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Preview Data Models for Radio Astronomy in the VO

1 DATAMODELSFORRADIOASTRONOMYINTHEVO J.D.Santander-Vela1,2 1InstitutodeAstrof´ısicadeAndaluc´ıa-CSIC 2AMIGAcollaboration 9 0 0 2 n ABSTRACT antennaarchive(soonto be published),and the DSS-63 a J archive. 6 DataModelsareanessentialpartofautomaticdatapro- Earlyduringthedevelopmentphase,adecisionwasmade 1 cessing,butevenmoresowhentryingtotietogetherdata thatwewouldnotjustprovidea VOcompatibilitylayer ] coming frommanydifferentdata sources, as is the case ontopofthesearchives’infrastructures,butthattheinter- M fortheInternationalVirtualObservatory. Inthistalkwe nal archive organisationshould reflect existing VO data will review the differentdata modelsused in the IVOA, modelsinordertoassurethattheVOinterfacewouldbe I . whichpartsofthatDataModellingworkarestillincom- abletoprovidethemostmetadata. h plete, specially in radio wavelengths, and the work the p AMIGA group has done within the IVOA Data Mod- - o elling Working Group to overcome those shortcomings 2. DATAMODELS r both in missing data models and support for Radio As- t s tronomy. a Datamodelsarethedetaileddescriptionofthesetofen- [ Keywords: VirtualObservatory;DataModelling;Radio titiesneededforinformationstorageinaparticularfield, 1 and specifyboth the data beingstored, and the relation- Astronomy. v shipsbetweenthem. Datamodelsarepartofthehidden 0 VO infrastructureastronomerswould normallyneverbe 2 involvedwith,butknowledgeofdatamodelscanenhance 5 1. INTRODUCTION theopportunitiesfortheexploitationoftheVO. 2 1. Within the VO, data models apply not only directly to 0 TheAMIGAproject(AnalysingtheinterstellarMedium the scientific data, but to the metadata describing them. 9 of Isolated GAlaxies) was born in 2003, and intends to As the way to structure information dependson the ap- 0 provideastatisticalcharacterisationofastrictlyselected plicationdomain,VOdatamodelsdescribeastronomical : sampleofisolatedgalaxiescomposedbymorethan1000 datasetsinawaythatisasinstrumentindependentaspos- v i objects, by means of multi-wavelengthdata, and with a sible,toensurethatthesamedescriptioncanbeusedfor X particular emphasis on radio data at cm, mm, and sub- datawithdifferentprovenance.Usersmustalsobeableto r mm wavelengths. All these data are being periodically querythosedatamodelstobeabletofinddatasetswhich a releasedviathewebpageoftheproject1,whichprovides complywithcertainproperties. aVirtualObservatory(VO)ConeSearchinterface. The IVOA Data Modelling Working Group (DMWG) AMIGA+isthenaturalextensiontoAMIGA,withthree started an an effort to provide a complete data model differentgoals:exploitationoftheAMIGAcatalogue,se- for astronomical observations, the Data Model for Ob- lectingthebestcandidatesforadetailedstudyofisolated servations(McDowelletal.,2005). Oneofthemostim- galaxies; scientific extension to the millimetre and sub- portant parts of it was the Characterisation of datasets, millimetrerange;andparticipationinthedevelopmentof thatis,thecompletespecificationofwherethosedatasets systemsallowingtheaccessanddisplayoflargeradioas- couldbefoundinthespatial,temporal,andspectralaxes, tronomicaldatabases,bothsingle-dishandinterferomet- with more axes avalaible (i.e., polarisation) for suitable ric,withintheVOframework. datasets. The Observation data model was put on hold, and the Data Model for Astronomical Dataset Charac- During the AMIGA+ projects two VO-compliant radio terisation(McDowelletal.,2007)wasstarted. astronomical archives were developed: the IRAM 30m We have built a complete observation data model 1http://amiga.iaa.csic.es/ for single-dish radio telescopes, the Radio Astro- 2 nomical DAta Model for Single-dish telescopes fieldcontainingtheRightAscensioncanbeidentifiedby (RADAMS) (Santander-Velaetal., 2008), based on the UCD atom pos.eq.ra, while a photometric flux thosetwodocuments. in the V band can be identified by the two UCD atoms phot.flux; em.opt.V. This provides both a uni- fiedvocabularytoidentifyanyastrophysicalquantity,and anautomaticknowledgediscoverytoolforfieldswithar- 3. DATAMODELELEMENTS bitrary relationships. In fact, UCDs were born out of a jointCDS/ESOdataminingeffort(Ortizetal.,1999). WhendefiningaVOdatamodel,wehavetospecify: However,UCDscanonlyprovidedatakindinformation, but not relationship information. In a sense, they are a kindofspecialisedunit,complementary—orthogonal— Entities Being the data model building blocks, they to physical units: in the same way that quantities with group related attributes within a data model. They the same physical units can be very different in nature can be mapped to Classes in Object-Oriented Pro- (i.e.,decaytimeforanisotopeversusoscillationperiod), gramming(OOP),orElementsinXML. fields with identical UCDs can also be related to differ- Fields They are the actual data elements