Description:(Second Edition) - Revised and Corrected (Nov 2022)⭐Would you like to get inside the minds of the people you relate to understand exactly what they think?⭐Would you like to understand how they think and get them to do exactly what you want?⭐Would you like to avoid being manipulated?Well, I'll tell you a secret.To understand others, get inside their heads, manipulate them however you want and avoid being manipulated, you must first know yourself.This book will teach you the art of knowing yourself and others through a path that will gradually lead you to become a more confident person in how you move and what you say. And ruthless in any situation where you want to dominate those in front of you.⭐This book covers:✅ Dark Psychology: That Detail That No One Will Ever Reveal To You;✅ Human Psychology: 38 Most Interesting Facts About Human Behavior You Wouldn't Think Existed;✅ How to Read People in Less Than a Minute;✅6 Ways to Influence Others Without them Knowing it;✅ the Best Hypnosis and Brainwashing Tricks that no Professional will ever Reveal to You;✅ the 10 Keys to NLP that no One had the Courage to Tell the General Public;✅ You'll learn the 7 Never-Before-Seen Tricks for Interpreting how People Move and Act;✅ How to Use Persuasion to Get What you Want from Anyone;✅ Manipulation: How to Know You are Being Targeted;✅ How Emotional Intelligence Matters More than IQ;✅Psychology and LOVE; How to Use Psychology to Make yourself Seductive in the Eyes of Your Partner At First Sight;. Would you like all of this?.Yup?Then this is the book you were looking for.SAVE TIME and MONEY and PURCHASE THIS BOOK TODAY.