Dark stars: Implications and constraints from cosmic reionization and extragalactic background radiation Dominik R. G. Schleicher, Robi Banerjee, Ralf S. Klessen∗ Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics / ZAH, Albert-Ueberle-Str. 2, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Darkstarspoweredbydarkmatterannihilationhavebeenproposedasthefirstluminoussources in theuniverse. These stars arebelieved to form in thecentral darkmatter cusp of low-mass mini- halos. Recentcalculations indicatestellarmassesupto∼1000M⊙ and/orhaveverylonglifetimes. The UV photons from these objects could therefore contribute significantly to cosmic reionization. 9 Here we show that such dark star models would require a somewhat artificial reionization history, 0 based on a double-reionization phase and a late star-burst near redshift z ∼ 6, in order to fulfill 0 theWMAPconstraint on theoptical depthaswell as theGunn-Petersonconstraint at z∼6. This 2 suggests that, if dark stars were common in the early universe, then models are preferred which n predict a number of UV photons similar to conventional Pop. III stars. This excludes 800 M⊙ darkstars thatentera main-sequencephaseand other models that lead to astrong increase in the a J numberof UVphotons. We also derive constraints for massive as well as light dark matter candidates from the observed 7 X-ray,gamma-rayandneutrinobackground,consideringdarkmatterprofileswhichhavebeensteep- 2 ened during the formation of dark stars. This increases the clumping factor at high redshift and ] gives rise to a higher dark matter annihilation rate in theearly universe. Wefurthermore estimate h thepotentialcontributionfrom theannihilation productsintheremnantsofdarkstars,which may p providea promising path to constrain such models further, butwhich is currently still uncertain. - o r t I. INTRODUCTION FERMI satellite [122] will shed more light on such ques- s tions and may even distinguish between such scenarios a [ due to specific signatures in the anisotropic distribution Growing astrophysical evidence suggests that dark of this radiation [12]. 2 matter in the universe is self-annihilating. X-ray obser- v vationsfromthecenterofourGalaxyfindbright511keV Thefirststarshavebeensuggestedtohavehighmasses 9 emission which cannot be attributed to single sources of the order 100 M , thus providing powerful ionizing 1 [1, 2], but can be well-described assuming dark matter sources in th∼e early u⊙niverse [13, 14]. The effect of dark 5 1 annihilation [3]. Further observations indicate also an matter annihilation on the first stars has been explored . excessofGeVphotons[4], ofmicrowavephotons[5], and recently in different studies. Spolyar et al. [15] showed 9 of positrons [6]. A commonfeature ofthese observations that an equilibrium between cooling and energy deposi- 0 8 is that the emission seems isotropic and not correlated tion from dark matter annihilation can always be found 0 to the Galactic disk. However,there is usually some dis- during the collapse of the proto-stellar cloud. This has : crepancybetweenthe modelpredictionsandthe amount beenexploredfurtherbyIocco[16]andFreeseetal.[17], v ofobservedradiation,whichmaybedue touncertainties who considered the effect of scattering between baryons i X in the dark matter distribution, astrophysical processes and dark matter particles, increasing the dark matter r and uncertainties in the model for dark matter annihila- abundance in the star. Iocco et al. [18] considered dark a tion [7]. star masses in the range 5 M 600 M and cal- ∗ ⊙ ≤ ≤ It is well-known that weakly-interacting massive dark culated the evolution of the pre-main-sequence phase, matterparticlesmayprovideanaturalexplanationofthe finding that the dark star phase where the energy in- observed dark matter abundance [8, 9]. Calculations by put from dark matter annihilation dominates may last Ahn et al. [10] indicated that the extragalactic gamma- up to 104 yr. Freese et al. [19] examined the formation ray background cannot be explained from astrophysical process ofthe star in more detail, considering polytropic sources alone, but that also a contribution from dark equilibria and additional mass accretion until the total matter annihilation is needed at energies between 1-20 Jeans mass of 800 M⊙ is reached. They find that this GeV. It is currently unclear whether this is in fact the process lasts fo∼r 5 105 yr. They suggest that dark ∼ × case or if a sufficient amountof non-thermalelectrons in stars are even more massive than what is typically as- active galactic nuclei (AGN) is available to explain this sumed for the first stars, and may be the progenitors for background radiation [11]. Future observations with the the first supermassiveblack holes at high redshift. Iocco et al. [18], Taoso et al. [20] and Yoon et al. [21] have calculated the stellar evolution for the case in which the dark matter density inside the star is enhanced by the ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] capture of addition WIMPs via off-scattering from stel- 2 larbaryons. Ioccoetal.[18]followedthestellarevolution A. Main-sequence dominated models untiltheendofHeburning,Yoonetal.[21]untiltheend ofoxygenburningandTaosoetal.