Althoughconventionaldual- 17 ist legal analysis implies that hand washing is immaterial to a juror’s decision-making, an 18 embodied cognition perspective suggests that it might be critical. Moral purity and physical 19 purity are linked (Schnall, Benton, & Harvey, 2008). In one experiment, after watching a 20 disgusting movie clip, participants assessed various moral dilemmas (e.g., keeping money 21 foundin awallet). Halfof participantswere askedto washtheir handspriorto makingtheir 22 judgments and half were not. The simple act of soaping up made a big difference: those 23 who had cleansed themselves after being primed for disgust offered less-severe moral judg- 24 mentsthanthosewhohadnot. 25 Even before trial, an embodied cognition perspective on law suggests that bodily experi- 26 encesatkeymomentsinourjudicialprocessesmaysubtlybiasproceedingsandleadtoout- 27 comes that do not align with our purported values of fairness and equal treatment 28 (Benforado, 2010). Subtle hand gestures by police officers may encourage eyewitnesses to 29 make erroneous identifications (Broaders & Goldin-Meadow, 2010). And detectives drink- 30 ing hot coffee, rather than ice water, may assess suspects as more trustworthy and credible 31 duringinterrogations(Williams&Bargh,2008). 32 Future research is needed to investigate the robustness of embodied cognition effects 33 in specifically legal contexts and to understand the impact of interpersonal differences. 34 Only then can we tackle tough questions like whether we should pass new procedural 35 rules barring the imposition of certain sensorimotor experiences or redesign our 36 courtrooms to offer experiences conducive to generosity, trust, and careful consideration. 37 The further development of an embodiment perspective on law is not without costs. 38 Certain individuals and entities—particularly those who can afford high-priced trial con- 39 sultants—are likely to use insights from the field to manipulate jurors, judges, and others 40 to stack the cards in their favor. Similarly, we must be conscious that in revealing that 41 participants in our judicial system are not rational actors driven by reason alone, embodied 42 cognition research presents a challenge to the legitimacy of our legal institutions and 43 practices. J.I.Davisetal.⁄TopicsinCognitiveScience(2012) 3 1 2. Embodimentinliteratureandvisualart 2 3 2.1. EllenEsrock 4 5 Imaginereadingafictionaboutaseamstress’handmovingthroughsoftfabricorstanding 6 in a museum gazing at a painting of a woman embroidering a handkerchief. One might 7 sense a physical tension in the fingers or the tactile quality of the cloth and feel somehow 8 immersed bodily in the work. Here, one would be imitating bodily—though a simula- 9 tion—what is represented in words or images. Twentieth century scholars paid little atten- 10 tion to such reports, for they regarded the cognitive activity of reading and viewing as 11 fundamentally nonbodily. However, scholarly attitudes are changing under the influence of 12 a broad set of scientific⁄philosophical theories that characterize cognition as embodied—as 13 inextricably involving bodily processes and being situated in a particular time and space. 14 Body-driven research into literature and the visual arts is now emerging, and it offers 15 insightsintomoregeneralareasofthesciences. 16 Theexperienceofhavingone’sbodilyboundariesextended,offeelingimmersedinliter- 17 ature and art receives attention in Esrock (2001, 2004, 2010, 2012), which proposes the 18 ‘‘transomatization’’asanalternativetosimulationaccountsoftheseexperiences(Fischer& 19 Zwaan,2008;Gallese,Fadiga,Fogassi,&Rizzolatti,1996;Glenbergetal.,2008).Intranso- 20 matizations,areader’s⁄viewer’sbodilyprocessesserveasanonimitative(‘‘trans-somatic’’) 21 substituteforcomponentsoftheverbal⁄visualworld.Thesebodilyprocessesincludebreath- 22 ing, muscular tensions, and all over awareness of the internal milieu (interoception), which 23 from some perspectives (Damasio, 1999) constitutes an emotion and carries a sense of self- 24 hood. As illustration of this substitution, a text reads: ‘‘Amy gazes at the rhythmic light 25 beams stroking the floor.’’ The reader who forms a transomatization would permit her 26 rhythmic experience of breathing to stand for Amy’s perceptual experience of the rhythmic 27 lightbeams. 28 Bodilyimmersionis onlyone lineof investigation intoembodiedreading⁄viewing.Keen 29 (2007) investigates empathy in literature, using a model of embodied cognition that consid- 30 ers the emotions as bodily, and this focus on bodily expression informs research like 31 Warhol’s (2003) on crying when reading and Freedberg and Gallese (2007) on visual art 32 perception.Suchworkdrawsimplicitlyontheoriesoflanguagethathavebecomefoundational 33 to embodiment studies: those of Lakoff and Johnson (1980, 1999), which hold that our 34 bodily experiences in the world are reflected in metaphors that govern language use and 35 concepts in all domains. This thesis has been the basis for Turner’s investigations into the 36 structures of narrative and the development of embodied cognitive architectures (Turner, 37 1996;Turner&Fauconnier,2002). 38 The literary⁄visual investigations of embodied cognition might be useful to other disci- 39 plinesbyilluminatingotherwiseunrecognizedareasofhumanthought,emotion,andbehav- 40 ior. This is because these esthetic works are complex constructions that afford especially 41 nuancedexperiencesofaffectandmeaning.Forexample,bystudyingtheprocessesofinter- 42 pretation and creation, cognitive scientists might enhance their understanding of how 43 somatosensory (trans-somatic) substitutes can help keep several streams of information 4 J.I.Davisetal.⁄TopicsinCognitiveScience(2012) 1 readilyavailableandhoweveninteroceptiveawarenessandbreathingplayaroleinregulat- 2 ingour cognitiveandaffective processingof externalobjects.Furthermore,themethodsfor 3 teaching embodied subjects how to read and view literature⁄art might reveal practices for 4 developingcognitiveandaffectiveskillsinotherareasoflife. 5 6 7 3. Experiencingthebuiltenvironment:Anembodiedapproach 8 9 3.1. AlasdairTurnerandRuthConroyDalton 10 11 Imagine visiting a building for the first time. This could be a building that encourages 12 pleasurable exploration, such as a museum or gallery, or your purpose might be common- 13 place and functional, to a hospital or airport. On crossing the threshold into this novel envi- 14 ronment, how do you begin to experience, understand, and structure the available sensory 15 information? Conversely, imagine arriving in a new city: how do you start to construct an 16 internal representation (or cognitive map) of the place? In other words, how is it that we 17 experience the built environment, especially locations characterized by significant spatial 18 complexity (numerous discrete spaces, highly interconnected, with indistinct overall struc- 19 ture,andthewholeunperceivablefromasinglevantagepoint)? 20 If we start with a hypothesis that we cognize complex, spatial environments by moving 21 through them, then two possible methodological approaches to this question are observing 22 people’s patterns of movement and simulative⁄experimental. In earlier work, Dalton 23 recordedthepathsofexperimentparticipantsnavigatingthroughvirtualsimulationsofcom- 24 plexbuiltenvironments(ConroyDalton,2003)andTurnerprogrammed‘‘cognitiveagents’’ 25 to simulate real-world, explorative tasks (Turner, 2007). Both sets of results were validated 26 against pedestrian-movement data drawn from real settings. The resultant paths taken by 27 Dalton’sexperimentparticipantsandTurner’scognitiveagentsshowastrongpreferencefor 28 straighter rather than meandering routes (even when paths with more changes of direction 29 are of a shorter distance). Furthermore, evidence from spatial cognition⁄psychology sug- 30 gests that we form some kind of mental representation of real-world places that, rather than 31 beingaliteral‘‘mapinthehead,’’isasparseandhighlyefficientrepresentationoftheenvi- 32 ronment in which certain features such as direct paths between locations, the egocentric 33 angles at which paths cross, and visually salient features along routes and at path intersec- 34 tions(landmarks)areprominent(Golledge,1999;Siegel&White,1975). 