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v. 1.1 DARK HERESY By Sune Nødskou © 2010 INR DUCTI N  I’ve  been  playing  RPGs  since  Out of sheer luck, I was invited  add  to  this  conversion.  Every  before I really recall. I think it  to attend a play testing session  idea is welcome!  was  back  in  1984,  I  got  my  with one of my friends, testing a  Finally I wish to thanks all my  hands  of  the  legendary  scenario in the – for me at the  loyal players through all these  Dungeons  &  Dragons  Basic  time – unknown system called  years.  Thank  you  for  staying  box set. And what a wonder!  the Esoterrorists.  with me, even though I always  Ever since I’ve been exploring  And what a joy it was for me.  have strange and new ideas for  all  matters  of  popular  –  and  Almost like finding the long lost  roleplaying our games.  truly not so popular – games,  relative.  Almost  like  coming  A  special  thanks  to  Christian  always searching for the game  home after a very long journey.  Bechmann for helping me with  which  game  the  right  feeling,  the  equipment  conversion  but  also  the  right  setting  of  Nuno Pereira for working with  course.  the psyker rules, Morten Wolff  One particular setting that I’ve  for  the  taking  part  in  the  been  waiting  for  was  the  crunchy combat stuff and last  Warhammer  40.000  setting.  but  not  least  a  big  thanks  to  And  luckily  for  me,  it  was  Robert Eggers for keeping his  published  by  Fantasy  Flight  head  cool,  supervising  us  all  Games a couple of years back,  through the process. I couldn’t  under the label Dark Heresy.  have done this without you!  As a true fan, I’ve been playing  ‐ Sune Nødskou, 2010  that ever since it was published.  ([email protected])  Playing and enjoying ... but not  And then the usual legal stuff,  feeling. Because no matter how  which we must never forget to  bleak, endless and loveable the  avoid  trouble.  The  fout  titles  setting  is,  I  found  the  system  Unfortunately to the frustration  Ashen  Stars,  The  too  advanced  and  dominating  of my already well‐established  Esoterrorists, Fear Itself, The  for my liking.  Dark  Heresy  roleplaying  Esoterror Factbook and Trail  It  is  after  all  a  setting  of  group,  I  planned  to  start  of Cthulhu are trademarks of  investigation and of the horror  converting  the  Dark  Heresy  Pelgrane  Press  Ltd.  within. Not a setting meant to  setting to the Gumshoe system,  Warhammer  40.000  is  ©  be  focused  almost  exclusively  that  way  giving  me  the  Games  Workshop  Ltd.  Both  on  combat  rules,  as  most  opportunity  to  explore  the  Dark Heresy and Inquisitors  systems typically do so well.  fantastic setting, delving into all  Handbook are both © Fantasy  its aspects, without using huge  Flight Publishing, Inc.  amounts of time learning – and  No  legal  ramifications  were  relearning – all the many rules.  intended. Hope you’ll find none.   I could now use my time to feel  the  universe.  Feel  the  God  Emperor. Feel Chaos. Feel it all,  as  I  set  myself  free  from  the  bugging volumes of rules.  And this document is the result  of  my  works.  It  may  not  be  done,  as  many  more  lenses,  occupations  and  unique  ideas  might jump to my brain within  long. But for now, it will have to  do.  I hope you enjoy it, as much as I  do, and also that you will send  me an e‐mail, if you have some  good ideas, you wish to test and  Page 1 INDEX ACOLYTE CREATION 3 ABILITIES 5 AVAILABLE RESOURCES 11 OCCUPATIONS 3 Forbidden Lore 5 Firearms 11 Adept 3 Peers 5 Melee Weapons 12 Arbitrator 3 Psyniscience 5 Grenades 12 Assassin 3 Acolyte Rank 5 Armor 12 Cleric 3 Artillery 7 Traits 13 Guardsman 3 Communion 7 Add‐Ons 14 Psyker 3 Firearms 7 Ammunition 14 Scum 3 Inspiration 7 Gears and Gadgets 14 Tech‐Priest 4 Languages 7 Drugs 15 ORIGINS 4 Purity 7 Cyberware 16 Feral World 4 Tactics 9 Implants 16 Hive World 4 ABILITY LIST 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY 17 Imperial World 4 HELP! 8 CHARACTER SHEET 18 Void Born 4 RESOURCE POINTS 9 CONTROL SHEET 20 DRIVES 4 CRUNCHY STUFF 10 SCENE CARD 21 NO CONVERSION? 