The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Produclion Guidelines for Book Longevity ofthe Council on Library Resources. Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Heidcmann, Stefan. Das Aleppiner Kalifat (A.D. 1261; : vom Ende des Kalifates in Bagdad über Aleppo zu den Restaurationen in Kairo / von Stefan Heidemann. p. cm. - (Islamic history and civilization. Studies and texts ; v. 6) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 9004100318 I. Islamic Empire--History-1258-1517. I. Title. 11. Series. DS38.7.H45 1994 909'.09767102-dc20 94-10454 CIP Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Heidemann, Stefan: Das Aleppiner Kalifat (A.D. 1261) :vom Ende des Kalifates in Bagdad über Aleppo zu den Restaurationen in Kairo I von Stefan Heidemann. - Leiden; New York ; Köln: BriU, 1994 (Islamic historyand civilization ;Vol. 6) ISBN 90-04-10031-8 NE:GT ISSN 0929-2403 ISBN 9004 10031 8 © Copyright 1994by E.]. BTi/~ Leiden, TheNetherlands AllrighLs reserved. Nopart ofthispub/uatum may be reproduced, tramlated, storedin aretrieval~stem, ortrammitted in anyJorm orby any meam, e~ctronu, mechanual, photocopying, recording orotherwise, withoutpriorwritten permissionfrom thepublisher. Authorization toplwtocopyitemsJor internalorpersonal use isgrantedby EJ. BTillprovidedthat Ihe approprWteJees orepaiddirect!y 10 The Copyright C~arance Center, 222 RostwoodDrive, Suite 910 Danuers MA 01923, USA. Fees aresui?iectto change. PRlNTED IN THE NETHERlANDS