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Data-pattern tomography of entangled states Vadim Reut,1,2 Alexander Mikhalychev,1 and Dmitri Mogilevtsev1 1 B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Science of Belarus, Nezavisimosti Ave. 68, Minsk 220072 Belarus 2Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Belarusian State University, Nezavisimosty Ave. 4, Minsk 220030 Belarus (Dated: January 19, 2017) Wediscussthedata-patterntomographyforreconstructionofentangledstatesoflight. Weshow that for a moderate number of probe coherent states it is possible to achieve high accuracy of representation not only for single-mode states but also for two-mode entangled states. We analyze the stability of these representations to the noise and demonstrate the conservation of the purity and entanglement. Simulating the probe and signal measurements, we show that systematic error inherentforrepresentationofrealisticsignalresponsewithfinitesetsofresponsesfromprobestates still allows one to infer reliably the signal states preserving entanglement. I. INTRODUCTION of basis states. If the observer believes that the signal state is very likely residing in some operator subspace, 7 he or she can make use of this insight to define the set Quantum tomography as a way of inferring a quan- 1 of probe states that spansthis subspace for data-pattern tum state is potentially the most precise measuring tool 0 reconstruction [13, 14]. Naturally, the accuracy of the 2 available to a physicist [1–3]. However, this tool requires method depends crucially on the accuracy of the signal rather precise tuning. One needs to know characteris- n representation. Systematic error intrinsic in the method tics of the measurement setup which necessarily involves a is unavoidably amplified in the process of the signal in- J a calibration of it. Generally, it is quite a nontrivial ference since both probe and signal patterns are subject task equivalent to quantum process tomography of the 7 to statistical errors. 1 detecting system. Provided that one can describe the setup with the few-parameter model (such as efficiency Here we show that such an amplification of errors ] and dark count rate of detectors, etc.), it is possible in would not lead to breaking of essentially quantum fea- h somecasestoperformthecalibrationwithoutacomplete tures of the state. Such a fragile feature as the entan- p - set of known probes by trading some information about glement survives the inference procedure, and for suffi- t the probe for knowledge about the detector. For exam- ciently high accuracy of the representation the fidelity n a ple, with a twin-photon state, one can find the absolute of the signal reconstructions for the large number of sig- u value of the detecting setup efficiency [4, 5]; entangle- nal state copies tends to the values close to the fidelity q ment also makes possible “self-testing” or “blind tomog- given by the representation. Our simulation shows that [ raphy”[6,7]. Tradingknowledgeofprobes(preferablyof this number of copies stands well within the region of 1 the most general nature, such as Gaussianity) for infor- experimental feasibility. Moreover, entanglement is not v mation about the measurement gave rise to the concept broken even for a comparatively low number of signal 1 of self-sufficient, or self-calibrating tomography [8–12]. copies, when infidelity is several times higher than the 9 However, there is a possibility of skipping the cali- infidelity of the representation (which is rather remark- 8 4 bration stage altogether. This possibility is given by able if one takes into account the main feature of the 0 the data-pattern tomography [13, 14]. The idea of this data-pattern approach: the density matrix of the signal . methodissomewhatsimilartothatofopticalimageanal- isapproximatedbythemixtureofnonorthogonalprojec- 1 ysis with a known optical response function [15]. An ob- tors). So the data-pattern scheme is quite feasible and 0 7 servermeasuresresponses(thedatapatterns)forasetof reliable also for the reconstruction of multimodal states. 