zoología-SiSteMática http://www.icn.unal.edu.co/ Caldasia 33(2):6M37u-ñ6o5z8-D. 2u0r1á1n DATA SET INCONGRUENCE, MISLEADING CHARACTERS, AND INSIGHTS FROM THE FOSSIL RECORD: THE CANID PHYLOGENY Incongruencia, datos conflictivos e indicios del registro fósil: la filogenia de los cánidos Joao Muñoz-Durán Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C., Colombia. [email protected] ABSTRACT Identifying and accounting for sources of significant, explicit phylogenetic conflicts among data sets is an issue that requires further study. In this paper I explore the usefulness of the known fossil record for assessing the accuracy of conflicting sister taxa hypotheses, and in identifying and accounting for misleading characters (MCs). The alternative I present begins with a parsimony analysis of each available data set. Bootstrap proportions >95% supporting conflicting clades among most parsimonious trees (MPTs) identify instances of “strong” data set incongruence. The accuracy of conflicting sister taxa hypotheses is assessed through a comparison of their temporal gaps (T). Conflicting clades, with a significantly longer than average T, are called into question. As exceptionally long Ts can result from incompleteness and/or biases in the fossil record, it is necessary to differentiate the effect of MCs from the effect of a fragmentary fossil record. For this, the effect that characters supporting questioned conflicting clades have on data set homoplasy is assessed. If resetting these characters to missing values reduces data set homoplasy in a manner that is significantly different from random, then conflicting clades with exceptionally long T must arise from the effect of MCs. If so, new MPTs are calculated for modified data sets and the testing process is repeated until no more well-supported, conflicting clades are found. Finally, data sets are combined and the MPT is calculated. I applied this approach to the phylogeny of the Caninae using morphological and mtDNA data sets. Among the MCs characters identified were some that cannot be accounted for by commonly used a priori weighting schemes. The phylogeny of canids is also briefly discussed. The resulting MPT suggests the colonization of South America by three canid lineages and that the trenchant heel, a trait associated with hypercarnivory and sociality, evolved only once within the Caninae. Key words. Stratigraphic data, Phylogenetic inference, temporal gap, misleading characters, Caninae. RESUMEN Identificar y controlar las fuentes de conflictos filogenéticos explícitos entre particiones de datos es un tema que requiere mayor esfuerzo de investigación. En este trabajo exploro la utilidad del registro fósil en la evaluación de hipótesis conflictivas de clados hermanos y en la identificación y control de caracteres artificiosos (MCs). La alternativa que presento inicia con un análisis de máxima parsimonia independiente para cada partición de datos disponible. Clados conflictivos y soportados por 637 Insights from the fossil record porcentajes de Bootstrap >95% entre árboles mas parsimoniosos (AMPs) identifican instancias de incongruencia “fuerte” entre particiones de datos. La precisión de las hipótesis conflictivas de clados hermanos se prueba mediante la comparación de saltos temporales (T). Clados conflictivos con Ts significativamente más largos que el promedio son cuestionados y objeto de análisis adicionales. Puesto que los Ts excepcionalmente largos pueden ser el resultado de un registro fósil incompleto o sesgado, se hace necesario diferenciar el efecto de un registro fósil inadecuado del efecto que sobre el nivel de homplasia tienen los caracteres que soportan los clados cuestionados. Si la recodificación de estos caracteres como datos faltantes reduce el nivel de homoplasia de una manera que es significativamente diferente a la de un efecto aleatorio, entonces los clados conflictivos con Ts excepcionalmente largos deben ser el resultado de MCs. De ser así, el siguiente paso es calcular AMPs para las particiones modificadas y el proceso se repite hasta que no se obtienen clados conflictivos fuertemente soportados. Finalmente, las particiones se combinan y se calcula el AMP. Esta aproximación fue aplicada en la estimación de la filogenia de los cánidos utilizando dos particiones: ADN mitocondrial y morfología. Entre los MCs identificados hay algunos que no pueden ser controlados mediante métodos de pesaje a priori. También se discute brevemente