35 This, of course, begs the question of whyshould highly linear routes be so fundamental to 36 our cognition of an environment? Can an embodied cognitive approach explain people’s 37 apparentpredilectionforlinearizedspatialrepresentations?Turner(2007)arguesthatthisphe- 38 nomenoncanonlyarisefromthecombinationofanembodiedagentanditsimmediatespatial 39 system. In addition, Dalton suggests that the experience of moving through spaces relates to 40 physical characteristics of our bodies: our left–right symmetries, front–back asymmetries, the 41 positionofoureyesandassociatedfieldofviewrelativetoourdirectionofgait(2005). 42 In this section, we proposed the composite theory that when moving through any 43 novel environment, our disposition is to immediately attempt to structure environmental J.I.Davisetal.⁄TopicsinCognitiveScience(2012) 5 1 information to form an internal representation for further use⁄retrieval and presented our 2 findings that people favor strongly linear routes suggesting that any mental representations 3 might be similarly linearized. This has important consequences for built environment 4 design: first, for architects and urban planners designing complex environments, the knowl- 5 edge that linear routes are preferred can guide the design process and help to predict resul- 6 tant pedestrian movement rates; second, when designing physical maps, route guides, or 7 producing verbal directions, the knowledge that straighter routes are cognitively privileged 8 canserveasdesignguidelinesorheuristics. 9 10 11 4. Embodiedmusiccognition 12 13 4.1. LeonvanNoordenandMarcLeman 14 15 Embodied music cognition sees music experience as based on perception and action. For 16 example, many people move when they listen to music and in many cultures there is no 17 clear distinction between music and dance. Through movement, it is assumed that people 18 give meaning to music. This is different from the traditional (disembodied) approach to 19 music cognition, which bases musical meaning on merely perception-based analysis of 20 musicalstructure.Throughmeasurementofsound,movement,humanphysiology,andcom- 21 putational modeling, music-embodied cognition is currently building up reliable knowledge 22 abouttheroleofthehumanbodyinmeaningformation.Ageneralintroductiontoembodied 23 musiccognitionisprovidedbyLeman(2007). 24 Embodied music cognition is potentially applicable to understandingthe role of music in 25 otherformsofcognition,suchasspatialcognition.Forexample,LemanandNaveda(2010) 26 introduce the concept of spatiotemporal frames of reference, as an alternative to the (tradi- 27 tional) concept of mental representation. Frames of reference provide coordination points 28 for movement in space and time, dependent on biomechanics of the human body. This pro- 29 vides for a new type of gesture analysis, based on topology of movements under spatiotem- 30 poralconstraints(Godøy&Leman,2009;Naveda&Leman,2010). 31 Furthermore, embodied music cognition is potentially applicable to better understanding 32 theroleofmusicinsocialinteractions.Forexample,DeBruyn,Moelants,Coussement,and 33 Leman (2009) and De Smet, Leman, Lesaffre, and De Bruyn (2010) show that children 34 move more in synchrony with music when they dance as a group. Of particular importance 35 is the role of a resonant perception–action coupling around 2 Hz. van Noorden and 36 Moelants(1999)haveshownthatsubjectiverhythmitizationcanbeexplainedbythisresonance. 