1 knownquantumprobestatesandmatchesthemwiththe Also, we show that the representation of the signal in : response obtained from the unknown signal of interest. terms of the classical probe basis is quite robust with v The data-pattern tomography can also be understood as respect to the noise of the representation weights. i X asearchfortheoptimalstateestimatoroverthesubspace The outline of the article is as follows. In Sec. II we r that is spanned by the probe states. This approach is review the basics of the data-pattern scheme and discuss a naturallyinsensitivetoimperfectionsofthemeasurement the selection criteria of optimal basis sets. After that, setupsincealldeviceimperfectionsareautomaticallyin- we analyze different basis sets of coherent states for the corporated into and accounted for by the measured data representation of single-mode states as the initial simple patterns. The data-pattern scheme was recently suc- problem and entangled double-mode states with a small cessfully realized with few-photon signals and coherent average number of photons. Next, in Sec. III, the qual- probes and was shown to be quite robust [16, 17]. ity of such expansions based on the sets with optimal Theefficiencyofdata-patterntomographydependses- parameters is discussed. We analyze the stability of this sentially on the choice of the basis set of probe states. proceduretothenoiseandevaluateentanglementandthe It is highly desirable to use the smallest possible number purity of the represented states. Last, but not least, in 2 Sec. IV we present simulations of the procedure of data- Measurement patternreconstructionusingoptimalsetsofcoherentpro- system jectorsforsingle-modeandentangleddouble-modestates Probe states and demonstrate the survival of entanglement. II. OPTIMAL BASIS SETS Unknown state In this section, we consider the representation of opti- calquantumstatesbasedonthediscretebasissetindata- pattern tomography. From a practical point of view, it FIG. 1: Measurement scheme of data-pattern approach. is essential to find optimal basis sets with the minimum possible number of coherent projectors for the represen- tation. However, to our knowledge, the optimization of coefficients x can be found by fitting the signal data thebasischoicehasnotyetbeenfullydiscussedandana- ξ pattern with probe data patterns: lyzed (here one can point to only two preliminary recent works [14, 18]). In experiments [16, 17] the reconstruc- f(ρ) ≈(cid:88)x f(ξ), (3) tion was done by considering only a set of probe states jk ξ jk that was a priori deemed sufficiently large (from 48 to ξ 150). We analyze the applicability of different sets of taking into account the physical constraints imposed on probe states for data-pattern tomography. For the cho- the density operator ρAppr [ρAppr =(ρAppr)†, TrρAppr = sen basis set, the efficiency of the reconstruction could 1, ρAppr ≥0]. These constraints imply fulfillment of the be enhanced using, for example, the adaptive Bayesian following conditions for estimated coefficients: procedure [19–22]. (cid:88) (cid:88) x =x∗, x =1, x σ ≥0. (4) ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ A. General principles Thepossibilityofaccuratedata-patternreconstruction Firstofall,letusconsiderthegeneralprinciplesofthe is closely related to the representation (1). Having pre- data-pattern scheme. We assume that there is an appro- liminaryinformationormakingareasonableguessabout priatelychosenfinitesetofprobestateswhichcanbede- theclassofplausiblesignalstates(suchastheupperlimit scribedbythedensityoperatorsσ , whereξ =1,...,M. on the average photon number) allows one to make the ξ We would like to reconstruct the true signal state de- reconstructionusinganappropriatelychosensetofprobe scribed by the density operator ρ. The key point of the states spanning required subspace. The problem of the discussionisthepossibilitytofitthesignalρwithamix- optimal basis-state selection naturally arises. To solve ture of probes, this problem our research presented here follows certain selection criteria imposed on the basis states {σ }. ξ M First of all, for practical purposes, it is advisable to (cid:88) ρ≈ρAppr = xξσξ, (1) use probe states that can be easily generated in the lab- ξ=1 oratoryandprovideanaccuraterepresentationofanun- known signal state. It was shown in previous works on where x are real coefficients. In order to proceed with ξ thedata-patternschemeinthesingle-modecasethatthe the reconstruction, an observer carries out a number of usualcoherentstatessatisfythesepracticalrequirements