[20]untiltheendofH After an initial phase of equilibrium between cooling burning. Yoonet al. [21]also took the effects of rotation and heating from dark matter annihilation [15, 16, 17], into account. The calculations found a potentially very the dark star will contract further while the dark mat- long lifetime of dark stars and correspondingly a strong terannihilatesawayandthe heatingratethus decreases. increase in the number of UV photons that may con- Thisdurationofthisadiabaticcontraction(AC)phaseis tribute to reionization. Dark starsinthe Galactic center currently controversial: While Iocco et al. [18] find it to have been discussed by Scott et al. [22, 23]. be in the range of (2 20) 103 yr, Freese et al. [19] re- quireabout106 yr. H−oweve×r,withasurfacetemperature Such models for the stellar population in the early of 6000 K, the stars are rather cold in this phase, and universe imply that the first luminous sources produce ∼ thuswillnotcontributesignificantlytoreionization. The muchmoreionizing photons,andreionizationstarts ear- uncertainty in the duration of the AC phase is therefore lier than for a population of conventional Pop. III stars. not crucial in this context. Infact,werecentlydemonstratedthatreionizationbased Iftheelasticscatteringcrosssectionaswellasthedark on massive Pop. III can well reproduce the observed reionizationopticaldepth [24]. Increasingthe number of matter density around the star are sufficiently large, the starwillenteraphasewhichisdominatedbythecapture ionizingphotonsperstellarbaryonmaythusreionizethe universe too early and produce a too large reionization of further dark matter particles. Such a scenario will be discussedinmoredetailinthe nextsubsection. Here,we optical depth. This can only be avoided by introducing a transition to a stellar population which produces less assume that the elastic scattering cross section is either ionizing photons, such that the universe can recombine toosmall,orthatthedarkmatterreservoirnearthestar afterthefirstreionizationphase. Wethereforeconsidera is not sufficient to maintain the capture phase for long. double-reionizationscenario in order to re-obtainthe re- Then, the star will enter the main-sequence phase (MS), quiredopticaldepth. Wediscusssuchmodelsin III and in which the luminosity is generatedby nuclear burning. demonstratethat some models ofdark starsrequ§irecon- Stars with 1000 M⊙ are very bright in this phase, siderable fine-tuning in reionization models in order to andemit ∼4 104 hydrogen-ionizingphotonsperstellar ∼ × be compatible with the reionization optical depth from baryon during their lifetime [28, 29]. We will refer to the WMAP [123] 5-year data [25, 26] and to complete stars of such type, which have only a short or even no reionization at redshift z 6 [27]. In IV, we show how phase driven by dark matter capture, as MS-dominated ∼ § models. such scenarios can be tested via 21 cm measurements. For the case of MS-dominated models, we will focus Afurtherconsequenceoftheformationofdarkstarsis essentially onthe very massive stars suggestedby Freese thesteepeningofthedensityprofilesinminihalos[16,19], etal.[19]. ForstarsinthetypicalPop.III massrange,it thus increasingthe darkmatter clumping factor withre- has been shownelsewhere [e. g. 24] that they are consis- spect to standard NFW models. In V, we estimate the tentwithreionizationconstraints. Astarwith 800M increase in the clumping factor duri§ng the formation of forming in a dark matter halo of 106 M co∼rrespond⊙s ⊙ darkstarsandcomparethecalculationwithourexpecta- to a star formation efficiency of 1∼%, which we adopt for tion for conventionalNFW profiles and heavy dark mat- this case. ter candidates. In VI, we perform similar calculations § for the light dark matter scenario. Further discussion and outlook is provided in VII. B. Capture-dominated models § For a non-zerospin-dependent scattering cross section between baryons and dark matter particles, stars can capture additional WIMPs which may increase the dark II. THE MODELS matter density inside the star. For a cross section of the order 5 10−39 cm2 and an environmental dark mat- ter dens×ity of 1010 GeV cm−3, this contribution be- ∼ As discussed in the introduction, various models have comes significant and alters the stellar evolution during been suggested for dark stars. The main difference be- themainsequencephase. Wewillrefertosuchascenario tweenthesemodelscomesfromconsideringorneglecting as a capture-dominated (CD) model. These phases have scattering between dark matter particles and baryons. been studied in detail by Iocco et al. [18], Taoso et al. In addition, it is not fully clear how important a phase [20]andYoonetal.[21]. Theyfoundthatthe numberof of dark matter capture via off-scattering from baryons ionizing photons produced by such stars may be consid- actually is, depending on further assumptions on the erablyincreasedwith respectto high-massstars without dark matter reservoir. In the following, we will thus dis- darkmatterannihilationeffects,whichismostlyduetoa tinguish between main-sequence dominated models and longerlifetime. Inparticularfor darkmatterdensities of capture-dominated models. (1 5) 1010 GeVcm−3 ,thenumberofproducedioniz- − × 3 ing photons may be increased by up to two orders mag- where C(z) = 27.466 exp( 0.114z+0.001328z2) is the − nitude, while it decreases rapidly for larger dark matter clumpingfactor[42],n thenumberdensityofionized e,H+ densities,andthenumberofionizingphotonsperbaryon hydrogen, α the case A recombination coefficient [43], A even drops below the value for Pop. II stars at.threshold H(z) the Hubble function, n the mean neutral hydro- H densitiesof1 1012GeVcm−3. AsYoonetal.