la filogenia de los cánidos. El AMP resultante sugiere la colonización de Sur América por tres linajes de cánidos. La topología de este cladograma también indica que el talón cortante de los géneros hipercarnívoros y sociales evolucionó una única vez entre los Caninae. Palabras clave. Datos estratigráficos; inferencia filogenética; saltos temporales, caracteres artificiosos, Caninae. INTRODUCTION 1995, Huelsenbeck & Bull 1996). Weighting schemes have been suggested to reduce the The growing amount and diversity of effect of misleading characters and improve phylogenetic data has motivated many efforts the detection of the phylogenetic signal to generate more accurate phylogenetic from molecular data (Martin 1995, Hillis et inferences and several approaches for al. 1996, Naylor & Brown 1997, Hassanin managing diverse sources of phylogenetic et al. 1998). In addition, many attempts information have been proposed (Mickevich have been made to assess the quality of 1978, Fisher 1988, Kluge 1989, Fisher 1992, the results of phylogenetic inference by Bull et al. 1993, de Queiroz 1993, Rodrigo testing for congruence between cladistic et al. 1993, Farris et al. 1995, Miyamoto & patterns and stratigraphic data (Fisher 1992, Fitch 1995, Huelsenbeck & Bull 1996, Clyde Norell & Novacek 1992, Benton & Storrs & Fisher 1997, Ballard et al. 1998, Lapointe 1994, Huelsenbeck 1994, Wagner 1995, 1998, Wiens 1998, O’Keefe & Sander 1999, Huelsenbeck & Rannala 1997, Siddall Maddison & Knowles 2006, Ané et al. 2007, 1998, Wills 1999, Angielczyk 2002, Pol & Edwards et al. 2007, Liang & Pearl 2007). Norell 2006, Wills et al. 2008, Pyron 2010). Similarly, a number of tests have been Nevertheless, identifying and accounting for implemented to determine whether there is sources of significant, explicit phylogenetic significant incongruence among different conflicts among data sets is an issue that data sets (Templeton 1983, Felsenstein 1985, requires further study. The objective of this Kishino & Hasegawa 1989, de Queiroz paper is to explore the use of the known 1993, Rodrigo et al. 1993, Farris et al. fossil record as an independent source 638 Muñoz-Durán of information in assessing the accuracy has been shown that paleontological data of conflicting, well-supported sister taxa may provide valuable information about hypotheses derived from different data characters or combinations of characters sets, and in identifying and accounting for that elucidate aspects of character polarity misleading characters. For this, I propose and distribution of synapomorphies, thus an approach based on the comparison of improving the accuracy of phylogenetic temporal gaps among conflicting sister taxa estimation (Patterson 1981, Donoghue et hypotheses. The phylogeny of the sub-family al. 1989, Novacek 1992, Eernisse & Kluge Caninae will be used as an example. 1993, Wheeler et al. 1993, Benton 1995, Miyamoto & Fitch 1995, Novacek 1996, For the purposes of this paper, misleading Brochu 1997, Smith 1998, Naylor & Adams characters (MCs) are defined as the fraction 2001, Asher et al. 2003, Santini & Tyler of all homoplastic characters and character 2003, Hermsen et al. 2006, Cobbett et al. states whose inclusion in a phylogenetic 2007, Magallón 2010). Fossil data may also analysis may obscure the pattern of shared subdivide long branches leading to erroneous ancestry present in a data set and may lead sister taxa hypotheses resulting from parallel to “strong” incongruence among data sets. character changes; therefore this type of MCs are not necessarily evenly distributed data may help in correcting for long branch across all taxa in an analysis, and thus they attraction effects (Wiens 2005). Furthermore, only confuse the phylogenetic signal in few the inclusion of fossil data in phylogenetic regions of a phylogeny. MCs differ from analyses has the potential of overturning noisy characters (random data sensu Wenzel proposed evolutionary relationships based & Siddall 1999) in that they include not on data from extant taxa alone (Gauthier et only homoplasies that result from random al. 1988, Donoghue et al. 1989, Novacek processes, but also those caused by processes 1992, Smith 1998, Rothwell & Nixon 2006, of evolutionary convergence (adaptive and Cobbett et al. 2007). nonadaptive), by among lineages differences in life history traits, or by structural, Paleontology also provides information functional and developmental constraints. on the