somemeasurementsontheunknownsignalstateρanda rather well for a wide class of signal states [13, 14]. No- predefined set of probe states σ . The outcome k in the ξ tice that some time ago considerable attention was paid j-thmeasurementcanbedescribedbypositiveoperator- to representing nonclassical quantum states in terms of valued measures (POVM) Π , jk thenonorthogonalbasisofpurequantumstates(hereone canmention,forexample,classicalworks[23,24]). More p(jξk) =Tr(Πjkσξ), (2) recently, a number of works on representing entangled p(ρ) =Tr(Π ρ), statesusingsuchcoherentbaseshasappeared(forexam- jk jk ple,[25,26]). Inthecurrentwork,weareimplementinga quite different approach: a representation of the density where p(ξ,ρ) are probabilities for the probe ξ or signal ρ. jk matrixofthesignalintermsofcoherent-stateprojectors. Such measurements under a finite number of signal and Second, it is desirable to use the smallest possible probe copies result in frequency distributions fj(kρ) and number of probe states in order to minimize computa- f(ξ) (see Fig. 1), which represent the data patterns for tional resources for reconstruction of an unknown sig- jk the signal state and the probe states, respectively. So nal state. In subsequent research we use the fidelity (cid:112) from Eqs. (1) and (2) one has that the representation F(ρ,ρAppr)= ρ1/2ρApprρ1/2 as the measure of quality 3 of representation (1) [27]. Aiming for practical applica- 1 ,0 0 0 0 tions,werequiretheaccuracyofrepresentation(1)tobe greater than experimental measurement precision. It is not possible to evaluate the required accuracy precisely, bscuhtemereromrsayinbreetcaeknetnwaosrkthse[1r6e,fe1r7en]coenptohinetdfaotrao-puartetsetrin- lity0 ,9 9 9 9 e mations. Havingrelativeexperimentalerrorsonthescale id F ofseveralpercent,wedeterminetherequiredprecisionof the expansion (1) to be an order of magnitude greater. 0 ,9 9 9 8 Thus, thecriterionoftherequiredaccuracyoftherepre- 0 ,0 0 ,2 0 ,4 0 ,6 0 ,8 1 ,0 sentation can be expressed as F(ρ,ρAppr) ≥ 0.999. No- ticethatstatesthatarecloseintermsoffidelitymayhave p rather different physical properties, as has been shown (a) theoreticallyandexperimentally,forexample,in[28–30]. 1 ,0 0 0 0 So, when judging the quality of the state representation, we estimate also purity and the entanglement. Third,thesetofbasisstatesmustbesuitableforrepre- spernetcaistiioonn.ofInawthiidsepraapnegre,owfequcaonntsuidmersttahteesbwroitahdrcelqausisreodf lity0 ,9 9 9 5 e states with small average number of photons which are id F widely used and applied in quantum cryptography and quantum computing [2, 31]. 0 ,9 9 9 0 Next, we shall analyze the optimal basis sets of co- 0 ,0 0 ,2 0 ,4 0 ,6 0 ,8 1 ,0 herent projectors for the single-mode case as the initial simple problem. After that, based on the results ob- p tained, we shall consider the case of entangled double- (b) mode states. FIG. 2: The fidelities of the representation of mixed states ρ=p|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|+(1−p)|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1| (p ∈ [0,1]) using coherent projec- tors with amplitudes selected in (a) the square lattice on the B. Single-mode case phase plain with N ×N =6×6, d=0.1 and (b) the helical grid with N =17, ∆r=0.016, ∆ϕ=π/4 (b). First, we consider the selection of the optimal basis sets for the single-mode case as the initial problem. For this case we analyze the expansion for the single-photon number of nodes along each axis N and grid pitch d. state, the coherent state with amplitude α = 0.5, the The increase in the accuracy of representation is pro- even coherent state (the so-called “Schr¨odinger’s kitten” videdbytheincreaseinthenumberofnodesN×N (the state)ψ ∝|α=0.5(cid:105)+|α=−0.5(cid:105),andthesuperposition number of coherent projectors) and the decrease in grid of the vacuum and the single-photon states. We assume pitch d since the recognition of small-scale details on the the basis sets {σ = |α (cid:105)(cid:104)α |}, where α are amplitudes phase plane requires advanced resolution. On the other ξ ξ ξ ξ of coherent projectors. To solve the formulated problem hand, filling a large area of the phase plain with the lat- we use cvx for matlab, a package for specifying and tice with small d requires an excessive number of basis solving convex