Preface C++ Page iii Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM PREFACE Welcome to the third edition of Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++: Walls and Mirrors. Since the publication of the second edition, we all have gained experience with teaching data abstraction in an object- oriented way using C++. This edition reflects that experience and the evolution that C++ has taken. This book is based on the original Intermediate Problem Solving and Data Structures: Walls and Mirrors by Paul Helman and Robert Veroff (© 1986 by The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.). This work builds on their organizational framework and overall perspective and includes technical and textual content, examples, figures, and exer- cises derived from the original work. Professors Helman and Veroff intro- duced two powerful analogies, walls and mirrors, that have made it easier for us to teach—and to learn—computer science. With its focus on data abstraction and other problem-solving tools, this book is designed for a second course in computer science. In recog- nition of the dynamic nature of the discipline and the great diversity in undergraduate computer science curricula, this book includes compre- hensive coverage of enough topics to make it appropriate for other courses as well. For example, you can use this book in courses such as introductory data structures or advanced programming and problem solving. The goal remains to give students a superior foundation in data abstraction, object-oriented programming, and other modern problem- solving techniques. TO THE STUDENT Thousands of students before you have read and learned from Walls and Mirrors. The walls and mirrors in the title represent two fundamental problem-solving techniques that appear throughout the presentation. Data abstraction isolates and hides the implementation details of a module from the rest of the program, much as a wall can isolate and hide you from your neighbor. Recursion is a repetitive technique that solves a problem by solving smaller problems of exactly the same type, much as mirror images grow smaller with each reflection. This book was written with you in mind. As former college students, and as educators who are constantly learning, we appreciate the impor- tance of a clear presentation. Our goal is to make this book as under- standable as possible. To help you learn and to review for exams, we have iii Preface C++ Page iv Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM iv APPROACH included such learning aids as margin notes, chapter summaries, self-test exercises with answers, and a glossary. As a help during programming, you will find C++ reference material in the appendixes and inside the covers. You should review the list of this book’s features given later in this preface in the section “Pedagogical Features.” The presentation makes some basic assumptions about your knowl- edge of C++. Some of you may need to review this language or learn it for the first time by consulting Appendix A of this book. You will need to know about the selection statements if and switch; the iteration state- ments for, while, and do; functions and argument passing; arrays; strings; structures; and files. This book covers C++ classes in Chapters 1, 3, and 8 and does not assume that you already know this topic. We assume no experience with recursive functions, which are included in Chapters 2 and 5. All of the C++ source code that appears in this book is available for your use. Later in this preface, the description of supplementary materi- als tells you how to obtain these files. Note, however, that your instruc- tor may already have obtained them for you. APPROACH This edition of Walls and Mirrors uses C++ to enhance its emphasis on data abstraction and data structures. The book carefully accounts for the strengths and weaknesses of the C++ language and remains committed to a pedagogical approach that makes the material accessible to students at the introductory level. Prerequisites We assume that readers either know the fundamentals of C++ or know another language and have an instructor who will help them make the transition to C++ by using the provided appendix. The book formally introduces C++ classes, and so does not assume prior knowledge of them. Included are the basic concepts of object-oriented programming, inheritance, virtual functions, and class templates, all in C++. Although the book provides an introduction to these topics in connection with the implementations of abstract data types (ADTs) as classes, the empha- sis remains on the ADTs, not on C++. The material is presented in the context of object-based programming, but it assumes that future courses will cover object-oriented design and software engineering in detail, so that the focus can remain on data abstraction. We do, however, intro- duce the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a design tool. Flexibility The extensive coverage of this book should provide you with the mate- rial that you want for your course. You can select the topics you desire Preface C++ Page v Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM PREFACE v and present them in an order that fits your course. The chapter depen- dency chart shows which chapters should be covered before a given chapter can be taught. In Part I, you can choose among topics according to your students’ background. Three of the chapters in this part provide an extensive introduction to data abstraction and recursion. Both topics are impor- tant, and there are various opinions about which should be taught first. CHAPTER DEPENDENCY CHART This chart indicates the chapters that should be studied before you cover a particular chapter. Chapter 1 Principles Chapter 3 Data abstraction Chapter 2 Recursion Chapter 4 Linked lists Chapter 5 More recursion Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Stacks Queues Advanced C++ topics Algorithm efficiency, sorting Chapter 10 Trees Chapter 13 Chapter 11 Graphs Tables, priority queues Chapter 12 Advanced tables Chapter 14 Section on Section on external tables external sorting Dependency by one section of chapter Dependency that you can ignore Preface C++ Page vi Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM vi APPROACH Although in this book a chapter on recursion both precedes and follows the chapter on data abstraction, you can simply rearrange this order. Part II treats topics that you can also