10 Page 2 THE AC LYTE All characters in a Dark Heresy OCCUPATIONS Special: Use the entry from the are called Acolytes. Private Detective on page I think that the section of TOC17. In this section, I will deal with Occupations in Trail of Cthulhu all relevant information in suits the Career system from CLERIC creating an Acolyte, with a look Dark Heresy quite well, Occupational Abilities: into the Occupation, the Origin, without making the rules too Acolyte Rank, Bullshit Detector, the (optional) Lenses, the Drive, complicated. History (Imperial), Inspiration, the Abilities (both Investigative The listed Occupations below Research, Reassurance, Shrink, and General), the Resources, are all converted from the Dark Theology (Imperial) and one the Psi Powers and finally some Heresy core rulebook, keeping other Interpersonal ability. unique Warhammer 40.000 a close eye to balance and tech. Special: Chosen by the God flexibility. Emperor as his cleric, enabling ACOLYTE CREATION If you miss some unique you to see the Light and guide Occupations, please don’t your flock, you are almost To create an Acolyte, you must hesitate. Share it with me, so I always seen as the leader in follow these 6 simple steps. can add it to this document. your cell. As a cleric, you start 1. Choose an Occupation. the game with 2 in Acolyte Rank for free. 2. Choose your Origin. 3. Choose a Drive. GUARDSMAN Occupational Abilities: 4. Buy Investigative abilities. Athletics, Conceal, Ground See the table below for the ADEPT Craft, Intimidation, amount of Build Points Occupational Abilities: Art received for this. Outdoorsman, Scuffling, Stealth, (Illuminate), Art (Scribe), Weapons and either Artillery or 5. Buy General abilities. All Astronomy (Calixis Sector), Firearms (Basic). Acolytes receive 60 Build Bureaucracy, Cryptography, Special: Use the entry from the Points to this. Document Analysis, History, Military on page TOC15. Languages, Linguistics. 6. Spend Resource Points to Special: Use the entry from the PSYKER weaponry, cyberware or psi Professor on page TOC18, powers. Every single Acolyte Occupational Abilities: ignoring all references to Credit receives 20 Build Points for Bullshit Detector, Intimidation, Rating and the extra tenure this. Occult, Psyniscience, Research. ability. Special: You do not have extra ARBITRATOR special abilities. You already have access to plenty. # of Investigative Occupational Abilities: Athletics, Bullshit Detector, players Build Points SCUM Peers (Arbitrators), Evidence Occupational Abilities: Collection, Ground Craft, 2 36 Intimidation, Negotiation, Firearms (Basic), Interrogation, Scuffling, Sense Trouble, Law, Sense Trouble. 3 28 Shadowing, Stealth, Streetwise, Special: Use the entry from the Systems Repair and one other Police Detective on page Interpersonal or Technical 4 24 TOC17, substituting Peers ability as a personal specialty. (Arbites) for Cop Talk. 5+ 21 Special: Use the entry from the ASSASSIN Criminal on page TOC13, ignoring the section regarding Occupational Abilities: the mafia. Athletics, Chemistry, Conceal, Impersonate, Outdoorsman, Scuffling, Shadowing, Stealth and either Firearms (Basic) or Weapons. Page 3 TECH‐PRIEST HIVE WORLD DRIVES Occupational Abilities: Boosts: Choose any three of The box below lists all the Communion, History, Systems Bullshit Detector, Craft, Oral Drives that I found appropriate, Design, Systems Repair, History, Reassurance, Sense and the book they belong to in Theology (Omnissiah) and one Trouble and Shadowing. square brackets afterwards. Technical Ability as a personal Origin‐Specific Flavors: If you find something missing, touch. Wary: Whenever it is needed to please send me an e‐mail. Special: Worshippers of the check the pools to find the near heretical Omnissiah, tech‐ aggressor and the defender in a LIST OF DRIVES priests are seen as barely fight, a Hive Worlder adds +5 to tolerated infidels, and are not his current pool. Altruism [AST] treated very well in the Antiquarianism [TOC] Hivebound: All uses of the Inquisition. This prevents them Arrogance [TOC] Outdoorsman ability cost 1 from gaining any significant point more (except for Core Atonement [AST] power in the Holy Ordos, Clues). Furthermore if you are Avenger [AST] capping the Acolyte Rank at 1. out of a “proper hab” (e.g. Bad Luck [TOC] The tech‐priests are also places without manufactured Chronicler [AST] equipped with specialized goods, solid ceilings and cyberware. See the text‐box on electrical power) you suffer +1 Comradeship [AST] page 27 of the Dark