programs [32, 33]. The disciplined con- states. Thismeansthattherearesomeoptimalvaluesof vex programming methodology is implemented in this the number of nodes along each axis N and grid pitch d. system. Itisassumedthatonefollowscertainrulesspec- ThedependenciesofthefidelityontheparametersN and ifying a problem. If we take into account joint concavity d enable us to find the optimal parameters of the square of the fidelity F in two arguments [2], it can be verified lattice taking into account the criterion of the required that the problem of expansion formulated above satis- accuracyoftherepresentation(F ≥0.999). Theanalysis fies the whole set of rules. To improve convergence, we of the representation (1) for the above-mentioned signal impose additional constraints on the absolute values of statesenablesustodetermineoptimalparametersinthis the coefficients x : |x | ≤ const. It is most natural to case: N ×N =6×6, d=0.05−0.15. ξ ξ selectthediscretesetsofcoherentstates{σ =|α (cid:105)(cid:104)α |} Notice that choosing probes not on the simple square ξ ξ ξ by constructing the square lattice near the origin on the grid but in a more sophisticated way may, in fact, lead phase plane with the axes representing the values of the to better accuracy with a smaller number of probes. For real and imaginary parts of complex amplitudes {α }. the signal with a small average number of photons we ξ Let us discuss now the possibility of representing single- also consider the sets of coherent states chosen in the mode quantum states based on these states and find the helical grid on the phase plane [18]. All probe states are optimal sets, which meet the above-mentioned criteria. equidistant in radius and angle; we optimize the number The optimization parameters of these basis sets are the of nodes N, the step of the radial distance ∆r, and the 4 1 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 ,9 9 9 9 9 y y Fidelit Fidelit idelity0 ,9 9 9 9 8 F 0 ,9 9 9 9 7 0 ,9 9 9 9 6 0 ,0 0 ,2 0 ,4 0 ,6 0 ,8 1 ,0 p (a) (b) FIG.4: Thefidelitiesoftherepresentationofentangledmixed FIG. 3: The fidelity of the representation of entangled states ρ= 1−p(cid:0)|0(cid:105) |1(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |0(cid:105) (cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:104)0| (cid:104)1| +(cid:104)1| (cid:104)0| (cid:1) + double-mode states against the grid pitch d of the square p(cid:0)|0(cid:105) |0(cid:105) +|1(cid:105)2|1(cid:105) (cid:1)1(cid:0)(cid:104)0|2(cid:104)0| +1(cid:104)1|2(cid:104)1| (cid:1)1(p2∈ [0,11])2using lattice of coherent projectors: (a) the number of nodes 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 coherent projectors with amplitudes selected in the square along each axis N = 6; (b) the number of nodes along lattice on the phase plain with N =7, d=0.05. each axis N = 7. The predefined double-mode states (cid:0) (cid:1) are ψ=const× |α(cid:105) |−α(cid:105) +|−α(cid:105) |α(cid:105) with α = 0.5 1 2 1 √2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (black bars), ψ= |0(cid:105) |1(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |0(cid:105) / 2 (dark gray bars), (cid:0) 1(cid:1) √2 1 2 d for the two modes. ψ= |0(cid:105) |0(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |1(cid:105) / 2 (light gray bars). 1 2 1 2 Accurate representation (1) of states that are the ten- sor product of pure single-mode states is possible for the parameters found in the previous section (N = 6, step of the angle ∆ϕ = 2π(m/n), with m,n ∈ N. The d = 0.05 − 0.15) since F(ρ ⊗ρ ,ρAppr⊗ρAppr) = optimization procedure for this set of probes gives the 1 2 1 2 following optimal parameters: N =17, ∆ϕ=π/4, ∆r = F(ρ1,ρA1ppr)F(ρ2,ρA2ppr) [27]. Intuitively, in the two- 0.009−0.016. One can see that the use of the helical mode case it is natural to expect some nontrivial com- grid with optimal parameters requires indeed a smaller plication due to the presence of entanglement. We an- number of states in comparison with the square lattice. alyze the expansions (1) for the pure entangled states mentioned above in this section. The results presented Theanalysisoftherepresentation(1)givenaboveisfor in Fig. 3 indicate that, indeed, the representation of en- pure states. However, obviously, the expansion (1) holds tangled double-mode states requires a greater