approximate age of origination of MCs are not uninformative; on the contrary, clades which may be useful in testing the they provide valuable information about reliability of conflicting hypotheses of sister evolutionary patterns and mechanisms, taxa relationships derived from the separate especially those related to structural and analyses of data sets. A variety of metrics have functional constraints. However, controlling been proposed for assessing the congruence for MCs is desirable in trying to improve between stratigraphic and cladistic data the accuracy of phylogenetic relationships (Fisher 1992, Norell & Novacek 1992, Benton derived from a data set. & Storrs 1994, Huelsenbeck 1994, Smith & Littlewood 1994, Wagner 1995, Siddall 1998, Assessing Conflicting Phylogenetic Wills 1999, Angielczyk 2002, Pol & Norell Hypotheses with Paleontological Data 2006, Wills et al. 2008, Pyron 2010). These approaches are used to find a cladogram, Paleontological data and phylogenies are from a number of competing cladograms, that independent sources of information on the best matches the known stratigraphic data evolutionary history of taxa. Thus, the fossil for a group of taxa. Competing cladograms record might be used in testing the accuracy may represent alternative topologies from of conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses a single data set or from multiple data sets. and in detecting misleading characters. It Assuming parsimony, the cladogram that 639 Insights from the fossil record shows the best fit to the stratigraphic data evolution. For instance, it is common to is considered to reflect most accurately assume that all characters included in an the evolutionary history of the group. The analysis are independent estimators of drawback that still remains in the above phylogeny and that there are homogeneous approaches is that they estimate the degree processes through time in all lineages to which an entire tree fits the available included in a tree (Felsenstein 1985, Hillis stratigraphic data. Since phylogenetic trees & Bull 1993, de Queiroz et al. 1995, Efron most likely present a combination of clades et al. 1996, Lopez et al. 2002, Ruano-Rubio with different degrees of fit to stratigraphic & Fares 2007, Kolaczkowski & Thornton data, the identification of specific clades 2008, Shavit Grievink et al. 2010). Simple in the tree that show a poor fit is obscured factors, such as among lineage differences on when a good, global fit to stratigraphic life history traits, including generation times sequences is found. Distinguishing between (For an example see Jackson et al. 2009), clades with relatively low and high levels age of sexual maturity, average litter size, of fit to stratigraphic sequences may help reproductive strategies, matting systems, in testing the accuracy of conflicting sister among others may affect substitution rates. taxa hypotheses from different MPTs. The These differences, as far as I am aware of, analysis of characters supporting poor-fitting are not included in any model of sequence clades can help also to identify and account evolution. Assuming that the taxa included for characters misleading the phylogenetic in the analysis are comparable on the above signal within data sets. factors, subsets of characters may show higher than expected levels of covariation An Alternative: Comparing Temporal Gaps which may deviate from the historical of Conflicting Sister Taxa Hypotheses signal in the data set and produce a pattern of “coarse-grained” homoplasy (Naylor & With multiple data sets and a good fossil Brown 1998, Shavit Grievink et al. 2010). It record for a given group, it seems appropriate is also possible that this misleading signal is to begin a phylogenetic analysis by finding supported by high bootstrap values (See also the most parsimonious tree (MPT) or trees(s) Hillis & Bull 1993, Naylor & Brown 1998, for each data set. Then, data set incongruence Takezaki & Takashi 1999, Ruano-Rubio & can be evaluated using bootstrap proportions Fares 2007). Thus, when separate analyses (Wiens 1998). Specific instances of “strong” of data sets show conflicting, well-supported incongruence among data sets are identified clades, such clades may correspond to either when conflicting clades are supported instances in which different character sets by >95% bootstrap proportions (Efron et record discordant evolutionary histories or al. 1996). Contrary to conflicting clades instances