Heresy to all Difficulties. Curiosity [TOC] rulebook for an in detail Derring‐Do [AST] description of these implants. IMPERIAL WORLD Duty [TOC] Boosts: Any three of Ennui [TOC] ORIGINS Astronomy (Calixis Sector), Entrepreneurial [AST] History (Imperial Wars), Law In this part, you have to choose Exploration [AST] (Imperial), Occultism, Theology the origin of your character. Is Faith [AST] (Imperial). he from an often brutal and Family Tradition [AST] primitive feral world, or born Origin‐Specific Flavors: Follower [TOC] on one of the massive Blessed Ignorance: All uses of Footloose [AST] spaceships travelling deep in the Forbidden Lore ability cost Gung Ho [FIT] space and close to the Warp? 1 point more (except for Core Hotshot [AST] Each Origin has a selection of Clues). In The Blood [TOC] Boosts. You can read more Literacy: All from an Imperial about these in Ashen Stars. world can read and write their Justice‐Seeker [AST] native tongue for free. Nowhere Else To Go [AST] FERAL WORLD Superior Origins: All tests Oblivious [FIT] Boosts: Choose any three of against Stability have their Professionalism [AST] Athletics, Firearms (Basic), Difficulty decreased by 1. Programming [AST] Medic, Outdoorsman, Riding or Pursued [AST] Weapons. VOID BORN Role Model [AST] Origin‐Specific Flavors: Boosts: Any three of Scholarship [TOC] Cast‐Iron Stomach: Only suffer Astronomy, Athletics (in zero‐ Scientific Enquiry [AST] half damage or penalty (round or low‐gravity), Negotiation, down) as a direct result from Shuttle Craft, System Repair. Sexual Adventure [AST] toxins, poisons and tainted Origin‐Specific Flavors: Something To Prove [AST] food. (See rules regarding drugs Sudden Shock [TOC] Charmed: Whenever you spend and toxins on page 8 of the a Fortune Point, roll 1d6. If you Tech Hound [AST] Little Girls Lost scenario.) roll a 6 the point was not spend. ABBREVIATIONS Primitive: All uses of Ill‐Omened: All uses of First AST is short for Ashen Stars, Interpersonal abilities in a Interpersonal abilities against a then FIT is short for Fear Itself and civilized environment cost 1 non‐void born cost 1 point finally TOC is short for Trail of point more (except for Core Cthulhu. more (except for Core Clues). Clues). Page 4 ABILITIES LANGUAGES Ecclesiarchy, Feral Worlders, Government, Hivers, Now it’s time to choose the The base language (free for all Inquisition, Middle Class, Acolytes Investigative and of course) is Gothic. Obviously a Military, Nobility, The Insane, General Abilities. On the next lot of dialects exist, but the Underworld, Void Born, page, you will find a complete language is still Gothic. Workers. list of all the available abilities. The main difference between (For a detailed description of Most of them are from original the original ability and the Dark these categories, please refer to published books, but some are Heresy version is regarding page DH120.) also completely new or just literacy. (See textbox for an slightly changed. optional way to handle this. PSYNISCIENCE (PSYKERS) You find the description of all You can attune your mind and the new or changed abilities LITERACY vision to the ebb and flow of the below. In Dark Heresy, illiteracy is the warp and the immaterium. You norm. To reflect this, I’ve created can: INVESTIGATIVE this optional set of rules that I ABILITIES hope is sufficient.  Feel if the immaterium is All languages are bought at the disrupted. FORBIDDEN LORE normal 1 point per language for  See and feel things of the the illiterate version, and 1 extra You have obtained forbidden warp hidden from normal point to be literate in it. (The knowledge in areas either level of literacy should be noted sight. labeled heretical or secret by in brackets after the language.)  