[21]found gen density in regions unaffected by UV feedback and × only a weak dependence on stellar rotation, we will not dn /dz the UV photon production rate. Our model ph explicitly distinguish between models with and without consistsofordinarydifferentialequations(ODEs)forthe rotation in the follow. evolutionoftemperatureT andionizedfractionx inthe i For the calculation of reionization, we will focus on overall neutral medium. For the application considered some representativemodels of Yoon et al. [21] in the fol- here, the dominant contribution to the effective ionized lowing. However,wepointoutthattherearestillsignifi- fractionxeff =QH++(1 QH+)xi andtheeffectivetem- cantuncertaintiesinthesemodels,inparticularthedark perature Teff =104 K Q−H++T(1 QH+) comes indeed − matterparametersandthelifetimesofthestars. Thelat- fromtheUVfeedbackofthestellarpopulation,i. e. from ter should be seen as upper limits, as they assume that thehotionizedphase. AccordingtoGnedinandHui[44] a sufficient reservoir of dark matter is available in the and Gnedin [45], we introduce the filtering mass scale as stellar neighborhood to allow for ongoing dark matter capture. This may however be disrupted by dynamical M2/3 = 3 ada′M2/3(a′) 1 a′ 1/2 , (2) processes. Anapparentdisagreementofdarkstarsinthe F aZ0 J " −(cid:18)a(cid:19) # early universe with our reionization model may thus in- dicate thatthe stellar lifetimes areindeedsmallerdue to where a=(1+z)−1 is the scale factor and M the ther- J such processes. mal Jeans mass, given as 3 c n −1/2 s M =2M . (3) III. REIONIZATION CONSTRAINTS J ⊙ 0.2 km/s 103 cm−3 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) Here, c is the sound speed evaluated at temperature s Inthissection,webrieflyreviewourreionizationmodel T , in order to take into account the backreaction of eff and discuss reionization histories for main-sequence and heating on structure formation. In this framework, the capture-dominatedmodels. Thesecalculationsimplicitly production of UV photons can be described as assumeannihilationcrosssectionsoftheorder10−26cm2 and dark matter particle masses of the order 100 GeV, dn /dz df ph coll ξ , (4) the values whicharetypicallyadoptedindarkstar mod- n ∼ dz H els. In such models, dark matter annihilation does not contribute to cosmic reionization [24]. The chemistry whereξ =AHef∗fescNion,withAHe =4/(4 3Yp)=1.22, − in the pre-ionization era is thus unchanged and well- Nion the number of ionizing photons per stellar baryon, described by previous works [30, 31, 32, 33], such that f∗isthestarformationefficiencyandfesctheescapefrac- the initial conditions for star formation are unchanged. tion of UV photons from their host galaxies. The quan- Consideringhigher annihilationcrosssectionsessentially tity fcoll denotes the fraction of dark matter collapsed yields an additional contribution to the reionization op- into halos, and is given as tical depth, which would sharpen the constraints given δ (z) below. f =erfc c , (5) coll √2σ(M ) (cid:20) min (cid:21) where M =min(M ,105 M ), δ =1.69/D(z) is the min F ⊙ c A. General approach linearized density threshold for collapse in the spherical top-hat model and σ(M ) describes the power associ- min Our calculation of reionization is based on the frame- ated with the mass scale M . min work developed by Schleicher et al. [24], which we have A relevant question in this context is also the role of implemented in the RECFAST code [124] [34, 35]. We Lyman-Werner (LW) feedback, which may suppress the will review here only those ingredients which are most star formation rate in low-mass halos. The role of such relevantforthiswork. Duringreionization,theIGMcon- feedback has been addressed using different approaches. sistsofatwo-phasemedium,i.e. ahotionizedphaseand For instance, Machacek et al. [46], O’Shea and Norman arathercoldandoverallyneutralphase. Therelativesize [47] and Wise and Abel [48] have addressed this ques- ofthesephasesisdeterminedfromthevolume-fillingfac- tion employing numerical simulations in a cosmological tor QH+ of the H+ regions [36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41] as a context, assuming a constant LW-background radiation function of redshift, given by field. Thesesimulationsindicatedthatsuchfeedbackcan delayed star formation considerably. dQH+ QH+C(z)ne,H+αA dnph/dz More self-consistent simulations show, however, that = + , (1) dz H(z)(1+z) n the above calculations overestimated the role of LW- H 4 with observations. Alternatively, as explained in the in- troduction, a transition in the stellar population might help to alleviate the problem for high-mass dark stars. We will explore this possibility in more detail to work out whether such a scenario is conceiveable. NumericalsimulationsbyDoveetal.[53],Ciardietal. [54] and Fujita et al. [55] indicated rather high es- cape fractions of order 100% for massive Pop. III stars. Wood and Loeb [56] found rather low escape fractions below 10%, while radiation hydrodynamics simulations by Whalen et al. [57] show that such stars can eas- ily photo-evaporate the minihalo. Here we adopt the point of view that indeed massive stars can photoe- vaporate small minihalos, but that the escape fraction will be reduced to 10% in atomic cooling halos that havevirialtemperat∼ures largerthan 104 K.Thus,we set FIG.1: Theevolutionoftheeffectiveionizedfractionxeff,for reionizationmodelswithmain-sequencedominateddarkstars fesc = 1 if the filtering mass is below the mass scale (see Table I). Models MS 1 and MS 2 can be ruled out by M =5 107M 10 3/2 thatcorrespondstothevirial reionizationconstraints,whilemodelsMS3andMS4require c × ⊙ 1+z a sudden increase in the star formation rate by a factor of temperatureof10(cid:16)4 K[(cid:17)58,59],andfesc =0.1intheother 30 at redshift 6.5. It appears more realistic to assume lower case. To reflect the expected stellar mass of 800 M , ⊙ ∼ masses and star formation efficiencies to reconcile dark star we choose a star formation efficiency of f 1%, an ∗ models with observations. order of magnitude higher than what we expec∼t for con- ventional Pop. III stars [24]. Assuming that reionization is completely due to these feedback. Considering single stellar sources and neglect- MS-dominateddarkstars(modelMS1),wefindthatthe ing self-shielding, Wise and Abel [49] showed that LW- universe is fully ionized at redshift z =15.5 and the reion feedback only marginally delays star formation in halos reionization optical depth is τ 0.22, i. e. signifi- reion that already started collapsing before the nearby star ∼ cantly larger than the WMAP 5 optical depth (see Fig. ignites. More detailed simulations taking into account 1). Such a model is