of the model. entreal-wordphenomena. Inordertoallowsuchdeeper They map to Attributes in OOP, and they can be relationshipstobeexpressed,anddisambiguatemetadata mapped to Attributes or to Elements without chil- fieldsUTypeswereborn. dreninXML. UTypes are created from a hierarchical data model Relationships The different entities and fields have hi- by enumerating the different parents a particular field erarchicalorrelationalrelationships:anobservation has in that hierarchy. For instance, a field con- projects has projectedobservations, and all entities taining the Right Ascension in equatorial coordinates which share a common project ID are related, for for where an instrument was pointed to corresponds instance. Forthedatamodeltobeuniquelydefined to the spatial coverage characterisation, in particular thoserelationshipsmustbemadeexplicit. to the Location property, and thus it would sport a UType of characterisation.coverage.spa- Datatypes For computers to be able to correctly inter- tial.location, the UCD would be pos.eq.ra, pretadatastreamaDatatypeneedstobespecified. anditsunitscouldbeanyangularunit. Forinstance,objectIDscouldbeIntegers,butthey are normally textual, so String data must be used. Butevenwiththehelpofunits,UCDsandUTypes,some- Wecouldconsidertherestrictionswhichcanbede- times it can be difficult to tag a particular piece of data finedforcomplexdatatypesinXMLaspartofthe withmeaningfulsemantics,speciallyfordatawhichdoes datatyping. nothaveadirectplaceina VOdatamodel. Forthatwe canborrowtechniquesfromtheSemanticWeb(aneffort Units Nophysicalquantitycanbespecifiedwithoutpro- forprovidingwebdocumentswithsemantics,sothat,for viding its units. Physical-data related Fields need instance, a table of camera prices can be tagged so that Units to be specified, or Units have to be a fixed software tools can identify in it prices, if possible be- property of certain Fields, but they either need to longingtodigitalcameras,eventoparticularbrands),and existasanimplicitattributeofa particularfield, or provide one or more standardised astronomical vocabu- tohavetheirowndedicatedField. laries. TheIVOASemanticsWG3 hasstartedrecreating controlledvocabulariessuch as UCDs in Semantic Web Semantics As observation metadata are related to real- form, and even the IAU thesaurushas been recreated in world elements and quantities, VO data models thatway(Derriereetal.,2008). Weareusingtheminthe should specify semantics —i.e., what is exactly IRAM30marchiveinordertoprovidesemanticstodata meant in the real world by a particular field— to comingfromantennaengineeringterms. avoid ambiguities. Most of VO semantics are pro- vided via Unified ContentDescriptors (UCDs) and UTypes. 5. ROLEOFDATAMODELSINTHEVO 4. SEMANTICS, UCDS,UTYPESANDIVOAVO- We canidentifyintheVOfourdifferentphases,andwe CABULARIES canseethatinallofthemdatamodelsplayacentralrole: UCDs are a controlled vocabulary2, under the supervi- Discovery Datasets available in the VO have to be sionoftheIVOASemanticsWG,whichprovidesalistof discoverable for them to appear automatically in atomswhichcanbeusedtoidentifyfieldsascorrespond- VO tools. The VO Registry holds data for exist- ing to specific astronomical quantities. For instance, a ing datasets so that they can be easily discovered. 2http://www.ivoa.net/Documents/latest/ 3http://www.ivoa.net/cgi-bin/twiki/bin/view/ UCDlist.html IVOA/IvoaSemantics 3 Data Model for Observation Observation Curation ObsData Policy Characterization Provenance Target Packaging Coverage Resolution Precision Sensitivity Accuracy Data Model for Dataset Characterisation Figure1. RADAMSstructure: isacombinationoftheObservationandCharacterisationdatamodels,whichhavebeen completelyspecifiedforsingledish radiotelescopes. Datamodelswhich arecompletelynewintheirdefinitionforany kindofinstrumentaremarkedingray. ThedatamodelforSpace-TimeCoordinates(STC), datamodel,thatapartfrombeinganintegralpartof datasetCharacterisation(CharDM),Resourcemeta- the Observationdata model(ObsDM), it should be data (ResDM), and the UCD and IVOA thesaurus builtinastand-aloneformsothatitcanbeapplied (IVOAT)arerelevantinthisphase. tonewlygenerated,non-observationaldata. Evaluation Datasetshavetobeevaluatedinordertoas- sess their applicability to the kind of analysis we 6. RADAMSSTRUCTUREANDPROPERTIES might wish to perform; for instance, in orderto do imagemosaicingweneedacertaincoordinateover- lap,andinordertodoimagestackingweneedanal- AfterhavingpresentedtheimportanceofVOdatamodels mostcompleteoverlap,andcomparableresolutions. for the different activities involved in VO data queries, The main data model involved in this phase is the analyses and transformations, we will present the main CharDM. RADAMSfeatures. DataAccess There is an implicit data model in the Figure1showstheRADAMSmainstructure,whichcan IVOAdataaccessprotocols,theDataAccessLayer, be