in which historical signal within supported by <95% bootstrap proportions, character sets is perturbed by a sub-set of “strong” instances of data set incongruence linked, or unlinked, misleading characters. are not the result of undersampling. Instead, different character sets may record discordant Assessing the accuracy of conflicting sister evolutionary histories. taxa hypotheses. After specific instances of “strong” incongruence among data sets “Strong” incongruence can arise from are identified, the next step is to assess the different sources (for a review see Wendel phylogenetic accuracy of the conflicting & Doyle, 1998), including violation of the hypotheses. For this, temporal gaps are assumptions of maximum parsimony or calculated for all well-supported clades the use of inaccurate models of character in all cladograms under analysis. If fossil 640 Muñoz-Durán information is adequate, confidence intervals At this point, the hypothesis is tested that on stratigraphic ranges must be calculated resetting suspected MCs to missing values using some of the available quantitative has a significantly stronger effect in reducing methods to correct for the incompleteness homoplasy than randomly resetting to of the fossil record (Strauss & Sadler 1989, missing values an equal number of character Springer 1990, Marshall 1991, Solow 1996, states. If the null hypothesis cannot be Marshall 1997). rejected for a given data set, we cannot have confidence that conflicting clades in such After temporal gaps are calculated, the null data set result from the effect of MCs. If hypothesis is tested that the temporal gap the null hypothesis cannot be rejected for of each conflicting clade is not significantly any data set, the testing process is stopped longer than the mean temporal gap of all other and data sets should not be combined. In well-supported clades. Conflicting clades this case, strong instances of incongruence for which the null hypothesis is rejected are among data sets are more likely the result of called into question and further explored. these data recording discordant evolutionary Rejection of the null hypothesis may result histories. Accepting the null hypothesis also from incompleteness and/or undersampling indicates that exceptionally long temporal of the fossil record, or it may suggest that gaps must result from an incomplete and/or hypothesized sister taxa did not diverge from biased fossil record. On the other hand, if the a common ancestor and that the clade results null hypothesis is rejected for at least one from the effect of MCs. To determine which data set, it suggests that instances of data set of the above alternatives is more likely, incongruence result from the effect of MCs. the next step is to assess the effect that the characters supporting questioned conflicting The testing process is iterated until no more clades have on data set homoplasy. conflicting, well-supported clades among MPTs are found. Finally, modified data sets Assessing the effect on homoplasy and are combined and the MPT is calculated. accounting for MCs. Before assessing the An application of this approach to the effect that characters supporting conflicting canid phylogeny is presented. Canids were clades with exceptionally long temporal gaps selected because they have a relatively good have on data set homoplasy, these characters fossil record and because previous studies must be examined. If an analysis of these (Wayne et al. 1997) indicated significant characters reveals possible coding errors, incongruence between two available data then character states must be redefined and sets, one morphological (Tedford et al. 1995) data set incongruence must be evaluated and one molecular (Wayne et al. 1997). again. On the other hand, if evidence of structural, functional or any other kind of METHODS constraint acting on those characters is gathered, chances are that conflicting clades There are several sources of phylogenetic result from the effect of MCs. information for the Caninae (Geffen et al. 1992, Tedford et al. 1995, Wayne et al. 1997, The next step is resetting to missing values Zrzavý & Řičánková 2004, Bardeleben the characters supporting conflicting clades et al. 2005; Lindblad-Toh et al. 2005, with significantly longer temporal gaps. Prevosti 2010), however there is only strong This is done for the taxa on those clades incongruence between two of these sources only. Then, modified data sets are