cover in a flexible order. For example, you can cover all or parts of Chapter 8 on advanced C++ either before or after you cover stacks (Chapter 6). You can cover algorithm effi- ciency and sorting (Chapter 9) any time after Chapter 5. You can intro- duce trees before queues or graphs before tables, or cover hashing, balanced search trees, or priority queues any time after tables and in any order. You also can cover external methods (Chapter 14) earlier in the course. For example, you can cover external sorting after you cover mergesort in Chapter 9. Data Abstraction The design and use of abstract data types permeate this book’s problem- solving approach. Several examples demonstrate how to design an ADT as part of the overall design of a solution. All ADTs are first specified—in both English and pseudocode—and then used in simple applications before implementation issues are considered. The distinction between an ADT and the data structure that implements it remains in the forefront throughout the discussion. The book explains both encapsulation and C++ classes early. Students see how C++ classes hide an implementation’s data structure from the client of the ADT. Abstract data types such as lists, stacks, queues, trees, tables, heaps, and priority queues form the basis of our discussions. Problem Solving This book helps students learn to integrate problem-solving and program- ming abilities by emphasizing both the thought processes and the tech- niques that computer scientists use. Learning how a computer scientist develops, analyzes, and implements a solution is just as important as learning the mechanics of the algorithm; a cookbook approach to the material is insufficient. The presentation includes analytical techniques for the development of solutions within the context of example problems. Abstraction, the successive refinement of both algorithms and data structures, and recur- sion are used to design solutions to problems throughout the book. C++ pointers and linked list processing are introduced early and used in building data structures. The book also introduces at an elementary level the order-of-magnitude analysis of algorithms. This approach allows the consideration—first at an informal level, then more quantitatively— of the advantages and disadvantages of array-based and pointer-based data structures. An emphasis on the trade-offs among potential solutions and implementations is a central problem-solving theme. Finally, programming style, documentation including preconditions and postconditions, debugging aids, and loop invariants are important Preface C++ Page vii Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM PREFACE vii parts of the problem-solving methodology used to implement and verify solutions. These topics are covered throughout the book. Applications Classic application areas arise in the context of the major topics of this book. For example, the binary search, quicksort, and mergesort algo- rithms provide important applications of recursion and introduce order- of-magnitude analysis. Such topics as balanced search trees, hashing, and file indexing continue the discussion of searching. Searching and sorting are considered again in the context of external files. Algorithms for recognizing and evaluating algebraic expressions are first introduced in the context of recursion and are considered again later as an application of stacks. Other applications include, for exam- ple, the Eight Queens problem as an example of backtracking, event- driven simulation as an application of queues, and graph searching and traversals as other important applications of stacks and queues. NEW AND REVISED MATERIAL This edition retains the underlying approach and philosophy of the second edition. We present data abstraction and programming both as general concepts and in the context of C++. No sentence, example, margin note, or figure escaped scrutiny during the preparation of this edition. Many changes, additions, and deletions to the text, figures, and margin notes were made to update and clarify the presentation. All C++ programs were revised to reflect recent changes to the language. Although we revised all chapters and appendixes, here is a list of the major changes to the book. • The specifications of all ADT operations now use UML notation to clarify the purpose and data type of their parameters. • Chapter 1 enhances its coverage of object-oriented design and introduces the Unified Modeling Language (UML). We have revised our naming conventions for C++ identifiers to be consis- tent with common practice. This change will help students who either know Java or will learn Java later. • Chapter 3 briefly introduces inheritance after its presentation of C++ classes. Also covered are the C++ namespace and excep- tions. Although the ADTs in this chapter return boolean flags to indicate error conditions, subsequent chapters use exceptions. • Chapter 4 includes a new section about the C++ Standard Tem- plate Library (STL). Class templates, containers, and iterators are introduced. More extensive coverage of these topics is deferred until Chapter 8. Chapter 4 also considers the STL class list. Preface C++ Page viii Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM viii OVERVIEW Other classes in the STL are presented throughout the book, and you can either skip or postpone covering them, as desired. • Chapter 6 includes the STL class stack. • Chapter 7 includes the STL class queue. • Chapter 8 provides a deeper discussion of inheritance and class templates than was given earlier. Also covered are C++ friends and iterators. • Appendix A is an updated review of C++ that now includes cov- erage of exceptions. Appendix C is an updated list of C++ head- ers. Appendix E is new and contains the STL classes list, stack, and queue. OVERVIEW The pedagogical features and organization of this book were carefully designed to facilitate learning and to allow instructors to tailor the mate- rial easily to a particular course. Pedagogical Features This book contains the following features that help students not only during their first reading of the material, but also during subsequent review: • Chapter outlines and previews. • Boxes listing key concepts in the material. • Margin notes. • Chapter summaries. • Cautionary warnings about common errors and misconceptions. • Self-test exercises with answers. • Chapter exercises and programming problems. The most chal- lenging exercises