clearly ruled out. self-shielding show that the star formation rate may be To reconcile the presence of such massive dark stars changed by only 20% in the presence of such feedback withobservations,onecouldinvokeadouble-reionization [50]. This is due to the rapid re-formation of molecular scenario,assumingatransitiontoadifferentmodeofstar hydrogeninrelic HII regions,which leadsto abundances of the order 10−4. Such abundances effectively shield formation induced by the strong UV feedback of MS- dominateddarkstars. Infact, evenfor conventionalstar against LW-feedback and make it ineffective [51]. This formation models, it is discussed that such UV feedback is the point of view adopted here, which may translate mayleadtoalessmassivemodeofstarformation[60,61, into an uncertainty of 20% in the star formation rate. ∼ 62]. In addition, chemical enrichment should facilitate In fact, in scenarios involving dark matter annihilation, suchatransitionaswell[41,63, 64,65,66, 67],although H formationandself-shieldingcouldbeevenfurtheren- 2 it is unclear how well metals will mix with the pristine hanced compared to the standard case [52]. gas. We assume that the transition to a low-mass star The models have to reproduce the reionizationoptical formation mode with a Scalo-type IMF [68] happens at depthgivenbyτ =0.087 0.017[26]andfullyionization ± redshift 15.5, when the universe is fully ionized and UV at z 6 [27]. In the following, we will try to construct ∼ feedbackfullyeffective. ForthesubsequentPop.IIstars, appropriate reionization histories for the different dark we assume a star formation efficiency of f = 5 10−3 star models. and N =4 103 UV photons per stellar∗baryo×n. ion × Corresponding photon escape fractions are highly uncertain. Observations of Steidel et al. [69] indicate B. Reionization with MS-dominated dark stars an escape fraction of 10% at z 3, while others ∼ find detections or upper limits in the range 5 10% − As shown previously [24], MS-dominated dark stars [70, 71, 72, 73]. We adopt the generic value of 10% for with 1000 M would significantly overproduce the simplicity, though our results do not strongly depend on ⊙ ∼ reionization optical depth if this type of stars had been this assumption. For this scenario, to which we refer as common throughout the early universe. If, on the other model MS 2, we find an optical depth τ =0.082well reion hand, MS-dominated stars only had mass scales of within the WMAP constraint,but the universe does not ∼ 100M ,comparabletoconventionalPop.IIIstars,reion- getfully ionizeduntil redshiftzero. This scenariois thus ⊙ izationcouldnotdiscriminatebetweenthemandconven- rejected based on the constraint from quasar absorption tionalPop.IIIstars,anddarkstarswouldbecompatible spectra [27]. 5 To fulfill both the WMAP constraint as well as full-ionization at z 6, we need to introduce an addi- ∼ tional transition in our model. At redshift z = 6.5, burst we increase the star formation efficiency to 15%. This might be considered as a sudden star burst and results in full-ionization at z = 6.2. In this case, we find τ = 0.116, which is within the 2σ range of the reion WMAP data. However, we are not aware of astrophysi- cal models that provide a motivation for such a sudden star burst that increases the star formation rate by a factor of 30. Based on gamma-ray burst studies, Yu¨ksel et al. [74] showed that the cosmic star formation rate does not change abruptly in the redshift range between redshift zero and z = 6.5. Such a sudden burst is burst thus at the edge of violating observation constraints. FIG.2: Theevolutionoftheeffectiveionizedfractionxeff,for To improve the agreement with WMAP, one can con- reionization models with capture-dominated dark stars (see sider to shift the first transition to z = 18 where PopII TableII). ModelsCD1a,CD1b,CD2a,CD2bandCD3are full ionization is not yet reached (model MC 4), which ruledoutduetoreionizationconstraints,whiletheremaining yieldsanopticaldepthτreion =0.086,ingoodagreement models require an artificial star burst. with WMAP. At this redshift, 68% of the universe are already ionized, so UV feedback might already be active and induce a transition in the stellar population. The baryon, N , is model-dependent and changes with the ion results are given in Fig. 1 and summarized in Table I. environmental dark matter density, ρ . We select three X representativemodelsofYoonetal.[21],whichassumea Model zPopII zburst τreion zf spin-dependent scattering crosssection of 5 10−39 cm2 × MS 1 - - 0.22 15.5 (see Table II). In general, stellar models depend on the MS 2 15.8 - 0.078 never productofthisscatteringcrosssectionwiththethreshold MS 3 15.5 6.5 0.116 6.2 dark matter density at the stellar radius [20, 21]. Lower elastic scattering cross sections therefore correspond to MS 4 18. 6.5 0.086 6.2 going to smaller threshold densities at the same elastic scattering cross section. TABLEI:Reionization modelsforMS-dominateddarkstars. In the models CD 1 and 2,N is largerthan for con- ion TheparameterszPopIIandzburstgivethetransitionredshifts ventional Pop. III stars, while in the model CD 3, it is to a mode of Pop. II star formation and to the sudden star even less than in the case of Scalo-type Pop. II stars. burst,whileτreion isthecalculatedreionizationopticaldepth Suchalowluminosityisunlikelytophoto-evaporatestar- and z the redshift of full ionization. f forming halos, and we thus adopt f = 10% for this esc case. However,suchScalo-typePop.IIstarsareruledout However, we find that only models MS 3 and MS 4 as sole sources for reionization [24]. As we show in Fig. cannot be ruled out observationally. These models re- 2, even with a high star formation efficiency of f =1%, ∗ quiretwoseveretransitionsinthe stellarpopulationand they never ionize the universe completely. cannot be considered as ”natural”. Improved measure- In principle, one