separately (Muñoz-Durán & Fuentes, in prep.). The first analyzed again and new MPTs are calculated. one includes 2001 base pairs of mitochondrial 641 Insights from the fossil record DNA (mtDNA) used by Wayne et al. (1997) which are the most basal and one of the in a phylogenetic analysis of 23 canid species. most derived species within this genus, This sequence includes 729 bp of cytochrome respectively, as suggested by mtDNA b (Cytb), 588 bp of cytochrome c oxidase I studies (Wayne et al. 1997). Analyses were (COI), and 684 bp of cytochrome c oxidase also performed using the most basal species II (COII). Since analyses by Wayne et al. within the genus Pseudalopex Burmeister (1997) and Bardeleben et al. (2005) argued for 1856, P. sechurae Thomas 1900, and one congruent evolutionary histories among these of the most derived species, P. culpaeus three mitochondrial sequences, they were Molina 1782 (Wayne et al. 1997). Urocyon included in a single data partition (mtDNA). cinereoargenteus Schreber 1775 was The second is a data set of 57 morphological selected to represent the genus Urocyon characters for 14 extant canid genera studied Baird 1858 because it is the only species by Tedford et al. (1995). in this genus for which the sequence of mtDNA used here is available. The analysis was performed at the genus level; however, Canis adustus Sundevall Because the morphological data set of 1847 was included separately from the genus Tedford et al. (1995) and the molecular Canis Linnaeus 1758. The reasons for the data set of Wayne et al. (1997) use different above include: 1) most of the living canid outgroup taxa, the combined tree in this genera are monotypic, 2) the monophyletic analysis was rooted by combining the status of the polytypic genera Pseudalopex outgroup information. The phylogenetic Burmeister 1856 and Vulpes Frisch 1775 tree of Tedford et al. (1995) was rooted have been confirmed by mtDNA and nuclear using as outgroup taxa Hesperocyoninae, genes analyses (Geffen et al. 1992, Wayne Borophaginae, and Leptocyon Matthew et al. 1997, Zrzavý & Řičánková 2004, 1918. Since Hesperocyoninae is viewed Bardeleben et al. 2005; Lindblad-Toh et al. by Tedford et al. (1995) as a completely 2005), 3) Canis can be considered a coherent plesiomorphic stem-group for all later unit for analyses on morphological grounds canids, character states of this taxon were because of the level of similarity among selected as the outgroup information for its species (Tedford et al. 1995); however, morphological traits. Character states of the Canis adustus renders Canis polyphyletic on harbor seal (Phoca vitulina Linnaeus 1758) mtDNA analyses (Wayne et al. 1997, Zrzavý were used as the outgroup information for & Řičánková 2004). the mtDNA data. The selection of different species Separate and combined parsimony analyses representing polytypic canid genera could of data sets were performed under PAUP affect the results of this analysis. Therefore, 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003) in PowerBook sets of conflicting clades obtained when G3. Heuristic search using the options different species were selected to represent of stepwise-addition, with swap on all if polytypic genera were compared. Complete more than one starting tree existed, closest mtDNA sequences used in this analysis are addition sequence, holding of 100 trees at available for both Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus each step, and the tree bisection-reconnection 1758 and V. macrotis Merriam 1888, thus (TBR) swapping algorithm. The transition/ the analysis was done once with each one of transversion ratio was set to 1. Successive these species. Separate analyses were done weighting (Farris 1969) was used as a for the genus Canis using C. mesomelas tool to identify the most likely MPT when Schreber 1775 and C. latrans Say 1823, analyses yielded more than one MPT. In 642 Muñoz-Durán other words, when more than one MPT was Unfortunately, it was not possible to estimate obtained, characters were reweighted based confidence intervals for the stratigraphic on their rescaled consistency index (rc) ranges of canids. Available methods not only and a new heuristic search was executed, require information on first and last recorded keeping same parameters and options. This appearances, but also on all occurrences of the was done until the topology was stabilized. taxa between the first and last known records. This procedure never took