are labeled with asterisks. Answers to the exer- cises appear in the Instructor’s Resource Manual. • Specifications for all major ADTs in both English and pseudocode, as well as in UML notation. • C++ class definitions for all major ADTs. • Examples that illustrate the role of classes and ADTs in the problem-solving process. • Appendixes, including a review of C++. • Glossary of terms. Preface C++ Page ix Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM PREFACE ix Organization The chapters in this book are organized into two parts. In most cases, Chapters 1 through 11 will form the core of a one-semester course. Chapters 1 or 2 might be review material for your students. The coverage given to Chapters 11 through 14 will depend on the role the course plays in your curriculum. More detailed suggestions for using this book with different courses appear in the Instructor’s Resource Manual. Part I: Problem-Solving Techniques. The first chapter in Part I empha- sizes the major issues in programming and software engineering. A new introduction to the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is given here. The next chapter discusses recursion for those students who have had little exposure to this important topic. The ability to think recursively is one of the most useful skills that a computer scientist can possess and is often of great value in helping one to better understand the nature of a problem. Recursion is discussed extensively in this chapter and again in Chapter 5 and is used throughout the book. Included examples range from simple recursive definitions to recursive algorithms for language recognition, searching, and sorting. Chapter 3 covers data abstraction and abstract data types (ADTs) in detail. After a discussion of the specification and use of an ADT, the chapter presents C++ classes and uses them to implement ADTs. This chapter includes a brief introduction to inheritance, the C++ namespace, and exceptions. Chapter 4 presents additional implementation tools in its discussion of C++ pointer variables and linked lists. This chapter also introduces class templates, the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), containers, and iterators. You can choose among the topics in Part I according to the back- ground of your students and cover these topics in several orders. Part II: Problem Solving with Abstract Data Types. Part II continues to explore data abstraction as a problem-solving technique. Basic abstract data types such as the stack, queue, binary tree, binary search tree, table, heap, and priority queue are first specified and then implemented as classes. The ADTs are used in examples and their implementations are compared. Chapter 8 extends the coverage of C++ classes by further developing inheritance, class templates, and iterators. The chapter then introduces virtual functions and friends. Chapter 9 formalizes the earlier discussions of an algorithm’s efficiency by introducing order-of-magnitude analysis and Big O notation. The chapter examines the efficiency of several searching and sorting algorithms, including the recursive mergesort and quicksort. Part II also includes advanced topics—such as balanced search trees (2-3, 2-3-4, red-black, and AVL trees) and hashing—that are examined as table implementations. These implementations are analyzed to deter- mine the table operations that each supports best. Preface C++ Page x Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM x TALK TO US Finally, data storage in external direct access files is considered. Mergesort is modified to sort such data, and external hashing and B-tree indexes are used to search it. These searching algorithms are generaliza- tions of the internal hashing schemes and 2-3 trees already developed. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS The following supplementary materials are available online to assist instructors and students. • Source code. All of the C++ classes, functions, and programs that appear in the book are available to readers. • Errata. We have tried not to make mistakes, but mistakes are inevitable. A list of detected errors is available and updated as necessary. You are invited to contribute your finds. • The source code and errata list are available at the URL • Instructor’s Resource Manual. Solutions to the exercises at the end of the chapters as well as teaching notes and suggestions are avail- able only to instructors through your Addison-Wesley sales repre- sentative. TALK TO US Walls and Mirrors continues to evolve. Your comments, suggestions, and corrections will be greatly appreciated. You can contact us directly by e-mail at or or through the publisher: Computer Science Editorial Office Addison-Wesley 75 Arlington Street Boston, MA 02116 Preface C++ Page xi Monday, July 16, 2001 1:44 PM PREFACE xi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The suggestions from outstanding reviewers contributed greatly to this book’s present form. In alphabetical order, they are Vicki H. Allan—Utah State University Don Bailey—Carleton University Sebastian Elbaum—University of Nebraska, Lincoln Matthew Evett—Eastern Michigan University Susan Gauch—University of Kansas Martin Granier—Western Washington University Judy Hankins—Middle Tennessee State University Sr. Joan Harnett—Manhattan College Tom Irby—University of North Texas Edwin J. Kay—Lehigh University David Naffin—Fullerton College Paul Nagin—Hofstra University Bina Ramamurthy—SUNY at Buffalo Dwight Tunistra Karen VanHouten—University of Idaho Kathie Yerion—Gonzaga University We especially thank the people who produced this book. Our editors at Addison-Wesley, Susan Hartman Sullivan and Katherine Harutunian, provided invaluable guidance and assistance. This book would not have been printed on time without our project manager, Daniel Rausch from Argosy Publishing. Thank you, Daniel, for keeping us on schedule. Many thanks to our copy editor, Rebecca Pepper, for smoothing out our rough edges. Also, Pat Mahtani, Michael Hirsch, Gina Hagen, Jarrod Gibbons, Michelle Renda, and Joe Vetere contributed their expertise and care throughout the production of this book. Many other wonderful people have contributed in various ways. They are Doug McCreadie, Michael Hayden, Sarah Hayden, Andrew Hayden, Albert Prichard, Ted Emmott, Maybeth Conway, Lorraine Berube, Marge White, James Kowalski, Gerard Baudet, Joan Peckham, Ed Lamagna, Victor Fay-Wolfe, Bala Ravikumar, Lisa DiPippo, Jean-Yves