could consider the presence of other mentsofthereionizationopticaldepthfromPlanck[125] sources to ionize the universe. While dark stars of type willremovefurtheruncertaintiesandmayruleoutmodel CD3maybethefirststarstoform,onemightenvisiona MS 3 as well. From a theoretical point of view, it must transition to a stellar population with the power to ion- be checked whether strong UV feedback can lead to the ize the universe. This transition is unlikely due to UV requiredtransitionto alow-massstarpopulation,andin feedback, as UV feedback from dark stars is rather weak addition,theplausibilityofasuddenstarburstnearred- inthis scenario. One thus hasto rely oneffective mixing shift 6 must be examined as well. In summary, it seems ofthe producedmetallicity, orassume that the firststel- moreplausibletoconcludethatMS-dominateddarkstars lar clusters in atomic cooling halos contain a sufficient were less massive than suggested by Freese et al. [17], as number of massive stars to reionize the universe [63]. already hinted by Schleicher et al. [24]. For the other two models, N is significantly larger ion andweadopttheprocedurefromtheprevioussubsection, suchthatf depends onthe filteringmass. We adopta esc C. Reionization with CD dark stars star formation efficiency of f = 0.1%. We examine the ∗ reionization models given in Table II, which essentially For CD dark star models, the situation is complicated follow the philosophy of the models from the previous by the fact that the number of UV photons per stellar section. Wecalculatethereionizationhistoryforthecase 6 where these dark stars are sole sources (CD 1a, CD2a) and find that the optical depth is considerably too high. Wethendeterminetheredshiftwheretheuniverseisfully ionized and assume a transition to Pop. II stars at this redshift. In addition, to obtainfull ionizationat redshift 6, we assume a late star burst as in the models MS 3 andMS4. This approachcorrespondsto the models CD 1b and CD 2b, and yields optical depth that are at least within the 2σ error of WMAP 5. In the models CD 1c and CD 2c, we improve the agreement with WMAP by introducing the Pop. II transition at an earlier redshift. The results are given in Fig. 2. Again, it turns out that somewhat artificialmodels are requiredto allow for an initial population of CD dark stars. The best way to reconcile these models with the constraints from reion- ization might be to focus on those models that predict a parameter N which is closer to the Pop. III value ion of 4 104. This may be possible, as the transition from × the models CD 1 and 2 to CD 3 is likely continuous, and an appropriate range of parameters may exist to re- concile models with observations. This would require a ρ between 1011 GeV cm−3 and 1012 GeV cm−3. As X mentioned earlier, the apparent violation of reionization constraints by some models depends also on the uncer- taintiesinthestellarlifetime. Ifthedarkmatterreservoir near the star is destroyed earlier due to dynamical pro- cesses,thelifetimemaybesignificantlyreduced. Also,we stressthattheconclusionsdependontheadoptedelastic scattering cross section and the dark matter density in the environment. The discussion here is limited to those models that have previously been worked out in detail. IV. PREDICTIONS FOR 21 CM OBSERVATIONS While some of the models suggested above essentially co-incide with standard reionization by mimicing the ef- fects of conventional Pop. III stars, others may have a FIG. 3: 21 cm signatures of double-reionization scenarios very distinctive signature, as they consist of a double- (here MS 4 from Table I). Given is the evolution after the reionization phase, and upcoming 21 cm telescopes like first reionization phase, when the H gas is heated from the LOFAR [126] or SKA [127] can thus verify or rule out previous ionization. Top: HI gas temperature, here identi- such suggestions. The calculation shown in Fig. 3 is cal to the spin temperature. Middle: Expected mean 21 cm basedonthedoublereionizationmodelMS4,butclearly brightness fluctuation. Bottom: Frequency gradient of the themodelsMS3,CD1b,CD1c,CD2bandCD2cyield mean 21 cm brightness fluctuation. similar results. In such a double-reionization scenario, the gasis heatedto 104 Kduring the firstreionization ∼ the Lyman series and may couple the spin temperature epoch. Assuming that the first reionization epoch ends T of atomic hydrogen to the gas temperature T via atredshiftz ,thegastemperatureinthenon-ionized spin PopII the Wouthuysen-Field effect [75, 76]. In fact, a small medium will then evolve adiabatically as amount of Lyman α radiation suffices to set T = T spin 1+z 2 [77, 78, 79], which we assume here. Also, as the uni- T 104 K . (6) verseis optically thin to this radiationbackground,even ∼ 1+z (cid:18) PopII(cid:19) Pop. II sources will suffice to couple the spin temperure In addition, the previous reionizationphase will have es- tothegastemperature. Themean21cmbrightnesstem- tablished a radiation continuum between the Lyman α perature fluctuation is then given as line and the Lyman limit, where the universe is opti- callythin, apartfromsingleresonancescorrespondingto Ωbh2 0.15 1+z 1/2 δT = 27x (1+δ) the Lyman series. This radiation is now redshifted into b H 0.023 Ω h2 10 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) m (cid:19) 7 Reion. model ρX/1012 Nion f∗ zPopII τreion CD 1a 0.01 GeV cm−3 1.75×105 0.1% - 0.162 CD 1b 0.01 GeV cm−3 1.75×105 0.1% 12.7 0.109 CD 1c 0.01 GeV cm−3 1.75×105 0.1% 14.5 0.089 CD 2a 0.05 GeV cm−3 2.4×106 0.1% - 0.283 CD 2b 0.05 GeV cm−3 2.4×106 0.1% 21.6 0.106 CD 2c 0.05 GeV cm−3 2.4×106 0.1% 23 0.084 CD 3 1 GeV cm−3 1.1×103 1% - 0.004 TABLE II: Reionization models for CD dark stars stars. The number of ionizing photons was determined from the work of Yoonetal. [21]. TheparameterszPopII andzburst givethetransition redshiftstoamodeofPop.IIstarformation