See the aura of living beings. the Inquisition. Such knowledge In case of the native language  Extend your normal senses open up to the best kept secrets Gothic, all know it in the illiterate up to 50 meters away. in the entire Calixis Sector. version for free, but must pay the additional point to be literate. For each rating point in GENERAL ABILITIES Forbidden Lore, you may select Yvonne is playing a nasty scum another type of lore in which from Gun Metal City with Gothic ACOLYTE RANK (illiterate) at 0 points. Later on you are generally proficient. she has a rather nasty encounter, You are an Acolyte of the Some of the more normal being taken hostage by a band of Inquisition, giving you both examples include: Adeptus marauding Orks. The status and abilities that most Mechanicus, Archeotech, Cults, imprisonment last for so long, people lack in the grim 41st Daemonology, Heresy, that Yvonne decides to have millennium. Inquisition, Mutants, Ordos, learned the Ork language, and The rating of this ability since she has been used an Psykers, The Black Library, symbolizes your achieved rank interpreter in this foul language, Warp and Xenos. she chooses to be literate in it within the Holy Ordos, as (For a detailed description of also. Her final cost for Ork shown in the textbox on page 7. these categories, please refer to (literate) is therefore 2 points. This rank is actually a kind of page DH102.) military rank, giving you It is not advised, that GM allow PEERS command over the Acolytes this ability to be bought at that you outrank. This ability is replacing the character creation. original Cop Talk and You automatically start the Furthermore the ability can Streetwise abilities. Instead of game with rank 1 in this ability only be learned through direct giving only the law and shady – unless you’re a psyker or exposure to the lore, through angles, the character can now tech‐priest, in which case you books, through a scholar or a specify which sectors, he has start with 0. The holy Clerics firsthand encounter – if you live peers in. For every 2 full rating start with rank 2 for free of to have learned from it that is. points, another type can be course. If you have any rating at all in chosen. I strongly recommend, that this ability, your Purity rating Here are some examples of the Acolytes are not allowed to can never be higher than 10 most known types from the start above this free starting minus your Forbidden Lore Dark Heresy universe: rating and that the maximum rating. Academics, Adeptus Arbites, achievable increase are +1 Rank Adeptus Mechanicus, per well achieved scenario. Administratum, Astropaths, Page 5 A B I L I T Y L I S T ACADEMIC INTERPERSONAL GENERAL Accounting (TOC) Bullshit Detector (ESO) Acolyte Rank (NCA) Anthropology (TOC) Bureaucracy (TOC) Artillery (NCA) Archaeology (TOC) Flattery (TOC) Athletics (TOC) Architecture (TOC) Interrogation (TOC) Communion (NCA) Biology (TOC) Intimidation (TOC) Conceal (TOC) Cryptography (TOC) Negotiation (ESO) *Explosives (TOC) Geology (TOC) Oral History (TOC) Filch (TOC) Forbidden Lore (NCA) Peers (NCA) Firearms (NCA) History (TOC) Reassurance (TOC) Ground Craft (AST) Languages (NCA) TECHNICAL Health (TOC) Law (TOC) Helm Control (AST) Art (TOC) Linguistics (ESO) Hypnosis (TOC) Astronomy (TOC) Medicine (TOC) *Impersonate (ESO) Bio Signatures (AST) Military Science (EFB) *Inspiration (NCA) Chemistry (TOC) Occult (TOC) Medic (AST) Craft (TOC) Physics (TOC) Purity (NCA) Data Retrieval (AST) Psyniscience (NCA) Riding (TOC) Document Analysis (ESO) Research (ESO) Scuffling (TOC) Energy Signatures (AST) Textual Analysis (ESO) Sense Trouble (TOC) Evidence Collection (TOC) Theology (TOC) Shadowing (TOC) Forensics (TOC) Shrink (ESO) Holo Surveillance (AST) Shuttle Craft (AST) Imaging (AST) Stability (TOC) Industrial Design (AST) Stealth (TOC) Kinetics (AST) Systems Design (AST) Outdoorsman (TOC) Systems Repair (AST) Pharmacy (TOC) Tactics (NCA) ABBREVIATIONS In the table above, I use some abbreviations (placed in brackets after the ability), which may need some explanation. AST for Ashen Stars, ESO is short for Esoterrorists, EFB is short for The Esoterror Factbook, TOC is maybe not surprisingly short for Trail of Cthulhu (in case of abilities from TOC, where two different uses is found (Purist and Pulp), always use the Pulp version) and NCA is short for New or changed ability. *These General abilities can be used as Investigative abilities in some circumstances. They are always bought and built as General abilities though. Page 6 other Acolytes with checks on INSPIRATION ACOLYTE RANK & TITLE General Skills where technology Functions both as the With increased rank comes – and thereby the Machine‐ increased responsibilities – and Investigative Ability found on in Spirits – are present. a cool title of course. Ashen Stars, but also as a Below you will find a list of the If you wish to boost another General Ability. most well‐known titles, used by players’ chance of success, you When used as a General Ability, the Inquisition. spend 2 points to add +1 to his the user is able to inspire his roll. (To soothe the spirits in Rank 0 Initiate comrades, steeling them for the your own gear, the rate is 1:1 of Rank 1 Acolyte things to come. For each 2 course.) Rank 2 Trusted Acolyte points used this way, the The range of which you can use speaker boosts the Stability of Rank 3 Cell Leader the ability is 5 meters per rating the characters of his choice Rank 4 Cell Supervisor point, up to line of sight. (within hearing range) by +1. Rank 5 Interrogator* This ability can even be used (He cannot use this ability on Rank 6 Inquisitor after a roll is made, turning a himself though.) The bonus Ratings beyond 6 is not in the failure into a success. This kind lasts for the rest of the scope of this document, and the of use double the point cost encounter. ability is therefore capped at 6. though. *At rank 5 the Acolyte is given PURITY Inquisitorial authority and the FIREARMS This ability is actually just a rosette to prove it. With this renamed version of Sanity (see appointment the Acolyte This modified version of the receives an automatic +1 to the Trail of Cthulhu counterpart is page TOC46), working the die roll when calling for HELP! exact same way. divided into three sub categories, which are treated as If you have any rating at all in Points from this ability can be separate abilities. The the Forbidden Lore, your Purity used in the same way as the categories are Basic, Advanced rating can never be higher than Preparedness, found in other and Exotic. 10 minus your Forbidden Lore Gumshoe publications (such as rating. Ashen Stars, Trail of Cthulhu A weapon belonging to the You start the game with rating and the like). But instead of Exotic category with a xeno 4 in Purity for free. checking to see, what you might origin requires Forbidden The Pillars of Sanity (on the – or might not – have on you in Lore (Xeno) to acquire. same TOC page) are renamed addition to the basic equipment to Litanies of Contempt, and supplied to each mission, the IMPERIAL WISDOM should be based on the well‐ check is made to see, whether you can get the additional help  A suspicious mind is a known Imperial Wisdoms. (For healthy mind. some nifty examples, see the from the Inquisition.  A weapon cannot substitute textbox.) For a general list of some of the for zeal. possibilities you have, see page If a Litany of Contempt is  An empty mind is a loyal 8 for HELP! mind. destroyed, the twisting powers of Chaos has taken root in the ARTILLERY  Faith is our shield. deepest parts of your soul,  Hatred is the Emperor's Slightly changed version of the changing, bending and warping greatest gift to humanity. Ship’s Artillery found in Ashen both mind and body.  Heresy grows from idleness. Stars. This version covers all To reflect this grave and grim  Intolerance is a blessing. kinds of heavy weaponry fitted change to the character, the on crafts. Space ships, shuttles,  No pity! No remorse! No player should choose some kind and ground crafts are all fear! of radical change, based on included.  You shall know no fear. either behavior with some kind For a very long list of examples, of cool, dark and twisted COMMUNION (TECH‐PRIESTS) visit the Lexicanum website at insanity or in the flesh by You can soothe and please the wh40k.lexicanum.com, search for finding a suitable mutation. See Machine‐Spirits, existing all “thoughts of the day.” some examples and ideas around us. This powerful ability below. allows the tech‐priest to help Page 7 H E L P ! Sometimes Acolytes (and especially their players) find themselves in situations, where the odds might seem devastatingly overwhelming, and only doom, total destruction or utter annihilation is a certainty. In these situations, it might be a better for the Acolytes to wait for the cavalry to clean up the mess. Don’t allow these rules to short‐circuit scenarios. Screaming for help every time a conflict emerges, might do more damage to the history than good. Below is a list of services, the Acolytes my draw upon in case they need them. Every special service has a title, a description, a Difficulty Number and maybe a special rule. How fast the help arrives, depends on the circumstances. Some places might very well be impossible to reach, or impossible to