37 Styns, van Noorden, Moelants, and Leman (2007) have shown that changes in walking 38 behaviorhappencloseto2 Hz.And,children3-and4-yearsoldcansynchronizeonlyinthe 39 neighborhood of 2 Hz. By contrast, from 5 years on, they can synchronize gradually in a 40 wider range of tempi. It is as if older children learn to put brakes on the resonator. This 41 enables them to synchronize in a range from a bit faster to more extensively slower tempi 42 (e.g., Drake, Jones, & Baruch, 2000). In addition, it may be that rocking babies at 2 Hz is 43 themosteffectivefrequencyforputtingthemtosleep(TerVrugt&Pederson,1973). 6 J.I.Davisetal.⁄TopicsinCognitiveScience(2012) 1 Embodied music cognition has a strong connection with technology development, which 2 has extended its role within spatial and social cognition, and beyond. Mediation technology 3 can give the human body, and the human mind, an extension in the digital musical domain. 4 An example is DJogger (Moens, van Noorden, & Leman, 2010), which provides music at 5 exactly the tempo of your walking or running. Another example is the ‘‘Sync-in-team’’ 6 game(Leman,Demey,Lesaffre,vanNoorden,&Moelants,2009),whichappliessynchroni- 7 zation and entrainment in a social music interaction game. The embodied music cognition 8 approach starts getting a tremendous impact in the field of interactive multimedia (Correia 9 DaSilvaDinizetal.,2010;Deweppe,Lesaffre,&Leman,2009),wherenatural(embodied) 3 10 mappings between human gestures and control parameters of the system (Maes, Leman, 11 Lesaffre, Demey, & Moelants, 2010) are essential for the experience of presence and flow 12 (Nijs,Coussement,Mu¨ller,Lesaffre,&Leman,2010). 13 In contrast with traditional music cognition, embodied music cognition might change 14 how music is understood. Rather than focusing on perception, the embodied approach 15 focuses on the tight coupling between perception and action in meaning formation. It con- 16 siders how the biomechanics of the human body contributes to cognition, and provides a 17 new way of addressing emotions, through movement. This approach also allows the devel- 18 opment of models of social cognition, which link with recent neuroscience work (Leman, 19 2007),usingconceptsofmovementandemotionsynchronicityorentrainment. 20 21 22 Acknowledgment 23 24 ThisworkwaspartiallysupportedbyNationalScienceFoundationgrantBCS–1002595 25 (toJ.I.D.). 26 27 28 References 29 30 Benforado,A.(2010).Thebodyofthemind:Embodiedcognition,law,andjustice.SaintLouisUniversityLaw 31 Journal,54,1185–1216. 32 Broaders,S.,&Goldin-Meadow,S.(2010).Truthisathand:Howgestureaddsinformationduringinvestigative 33 interviews.PsychologicalScience,21,623–628. ConroyDalton,R.(2003).Thesecretistofollowyournose:Routepathselectionandangularity.Environment 34 andBehavior,35(1),107–131. 35 Conroy Dalton, R. (2005). Space syntax and spatial cognition. World Architecture: Space Syntax Monograph, 36 11(185),41–45. 4 37 Damasio, A. R. 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Columbus: Ohio State 13 UniversityPress. 14 Williams,L.E.,&Bargh,J.A.(2008).Experiencingphysicalwarmthpromotesinterpersonalwarmth.Science, 322,606–607. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Author Query Form Journal: TOPS Article: 1225 DearAuthor, Duringthecopy-editingofyourpaper,thefollowingqueriesarose. Pleaserespondtothesebymark- ing up your proofs with the necessary changes/additions. Please write your answers on the query sheetifthereisinsufficientspaceonthepageproofs. Pleasewriteclearlyandfollowtheconventions shown on the attached corrections sheet. If returning the proof by fax do not write too close to the paper’sedge. Pleaserememberthatillegiblemark-upsmaydelaypublication. Manythanksforyourassistance. Queryreference Query Remarks Q1 AUTHOR: Please provide full address details for thiscorrespondingauthor. Q2 AUTHOR: An embodied......thinking. 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Noorden, Leon and Leman, Marc (2012) Four applications of embodied cognition. Topics in. Cognitive which embodied cognition can be applied to law, art and literature, the built architectural . rhythmic experience of breathing to stand for Amy's perceptual experience of the rhythmic light beams.
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