andtothe suddenstarburst,whileτreion isthecalculatedreionizationopticaldepthandzf theredshiftoffullionization. Thecalculation assumes a spin-dependent scattering cross section of 5×10−39 cm2. As stellar models depend on the product of this cross sectionwiththethresholddarkmatterdensity,theeffectofalowerscatteringcrosssectionisequivalenttoasmallerthreshold density. T T H(z)/(1+z) S r − mK, (7) × T dv /dr (cid:18) S (cid:19)(cid:18) || || (cid:19) where x denotes the neutral hydrogen fraction, δ the H fractional overdensity, Ω , Ω the cosmological density b m parameters for baryons and total matter, h is related to the Hubble constantH via h=H /(100km/s/Mpc), T 0 0 r the radiation temperature and dv /dr the gradient of || || the proper velocity along the line of sight, including the Hubble expansion. We further calculate the frequency gradientof the mean 21 cm brightness temperature fluc- tuation to show its characteristic frequency dependence. In Fig. 3, we show the evolutionof the gas temperature, the mean 21 cm brightness fluctuation and its frequency gradient for model MS 4. As pointed out above, we expect similar results for FIG. 4: The predicted gamma-ray background due to di- other double-reionization models because of the char- rect annihilation into gamma-rays in the presence of adia- acteristic adiabatic evolution of the gas and spin baticcontraction duringtheformation ofdark stars, andthe background measured by EGRET (squares) [92]. One finds temperature. The decrease of the spin temperature two peaks in the annihilation background for a given parti- with increasing redshift is a unique feature that is not cle mass: Onecorresponding to annihilation at redshift zero, present in other models that like dark matter decay andonecorrespondingtotheredshiftwheretheenhancement [80] or ambipolar diffusion heating from primordial from adiabatic contraction was strongest. magnetic fields [81, 82, 83], which may also increase the temperature during and before reionization. on such scenarios are available from the Galactic cen- ter and the extragalactic gamma-rayand neutrino back- V. COSMIC CONSTRAINTS ON MASSIVE DARK MATTER CANDIDATES grouns [88, 89, 90, 91]. In this section, we consider how such constraints are affected when the increase in the annihilation rate due to enhanced dark matter densities Intypicaldarkstarmodels,itisassumedthatmassive after the formation of dark stars is taken into account. dark matter candidates like neutralinos with masses of the order100GeVannihilateintogamma-rays,electron- positron pairs and neutrinos [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 84]. Similar to the constraint on high-redshift quasars from A. Gamma-ray constraints the X-ray background [85, 86, 87], the gamma-ray and neutrino backgrounds allow to constrain the model for and the amount of dark matter annihilation. As de- We adopt the formalism of Mack et al. [91] who re- tailedpredictionsforthedecayspectraarehighlymodel- cently addressed the direct annihilation of massive dark dependent,itistypicallyassumedthatroughly1/3ofthe matter particles into gamma-rays. The background in- energy goes into each annihilation channel. Constraints tensity I is given from an integration along the line of ν 8 sight as c dzP ([1+z]ν,z) ν I = , (8) ν 4π H(z)(1+z)4 Z where P (ν,z) is the (proper) volume emissivity of ν gamma-ray photons, which is given as m P =α δ((1+z)ν m ) DM keV σv n2 C , ν b − DM keV h i DM γ (9) where σv = 3 10−26 cm3 s−1 denotes the thermally- h i × averaged annihilation cross section, α = 1/3 is the b adopted branching-ratio to gamma-rays and m the DM mass of the dark matter particle in keV. C refers to γ the dark matter clumping factor. This clumping factor depends on the adopted dark matter profile and the as- FIG.5: Thepredictedneutrinobackgroundduetodirectan- sumptions regarding substructure in a halo [93, 94, 95, nihilationintoneutrinosinthepresenceofadiabaticcontrac- 96]. Here we use the clumping factor for a NFW dark tion during theformation of dark stars, and theatmospheric matter profile [97] which has been derived by Ahn and neutrinobackground[99]. Onefindstwopeaksintheannihi- Komatsu [93, 98]. For z < 20, it is given in the absence lationbackgroundforagivenparticlemass: Onecorrespond- of adiabatic contraction as a power-law of the form ingtoannihilation atredshiftzero, andonecorrespondingto the redshift where the enhancement from adiabatic contrac- C =C (0)(1+z)−β, (10) tion was strongest. DM DM where C (0) is the clumping factor at redshift zero DM and β determines the slope. For a NFW profile [97], between MF and Mc. Once Mc becomes larger than CDM(0) 105 and β 1.8. The enhancement due to MF, dark star formation must end naturally. In fact, it ∼ ∼ adiabatic contraction is taken into account by defining may even end before, as discussed in III. To obtain the § highest possible effect, we assume that dark stars form Cγ =CDMfenh, (11) as long as possible. We thus have whahleorecluthmepfiancgtofarcfteonrhddueesctoribaedsiatbhaetiecnchoanntcreamcteinont o(Af tCh)e. fenh = 1+103fcoll(MfF)(−Mfco)ll(Mc) . (13) WehaveestimatedthiseffectbasedontheresultsofIocco (cid:18) coll F (cid:19) et al. [18], comparing a standard NFW profile with the In Fig. 4, we compare the results with EGRET observa- enhanced profile that was created during dark star for- tions of the gamma-ray background [92]. In the absence mation. Weonlycomparethemdowntotheradiusofthe ofadiabaticcontraction,thepredictedbackgroundpeaks dark star and find an enhancement of the order 103. at the contribution from redshift zero [91]. We find that ∼ For the NFW case, the clumping factor would be essen- the enhancement of annihilation due to adiabatic con- tially unchanged when including smaller radii as well, traction produces a second peak in the predicted back- while the AC profile is significantly steeper and the con- ground which originates from higher redshifts. In this tribution from inside would dominate the contribution scenario, particle masses smaller than 30 GeV can thus to the halo clumping factor. However, as the annihila- be ruled out. tionproducts are trappedinside the star,it is naturalto introduce an inner cut-off at the stellar radius. In addi- tion, we have to consider the range of halo masses and B. Neutrino constraints redshifts in which dark stars may form. We assume that the halo mass must be larger than the filtering mass to The contribution to the cosmic neutrino flux can be form dark stars. However, there is also an upper mass obtained in analogy to Eq.