seenasacombinationoftheObservationdatamodel which is centredon targets(coordinateswith toler- andtheCharDMdatamodel,butfullyspecifyingclasses ances/searchradii),andusesseveralpropertiesfrom that were only laid out by the ObsDM. Some particular theCharDM,suchastheCoverageinseveralaxes. adaptations of the CharDM to radio astronomy, specifi- callyfortheSensitivityclass, havebeenperformed,and Transformation Whencreatinganewdataset,ortrans- theTargetclassisabletodealwithradiocatalogues. forming an existing one, a new CharDM instance needs to be created. If the transformed data set is However, RADAMS main contributions come from the a spectrum, the Spectral data model (SpecDM) is ObsDMclasseswhichhavebeencompletelyspecified: needed bothfor obtainingthe completedescription of the originaldata and describing the transformed product. Thereisnoexistingdatamodelyetforim- Packaging We have developed a VOPack packaging ages or for more complex data within the VO. In standard, which embeds characterisation informa- addition, in order to trace the origin of the trans- tionforanypackagedobservationset,andcanspec- formed image we would need to use a Provenance ifytherecursiveinclusionofotherpackages. 4 Policy ThePolicyclassthatwehavedevelopedisableto AKNOWLEDGMENTS accommodate different user roles determined from the user identification and the explicit or implicit policiesforeachparticulardataset. TheauthorwishestoacknowledgeEmilioGarc´ıaforhis support in the early development of the RADAMS, his Provenance Initiallyspecifiedonlyforradioastronomy discussionswithStephaneLeonforclarificationsanden- data,weareworkingtomakeitmoregeneral,andto richmentoftheRADAMS,andthedirectionofJose´Fran- beabletouseitoutsideofobservationalscopes,so ciscoGo´mezandLourdesVerdes-Montenegroduringmy that software tools which provide dataset transfor- Master Thesis, were most of this work was developed. mationscandocumenttheoriginoftheirprocessed FurtherdiscussionswithJ.E.RuizdelMazoandV.Espi- datasets. garesduringtheimplementationphasearealsoacknowl- edged, as well as the discussions inside the IVOA Data ModelingWorkingGroup.Partofthisworkhasbeenper- The RADAMS has been implemented in two archives: formed with the fundingof Spanish EducationMinistry the Telescope Access for Public Archive System projects AYA 2005-07516-C02and AYA2005-24102-E, (TAPAS) for the IRAM 30m, to be announced in the andtheEuropeanFP7EuroVO-AIDAproject. February 2009 IRAM Newsletter, and the scientific archiveofNASA’sDeepsSpace Centerin Madrid70 m antenna,DSS-63,andhasshownthatVOdatamodelscan REFERENCES beusedasa blueprintforarchiveswhicharebeingbuilt fromscratchforVOcompatibility. Derriere,S.,Gray,A.J.G.,Gray,N.,etal.2008,Vo- cabulariesintheVirtualObservatory,IVOAProposed Recommendation Version 1.13, International Virtual 7. FUTUREWORK ObservatoryAlliance McDowell, J., Bonnarel, F., Chilingarian, I., et al. Inthefuture,weplantohavetheRADAMSProvenance 2007, Data Model for Astronomical DataSet Char- data model, part of the author’s thesis (to be published acterisation, IVOA Working Draft v1.1, International in 2009), contributed to the IVOA DMWG, and have it VirtualObservatoryAlliance integratedwiththeObsDM. McDowell, J., Bonnarel, F., Giaretta, D., et al. 2005, WearestartingalsoacollaborationwiththeALMASci- Data Model for Observation, IVOA Data Modelling entificArchiveteaminordertocreateinthefuturebotha WG InternalDraftv0.23,InternationalVirtualObser- datamodelforALMAdatacubeswhichcanbeintegrated vatoryAlliance in a futureIVOA data modelformultidimensionaldata, and providing VO compatibility to the ALMA Science Ortiz, P.F., Ochsenbein,F., Wicenec,A.,&Albrecht, Archive. M. 1999,inAstronomicalSocietyofthePacificCon- ference Series, Vol. 172, AstronomicalData Analysis SoftwareandSystemsVIII,ed.D.M.Mehringer,R.L. Plante,&D.A.Roberts,379–+ 8. CONCLUSIONS Santander-Vela, J. D., Garcia, E., Gomez, J. F., et al. 2008,ArXive-prints Data models are one of the three bases interoperability relies on. As the data models for astrophysical obser- vations’ metadatamust be interoperableacrossdifferent softwarepackagesandinstrumentdomains,noteveryde- tail can be included in the data models, or can be de- scribedusingIVOA’sUCDsandUTypes. Semanticweb technologies, such as thesauri expressed in W3C stan- dards,canbeusedtoprovideadditionalsemantics. However,theIVOAhigh-leveldatamodellingeffortsare complete enough as to have guided the developmentof theRADAMSdatamodel. TheRADAMShasbeensuc- cessfully usedtocreate twooperationalradioastronom- ical archivesfor two very differentantennas and instru- mentsystems,suchastheIRAM30mandtheDSS-63. In the future, the ObsDM must be complete enough to supportthe complexdatasets to be producedby ALMA and radio telescopes further ahead in time, such as the LOFARandotherSKApathfinders.

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