number of for mixed states as well. Let us demonstrate how the ac- nodes along each axis N than in the single-mode case. curacy of the representation fares with the mixed states. This figure demonstrates that a representation with fi- For this purpose, we analyze the fidelity of the repre- delityF ≥0.999ispossibleforthesetswiththefollowing sentation for the mixed states ρ=p|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|+(1−p)|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1| optimal parameters: N =7, d=0.05−0.20. (p∈[0,1]). Figure 2 shows that the fidelities of the rep- resentationofmixedstatesexceedtheminimumrequired It is also useful to demonstrate that the method accuracy for optimal basis sets of coherent projectors in considered works properly for mixed states in the cases of the square lattice and the helical grid. This this case. For this reason, we consider the ex- analysis confirms that the method considered works ap- pansion of the state with the density operator propriately for mixed states as well. ρ= 1−2p(cid:0)|0(cid:105)1|1(cid:105)2+|1(cid:105)1|0(cid:105)2(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:104)0|1(cid:104)1|2+(cid:104)1|1(cid:104)0|2(cid:1) + + p(cid:0)|0(cid:105) |0(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |1(cid:105) (cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:104)0| (cid:104)0| +(cid:104)1| (cid:104)1| (cid:1) (p ∈ [0,1]). 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 An analysis of the fidelities of the representation of these states confirms that optimal basis sets of coherent C. Double-mode case projectors are appropriate for the accurate expansion of mixed states as well (see Fig. 4). Now let us move to the consideration of the We close this section by noting that the basis sets of multimode case. Since we are aiming, primar- coherent projectors found are applicable for the essen- ily, to show how the entanglement survives the tially accurate representation of single-mode and entan- data-pattern inference, we restrict ourselves to the gled double-mode states with a small average number double-mode case. The representations are analyzed √ of photons. We note that the achieved precision of the (cid:0) (cid:1) for the following states:√ψ = |0(cid:105)1|1(cid:105)2+|1(cid:105)1|0(cid:105)2 / 2, representation (1), F(ρ,ρAppr) ≥ 0.999, indicates that (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) ψ = |0(cid:105)1|0(cid:105)2+|1(cid:105)1|1(cid:105)2 / 2, ψ =const× |α(cid:105)1|−α(cid:105)2+ these optimal sets of probe states can reliably represent (cid:1) | − α(cid:105) |α(cid:105) (α=0.5). We choose the basis sets a wide class of signal states. This circumstance allows 1 2 {σ =|α (cid:105) (cid:104)α |⊗|α (cid:105) (cid:104)α |} as the tensor product of us to expect that these sets of coherent projectors may ξ ξ1 1 ξ1 ξ2 2 ξ2 the coherent states selected in the nodes of the square besuccessfullyimplementedindata-patterntomography lattice on the phase plane. The parameters to optimize of single-mode and entangled double-mode states effec- arethenumberofnodesalongeachaxisN andgridpitch tively. 5 1,00 1,00 the coherent state with amplitude α =0.5 in the single- √ (cid:0) (cid:1) mode case and for state ψ = |0(cid:105) |1(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |0(cid:105) / 2 in 1 2 1 2 0,95 0,95 the double-mode case are presented in Fig. 5. One can lity lity seethatthefidelityremainsratherhighoveraquitelarge ide0,90 ide0,90 range of the rms amplitude error. F F 0,85 0,85 0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 s s (a) (b) 1,00 B. Entanglement estimation 0,95 It is not obvious that the expansion (1) based on the idelity0,90 setofcoherentprojectorsconservestheentanglement. In F order to demonstrate this, we estimate entanglement for the same states represented using the square lattice of 0,85 0,00 0,01 0,02 0,03 basis states. s We use an entanglement witness (EW) to determine (c) whetherastateisseparableornot. Adensityoperatorρ FIG. 5: The fidelities of the representation (5) against the describes an entangled state iff there exists a Hermitian rms amplitude error. (a) The fidelities of the representation operatorW (calledEW)whichdetectsitsentanglement, of the coherent state with amplitude α = 0.5 for the square i.e., Tr(Wρ)<0 and Tr(Wσ )>0 