more than one This data is difficult to collect for canid taxa reweighting cycle. with a broad geographical distribution. The limitations are related to the lack of relevant Phylogenetic signal value (g1; 1,000,000 rock outcrops in some areas, to low sampling random trees) was used as an estimation effort for some taxa and geographical regions, of the strength of the phylogenetic signal and to the access to existing data that have in data set versus random noise (Hillis & not been published in international journals, Huelsenbeck 1992) for each data partition among others. and for the combined data set. Data set Table 1. First known times of origination incongruence was assessed using bootstrap for canid genera. FKTO, first known time of values (Felsenstein 1985). Most parsimonious origination. trees for each data set were obtained and bootstrap proportions were calculated using Taxa FKTO Ref. (my) 1000 bootstrap replicates, using the same search conditions as described above. Most Vulpes 12 1, 2, 21 Chrysocyon 4.7 1, 3, 4, 21 parsimonious trees from separate analyses Speothos 0.3 3, 4, 5, of data sets were examined for conflicts Cerdocyon 4.4 1, 2, 21 involving sister taxa hypotheses supported by Pseudalopex 2.5 5, 15, 20 bootstrap proportions higher than 95%. For Lycaon 2.3 6, 7 the sake of data set exploration, maximum Cuon 2.6 8, 9, 10, likelihood analyses were also performed Canis 4.6 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21 on the mtDNA. MODELTEST 3.7 (Posada C. adustus 3.2 6 & Buckley 2004) was used to estimate the Urooccyyoonn 4.3 1, 2 best-fit model for DNA evolution. The ML Otocyon 1.9 16 tree was calculated using the same search Nyctereutes 6.2 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 parameters as in the parsimony analyses. Atelocynus 0.01 I did not insist in systematically explore References: 1, (Munthe 1998); 2, (Alroy 2000); 3, (Berta model based approaches for estimating the 1988); 4, (Berta 1987); 5, (Berta & Marshall 1978); 6, phylogeny the Caninae since MCs may be (Turner & Wood 1993); 7, (Turner 1990); 8, (Werdelin & Turner 1996); 9, (Erdbrink 1991); 10, (Alberdi et al. the result of differences in life history traits 1997); 11, (Rook 1992); 12, (Mein 1989); 13, (Bernor et or of structural, functional and developmental al. 1996); 14, (Werdelin 1996b); 15, (Tonni et al. 1992); constraints, among other factors that are not 16, (Savage 1978); 17, (Werdelin 1996a); 18, (Rook et al. accommodated by any model of sequence 1991);19, (Ginsburg 1998); 20, (Van Valkenburgh 1991); 21, (Tedford et al. 2009). TThheerree iiss nnoo kknnoowwnn ffoossssiill rreeccoorrdd evolution I am aware of. for Atelocynus, thus the age of origination of this genus was set to the Recent (0.01 Myr). Assessing the Accuracy of Conflicting Clades: Comparing Temporal Gaps Statistical test Temporal gaps (T), the difference between One-tailed t-test was used to examine the first known times of sister taxa origination, following null hypotheses: first, that the were calculated using information on Table 1. temporal gap calculated for each conflicting 643 Insights from the fossil record clade is not significantly longer than the genera and two South American genera mean temporal gap of all other well- Speothos Lund 1839 and Chrysocyon supported clades; second, that the retention Hamilton-Smith 1839. The sister taxa index (RI) of the MPT derived from the data hypothesis between these last genera sets in which suspected MCs were reset to (100% BP) was included in the set of missing values was not significantly higher conflicting clades since its grouping with than the mean value of this index from the Lycaon Brookes 1827 is conflictive. The MPTs derived from randomly modified mtDNA suggest that the Lycaon lineage and data sets. To test the latter hypothesis 100 the hypothesized ancestor of Speothos and replicates of the data sets were produced Chrysocyon split from a common ancestor in which an equal number of characters about 4.7 Myr. To test this hypothesis it is states (with the same distribution by codon necessary to test also the hypothesis that position in the case of the mtDNA data Speothos and Chrysocyon evolved from set) as the suspected MCs were randomly a common ancestor. In this manner, the reset to missing values. Lastly, a G-test internal consistency of the node is tested. was used to examine the hypothesis that different codon positions and substitution The selection of different