communicate from – such as in the middle of a giant Space Hulk deep within the Warp. SERVICE DN BASIC EQUIPMENT Sometimes you might need extra supplies from your superiors to fulfill the mission. Basic equipment could include survival gear, vox, pistols and basic 2 disguises and will normally be sent by dropship or through contacts in the actual location. FALSE IDENTITY A forged false identity can come in handy, if the oppositions are breathing down your neck. This type of false identity will check up under scrutiny from all but the most determined of investigators with the highest levels of access to Administratum files. Appropriate disguises are also included and the supplies 4 are normally delivered by courier or a local contact. Special: Peers (Administratum) grants +1 to the die roll. SAFE HOUSE You and the rest of your cell will have your own safe house. It will be shielded from vox thieves and will have a secure amoury location. There will be enough rooms for each cell member, a kitchen, a toilet and a secure cell. It will also have room for a small workshop. No equipment is supplied. The safe 4 house is usually made available in the cells current location, but can also be dropped down from a smaller transporter in completely deserted or hazardous areas. Special: Peers (Government, Military or Underworld) grants +1 to the die roll. FLEET TRANSPORT 5 A supply ship or some form of civilian transport for warp travel to non‐prohibited Imperial worlds is supplied for your use. FUNDS In case of emergency 20,000 Thrones is made available to you in a sector banking system and is accessible by you or a pre‐arranged agent. 5 Special: After the first requisition, the Difficulty Number for each new requisition in the same scenario is increased by +1. Peers (Administratum, Nobility or Underworld) grants +1 to the die roll. LOCAL ENFORCER SUPPORT An exercise of control over local enforcers is given to you. This may alert certain people to your presence, so be careful that you can trust who you 5 requisition. Generally you gain control of a squad of 6 enforcers, but exceptional evidence may allow for greater numbers to be obtained. Special: Peers (Military, Nobility or Underworld) grants +1 to the die roll. EXOTIC EQUIPMENT A request for very rare or specific equipment is sent. Anything from plasma pistols, psi shielding, power armor or forcefields. Take verygood care of this equipment, as the lending party may require the times back or request a favour for lending them in the first place. This type of delivery is most often 6 supplied by dropship, except in areas with heavy Inquisition presence. Special: This service can only be used once per scenario. Peers (Adeptus Mechanicus or Inquisition) grants +1 to the die roll. ARBITES SUPPORT You wish to acquire assistance from the local Arbites office. The officers will not take kindly to being re‐tasked to pointless roles and should be used in dire 7 emergency only. They can be directed to arrest individuals based on any evidence you can produce. Special: Peers (Adeptus Arbites or Inquisition) grants +1 to the die roll. PDF TROOPERS By inquisitorial request, you obtain cooperation from the local PDF units. This power should be used only in exceptional circumstances, as your Inquisitor 6 will have to explain why they were commandeered. Special: Peers (Government or Military) grants +1 to the die roll. MILITARY SUPPORT When in need of firepower, call the infantry! The Imperial Guard, from a small unit or as large as an entire army, is put at your disposal. The larger the 8 amount of troops, the longer time it might take to assemble. Special: Peers (Inquisition or Military) grants +1 to the die roll. MAJOR ASSETS This requisition is send when you need very specialized, extremely hard to get, maybe even banned equipment for use on a permanent basis. It can be 9 anything from a permanent base to a warp capable vessel. Special: Peers (Administratum, Government or Underworld) grants +1 to the die roll. IMPERIAL NAVY SUPPORT An Imperial naval vessel or battle group is appointed to you, helping with transport and assistance as needed. 