for all σ separa- sep sep lattice of coherent projectors with N =6, d=0.15. (b) The ble [34, 35]. We calculate the entanglement witness us- fidelities of the representation of coherent state with ampli- ing a method proposed in Ref. [36]. For the calculation tude α = 0.5 for the helical grid with N = 17, ∆r = 0.016, of the operator W we use cvx [32, 33]. Figure 6 shows ∆ϕ=π/4. (c)Thefidelitiesoftherepresentationofthestate (cid:0) (cid:1) √ the results of these calculations for the square lattice of ψ= |0(cid:105) |1(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |0(cid:105) / 2usingcoherentprojectorsinthe 1 2 1 2 basis states with N = 6 and N = 7. One can see that pitches of the square lattice with N =7, d=0.15. all values of the trace Tr(Wρ) estimated are negative. Thus, the representation (1) with these discrete sets of coherent projectors conserves entanglement. Figure 6(b) III. EXPANSION ANALYSIS demonstratesthatthevaluesofthetraceTr(WρAppr)for the expansions using optimal basis sets are very close to In this section we consider the quality of the expan- the values found for the precise density matrices, which sion (1) using discrete sets of coherent projectors. Since indicates the closeness of their entanglements. any real measurements are connected with the noise of differentsources, itisessentialtoanalyzethestabilityof the representation using the basis sets considered. Af- ter that, we shall analyze the conservation of entangle- mentfortheexpansionbasedontheoptimaldiscretesets. Last, the purity of the expansions is investigated based C. Purity on the analysis of their eigenvalues. At the end of this section we analyze the purity of the density matrices ρAppr, which is defined as A. Stability µ[ρAppr]=Tr(ρAppr)2 =(cid:80) λ2 (λ are the eigenvalues k k k of the density matrix ρAppr). We analyze the purity of Analyzingthestabilityofthereconstructionsusingthe the density matrices ρAppr of the states considered ear- optimal basis sets, we compare quantum state ρ with lier. The calculations for the expansions using the op- the result of the expansion containing fluctuations with timal basis sets show that the purity is well conserved normal distribution N(0,σ2) in the coefficients: in the single-mode case. Figure 7 shows the dependence of the purity of the representation of entangled double- N (cid:88) mode states against the grid pitch d of the square lattice ρAppr(cid:48) = (x +{noise})σ . (5) ξ ξ ofcoherentprojectorswithN =6andN =7. According ξ=1 to Fig. 7(b) the expansions using the optimal basis sets are found to conserve the purity with great precision. Notice that we enforce semipositivity and unit trace of ρAppr(cid:48). Plots of the fidelity F(cid:0)ρ,ρAppr(cid:48)(cid:1) against the rms Inconclusion,wecanassertthattheoptimalbasissets amplitude error indicate that the representations using considered in this section are applicable for a highly ac- the optimal sets of coherent states are quite stable for curate representation of entangled states with a small both the single- and double-mode states. The plots for average number of photons. 6 r (a) (b) (a) FIG.7: Thepurityoftherepresentationofentangleddouble- mode states against the grid pitch d of the square lattice of coherentprojectors: (a)thenumberofnodesalongeachaxis N =6(fidelitylevelofrepresentationρAppr is0.994−0.999); (b) thenumber ofnodes alongeach axisN =7(fidelity level r ofrepresentationρAppr is0.999−0.99999). Thestatesconsid- (cid:0) (cid:1) ered are ψ=const× |α(cid:105) |−α(cid:105) +|−α(cid:105) |α(cid:105) with α=0.5 1 2 √1 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) (black bars), ψ= |0(cid:105) |1(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |0(cid:105) / 2 (dark gray bars), 1 √2 1 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) ψ= |0(cid:105) |0(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |1(cid:105) / 2 (light gray bars). 