(8). As recent works[89, 90], limit. Halos with masses above we adopt an annihilation spectrum of the form 3/2 Mc =5×107M⊙ 11+0z (12) Pν =αbδ((1+z)ν−mDM)mkeDVM keVhσvin2DMCneutrino, (cid:18) (cid:19) (14) correspond to virial temperatures of 104 K [58] and are which is analogous to the spectrum for annihilation into highly turbulent [59]. It seems thus unlikely that stars gamma-rays. The branching ratio to neutrinos is as- willformontheverycuspofthedarkmatterdistribution sumed to be 1/3 as well, and the annihilation comes in such halos, and more complex structures may arise. from the same dark matter distribution, thus yielding We thus assume that dark stars form in the mass range C = C . The atmospheric neutrino background neutrino γ 9 matter left over in the final remnant can contribute). In this case, we have a proper volume emissivity m DM P = δ((1+z)ν m ) keVα f f ν DM 511 r a − keV df (M ) coll F n f , (15) DM core × dt where n is the mean proper number density of dark DM matter particles, m the particle mass in keV and DM df /dt can be evaluated from Eq. (5). The model- coll dependentfactorf determineswhichfractionofthedark r matter in the star will be left in the remnant. We adopt f = 1 to obtain an upper limit. The factor f deter- r a mines the fraction of the remaining dark matter which actually annihilates, which we set to f = 1 as well. As a FIG. 6: The maximum gamma-ray background due to direct in VIA, α = 1/4 is the fraction of electron-positron 511 § annihilation into gamma-rays in the remnants of dark stars, annihilations per one dark matter annihilation process, and the background measured by EGRET [92]. The actual correspondingtoannihilationviapositroniumformation. contribution to the gamma-ray background is highly model- In Fig. 6, we compare the results with EGRET obser- dependent(see discussion in thetext). vations [92]. We find that the maximum contribution is clearly above the observed background. Whether this maximum contribution can be reached, hasbeencalculatedfromdifferentexperimentswithgen- is howeveruncertainandthe previousworkinthe litera- erallygoodagreement[99,100,101, 102,103]. Iocco[16] tureonlyallowsonetomakerathercrudeestimates. For adoptedasimilaratmosphericneutrinoflux forcompari- instanceIoccoetal.[18]calculatethedensityprofilefora sonwith the expected neutrino flux from dark stars. We fiducial100M protostar,findingthatthedensitywithin ⊙ adopt here the data provided by Honda et al. [99] and the star roughly scales with r−2 outside a plateau at a comparethemtothepredictedbackgroundinFig.5. The radius r 1011 cm. At the stellar radius of 1014 cm, predicted background is always well below the observed the dark∼matter density is still 1012 GeV c∼m−3. The background. ∼ timescale to remove this dark matter enhancement by annihilation is 100 Myr for 100 GeV neutralinos. We ∼ needtoestimatewhichfractionofthedarkmatterinside C. Emission from dark star remnants the star will be left at the end of its life, where the gas densityisexpelledbyasupernovaexplosionandthedark In the previous subsections, we have included the en- matter annihilation from this region may contribute to hancement of the halo clumping factor down to the stel- the cosmic gamma-ray background. lar radius, as by definition the annihilation products on Yoon et al. [21] adopted a timescale of 100 Myr, the smaller scales are trapped inside the star. At the end of typical merger timescale at these redshifts, as the maxi- their lifetime, these stars may explode and the baryon mumlifetimefordarkstars. Dependingonthescattering density in the center may be largely depleted. The dark cross section and the environmental density, the actual matter density has certainly been significantly reduced dark star lifetime may be considerably shorter. Indeed, duetoannihilationsduringthelifetimeofthestar,butit asweshowedin IIIC,itisdifficulttoreconcilelifetimes § may still be enhancedcomparedto the usual NFW case. of 100 Myr with appropriatereionizationscenarios. It ∼ A detailed calculation of this effect is strongly model- is therefore reasonable to assume shorter timescales. In dependent. As we have seen above, the strongest con- such a case, a reasonable estimate is that 40% of the ∼ straintsareobtainedfor directannihilationinto gamma- dark matter inside the star would be left at the end of rays, which is the case we pursue here in more detail. its life. This would still be enhanced compared to the So far, we assumed that dark stars form in halos be- standard NFW profile. In this case, the parameter f r tweenthe filteringmassM andthe masscorresponding is 40%, and f may be of order 1, as the annihila- F a toavirialtemperatureof104 K,M . Toobtainanupper tio∼n timescale is comparable to the Hubble time. We c limit,itissufficienttoassumethatinallhalosaboveM notethatthesenumbersarehighlyuncertain,inparticu- F adarkstarremnantwillformatsomepoint. Suchanas- lar regarding the exact evolution of dark matter density sumption clearly overestimates the total contribution at during the lifetime of the star, the effect of a supernova low redshift. When the dark star has formed, a fraction explosion on the dark matter cusp as well as the conse- f 10−6 of