9 Special: Peers (Military) grants +1 to the die roll. ROGUE TRADER TRANSPORT If you need transport to the far corners of the galaxy – or maybe even to uncharted territory outside the Calixis Sector – a rogue trader is what you need. This request comes with extra benefits such as access to black market knowledge, uncharted trade routes outside Imperial space and a very capable 9 captain and his vessel. Special: Peers (Astropaths, Inquisition or Void Born) grants +1 to the die roll. ADEPTUS ASTARTES SUPPORT The most powerful power must be the ability call on the nearest chapter of Space Marines! You can also request a specific chapter of your choice. Obtaining 11 such service could be an entire adventure in itself, and should never be an everyday experience. Special: Peers (Inquisition) grants +1 to the die roll. Only Acolytes of Rank 5 or more can request this service. Page 8  Rotting flesh: Your flesh TACTICS turns gel like, dripping bile This ability is a slightly and oozing of rot. The only improved version of the Naval way to hide it is by covering Tactics from Ashen Stars. your skin in bandages. You must choose between  Demonic voices: Oh these Naval, Air Force, Armoured voices. The second you are Division or Infantry, each alone, they start to speak to having different abilities to you, whispering profanities boost. and tempting you to do Naval: Helm Control, Artillery wrong. and System Repair.  Wormblood: The blood in Air Force: Shuttle Craft, your body is gone, replaced Artillery and System Repair. by small squirming maggots. Armoured Division: Ground Better not get wounded in Craft, Artillery and System public. Repair. If the final Litany is destroyed, Infantry: Athletics, Firearms the character is now fully part and Stability. CYBERWARE of the Chaos hordes, twisted Under this category you find and damaged beyond RESOURCE POINTS the cyberware, which you might recognition, an empty shell of wish to install. his former self. The character On every mission, your cell will could very well be an evil be supplied with basic PSI POWERS adversary of his old comrades. equipment such as basic Psi powers are treated very (It’s time to create a new weaponry, armour and other differently from the equipment character.) gadgets. above. On page TOC76 you’ll find the But what about your favorite You still get the 20 points of Cthulhu Mythos Stability and matt black bolter sidearm, your course, but instead of finding a Sanity Loss Table. Simply battle armour drenched in list in this supplemental, you substitute references to the blood from countless should find your own copy of Mythos with Chaos, and you battlefields? And what about the Mutant City Blues and turn have a very good tool. the cyber replacement for your to page 27, where you find a arm, lost to Ork raiders? Or the complete list of unique Mutant FATE POINTS (OPTIONAL) psi powers to enter, erase and powers. In this conversion, we The Fate points are a very blast the mind of your enemies? use these powers as the psyker essential part of the Dark Don’t panic! That’s what powers. Heresy universe, and I Resource Points are for. How to buy them can be read therefore stick with it. Characters receive 20 Resource on page 15 of the same book, They function in the exact same Points to buy weapons, tech or where you also find the vital way in this conversion also, but psi powers. Quade Diagram (page 17). I divide them into Fate points (the powerful ones) and All unspent points are kept, so In case of powers with Legal Fortune points for minor help you can use them later on if you Ramifications (see page 30 of (refreshing every 24 hours of wish. Mutant City Blues), you need game time). the Forbidden Lore (Warp) Note: When the first session of You start the game with 2 Fate ability to have learned these. the campaign starts, the psyker points and 2 Fortune points for buys psi abilities with Build If you have better ideas, or just free, but can only earn them from then on. Points, not Resource Points! like to rename all the MCB powers to a more Dark Heresy FORTUNE POINT USES You find the list on page 11. like name, please share with me 1 point gives you the ability to ... by e‐mail. WEAPONS  Reroll a failed General Ability roll. This category includes ranged weaponry, melee weaponry,  Add +1 to your die roll. Can also be applied after rolling. thrown weapons and armour. Page 9

box set. And what a wonder! under the label Dark Heresy. As a true .. Dark. Heresy universe: Academics, Adeptus Arbites,. Adeptus. Mechanicus,.
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