1 2 1 2 tomography in the simplest and most straightforward (b) way, let us take the intended measurements to be pro- jectionsontocoherentstatesforsingle-anddouble-mode FIG. 6: Plots of the trace Tr(Wρ) against the grid pitch cases. These measurements are described by the POVM d of the square lattice on the phase plane: (a) the num- elements Π =|β (cid:105)(cid:104)β | and Π =|β (cid:105) (cid:104)β |⊗|β (cid:105) (cid:104)β | ber of nodes along each axis N = 6 (fidelity level of repre- j j j j j1 j j1 j2 j j2 sentation ρAppr is 0.994−0.999); (b) the number of nodes (j = 1,...,K) with amplitudes βj, βj1, βj2. For the as- along each axis N = 7 (fidelity level of representation ρAppr sumed ideal lossless detection, the probabilities p(ξ) and j is 0.999−0.99999). The entanglement witnesses W are ob- p(ρ)ofobservingthepositiveoutcomeinthejthmeasure- tained solving the optimization problem for the precise den- j ment for a probe state σ and a signal state ρ are given sity matrices. Filled bars represent the results for the den- ξ sityoperatorsρAppr beingtherepresentationofthefollowing byEqs. (2). Amplitudesofthecoherentprojectorsform- states: ψ=const×(cid:0)|α(cid:105)1|−α(cid:105)2+|−α(cid:105)√1|α(cid:105)2(cid:1) with α = 0.5 ingthePOVMelements{Πj}areselectedasequidistant (cid:0) (cid:1) phase-space points that form a square lattice in our sim- (black bars), ψ= |0(cid:105) |1(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |0(cid:105) / 2 (dark gray bars) 1 2 √1 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) ulations. We assume that the probabilities of observing and ψ= |0(cid:105) |0(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |1(cid:105) / 2 (light gray bars). White 1 2 1 2 every coherent-state setting j for the probe state σ and bars represent the trace Tr(Wρ) for the precise density ma- ξ trices of the corresponding states. the signal state ρ are measured with a finite number of statecopiesN . Theexperimentalfrequenciesf(ξ) and rep f f(ρ) aresimulatedusingabinomialdistributionwithpa- IV. RECONSTRUCTION USING THE f OPTIMAL BASIS SETS rameters Nrep, p(jξ) and Nrep, p(jρ) for the sets of probe states and the signal state, respectively. Inthissection,wedemonstratethepossibilityofaccu- Oneisabletocarryoutthereconstructionminimizing rate data-pattern reconstruction of single-mode and en- the distance tangled double-mode states using the optimal basis sets of the coherent projectors found. To this end, we shall specify and simulate the set of measurements for this E[x ]=(cid:88)(cid:16)f(ρ)−(cid:88)x f(ξ)(cid:17)2. (6) scheme. ξ j ξ j j ξ A. Set of measurements Minimization of the functional (6) subject to the con- straints imposed on the coefficients {x } represents the ξ As a means of demonstrating the applicability of the semidefiniteconvexproblem[37]andcanbesolvedusing discrete basis sets of coherent projectors in data-pattern the package cvx [32, 33]. 7 1 ,0 0 1 ,0 0 0 ,9 8 0 ,9 5 0 ,9 6 lity lity e e id id F0 ,9 4 F 0 ,9 0 0 ,9 2 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 6 1 0 7 1 0 8 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 0 5 1 0 6 1 0 7 1 0 8 1 0 9 N N re p re p FIG. 8: The fidelities of the reconstruction of single-mode FIG. 9: The fidelities of the reconstruction of entangled states against the number of state copies N . The ampli- double-mode states against the number of state copies N . rep rep tudes of the probe states and projectors {Π } are chosen in The amplitudes of the probe states and projectors {Π } j j the nodes of the square lattice with the optimal parameters are chosen in the nodes of the square lattice with the op- N =6, d=0.15. The reconstruction process is simulated for timal parameters N = 7, d = 0.15. The reconstruc- (cid:0) (cid:1) the single-photon state (rhombuses), the coherent state with tion is done for ψ=const× |α(cid:105) |−α(cid:105) +|−α(cid:105) |α(cid:105) with 1 2 √ 1 2 amplitude α = 0.5 (squares), the even coherent state with α = 0.5 (circles), ψ=(cid:0)|0(cid:105) |1(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |0(cid:105) (cid:1)/ 2 (squares), √ 1 2 1 2 amplitude α=0.5 (triangles), and the superposition of the (cid:0) (cid:1) ψ= |0(cid:105) |0(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |1(cid:105) / 2 (triangles). 