the dark matter from the total halo is in quences of minor mergers. core ∼ the star [19]. For the upper limit, we assume that the There is however also a viable possibility that the total amount of dark matter in star will contribute to dark matter distribution inside the star is significantly the X-ray background (in fact, however, only the dark steeper than assumed above. In the case of dark matter 10 capture by off-scattering from baryons, the dark matter and to ensure a sufficient positron production rate. It is density inside the star follows a Gaussian shape and is known that electron-positronannihilation occurs mainly highly concentrated in a small region of r 2 109 cm via positronium-formation in our galaxy [108]. In addi- ∼ × [16, 20, 21, 104]. The implications are not entirely clear. tion,it wasshown[109]thatdarkmatter annihilationto If capture of dark matter stops at the end of the life of electron-positronpairsmustbeaccompaniedbyacontin- the star, the density inside the star will annihilate away uousradiationknownasinternalbremsstrahlung,arising quickly, and no significant contribution may come from from electromagnetic radiative corrections to the dark the remnant. If, on the other hand, dark matter cap- matter annihilation process. ture goes on until the end of the life of the star, a con- Motivatedbythese results,itwasproposedthatinter- tribution to the background seems viable. In summary, nal bremsstrahlung from dark matter annihilation may this may provide a potential contribution to the cosmic be responsible for the gamma-ray background at ener- background,butits strengthisstillhighlyuncertainand giesof1-20MeV[98]. Conventionalastrophysicalsources should be explored further by future work. cannot explain the observed gamma-ray background at thesefrequencies[10]. Acomparisonoftheobservedand predicted background below 511 keV yields constraints D. Dependence of dark star models on the on the dark matter particle mass [93]. Here we examine neutralino mass whether and how this scenario is affected if dark stars form in the early universe. We use a thermally aver- aged cross section σv 3 10−26 cm3 s−1 to account We concludethis sectionwitha discussiononthe con- h i ∼ × for the observed dark matter density [8]. This implies straintsfromcosmicbackgroundsfordifferentneutralino that σv is velocity-independent (S-wave annihilation). masses. As dark star models in the literature mostly h i While Boehm et al. [3] argue that S-wave annihilation consider neutralinos of 100 GeV, there are uncertain- overpredicts the flux from the galactic center, others ar- ties that need to be addressed when considering differ- gue that it is still consistent [93, 98]. The cross-section ent neutralino masses. For models involving the capture adopted here is well-within the conservative constraints of dark matter, Iocco [16] states that the mass of the of Mack et al. [91]. The effect of light dark matter an- neutralino does not change the annihilation luminosity. nihilation on structure formation in the early universe Taosoetal.[20]findthatvariationsduetodifferentneu- has been studied in various works, e. g. [110, 111, 112]. tralinomassesarelessthan5%. While theseresultsmay Constraintsfromupcoming21cmobservationshavebeen holdforhighmasses,SpergelandPress[105]showedthat exploredby Furlanetto et al. [80] and Vald´es et al.[113], forneutralinomassesbelow4GeV,theywouldevaporate while constraints from background radiation have been from the star, as scattering with baryons can upscatter considered by Mapelli and Ferrara [114]. The effects of them as well. early dark matter halos on reionization have been ad- In addition, the AC phase may be modified as well, as dressed recently by Natarajan and Schwarz [115]. the dark matter annihilation rate in this phase is degen- As in the previous section, we point out that signifi- erate in the parameter σv /m . Iocco et al. [18] find DM h i cantuncertaintiesarepresentwhenconsideringdarkstar thatthedurationoftheACphasemaychangebyalmost models for differentdarkmatter masses,asthis question 50% if the dark matter mass is changed by a factor of is largely unexplored. In particular, we emphasize that 2. The effect of different neutralino masses is therefore no capturing phase will be presentfor lightdark matter, uncertain and should be explored in more detail. We as shown in the work of Spergel and Press [105]. An- will however assume that the general behaviour involv- other uncertainty is the question whether to adopt self- ing adiabatic contraction in the minihalo is still similar, annihilating dark matter (i. e. Majorana particles) or such that the calculations below are approximately cor- particles and antiparticles of dark matter. In the calcu- rect also for different neutralino masses. lations below, we assume that light dark matter is self- annihilating. Otherwise, our results would be changed by a factor of 0.5. VI. COSMIC CONSTRAINTS ON LIGHT DARK MATTER A. 511 keV emission Observations of 511 keV emission in the center of our Galaxy[106]providerecentmotivationtomodelsoflight TheexpectedX-raybackgroundfrom511keVemission dark matter [107]. Such observational signatures can is calculated from Eq. (8). The volume emissivity of 511 be explained assuming dark matter annihilation, while keV photons is given as other models still have difficulties reproducing the ob- servations [3]. The model assumes that dark matter an- P =δ((1+z)ν ν )511 keVα σv n2 C , ν − 511 511 h i DM 511 nihilates into electron-positron pairs, which in turn an- (16) nihilate into 511 keV photons. Direct annihilation of where σv denotes the thermally-averaged annihilation h i dark matter into gamma-rays or neutrinos is assumed cross section, α is the fraction producing an electron- 511 to be suppressed to avoid the gamma-ray constraints positron pair per dark matter annihilation process and