species types of the mtDNA genes did not differ representing polytypic genera in the in the proportion of suspected misleading mtDNA data set did not affect the set of characters found on them. conflicting clades between the MPTs from morphology and mtDNA. The main RESULTS effect of including different species from polytypic genera was the rearrangement Data Set Incongruence of the phylogenetic relationships among the genera Vulpes, Nyctereutes Temminck Phylogenetic analyses of separate 1839, Urocyon and Otocyon Müller morphological and mtDNA data sets led 1836. However, none of these different to the most parsimonious trees shown in phylogenetic arrangements was supported Figures 1A-B. The topology of these trees by >95% bootstrap proportions and did not is the most stable, not only because they lead to the identification of new conflicting are among the initial set of MPTs derived clades. The mtDNA trees shown in this from the data sets but also because these paper were derived from analyses in are the resulting topologies after one cycle which Canis mesomelas, Pseudalopex of reweighting. Data set incongruence as culpaeus, and Vulpes vulpes represent their indicated by bootstrap support of clades corresponding genera. led to the identification of the conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses presented in Accuracy of Conflicting Clades Table 2. This table also presents temporal gaps (T) for all clades (conflicting and non- Comparing Temporal Gaps. The sister conflicting) supported by BP>95%. Little taxa hypothesis between Speothos and or no bootstrap support for conflicting Chrysocyon was the only conflicting clade nodes in rival trees was found when whose temporal gap was significantly longer tables of bootstrap partitions for each data than the mean temporal gap of all other well- set were examined. Conflicting clades supported clades (t = -2.575, p = 0.012). referred to the hypothesized phylogenetic Thus, the characters supporting this clade relationships among the wolf like canids were further analyzed. 644 Muñoz-Durán Table 2. Temporal gaps for all well-supported clades (conflicting and non-conflicting) on trees derived from the independent analyses of data sets. Conflicting clades are identified with an asterisk (*). Data set Well-supported Clades BP% T(my) Morphology (Canis-C. adustus, (Cuon, Lycaon)) * 99 2.0 (Cuon, Lycaon) * 99 0.3 (Urocyon, Otocyon) 99 2.4 (WLC, SAC+Nyctereutes) 96 1.6 MtDNA ((((Speothos, Chrysocyon),Lycaon),(Cuon, Canis)), C. adustus) * 99 1.5 (((Speothos, Chrysocyon),Lycaon),(Cuon, Canis)) * 98 0.1 (Cuon, Canis) * 100 2.0 ((Speothos, Chrysocyon),Lycaon) * 99 2.4 (Speothos, Chrysocyon) * 100 4.4 ((WLC-Speothos-Chrysocyon),(SAC)) 100 0.3 (Cerdocyon,(Atelocynus,Pseudalopex)) 100 1.9 (Atelocynus, Pseudalopex) 98 2.5 BP%, bootstrap proportions. T, temporal gap. WWLLCC,, WWoollff lliikkee ccaanniiddss;; SSAACC,, SSoouutthh AAmmeerriiccaann ccaanniiddss.. Suspected Misleading Characters (MCs). Table 3. Suspected misleading characters Contrary to expectations that most suspected (MCs) in the mtDNA data set supporting the MCs must be associated with third codon Chrysocyon - Speothos clade. positions, the results of a G-test indicated NPI- Data Set N NPI MC TV TI NPI* that there are no significant differences in NPI* the proportion of suspected MCs among MtDNA the three classes of codon positions (df = 2, 1st 667 73 11 0 11 69 4 G = 1.5806, p > 0.05). Although the great 2nd 667 14 1 0 1 13 1 3rd 667 472 47 5 42 464 8 majority of suspected MCs corresponds to Total mtDNA 2001 554 59 5 54 546 13 third positions, normalizing by the number Morphology 57 40 0 of parsimony informative characters in each Combined 2058 581 of the three codon positions shows that third codon positions have a relative low proportion N, total number of characters in data set. NPI, number of parsimony informative characters. MC, number of (10 %) of parsimony informative characters suspected misleading characters that were reset to missing in which suspected MCs were found, only values. TV, transversions. TI, transitions. NPI*, number 47 out of 472 (Table 3). First codon positions of parsimony informative characters after correcting for have the largest proportion (15.1%) of misleading characters. NPI-NPI*, number of substitutions in slow evolving sites. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stand for first, suspected MCs relative to the total number second, and third codon positions respectively. of parsimony informative characters on that codon position. About half of the suspected MCs may result from homoplasies in non-synonymous Suspected MCs in all three codon positions positions and in other slow evolving third correspond mostly to transitions rather than codon positions. An inspection of the transversions (df = 1, G = 23.76, p < 0.001). distribution of character states in other genera All suspected MCs in first and second codon besides Speothos and Chrysocyon showed that positions result from transitions, as well as in 29 out of 59 instances of suspected MCs, 42 out of 47 suspected MCs in third positions the character for most of the remaining genera (Table 3). This pattern is in agreement with was fixed in the ancestral state. In other words, expectations on the relative frequency of about half of the suspected MCs may have substitution types. resulted from homoplasies in characters with 645 Insights from the fossil record a slow rate of nucleotide substitution. This is One hundred copies of the mtDNA data associated with the observed reduction in the set were prepared in which 118 character number of parsimony informative characters states (since 59 characters states were reset in the mtDNA data set after controlling for to missing values for both Speothos and misleading characters (Table 3). The reduction Chrysocyon) with the same distribution by in 13 parsimony informative characters codon position as the suspected MCs were corresponds to 13 MCs that were reset to randomly reset to missing values. These data missing values in sites where no more than sets included only parsimony informative one other genus, in addition to Speothos and characters from the original mtDNA data Chrysocyon, expressed the derived character set. state. These 13 MCs correspond to four TIs in first position, one TI in second position, and Resetting to missing values suspected MCs eight TIs in third position. reduced homoplasy in the mtDNA data set in a manner that was significantly different Suspected MCs in first and second from random. Results of t-tests (df = 99) positions were associated with functional for some tree statistics were as follow: tree and structural constraints of mitochondrial length, t = 17.365, p < 0.001; consistency proteins. All suspected MCs on first and index, t = -6.681, p <0.001; retention index, second codon positions are related to amino t = -5.779, p <0.001; rescaled consistency acid replacements involving the hydrophobic index, t = -6.631, p <0.001. After controlling residues leucine, isoleucine, valine, and for misleading characters, a comparison of threonine. Furthermore, based on a model of new MPT from the modified mtDNA data cytochrome b (Degli Esposti 1993), it was set with the MPT from the morphological observed that all but two suspected MCs data did not indicate the presence of new in first and second positions found in that conflicting clades. Thus, both data sets were protein are associated with transmembrane combined and a MPT was calculated. amino-acid residues. The remaining two suspected MCs correspond to first positions Combined Analysis and are associated with amino acids on the intermembrane domain. The MPT from the combined morphological and mtDNA (Figure 3) shows the foxes at Assessing the effect on homoplasy and the base of the Caninae. Urocyon is the most Controlling for Misleading Characters basal species followed by Nyctereutes. A (MCs) clade shared by Otocyon and Vulpes is placed as the sister taxon of a large clade including The previous analyses suggested that the the wolflike canids and the South American Speothos - Chrysocyon clade was more likely canids. The latter form a polyphyletic group, an artifact of MCs in the mtDNA data set. with Chrysocyon at the base of the wolf-like Thus, the characters supporting this clade canid clade and Speothos in a well supported were reset to missing values in both genera clade (99% BP) with Lycaon. This tree also and a new MPT was calculated (Figure 2). shows that the trenchant heel evolved once Controlling for MCs led to a reduction of in the Caninae but later was lost in the Canis only 0.4% in the size of the molecular data lineage. The same set of relationships is set, and an increase of 7% in the strength of supported by the maximum likelihood tree its phylogenetic signal (g1 changed from - after controlling for MCs (tree not shown, the 0.56 to -0.60). best-fit model is GTR+I+G). 646