A new Deadtown novel in the acclaimed dark urban fantasy series by the author of Bloodstone and Hellforged...
They call it Deadtown: Boston’s quarantined section for its inhuman and undead residents, a result of the zombie plague. Most humans avoid it like...well, like the plague—but shapeshifter Victory Vaughn, Boston’s only professional demon slayer, isn’t exactly human.
Boston’s demons have been disappearing, and Vicky’s clients are canceling left and right. While fewer demons might seem like a good thing, Vicky suspects foul play. A missing Celtic cauldron from Harvard’s Peabody museum leads her to an unwelcome conclusion: Pryce, her demi-demon cousin and bitter enemy, is trying to regain his full powers.
But Pryce isn’t alone. He’s conjured another, darker villain from Vicky’s past. To stop them from destroying everything she loves, she’ll have to face her own worst fear—in the realm of the dead itself.