1 2 1 2 vacuum and the single-photon states (circles). B. Results increasing the number of state copies N . So for suf- rep ficiently high accuracy of the representation the fidelity We are now ready to demonstrate the possibility of of the signal reconstructions for a large number of signal accuratedata-patternreconstructionusingthediscussed statecopiesindeedtendstothevaluesclosetothefidelity optimal sets for the reconstruction of single-mode and given by the representation. Furthermore, this number entangled double-mode states. Typically, the number of of copies stands well within the region of experimental employed measurement settings K is not equal to the feasibility. number of probe states M. However, for the sake of simplicity we let K = M and take the square lattice for Finally, we analyze the conservation of entanglement the POVM elements {Π } to be the same as that for the j for the signal states reconstructed with different num- set of basis states {σ }. ξ bers of state copies N . For this purpose, we calculate rep In the single-mode case we select the amplitudes of the entanglement witness W using a method proposed probe states and projectors {Πj =|βj(cid:105)(cid:104)βj|} to be in the in Ref. [36]. An entanglement witness operator calcu- nodes of the square lattice with the optimal parameters lated for the precise density matrix ρ does not have to N = 6, d = 0.15. Figure 8 shows examples of fideli- be EW for the states ρAppr reconstructed with a rela- ties of the single-mode states reconstructed against the tively small number of state copies. Therefore, for the number of state copies Nrep. In the same way we carry calculation of the entanglement witness W we solve the out the reconstruction of entangled double-mode states problemofconvexoptimizationforthedensityoperators by selecting the amplitudes of the discrete sets of probe ρAppr reconstructed. Figure10showstheresultsofthese states and projectors {Πj = |βj1(cid:105)j(cid:104)βj1|⊗|βj2(cid:105)j(cid:104)βj2|} as calculationsforthesamesetsofprobestatesandprojec- phase-space points that form the square lattice with op- tors as in Fig. 9 (we select them in the square lattice on timal parameters N = 7, d = 0.15. Figure 9 demon- the phase plane with parameters N =7, d=0.15). Fig- stratesthefidelitiesofthisreconstructionprocessforen- ure 10 demonstrates that the entanglement survives the tangled double-mode states. Figures 8 and 9 show that inference procedure even for a reasonably small number the fidelities F(ρ,ρAppr) for single-mode and entangled of state copies N . rep double-mode states are comparably close for reasonably large numbers of state copies (N > 104). One can We conclude that using a discrete probe set of appro- rep seethatanobserverisabletoreconstructsingle-modeor priately chosen coherent projectors in data-pattern to- entangleddouble-modestateswithafidelitythatisarbi- mographyenablesustoaccuratelyreconstructentangled trarily close to the target fidelity F(ρ,ρAppr)=0.999 by optical quantum states. 8 V. CONCLUSIONS We have discussed the data-pattern approach to quantum tomography of entangled states. The efficiency of this procedure depends essentially on the choice of the basis set of the probe states. We substantiated the choice of the discrete set of coherent states by constructing a regular grid of basis states and finding the optimal expansion for given quantum states based on this basis set using the method considered in the paper. Wehavedemonstrated the possibilityofaccurate representationofentangledstatesbasedonthesediscrete sets of coherent projectors, found the optimal ones for entangled double-mode states as well as single-mode states with a small average number of photons, and demonstrated the robustness of the representation with respect to added noise. The simulations of the reconstruction process demonstrated the feasibility and FIG. 10: Plot of the trace Tr(WApprρAppr) against the theeffectivenessofdata-patternquantumtomographyof number of state copies N for the following signal rep states: ψ=const×(cid:0)|α(cid:105) |−α(cid:105) +|−α(cid:105) |α(cid:105) (cid:1) with α = entangled states using the discrete basis set of coherent 1 2 1 √2 (cid:0) (cid:1) states. Theresultspresentedshowthatthedata-pattern 0.5 (black bars), ψ= |0(cid:105) |1(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |0(cid:105) / 2 (dark gray (cid:0) 1 2 (cid:1) √1 2 approach may become an efficient tool in experimental bars), and ψ= |0(cid:105) |0(cid:105) +|1(cid:105) |1(cid:105) / 2 (light gray bars). 1 2 1 2 quantum-state reconstruction of entangled states. The entanglement witnesses WAppr are obtained by solv- ing the optimization problem for the reconstructed den- sity matrices. 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